DLP in Teaching ARTS

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Alindogan GRADE 3
Elementary School
DATE AND TIME November 22, 2023 QUARTER 2nd
7:30-8:30 A.M

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate
understanding of the parts and functions of animals
and importance to humans.
B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to enumerate ways of
grouping animals based
on their structure and
C. Learning Competencies/ The learners should be able to identify the
Objectives importance of animals to humans;
a. Identify the importance of animals to humans.
b. Demonstrate appreciation for animals and their
role in our lives.
c. Classify animals based on their importance to

II. CONTENT Importance of animals to humans

A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide pages Curriculum Guide p.28 code S3LT-IIc-d-6
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from the
Learning Resources (LR) Portal
5. Other Learning Resources Power point presentation, worksheets, books, paper,
markers, writing materials, and art supplies.
A. Reviewing previous lesson  Let the pupils review their previous lesson by
or presenting new lesson asking:
What are the different habitats of animals? Why
do animals live in different places? What
animals do you have or see near your house?
Do their habitats have something to do with their
importance to humans?

B. Presenting the new lesson  We are going to discuss today the vital role and
significance of animals in human life. Are you
C. Establishing the purpose of  The teacher will introduce first the learning
the lesson objectives of the lesson.
D. Presenting examples/  A. Show them illustrations or pictures of
instances of the new lesson animals, and they have to pick one animal that
they have as a pet or their favorite.

B. Let students answer the following questions

to share their own experiences of how important
animals are:
Who among you has pets here? Aside from your
pets, what are your favorite animals, and why do
you like them?

E. Discussing new concepts  Discuss the importance of animals to human life.

and practicing new skills #1
Animals as Companions
Animals are companions to humans. Examples
of these are cats,
dogs, rabbits, fishes, horses and even turtles.
Study shows that
small pets reduce anxiety and improve cognitive
and social

Animals as Resources
Cattle, pigs, poultry and fish are raised by many
farmers to provide food for people and other
animal as well. They sell it to
the market thus provides source of income to
the family.
Nowadays, numbers of techniques have been
discovered to
increase the growth of these livestock. However,
should be aware of the danger of the fast
growing animals due to
chemicals that are treated for them.

Animals as Workers
The huge diversity of work performed by
animals’ ranges from
transportation to hunting to assisting the blind.
Even in the
automotive era, "horsepower" survives as a unit
of measurement.
Egyptian illustrations from 5,000 years ago show
oxen pulling
plows, and cattle have historically been used
more than horses
as draft animals. Service dogs offer their senses
of sight, hearing and smell to aid people with
disabilities and perform law-
enforcement duties. They are allowed to enter
public spaces like stores and restaurants where
pets are not normally permitted.

Guide the pupils to make their own
generalization by asking: Are
animals useful to humans?

Activity 1: Grouping Animals According to Its

1. Give pupils 15 minutes to do the activity
2. Each team will be given a table as shown
Animals as Animals as Animals as
Workers Companions Resources

3. Each group will list as many animals as they

can and
answer the questions given within the allotted
4. Questions to be answered:
a. What can you say about the animals as
b. What are common to animals that are
companions of humans?
c. What can you say about the animals that are
as resources?
d. What did you learn from the activity?
Let the pupils present their outputs by group.
F. Discussing new concepts Art Activity
and practicing new skills #2 1. Divide class into 3 groups.
2. Give them the worksheet.
3. Give them 10 minutes to accomplish their task and 3
minutes to present their work.

Worksheet for Group 1

Instruction: Use cotton balls to fill the sheep and show
the texture of the sheep’s wool. Color or paint the other
parts using your amazing imagination.

Worksheet for Group 2

Instruction: Cut the 2D shapes and arrange them to
create an owl. You can paste the owl on the next page.
Worksheet for Group 3
Instruction: Color the picture of the dog using your
amazing imagination.

G. Developing mastery (Leads Activity 2 Why are animals important to humans?

to formative Assessment 3) Complete the concept map to tell the importance of
Choose the correct word inside the box.
Activity 2 Why are animals important to humans?

Complete the concept map to tell the importance of

animals. Choose the correct word inside the box.

Leather Work Decoration

Pets Guard Food

1. Animals give us ________________to eat like
meat, egg, milk and honey.

2. Cats, dogs and rabbits, are kept as

Importance of
_____________ at home.

3. Cows, horses and carabaos help us do

4. Animals like crocodile and snakes can be a

source of ____________ belts, bags and

5. Shells and horns of animals can be made

into _____________________.

H. Finding practical application Activity 1: Animal Observation

of concepts and skills in Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning
daily living Materials: Books, paper, markers
Significance: Students will gather information about
different animals and their roles in human lives.
1) In groups, students will choose an animal to study.
2) They will gather information about the animal's
habitat, diet, and its benefits to humans.
3) Students will create a poster or presentation to share
their findings.
- Information gathering: 10 pts
- Presentation or poster: 10 pts
Assessment Questions:
1) What is the habitat of your chosen animal?
2) How does your chosen animal benefit humans?
3) What is the diet of your chosen animal?
I. Making generalization and Generalization:
abstraction about the Guide the pupils to make their own generalization by
lesson asking: Are animals useful to humans?
V. EVALUATING LEARNING Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning
Instructional Materials: None

Question 1: Why are animals important to humans?

Question 2: How do animals contribute to the
Question 3: Give an example of how humans depend
on animals for food.
VI. ASSIGNMENT ASSIGNMENT 1: Animal Artistic Expression
Teaching Strategy: Artistic Expression
Materials: Art supplies (paper, colors, brushes, etc.)
Significance: Students will create artwork that
showcases the importance of animals to humans.
1) Provide different art materials to students.
2) Ask them to create artwork that depicts animals and
their significance to humans.
3) Encourage creativity and imagination.
- Artistic expression: 10 pts
Assessment Questions:
1) Describe the artwork you created and how it
represents the importance of animals to humans.
2) What message do you want to convey through your
ASSIGNMENT 2: Animal Poem/Song
Instructional Materials: Writing materials, art supplies
Overview: Students will create a poem or song that
highlights the importance of animals to humans.
Assessment Question: Create a poem or song about
the importance of animals to humans.

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