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Conference Paper · January 2013


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Mahmood Tabaddor


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Application of Structural Fire Engineering, 19-20 April 2013, Prague, Czech Republic



Mahmood Tabaddor, PhD a and Sanjay Jadhav b

Predictive Modeling CoE, Corporate Research, UL LLC

The ability to predict the thermal and structural performances of steel fire doors subjected to
fire tests described in safety standards via the finite element method is investigated. These
doors must withstand high temperatures without deforming in a manner where gaps might
appear allowing flames and smoke to pass through. There are 2 key challenges for modelling:
first, deciding how much complexity to include since the tests involve high temperatures and
possibly times lasting hours, and second, obtaining the needed material properties over the
temperature range seen during the tests. In this investigation, we focus on, one aspect of
complexity, the importance in capturing the thermal contact between steel parts within the fire
door to improve the predictability of the finite element model.

Keywords: Fire Doors, Fire, Structures, Finite Element Analysis, Thermal Contact

Knowledge about the fire resistance of structural components can be derived through physical
or virtual testing. Physical testing is expensive due to the destructive nature of the tests. Also
physical testing can be limiting due to instrumentation constraints. On the other hand, virtual
testing or computer modelling, techniques such finite element analysis (FEA), provide a very
data rich output but require tremendous input information such as material properties,
loadings, boundary conditions and other details that an experimenter typically need not know
in order to conduct experiments.

One method for evaluating the fire resistance of building components, such as fire doors,
follows test methods described by fire safety standards (Iwankiw, 2000). Though there have
been many numerical and experimental investigations studying various aspects of the standard
fire resistance, in this study, we focus on predicting the performance of steel double fire doors
subjected to the standard fire test such as described by UL 10 (UL 10 B, 1997). The FEA
technique is employed building on previous modelling of steel fire doors (Tabaddor et al.,


The presence of fire doors within a building is meant to prevent the spread of fire with a
secondary influence on the smoke and heat exposures to building occupants. As a means of
evaluating fire resistance, fire door assemblies are tested according to standards such as the
UL standard for fire safety, UL 10B, ‘Fire Tests of Door Assemblies’ (UL 10B, 1997).

This paper only focuses on the performance of the fire door during the Fire Endurance portion
of the test, which is described next. As part of the preparation for this test, the fire door along
with supporting structure such as frame and walls are constructed according to specified
instructions. The door is part of a restraining frame (Fig. 1) that fits onto the furnace
subassembly. With the assembly in place, the fire doors are subjected to a heat flux from gas
burners which generate temperatures according to a standard time-temperature curve shown in
Fig. 2 (ASTM, 2007). Some tests include a pressurized furnace to capture additional forces
generated during a fire. The conditions of acceptance for the UL 10B standard cover the
movement of the door and flaming on the unexposed side.

Fig. 1 Schematic of Setup Fig.2 Standard time-temperature curve


To build a finite element (FE) model of a fire door assembly, it is prudent to assess the
necessary amount of detail that should be captured. As the full complexity of the fire door
assembly is transferred into the FE model, both the model-building task and the time to solve
the analysis increase substantially.

Fire doors generally consist of steel faces, steel stiffeners and filler insulation material. The
fire door in this study was a double door. The door without a lock handle is called the
inactive leaf. It included latching bolts that can lock the door into the frame at the top and
bottom. During the test, the inactive leaf was latched to the frame. The other door with the
lock handle is called the active leaf. The active leaf included the door lock, which was a latch
bolt that engaged into the inactive leaf. The inner edges of the two doors facing each other
are known as the meeting edge. The gap at the meeting edge was monitored during the test.
In addition, fire resistance tests require inclusion of the frame and hinges that connect fire
doors to the frame for an assessment of the fire performance of the entire fire door assembly.
Some fire doors have windows and glazing. The fire door in this test did not include
windows. The general assumptions guiding the model building process were as follows:

(i) The wall and frame holding the fire door are rigid during the entirety of the test.
(ii) The thermal insulation does not provide any structural strength to the fire door.
(iii) The coupling between thermal and structural response is one-way, that is, the
structural response has negligible effect on the thermal response.

The software of choice was ANSYS (ANSYS, 2011). For the FE mesh, shell elements were
chosen for both the thermal and structural analyses (except for the insulation materials).
These 2-D elements are more computationally efficient than 3D elements and are applicable
in cases where the thickness of a component is much smaller than its other dimensions (Bathe,
1995). Some idea of the level of detail in the model can be seen in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4. Thermal
and mechanical properties over the temperature range of test were found from several public
resources (Milke, 2002; NIST, 2005) and can be found in (Tabaddor et al., 2009).
Fig. 3 Solid model of double steel fire door Fig. 4 Detail of connection in FE model

For the transient thermal analysis, it was found that detail of the thermal contact between
mating parts was very critical. For example, the steel stiffener is mechanically joined to the
steel panel via welds. Clearly the welds will be a critical transfer path. However, depending
upon tolerances and deformations, the actual thermal contact region is likely larger and
changing. In the fire door, the metal portion on the face exposed to the furnace will be heated
via radiation and convection. Heat then flows through the internals mostly through
conduction ignoring air gaps between parts and within the insulation. However, due to the
differences in thermal conductivities, the steel parts are the most thermally conductive paths
and so mating between steel parts can affect the thermal results and subsequent structural
predictions. So in this investigation, we developed several different thermal contact

For the first thermal contact configuration, we assumed only thermal contact via spot welds.
Clearly this will lead to the least heat flow through the interior of the door to the unexposed
side. The next thermal contact configuration relies upon thermal links placed between all
metal surfaces that are expected to be in contact. With the inclusion of thermal links, now an
additional variable, the thermal resistance of the thermal link is a required input. As a starting
point, we selected the thermal conductivity of air which is 2.0 W/(m K). In this case, now
more heat will flow through the stiffeners. Fig. 5 provides some detail on the various thermal
contact configurations.

Fig. 6 show a snapshot of the temperature contours at 15 minutes for both the unexposed and
exposed surfaces of the fire door assembly for the metal-to-metal thermal contact
configuration of only welds. For the unexposed side, hot spots include the lock and the edges
of the door. As mentioned previously, the lack of welds on the unexposed side reduces the
thermal paths through the stiffeners to the panel. For the exposed surface, cool spots include
the lock and edges. Temperatures on the exposed surface reach as high as 800°C. On the
unexposed side, the model predicts that most of the panel surface is below 130°C. The same
general patterns holds as the door heats up further.
Fig. 5 Description of different thermal contact configurations

Fig. 6 Temperature contours on exposed (left) and unexposed (right) surfaces at 15 minutes
with only thermal contact through the welds

Fig. 7 shows the temperature at 3 different points along one of the unexposed panels, similar
to measurements taken during the test. The plot shows that the temperatures on the
unexposed side are considerably lower than the temperatures measured during the test.
Clearly, this model with no metal-to-metal thermal contact between stiffener and unexposed
panel under-predicts temperatures. Despite the presence of welds on only one side of the
stiffeners, it is expected that there is more metal-to-metal contact.

Fig. 8 shows the temperature at 3 different points on the unexposed panel similar to
measurements taken during the test. As expected, the temperatures on the unexposed panel
are much closer to the test temperatures as compared to the previous thermal model which
only assumed thermal contact through welds. Clearly, metal-to-metal contact is present and
may be changing as the door deforms. This effect is especially more difficult to capture in the
absence of welds that would help maintain contact between the stiffener and door panels.
Fig. 7 Temperature over time from unexposed surface with weld only thermal contact

For the structural analysis, it was not necessary to run a transient analysis. Instead, the
thermal results at different particular points in time where fed into the structural model to
establish heat loads and material properties. This approach is computationally more efficient
so that if it shows promise in predicting the structural deflections, a great advantage is gained.

However, as noted in the thermal FE results section, the temperature predictions from the
original door design show sensitivity to how the thermal contact between metal parts.
Therefore the structural analysis results for the original fire door design will show the effect
of varying thermal contact conditions. Of course, with this level of uncertainty in the details
of the fire door construction, the structural results may not provide accurate quantitative
deflection predictions. In addition, the structural analysis was linear not accounting for
geometric or material nonlinearities or contact nonlinearity. A nonlinear analysis requires
more model building and computational effort and was outside of the scope of the project.
Nevertheless, there is value in running a structural analysis for this original door design and
comparing the results with the concept fire door design. It is expected that if significant
differences exist that they will reflect the proper trends in fire performance simply due to
design changes.

Fig. 8 shows the deflection plot for the different cases. The key pattern repeats at all other
times, where the basic global feature is bowing of the door towards the furnace. Recall that
once the thermal contact condition is set, it does not change. The plot in Fig. 8 compares the
deflections at the same point for the original fire door design and the concept fire door design.
The first thermal contact configuration (labeled db2) results in higher deflections than the
weld/thermal link contact configuration (labeled db3). This suggests that a higher
temperature gradient through the thickness of the door will lead to higher deflections from
greater bowing of the doors. This effect is documented in the published literature.

Examining the results over time show that deflections increase rapidly during the early part of
the test and then exhibit a gradually rising form. Though the deflection values are plotted up
to 1 hour, the relative movement of stiffeners and panels for this first-level of modeling is not
expected to be applicable beyond 30 minutes. Furthermore, the actual values are not reliable
without full model validation. However, the qualitative features of the results for the first 30
minutes are expected to be insightful for design decisions.
Fig. 8 Normal deflection contours (left) and deflection time plot (right) for 2 different thermal
contact configurations and a baseline design

ANSYS User’s Guide, ANSYS Inc., Release 12.0, 2011.

ASTM E119-07, Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction and
Materials, ASTM International, 2007.

Bathe, K.J., Finite Element Procedures, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1995.

Iwankiw, N., ‘Fire Resistance Design’, Practice Periodical on Structural Design and
Construction, Vol. 12, Issue 1, February 2007, pp. 3-8.

Milke, J., “Analytical Methods for Determining Fire Resistance of Steel Members”, SFPE
Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering, Third Edition, 2002.

“NIST NCSTAR 1-3: Mechanical and Metallurgical Analysis of Structural Steel”, Final
Reports on the Collapse of the World Trade Center Towers, National Institute of
Standards, 2005, http://wtc.nist.gov.

Tabaddor, M., Gandhi, P.D., ‘Thermo-mechanical analysis of fire doors subjected to a fire
endurance test’, Journal of Fire Protection Engineering, Vol. 19, 2009, p. 51.

UL 10B Standard for Safety for Fire Tests of Door Assemblies, Ninth Edition, Underwriters
Laboratories Inc, 1997.

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