FORM 4 Chapter 5 Waves

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Chapter 5 Waves
Prepared by: Chern Jiek Lee 1kHz = Hz
1MHz = Hz
5.1 Fundamentals of Waves 1GHz = Hz

Tick below what you think are waves.

If a wave starts from 0 meters and then moves up and down
sinusoidally 5 times in 1 second. What is the period of the
wave? What is the frequency of the wave? Hint: Draw the
wave out first!


Transverse waves: Particles vibrate perpendicular/ along the

lines of motion and consists of a series of “peaks” and
Longitudinal waves: Particles vibrate perpendicular/ along
the lines of motion and consists of a series of compression
and expansion.

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Where do waves come from?

Answer: Vibrations or oscillations.

An example for vibration is the way we speak. Your lung

pumps the air and vibrates your vocal cords. This vibration is
then “adjusted” by the larynx to fine tune the pitch and tone.

Examples of oscillating systems include a simple pendulum

or a spring with a load on one end (watch videos).

Looking at the picture (right) above, can you tell me at which

point/s is the amplitude of oscillation? Hint: A, B or C

Amplitude, A: The maximum displacement from the original

position. The SI unit for amplitude is in meters. Suggest a way we find the period, T?
Wavelength, λ: The horizontal distance between two points
that are in phase. The SI unit for amplitude is in meters.
Period, T: Time taken for the wave to complete a cycle or
return to its original displacement. The SI unit for periods is What happens when I pull A even higher. What changes?
Frequency, f: The number of complete cycle’s in a second
(How many times did the wave go up, down and up again or The frequency does not change when we increase the swing
down, up, and down again in 1 second). The SI unit for height of the pendulum (increase its amplitude, A). The
frequency is hertz (Hz) OR seconds-1. frequency of oscillation depends only on the length of the
pendulum. Why? natural frequency of the pendulum is given
Hence, the relationship between frequency and period is by

1 1 𝑔
𝑓= 𝑓= √
𝑇 2𝜋 𝑙

The speed of the wave can be calculated from

Where l is the length of the pendulum and g is gravitational
𝑣 = 𝑓𝜆 constant (Note: this formula is not examinable in SPM but is
examinable in STPM and A-levels).

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5.2 Damping and Resonance

The natural frequency of a system is the frequency of the

system, which oscillates freely without an external force.

After a while, the pendulum will stop oscillating due to

damping. Damping is the decrease of a system’s amplitude
due to wasted energy as heat. There are two types of damping:
external and internal.

External damping: Air resistance.

Internal damping: Extension and compression of the If we pull oscillate pendulum X which pendulum will
molecules of a system. oscillate with the biggest amplitude? Why? Why? Hint:
Pendulum X is the external driving force.
The figure below shows a normal or forced oscillation

If we add a bit of damping to the system above, the oscillation

will then look like this

How do you keep the pendulum oscillating?

By continuously applying a force to the pendulum.

Such a motion is called forced oscillation. When the

frequency of the external force is the same as the system, the
system will oscillate with the largest possible amplitude. This
is called resonance.

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5.3 Reflection of Waves Try this refraction problem!

Waves show the following four main phenomena: reflection, Deep

Refraction, diffraction, and interference.

Reflection: Change of direction when it collides with a

reflective barrier.

5.4 Refraction of Waves

Refraction: Change of direction when it goes through a

change of medium. E.g. Water waves change direction when
there is a change in the speed of the water. The speed of the
water changes when there is a change in the depth of the
water. From deep to shallow waters the wave’s speed
increases/ decreases as the wavelength becomes shorter.
From shallow to deep waters the wave’s speed increases/
decreases as the wavelength becomes longer (Hint: recall v
= fλ). Refraction occurs when the direction of motion is not
perpendicular to the border between the deep and shallow
regions. E.g. tsunami

Hint: 1) Draw a line representing the direction of the wave

2) Draw the normal line.

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5.5 Diffraction of Waves

Diffraction: Spreads when it passes through an opening or an

edge. Diffraction increases when the size of the gap
decreases, or the wavelength of the waves increases. E.g. Sea

5.6 Interference of Waves

Interference: Interference of waves is the superposition of

waves from two coherent sources. The principle of
superposition states that when two or more waves pass
through each other, the net displacement at a given point is
equal to the vector sum of the displacement of the individual
waves. What this means in layman terms is…

There are two types of interference:

Constructive interference: A crest meets another crest or a
trough meets another trough.
Destructive interference: A crest meets a trough. Think of
it as canceling each other out at that point.

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In the previous diagrams, which are constructive and which
are destructive?

The following diagram shows the interference of two water


Maxima or antinodal lines are lines where constructive

interference occurs. Minima or nodal lines are lines where
destructive interfer
ence occurs.

The distance between two successive antinodal lines or

nodal lines can be calculated using:


Where x is the distance between two successive lines

a is distance between two coherent sources of waves
D is the distance from the waves sources to the line
PQ where x is measured

A quick summary of what occurs in each of the four

phenomena you have learned so far.

Reflection Refraction Diffraction Interference

Direction Speed Spreading Constructive
change change of waves
Wavelength Destructive

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5.7 Electromagnetic Waves

Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves. It consists of

electric field and magnetic field components. It can
propagate without the need for a medium to carry
it, unlike mechanical waves (e.g. water). The speed at which
electromagnetic waves travel is 3x108 ms-1. If this number
seems familiar, it’s because that’s the speed of light. Light is
a wave or, more specifically, an electromagnetic wave. There
are seven types of waves in the electromagnetic spectrum.

Mnemonic time!


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