Paas-Onomics: TH E On-Demand Enterprise Applications Platform
Paas-Onomics: TH E On-Demand Enterprise Applications Platform
Paas-Onomics: TH E On-Demand Enterprise Applications Platform
Applications Platform
A CIO’s Guide to using Platform-as-a-Service to Lower Costs of
Application Initiatives While Improving the Business Value of IT
According to Goldman Sachs in their July 2008 IT an organization. Both these factors should have CIOs
Sales Opportunity survey of 100 CIOs, less than 2% taking a closer look at PaaS not only for its economic
of them said cloud computing was a priority. In fact, benefits, but as an opportunity to improve information
it was ranked last in a series of initiatives. In an in- management and processes across the enterprise.
creasingly competitive business environment and the PaaS can add significant value to enterprise IT by
emergence of cloud computing and its offshoot, plat- enabling IT to better serve the business, operate at a
form-as-a-service (PaaS) solutions, these CIOs seem strategic level with business divisions and rapidly de-
to be missing a bigger picture. liver application solutions to business partners.
That’s because PaaS offers businesses a very de-
monstrable ROI while also strengthening operations
to support as many business-positive projects as pos- ment, all beyond the oversight, control and expertise
budgets based on contingencies around the business The departmental distraction, network traffic and
climate, sudden new challenges, and updating technol- cost to manage and maintain those solutions or to en-
ogy. And every CIO has an IT backlog – the long tail of sure they have the right security and access control can
IT - a set of projects that are important and impactful be significant and should be under the purview of Cor-
be realized because of resource constraints, money, or Long tail projects can become a hindrance to busi-
where the level of project complexity requires too much ness growth. After all, a company is only as strong as
time to complete or specialized talent. its weakest point. Businesses that have broken produc-
Rightly so, the core enterprise applications that jus- tivity areas collect a sea of missed opportunities to im-
tify big IT spending are mission critical to the company prove corporate performance, competitive position, IT
and should be top of mind for the CIO, but those back- governance, or increased revenues. In most cases, these
burning projects are still – well – burning. Over time, departmental solutions could have been quickly devel-
those long tail applications take a toll operationally oped and delivered by IT if there was corporate adop-
and on general productivity. And business constituents tion of a central application platform. Of course, IT is
come to rely more and more on their own makeshift so- busy keeping the lights on, but wouldn’t it be better for
lutions, including large, complex spreadsheets, home- the business to not need so many different lights.
LongJump - The On-Demand Enterprise Applications Platform
The Birth of a Silo The IT application portfolio gets thicker with more
To understand how IT has gotten to where it is today, vendors, more off-the-shelf software and an increasing
we need to examine how new applications are intro- number of sub-projects. Applications take on a life of
Traditionally, IT would have to purchase physical geared towards application lifecycle management.
hardware and then deploy some type of application Let’s also consider that features that are developed in
infrastructure. That includes web servers, application these silos often cannot be leveraged into other applica-
servers, databases, creating application frameworks, tions. They are disconnected and separate. This drives
etc. Of course, that means someone has to manage each the cost of maintenance sky high and results in unpre-
of those layers. Scalability, data recovery and security dictable IT spending whenever that application needs
issues also come into play. In many cases, much of the to be updated.
resource time and costs involved in building occur be- Ultimately, the application becomes its own silo and
fore the application has ever been defined. development teams have to reinvent the wheel for every
Then application architects are tasked with: new business problem or application function. Over