The Impact of Electronic Cash Register M

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Print ISSN: 2249 – 3492, Online ISSN: 2249 –


International Journal of Research

in Management, Science and

Issue - 11, Vol-06, Jan-Jun 2016, pp. 40-48

CLEAR International Journal of Research in Management, Science and Technology



Kassahun Bekele
School of Management and Accounting, college of Business and Economics,
Hawassa University, Hawassa, Ethiopia

Article History: The study-examined the impact of electronic cash register machine on
Received 22nd April 2016 awareness of tax payers to cash register machine, administration cost,
Received in revised form 1st May compliance cost, the extent of tax evasion while using electronic cash register
2016 machine and audit follow up affects the VAT income in the city of Hawassa.
Accepted 05.05.2016 Data were collected through questionnaire from fifty VAT registered
Published on 011.05.2016 organizations. The data collected from organizations were analyzed using
percentage analysis method and regression method, to see the impact of
Keywords: Electronics cash register explanatory variables on VAT income as well as the relationship between
Machine, Hawassa city and VAT explanatory variables and VAT income. The study found that Audit follow
income. up, tax evasion and administration costhas positive and significant impact on
VATincome while, compliance costand Awareness of tax payers to cash
Corresponding author: register machine have no significant impact on VAT income. This study
[email protected] serve as stepping stone for further study on similar topics and it may fill the
literature gap.

1. Introduction and tariffs encourage cheating and smuggling

Value Added Tax (VAT) is a tax on the value (Worku, 2008).
added to goods and services by enterprises at each
One of the mechanisms in which countries raise
stage of the production and distribution processes. It
revenue to finance government spending on the
arises whenever a “taxable person” makes a “supply
goods and service that most of government uses as
of goods or services” in the course of his business.
tool taxation. As compared to the developing
Thus, in some countries, it is called “goods and
countries, the developed countries have been able to
services tax” or GST. Value added tax (VAT) was
generate substantial revenue through imposing of
invented by a French economist in 1954 by Maurice
taxes. One of the reasons for this has been the
Laure, director of the French tax authority. Value
efficient tax system operating in the developed
added tax was invented because very high sales taxes
countries unlike the developing economies which are
Kassahun Bekele / Management, Science and Technology /(2016)40-
characterized by weak monetization and the low countries problems and prospects of implementing
development of the formal sectors. In other words, VAT in Ethiopia and others developing countries.
these countries have employed tax systems that have This paper will assess the effect of cash register
one or a combination of the following desirable machine (technology) on VAT collection in Ethiopia
characteristics as economic efficiency, administrative revenue and Customs authority and it will forward
simplicity, flexibility, political accountability and some recommendation for this organization since it
fairness. The tax system need to be economically apply new system to collect VAT.
efficient meaning the tax system should not have an
This paper was examined about the impact of
impact on the allocation of resources. The tax system
electronic Cash register machine on VAT collection
countries should be adopts easy and inexpensive to
in Hawassa city.
administer and that should be able to respond to
changing economic circumstances. Taxpayers should 1.1. Objective of the Study
also be able to determine what they are actually The study has both the general and specific
paying so that the political system can more objectives have been achieved on this study.
accurately reflect the preferences of individuals
(Abraham Tesfaye,2003). 1.1.1. General Objective

It follows that optimality in a tax system requires The main objective of the study is to assess the
absence of distortion in any economic activity impact of Cash register machine on value added tax
(Hancok, 1995 ). It is expected that people‟s tax collection in Hawassa City.
payments is in line with their income and they are 1.1.2. Specific Objectives
required to pay a tax in proportion to their level of
This study also attempts to achieve the following
income. On the part of the tax collectors, collection
specific objectives:
of tax should be time conscious and convenient and
the cost of collecting the taxes should not be high to 1. To see the impactof cash register machine
discourage business. Alternatively, this means that on income from Value added tax
the ideal tax system in developing countries should 2. To measure the impact of cash register
raise essential revenue without excessive government
machine on tax evasion
borrowing and should do so without discouraging
economic activity and without deviating too much 3. To see the impact of cash register machine
from tax system in other countries (Tanzi, 2001). on compliance cost and
Considering the significance of VAT administration, 4. To see the effect of cash register machine
many studies have been conducted in some
on administration cost
developing and transitional countries with respect to
the main VAT administration tasks and its problem. 5. To see the impact of cash register machine
These studies include (Abraham, 2003),(Herouy, on audit follow up
2004), (Kerver,2008), ( Clement,2009) ,(Wollela
A.,2008). These papers assessed the VAT
administrators in developing and transitional

Kassahun Bekele / Management, Science and Technology /(2016)40-
1.2. Research hypotheses 2.3. Study design
After reviewing related empirical studies on how Sampling is important because, in almost all cases,
cash register machine, VAT evasion while using it is not practical to study all the members of a
cashregister machine, Audit follow up, compliance
population (Vanderstoep, Johnston, 2009). In a
cost and administration cost affect the VAT income.
population of several thousand a sample of a few
This study has developed four directional hypotheses
hundred can be representative and (especially in self-
as follows:
completion surveys), researchers can „over-sample‟
H1: Awareness of tax payers to cash register
to compensate for non-response. In groups likely to
machine has significant impact on VAT
be under-represented additional „booster samples‟
income can be taken (Williams, 2003). A common goal of
H2:Tax Evasion has significant impact on VAT survey research is to collect data representative of a
income population. The researcher used information gathered
H3:Administration cost has a significant impact from the survey to generalize findings from a drawn
on VAT income sample back to a population, within the limits of
random error (Wunsch, 1986). Within a quantitative
H4: Compliancecost has a significant impact on
survey design, determining sample size and dealing
VAT income
with nonresponse bias is essential. “One of the real
H5: Audit follow up has significant impact on
advantages of quantitative methods is their ability to
VAT income
use smaller groups of people to make inferences
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS about larger groups that would be prohibitively
2.1. Description of the study area expensive to study” (Holton & Burnett, 1997, p. 71).
Hawassa is the capital city of S/N/N/P regional The traditional method of increasing reliability of
state. According to the 1999 population census, the estimates is to increase sample size. But increasing
resident of the city is about 350,000. The study area the sample size has its own problems as reported by
is Hawassa city administration. Hawassa city is (Bakan, 1966).
chosen for the reasons that tax registered enterprises The target population that is value added tax
are densely populated.
registered organization operating in the city of
2.2. Study subject Hawassa. Currently, the value added tax registered
The main aim of this study is to look into the organizations in Hawassa city as of July 07/2015 are
impact of electronic cash register machine on VAT 2500 as a total population. It is assumed that the
income. The study was only focus on those business sample should have 90% reliability and a sampling
enterprises register for tax operating in the Hawassa error of 10% or 0.1. The sample size is determined
city. Since September 2015 there are around 2,500 by using mathematical formula (Yamane, Taro,
VAT registered organizations operating in the city of 1967) is as follows.

Kassahun Bekele / Management, Science and Technology /(2016)40-
and direction of relationship among variables.
Therefore,n = N = 2500 = 96 Inferential statistics is used to test hypotheses.

1+N (e) 2 1+2500 (0.1)2

2.6. Model Specification and Definition of
Where Under this subsection, the researcher attempts to
n: is sample size clearly show specific model and define variables.
N: is total population This study employed one regression model. The
Model includes four independent variables
e: is sampling error (awareness of the tax payers to cash registration
machine, VAT evasion while using cash register
machine,administration cost of the government to
2.4. Study methodology
collect VAT by using electronic tax register machine,
Primary data was used to assess the impact of compliance cost (a cost that is incurred by the VAT
electronics cash register machine on VAT income. registered organizations to collect VAT and a tax
To collect the data, the researcher distributed the returns and audit follow up taking place by the
questionnaire to managerbecause; they are assumed Hawassa city tax administration) and VAT income as
to have more knowledge on the impact of electronics dependent variable. To estimate the impact of
cash register machine on VAT income. Therefore, independent variables on VAT income, the
the managers are the respondents to the researcher runs the following regression model:
questionnaire. For the purpose of this study, 96 VAT
registered organization were selected. For those
selected VAT registered organization, 96 VAT income = α i + β1AWE+ β2EVA+ β3ADM
questionnaires were distributed, that is 1 + β4COM + β5 AUD+ εi
questionnaire for each of the 96organizations. The
respondents were given seven workdays so that they
Where: VAT income =VAT income while the
could provide their responses in un hurry time, which
government using ECR,
minimizes response biasness. The analysis part of the
study was depending on the answers taking them as α = Alpha (constant);
representatives of VAT registered organization in β= Beta;
Hawassa city.
i = Firm index;
2.5. Data management and analysis
εi= residual
Data collected from the survey were analysed
AWE = Awareness of tax payers to cash register
using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
(SPSS) version 15. The study use both descriptive
and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics used to EVA = Tax evasion while using cash register
identify whether there is a large variance in data. The machine
study also used correlation analysis to see the degree ADM = Administration cost
Kassahun Bekele / Management, Science and Technology /(2016)40-
COM = Compliance cost last three years before using cash register machine,
AUD = Audit follow up while the remaining 4 percent started their business
during this year.
3.2.Correlation Coefficients
This chapter provides results and discussion of the
data, specifically descriptive statistics, correlation The correlations obviously provide direction and
among variables, regression result and hypotheses strength of association among variables and it is a
test. precondition to decide the likelihood of linearity
among variables, although correlations do not highly
Initially the researcher distributed questionnaires support whether there is a causal effect between
to ninety six organizations however, the data used for variables because variables that are not theoretically
analysis were obtained from fifty (50) VAT related and have no causal effect may reveal
registered organization operating in Hawassa city. significant association.
Forty six VAT registered organization did not return
the questionnaire, therefore the response rate is 50/96 The correlations support several predictions;
= 52 percent and the non-response rate is 48 percent. however, the formal tests are based on a random
effect level regression analysis. Accordingly, this
3.1. Business Profile & Background Information study has one-regression models. The model is
The years that has been organizations in operation utilized to determine the correlation between VAT
determines the experiences of the oldVAT collection incomes (VAT) with five independent variables.
system and new VAT collection system in filling its Table 2 reports Pearson correlation coefficients for
tax returns isrelevant information which can able the VAT income (VAT) with five independent variables.
business organizations to evaluate the existenceVAT Table 2 shows that awareness of tax payer(AWE)
collection system by making comparison with the is positively related to VAT income, with a
previous one. So, in order to getthis essential coefficient of r = .28 which is significant at (p < .01).
information the respondents were asked to give the It indicates that an increase in awareness of tax payer
age of their businesses,and the age of their businesses may increase VATincome of tax authority. Evasion
on VAT collection without electronic register (EVA) is positively associated with VAT income but
machineand with electronic cash register machine. statistically insignificant (p > .1). Administration cost
As we can see the above table 1 and figure 1, the (ADM) has positive correlation ship with VAT
respondents were asked to give the age of their income, with a coefficient of r = .28 which is
businesses, and from the research data, it was found statistically significant at (p< .1). Compliance cost
that most businesses have been in operation for more (COM) and VAT income has significant relationship
than five years before adopting cash register (r = .58, p < .01). Audit follow up (AUD) has a
machine, that is 50% of thebusinesses have been in positive relationship with VAT income, with a
operation for over 5 years, This indicates that almost coefficient of r =.61 which is significant at (p < .01).
halfof the respondents are well experienced which The association among independent variables
can able them measure the old taxsystem. 30 percent incorporated the model is less than 0.50, therefore
of the respondents state that they were operated for multicollinearity is not a serious problem in the
more than four years and 16 percent of the model (Field, 2009).
respondent state that that their business operated the

Kassahun Bekele / Management, Science and Technology /(2016)40-
Table 1: Time starting collection of VAT before cash register machine

Question Response Number Percent

When did your organization Started to using cash Before five year 25 50.0

register machine to collect VAT? Four years ago 15 30.0

Three years ago 8 16.0

This year 2 4.0

Total 50 100.0

Table 2: Pearson Correlation

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 PRO 1
2 AWE .28 1
3 EVA .11 .19 1
4 ADM .28 .01 .16 1
5 COM .58 .25 .08 .23 1
6 AUD .61 .10 .03 -.26 .52 1

Note: Boldsindicate significance level at the 1% anditalicsindicate significant at the

5% (one - tailed is used because directional prediction is made)

3.3.Checking Ordinary Least Square (OLS) researcher tests these four assumptions whether they
Assumption are met in the model.
There are several classical linear regression model Multicollinearity
(CLRM) assumptions, which are subject to test in
data, especially, multicollinearity, normality, This assumption is tested by variance inflation
linearity and autocorretion. Accordingly, the factor (VIF) as per this method, if the variance
inflation factor on each variable is less than ten and 1
/ VIF exceed 0.1, multicollinearity is not a serious

Kassahun Bekele / Management, Science and Technology /(2016)40-
concern in the model. The present findings indicate The result in table 4, demonstrates that awareness
that the tolerance values for the independent of tax payer(AWE) does not affect the VAT income
variables are quite respectable and the VIF values of tax Authority.The study shows that taxevasion
range from 1.147 to 2.047, which are well below the (EVA) influences the VAT income positively and
threshold of 10. significantly (β =0.349, t = 2.402, p < 0.05).
Table 3: the degree of multicollinearity in the model Administration cost (ADM) affect the VAT income
positively and significantly (β =0.816, t = 2.359, p <
0.05), compliance cost (COM) influence the VAT
income positively and significantly (β =.405, t =
Variables Tolerance VIF 3.428, p < 0.05). Audit follow up (AUD) has positive
significant impact on VAT income (β =.408, t =
AWE .724 1.381 2.299 p < 0.05.

EVA .872 1.147 3.5.Test of hypotheses

The study has developed twelve directional
ADM .572 1.747
hypotheses. To test these hypotheses, the researcher
COM .489 2.047 restates them in null form. Accordingly, the
researcher begins with the hypothesis related to
AUD .523 1.912 awareness of tax payers as follow:
Source: survey result H0 (1): Awareness of tax payers to cash register
machine has no significant impact on VAT income
As shown in Table 3, the variance inflation factor As can be observed in table 4 the coefficient on
for all variables is significantly less than the cut–off awareness of tax payer (AWE) (β = .048, t = .878, p
point or rule – of thumb that is ten (10). Therefore, > .1) is statistically insignificant. This means that
the researcher concluded that multicollinearity is not awareness of tax payer has no significant influence
a serious problem in the model (Field, 2009). on VAT income. Therefore, the researcher accepted
3.4.Regression Result the null hypothesis.
As can be seen in Table 4, the model has a high H0 (2): Tax Evasion has no significant impact on
goodness of fit as evidenced by the R-square 68.4 VAT income.
percent. This shows that the model explains that 68.4 Tax evasion while using cash register machine (β
percent (R.sq) variance in VAT income (VAT). The = .349, t = 0.2402) has a positive and significant
model is significant at (F = 6.665, p < 0.01). VAT is influence on VAT income at (p < .05) in the expected
the dependent variable in the model. As shown in the direction. This implies that the more the tax is
Table 4awareness of tax payer (AWE), Tax evasion evaded, the less VAT income generated by tax
(EVA), Administration cost (ADM), compliance cost authority. Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected.
(COM) &audit follow up (AUD)are independent
variables. H0 (3): Administration cost has no a significant
impact on VAT income

Kassahun Bekele / Management, Science and Technology /(2016)40-
A significant positive coefficient (β = .816, t =
2.402, p < .05) on administration cost shows the city
tax authority incurs high amount of administration
Table 4: Results of Regression Analysis

Dependent Variable :VAT income

Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients t-value p-value
Model Std.
B Error Beta
.347 .404 .858 .397
AWE .048 .056 .095 .870 .390
EVA .349 .145 .238 2.402 .021**
ADM .816 .346 .288 2.359 .024**
COM .146 .100 .192 1.450 .156
AUD .405 .118 .438 3.428 .002***
R. Square = 0.684
F = 6.665
P < 0.01
N= 50
Note: ***, **, * represent significant level at 1%, 5% and 10% respectively.
VAT income = AWE + EVA + ADM + COM + AUD, significant at P < 0.01

cost which affects the VAT income. Therefore, the sector costs, and again, simply stated, they
researcher accepts the alternative hypothesis and comprise the costs to taxpayers and third parties
rejects the null hypothesis. “in meeting the requirements laid upon them in
H0 (4): Compliance cost has no a significant complying with a given structure and level of tax”
impact on VAT income (Sandford, Godwin and Hardwick, 1989, p.
10).This result not supports the alternative
Table 4 shows compliance cost(β =.146, t =
hypothesis. Therefore, the researcher fails to reject
1.450) statistically insignificant influence on VAT
the null hypothesis.
income (p > .1). Compliance costs are private

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