Coma Final

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Course Overview:

This course covers the fundamental concepts of computer system organization, programming, efficient mechanism
for storing and retrieving data on main memory, data management and visualization techniques, computer networks
along with HTML page designing, the value of technology in societies, e-commerce, database management system,
artificial intelligence, and data warehouse and data mining technique for the students from all academic backgrounds.

Course Objective:

This course enables students to-

 develop an understanding of how computer system works; the components of computer systems and how
they interrelate, including software, data, hardware, communications and users.
 analyze a computing problem and to apply principles of computing to identify solutions.
 use of efficient data storing and retrieval technique along with basic programming skill.
 gather the fundamental knowledge on computer networks and web page designing.
 gain proficiency in data management, visualization, analysis, and presentation using a widely-used open
source spreadsheet software application such as Open Office, Libre Office, or Google Spreadsheets.
 appreciate the ethical implications relating to the use of computing technology and information and identify
the impact of technology on personal life and society.
 develop the knowledge, skills, and competencies needed to leverage the opportunities presented by the
digital economy and to navigate the challenges and risks associated with online business operations.
 understand the basics of artificial intelligence and its subfields.
 develop an understanding of database management systems, with an emphasis on how to organize, maintain
and retrieve - efficiently, and effectively.
 extract knowledge from data repository for data analysis, frequent pattern, classification and prediction.
Class XI

Total Contact Hours: 200 (Theory & Practical: 180 ; Remedial & Home Assignment:20)

Course Code: COMA (Theory)

Full Marks: 35 Contact Hours: 100

Unit – 1 Computer System and Organisation 15 Marks Total 30 Hours

 Basic Computer Organisation 4 Hours

 CPU, Primary Memory (RAM, ROM, Cache), Secondary storage device,
I/O devices, units of memory (bit, byte, KB, MB, GB, TB, PB).
 Classification of Computers
 Super, Mainframe, Mini, PC.

 Concepts of Software 7 Hours

 Definition of software, types of software – System Software
(Translator: assembler, interpreter, compiler, Loader, Linker,
Operating System: Definition and functions, types of OS- Single use,
Multiuse, Multiprogramming, Multiprocessing, Time sharing),
Application Software (Definition and example), Utility Software,
concept of GUI and CUI with examples using LINUX (Basic Commands).

 Number System
 Binary, Octal, Decimal, Hexadecimal number system, conversion 9 Hours
between number system, Weighted Code (BCD, Binary, 84-2-1 code),
non-weighted code (GREY, Excess-3), encoding schemes (ASCII, ISCII,
uni code), 1’s complement, 2’s complement.

 Boolean Algebra
 Postulates, logic gates: NOT, AND, OR, NAND, XOR, XNOR, truth tables, 10 Hours
De Morgan theorem, SOP, POS, Simplifications using KMap and
Boolean algebra, logic circuits.

Unit – 2 Programming Fundamentals 10 Marks Total 20 Hours

 Concept of Programming 2 Hours

 Instruction (Definition, Example), Program (definition, example),
Programming Language (concept of high level, low level and assembly
language), Procedural and Non-procedural programming, Concept of
Structured Programming, Object Oriented Programming.

 Algorithm fundamentals 15 Hours

 Definition, characteristic of algorithm, recursive and non-recursive
algorithms, representation of algorithm using flowchart, pseudo code,
efficiency of algorithm, space complexity, time complexity, Asymptotic
Notation- big O, big Omega, big Theta.
 Introduction to Problem Solving 3 Hours
 Steps for Problem Solving (analysing the problem, developing an
algorithm, coding, testing, debugging).

Unit – 3 Data Visualization using Spreadsheet 10 Marks Total 50 Hours

 Introduction to Spreadsheets 6 Hours

 Spreadsheets and their applications, overview of spreadsheet software
(e.g., Open office, Google Sheets, Excel), creating workbooks, modifying
workbook, zooming in on a worksheet, arranging multiple workbook
windows, adding buttons to the quick access toolbar, customizing the
ribbon, maximizing usable space in the program window navigating the
spreadsheet interface, entering and editing data in cells saving, opening,
and closing spreadsheet files.

 Working with Data and Tables 5 Hours

 Entering and revising data, moving data within a workbook, finding and
replacing data, correcting and expanding upon worksheet data, defining

 Performing Calculations on Data

5 Hours
 Naming groups of data, creating formulas to calculate values (e.g., SUM,
AVERAGE, COUNT), summarizing data that meets specific conditions (e.g.,
finding and correcting errors in calculations.

 Changing Workbook Appearance

 Formatting Cells, defining styles, workbook themes and table styles, 4 Hours
making numbers easier to read, changing the appearance of data based
on its value, adding images to worksheets.

 Data Analysis and Manipulation

 Limiting data appearance on screen, working with text functions for data 10 Hours
cleaning, Splitting and combining data, Data normalization and
standardization, working with ranges and named ranges, conditional
formatting, data validation and error checking, using logical functions
(e.g., IF, AND, OR), sorting and filtering data.

 Advanced Spreadsheet Features 10 Hours

 Creating and managing tables, working with charts and graphs, importing
and exporting data, using goal seek.
 Reporting and Presentation of Results 8 Hours
 Designing informative reports and summaries, creating interactive
dashboards for data presentation, data visualization best practices,
documenting data analysis processes presenting findings to stake holders.

 Collaboration and Sharing

 Protecting worksheets and workbooks, sharing spreadsheets with others, 2 Hours
tracking changes and commenting,

Course Code: COMA (Theory)

Full Marks: 35 Contact Hours: 80

Unit – 1 Data Structure 10 Marks Total 30 Hours

 Definition, types of data structure-linear and non-linear. 2 Hours

 Arrays: 1D, 2D and their applications. 3 Hours

 Linked List: Basic concepts of Single, circular and double link list. 6 Hours

 Stack 4 Hours
 Stack operations (push and pop), applications of Stack.

 Queue
 Queue operations, applications of queue, basic concepts of circular 4 Hours
queue and priority queue.

 Recursion
 Definition. 4 Hours
 Advantages and limitations of recursion.

 Searching and Sorting

 Linear Search, Binary Search, and their comparison. 7 Hours
 Bubble Sort and its Implementation.

Unit – 2 Computer Networks 15 Marks Total 35 Hours

>Introduction to Networking 6 Hours

>>Analogue and digital Communication
>>Mode of Communication- Simplex, half duplex and full duplex
>>Network Architecture- Client server, Peer to Peer
>>Serial and Parallel Communication
>>Measuring Capacity of Communication Media (bandwidth, channel capacity,
>>Synchronous and asynchronous Transmission Mode
>>Baseband and Broadband network.

>Transmission Media 3 Hours

>>Wired Communication Media (Twisted Pair, Co-axial cable, Fiber Optic).
>>Wireless Communication Media (Radio wave, Microwave, Infrared, Satellite).

>Network Connecting Devices 2 Hours

>>Modem, Ethernet Card, RJ45, Repeater, Hub, Switch, Router, Gateway, Wifi card.

>Network Type and Topologies

>>Types of Network-LAN, MAN, WAN. 3 Hours
>>Network Topologies- Bus, Star, Ring, Tree.
>Network Protocols -HTTP, FTP, PPP, SMTP, TCP/IP, POP3, TELNET, HTTPS, VolP. 2 Hours

>Referential Model- OSI Model (Basic Concept, use of devices and protocols at 1 Hours
different layers).

>Introduction to Web Services: WWW, HTML, XML, IP Addresses, Domain names, 3 Hours
URL, ISP, Website, Web browser, Web Server, Web Hosting.

Basic Tags and Document structure, HTML Tags, Head Tags, Title Tags, Introduction to 15 hours
HTML and Web design, how to create simple Web page, how to format text, Create
Table, Adding Web link and Images, Forms, adding styles and classes to web pages,
Borders and Background, Adding Video and Graphics.

Unit – 3 Ethics 10 Marks Total 15 Hours

 Digital Footprints. 1 Hour

 Data Protection: Intellectual property rights (copyright, patent, trademark), 5 Hours

violation of IPR (plagiarism, copyright infringement, trademark infringement),
open-source software and licensing (Creative Commons, GPL and Apache).

 Cyber Crime: Definition, hacking, eavesdropping, phishing and fraud emails,

ransomware, cyber trolls, cyber bullying. 3 Hours

 Cyber safety: Safely browsing the web, identity protection, confidentiality. 2 Hours

1 Hour
 Malware: Viruses, trojans, adware.

 E-waste management: Proper disposal of used electronic gadgets. 2 Hours

1 Hour
 Information Technology Act: (IT Act).
Class XII

Total Contact Hours: 200 (Theory & Practical: 180 ; Remedial & Home Assignment:20)


Course Code: COMA(Theory)

Full Marks: 35 Contact Hours: 100

Unit – 1 Python Programming 25 Marks Total 80 Hours

 Familiarization with the basics of Python programming 4 Hours

 Introduction to Python, Features of Python, executing a simple “hello
world" program, execution modes: interactive mode and script
mode, Python character set, Python tokens (keyword, identifier,
literal, operator, punctuator), variables, concept of l-value and r -
value, use of comments.

 Knowledge of data types

 Number (integer, floating point, complex), Boolean, sequence 2 Hour
(string, list, tuple), None, Mapping(dictionary), mutable and
immutable data types.

 Operators 3 Hours
 Arithmetic operators, relational operators, logical operators,
assignment operators, augmented assignment operators, identity
operators (is, is not), membership operators (in not in).

 Expressions, statement, type conversion, and input/output 3 Hours

 Precedence of operators, expression, evaluation of an expression,
type-conversion (explicit and implicit conversion), accepting data as
input from the console and displaying output.

 Errors: Syntax errors, logical errors, and run-time errors. 2 Hours

 Flow of Control
 Introduction, use of indentation, sequential flow, conditional and 4 Hours
iterative flow.

 Conditional statements
 if, if-else, if-elseif-else. 5 Hours

 Iterative Statement
 for loop, range (), while loop, break and continue statements, nested 7 Hours

 Strings
 Introduction, string operations (concatenation, repetition,
membership and slicing), traversing a string using loops, built-in
functions/methods–len(), capitalize(), title(), lower(), upper(), 10 Hours
count(), find(), index(), endswith(), startswith(), isalnum(), isalpha(),
isdigit(), islower(), isupper(), isspace(),lstrip(), rstrip(), strip(),
replace(), join(), partition(), split().
 Lists
 Introduction, indexing, list operations (concatenation, repetition,
membership and slicing), traversing a list using loops, built-in 14 Hours
functions/methods–len(), list(), append(), extend(), insert(), count(),
index(), remove(), pop(), reverse(), sort(), sorted(), min(), max(),
sum(); nested lists.

 Introduction to Python modules

 Importing module using ‘import <module>’ and using from 12 Hours
statement, importing math module (pi(), sqrt(), ceil(), floor(), pow(),
fabs(), sin(), cos(), tan()); random module (random(), randint(),
randrange()), statistics module (mean(), median(), mode()).

 Functions 14 Hours
 Types of function (built-in functions, functions defined in module,
user defined functions), creating user defined function, arguments
and parameters, default parameters, positional parameters, function
returning value(s), flow of execution, scope of a variable (global
scope, local scope).

Unit – 2 E-Commerce 10 Marks Total 20 Hours

 An introduction to Electronic Commerce 8 Hours

 What is E-Commerce (Introduction and Definition), Main activities E-
Commerce, Goals of E-Commerce, Technical Components of E-
Commerce, Functions of E-Commerce, Advantages and
disadvantages of E-Commerce, Scope of E-Commerce, Electronic
Commerce Applications, Electronic Commerce and Electronic
Business (C2C, C2G, G2G, B2G, B2P, B2A, P2P, B2A, C2A, B2B, B2C).
 Internet, Intranet & Extranet, Role of Internet in B2B Application,
Web promotion, Banner, Exchange, Shopping Bots.

 Electronic Payment System 6 Hours

 Introduction, Types of Electronic Payment System, Payment Types,
Value Exchange System, Credit Card System, Electronic Fund
Transfer, Paperless bill, Modern Payment Cash, Electronic Cash.

 Internet Marketing
 The PROS and CONS of online shopping, The cons of online shopping, 6 Hours
Justify an Internet business, Internet marketing techniques, The E-
cycle of Internet marketing, Personalization e-commerce.
Course Code: COMA (Theory)
Full Marks: 35 Contact Hours: 80
Unit – 1 Database Management System 15 Marks Total 35 Hours

 Introduction 3 Hours
 Drawbacks of Legacy System, Advantages of DBMS, Layered
Architecture of Database, Data Independence, Data Models, Schemas
and Instances, Database Languages, Database Users, DBA, Data

 Entity Relationship (ER) Modeling 7 Hours

 Entity, Attributes and Relationship, Structural Constraints, Keys
(Super Key, Key, Candidate Key, Alternate Key, Primary Key), ER
Diagram of Some Example Database, Weak and strong Entity Set,
Specialization and Generalization, Constraints of Specialization and
Generalization, Aggregation.

 Relational Model 8 Hours

 Basic Concepts of Relational Model, Relational Algebra.

 Integrity Constraints 2 Hours

 Domain Constraints, Referential Integrity, View.

 Introduction, Data Definition Language and Data Manipulation 15 Hours
Language, Data type (char(n), varchar(n), int, float, date), constraints
(not null, unique, primary key), create database, use database, show
databases, drop database, show tables, create table, describe table,
alter table (add and remove an attribute, add and remove primary
key), drop table, insert, delete, select, operators (mathematical,
relational and logical), aliasing, distinct clause, where clause, in,
between, order by, meaning of null, is null, is not null, like, update
command, delete command, aggregate functions (max, min, avg,
sum, count), group by, having clause, joins: cartesian product on two
tables, equi-join and natural join .

Unit – 2 Data Warehousing and Data Mining 10 Marks Total 20 Hours

 Introduction:
 What is Data Warehouse? Data Warehouse Modelling. Data Cude and 10 Hours
OLAP, Data Warehouse Implementation, Data Mining, what kind of
data can be mined, what kind of patterns can be mined, Data
cleaning, Data Transformation: Strategies, Overview.

 Data Mining Applications and Trends:

 Mining Sequence Data, Time Series, Symbolic, Biological, Statistical 10 Hours
Data Mining, Visual and audio Data Mining, Data Mining Application,
Data Mining trends.
Unit – 3 Foundation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) 10 Marks Total 25 Hours

 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 4 Hours

 Definition and scope of AI.
 Historical overview and key milestones.
 Differentiating AI from human intelligence.

 AI Subfields and Technologies

 Machine learning: Supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement 10 Hours
 Deep learning and neural networks.
 Natural language processing (NLP) and computer vision.

 Applications of AI 8 Hours
 AI in finance: Fraud detection, algorithmic trading, and risk
 AI in customer service and chatbots.
 AI in education: Personalized learning and intelligent tutoring

 Ethical and Social Implications of AI

 Bias and fairness in AI systems. 3 Hours
 Impact of AI on employment and the workforce.
 AI and social inequality.

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