Example Email Templates

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Email Templates

📑 File Context

💡 This is a document that can be used as a template for all your client e-mail communication. It’s
recommended not to use the same words exactly, but consider them as a point of reference.

Invoice information request + NDA + Discovery ques-

Hi [name],

I’m attaching a signed NDA and Website Design/Development Agreement below, as well as a short website discovery
questionnaire that will help us get started a bit faster.

After this email is sent, we will go ahead and send you an invite to our newly created Slack channel where we will be
discussing all things project-related.

In order to prepare the first invoice we will need the following information.

Who should we address the invoice to:

1. Recipient’s name
2. Recipient’s business name
3. Business address
4. Tax Identification number or EIN

As soon as we receive the information, we will create the invoice, and send you payment instructions. We use an Amer-
ican bank account created with Wise for CC, and wire transfers within the US, and our local bank for international wire

We have mentioned this during our last Zoom call, but for your future reference, here is our usual project management

1. Design phase - this is where we design an interactive website interface in Figma, which consists of a homepage and
additional subpages. We send the design over to you to approve the visual part or add further revisions. It takes
around 1-3 weeks to finish the design part.

After you approve the design we move on to the development process.

2. Development phase - this is where we develop a working website on WordPress with all discussed functionalities – it
takes anywhere between 1-4 weeks to finish the development part.

3. Testing (Final testing and debugging) - 3-7 days

4. When everything is set we transfer your page to the final domain, and push it live.

As soon as the above is taken care of, we will start the project right away, and deliver the complete website possibly by
the end of May/start of June.

Let me know if you have any questions.

[your name]

Your signature

Project brief + Invoice (1st template)

Hello [name]!

We have created a Project brief outlining the scope of work, deliverables, and timelines for your reference.

I have also attached the first Invoice with the instructions to send the deposit included. The payment needs to be sent
through Wise, to be paid by the 8th of July.

The invoice is bilingual for the tax purposes but I have also attached an english only version.

As soon as we received the deposit payment we’ll begin working on the first milestone. From now on, we’ll continue to
update you on our progress on our newly created Slack channel (link).

Please, let me know if you have any questions.

[your name]
[company name]

Your signature

Invoice payment (2nd template)

Hi [name],

I've attached the invoice to this email. Here's a link to Transferwise's website:

[add link]

And here are the details needed to make the transfer:

“ Bank account country: United States

Routing number (ACH or ABA):
Account number:
Account type:
Recipient details:

Recipient address:
Country -
City -
Postal code - “

I'm attaching an image of a prior client payment for your reference, this is how it should look on your dashboard when
everything is filled out correctly.

Once this part is taken care of, we will begin working on your initial design drafts, and send further updates through our
Slack channel [link]

If you have additional images/videos/graphical assets/or any specific requests that we haven't discussed yet, please feel
free to send them through email or put them on our Slack channel.

Let me know if you have any questions, [name].

Thank you!

[your name]

Your signature

Invoice payment - white label partner

Hello [name],

I feel really excited and thankful to be a part of such an amazing team.

Here's the first [project name] invoice for your business records.

Let me know if you need anything from me at this time.

Best regards,
[your name]
Project quote template - white label partner
Hi [client name],

I'm coming back with a quote for the website redesign and development, for your future reference. I'd propose the fol-

1. Website redesign - that includes a style guide for web, branded and modified licensed illustrations, icons, and images,
wireframes (if needed), and a high fidelity mockup in Figma - $3000
2. Website development on WordPress - $2500

I would estimate the website redesign to take around approximately 2-3 weeks with revisions and updates, and then,
once we have the high fidelity mockup, the pixel-perfect development would take me approximately 7-10 days to com-

You also mentioned text hierarchy changes and overall layout clean-up for the new website. I could include that free of
charge with the above redesign quote.

I can start as soon as Friday this week, or Monday the following, and deliver the complete project in around a month.

Let me know if that works for you. Thank you!

[your name]

Project timeline + Fee schedule - white label partner

Hi [client name],
Here’s the information you requested:

Project Timeline

For a standard 5-page website I offer the following timeline for website design/redesign:

Discovery Phase (UX research, low-fidelity wireframes) - 7-10 days

Design (Design of interactive website interface in Figma/Adobe XD) - 7-10 days

Development (Development of working website on WordPress with all discussed functionalities) - 7-14

Testing (Final testing and debugging) - 1-3 days

Fee Schedule 50/50 or 50/30/20 with higher priced projects

The payment schedule I follow:

1. 50% of total project fee is due upon contract acceptance

2. 30% due when the wireframes and design have been approved
3. 20% balance due upon project completion

All payments are sent through Wise and/or PayPal.

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