Vietnam War Dissertation Ideas

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Are you struggling with writing your Vietnam War dissertation? You're not alone.

Crafting a
dissertation on such a complex and historically significant topic can be incredibly challenging. From
conducting extensive research to analyzing vast amounts of data, the process can be overwhelming
and time-consuming.

The Vietnam War is a multifaceted subject that requires a deep understanding of historical events,
political dynamics, and socio-cultural implications. Choosing the right topic and formulating a
coherent thesis statement are crucial steps in the dissertation process. Additionally, synthesizing
existing literature and incorporating original insights can be daunting tasks.

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You can use our samples to gather new ideas, get inspiration, check out a particular paper's structure,
familiarize yourself with a citation style, or collect resources for research. General george washington
calls for a standing army, 1783. Or whether the kids were “just doing their duty” should stand tall
and be proud or not. They realized if Vietnam was allowed to be a communist country, then soon this
might influence the other South East Asian countries to be communist too. The plus points of this
source would be that it shows two sides of the argument for and against continuation of the war.
This was the largest demonstration in the history of America. Unlike conventional wars in which the
Americans may have fought, the war in Vietnam had no defined front lines. For the first time in
History, a war was extended to the media and television where the harsh reality was shown. When
US troops landed in North Vietnam, the guerrilla fighters were outnumbered and outgunned, they
were also not trained and were not good at open warfare. Japan had been defeated in World War II,
and France had yet to send soldiers and personnel back to Vietnam to retake its lost
colony.(Schoenbrun 20). How did it help weaken the dominant political philosophy of the 1960s.
This song also calls the AWM a bunch of cowards and scroungers. The problem was that, by doing
this, they began alienate and loose the trust of, the Vietnamese civilians. The Vietnam War was called
“the media war” because the pictures and videos from Vietnam were sent all around the world and
helped to change the minds of American public, which showed a strong opposition towards the war.
The band playing for the revelry played “The Star-Spangled Banner.” Several Americans, members
of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) who had cooperated with Ho Chi Minh and his forces in
fighting the Japanese, stood on the reviewing stand with General Vo Nguyen Giap, the head of the
army of the League for the Independence of Vietnam (Vietminh). The losses for the Northern
government and for the people of Vietnam are by far greater because of the sustained military
offensive against the South and the subsequent participation of the US. By 1963 substantial numbers
of American advisers, arms and equipment were involved in the civil war in South Vietnam. I have
been given 3 sources about the Americans and Vietnam. This was the largest demonstration in the
history of America. He says “There were no Vietnamese around anyway” meaning that there were no
North Vietnamese around. This was extremely cruel followed by West Morland, a general to the end.
By 1967, US troop strength in South Vietnam had risen to 389,000 men, but despite their
sophisticated weapons, the Americans could not eradicate the skilful and determined rebellions of
the Vietcong. Some North Vietnamese soldiers and cadres began to realize that they had. How useful
are sources A to C to explain why the United States became invol. The Vietcong depended on stealth,
concealment, and surprise attacks and ambushes. We could be seeing National Guardsmen attacking
peaceful protesting students or we could be seeing violent rebelling students attacking National
Guardsmen. Large number of servicemen were killed in the fighting and this continued escalation of
a war which seemed pointless, and none of America’s business in the first place, led to riots and
demonstrations throughout the United States. A series of events led up to a full scale war between
the two countries which included not only the Vietnamese, but people from America, Australia, and
other nations. Two American destroyers were said to have been fired upon by North Vietnamese
torpedo boats. The war had ironically turned Vietnam into one of the poorest countries of the world
with fourth largest army in the world.
Just visit our website and fill in the order form with all research paper details: Enjoy our professional
research paper writing service. For an optimal experience, please switch to the latest version of
Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari or Mozilla Firefox. He started putting pressure on
China to ask North Vietnam to stop the war. General george washington calls for a standing army,
1783. Back home in the U.S., on April 17, 1965, the first major antiwar march on Washington took
place. On December 31, 1961, the number of U.S. military personnel serving in South Vietnam had
increased from nine hundred to 3,205 over the preceding year.(Barr 20) On February 8, 1962, the
Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV) was established in Saigon. The fact that the
embassy was almost taken over and the offensive after all a political success could not be digested
by the Americans. Western countries should also stop interfering with foreign affairs of vietnam, so
as to prevent political wars that are frequently witnessed in Vietnam. Keywords: Vietnam,
Government, Colonial Powers, Colony, France, Rule, America, Independence, Nation, Socialist,
Communist, Dictatorship, Corruption, International Community Political History of vietnam Vietnam
is a country that had been under colonial rule for a long time. Moreover, the views of the public on
the war are very variegated which make the Vietnam War a fairly complex issue to understand.
During the Second World War, when the French lost to the Germans, Vietnam became a colony of
the Japanese. Khrushchev’s pronouncement influenced the incoming administration of President John
F. As much of Vietnam was covered in jungle, swamp and paddy fields, it soon becomes clear that
the terrain was unsuitable for tanks. The USSR provided military aid to the North Vietnamese and.
They soon started implementing their unique guerrilla tactics to wear down the Americans. In
August, the North Vietnamese had begun a series of attacks on American destroyers in the Gulf of
Tonkin.(Barr 25) When President Johnson heard of these attacks he immediately went to Congress
and asked them to authorize “all necessary measures” to repel armed attacks against American forces
in that area. These ranged from simple holes in the ground to metal spikes covered in poison or
human excrement. Newspapers could have used this to demonstrate the sheer evil of American
soldiers (probably high on drugs) killing innocent Vietnamese people in search for Viet Cong
supporters. How did Vo Nguyen Giap and the Viet Minh engineer a victory over French forces at
Dien Bien Phu. Hundreds of thousands of people, American and Vietnamese alike died in the war,
and the country today still struggles to re-establish itself after the damages on its economy, land, and
people the war caused. The number of dead bodies would have to be reported to the general. Because
of the possibility of the photographer being biased we must ask, was the photo doctored with in any
way before it was published. This spells out to me that Nixon thought all the college students on the
USA were AWM bums. The good thing about this source is that it tells us of the pro-war side of the
argument and what the President of America thought of college students at the time. Unlike
Kennedy, who at no cost wanted direct confrontation with the civil war, Johnson attitude was
completely different. The Vietnam War Was An Expensive And Fatal Conflict. The war had
ironically turned Vietnam into one of the poorest countries of the world with fourth largest army in
the world. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. This has been discovered from the
studying I have done of these sources. Before we assess the reliability of this source we need to
know why the poll was taken, who took it, what question was asked and could the person being
asked have given the answer that the interviewer expected etc.? What we do know about opinion
polls is this: they are commonly neutral sources and are factual pieces. The political implications
were also major and they transcended the immediate region of Vietnam and also affected the
proximal regions.
However he does not lie at all, it is all truthful although he doesn't tell you everything. The French
rule in Vietnam was extremely harsh and unpopular. Fighting on one side was a coalition of forces
including the United States. But, no matter how many Vietcong had been killed; the number of
American casualties could not be overlooked. The Americans knew that in the elections, Ho Chi
Minh and his communist government would win easily and Vietnam would become a communist
state. Hundreds of communists attacked, one of the Vietcong commander was almost successful in
taking over the US embassy in Signage. The ferocity of this source suggests to me that Nixon may
fear the power of the AWM. Although it is obviously biased, it is very useful. Let us write or edit the
research paper on your topic. The bad points are that the man may be suffering grief because of his
daughter’s death and saying what he not normally say. On November 24, 1963, two days after the
assassination of President Kennedy, new U.S. president Lyndon B. Johnson confirmed American
support for the government of South Vietnam. Both presidents recognized the relevance of the
“domino principal” to the situation there. EssayFreelanceWriters does not endorse or condone any
type of plagiarism. The Government was corrupt, and so, South Vietnamese boys were never forced
to help with the fighting - the Americans were forced to do it all alone. He had effectively used the
help of the Western Allies to get rid of the Japanese. There is nothing provocative in this source
simply a statement and then a few rhetoric questions. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was passed
almost unanimously by Congress on August 7.(Karnow 345). This overview and the consequences at
the bottom of the page can be provided by printing out the overview and providing a hard copy to
each student or if computers are available students can access the text electronically. We need to
know what question the surveyors asked because the question may have been worded in such a way
that people gave the answer the interviewer anticipated. Would he have focussed on one particular
element to reinforce his opinion or to enforce an belief. The history of Vietnam is filled with
information, a few of those things would be: how it started, how the United States (U.S.) got
involved, the different things that happened during the war, and how the war ended. As described
above, the other countries around it would also be influenced to adopt a communist government. As
you may see, writing a Vietnam War essay can be, on the one hand, not prohibitively difficult — the
information on this topic is readily available to everyone, there are lots and lots of works by
celebrated specialists proving this or that point of view, and you can choose any and each one of
them without being afraid of not finding anything to support your theory. They had limited weapons
but used them efficiently. How did Vo Nguyen Giap and the Viet Minh engineer a victory over
French forces at Dien Bien Phu. It was a good opportunity for the US to accept their offer of
friendship because Nixon knew how both could be used. Reviews Select overall rating (no rating)
Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. We need to know how many students were
involved, we need to know who started it and we need to know how common or rare this type of
incident was in America at the time. I have been given 3 sources about the Americans and Vietnam.
There were underground kitchens, weapon stores, dormitories, hospitals and rest areas.
Explain why there were such different reactions in the USA to the country's. If he is speaking to
another politician he may still not be saying what he really thinks, or he could be speaking to close
friend who he trusts and be telling them everything. On the pretext of search, innocent people got
killed, children injured and women raped. This is extracted from words spoken during a debate. He
also says that the Americans didn't want Vietnam to improve its economy but that is exactly why
they were giving it money. The U. Further, it states that Vietnamese fought France for control over
vietnam during the first stages of war. It is the sole purpose of this paper to identify the superpowers
that got assisted by the Vietnam War and how the Vietnam War influenced Cold War. More than one
hundred thousand people in New York and San Francisco demonstrated against the war in Vietnam,
including civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. Mr. Nixon could be referring to the AWM as
bums, at home, in university, protesting against the war while the brave ones are out fighting and
dying in Vietnam. If he was American then we should more than likely expect a biased view.
Systematic review methodology is more typically applied to the primary data on health care
technologies such as drugs, devices and surgical interventions (Green and Moehr, 2001, p.315).
These concerns were ultimately formed into the doctrine of containment and. But opting out of some
of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. They were never allowed to form
their own government, have their own leaders or any say in political decisions. It is not as useful as
the others as it does not refer to any facts or information that I know to be true. Some of the sources
claim that the AWM had nothing to do with the end of the war and others state it did and some
others say that the outcome we all know of came about because of different events and occurrences
around the time. Johnson also talks about many other reasons America joined the war, like The
Domino Theory and Political legacy. They soon started implementing their unique guerrilla tactics to
wear down the Americans. Show students this of how their final digital presentation might look The
look of the digital presentation will vary depending on the software students use. He doesn't tell any
lies but he could be exaggerating some points. How effective were the US tactics of search and
destroy and defoliation in. The problem was that, by doing this, they began alienate and loose the
trust of, the Vietnamese civilians. The United States refused to sign the Geneva agreement. In 1965
the US, decided to send troops to South Vietnam to secure the. Prime Minister Diem commenced a
“Denounce the Communists” campaign in the south. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board
with our cookie policy. All the materials from our website should be used with proper references. As
soon as the soldier was gaining the experience in fighting in the jungle against guerrillas, they were
sent straight back home. It explains that the coverage by the media put people completely off another
war or even a continuation of this war because what was being broadcast was uncensored and live
and these sights frightened people so that they joined the AWM. As much of Vietnam was covered in
jungle, swamp and paddy fields, it soon becomes clear that the terrain was unsuitable for tanks.
By 1963 substantial numbers of American advisers, arms and equipment were involved in the civil
war in South Vietnam. On June 4, 1973, Congress blocked all funds for continuing U.S. activities in
Indochina. The success of the 1945 revolution was a result of the work of the Vietminh and the
popular support it had attracted, but it was also a product of timing. We don’t burn our draft cards
down on main street.”. The statue and the flagpole were added to the primary idea of the monument
after numerous disputes caused by the design. Source 7 tells us that students at university only
rebelled because it was a part of their fashion and source 9 tells us that the kids at university were
bums and lucky and that the real heroes were at Vietnam on the front. The war ended in 1973 when
President Richard Nixon announced the withdrawal of US troops because of the popular sentiment
against it and the unsustainability of the war effort. The war had ironically turned Vietnam into one
of the poorest countries of the world with fourth largest army in the world. He and his national
security adviser started discussing way to pull out of the war without looking defeated which was
almost impossible. To be clear, there was no one singular experience for the vietnam veteran. The fact
that the embassy was almost taken over and the offensive after all a political success could not be
digested by the Americans. This which was said to be an accident was overreacted by the
Americans. For an optimal experience, please switch to the latest version of Google Chrome,
Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari or Mozilla Firefox. Russia was keen on facilitating the spread of
communism in Asia. The Paris Peace Accord, agreed between North Vietnam’s Le Duc Tho and
Henry Kissinger was reluctantly signed in. For decades the Vietnamese hated the French and Japan,
capitalist. They were extremely popular with the local people because they opened schools, gave land
to peasants, solved their domestic problems and were like the protectors of the civilians. Hundreds of
communists attacked, one of the Vietcong commander was almost successful in taking over the US
embassy in Signage. Student; Writing traits; Anchor charts; fudge, sprinkles, etc. The use of any parts
of the work without proper citation is forbidden. He doesn't tell any lies but he could be
exaggerating some points. Bao Dai’s government denounces the Geneva agreement and the U.S.
refuses to sign it, but the American representative, Walter Bedell Smith, declares that the U.S. will
refrain from either threatening or using force to prevent its implementation. More than 50,000
Americans, 2,000,000 civilians and 1,000,000 Vietnamese soldiers were killed in the war. So this
source is more useful than not because it does tell you a lot of reasons that the war was started. They
tried using a 'body count' - the greater the number of Vietcong killed, the more successful the
operation. It was a fight that could have been shortened and made less dangerous if only each side
was able to negotiate matters peacefully instead of launching military attacks against each other as
the primary course of action. Systematic review methodology is more typically applied to the
primary data on health care technologies such as drugs, devices and surgical interventions (Green
and Moehr, 2001, p.315). Moreover, the views of the public on the war are very variegated which
make the Vietnam War a fairly complex issue to understand. Now that Johnson had this approval, he
widened the conflict by bombing the North Vietnamese cities of Hanoi and Haiphong. The public
began to suspect the honesty and integrity of incumbent officials because of their prior experience
with the manufactured war statistics and reports on the Vietnam situation.
In the early 1930s, his Indochinese Communist Party (ICP) had unsuccessfully rebelled against
French rule. With a variety of options to choose from, you’re sure to find a topic that interests you.
But as it later unfolded, the unrest and continued activism against the Vietnam War by the American
Citizens saw the government withdraw American troops from Vietnam in the year 1973. In October
of 1957, Vietminh soldiers hiding in South Vietnam start to become hostile towards Diem’s military
personnel. We don’t burn our draft cards down on main street.”. War Essay Prompts One of the most
important steps to take before you begin writing your essay on war is to analyze the essay question to
be sure that you fully understand the subject and the approach you should take to answer the
question. How did the media shape public sentiment about the conflict. This produced a ceasefire
and allowed for the exchange of. The political implications were also major and they transcended the
immediate region of Vietnam and also affected the proximal regions. This which was said to be an
accident was overreacted by the Americans. This was extremely cruel followed by West Morland, a
general to the end. By now luckily for the Americans China and USSR had. These two platoons
went through a dozen camps killing hundreds of unarmed Vietnamese citizens, because this was such
scandal, know one knew about it until it was released by the Pentagon on November 13,
1969.(Prados 184) On March 31, President Johnson, in a television address, announced a partial halt
to the U.S. bombing of North Vietnam, a call to North Vietnam to begin peace talks. This extensive
bombing continued till 1975 and extended to even Lao and Cambodia. It explains that the coverage
by the media put people completely off another war or even a continuation of this war because what
was being broadcast was uncensored and live and these sights frightened people so that they joined
the AWM. They were aware of the fact that like in Vietnam, the conditions in the other South East
countries were poor and any reform in some country. Even US soldiers who fought in Vietnam were
scarred for life by all the inhumane methods of killing. Just as the Vietnamese oscillated between the
roles of soldiers, farmers and parents during the war, the novel investigates the quotidian, social and
historic contexts of the protagonists' lives. He escalated the war by sending in huge numbers of
American servicemen to block Vietcong advance. Did the Korean War and Cuban Missile Crisis
change anything. This is extracted from words spoken during a debate. Also the leader of South
Vietnam, Ngo Dinh Diem, who was supported by USA didn’t respect the civilians and their religion,
which also decreased the popularity of USA in Vietnam. Vietnam War was also referred to as the
Second Indochina War. Over 1.4 million military personnel and an estimated. These ranged from
simple holes in the ground to metal spikes covered in poison or human excrement. More than 50,000
Americans, 2,000,000 civilians and 1,000,000 Vietnamese soldiers were killed in the war. There were
underground kitchens, weapon stores, dormitories, hospitals and rest areas. It was also from
President Johnson but it was a private conversation. It misses out again that the Americans and Diem
never had fair elections and fails to mention that nobody liked Diem and the strong north. Also, an
event may have happened around the time that influenced the candidate’s decision. However, this
source is mainly factual so I would expect the author to be British or of another such neutral

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