Artigo Revisao Teste Rapido
Artigo Revisao Teste Rapido
Artigo Revisao Teste Rapido
We systematically reviewed available evidence from Embase, Medline, and the Cochrane Library on diagnostic accuracy and clinical
impact of commercially available rapid (results <3 hours) molecular diagnostics for respiratory viruses as compared to conventional
molecular tests. Quality of included studies was assessed using the Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies criteria for
diagnostic test accuracy (DTA) studies, and the Cochrane Risk of Bias Assessment and Risk of Bias in Nonrandomized Studies of
Interventions criteria for randomized and observational impact studies, respectively. Sixty-three DTA reports (56 studies) were
meta-analyzed with a pooled sensitivity of 90.9% (95% confidence interval [CI], 88.7%–93.1%) and specificity of 96.1% (95% CI,
94.2%–97.9%) for the detection of either influenza virus (n = 29), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) (n = 1), influenza virus and RSV
(n = 19), or a viral panel including influenza virus and RSV (n = 14). The 15 included impact studies (5 randomized) were very het-
erogeneous and results were therefore inconclusive. However, we suggest that implementation of rapid diagnostics in hospital care
settings should be considered.
Keywords. rapid test; molecular diagnostics; diagnostic accuracy; impact; review.
Acute respiratory tract infections (RTIs) have a high disease lower RTI [6]. Although being faster in comparison to conven-
burden and are the third cause of death worldwide [1, 2]. tional techniques, RT-PCR–based diagnostics still took up to 48
Respiratory viruses predominate as causative pathogens in hours from sampling to result [6], whereas nowadays we have ac-
patients hospitalized with acute RTI, accounting for 50%–66% cess to rapid diagnostics with turnaround times of >1 hour [11].
of microbiological etiologies [3–5]. Rapid identification of Whether these rapid methods lead to improved patient out-
viral etiologies may improve effective patient management by comes, however, is still under debate. First, there is a wide range of
influencing decision making on antibiotic treatment, antiviral rapid tests available with large differences in diagnostic accuracy.
therapy, hospital admission, length of stay, and implementation Reviews evaluating accuracy of available rapid tests for respira-
of infection-control measures to prevent further transmission tory viruses either included a heterogeneous group of tests in-
[2, 6]. It may also lead to avoidance of unnecessary costs and cluding both ultrarapid but less sensitive antigen-based tests and
antimicrobial resistance by reducing unnecessary prescriptions more sensitive but slightly slower molecular tests [11–13], com-
of antibiotics [7–10]. pared rapid tests to outdated techniques as viral culture or immu-
About a decade ago, the transition from conventional tech- noassays [13], focused on only 1 or 2 viral pathogens, mostly
niques as viral cultures and immunoassays to reverse-transcription influenza virus [11], or focused on 1 specific assay [14, 15]. To
polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) techniques did not result in guide physicians and hospitals in their choice for rapid diagnostic
a reduction in overall antibiotic use in hospitalized patients with tools and how to value and interpret their results, a diagnostic
test accuracy (DTA) review of available molecular rapid tests as
Received 5 November 2018; editorial decision 7 January 2019; accepted 16 January 2019;
compared to the best available reference standard—RT-PCR or
published online January 28, 2019. other molecular methods—is essential. Second, even with tests
Correspondence: L. M. Vos, Department of Infectious Diseases, University Medical Center
that demonstrate high accuracy, there are conflicting conclusions
Utrecht, Utrecht University, Heidelberglaan 100, 3584 CX Utrecht, The Netherlands (l.m.vos-6@ on whether implementation of these tests results in better patient
Clinical Infectious Diseases® 2019;69(7):1243–53 outcomes. A review on clinical impact of rapid molecular tests
© The Author(s) 2019. Published by Oxford University Press for the Infectious Diseases Society
of America. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
that summarizes and assesses sources of heterogeneity to explain
Attribution Non-Commercial License (, which these discrepant results is therefore highly needed.
permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original
work is properly cited. For commercial re-use, please contact [email protected]
In this review, we provide an overview of available molec-
DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciz056 ular rapid tests that can provide results for the detection of
Review of Rapid Molecular Tests for Viruses • CID 2019:69 (1 October) • 1243
respiratory viruses within 3 hours. We systematically summa- quality of the included studies was reviewed using the Quality
rize quality and meta-analyze results of DTA studies and sys- Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies (QUADAS-2) cri-
tematically review studies evaluating the clinical impact of teria [17] for DTA studies, the Cochrane Risk of Bias tool [18]
rapid molecular testing for respiratory viruses. for randomized clinical impact studies, and the Risk of Bias in
Nonrandomized Studies of Interventions (ROBINS-I) tool [19]
METHODS for nonrandomized clinical impact studies.
We followed the guidance provided by the Cochrane DTA
Working Group [16]. This systematic review was registered Statistical Analysis
in the Prospero database under CRD42017057881. A system- Sensitivity and specificity were calculated using 2 × 2 contin-
atic literature search for both DTA and clinical impact stud- gency tables for all index tests from the included DTA studies.
ies was conducted (Supplementary Materials 1A). The search Sensitivities and specificities of individual studies with their
was performed in Medline, Embase, and the Cochrane Library corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were presented
on 31 August 2017. Inclusion and exclusion criteria and the in paired forest plots. We used the bivariate random-effects
screening process are described in Supplementary Materials model to meta-analyze the logit-transformed sensitivities and
1B and 1C, respectively. Data extraction for both DTA and specificities to obtain a summary estimate together with a
clinical impact studies was conducted in a systematic man- random-effects 95% confidence and prediction interval. This
ner (Supplementary Materials 1D and 1E). Methodological model takes into account the precision by which sensitivities
Search (n = 4197)
MEDLINE (n = 1869)
EMBASE (n = 2119)
Cochrane Library (n = 209)
Duplicates excluded
(n = 1255)
Title/abstract screening
(n = 2942)
Records excluded
(n = 2782)
DTA studies included Impact studies included Non-available full text (n=11)
Language non-English/Dutch (n=3)
(n = 29) (n = 4) Review/ modelling study (n=3)
DTA studies included Impact studies included Rapid or synonym not in ti/ab (n=18)
Virus not in ti/ab (n=7)
(n = 56) (n = 15) No abstract (n=2)
Figure 1. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) flowchart. Abbreviations: DTA, diagnostic test accuracy; PCR, polymerase chain
reaction; RSV, respiratory syncytial virus; RTI, respiratory tract infection; ti/ab, title/abstract.
the most frequently described assays were pooled per assay. Influenza A and Ba 29 (46.0)
Influenza A, B, and RSVb 20 (31.7)
Heterogeneity between studies was assessed by subgroup anal-
Panel of virusesc 14 (22.2)
yses using bivariate random-effects regression for different Study population
study populations, different assays, different viruses that were Children 8 (12.7)
assessed, different study designs, and studies with different Adultsd 7 (11.1)
quality. For clinical impact studies, a descriptive summary of Children and adults 26 (41.3)
Not reported 22 (34.9)
the quality of included studies was given. Results of clinical
Patient symptoms
impact studies were not pooled quantitatively, but presented Patients with ILI or symptoms of an RTIe 36 (57.1)
per clinical outcome arranged by study quality. All analyses Symptoms not described 27 (42.9)
were performed in R Studio, and ROC plots were made using Tests evaluated
AdvanSure (LG Life Sciences)f 3 (4.8)
Stata version 11 software.
Alere i Influenza A&B assay (Alere) 14 (22.2)
Aries Flu A/B & RSV assay (Luminex)f 2 (3.2)
Cobas Liat Influenza A/B (Roche Diagnostics) 5 (7.9)
Diagnostic Accuracy Enigma MiniLab (Enigma Diagnostics Ltd)f 1 (1.6)
After screening (Figure 1), 63 separate reports were included FilmArray (BioFire Diagnostics) 10 (15.9)
Cepheid Xpert Flu Assay (Cepheid) 9 (14.3)
in the meta-analysis from 56 individual DTA study publica-
ePlex RP Panel (GenMark Diagnostics)f 1 (1.6)
tions (Supplementary Materials 2). The main characteristics PLEX-ID Flu Assay (Abbott Molecular)f 1 (1.6)
of the included DTA reports are described in Table 1. The me- RIDAGENE Flu & RSV kit (R-Biopharm AG)f 1 (1.6)
dian sample size in these reports was 95 patients (interquar- Roche RealTime (Roche Diagnostics)f 2 (3.2)
tile range [IQR], 49–196). The included reports evaluated 13 Simplexa Flu A/B & RSV kit (Focus Diagnostics) 9 (14.3)
Verigene Respiratory Virus Plus test (Nanosphere) 5 (7.9)
commercial molecular rapid diagnostic tests. Of these, the
Reference standard
most frequently studied tests were the Alere i Influenza A&B In-house or laboratory-developed RT-PCR 22 (34.9)
assay (Alere, Scarborough, Maine; 14 reports), Cobas Liat Commercial RT-PCRg 41 (65.1)
Influenza A/B (Roche Diagnostics, Indianapolis, Indiana; 5 See Supplementary Materials 2 for the reference list of studies.
reports), FilmArray (BioFire Diagnostics, Salt Lake City, Utah; Abbreviations: ILI, influenza-like illness; RSV, respiratory syncytial virus; RTI, respiratory tract infec-
tion; RT-PCR, reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction.
10 reports), Cepheid Xpert Flu Assay (Cepheid, Sunnyvale, a
Among these studies, 1 study (Salez et al, 2013) only validated the Cepheid Xpert Flu Assay for
Review of Rapid Molecular Tests for Viruses • CID 2019:69 (1 October) • 1245
Assay Sample size Year Sensitivity (%, 95% CI) Specificity (%, 95% CI)
Andersson 128 2014
Babady 358 2012
Butt 88 2014
Hammond 33 2012
Hayden 176 2012
Pierce 280 2012
Piralla 152 2014
Popowitch 300 2013
Renaud 59 2012
Van Wesenbeeck 146 2013
Other assays
Cho (AdvanSure) 437 2014
Douthwaite (Enigma MiniLab) 567 2016
Esposito (RIDA®GENE) 424 2015
Jung (AdvanSure) 454 2015
Juretschko (Aries Flu A/B & RSV assay) 2479 2017
Nijhuis (ePlex RP panel) 343 2017
Rheem (AdvanSure) 320 2012
Tang (PLEX-ID Flu assay) 2617 2013
Tham (Roche RealTime) 419 2012
Tham (Roche RealTime) 419 2012
Voermans (Aries Flu A/B & RSV assay) 447 2016
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Figure 2. Forest plot for sensitivity (left) and specificity (right) (% with 95% confidence interval) of all study reports (N = 63), stratified and pooled per assay (top to bottom).
In one study (Salez 2012), no negative tested samples were included, so specificity could not be calculated for this study and was therefore excluded from the pooled anal-
ysis. For specificity, 4 studies had an outstandingly low specificity due to the case-control design with inclusion of a very low number of virus-negative patients: 37 negative
patients, of whom 22 tested false positive with the Alere i Influenza A&B assay (Chapin 2015), 2 negative patients, of whom 1 tested false positive with FilmArray (Butt 2014),
3 negative patients, of whom 2 tested false positive with the Verigene Respiratory Virus Plus test (Butt 2014), and 29 negative patients, of whom 10 tested false positive with
the ePlex RP panel (Nijhuis 2017). Please see Supplementary Materials 2 for the reference list of studies. Abbreviation: CI, confidence interval.
results were interpreted without knowledge of the results of the A&B assay to 99.0% (95% CI, 98.3%–99.6%) for the Simplexa
reference test. Flu A/B & RSV kit (P = .000). The specificity of assays detect-
Overall, the pooled sensitivity of all rapid molecular tests was ing a panel of viruses (eg, the FilmArray, AdvanSure, and ePlex
90.9% (95% CI, 88.7%–93.1%) and the pooled specificity was RP panel) was significantly lower than the specificity of assays
96.1% (95% CI, 94.2%–97.9%). Forest plots for both sensitivity detecting only influenza virus and/or RSV (P = .009). Subgroup
and specificity of all included studies are shown in Figure 2. analyses based on differences in study design showed increased
ROC plots with sensitivity and specificity of the most frequently sensitivity of cohort studies as compared to case-control studies
assessed assays are depicted in Figure 3. Subgroup analyses were (P = .009). The pooled sensitivity of studies that only included
conducted to investigate heterogeneity in sensitivity and speci- children (n = 8) was 93.0% (95% CI, 91.5%–94.5%) as com-
ficity (Table 2). The sensitivity of the different index tests ranged pared to a pooled sensitivity of 79.8% (95% CI, 70.7%–88.9%)
from 81.6% (95% CI, 75.4%–87.9%) for the Alere i Influenza in adults (n = 7) (P = .01), whereas the pooled specificity was
higher in adults (98.6% [95% CI, 95.5%–100%]) as compared to microbiological laboratory. Seven studies were sponsored by
child studies (80.8% [95% CI, 73.1%–88.4%]) (P = .001). the manufacturer of the diagnostic test [20, 21, 23–25, 28, 29].
The median number of included patients in the studies was 300
(IQR, 121–630) and most studies (n = 9) included only adult
Clinical Impact patients [1, 20, 21, 24–26, 28, 30, 34]. The FilmArray was used
After screening (Figure 1), we included 15 clinical impact most frequently (11 of 15 studies) as a diagnostic intervention
studies [1, 20–33]. Characteristics of included clinical im- test [1, 20, 21, 24, 25, 27–31, 33].
pact studies are described in Table 3. The implemented diag- The quality assessment of all studies is summarized in
nostic rapid molecular test was combined with procalcitonin Supplementary Figure 2. All nonrandomized studies suf-
measurements in 2 studies [21, 30]. Two studies implemented fered from potential confounding bias and bias in outcome
guidelines on treatment decisions based on the rapid test results measurements.
[20, 21], whereas in other studies no changes in treatment rec- The results of the impact studies were very heterogeneous.
ommendations and antibiotic stewardship were made or treat- Clinical outcomes for each study are categorized and summa-
ment consequences of rapid testing were not described. Five rized in Table 4, with studies of higher quality at the top. The
studies were randomized diagnostic impact trials [1, 20, 21, 24, turnaround time of the rapid molecular tests vs reference mo-
25], 6 studies used a nonrandomized before-after design [23, lecular techniques was significantly faster in all studies that
26–29, 32], and 4 studies were observational noncomparative assessed turnaround time (n = 10) [1, 20, 23–25, 27–29, 31,
studies [22, 30, 31, 33]. Only 1 study included patients at >1 32]. Implementation of rapid molecular tests did not decrease
center [22]. Three studies [1, 20, 31] placed the rapid test at the the number of antibiotic prescriptions or the duration of an-
point of care, whereas others located the diagnostic test at the tibiotic treatment. Only 1 multivariable adjusted before-after
Review of Rapid Molecular Tests for Viruses • CID 2019:69 (1 October) • 1247
Table 2. Accuracy Estimates From Subgroup Analyses Using Bivariate Random-effects Regression
Characteristic No. of Studies Pooled Sensitivity, % (95% CI) P Valuea Pooled Specificity, % (95% CI) P Valuea
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; ILI, influenza-like illness; RSV, respiratory syncytial virus.
P values are calculated comparing sensitivity and specificity of ≥2 groups, using an independent sample t test for 2 groups and a 1-way analysis of variance for >2 groups.
Post hoc test using Tukey honestly significant difference (HSD) gives a significant result between influenza and panel of viruses (P = .008); between influenza + RSV and panel of viruses
(P = .036); no significant result between influenza and influenza + RSV.
Post hoc test using Tukey HSD gives significant result between Alere i Influenza A&B and Cobas Liat Influenza A/B (P = .001); between Alere i Influenza A&B and Simplexa Flu A/B & RSV
(P = .000); between Alere i Influenza A&B and Verigene RV Plus (P = .007); between Alere i Influenza A&B and Cepheid Xpert Flu (P = .002); no significant result between the other groups.
study [23] reported a significantly lower percentage of anti- not differ between the intervention and control groups [1, 20,
biotic prescriptions in the patients tested with the Simplexa 21, 23, 29, 30]. In terms of efficiency, 1 study reported lower
Flu A/B & RSV kit during the second season as compared to costs of therapy with the use of a rapid molecular test [24] and
patients tested with the laboratory-developed RT-PCR during 2 studies reported a reduction in the number of chest radio-
the first season. One other before-after study [29] reported a graphs in influenza virus–positive patients [22, 28]. There was
significant reduction in duration of antibiotic treatment. Both no effect on the use of isolation facilities in 2 studies [1, 29]
studies were not adjusted for differences in the proportion but 1 unadjusted before-after study reported a significant re-
of influenza virus–positive patients, which was significantly duction in the mean droplet isolation days, a reduction in iso-
higher during the second (intervention) season. Oseltamivir lation days for suspected influenza (0.4 vs 2.7 days; P < .001),
prescriptions were more appropriate in influenza virus–pos- and an increase in isolation days for confirmed influenza virus
itive patients according to 1 randomized study [1] and 1 infection (1.1 vs 0.9 days; P = .16) [32].
nonrandomized study [26]. Two other nonrandomized com-
parative studies showed no effect of rapid testing on oseltami-
vir prescriptions [23, 28]. The number of hospital admissions
was not reduced by rapid molecular testing [1, 22, 26, 28], but In our meta-analysis, DTA studies for molecular rapid tests for
2 studies, among which 1 was a randomized study, showed a respiratory viruses showed that these tests are accurate with a
decreased length of hospital stay among admitted patients [1, pooled sensitivity of 90.9% (95% CI, 88.7%–93.1%) and a pooled
28]. Length of hospital stay was not reduced in 4 other studies, specificity of 96.1% (95% CI, 94.2%–97.9%). In our subgroup
among which 2 were randomized studies [20, 21, 23, 29] that, analysis, the Cobas Liat Influenza A/B system was most reliable
however, were smaller and potentially underpowered as com- for the detection of influenza virus, with a sensitivity of 98.1%,
pared to the randomized study that showed a significant ef- and the Simplexa Flu A/B & RSV kit was most reliable for detec-
fect [1]. Safety outcomes as mortality, serious adverse events, tion of influenza virus and RSV with a sensitivity of 99.0%. The
and intensive care unit admissions and/or readmissions did FilmArray simultaneously tests for a panel of 15 viruses with a
Review of Rapid Molecular Tests for Viruses • CID 2019:69 (1 October) • 1249
Table 4. Overview of Clinical Outcomes Presented in Included Clinical Impact Studies (n = 15)
Antibiotic prescriptions
Brendish, 2017 (UK) RCT (1:1) 714 84% vs 83% .84 No decrease in antibiotic
Andrews, 2017 (UK) RCT (quasia) 522b 75% vs 77% .99
Chu, 2015 (USA) Before-after, multivariate 350 63% vs 76% <.001
Rogers, 2014 (USA) Before-after, univariate 1136 72% vs 73% .61
Rappo, 2016 (USA) Before-after, univariate 337d 66% vs 61% .35
Linehan, 2017 (Ireland) Before-after, univariate 67e 33% vs 76% <.001
Busson, 2017 (Belgium) Cohort, no control group 69 In 36.2% of patients antibiotic prescriptions -
were avoided
Keske, 2017 (Turkey) Cohort, no control group 359d 45% of virus positive patients received -
Duration of antibiotic therapy
Branche, 2015 (USA) RCT (1:1) 300 Median 3 days [IQR 1–7] vs 4 [0–8] .71 No decrease in duration
of antibiotic therapy
Brendish, 2017 (UK) RCT (1:1) 714 Mean 7.2 days [SD 5.1] vs 7.7 [4.9] .32
Andrews, 2017 (UK) RCT (quasia) 522b Median 6 days [IQR 4–7] vs 6 [5–7.3] .23
Gilbert, 2016 (USA) RCT (quasif) 127 Mean 1053/1000 patient-days [SD 657] vs .07
472/1000 [1667]
Gelfer, 2015 (USA) RCT (quasif) 18d Mean 683/1000 patient-days [SD 317] vs .052
917/1000 [220]
Rogers, 2014 (USA) Before-after, univariate 1136 Mean 2.8 days [SD 1.6] vs 3.2 [SD 1.6] .003
Rappo, 2016 (USA) Before-after, univariate 212e Median 1 vs 2 days .24
Keske, 2017 (Turkey) Cohort, no control group 160d Mean 6.5 days [SD 3.7] in virus positive -
Oseltamivir prescriptions
Brendish, 2017 (UK) RCT (1:1) 714 18% vs 14% .16 More appropriate osel-
tamivir use in influenza
positive patients
94e 91% vs 65% .003
Chu, 2015 (USA) Before-after, univariate 350 55% vs 45% .05
40e 100% vs 100% 1.00
136g 45% vs 43% .60
Rappo, 2016 (USA) Before-after, univariate 212e 61% vs 61% .96
Linehan, 2017 (Ireland) Before-after, univariate 68e 95% vs 72% <.01
Xu, 2013 (USA) Cohort, no control group 97e 81% of influenza positive patients received -
Length of hospital stay
Branche, 2015 (USA) RCT (1:1) 300 Median 4 vs 4 days NS Reduction in length of
hospital stay
Brendish, 2017 (UK) RCT (1:1) 714 Mean 5.7 days [SD 6.3] vs 6.8 [7.7]h .044
Andrews, 2017 (UK) RCT (quasia) 545 Median 4.1 days [IQR 2.0–9.1] vs 3.3 .28
Rappo, 2016 (USA) Before-after, multivariatei 212e Median 1.6 days [IQR 0.3–4.8] vs 2.1 .040
Rogers, 2014 (USA) Before-after, univariate 1136 Mean 3.2 days [SD 1.6] vs 3.4 [1.7] .16
Chu, 2015 (USA) Before-after, univariate 350 Median 4 days [range 1–164] vs 5 [0–117] .33
Timbrook, 2015 (USA) Cohort, no control group 601d Median 1 day [IQR 0–3] in virus positive -
Hospital admissions
Brendish, 2017 (UK) RCT (1:1) 714 92% vs 92% .94 No reduction in hospital
Rappo, 2016 (USA) Before-after, univariate 337d 76% vs 74% .60
Linehan, 2017 (Ireland) Before-after, univariate 69e 45% vs 88% <.001
Abbreviations: ED, emergency department; ICU, intensive care unit; IQR, interquartile range; NS, not significant; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; RCT, randomized controlled trial; SAE,
serious adverse event; SD, standard deviation.
Quasi randomized randomization process with rapid viral molecular testing on even days of the month and reference laboratory PCR testing on odd days.
Analysis for antibiotic prescription performed in 522/545 patients due to missing data on antibiotic prescriptions for 13 patients in control arm and ten in intervention arm.
Multivariate analysis adjusting for confounders age, location of sample collection, receipt of influenza vaccine, immunosuppressed status and pregnancy.
Subgroup analysis in virus positive patients. In the study of Gelfer (2015) among these virus positive patients only the patients who received antimicrobials were included. In the study of
Keske (2017) these virus positive patients included only inpatients, and for the duration of antibiotic therapy only patients with inappropriate antibiotic use were included.
Subgroup analysis in influenza positive patients. In the study of Busson (2017) among these influenza positive patients only the patients who were tested with rapid molecular tests during
working hours and who were still in the ED during the test result were included. In the study of Rappo (2016) among these influenza positive patients only the patients who received a chest
radiograph were included in the multivariate analysis for the number of chest radiographs.
Quasi randomized randomization process with rapid viral molecular testing during one-week and reference laboratory PCR testing during the following week and so on.
Subgroup analysis in influenza negative patients.
Adjusted for in-hospital mortality.
Multivariate analysis adjusting for confounders age, immunosuppressed status, asthma and admission to ICU.
Analysis for isolation facility use were only available from patients included during the second season of inclusion.
In the study of Andrews (2017) patients were admitted to an Acute Medical Unit of Medical Assessment Centre before inclusion in the study. The turnaround time was calculated as the
time from admission to result and therefore also covers the time from admission until the swab was actually taken (during which time the assessment of eligibility for inclusion and informed
consent procedure were performed).
In the study of Rogers (2014) patients were included at the Emergency Department, but also after admission, leading to a longer time to result.
Review of Rapid Molecular Tests for Viruses • CID 2019:69 (1 October) • 1251
might improve the impact on clinical outcomes as results are associated viral loads of included patients, for example, which
available before any initial treatment or management is estab- were factors that were poorly reported. Furthermore, with an
lished by the treating physician. To our knowledge, this is the assay level comparison of diagnostic accuracy, the multiplex
first review to specifically assess the clinical impact of rapid mo- assays are disadvantaged. The more viruses that an assay tests
lecular tests, and not rapid antigen tests, without a restriction in for, the bigger the chance of any discrepant results with the ref-
the detection of influenza virus and RSV [45, 46]. The included erence test. Therefore, as mentioned before, when interpreting
studies, even the high-quality randomized studies [1, 20, 21, 24, the results of a head-to-head comparison of the accuracy of
25], show heterogeneous results. The location of the rapid test, different assays, the number of tested pathogens should also be
which was at the point of care in only 3 studies, may affect turn- taken into account and results should be interpreted carefully.
around times and thereby clinical outcomes. Apart from other In conclusion, rapid molecular tests for viral pathogen de-
differences in design, and in analysis and power, differences in tection provide accurate results. Even though results on clin-
the implementation strategy might partially explain these dis- ical impact of rapid diagnostic tests are conflicting, there is
crepancies. First, education and training of personnel and phy- high-quality evidence that rapid testing might decrease the
sicians on the implemented rapid test, its diagnostic accuracy, length of hospital stay and might increase appropriate use of
and its potential effects on clinical outcomes may contribute to oseltamivir in influenza virus–positive patients, without leading
its effect on clinical outcomes [33]. Second, a combination of a to adverse results. We therefore suggest considering implemen-
rapid test and a result-based guideline on subsequent clinical tation of rapid molecular tests within hospital settings and rec-
management options might have more impact than a stand-a- ommend performance of high-quality randomized studies.
lone diagnostic test, even though the 2 studies describing the
implementation of a diagnostic bundle did not show any sig- Supplementary Data
nificant effects of their implementation, which might be par- Supplementary materials are available at Clinical Infectious Diseases on-
tially explained by limited adherence to these guidelines [20, line. Consisting of data provided by the authors to benefit the reader, the
posted materials are not copyedited and are the sole responsibility of the
21]. A complicating factor therein is that identification of a authors, so questions or comments should be addressed to the correspond-
viral pathogen from a respiratory tract sample may not neces- ing author.
sarily attribute causation [2]. Third, a combination of a rapid
test and another diagnostic as procalcitonin [21, 30] or other Notes
Author contributions. L. M. V. contributed to the design, search,
biomarker-based assays [47] may increase the persuasiveness of
screening, data extraction, data analysis, data interpretation, production of
the rapid viral test on whether there is a bacterial or viral caus- the figures, and writing of the report. A. H. L. B. contributed to the search,
ative pathogen. However, current evidence for the effect of the screening, data interpretation, and writing of the report. J. B. R., R. S.,
combination of respiratory viral testing and procalcitonin on A. R.-B., and A. I. M. H. contributed to data interpretation and writing of
the report. J. J. O. contributed to design, data interpretation, and writing of
clinical outcomes is disappointing [21]. the report.
Strengths of our systematic review and meta-analysis of DTA Potential conflicts of interest. All authors: No reported conflicts.
studies are that we followed a standardized protocol for the All authors have submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential
Conflicts of Interest. Conflicts that the editors consider relevant to the con-
inclusion of studies, quality assessment, data extraction, and tent of the manuscript have been disclosed.
statistical analysis. To be as complete as possible, we did not ex-
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