AWS Application

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Fully managed service that makes it easy for

dev to publish, maintain, monitor and secure

APIs at any scale.

Handles all of the tasks involved in accepting

and processing up to hundreds of thousands
of concurrent API calls

Acts as a proxy to the configured backend


No minimum fees or startup costs

Charged / Pricing
API Gateway Charges only for API calls received and the
amount of data transferred out

Lambda functions

AWS Step functions state machines

Configuration Can communicate to multiple backends
Elastic Beanstalk

A web service that makes it easy to setup, HTTP Endpoints exposed through ELB
operate and send notification from the Cloud

EC instances
High scalable, flexible and cost-effective to
publish messages from an application and
immediately deliver them to subscribers
Convert media files
Elastic Transcoder to playback on devices like smartphones,
Lambda tables and PCs


Simple Notification Serivce (SNS) a temporary repository for messages

HTTP/HTTPS Subscribers awaiting for processing

highly available distributed queue system

Email acts as a buffer between the producer and

SNS Introduce
is pull-based (or poll-based)
Push-based delivery (no polling)
In-flight transactions
Simple APIs and easy integration with
Benefits reliable, highly-scalable, hosted queue for
storing messages in transit betwwen
Pay-as-you-go model with no upfront cost

fault tolerant, loosely coupled, flexibility of

distributed components of applications
Focus on your business and your application Characteristics
instead of having to worry about the Coordinates the flow of synchronous or
requires no administrative overhead
infrastructure Help you asynchronous tasks (logical application steps)

Clous-based support HTTPS and TLS

The ability to build and run distributed, fault-

tolerant applications that span mutiple
systems Aws Application Decoupling the components of an application
that may not all process the same amount of
Work Queues work simultaneously
or both
Have a job queue and need to schedule
Video Encoding Configuring individual message delay individual jobs with a delay up to 15 minutes
Use cases
Use cases
Data Center Migration Dynamically increasing concurrency or have a work queue and want to add more
throughput at read time consumers until the backlog is cleared no pre-provisioning
Can be a website for an eCommerce Store
Applications that initiate workflow executions buffer requests and the load changes or the SQS scale to handle the load without any
A Map application on Mobile App Scaling transparently natural growth of business provisioning

When it starts, 'Open' State Workflow Starters Standard queue : support at-least-once
message delivery
FIFO queue: support exactly-once message
Completed Redundant infrastructure processing
Workflow Execution Closure

Cancelled supports multiple readers and writers

Can be closed in states interacting with the same queue as the same
Failed time

Simple WorkFlow Service (SWF) Multiple writers and readers

Terminated locks the message during processing, using
Actors Visibility Timeout

Monitor the progress of a workflow execution

and state change Configurable settings per queue All queues don't have to be alike

Determines the next step to be taken by an Can store the contents of larger messages S3
Activity Workers using
Variable message size message up to 256KB in size
Are processes that performs tasks identified
in each application SQS holding a pointer to the S3 object
Activity Workers
Poll SWF for new tasks appropriate for that Features & Key points
Control who can send messages to a queue,
worker to perform Access control who can receive messages from a queue

Retention up to 1 year for workflow

delivery of all enqueued messages is
postponed for the specified duration

Task-oriented API Noted

Delay queues set a default on a queue can set delay value when create a queue CreateQueue

Keep tracks of all the tasks and events

update the value with SetQueueAttributes
Simple Queue Service (SQS)
Deciders and Activity workers poll SWF for
Using a process called long polling task Task Polling Ensure delivery of each message at least once

At-least-once delivery
Store copies of message on multiple servers
for redundancy and high availability

Short polling (default)

Message Sample
Long polling

Available in all regions

DO NOT guarantee message order

Standard Queue (default queue)

support a nearly-unlimited number of
High throughput transaction per second

Characteristics ensure message will be delivered at least

once but occasionally, more than one copy of
At-least-Once delivery a message might be delivered out of order Because of highly-distributed architecture

Queue Types ensures that messages are generally

Provides best-effort ordering delivered in the same order as they are sent

First-in first-out delivery and exactly-once


Available in the US East (N. Virginia), US East (

Ohio), US West (Oregon), and EU (Ireland)
FIFO queue

without batching up to 300 messages per second

Limited Throughput
with batching up to 3,000 messages per second.

Message Contain up to 256KB

A mount of time that a message is invisible in

SQS queue after a reader pickup that
Visibility Time Out message

Message can be kept in the queue from 1

minute to 14 days. Default is 4 days

Noted message-oriented APi

implement your own application-level to track

SQS allows queues to be created, deleted and

messages can be sent and received from it

Queue retains messages for 4 days by default

Queues can configure to retain message for 1

minute to 14 days after the message has
been sent
How it works

Can delete a queue without notification if one

of the following actions hasn't been
performed on it for 30 consecutive days

Allows the deletion of the queue with

message in it

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