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Gameberry Labs - PMM1 Assignment 1. As a Performance Marketing Manager, you are required to come up with a plan to acquire high valued players in Ludo Star-High valued players here refers to players who would pay at least $100 in the game in their lifetime. a. What aspects of the game would you consider before acquisition? «In App Engagement features Analyze different engagement features already there in app like clubs, streak stars, team etc. Will utiize data to see which engagement features have highest CTR, will try to remove blockers if any for in app engagement and purchases. © Monetization Strategy © Will increase usability of coins by upgrad: ions, different dices etc © Introducing exclusive paid tournaments, leaderboards © User Behaviour Analysi © Will utilize tools like Branch, Hotjar to analyze user data, sessions and find correlations between HVP users and their in game behavior, Will identify patterns for HVP and will utilize that in setting up targeting b. How would you structure your plan (Channels, creatives,targeting etc) and what will be the top levers for increasing © Channels ’igh valued players of Ludo Star? © Primary Channels will be Google(UAC, Display), Meta(App Install with value optimisations), Apple Search Ads. Secondary Channels will be programmatic like Taboola, Outbrain, Appnext where premium inventories are available. Plan will be structured to keep CPI minimum and conversion of users to maximum. | will track LTV initially for a few days and then reallocate the budget basis that to get quality usors. |channet lOptimised For lm JBudget Reasoning ace Engagement sy Sean rt Algorthn wi supporto get igh vale customers vate Huge Inventory and Ausoncs base Lookalikes wil scale HVP a wo voi Sere Ate rea ho Hones chances creacring HYP aoc, large competor keywords = = a High usrbasein age range of 1-25, Early adoptrs more aly a make purchase erogammate Chane wat yt covr some premium inventories here © Creatives © Targeti Will showcase premium features from Games in video creatives, will have challenging situations in Ads and will urge users to complete those challenges. Will highlight exclusive offers and incentives for high-value players. Use catchy videos from game to increase user engagement ing Will analyze the demographic data of existing high value players like Age, Country region, Interests ete and will try to replicate same Will use lookalikes of existing 1st party data of HVPs Will utilize device targeting feature and target high end devices as they are most likely to be HVP Will identify additional markers in targeting like engaged shoppers, early adapters, people using phone banking, food delivery apps, people using similar apps like Ludo Star, performing inapp actions like purchases etc. © Top levers for increasing HVPs Exclusive Tournaments: It will give social recognition and convert app players into a community so users are more likely to purchase Additional Incentives: Will add incentives to HVP players that they can get on making few purchases like premium DP or Star in front of their name. Exclusive lounges for HVP so that they can feel like they are getting some value Journey: Creating a funnel where after 6-7 games, users should make a purchase to enter further. After investing time for 6-7 game, HVP will surely make purchase to play further and not lose the journey. ¢. What type of optimisation would you prefer for acquiring High Value Players for Ludo (install optimi ization, App Event Optimization, Value Optimization). * Value Optimisation is most preferable as bidding highest for users who are most likely to spen d. What type of events, \d more will ensure that we get HVP and maximize our ROI. be more suitable for an App Event Optimisation? © Level_X: This event can be used to target most loyal users who can later be converted toHVP, © In App Purchase: People who have made a purchase are more likely to again make a purchase. * Paymer making * Store Page Visi nt Screen Visited: People dropping off from payment screen are interested in a purchase and can be converted by giving some exclusive limited period offer. ted: People visiting the store page may convert as intent is there. 2. For a particular country, you’ noticing the drop in Roas in your UAC campaigns for Ludo star app. The drop is 30% in the last 3 days compared to the same days of the previous week. ‘a, What factors would you consider for the analysis that could have led to this drop. State your potential hypothesis for these. Creative Fatigue: User may have seen ad multiple times and got bored of that. It may not be engaging for them. Limited by Budget: Budget may be limited or other competitors may have launched similar campaign leading to drop in quality users and budgets getting exhausted. App Issues: There may be some problem in app like payment failure, change in login process, change in messaging in app, update etc causing a dip in quality users. App Store/Play Store Changes: There can be change in ASO which may be causing a drop in Click->install% Seasonality: There can be some major festival like Christmas, New year etc which may cause the dip, b. What metrics/ trends would you check for validating each of these hypotheses? Creative Fatigue: Will compare CTRs and Frequency Limited by Budget: Will analyze CPC, Impressions, Impression Share and Competitive landscape App Issues: Will check if there has been any recent update in app or any messaging was changed along with errors reported by users App Store/Play Store Changes: Will check Click->Install% and Install->Purchase % Seasonality: Will check RoAS trend to historical data for previous years

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