TRA - Amine System Degreasing - October 14, 2018

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Part A Job Safety Analysis(TRA)

Provide job details

Location / Project: ERC Project – Mostorod - EGYPT Date: TRA No. 02/12/14/2018

/Company name: N/A N/A
(if applicable)
This has been developed and authorised by:


Position: Commissioning Supervisor Date: Date: October 14, 2018

Mr. Abdullatif

TRA Team: Mr. Abdullatif, Mr. You Jaeho

Description of Work Activity: Amine System Degreasing

Circuit 1 - ARU & SWS
Circuit 2 – HCU, DHT, DCU, VDU

This TRA was reviewed by:

Name: Ijaz Hussain

Position: Commissioning HSE Engineer Date: October 14, 2018

Signature: Phone: 01000152851

Type of permit required (if applicable) Type of isolation PPE required Equipment required

 Hot work  PIC  Electrical  Safety glasses  Gloves  Barricading / signs

 Cold work  EIC  Mechanica  Chemical goggles  Safety harness  Electrical earth leakage unit

 Confined space  Vehicle Entry  Manual  Face shield  Respirator  Fire extinguisher
 Release Permit  Insulation  Pneumatics  Dust mask  Safety shoes  Lifting equipment

 Excavation Checklist  Scaffolding   Hi-Viz vest  Hard Hat  Whip Arrestor /Safety Lashes

Potential environmental hazards Hazardous substances and dangerous goods Manual handling
Is there the potential for the job to cause environmental harm? List any chemicals to be used and attach a copy of the Will hazardous manual handling be possible during the job?
 Air pollution (dust, fumes)  There will be no hazardous manual handling in this job

 Hazard to flora or fauna  The task may involve high forces

 Noise (plant and equipment)  The task will require repetitive forceful movements

 Spills to drains / waterways  The task is likely to cause fatigue or soreness due to its long duration

 Spills to ground  Environmental factors are likely to increase the chance of injury

 Soil erosion  Awkward posture or movements


Breakdown the job to be performed into sequential steps.

Step Description of Task Hazards Consequences Base line Existing Risk Control measures Residual Responsible Party
No. Step Against each step list the hazards People, Environment, Risk ranking List the control measures available to eliminate or minimize Risk to implement the
List the steps that could cause harm to people or Assets, Reputation the risk of harm arising from the identified hazard. Note: If Ranking control measure
required to perform the environment when the task is the risk is still High or Extreme, do not begin work. identified
the activity in the
sequence they are performed S L C S L C
carried out
Site Preparation  Job performer (Craftsman) Injuries 3 B Cat 1 E Cat Commissioning &
Property/material 2  Only qualified and trained workers shall perform 4
1 not familiar of the area
the job Safety Team
and /or to job. damage/theft
 Training safety induction for all workers (in case of
 Tools and equipment’s
3rd party).
unsuitability and instability
 SIMOPS (Conflict of  Provide flexible hoses, fittings, manifolds, gauges
activities or access/ blocked and valves should be of rated capacity and with
restricted) valid Inspection Certificates.
 Material /tools left
unattended and potential  Resolve the conflict of activities (SIMOPS) with
theft. construction team
 Job performer (Craftsman)  All hand tools and power tools should be suitable
not familiar of the make and inspected and color coded.
emergency procedure
 Incorrect lines, spool and  Manual handling of tools and equipment’s (hoses,
valve identification fittings, spools, valves) must be avoided and should
be mechanically transferred.
 Prior to bring the worker, tools and equipment,
conduct job site inspection and ensure there is no
conflict with other activities and access for workers
and equipment’s are not blocked.
 Assign responsibilities to workers to ensure job
site, tools and equipment’s are not left unattended.
 Use P&IDs for line, spool and valve identification
 Use mandatory and job specific PPEs.
 Conduct Toolbox talk and communicate to all
craftsman to be aware of how to report
o Call emergency number (01004459115)
o Say, “This is an emergency!”
o Describe the incident location
o Describe the incident
o Report injuries, if any
o Give your name and badge number
o Repeat the above information
o Stay on the line until further instructed
Soda Ash & 4 A Cat  Only trained workers will participate in the chemical 2 D Cat Commissioning &
Hydrochloric Acid  Inappropriate handling 1 handling. 4 Safety Team
Handling  Lack of awareness Leaks, rupture,  All chemical handling PPEs should be available,
 Lack of adequate PEE used and disposed off, after being used.
 Lack of mitigation controls Acute health effects
 Chemical gloves, full face mask, chemical boots,
(Eye wash, safety showers,
first aid) Chronic health effects apron, chemical suits, safety helmet, glasses, and
 Chemical can enter the eye wash will be mandatory)
body by Inhalation, Body Target organ effects  MSDS shall be present always at the work place and
2 contact, Ingestion, swallow- all instruction mentioned in MSDS must be
Severe injuries
up if not handled properly. followed.
Fatal if ingested  Immediately go the emergency shower and flush
your eyes and body parts if splashed and /or
contaminated with chemicals.
 If the symptoms, persist, seek help from Doctor at
Green Zone.

 Incorrect preparation. Injury, 4 A Cat  Ensure system MCC is signed off, PSSR’s 2 D Cat
Incorrect valves, line and 1 performed and a TRA approved. 4
Loop/Circuit equipment identification Equipment damage  All spring hangers, stoppers are removed and set at
Preparation  Personnel exposure cold setting.
(Dynamic water Schedule delay  The line re-instatement is completed and system is
 Instruments, piping not
flushing, Leak ready.
protected Material Waste
Test &  If required control valves are removed and made a
Degreasing) temporary spools, and instruments are
Manual Handling isolated/removed where ever required (like FE, RO,
TE and analyzers).
 The Amine system and Amine associated lines in
interconnecting, HCU, DHT, VDU and DCU must
be correctly identified and marked up on the P&IDs.
 Ensure carbon filter and the mechanical filters are
isolated and completely out of service for the whole
duration (Remove strainers, demisters, activated
carbon media and take line).
 Install temporary strainers at the suction of pumps;
if needed during water flushing.
 Ensure blinds are inserted as per blind list and
 Ensure Safety valves calibrated and installed.
 Ensure blind/blanks /caps and /or plugs are installed
to isolate the system from other systems.
 All instruments, valves, filter sand strainers shall be
removed during water flushing.
 Correct type and rated temporary hosed, piping and
fittings required for degreasing, filling, sampling
and daring the system will be installed.
 Laboratory Facilities shall be operational at site
and/or third party.
 All system shall be checked for any possible leaks.
 Functional Eye shower with water shall be installed
at site.
Dynamic Water  Incorrect preparation Schedule delays 2 D Cat  Ensure the systems has be prepared for leak tests 1 D Cat Commissioning &
Flushing and Leak 4 and dynamic water flushing. 4 Safety Team
Tests  Ensure the temporary jump-over has been used,
instruments have been removed.
 Verify that dust, rust, sand and other debris has been
 Improper Soda Ash Leakage, rupture and 4 A Cat  The tools, equipment being used on site must follow 2 D Cat Commissioning &
3 Solution Preparation damage of chemical 1 the GS testing, certification and color coding 4 Safety Team
Amine System  Inadequate soda ash mixing injection and requirement and ensue that they don’t pose any
Degreasing, & circulation system additional hazards like fire and or explosion.
 Inaccurate circulation
Rinsing  The following documents shall be available at
Acute health effects jobsite, prior to start the cleaning:
(Circuit 1 &2)  Incorrect temperature o Material safety data sheets (MSDS) for all
adjustment Chronic health effects chemical used.
 Nitrogen leak o Amine degreasing procedure.
 Miscommunication Target organ effects o Plans for Chemical Waste disposal.
 Incorrect sampling  Ensure to remove all jump-over and temporary
Severe injuries connections and bring the systems back to normal
 Incorrect removal of grease,
operating status.
surface active agents(pumps Fatal if ingested  Establish a good communication between field staff
and valve lubricants) and Personal Injury and DCS /Console Panel Operator.
rust inhibition coatings
 Follow the correct sequence for lining-up the
 Incorrect sequence of Material loss systems for degreasing activity.
 Notify to affected personnel and remove
degreasing Suffocation unauthorized workers from area.
 Degreasing must be conducted with the suitable
Leading to amine flushing flow.
emulsification  Follow the safety precautions as listed in MSDS
(Foaming)  Follow the Amine degreasing steps as listed in the
Amine degreasing procedure.
Loss of amine  Use Nitrogen for blanketing the system and for
circulation pressure adjustment.
Lowered amine  Calculate and prepare the correct Soda Ash solution
efficiency. 2.5 to 3.0 (wt.) %.
 Ensure the correct mixing and solution preparation
Environmental issues by taking samples from different level of the Soda
Ash storage tank; TK-2701.
 Verify & adjust the Superheated LP steam
temperature between (65-70°C)
 Prevent spilled chemicals from entering sewers,
confined spaces, drains, or waterways. In case, some
chemical has gone into sewers or drains or
waterways neutralize it and then wash/dilute it with
a large amount of water. Note that activities
performed should be in accordance with MSDS of
specific chemical.
 In the case large spill, then remove spilled product
with explosion proof pumps or vacuum equipment.
Otherwise, try to spread absorbent materials to soak
up the spilled material and remove the absorbents
after use.
 Remove any contaminated soil and treat it
accordingly before disposal.
 Take and check Sample for: pH, Oil, Grease, Iron
content, TSS and Soda ash content.
Neutralization Leaks, rupture, 3 B Cat  Once the degreasing completion, the degreased 2 D Cat Commissioning &
4 (Hydrochloric  Chemical exposure 2 effluent will be transferred to a neutralization pit 4 Safety Team
Acid) , Job  Inappropriate Neutralization Acute health effects and neutralized to meet the governing rules and
Restoration,  Inappropriate disposal regulations.
Chronic health effects
Housekeeping and  Tripping, slipping and  The degreasing circuit is rinsed with condensate at
Preservation falling Target organ effects least twice to remove completely the last traces of
 Blocking the access way. the alkaline (tested by laboratory) with maximum
 Work at heights Severe injuries draining.
 The rinsed effluent shall be disposed of as above.
 Health hazard Fatal if ingested The permissible soda ash content in the residual
rinsed effluent shall be less than 5ppm vol.
Environmental impact  Ensure there is no remaining fluid pressure inside a
line before breaking any flange point; the line must
be drained properly.
 Any residual pressure shall be carefully released to a
safe location.
 Waste water disposal plan approved by
Commissioning Safety for disposal to allocated
areas only and /or use 3rd party for waste disposal
 The system must be dried after cleaning by Nitrogen
 Follow the housekeeping guidelines ( select a place
for everything and everything should be on its
 Remove the barricading after housekeeping
 Use instruments or Nitrogen to preserve the system
as per Client Instruction.

Provide additional information required to perform the work safely

Plant / equipment to be used:

Inspection and maintenance requirements:

e.g. pre-start checks
Personnel, duties and responsibilities:
Commissioning Engineer to supervise the job.

Qualifications, licenses or competencies required by personnel to perform work:

Training required to perform work:

PTW, Work at Height, LOTO

Codes of Practice or Egyptian Standards to be complied with:

Engineering details, certificates, Egyptian Regulatory Authority approvals:

Declaration by contractors and workers (each party from the top to the lowest level of workers):
I have been consulted and have assisted in the development of this TRA.
I have been given the opportunity to comment on the content of this TRA.
I have read and understand how I am to carry out the activities listed in this TRA.
I have been supplied with the personal protective equipment identified on this JSA and I have been given training in the safe use of this equipment.
I have read and understand the requirements set out in the material safety data sheets for the hazardous substances identified in this TRA.

Date Position / Job title Name Signed Date Position / Job title Name Signed

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