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COATING non critical

Test Paper Page 1 of 3

Q: Cracking of a coating may be caused from: a) Insufficient thinner. b) Surface too hot or too cold. c) Oil
or water in airline or surface is not
completely clean. d) All of the above.
Q: What does DFT stand for?
Q: The calibration of a Mikrotest should be checked: a) Whenever it is convenient. b) Whenever your
supervisor tells you to. c) At least once a day,
and whenever a Mikrotest is bumped or dropped. d) At least once a month.
Q: List the two (02) most important factors in securing good coating adhesion to a metal surface.
Q: An anchor pattern is: a) The type of coating finish. b) The type of substrate. c) The roughness of the
substrate after cleaning. d) The method of
curing two paint systems.
Q: On what principle does Mikrotester work?
Q: What is a mil?
Q: Which of the following surface finishes is the most critical: a) SP-8 b) SP-6 c) SP-7 d) SP-10

COATING non critical

Test Paper Page 2 of 3
Q: After calibration of the paint thickness gauge the next step is to: a) measure the paint thickness. b)
calibrate the gauge again to make sure it accurate
c) measure the bare substrate, to determine effect on the gauge. d) None of the above
Q: TRUE or FALSE: It is acceptable to reject the coating if any single gauge reading is less than the
required dry film thickness.
Q: TRUE or FALSE: Measuring the coating thickness with a magnetic gauge at the edge of a piece of
steel will have no effect on the reading.
Q: TRUE or FALSE: The type of material being coated can have an effect on the magnetic gauge.
Q: During surface preparation, coating application or curing, a periodic check of the______ will minimize
the chance of premature failure of the applied
system.. a) Substrate Temperature b) Air Temperature c)Relative Humidity d) All of the above
Q: White metal degree is: a) NACE-1/ SSPC-10/ Sa 3 b)Sa 1/ NACE-1/ SSPC-5 c) ???
Q: Before the coating inspector goes out to inspect the coating work,the following preparation is
necessary: a)Verify that all required instruments are
available.b) Assemble and study all pertinent documents. c) put a test plan together d) all of the above.
Q: The ____is a measurement of the surface roughness created by abrasive blast cleaning. A)Surface
profile b)Anchor pattern c)Anchor profile d)All of
the above
Q: Moisture will not condense on the surface unless the surface temperature is: a)Above the dew point
b)Reduced or the dew point goes up
c)Increased or the dew point goes down d)None of the above
Q: TRUE or FALSE: No premature failure of the applied coating will occur if the coating is top-coated
before the primer or intermediate coats have
sufficiently cured.

COATING non critical

Test Paper Page 3 of 3
Q: TRUE or FALSE: The ambient conditions must be within the specified limits before proceeding with the
work but need not remain within the specified
limits while the work is being performed.
Q: TRUE or FALSE: A adhesive failure is not usually considered a coating failure.
Q: TRUE or FALSE: One of the disadvantages of the centrifugal wheel blast cleaning is the surface
contaminants can be driven into the work piece
especially when steel shot is used.
Q: A high percentage of coating rejects indicates what? a. A careful, meticulous inspector b. Indicates that
additional third party inspection is required.
c. Overall poor quality coating. d. That the weather was bad when the coating was applied.

COATING non critical

Test Paper Page 1 of 2
Q: Cracking of a coating may be caused from: a) Insufficient thinner. b) Surface too hot or too cold. c) Oil
or water in airline or surface is not
completely clean. d) All of the above.
A: d
Q: What does DFT stand for?
A: Dry Film Thickness
Q: The calibration of a Mikrotest should be checked: a) Whenever it is convenient. b) Whenever your
supervisor tells you to. c) At least once a day,
and whenever a Mikrotest is bumped or dropped. d) At least once a month.
A: c
Q: List the two (02) most important factors in securing good coating adhesion to a metal surface.
A: a) Surface Cleanliness; b) Sufficient profile (anchor pattern) c) Humidity
Q: An anchor pattern is: a) The type of coating finish. b) The type of substrate. c) The roughness of the
substrate after cleaning. d) The method of
curing two paint systems.
A: c - The roughness of the substrate
Q: On what principle does Mikrotester work?
A: Magnetic - the magnetic pull is a ratio of the coating thickness as measured on a calibrated scale
Q: What is a mil?
A: 0.001 inches (1/1000).
Q: Which of the following surface finishes is the most critical: a) SP-8 b) SP-6 c) SP-7 d) SP-10
A: c
Q: After calibration of the paint thickness gauge the next step is to: a) measure the paint thickness. b)
calibrate the gauge again to make sure it accurate
c) measure the bare substrate, to determine effect on the gauge. d) None of the above
A: A
Q: TRUE or FALSE: It is acceptable to reject the coating if any single gauge reading is less than the
required dry film thickness.
A: False
Q: TRUE or FALSE: Measuring the coating thickness with a magnetic gauge at the edge of a piece of
steel will have no effect on the reading.
A: False
Q: TRUE or FALSE: The type of material being coated can have an effect on the magnetic gauge.
A: True
Q: During surface preparation, coating application or curing, a periodic check of the______ will minimize
the chance of premature failure of the applied
system.. a) Substrate Temperature b) Air Temperature c)Relative Humidity d) All of the above
A: c
COATING non critical
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Q: White metal degree is: a) NACE-1/ SSPC-10/ Sa 3 b)Sa 1/ NACE-1/ SSPC-5 c) NACE-1/SSPC-SP-
A: c
Q: Before the coating inspector goes out to inspect the coating work, the following preparation is
necessary: a)Verify that all required instruments are
available.b) Assemble and study all pertinent documents. c) put a test plan together d) all of the above.
A: d
Q: The ____is a measurement of the surface roughness created by abrasive blast cleaning. A)Surface
profile b)Anchor pattern c)Anchor profile d)All of
the above
A: d
Q: Moisture will not condense on the surface unless the surface temperature is: a)Above the dew point
b)Reduced or the dew point goes up
c)Increased or the dew point goes down d)None of the above
A: b
Q: TRUE or FALSE: No premature failure of the applied coating will occur if the coating is top-coated
before the primer or intermediate coats have
sufficiently cured.
A: False
Q: TRUE or FALSE: The ambient conditions must be within the specified limits before proceeding with the
work but need not remain within the specified
limits while the work is being performed.
A: False
Q: TRUE or FALSE: A adhesive failure is not usually considered a coating failure.
A: True
Q: TRUE or FALSE: One of the disadvantages of the centrifugal wheel blast cleaning is the surface
contaminants can be driven into the work piece
especially when steel shot is used.
A: True
Q: A high percentage of coating rejects indicates what? a. A careful, meticulous inspector b. Indicates that
additional third party inspection is required.
c. Overall poor quality coating. d. That the weather was bad when the coating was applied
A: c
COATING critical
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Q: During surface preparation, coating application or curing, a periodic check of the __minimize the
chance of premature failure of the applied system. a)Substrate
Temperature b)Air Temperature c)Relative Humidity d)All of the above.
Q: Holidays are caused by:a)The entrapped air or solvent that forms voids or bubbles in the coating film.
b)The amount of wrinkled coated areas. c)The pinholes, skip,
discontinuity, voids. d) The fine checking, wrinkling, frosting under certain rying cond
Q: White metal degree is: a)NACE-1/ SSPC-10/ Sa 3 b)Sa 1/ NACE-1/ SSPC-5 c)SSPC-5/ NACE-2 / Sa
3 d) Sa 3/ SSPC-5 / NACE-1
Q: The pigments are added to the coating for ____. a)Rust inhibition and decrease permeability of file.
b)Hide surface and provide color. c)Protect film from effects of
ultraviolet light and weather d)All of the above
Q: Coating is to be applied to achieve a DFT of 7 mils without thinner, if the coating has 20% solids by
volume. What is the wet film thickness will dry down to the desired the
dry film thickness ? a)35 mils.b)889 microns.c)14 mils.d) None of the above
Q: The primary function of a thermal pickle is to: a) Stress relieve the pipe. b)Remove oil, grease and
other deleterious materials. c)Remove mill scale. d)All of the above.
Q: According to SSPC-10, the surface condition "B SP 10" is: a)Mill scale & Rust. b)100 % Rust. c)100 %
Adherent mill scale. d)Rust & Pitting.
Q: Which of the following blasted surface finishes is the highest critical: a)SSPC-8 b)SSPC-7 c)SSPC-10
Q: a)Erosion b)Corrosion c)Chalking d) De-lamination ____Is a process whereby materials deteriorate as
the result of a reaction between them and their surrounding
Q: Almost all coatings, unless they are 100 % solids, will undergo prior to curing: a)Oxidation b)Heating c)
Solvent Evaporation d)Chemical Reaction

COATING critical
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Q: a)Vehicle b)Pigment c)Filler d)Resin is the liquid base of the coating consisting of solvent, binder and
any additives which may required.
Q: Before the coating inspector goes out to inspect the coating or lining work, the following preparation is
necessary: a)Verify that all required instruments are
available.b)Assemble and study all pertinent documents. c)Organize an inspection Plan.d)All
Q: ____ is the formation of separations of the film that resemble holes or depressions in the coating
film.a) Fish Eyes b)Delamination c) Pinholing d)Blistering
Q: The disadvantage(s) of airless spray:a)Tip clog easily b)Tip replacement expensive c)a & b d)None of
the above
Q: The is a measurement of the surface roughness created by abrasive blast cleaning. a)Surface profile
b)Anchor pattern c)Anchor profiled)All of the above
Q: The advantage of using is to make the possible detection and correction of incorrect coating thickness
during the application. a)Tooke gage b)Holiday detector c)Wet
film gage d)Magnetic pull-off gage
Q: What is the recommended voltage per mil: a)100 b)10 c)1000 d)None of the above
Q: a)Pigment b)Binder c)Filler d)Vehicle_____ is a "discrete particulate solid" used to impart specific
protective or decorative qualities to the coating.
Q: Which type of the following coating is cured by heat induced polymerization ? a)Epoxy modified
phenolic b)Epoxies c)Epoxy Ester d)Vinyl
Q: Replica tape "X-coarse" is used for measurements between a)2.5 and 4.5 mils b)0.5 and 4.5 mils c)1.0
and 2.5 mils d)2.0 and 4.5 mils
Q: Moisture will not condense on the surface unless the surface temperature is: a)Above the dew point.
b)Reduced or the dew point goes up. C)Increased or the dew point
goes down. d)None of the above.
Q: a)Chalking b)Cracking c)Mudcracking d)Checking ______ is described as narrow, irregular breaks in
the top coat that expose under coat only.

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Q: a)Eddy current gage b)Pencil pull-off gage c)Elcometer gage d)None of the above_____can be used
to measure the DFT of indivual coats within a coating system after
application of the entire system
Q: a)Orange peel b)Dry spray c)Curtain d)wrinkling ______is caused by improper atomization due to low
air pressure, fast solvent evaporation or gun too close to surface.
Q: True or False: "Painting the anodic (steel) member of such a galvanic couple will aggravate rather than
minimize galvanic corrosion of the steel."
Q: True or False: During the coating processes, a none periodic check of the surface temperature air
temperature and percent relative humidity will minimize the chance of
premature failure of the applied system.
Q: True or False: The basic cause of corrosion of iron and steel is their existence in their metallic form.
Q: True or False: The only methods for controlling corrosion are cathodic protection, good engineering
design and the use of barriers between the metal and the
Q: True or False: Most of thinners can be used as solvents, but not all solvents can be used as thinners.
Q: True or False: Coating or lining specifications are the responsibility of engineering only.
Q: True or False: The final inspection and sign-off, in accordance with the project requirements is more
important than the surface preparation.
Q: True or False: No premature failure of the applied coating will occur if the coating is topcoated before
the primer or intermediate coats have sufficiently cured.
Q: True or False: The coating inspector job is to determine whether or not the coating work meet the
engineering specifications and to set the supplier straight.

COATING critical
Test Paper Page 4 of 5
Q: True or False: The ambient conditions must be within the specified limits before proceeding with the
work and should not remain within the specified limits while the work
is being performed.
Q: True or False: The numbering system on each leaf consists of a number, a letter and then another
number. The first number represents the profile depth of that blasted
surface, the letter represents the abrasive used and the last number represents the
Q: True or False: In some cases, on surfaces such as concrete, where destructive thickness testing is not
desired or allowed, wet film thickness measurements are used in
lieu of dry film thickness measurements.
Q: True or False: By using a took gage, 1X cutting tip provides 5 mils DFT, 2X tip provides 20 mils DFT
and 10X tip provides 50 mils DFT.
Q: True or False: Elcometer Model 101 gage can be calibrated by the mylar shim and NBS standards.
Q: True or False: Blushing caused by moisture condensation in a high humidity atmosphere, fast thinners
in a high humidity atmosphere or condensation on cold surface.
Q: True or False: The knife and tape adhesion tests are less objective tests and, therefore, need to be
performed by experienced inspection personnel.
Q: True or False: A adhesive failure is not usually considered a coating failure.
Q: True or False: One of the disadvantages of the airspray is the speed of the fluid flow creates difficulty
in the application process of small intricate items.
Q: True or False: A good pipeline coating should have high dielectric strength.

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Q: True or False: A smooth finish is best achieved by using small quantities of nodular-type pigments.
Q: True or False: Not all coatings are permeable to some extent, and will allow some passage of water
vapor and oxygen through the cured coating film.
Q: True or False: When oxidation type coatings dry to form a film they can not be attacked by strong
solvents such as acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, ethyl acetate, etc.
Q: True or False: One of the disadvantages of the centrifugal wheel blast cleaning is the surface
contaminants can be driven into the work piece, especially when steel shot is

COATING critical
Test Paper Page 1 of 4
Q: During surface preparation, coating application or curing, a periodic check of the __minimize the
chance of premature failure of the applied system. a)Substrate
Temperature b)Air Temperature c)Relative Humidity d)All of the above.
A: d
Q: Holidays are caused by:a)The entrapped air or solvent that forms voids or bubbles in the coating film.
b)The amount of wrinkled coated areas. c)The pinholes, skip,
discontinuity, voids. d) The fine checking, wrinkling, frosting under certain rying cond
A: c
Q: White metal degree is: a)NACE-1/ SSPC-10/ Sa 3 b)Sa 1/ NACE-1/ SSPC-5 c)SSPC-5/ NACE-2 / Sa
3 d) Sa 3/ SSPC-5 / NACE-1
Q: The pigments are added to the coating for ____. a)Rust inhibition and decrease permeability of file.
b)Hide surface and provide color. c)Protect film from effects of
ultraviolet light and weather d)All of the above
A: d
Q: Coating is to be applied to achieve a DFT of 7 mils without thinner, if the coating has 20% solids by
volume. What is the wet film thickness will dry down to the desired the
dry film thickness ? a)35 mils.b)889 microns.c)14 mils.d) None of the above
A: c
Q: The primary function of a thermal pickle is to: a) Stress relieve the pipe. b)Remove oil, grease and
other deleterious materials. c)Remove mill scale. d)All of the above.
A: b
Q: According to SSPC-10, the surface condition "B SP 10" is: a)Mill scale & Rust. b)100 % Rust. c)100 %
Adherent mill scale. d)Rust & Pitting.
A: b
Q: Which of the following blasted surface finishes is the highest critical: a)SSPC-8 b)SSPC-7 c)SSPC-10
A: b
Q: a)Erosion b)Corrosion c)Chalking d) De-lamination ____Is a process whereby materials deteriorate as
the result of a reaction between them and their surrounding
A: b
Q: Almost all coatings, unless they are 100 % solids, will undergo prior to curing: a)Oxidation b)Heating c)
Solvent Evaporation d)Chemical Reaction
A: a
Q: a)Vehicle b)Pigment c)Filler d)Resin ____ is the liquid base of the coating consisting of solvent, binder
and any additives which may required.
A: a
Q: Before the coating inspector goes out to inspect the coating or lining work, the following preparation is
necessary: a)Verify that all required instruments are
available.b)Assemble and study all pertinent documents. c)Organize an inspection Plan.d)All
A: d
Q: ____ is the formation of separations of the film that resemble holes or depressions in the coating
film.a) Fish Eyes b)Delamination c) Pinholing d)Blistering
A: a
Q: The disadvantage(s) of airless spray:a)Tip clog easily b)Tip replacement expensive c)a & b d)None of
the above
A: c
Q: The ____is a measurement of the surface roughness created by abrasive blast cleaning. a) Surface
profile b) Anchor pattern c) Anchor profiled) All of the above

COATING critical
Test Paper Page 1 of 4
Q: During surface preparation, coating application or curing, a periodic check of the __minimize the
chance of premature failure of the applied system. a)Substrate
Temperature b)Air Temperature c)Relative Humidity d)All of the above.
A: d
Q: Holidays are caused by:a)The entrapped air or solvent that forms voids or bubbles in the coating film.
b)The amount of wrinkled coated areas. c)The pinholes, skip,
discontinuity, voids. d) The fine checking, wrinkling, frosting under certain rying cond
A: c
Q: White metal degree is: a)NACE-1/ SSPC-10/ Sa 3 b)Sa 1/ NACE-1/ SSPC-5 c)SSPC-5/ NACE-2 / Sa
3 d) Sa 3/ SSPC-5 / NACE-1
Q: The pigments are added to the coating for ____. a)Rust inhibition and decrease permeability of file.
b)Hide surface and provide color. c)Protect film from effects of
ultraviolet light and weather d)All of the above
A: d
Q: Coating is to be applied to achieve a DFT of 7 mils without thinner, if the coating has 20% solids by
volume. What is the wet film thickness will dry down to the desired the
dry film thickness ? a)35 mils.b)889 microns.c)14 mils.d) None of the above
A: c
Q: The primary function of a thermal pickle is to: a) Stress relieve the pipe. b)Remove oil, grease and
other deleterious materials. c)Remove mill scale. d)All of the above.
A: b
Q: According to SSPC-10, the surface condition "B SP 10" is: a)Mill scale & Rust. b)100 % Rust. c)100 %
Adherent mill scale. d)Rust & Pitting.
A: b
Q: Which of the following blasted surface finishes is the highest critical: a)SSPC-8 b)SSPC-7 c)SSPC-10
A: b
Q: a)Erosion b)Corrosion c)Chalking d) De-lamination ____Is a process whereby materials deteriorate as
the result of a reaction between them and their surrounding
A: b
Q: Almost all coatings, unless they are 100 % solids, will undergo prior to curing: a)Oxidation b)Heating c)
Solvent Evaporation d)Chemical Reaction
A: a
Q: a)Vehicle b)Pigment c)Filler d)Resin ____ is the liquid base of the coating consisting of solvent, binder
and any additives which may required.
A: a
Q: Before the coating inspector goes out to inspect the coating or lining work, the following preparation is
necessary: a)Verify that all required instruments are
available.b)Assemble and study all pertinent documents. c)Organize an inspection Plan.d)All
A: d
Q: ____ is the formation of separations of the film that resemble holes or depressions in the coating
film.a) Fish Eyes b)Delamination c) Pinholing d)Blistering
A: a
Q: The disadvantage(s) of airless spray:a)Tip clog easily b)Tip replacement expensive c)a & b d)None of
the above
A: c
Q: The ____is a measurement of the surface roughness created by abrasive blast cleaning. a) Surface
profile b) Anchor pattern c) Anchor profiled) All of the above

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A: d
Q: The advantage of using ____ is to make the possible detection and correction of incorrect coating
thickness during the application. a)Tooke gage b)Holiday detector
c)Wet film gage d)Magnetic pull-off gage
A: c
Q: What is the recommended voltage per mil: a)100 b)10 c)1000 d)None of the above
A: d
Q: a)Pigment b)Binder c)Filler d)Vehicle_____ is a "discrete particulate solid" used to impart specific
protective or decorative qualities to the coating.
A: a
Q: Which type of the following coating is cured by heat induced polymerization ? a)Epoxy modified
phenolic b)Epoxies c)Epoxy Ester d)Vinyl
A: a
Q: Replica tape "X-coarse" is used for measurements between a)2.5 and 4.5 mils b)0.5 and 4.5 mils c)1.0
and 2.5 mils d)2.0 and 4.5 mils
A: a
Q: Moisture will not condense on the surface unless the surface temperature is: a) Above the dew point.
b) Reduced or the dew point goes up. c) Increased or the dew point
goes down. d) None of the above.
A: b
Q: a)Chalking b)Cracking c)Mudcracking d)Checking ______ is described as narrow, irregular breaks in
the top coat that expose under coat only.
A: d
Q: a)Eddy current gage b)Pencil pull-off gage c)Elcometer gage d)None of the above_____can be used
to measure the DFT of indivual coats within a coating system after
application of the entire system
A: d
Q: a)Orange peel b)Dry spray c)Curtain d)wrinkling ______is caused by improper atomization due to low
air pressure, fast solvent evaporation or gun too close to surface.
A: a
Q: True or False: "Painting the anodic (steel) member of such a galvanic couple will aggravate rather than
minimize galvanic corrosion of the steel."
A: True
Q: True or False: During the coating processes, a none periodic check of the surface temperature air
temperature and percent relative humidity will minimize the chance of
premature failure of the applied system.
A: False
Q: True or False: The basic cause of corrosion of iron and steel is their existence in their metallic form.
A: True
Q: True or False: The only methods for controlling corrosion are cathodic protection, good engineering
design and the use of barriers between the metal and the
A: False
Q: True or False: Most of thinners can be used as solvents, but not all solvents can be used as thinners.
A: True
Q: True or False: Coating or lining specifications are the responsibility of engineering only.

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A: True
Q: True or False: The final inspection and sign-off, in accordance with the project requirements is more
important than the surface preparation.
A: False
Q: True or False: No premature failure of the applied coating will occur if the coating is topcoated before
the primer or intermediate coats have sufficiently cured.
A: False
Q: True or False: The coating inspector job is to determine whether or not the coating work meet the
engineering specifications and to set the supplier straight.
A: False
Q: True or False: The ambient conditions must be within the specified limits before proceeding with the
work and should not remain within the specified limits while the work
is being performed.
A: False
Q: True or False: The numbering system on each leaf consists of a number, a letter and then another
number. The first number represents the profile depth of that blasted
surface, the letter represents the abrasive used and the last number represents the
A: False
Q: True or False: In some cases, on surfaces such as concrete, where destructive thickness testing is not
desired or allowed, wet film thickness measurements are used in
lieu of dry film thickness measurements.
A: True
Q: True or False: By using a took gage, 1X cutting tip provides 5 mils DFT, 2X tip provides 20 mils DFT
and 10X tip provides 50 mils DFT.
A: False
Q: True or False: Elcometer Model 101 gage can be calibrated by the mylar shim and NBS standards.
A: False
Q: True or False: Blushing caused by moisture condensation in a high humidity atmosphere, fast thinners
in a high humidity atmosphere or condensation on cold surface.
A: True
Q: True or False: The knife and tape adhesion tests are less objective tests and, therefore, need to be
performed by experienced inspection personnel.
A: True
Q: True or False: A adhesive failure is not usually considered a coating failure.
A: True
Q: True or False: One of the disadvantages of the airspray is the speed of the fluid flow creates difficulty
in the application process of small intricate items.
A: False
Q: True or False: A good pipeline coating should have high dielectric strength.
A: False
Q: True or False: A smooth finish is best achieved by using small quantities of nodular-type pigments.
A: True
Q: True or False: Not all coatings are permeable to some extent, and will allow some passage of water
vapor and oxygen through the cured coating film.
A: False
Q: True or False: When oxidation type coatings dry to form a film they can not be attacked by strong
solvents such as acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, ethyl acetate, etc.

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A: False
Q: True or False: One of the disadvantages of the centrifugal wheel blast cleaning is the surface
contaminants can be driven into the work piece, especially when steel shot is
A: True

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