B. Geier (2002) On The Influence of Laminate Stacking On Buckling of Composite Cylindrical Shells Subjected To Axial Compression
B. Geier (2002) On The Influence of Laminate Stacking On Buckling of Composite Cylindrical Shells Subjected To Axial Compression
B. Geier (2002) On The Influence of Laminate Stacking On Buckling of Composite Cylindrical Shells Subjected To Axial Compression
On the inuence of laminate stacking on buckling of composite cylindrical shells subjected to axial compression
B. Geier a, H.-R. Meyer-Piening b, R. Zimmermann
a DLR, Institut fr Strukturmechanik, Lilienthalplatz 7, D-38108 Braunschweig, Germany u ETH Zrich, Institut fr Mechanische Systeme, Leonhardstrasse 25, CH-8092 Zrich, Switzerland u u u
Abstract The buckling loads of laminated cylinders can strongly depend on the position of the dierently oriented layers within the shell. This paper deals with two dierent laminated orthotropic cylinders with opposite stacking sequence of the laminate layers. Cylinders of this construction had been thoroughly tested within a BRITE EURAM project. Analytical and semi-analytical methods have been used to predict the buckling loads, and the results are reported in this paper as well as test results for comparison. An explanation of the striking inuence of stacking sequence is given. With some more examples the ndings are veried. It is suggested that the presented results can be used for benchmarking purpose. 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Composites; Buckling analysis; Shells
1. Introduction Stiened cylindrical shells, which are loaded in axial compression, exhibit a buckling behaviour that is known to be strongly inuenced by the eccentricity of the stieners, see [14]. The arrangement of axial stieners at the exterior surface of the skin was found to be superior to the opposite placement. With the appearance of laminated composite shells the question of the most advantageous placement of layers, or stacking sequence, was raised. Zimmermann [5] showed by optimisation based on close-form analytical solutions for simply supported edges, and by experiments, that variation of bre orientations and of the sequence of stacking indeed signicantly inuence the buckling loads of axially compressed laminated cylindrical shells. This was later conrmed by FE analysis and further tests performed within the BRITE EURAM project design and validation of imperfection tolerant laminated shell structures (DEVILS) [6]; among the several thin-walled laminated CFRP cylinders manufactured at DLR Braunschweig and tested at DLR as well as at EMPA, Dbendorf, Switzerland, two cylinu
ders, named Z32 and Z33, had opposite stacking sequences. The computed buckling loads and the test results are shown in Table 1, where Class.-S3 means classical simple support boundary conditions, shallow shell theory, orthotropic material, perfect geometry, linear homogeneous fundamental state, and BACCUS-C4 stands for built-in edges, deep shell theory, anisotropic material, perfect geometry, linear homogeneous fundamental state. The buckling loads of the two cylinders dier by a factor near 2, although material, length, radius, wall thickness, and direction of bres are nominally identical. This paper deals with an explanation of this phenomenon. 2. The classical solution 2.1. Preliminary remarks Close-form solutions for the buckling loads of orthotropic non-symmetrically layered cylinders were published by several authors, in [79] to mention just a few. In this chapter a brief summary of a more recent publication [10] is presented, in order to get a simple framework for the explanation of the eect observed. It is based on shallow shell theory using the Kirchho Love-type assumption (no transverse-shear exibility).
Corresponding author. Tel.: +49-531-295-2346; fax: +49-531-2952232. E-mail address: [email protected] (R. Zimmermann).
0263-8223/02/$ - see front matter 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 2 6 3 - 8 2 2 3 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 1 7 5 - 1
Table 1 Computed and experimental axial buckling loads in kN Class.-S3 BACCUS-C4 Experiments DLR Z32 Z33 98 180 100 192 92 173 EMPA 89 184
2.3. Equilibrium conditions Stress resultants, i.e. membrane forces and bending/ twisting moments per unit length, corresponding to reference surface strain ex; y and change of curvature j, are 8 9 < nx = 4a N ny ; : ; nxy 8 9 < mx = M my : 4b : ; mxy Equilibrium of internal and external forces acting in x-, y- and z-direction upon a shell element is achieved if the following three partial dierential equations are satised: onx onxy 0; ox oy onxy ony 0; ox oy
2 2 o2 mx o2 mxy o2 my 1 ^ ow ^ ow 2 ny Nx 2 Ny 2 0: R ox oy ox2 oxoy oy 2
A reference surface (cf. Fig. 1) must be dened which does not necessarily have to be the median surface. Upon it the coordinates x (in axial direction) and y (in circumferential direction) are located. A normal coordinate z is zero at the reference surface and increases towards the interior. Displacements, strain, change of curvature and stress resultants have to be understood as quantities related to the buckling mode. They are increments superimposed on the fundamental (prebuckling) state at buckling. 2.2. Kinematic relations In accordance with the Kirchho hypothesis the distribution of strain over the thickness is ex; y; z ex; y z j; 1 where ex; y is the two-dimensional strain distribution in the reference surface and j describes its change of curvature. Straindisplacement relations for circular cylindrical shells and small displacements, according to shallow shell theory, are 8 9 8 9 ou=ox < ex = < = ey e ov=oy w=R ; 2a :c ; : ; ou=oy ov=ox xy 8 9 < o2 w=ox2 = j ; 2b o2 w=oy 2 : 2 ; 2o w=oxoy where u, v, w are displacements in x-, y- and z-direction, respectively. 1 It is seen that between the components of strain the following compatibility condition must hold: o2 ex o2 ey o2 cxy 1 o2 w 2 : 2 R ox2 oy ox oxoy 3
5 6
7 The quantities nx , ny , nxy and mx , my , mxy are the increments of membrane forces and bending/twisting moments per unit length associated with the buckling ^ ^ deection, while Nx , Ny are the membrane forces of the fundamental state, positive in tension. The shear mem^ brane force Nxy was set to zero, since buckling under torsion is not considered. The rst two dierential equations are identical with the equilibrium conditions of at plates under in-plane load. They are satised if the membrane force increments are derived from Airys stress function U such that nx o2 U ; oy 2 nxy o2 U ; oxoy ny o2 U : ox2 8
The strain eld resulting from the stress function must satisfy the compatibility condition, Eq. (3). In order to dene that strain eld we need the constitutive law of the shell. 2.4. Constitutive law There is a linear relation between the increments of stress resultants and strain or change of curvature: N Ae Bj; M BT e Dj: 9
The in-plane stiness matrix A, the extensionbending coupling matrix B and the bending stiness matrix D
have to be determined from the classical lamination theory as presented in many textbooks, for instance in [11]. In a single ply the stressstrain relation is rk Qk ek ; where stress and strain are related to the coordinate system x; y. The matrices A, B and D of a laminate consisting of N layers are dened as A
N X k1 N 1X 2 Q z z2 ; k1 2 k1 k k
o4 U o4 U o4 U o4 w a22 4 2a12 a33 2 2 a11 4 e21 4 ox ox oy oy ox o4 w o4 w 1 o2 w e11 e22 2e33 2 2 e21 4 0; ox oy oy R ox2 17
4 4 2 o4 w ~ ~ ~ ow ^ ow ~ ow D11 4 2D12 2D33 2 2 D22 4 Nx 2 ox ox oy oy ox 2 4 4 oU oU ^ ow Ny 2 e21 4 e11 e22 2e33 2 2 oy ox ox oy o4 U 1 o2 U e21 4 0: 18 oy R ox2
Qk zk zk1 ;
N 1X 3 Q z z3 : k1 3 k1 k k
2.6. Solution of the dierential equations For the classical boundary condition v 0; w 0; mx 0; nx 0; 19
Note that the negative sign in the coupling terms is related to the sign convention for positive moments. The rst of the two matrix equations (9) is solved for the strain at the reference surface, and the result is substituted in the second equation to obtain a semi-inverted version of the constitutive law, e A1 N Bj; M B A N D B A Bj: After introduction of the membrane compliance a A1 ; the eccentricity matrix e A1 B aB (which is non-symmetric, i.e. eT 6 e) and the modied bending stiness ~ D D BT A1 B; 15 14 13
T 1 T 1
close-form solutions exist with the buckling modes w C1 sin bx cos gy; U C2 sin bx cos gy: Abbreviations used are mp ; b L n g : R 20 21
11 12
22a 22b
the semi-inverted constitutive law can be written more concisely as e aN ej; ~ M eT N Dj: 16
Obviously m is the number of axial half-waves and n is the number of complete circumferential waves of the buckling mode. For pure axial compression the condition for non-trivial solutions is evaluated to yield the bifurcation loads ( 1 ~ 4 ~ ~ ~ Ni 2 D11 b 2D12 2D33 b2 g2 D22 g4 b ) e21 b4 e11 e22 2e33 b2 g2 e12 g4 b2 =R2 ; a22 b4 2a12 a33 b2 g2 a11 g4 23 with ^ Nx Ni 24a
2.5. The system of dierential equations The compatibility condition (3) and the third equilibrium condition (7) are transformed using the semiinverted constitutive law (16) and the curvaturedisplacement relation (2b) yielding for zero torsion the following system of two coupled fourth-order partial dierential equations,
and ^ Ny 0: 24b
The axial buckling load is the smallest (positive) Ni that can be found for any combination of axial halfwaves m and circumferential waves n: ^ Nx cr MinNi : 25
3. Results for cylinders with reverse stacking We consider the two cylinders mentioned in Section 1. They are designated Z32 2 and Z33. Their inner radius is 250 mm, and their length is 510 mm. The laminates consist of 10 layers of unidirectional carbon/epoxy with ply properties Ek 123 550 MPa; mk? 0:32; E? 8708 MPa; G# 5695 MPa;
which were measured with small specimens. Each ply has the thickness 0.125 mm. The laminate stacking is, from outer to inner ply (0 being axially oriented): Z32: 0; 0; 19; 19; 37; 37; 45; 45; 51; 51, Z33: 51; 51; 45; 45; 37; 37; 19; 19; 0; 0. With Z33 the order of plies was reversed compared to Z32. The classical lamination theory, with the middle surface taken as reference surface, yields the laminate extension, coupling and bending stiness terms 2 3 88:74 24:86 0:0 A 4 24:86 35:07 0:0 5 103 N=mm; 0:0 0:0 28:48 2 3 15:73 4:152 1:830 B 4 4:152 7:43 1:383 5 103 N; 1:830 1:383 4:125 2 3 12:31 2:699 0:3462 D 4 2:699 4:883 0:7115 5 103 N mm; 0:3462 0:7115 3:17 where the upper and lower signs pertain to Z32 and Z33, respectively. To comply with the postulate of the lamiZ32 was designed as pessimum [5], i.e. the one with the lowest buckling load among all cylinders with ve double plies of orientation ui ; ui .
nate being strictly orthotropic the terms D13 , D23 , D31 , D32 , B13 , B23 , B31 , B32 are set to zero for the classical analysis. The results of the computations are presented in two diagrams, Figs. 2 and 3, showing bifurcation loads for various circumferential wave numbers as functions of the axial half-wavelength L=m. Continuous lines are drawn, but only values for integer axial half-wavenumbers are relevant. Therefore, the vertical dash-dotted lines marked m 1; m 2; . . . are included, the intersections of which with lines n const: correspond to bifurcation loads. There is a striking dierence between the two gures: with cylinder Z32 there is a group of low bifurcation loads at the left side, i.e. at small axial half-wavelengths. The corresponding mode shapes are long in the circumferential direction and short in the axial direction. The lower bounding curve is for n 0. For cylinder Z33 there is no such group of squeezed mode shapes with low bifurcation loads. On the contrary, the bifurcation loads of axially short modes are shifted up to values higher than those of axially longer and circumferentially shorter mode shapes. The buckling loads and modes of the two cylinders are ^ Z32: Nx cr 62:54 N=mm, m 13, n 0, ^ Z33: Nx cr 114:5 N=mm, m 1, n 7. The corresponding critical axial forces are presented in Table 1 together with theoretical buckling loads obtained under less restrictive conditions (BACCUS-C4), and test results. 4. Explanation of the eect observed In order to understand the observed behaviour the theory for the limiting case of axisymmetric buckling is
inspected more closely. Guided by the results a physical explanation is presented. It has been shown in [6] that in fact cylinder Z32 buckles in an axisymmetric mode, being visualised via Moir pictures taken just prior to e buckling. After buckling had been initiated the pattern changes to a non-axisymmetric pattern as a consequence of the large deection amplitudes encountered. 4.1. Axisymmetric buckling With axisymmetric buckling the circumferential wavenumber is n 0, and the buckling loads depend on the axial half-wavelength only. Assuming that the axial wavelength parameter b varies continuously, analytical minimisation of Eq. (23) can be performed. The minimum is found for the axial half-wavelength: r q L ~ p R D11 a22 e2 26 21 m and the lowest buckling load for axisymmetric modes is q 2 ^ ~ Nx b D11 a22 e2 e21 : 27 21 Ra22 Note that the corresponding axial force q ~ 11 a22 e2 e21 ^x b 4p D Fx b 2pRN 21 a22
signs so that the sign of e21 is basically opposite to the sign of B11 . If the axially sti layers are predominantly located at the outer side of the cylindrical laminate, i.e. at negative values of zk , Eq. (10), B11 becomes positive and e21 negative, thus yielding low buckling loads if the buckling pattern is axisymmetric. In case of cylinders Z32 and Z33 the eccentricity term ~ e21 , the component D11 of the modied bending stiness matrix, and the component a22 of the extensional compliance are e21 0:3046 mm; a22 0:3558 10
With these numbers the square root expression is q ~ D11 a22 e2 0:5822; 21 and the bifurcation loads of axisymmetric buckling are 2 0:5822 0:3046; 250:625 0:3558 104 ^ ^ which gives Nx b 61:44 N=mm for Z32, and Nx b 198:05 N=mm for Z33. These loads are somewhat smaller than the axisymmetric buckling loads computed for discrete axial halfwavenumbers, )62.54 and )199.2 N/mm, since they were minimised for continuous variation of the axial half-wavelength of buckles. Note that non-axisymmetric modes of Z33 are connected with lower loads. ^ Nx b 4.2. Physical interpretation Consider a cylinder that has axially sti layers, with small Poissons ratio, near one surface, and u layers with high Poissons ratio next to the other surface. As^ sume that a compressive axial load Nx is applied which causes the cylinder to expand due to Poissons ratio ef-
is independent of the radius and merely depends on the laminate. The expression under the square root is always positive, whereas the additive term e21 may be positive or negative depending on the stacking sequence of the laminate. The absolute values of both, the square root and e21 , are of the same order of magnitude. The sign of the eccentricity term e21 is determined by the expression (A11 B12 A12 B11 ). Typically, B12 and B11 have dierent
fect. Then assume a superimposed innitesimal axisymmetric buckling deformation. Note that in the regions which buckle outward the compressive strain gets smaller near the outer surface and increases near the inner surface. At the top of Fig. 4 the inner layer is axially sti with nearly zero Poissons ratio, while the outer layer has u orientation with high Poissons ratio. At the outward bulging buckle the outer layer tends to shrink radially and hence to oppose the buckling deformation. At the inward buckle, due to the increase of compressive strain,
the outer ply tends to expand radially. Once more this opposes the buckling deformation. Hence, the buckling load for axisymmetric modes is increased. At the bottom of Fig. 4 the eccentricity is opposite. The axially sti layer is placed at the outer side and the u layer is placed next to the inner surface. In the parts moving outward at buckling, due to Poissons eect, the inner ply tends to grow radially, and it tends to shrink in the parts moving inward. Hence, buckling deformation is enhanced, and a low buckling load is caused. 4.3. Remark on non-axisymmetric modes A close inspection of Figs. 2 and 3 shows that the loads for non-axisymmetric modes which are more elongated in axial direction, say m 6 4, n P 7, are higher for cylinder Z32 than for cylinder Z33, pointing to an eect that is opposite to the Poisson ratio eect discussed above. It is this eect that was discussed in [14] for stringer stiened cylinders with homogeneous isotropic skin.
5. Additional examples Now four cylinders are considered with the same ply properties as before, but with eight plies only. The rst two of them have the stacking sequences 04 ; 45; 452 and 45; 452 ; 04 . Figs. 5 and 6 show the diagrams of their bifurcation loads vs. axial half-wavelength. They resemble the corresponding diagrams for cylinders Z32 and Z33, Figs. 2 and 3, respectively. The reversal of the stacking causes substantial dierence in buckling loads, and the buckling mode of the cylinder with the lower buckling load is axisymmetric.
The 45 and 45 plies then were substituted by 90 plies to yield the stackings 04 ; 904 and 904 ; 04 . Both cylinders buckle non-axisymmetrically at the same load, cf. Figs. 7 and 8. These results illustrate that the strong eect of ply reversal that was discussed before depends on the presence of 45; 452 plies and their position. More generally, in accordance with the explanation presented before, the presence of ply packages with high Poissons ratio and their positions strongly inuence the buckling loads and modes. Placing them at or near the external surface is advantageous yielding high buckling loads and non-axisymmetric mode shapes. The eect also will prevail with angle plies u; un for u other than 45.
6. Summary and conclusions The buckling behaviour of axially compressed bre composite cylinders is inuenced not only by bre orientations, but also by the sequence of stacking within the laminate. Two examples are given for which reversing the stacking sequence substantially changes the buckling load. For one of them experimental results are available which conrm the predictions obtained by the classical buckling theory. An explanation based on that theory, and supported by physical reasoning, is given. However, with another example there is practically no change of buckling load with reversal of stacking. An explanation was presented for that case, too.
The examples clearly demonstrate that the consequence of both the orientation of plies and their placement within the laminate has to be monitored in the design of laminates. With non-symmetric laminates where membrane-bending coupling stinesses are involved, the often-used practice in optimisation of bre composite shells, to x in advance the orientations of plies and their relative position, and then to optimise only their thicknesses, is not adequate. As a side eect the specic interrelation of shells Z32 and Z33 makes them particularly suitable for benchmarking purposes.
Acknowledgements This work was partially supported by BBW (CH), contract No. 93.0089, BRITE EURAM, project No. 7550, contract No. BRE2-CT49-0962, ETHZ, EMPA and DLR. The nancial support, as well as the technical support from personnel of ETHZ, EMPA and DLR, are gratefully acknowledged. References
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