Module 1

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MODULE 1  Journalism - is the activity of gathering,

assessing, creating, and presenting news

and information
 Technical writing - is about producing written
 original writing that expresses ideas and content that informs and educates.
thoughts in an imaginative way
 Textbooks - is a book containing a
 The word creative is defined in various ways. comprehensive compilation of content in a
The following are just some of the branch of study with the intention of
definitions: explaining it.

 “The ability or power to create” CREATIVE WRITING VS. TECHNICAL

 “Imaginative”
 In CREATIVE WRITING, most of the part is
 “Productive”
self-created, although the idea might be
 “Characterized by originality and inspired but in TECHNICAL WRITING, the
expressiveness” facts are to be obliged.
 Creative writing is therefore generally  CREATIVE WRITING entertains people as it
defined as writing that is imaginative, has some illustrations whereas the
created, productive and original. This TECHNICAL WRITING causes boredom as it
generally covers all areas of fiction, such as follows the strong pattern based on facts
novels, short stories, poetry etc. but can and its just to transfer the information to the
also include non-fiction, such as feature audience.
articles for magazines.
 The writer’s ability to create a memorable
 Epics – long-winded poem story has much to do with engaging our FIVE
SENSES. These include sight, sound, touch,
 Novels – fictitious prose narrative of book
smell, and taste.
Art of Creative Writing
 Poems – collection of spoken or written
words that expresses ideas or emotions in a Creative writing
powerful and vivid style.
-is any writing that is original, artistic, and
 Screenplays/TV scripts – or script, is a self-expressive.
written work by screenwriters for a film/TV
-is also called imaginative writing.
-is an art.
 Short stories – fictional prose narrative that
is shorter than a novel MODULE 2

 Songs – a short poem or other set of words THE LANGUAGE OF CREATIVE WRITING
set to music or meant to be sung
The Creative Writer Tools
Types of Writing that aren’t Creative
Words - are the tools of a creative writer.
 Academic writing – is nonfiction writing
produced as part of academic work.
Diction is the choice of words and phrases in
writing/ speech
FRYE’s Mode of Fiction
Other terms for diction are wording, vocabulary,
Herman Northrop Frye
terminology, phraseology, language, and style.
-real meaning
1. Myth
2. Romance
-implied meaning
3. High mimetic
4. Low mimetic
Style refers to the writer’s choice of words,
sentence structure, literary techniques, and use of 5. Ironic
Tone is the manner of expression in writing.
Divine being; superior in “kind” to other people and
Tone is the author’s attitude toward its audience. to the environment of other people

REMEMBER! Example: Hercules/Lam-ang

“Your diction is your voice and your style is your ROMANCE

Identified as a human ; superior in degree to other
MODULE 3 people and to his environment

FICTION, CHARACTER AND SETTING Example: Superman, Labaw Donggon

Characters are not real people: they are imaginary HIGH MIMETIC
and fictitious, created by writers using behaviors
Ability superior in degree to other people “but not
and traits that are imagined and observed.
to his environment”
1. Characters can be major or minor
Example: King David, Achilles
MAJOR character is usually given much
Hero is one of us; superior “neither” to the people
MINOR character usually serves a certain purpose
nor to his environment
to move a plot.
Example: Juan Crisostomo Ibarra
2. Characters can be simple or complex
E.M Forster –”flat” for simple and “round” for
complex. Has an ability or intelligence inferior to ours

Flat and Round Example: Juan Tamad

Flat characters are easily recognized by your Setting as symbol

emotional eye; want only simple thing. -Is like a painted stage backdrop
Round characters, have the capacity to surprise -The time and period when your story happens also
you; want something complicated.
has a major influence on your setting.
PROPS that may lead to violence, happen in some school
-Objects used in scene.

-Like dresses, vehicles, flowers, drinks and the

like…… 8. School and community collaboration specialists
(Collaboration with student, teacher and the
DIASS Allied Mental Health Professionals

The Professional Counselor 1. Psychologist

Professional Counselor -It provides counseling and psychotherapy to

promote a healthy mental state.
-Use strategies and techniques to promote the
client’s personal growth and development. -It is also known as the use of psychological
approaches, such as Talk Therapy which allows ;the
-Are guided by rules and regulations or what is
client to tell whatever is in his or her mind.
called Code of Ethics.
2. Psychiatrist
Roles and Functions of Professional Counselor
(Erford 2014) -It specialize on the treatment of mental health
disorders and believe that this may be resolved by
1. Providers of individual and group counseling
the use pharmacological interventions.
services. (School counselors take an active role,
correct evaluation) -It requires physical examination, such as
completed blood test and urinalysis to determine
physiological causes of the client’s condition.
2. Developmental classroom guidance specialists
Afterwards, they usually prescribe medications to
(Prepare lessons and implement guidance
stabilize or regulate these physiological causes.
instructions to student)
3. Neurologist

3.Leaders and advocates of academic success -Is a branch of medicine that deals with the study
(Problems at home that affect your studies) and treatment of disorders of the nervous system.

4. Social Worker
4. Career development specialists (Career you
-Specific concerns related to housing emergencies
or crisis situations may be attended by social
workers., upon referral of the professional
5. Agents of diversity and multicuralism (Different
person different culture) Characteristics of a Professional Counselor

1. Empathy (Ability to sense the feelings and

6. Advocates of students with special needs and understand the client)
student-at-risk (Athletes, honor students, student
without parents and etc)
2. Acceptance

7. Advocates of a safe school environment (Conflict

3. Genuineness (Sincere)
-Are responsible for helping patient with physical,
4. Self-Awareness mental or emotional issues.

5. Cultural Competence (Background of the client)

4. Industrial Counseling

-They could provide workplace counseling to

6. Open-Mindedness (About improving themselves) respond to the concerns of the employees. Aside
from counseling, they are also tapped in other
areas like training, seminars or professional
7. Integrity (Being HONEST always is important)
development service.

5. Marriage and Family Counseling

8. Competence (Must be skillful and
knowledgeable in helping others) -Explore issues and concerns that affect the
relationship of husband and wife.

9. Problem-Solving Skills and Creativity 6. Private Practice

-Counselor may have their own wellness center or

10. Embracing a Perspective of Wellness private clinic.
(Ability to see the importance of taking care
7. Community Counseling
themselves the way they take care of others.
Example; Yoga, meditation and sports) -Is provided to members of the society who
encounter difficulties in the community setting.
Observational Skills

1. Physical Appearance
2. Personal Space (Distance between 2 person such
as culture & beliefs)
3. Voice
4. Facial Expression
5. Body Language
6. Sudden change in behavior

Areas of Specialization

1. School Counseling

-Guidance counselors usually ensure student’s

academic success and assist those with various
career, social, and personal development skills.

2. Mental Health or Clinical Counseling

-It focuses on mental health counseling by

providing programs and services specifically
designed to address the needs of individuals with
mental issues like depression and anxiety.

3. Rehabilitation Counseling

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