Grade 6 Revision Comprehension Worksheet For Cambridge Lower Secondary

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Read the extract from Jaws by Peter Benchley, then answer questions 1–8.

Rising at him from the darkling blue − slowly, smoothly − was the shark. It rose
with no apparent effort, an angel of death gliding towards an appointment.
Hooper stared, unable to move. As the fish drew nearer, he marvelled at its
colours: the flat brown-greys seen on the surface had vanished. The top of the
5 immense body was a hard grey, bluish where dappled with streaks of sun.
Beneath the lateral line, all was creamy, ghostly white.
Hooper wanted to raise his camera, but his arm would not obey. In a minute, he
said to himself, in a minute.
The fish came closer, silent as a shadow, and Hooper drew back. The head was
10 only a few feet from the cage when the fish turned and began to pass before
Hooper’s eyes – casually, as if in proud display of its mass and power. The snout
passed first, then the jaw, slack and smiling, armed with row upon row of
serrated triangles. And then the black eye, seemingly riveted upon him. The gills
rippled – bloodless wounds in the steely skin.
15 Tentatively, Hooper stuck a hand through the bars and touched the flank. It felt
cold and hard, not clammy. He let his fingertips caress the flesh until finally (the
fish seemed to have no end) they were slapped away by the sweeping tail.
The fish continued to move away from the cage. Hooper heard faint popping
noises, and he saw three straight spirals of angry bubbles speed from the surface,
20 then stop and slow, well above the fish. Bullets. Not yet, he told himself. One more
pass for pictures. The fish began to turn, banking.
The fish rammed through the space between the bars.

1 What is ‘angel of death’ (line 2) an example of?

Tick () one box.

alliteration onomatopoeia

metaphor simile [1]

2 What does the phrase ‘gliding towards an appointment’ (line 2) tell you about how Hooper
feels about the shark?


Cambridge Lower Secondary English 7 – Creamer, Williams, Rees-Bidder & Elsdon © Cambridge University Press 2021 1
3 Give one word from the second paragraph that shows Hooper is impressed by the appearance
of the shark.


4 Give one word from the second paragraph that shows the effect of the sunlight coming through
the water.


5 Look at lines 9–14. Suggest two ways that the writer uses language to make the shark seem
dangerous and threatening. Use quotations to support your suggestions.


6 Why does Hooper touch the shark ‘tentatively’ (line 15)?


7 What does the word ‘rammed’ (line 22) suggest about the shark’s movement?

Cambridge Lower Secondary English 7 – Creamer, Williams, Rees-Bidder & Elsdon © Cambridge University Press 2021 2
Cambridge Lower Secondary English 7 – Creamer, Williams, Rees-Bidder & Elsdon © Cambridge University Press 2021 3

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