Water Control Structures

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Water Control Structures Used in the Restoration and Creation of Wetlands

Kevin Biehn


An estimated 215 million acres of wetlands once existed in the lower 48 states at the time of the
United States settlement (Wenzel 1992). Since then extensive losses have occurred due to
drainage and conversion of wetlands to other uses such as agriculture. Local estimates indicate
that 80 percent of Minnesota's prairie potholes have been drained since settlement (Wenzel
1992). These losses took place because the importance of wetlands was not fully understood. The
general attitude during this time was that wetlands were nothing but wastelands. Prior to 1985
some governmental upports existed that encouraged landowners to convert wetland into
farmland.Gradually, society's attitude toward wetlands has begun to change and we are now
encouraged to protect rather than destroy them. As the country began to understand the
importance of wetlands and the negative effects of destroying them, the attitude shifted toward
the conservation of these ast resources. Wetlands provide many benefits including: flood control,
ground water recharge, erosion control, water quality improvements, habitat and food sources for
wildlife, and areas for passive and active recreation (Hammer 1996). Property owners are now
more aware of the benefits wetlands provide and the negative effects of destroying them.
Financial support is also available to restore/create wetlands from non-profit organizations and
governmental programs. Because of this awareness and support landowners are more willing to
restore and create wetlands on their own property.

The creation of a wetland requires the engineering of hydrology as opposed to restoration which
is the re-establishment of the pre-existing hydrologic regime. Restored wetlands are areas that
supported a natural wetland ecosystem but were modified to serve other purposes and then
returned to its natural state (Hammer 1996). Ditching, tiling, and pumping were the basic
techniques used to drain these wetlands. The restoration process involves reversing the effect of
these drainage methods. Created wetlands are non-wetland sites intentionally converted to
produce or replace natural habitat (Hammer 1996). The creation of wetlands involves confining
water with dikes, dams, by excavating fill.

Design Considerations

Water control structures are used to control, discharge, and maintain water levels. A water
control structure may consist of an earthen embankment, a structure manipulating subsurface
drainage, a spillway system or any combination of the above (Wenzel 1992). The type of
wetland desired and the goals of the project will determine the water control methods used. The
selection of the appropriate type and size of water control structure is important because it will
determine the success and safety of the project. The feasibility of the design will also have an
effect on water control structure selected.

Water Control Structures

Water control structures must be chosen and installed correctly to ensure a successful project.
The ideal water control structure will be required to perform many functions: An accurate
regulation of the water levels must be maintained while having the ability to release the
maximum water capacity at a safe level. Water control structures should be able to completely
dewater the wetland and allow for changes to be made easily. No changes should be needed
because of an increase or decrease of inflow due to precipitation. The structure should be
constructed simply so that it requires little or no maintenance. Vandalism susceptibility should be
minimized. Structures should also have low risk from debris or animals. (Hammer 1996).

Earthen Structures

Earthen structures are fabrications of earth or other suitable material that retain water. Dikes,
levees, and ditch plugs are examples of earthen structures. The basic purpose of a earthen
structure is to raise the water level to a design elevation and/or to prevent the flooding of
adjacent lands.

Earthen structures used to raise water levels are usually constructed perpendicular to a drainage
system or as a U-shaped slope. Dikes designed to raise water levels should only be considered if
the restored basin will receive sufficient water to fill the basin to full design capacity and only if
dikes are needed to achieve required water depths (Galatowitsch and van der Valk 1996). Dikes
used for the restriction of water levels are often constructed along property lines, roads, and other
boundaries. For economic reasons dikes are often constructed with the material obtain on-site.
Typically two types of earthen dikes are constructed. They can be constructed with a
homogenous fill material or with a impervious clay core (Wenzel 1992). A dike constructed with
homogenous fill needs to be impervious to retain water. If the earthen structure is constructed of
a semi-impervious fill, an impervious blanket is required on the water side(s) of the dike. Clay
cores create an impervious layer. Dikes are typically constructed to be impervious to water.
Seepage and water loss is not as critical if there is a sufficient water source and the seepage is not
causing erosion or damage (Wenzel 1992).

Organic soils should be avoided for earthen structure construction. If organic soils must be used,
an impervious core should be installed. Up to 50 percent shrinkage can be expected when using
organic soil (Wenzel 1992). Over construction must take place so that the berm is large enough
to maintain the water levels after it settles (Wenzel 1992). The soil materials used in the
construction of earthen structures creates sites known as "borrow areas". Borrows should not be
excavated from areas to close the earthen structure. Guidelines exist as to how close the borrow
areas can be to the dike for structural strength reasons. Borrow excavations should not be so
close as to affect the stability of the dike, the hydraulic characteristics of the outlet, or the
wetland's ability to retain water (Wenzel 1992).

Side slopes of the dike should be no steeper than 3:1 (Hammer 1996). Any grade increase will
decrease the stability of the dike. The top width of an embankment should be six feet for dikes
under six feet in height and eight feet for dikes between six feet and ten feet high (Galatowitsch
1986). The height of the dike will be the estimated height of the high water stage, with
allowances for settlement. The height is generally one foot above the emergency spillway
(Hammer 1996).

Earthen structures must be maintained and checked periodically for damage. Seepage through
the dike itself or along the piping of the principal spillway can lead to structure failure. Anti-seep
collars are the most common form of seepage prevention used for principal spillways (Wenzel
1992). An anti-seep collars are water tight fitted around the outside of the principal spillway.
They prevent seepage by restricting the water flow around the outside of the principal spillway.
Seepage control along a pipe may also be provide by a sand of gravel filter (Wenzel 1992).
Seepage occurrence through the material of the earthen structure may require additional fill on
the side the water is seeping to.

Muskrats can also cause major damage to earthen structures. The borrowing habits of the
animals can results in a destruction of earthen structures. Their borrows may cave in and cause
leakage or lower the height of the structure. Muskrats also destroy vegetation along the shoreline
which helps prevent wave action erosion. To control the problem muskrats can be removed by
trapping or other methods during certain parts of the year. A lining of hardware cloth or chicken
wire in an earthen structure will deter the animals from burrowing. The liner screens should be
laid on the upstream slopes of the dike and covered with at least one foot of fill (Galtowitsch and
van der Valk 1994).

Trickle Tubes

Trickle tubes transport water from one elevation to another. They are generally used on smaller
wetland projects to keep vegetated spillways dry. The concern being that the spillway is too wet
to maintain vegetation. The opening of the intake should be at a lower elevation than the
spillway. Under normal conditions the tube will drain the excess water and keep the spillway dry
to sustain vegetative growth (Wenzel 1992). Trickle tubes should be 6 to 8 inches in diameter
and non-perforated. A variety of conduits types may be used as trickle tubes, with the most
common being non-perforated corrugated polyethylene (PE) tubing (drain tile) (Wenzel 1992).

There are two basic types of inlets used for trickle tubes: a horizontal inlet and a vertical drop
(Wenzel 1992). The horizontal inlet is simply a straight conduit through the embankment. The
vertical drop is a vertical drop into the embankment with a horizontal 90 degree connection to
the outlet. In both cases the openings should be located at a minimum of 6 inches from the
maximum desired water level or dike crest (Wenzel 1992). Also a 1.5 foot of elevation
difference is required between the intake and outlet for a efficient flow of water. If the 1.5 foot
elevation difference can not be obtained, a horizontal inlet should be used (Wenzel 1992). The
outlet of the trickle tubes can discharge onto the ground surface, into an open ditch or into an
existing tile. The major concern is that the slope be very gradual so that erosion is minimized.

Principal and Emergency Spillway

The need to release excess water from a wetland after high rainfall or due snow melt runoff is
met by the principal and emergency spillway. In some cases only a principal spillway is required,
but with larger projects and under special circumstances an emergency spillway is added to
relieve water pressure.

A vegetated spillway is sufficient for impoundments one foot or less in height (Galatowitsch and
van der Valk 1994). Larger projects require a principal spillway through the dike and a vegetated
emergency spillway. The design limitations and requirements of the principle spillway are
similar to that of the trickle tube discussed earlier. The same principles are used at larger
capacities to relieve more water pressure. The capacity of the principal spillway should be able to
handle the peak flow of runoff expected every ten years over a 24-hour period. The elevation
difference between the principal and emergency spillway should be great enough to fill the
principal spillway to full capacity before any water is discharged through the emergency
spillway (Wenzel 1992).

Drop Structures

Although the drop structure concept is rather simple, many different types and combinations of
drop structures are used. The function of a drop structure is to remove excess water from the
wetland and transport it through the mbankment to an outlet at a lower elevation. Drop structures
are different from a horizontal structure in that the water drops down into a conduit and then
flows horizontal to the outlet. Most drop structures are used in conjunction with a vegetated

One of the main advantages of the drop structure system is that it can be designed or manipulated
to control water levels. The appropriate water level control has benefits to wildlife, flood control,
and agriculture. The installation of devices to control water can be useful in the management of
water regimes to favor certain plant and animal species (Kantrud 1986). Two basic types of drop
structures used to control water levels. The oldest and most widely used is the Òflashboard or
ÒstoplogÓ type. The stoplog has sleeves that can be removed or stacked upon to regulate the
water level. When a sleeve is removed a water is allowed to pour into the drop structure at a
lower elevation and thus lowers the water level. The addition of a sleeve allows the water to rise
to a higher level in the wetland before it can drain.

A control structure is normally built with reinforced concrete and treated timbers. Polyvinyl
chloride (PVC), metal or concrete commonly make up the sleeves. Also culvert type flashboard
water control structures have a high availability but are rather cumbersome to transport and
assemble in the field.

Recently, at least two manufactures have begun producing small stoplog control structures of
fiberglass and PVC that have similar design concepts that eliminate the need for fabricating the
structure on site (Hammer 1996). The major benefits the manufactured stoplog control structures
have over the field constructed types are that they are light weight, inexpensive, and allow for
easy water level adjustments. Agri-Drain Corporation and FOB Adair produce similar models
that range from $175 to more than $900 depending on style chosen and diameter and length
(Hammer 1996).

The other common type of drop structure is the swiveling pipe structure. The swiveling pipe
structure is a relatively simple and inexpensive drop structure, but provides a large capacity for
water level regulation (Hammer 1996). The inlet is a swiveling arm placed inside the drop
structure. The water level is regulated by simply rotating the swivel arm. At its vertical position,

it will provide the greatest depth and at the horizontal position will maintain the lowest level of

Beaver activity can cause major problems in a restored wetland. The blockage of the principal
spillways by beavers raises the water level and can flood near by lands. This results in constant
maintenance of removing debris from inlets. To control the beaver problem than can be removed
by the same methods as muskrats. Since this is only a temporary solution the wetland should be
made as beaver proof as possible, if the project exists in an area known to be home to beaver.
Drop structures are more difficult for beaver to dam than straight structures and should be used
in these locations (Wenzel 1992).

Trash guards or grates should be installed at the inlet of principal spillways to restrict debris from
flowing into the piping and restricting water flow. Trash guards should be checked periodically
for build-up, especially after periods of high runoff. Similar guards should be installed at the
outlet of spillways if a restriction of fish species is desired.

Subsurface Drainage Manipulation

Wetlands can sometimes be restored by simply plugging ditch lines or blocking tile that drain
wetlands. Both of these techniques are often used when restoring wetlands and can be use in
conjunction with water control structures. A tile block is a stopping of the water transported
through the tile. The most economically feasible way to perform this is to remove a strategic
section of tile. The removal of the section of tile will halt the drainage of the basin and return it
to its normal state. To manage water levels, a drop inlet can be modified to fit a tile block and
outlet into the existing tile at a lower elevation (Wenzel 1992). The inlet examples discussed
earlier can be fitted with non-pervious tile and connected to the existing tile to drain the excess
water. The only real limitation is that downstream drainage may be restricted by the carrying
capacity of the drop inlet (Wenzel) 1992).

Tile replacement is an option that will not negatively affect subsurface drainage flow. Tile
replacement is accomplished by removing tile under the basin and replacing it with non-
impervious tile, allowing water to pool over the replacement tile while not hindering the drainage
of near by land. The cost can be high depending upon the diameter and length of the new conduit
and the amount of excavation required (Wenzel 1992). Costs can vary, but a rough estimate of a
replacement conduit 12 inches in diameter is around $8.00 a foot for material and installation.

Cost of Wetland Restoration and Creation

Little information about the total costs of wetland restorations has been compiled. Data from
Heiser (1989) estimates that the cost of relatively simple pothole wetland restoration may
average between $150 and $250 per acre (for earth moving and installation of tile plugs).
Projects requiring installation of sophisticated water-control structures may reach thousands of
dollars per acre.


The hydrologic success of a wetland restoration/creation project is determined by correct match
of site and water control structures used. Knowing the strengths and limitations of these water
control structures allows for a more accurate selection and will help reduce maintenance, future
cost, and problems. Budget is almost always a limitation and site selection is important in
choosing a site that can be feasibly restored. The goals of most wetland restorations project are to
return the site its pre-settlement conditions but because of present day boundry limitations, water
control structures are necessary to restore wetland water levels. Water control structures provide
the ability to create wetlands where they now can not naturally form.

Literature Cited

Galatowitsch, S.M. and A.G. van der Valk. 1994. Restoring Prairie Wetlands: An Ecological
Approach. Iowa State University Press. Ames, IA.

Hammer. Donald A. 1996. Creating Freshwater Wetlands. CRC Press, Inc. Boca Raton, Florida.

Heiser, N. 1989. Personal communication. Spirit Lake, Iowa: Iowa Department of Natural

Kantrud, H.A. 1986. Effects of Vegetation Manipulation on breeding waterfowl in Prairie

Wetlands: Fish and Wildlife Technical Report 3. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Fish and Wildlife

Wenzel, T. A. 1992. Minnesota Wetland Restoration Guide. Minnesota Board of Water and Soil

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