Quincy Aftermarket Air Compressor Parts List
Quincy Aftermarket Air Compressor Parts List
Quincy Aftermarket Air Compressor Parts List
528 Hempstead Turnpike, West Hempstead, NY 11552 • Phone 516-481-5100 FAX 516-481-5550
www.iccparts.com [email protected] • Toll Free: Phone 877-ICC-ICC3 FAX 800-814-8883
ICC & Quincy Aftermarket Air Compressor Replacement Parts List
4610X3 (4610X2) 4610X........ 2024311781 VAL-1S-B-Q § 6949X (2002X) ....................... 2024300252 VAL-5S-Q
1553X11 (1553X10) 1553X1 (1553X3) 6949XU (2002XU) .................. 2024300253 VAL-5SU-Q
1919X ............. (2023910550) 2023910552 VAL-1D-B-Q § 6948X 1424AX ....................... ................. VAL-5D-Q
6948X2 (press fit) ................... 2024301052 VAL-5D-A-Q
6540X ................................... 2024300654 VAL-2S-Q 3657 ...................................... ................. VAL-5D-B-Q
8133 (6543X1) ....................... 2024300751 VAL-2D-Q
7749X (7749X1) ..................... 2024312052 VAL-6S-Q
7277X 2063X (1815X) 7277X1 ... 2024300454 VAL-3S-Q 7749XU .................................. 2024312055 VAL-6SU-Q
7277XU (1815XU) .................. 2024300455 VAL-3SU-Q 7749X1G (7749X1P) (nat. gas) . 2024312054 VAL-6S-G-Q
7277X1G (nat. gas) ................ 2024300456 VAL-3S-G-Q 7749GU (nat. gas) .................. ................. VAL-6S-GU-Q
7277GU (nat. gas) ................. 2024300457 VAL-3SU-G-Q 7750X (7750X1) ..................... 2024312152 VAL-6D-Q
7750X1G (nat. gas) ................ ................. VAL-6D-G-Q
7271X 7271X1 (6923X) 1819X1 ............... VAL-3D-Q
7271X1G (7271G) (nat. gas) . 2024301154 VAL-3D-G-Q 1822X ..................................... ................. VAL-7S-Q
7271X04 (new press fit) ............. 2024301153 VAL-3D-B-Q ♦ 1822XU .................................. ................. VAL-7SU-Q
1825X ..................................... ................. VAL-7D-Q
6671X (6671X1) 2015X.......... 2024300953 VAL-4S-Q
6671XU (2015XU) .................. 2024300955 VAL-4SU-Q 2129X ..................................... 2023910650 VAL-8S-Q
6671X1G (6671G) (nat. gas) .. 2024300956 VAL-4S-G-Q 2137X ..................................... ................. VAL-8D-Q
7240X (for vacuum) ............... 2021106002 VAL-4VS-Q 9319 (9319-1) 9055 ................ 2022136001 VAL-9S-Q
9318 (9318-1) 9067 ................ 2022135901 VAL-9D-Q
6670X (5812X) ....................... .................. VAL-4D-Q
6670X01 (press fit)................. 2024300853 VAL-4D-A-Q 160133-D01 (160033-D01) ..... 2023920501 VAL-33D-Q
6670X1G (nat. gas) ................ 2024300855 VAL-4D-G-Q 160133-SU1 (160033-SU1) .... 2023920506 VAL-33SU-Q
160134-D01 (160034-D01) ..... 2023920601 VAL-34D-Q
♦ See spring note on page QU-2 160134-SU1 (160034-SU1) .... 2023920606 VAL-34SU-Q
§ See Disc note on page QU-2
1552 (1552-001) .................... 2023905600 DISC-1-Q 7722 ....................................... 2023907200 DISC-9-Q
1552-002................................ 2023905700 DISC-1B-Q § 1779 ....................................... 2023905900 DISC-10-Q
1846 ....................................... 2023906300 DISC-2-Q 1784 ....................................... 2023906100 DISC-11-Q
1875 ....................................... 2023906500 DISC-3-Q 160033-S04 ............................ 2023911751 DISC-33-Q
2036 ....................................... 2023906600 DISC-4-Q 160034-S04 ............................ 2023911851 DISC-34-Q
1876 .......................... Copper .................... VSG-3-Q 2130 .......................... Copper 2024710200 VSG-7-Q
1876A ................... Aluminum .................... VSG-3A-Q 2130A .................... Aluminum..................... VSG-7A-Q
2024 ........................... Copper 2024709600 VSG-4-Q 9046 .......................... Copper 2024718500 VSG-8-Q
2024-001................Aluminum 2024709700 VSG-4A-Q
NEW – COMING SOON QUINCY 325, 350, 5120 & others RODS
RODS with Insert Bearings
6442X .................................. 2024410150 ROD-325L-Q 6655X (both LP & HP to ROC 11-21)
6442HPX .............................. 2024410151 ROD-325H-Q .......................... 2021105851 2021104201 ROD-350L-Q
110804X ................................. 2024409061 ROD-350H-Q
When ordering with Kits containing Inserts, Order BARE RODS (without Inserts)
1530X001 (1530G001)
.......................... 2024312551 2024312581 PSTR-325H-Q 5846X001 (8746) .................... 2024314751 PSTR-350H-Q
1530X011 .............................. 2024315252 PSTR-325H-10-Q 5846X011 ............................... 2024314753 PSTR-350H-10-Q
115815X ................................ .................. PSTR-325H-A-Q 5846C001 ............................... 2024314754 PSTR-350H-C-Q
1530C001 .............................. 2024315253 PSTR-325H-C-Q 5846X002 ............................... 2024314752 PSTR-350H-TF-Q
112082-001 ........................... 2021099801 PSTR-325H-CA-Q
Order PST instead of PSTR for PISTONS with Pins, without RINGS.
INSERT BEARINGS (Price is for Two Halves for One Connecting Rod.)
STANDARD .010 UNDERSIZE (continued)
2817-PR................................ .............. use IN-6444-PR-Q 2827-28-US ............................ ................. IN-2827-28U-Q
2819-PR................................. .................. IN-2819-PR-Q 6441-PRUS ............................ ................. IN-6441-PRU-Q
2824-PR (2824-25) ................ 2024224150 IN-2824-PR-Q 6444-PRUS (6444-010PR) ...... 2024224351 IN-6444-PRU-Q
6441-PR................................ .............. use IN-2824-PR-Q 6656-PRUS (6656-010PR) ..... 2024224451 IN-6656-PRU-Q
† Early ROC’s (Record of Change) of this compressor (before 1950) use Suction Valves that are now Obsolete, Quincy does not
show replacement discs or springs. These Kits are made assuming that the valves have been replaced by the 4610X valve.
TF with Taper Faced Rings Only SS with Side Seal Rings Only ♦ See Spring note on page QU-2 Ø Includes Oil Filter
§§ With side seal rings, not for vacuum pumps with Teflon rings B also Available with .010 Oversize Piston Rings call for pricing
Includes 8831 Oil Seal used in some later versions of this compressor using adjustment plate 6930-X1.
Natural Gas
240NG (ROC 100+) MOK-240NG-100-Q VSMOK-240NG-100-Q U W ♦
270NG (ROC 100+) MOK-270NG-100-Q VSMOK-270NG-100-Q U W
325NG (ROC 100+) MOK-325NG-100-Q VSMOK-325NG-100-Q U W ♦
340NG (ROC 100+) MOK-340NG-100-Q VSMOK-340NG-100-Q U W ♦
QT15 (ROC 100) &-QT10 4Cyl 4-1/2 & 2-1/2 x 3.5 VSMOK-QT15-100-Q
QT15 (ROC 101) 4-1/2 & 2-1/2 x 3.5 VSMOK-QT15-101-Q
QT15QCB (ROC 100C) 4-1/2 & 2-1/2 x 3.5 VSMOK-QT15QCB-100C-Q
QT25 (ROC 100-101) 6 & 3-1/4 x 4 VSMOK-QT25-100-Q Have to Modify or Replace Head
QT25 (ROC 102) 6 & 3-1/4 x 4 VSMOK-QT25-100-Q
QT25 (ROC 104+) 6 & 3-1/4 x 4 VSMOK-QT25-104-Q
QT25QCB (ROC 100C+) 6 & 3-1/4 x 4 VSMOK-QT25QCB-100C-Q
QRD Kits are now available! – contact us for details
Early ROC’s (Record of Change) of this compressor (before 1950) use Suction Valves that are now Obsolete, Quincy does not show
replacement discs or springs. These Kits are made assuming that the valves have been replaced by the 4610X valve.
TF with Taper Faced Rings Only SS with Side Seal Rings Only ♦ See Spring note on page QU-2 Ø Includes Oil Filter
§§ With side seal rings, not for vacuum pumps with Teflon rings B also Available with .010 Oversize Piston Rings call for pricing
KITS are available for older record of changes and kits for use with SYNTHETIC OIL and CLIMATE CONTROL.
Page QU-7 CATALOG 122 10/2015 Page QU-7
528 Hempstead Turnpike, West Hempstead, NY 11552 • Phone 516-481-5100 FAX 516-481-5550
www.iccparts.com [email protected] • Toll Free: Phone 877-ICC-ICC3 FAX 800-814-8883
ICC & Quincy Aftermarket Air Compressor Replacement Parts List
TUNE UP KITS TUK’s with Wearing Valve Parts. & Standard Size Piston Rings
To simplify ordering parts for single machine repair, TUK’s have been assembled which include Gasket Kit, shims, Piston Ring Kit,
insert bearings (if used in original rods), valve discs, springs, o-rings, oil seal and unloader diaphragms if required, to recondition
one compressor. Please order the correct filter element in the listing the AIR & OIL FILTER Section.
VALVE SET TUNE UP KITS VSTUK’s with Complete Replacement Valves.
VSTUK’s have been assembled which include all parts in TUK’s, with Complete Replacement Valves (current style) instead of
Wearing Valve Parts. Unloader kickoff pins & springs are also included, if required.
IMPORTANT PISTON RING NOTES: Quincy has used two styles of Piston Rings on these machines. Most of the old machines
were sold with Taper Faced Compression Rings, the newer machines were sold with Side Sealed Compression Rings. Side Sealed
rings do a better job, especially on a worn cylinder. We are now including them as standard in all kits (unless noted). However,
Taper Face rings are easier to install, and we are offering them as an option on most of the kits. Insert the letter “T” before the “Q”
in the TUK part number for Taper Face rings.
Kits marked with a “B” are available with Oversize Rings Taper Face– please call
UNDERSIZE BEARING KITS If you want any of the kits assembled with Undersize Bearings, insert the letter “U” before the “Q” in
the TUK part number for .010 Undersize Bearings, or insert the letter “W” before the “Q” for .020 Undersize Bearings.
206 (ROC 1 TO 10) TUK-206-1-Q VSTUK-206-1-Q Original Rods do not use Insert SS
206 (ROC 11 & UP) TUK-206-11-Q VSTUK-206-11-Q Original Rods do not use Insert SS
208 (ROC 1 & UP) TUK-208-1-Q VSTUK-208-1-Q Original Rods do not use Insert TF
210 (ROC 1 TO 9) TUK-210-1-Q VSTUK-210-1-Q Original Rods do not use Insert SS
210 (ROC 10 & UP) TUK-210-10-Q VSTUK-210-10-Q Original Rods do not use Insert SS
212 (ROC 1 TO 3†) TUK-212-1-Q VSTUK-212-1-Q Original Rods do not use Insert B
212 (ROC 4 TO 16† & 17 to 22) TUK-212-4-Q VSTUK-212-4-Q U W B
212 (ROC 23 TO 26) TUK-212-23-Q VSTUK-212-23-Q U W B
212 (ROC 27 & UP) TUK-212-27-Q VSTUK-212-27-Q U W B
306 (ROC 1 & UP)† TUK-306-1-Q VSTUK-306-1-Q Original Rods do not use Inserts L-TF
308 (ROC 1 TO 3)† TUK-308-1-Q VSTUK-308-1-Q Original Rods do not use Inserts H-TF
308 (ROC 4 TO 12† & 13 TO 19) TUK-308-4-Q VSTUK-308-4-Q U W H-TF
308 (ROC 20 & UP) TUK-308-20-Q VSTUK-308-20-Q U W H-TF
310 (ROC 1 TO 3)† TUK-310-1-Q VSTUK-310-1-Q Original Rods do not use Inserts
310 (ROC 4 TO 11† & 12 TO 19) TUK-310-4-Q VSTUK-310-4-Q U W
310 (ROC 20 & UP) TUK-310-20-Q VSTUK-310-20-Q U W
320 (ROC 1 & UP) TUK-320-1-Q N/A U W
325 (ROC 1 TO 5) TUK-325-1-Q VSTUK-325-1-Q U W B♦
325 (ROC 6 TO 8) TUK-325-6-Q VSTUK-325-6-Q U W B♦
325 (ROC 9 & UP) TUK-325-9-Q VSTUK-325-9-Q U W B♦
330 (ROC 1 TO 16) TUK-330-1-Q VSTUK-330-1-Q U W B
330 (ROC 17 & UP) TUK-330-17-Q VSTUK-330-17-Q U W B
340 (ROC 1 TO 3) TUK-340-1-Q VSTUK-340-1-Q Original Rods do not use Inserts
340 (ROC 4 TO 28) TUK-340-4-Q VSTUK-340-4-Q U W
340 (ROC 29 TO 36) TUK-340-29-Q VSTUK-340-29-Q U W ♦
340 (ROC 100 & UP) TUK-340-100-Q VSTUK-340-100-Q U W ♦
350 (ROC 1) TUK-350-1-Q VSTUK-350-2-Q U W B♦
350 (ROC 2 TO 10) TUK-350-2-Q VSTUK-350-2-Q U W B♦
350 (ROC 11 TO 12) TUK-350-11-Q VSTUK-350-11-Q U W B♦
350 (ROC 13 TO 22) TUK-350-13-Q VSTUK-350-13-Q U W B
350 (ROC 100 & UP) TUK-350-100-Q VSTUK-350-100-Q U W B
370 (ROC 1 TO 11) TUK-370-1-Q VSTUK-370-1-Q U W B
370 (ROC 100 & UP) TUK-370-100-Q VSTUK-370-100-Q U W B
390 (ROC 1 TO 10) TUK-390-1-Q VSTUK-390-1-Q U W
390 (ROC 11 TO 14) TUK-390-11-Q VSTUK-390-11-Q U W
390 (ROC 15 & UP) TUK-390-15-Q VSTUK-390-15-Q U W
5080 (ROC 1 & UP) TUK-5080-1-Q VSTUK-5080-1-Q U W ♦
5105 (ROC 1 TO 3) TUK-5105-1-Q VSTUK-5105-1-Q U W B♦
5105 (ROC 4 & UP) TUK-5105-4-Q VSTUK-5105-4-Q U W B
5120 (ROC 2 & UP) TUK-5120-2-Q VSTUK-5120-2-Q U W B
VALVE SET HEAD OVERHAUL KITS VSHOK’s with Complete Replacement Valves.
VSHOK’s have been assembled which include all parts in HOK’s, with Complete Replacement Valves (current style) instead of
Wearing Valve Parts. Unloader kickoff pins & springs are also included, if required.
† Early ROC’s (Record of Change) of this compressor (before 1950) use Suction Valves now Obsolete for which Quincy does not
show replacement discs or springs. These Kits are made assuming that the valves have been replaced by the 4610X valve.
♦ See Spring note on page QU-2
Vacuum Pumps
Please call for price and delivery of part numbers not listed
Remember! You risk nothing to check the quality of our products
Full money back Guarantee if not satisfied
Independent Components Corp. is an independent supplier of compressor replacement parts and is not affiliated with manufacturers
mentioned in this catalog. The original manufacturer’s product description and/or part number is given for reference only.
QT15 (ROC 100) &-QT10 4Cyl 4-1/2 & 2-1/2 x 3.5 VSHOK-QT15-100-Q
QT15 (ROC 101) 4-1/2 & 2-1/2 x 3.5 VSHOK-QT15-100-Q
QT15QCB (ROC 100C) 4-1/2 & 2-1/2 x 3.5 VSHOK-QT15QCB-100C-Q
QT25 (ROC 100-101) 6 & 3-1/4 x 4 Have to Modify or Replace Head VSHOK-QT25-100-Q
QT25 (ROC 102) 6 & 3-1/4 x 4 VSHOK-QT25-100-Q
QT25QCB (ROC 100C+) 6 & 3-1/4 x 4 VSHOK-QT25QCB-100C-Q
QR-100 VALVE REPAIR KITS have been assembled, which contain Valve Discs, Valve Springs, Dampening Plates, Locating
Pins and Valve Seat Gaskets
for 160133 D01 Discharge Valve ................ VRK-33D-Q for 160134 S01 Suction Valve .................... VRK-34S-Q
for 160133 S01 Suction Valve ..................... VRK-33S-Q for 9318 Discharge Valve ........................... VRK-9318-Q
for 160134 D01 Discharge Valve ................ VRK-34D-Q for 9319 & 9067 & 9055 Suction Valve ....... VRK-9319-Q
Kits may be available for other similar compressors. please call for details.
Independent Components Corp. Is an independent supplier of compressor replacement parts and is not affiliated with manufacturers
mentioned in this catalog. The original manufacturers product description and/or part number is given for reference only.
QUINCY STYLE MAINTENANCE KITS have been assembled, which contain Valve Discs, Valve Springs, Unloader
Diaphragms, Springs, Pins, (where used Unloader Felts), Gasket Set and Oil Pressure Gauge.
110516-210 (w/new valves) ... 2022116901 MKIT-210-Q 110516-340 ............................ 2022116910 MKIT-340-Q ♦
110516-216 (w/new valves) ... 2022116904 MKIT-216-Q 110516-350 ............................ 2022116911 MKIT-350-Q
110516-230 ............................ 2022116905 MKIT-230-Q ♦ 110516-370 ............................ 2022116912 MKIT-370-Q
110516-240 ............................ 2022116906 MKIT-240-Q ♦ 110516-390 ............................ 2022116913 MKIT-390-Q
QUINCY STYLE TUNE UP KITS have been assembled, which contain an Air Filter, Oil Filter, Valve Discs, Valve Springs,
Unloader Diaphragms, Valve Gaskets, and some other gaskets (usually Cover Plate).
111500-310 2022120501 TKIT-310-Q 111500-350 2022120504 TKIT-350-Q 111500-512 2022120507 TKIT-512-Q
111500-325 2022120502 TKIT-325-Q ♦ 111500-370 2022120505 TKIT-370-Q
111500-340 2022120503 TKIT-340-Q ♦ 111500-390 2022120506 TKIT-390-Q
112605 2023403300 PAD-2606-Q
7296 -2023402100 PAD-7296-Q
1-23 GK-3722-Q 24-28 GK-6033-Q 29+ GK-7088-Q 340 1 RK-7595SS-Q RK-4450TF-Q 1 RK-6452SS-Q RK-4425TF-Q
1-10 GK-5789-Q 11-12 GK-7089-Q 13+ GK-7503-Q 350 1 RK-7527SS-Q RK-5787TF-Q† 1 RK-8168SS-Q RK-6996TF-Q†
1+ GK-7503-Q 370 1 RK-7527SS-Q RK-5787TF-Q† 1 RK-8168SS-Q RK-6996TF-Q†
1-10 GK-2380-Q 11-14 GK-6007-Q 15+ GK-7079-Q 390 1 RK-8169SS-Q not available 1 RK-8170SS-Q RK-5627TF-Q
Some versions of the following Vacuum Pumps use Teflon Rings which are Not Available, call for information about optional ring availability
12-18GK-3718-Q 21-26 GK-5509-Q 28+ GK-7128-Q 230V 2 RK-6816SS-Q not available
1-4 GK-5510-Q 5+ GK-7127-Q 240V 2 RK-6816SS-Q not available
12-24 GK-3719-Q 28-32 GK-6032-Q 34+ GK-7087-Q 244V 2 RK-6817SS-Q not available
1+ GK-7087-Q 255V 2 not available RK-7354-Q
1565 ....................................... .................. DPH-1-Q 7854 ....................................... ................. DPH-3-Q
1565S .................................... 2025009500 DPH-1S-Q 8200 (7854S).......................... 2025009900 DPH-3S-Q
110639-001 ............................ 2024312201 SPAC-0639-Q 6281 ....................................... 2025040000 HYROD-6281-Q
110889X ................................ 2023908180 UNAD-0889-Q 6283 ....................................... 2023404500 FEL-6283-Q
110889-002 ............................ 2023908181 UNAD-08892-Q 6284 (110705-C10) ................ 2024811408 RP-6284-Q
121160 ................................... 2014701277 PLUG-1160-Q 6285 ....................................... 0335360020 LR-6285-Q
160006 ................................... 2025046400 UNSP-0006-Q 6304 ....................................... ................. RET-6304-Q
Please call for price and delivery of part numbers not listed
111016 128560 ................................... 1627413026 OS-8560-Q
(For 111011X carrier) ......... 2024719300 OS-1016-Q 6315 (for 5516X plate) ............ 2024720500 OS-6315-Q
111106-1 (111106) 6315-001 (Viton) ..................... 2024720600 OS-63151-Q
(For 111108X carrier) ........ 2024719400 OS-1106-Q
6316 (for 5506X1 plate) .......... 2024720700 OS-6316-Q
111781-001 (111781) ............ 2024719600 OS-7811-Q 6316-001 (Viton) ..................... 2024720800 OS-63161-Q
111878 ................................... 2024719600 OS-1878-Q 6519 ....................................... 2024721000 OS-6519-Q
112048 ................................... 2024719900 OS-2048-Q
8831 ....................................... 2024721100 OS-8831-Q
112255 ................................... 2024720000 OS-2255-Q Note: Used with 6930-1X adjustment plates in some
112596-001 (112596) ............ 2024720100 OS-2596-Q 270, 340 & QRB, 350 & QRB, and 370'
115058-001 (115058) ............ 2024720300 OS-5058-Q 8966 (8966-001) ..................... 2024721200 OS-8966-Q
O-RING KITS - ICC Style, These kits include only O-rings, no diaphragms or oil seal.
For 244-270,330-390, 5105, 5120............. OKIT-1-Q For 106, 108 ........................... ................. OKIT-4-Q
Above with Viton O-Rings .. .................. OKIT-1V-Q
For 212-240,-308-325 ............ .................. OKIT-2-Q For 206, 208, 210 ................... ................. OKIT-5-Q
Above with Viton O-Rings .. .................. OKIT-2V-Q Above with Viton O-Rings ...... ................. OKIT-5V-Q
For 4088, 4110, 4125, 5080 ... .................. OKIT-3-Q For X2, X3, X8 ........................ ................. OKIT-6-Q
Above with Viton O-Rings .. .................. OKIT-3V-Q For A4 .................................... ................. OKIT-7-Q
112708-908 ............................ 0663211775 ORG-8908-Q 6314 ....................................... ................. ORG-6314-Q
128772-004 ............................ .................. ORG-2004-Q 6320 ....................................... ................. ORG-6320-Q
128774-005 ............................ 2010356520 ORG-2005-Q 6329 ....................................... ................. ORG-6329-Q
2323 ....................................... .................. ORG-2323-Q 6755 ....................................... ................. ORG-6755-Q
2327 ....................................... .................. ORG-2327-Q 6851S (6851).......................... ................. ORG-6851-Q
22749 sss Viton O-Rings sss = Size ORING sss V See O-Rings in MISC
110663 sss Silicone O-Rings sss = Size ORING sss S See O-Rings in MISC
123157 sss Buna O-Rings sss = Size ORING sss B See O-Rings in MISC
See complete listing in FILTERS AIR-OIL SEPARATORS section
Please call for price and delivery of part numbers not listed
110428N031 . 0300012988 FW-N031-Q 1272 .............. 2024805600 CW-1272-Q 1833 ............. 2024708100 CB-1833-Q
110428N038 . 0300012969 FW-N038-Q 1273 .................................. BC-1273-Q 1833-1 .......... 2024708200 CB-1833-1-Q
110915 .......... 2024700300 VPC-0915-Q 1274 .................................. OP-1274-Q 1836 ............. 2024806100 FW-1836-Q
110916 .......... 2024700400 VPP-0916-Q 1315 .............. 2024705600 IP-1315-Q 1840 ............. 2024708300 IP-1840-Q
110917 .......... 2024700500 VPH-0917-Q 1315-1 ............................... IP-1315-1-Q 1840-1 ............................... IP-1840-1-Q
110940 .......... 2024700600 VPC-0940-Q 1353 .................................. HG-1353-Q 1871 .................................. HG-1871-Q
110941 .............................. VPP-0941-Q 1355 .................................. BC-1355-Q 1873 .................................. HG-1873-Q
110941-001 ... 2024700800 VPP-9411-Q 1383 .............. 2025040500 SH-1383-Q 1943 ............. 2024709100 HG-1943-Q
110941-2 ....... 2024700900 VPP-9412-Q 1383A ............ 2025040501 SH-1383A-Q 1943-1 .......... 2024709200 HG-1943-1-Q
110942 .......... 2024701100 VPH-0942-Q 1383B ............ 2025040502 SH-1383B-Q 1944 .................................. HG-1944-Q
110942-1 ....... 2024701200 VPH-9421-Q 1383D............ 2025040503 SH-1383D-Q 1945 ............. 2024709300 HG-1945-Q
111015-007 ... 2025040407 SH-5007-Q 141005 .......... 2014500856 FGG-1005-Q 1946 ............. 2024709400 HG-1946-Q
111015-010 ... 2025040410 SH-5010-Q 141915 .......... 2014500977 CIG-1915-Q 2023 ............. 2024709500 HG-2023-Q
111015-015 ... 2025040415 SH-5015-Q 141917 (22875) 2115 ............. 2025041000 SH-2115-Q
111228-003 ... 2024701403 VPCL-2283-Q ...................... 2014600148 IG-1917-Q 2025-1 ............................... VCG-6-1-Q
111228-004 ... 2024701404 VPCH-2284-Q 141918 .......... 1627413046 HIG-1918-Q 2115A ........... 2025041001 SH-2115A-Q
111229-001 ... 2024701501 VPHL-2291-Q 1471 .................................. FW-1471-Q 2115B ........... 2025041002 SH-2115B-Q
111274-001 ... 2024701601 VPHH-2741-Q 1478 (1478-1) 2024805800 CW-1478-Q 2123 ............. 2024710000 OP-2123-Q
111274-002 ... 2024701602 VPHH-2742-Q 1498 .............. 2025040600 SH-1498-Q 2124 ............. 2024710100 HG-2124-Q
111541 .............................. VPC-1541-Q 1498A ............ 2025040601 SH-1498A-Q 2155 ............. 2024710400 OP-2155-Q
111542 .......... 2024701800 VPH-1542-Q 1498B ............ 2025040602 SH-1498B-Q 2156 ............. 2024710500 HG-2156-Q
111575 .......... 2024701900 MG-1575-Q 1498C............ 2025040603 SH-1498C-Q 22531 ........... 2014502674 FPG-2531-Q
111782 .......... 2024702000 CB-1782-Q 1498D................................ SH-1498D-Q 22750-1 ........ 2014502710 CIG-7501-Q
112390-001 ... 2024702101 VPCL-3901-Q 1592 .............. 2024706300 BC-1592-Q 22865-1 (22865) ................ GKT-2865-Q
112390-002 ... 2024702102 VPCH-3902-Q 1593 .............. 2024706400 CB-1593-Q 23204 ........... 2014502716 GCG-3204-Q
112591 .......... 2024702200 CB-2591-Q 1594 .............. 2024706500 CB-1594-Q 23218 ........... 2014502721 OCG-3218-Q
112592 .......... 2024702300 BC-2592-Q 1594-1 ........... 2024706600 CB-15941-Q 23230-1 ........ 2014502722 HSG-2301-Q
112792............................. VPH-2792-Q 1598 .............. 2024706700 IP-1598-Q 23265 ........... 2014502723 GKT-3265-Q
112793......... 2024702600 VPC-2793-Q 1598-1 ............................... IP-1598-1-Q 2344 ............. 2024710600 CB-2344-Q
113334......... 2024702700 VPC-3334-Q 1599 .............. 2024706900 IP-1599-Q 2346 ............. 2024710700 FL-2346-Q
113617 .......... 2024703300 VPC-3617-Q 160019 .............................. HG-0019-Q 23548 ........... 2014502726 OCG-3548-Q
113618 .............................. VPH-3618-Q 160020 .............................. DPG-0020-Q 2530 ............. 2014502673 CPG-2530-Q
113618-002 ... 2024703400 VPH-36182-Q 160031 .............................. XHG-0031-Q 2550 ............. 2024711100 HG-2550-Q
113618-003 ... 2024703500 VPH-36183-Q 160041 .............................. CP-0041-Q 2693 ............. 2024711200 VPC-2693-Q
113755 .......... 2024703800 BCG-3755-Q 160054 .............................. HHG-0054-Q 2694 ............. 2024711300 VPH-2694-Q
113943 .......... 2024704300 CB-3943-Q 160056 .............................. WP-0056-Q 2695 ............. 2024711400 VSGS-2695-Q
114005 .......... 2024704500 VPC-4005-Q 160074 .......... 2024707800 HG-0074-Q 3100 ............. 2024711500 OT-3100-Q
114201 (114201-001) 160076 .......... 2024707900 FL-0076-Q 3975 .................................. GKT-3975-Q
...................... 2024704600 VPH-4201-Q 1644 .............. 2025040800 SH-1644-Q 4196 ............. 2024711800 VSGL-4196-Q
114440-L23 ....................... SCR-L23-Q 1644A ............ 2025040801 SH-1644A-Q 5071 .................................. HG-5071-Q
114583 .......... 2024704700 BC-4583-Q 1644B ............ 2025040802 SH-1644B-Q 5463 .................................. UB-5463-Q
114584 .......... 2024704900 CB-4584-Q 1644C............ 2025040803 SH-1644C-Q 5494 ............. 2024712000 BC-5494-Q
114585 .......... 2024705000 VPCL-4585-Q 1644D............ 2025040804 SH-1644D-Q 5494-1 .......... 2024712100 BC-5494-1-Q
114586 .......... 2024705100 VPHL-4586-Q 1831 .............. 2024708000 BC-1831-Q 5502 ............. 2024712200 BC-5502-Q
114599 .......... 2024705200 VPCH-4599-Q 1832 .............. 2025040900 SH-1832-Q 5502-1 .......... 2024712300 BC-5502-1-Q
114918 .......... 2024705300 BCG-4918-Q 1832A ............ 2025040901 SH-1832A-Q 5694 ............. 2024712400 IC-5694-Q
123091 .......... 2014500029 ING-3091-Q 1832B ............ 2025040902 SH-1832B-Q 5695 ............. 2024712500 HG-5695-Q
125577-001 ... 1627413018 EPD-7701-Q 1832C............ 2025040903 SH-1832C-Q 5696 ........................... HG-5696-Q
125689 .......... 2014500176 EPG-5689-Q 1832D............ 2025040904 SH-1832D-Q
1260 .................................. CB-1260-Q 1852-1 ........... 2024708900 VCG-2-1-Q
Page QU-22 CATALOG 122 10/2015 Page QU-22
528 Hempstead Turnpike, West Hempstead, NY 11552 • Phone 516-481-5100 FAX 516-481-5550
www.iccparts.com [email protected] • Toll Free: Phone 877-ICC-ICC3 FAX 800-814-8883
ICC & Quincy Aftermarket Air Compressor Replacement Parts List
5697 .............. 2024712600 IC-5697-Q 6274-1 ...... 2024714600 BC-6274-1-Q 6679 .......................... OT-6679-Q
5698 (1941) ... 2024712700 HG-5698-Q 6275 ...... 2024714700 IS-6275-Q 6679-1 .. 2024716400 OT-6679-1-Q
5699 .................................. HG-5699-Q 6294 ...... 2025041100 SH-6294-Q 6680 ...... 2024716500 HG-6680-Q
5700 .............. 2024712900 IC-5700-Q 6294A ... 2025041101 SH-6294A-Q 6680-1 .. 2024716600 HG-6680-1-Q
5700-1 ........... 2024713000 IC-5700-1-Q 6294B ... 2025041102 SH-6294B-Q 6882 ...... 2024807000 CW-6882-Q
6294C ... 2025041103 SH-6294C-Q
5701 .................................. HG-5701-Q 6682-1 ...................... VCG-4-1-Q
5702 .............. 2024713100 IC-5702-Q 6294D ... 2025041104 SH-6294D-Q 7000 ...... 2024716900 HG-7000-Q
5702-1 ........... 2024713200 IC-5702-1-Q 6312 ...... 2024714800 BC-6312-Q 7000-1 .. 2024717000 HG-7000-1-Q
5703 .............. 2024713300 HG-5703-Q 6312-1 .. 2024714900 BC-6312-1-Q 7229 .......................... HG-7229-Q
5826 .............. 2024713400 HG-5826-Q 6313 ...... 2024715000 OP-6313-Q 7398-1 ...................... VCG-5-1-Q
6318 ...... 2024715200 HG-6318-Q
5826-1 ........... 2024713500 HG-5826-1-Q 7403 ...... 2024717500 HG-7403-Q
5827 .............. 2024713600 CB-5827-Q 6335 ...... 2024715300 HG-6335-Q 7403-1 .. 2024717600 HG-7403-1-Q
5827-1 ........... 2024713700 CB-5827-1-Q 6335-1 .. 2024715400 HG-6335-1-Q 7449 .......................... IP-7449-Q
5827-2 ........... 2024713800 CB-5827-2-Q 6556 ...... 2025041200 SH-6556-Q 7451 ...... 2024717800 HG-7451-Q
5827-3 ........... 2024713900 CB-5827-3-Q 6556A ... 2025041201 SH-6556A-Q 7458 ...... 2024717900 IC-7458-Q
6556B ... 2025041202 SH-6556B-Q
5828 .................................. FL-5828-Q 7515 ...... 2024718000 HG-7515-Q
5828-1 ........... 2024714100 FL-5828-1-Q 6557 ...... 2024715600 CB-6557-Q 7746 ...... 2024718200 HG-7746-Q
5860 .............. 2024714200 IC-5860-Q 6558 ...... 2024715700 IP-6558-Q 9073 ...... 2024718700 MC-9073-Q
5860-1 ........... 2024714300 IC-5860-1-Q 6560 .......................... HG-6560-Q 9108 .......................... IP-9108-Q
5861 .............. 2024714400 HG-5861-Q 6561 ...... 2024715800 HG-6561-Q 9109 ...... 2024719000 CB-9109-Q
6572 ...... 2024716000 HG-6572-Q
6196-001 (9491) 6196 9137 .......................... HG-9137-Q
...................... 2023907101 CKD-6196-Q 6678 ...... 2024716100 IP-6678-Q 9604 ...... 2024719200 HG-9604-Q
6274 .............. 2024714500 BC-6274-Q 6678-1 ...................... IP-6678-1-Q
Note: We can make most gaskets in other materials, such as Graphoil or Compressed Graphite. Call for information.
2961-65.................................. 2023918105 ISV-65-Q 110513-115 ............................ 2013900014 SV-3115-Q
2961-90.................................. 2023918107 ISV-90-Q 110513-125 ............................ 2023913009 SV-3125-Q
2961-100................................ 2023918108 ISV-100-Q 110513-137 ............................ 2023913010 SV-3137-Q
2961-125................................ 2023918110 ISV-125-Q 110513-150 ............................ 2023913011 SV-3150-Q
110513-165 ............................ 2023913013 SV-3165-Q
2961-150................................ 2023918111 ISV-150-Q
2961-165................................ 2023918113 ISV-165-Q 110513-175 ............................ 2023913014 SV-3175-Q
2961-200................................ 2023918116 ISV-200-Q 110513-200 ............................ 2023913015 SV-3200-Q
2961-225................................ 2023918118 ISV-225-Q 110513-225 ............................ 2013900017 SV-3225-Q
110513-250 ............................ 2023913018 SV-3250-Q
2961-250................................ 2023918119 ISV-250-Q
3022-100................................ 2023918305 SV-2100-Q 111089-215 ............................ 2023913610 SV-9125-Q
8158-60.................................. 2023919802 SV-9158-60-Q 11425-270 .............................. 2023914002 SV-1425-270-Q
Other Safety Valves are available – please call with either-Quincy part number or size
21615 ..................................... 2013306113 MUF-1615-Q
22014 ..................................... 1627456342 MUF-2014-Q
22014-001.............................. 2013201432 MUF-20141-Q
22014-002.............................. 2013201433 MUF-20142-Q
22014-003.............................. 2013201434 MUF-20143-Q