DPP HR 2024

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DPP Reproductive Health

1. Family planning programme was initiated in 6. Which of the following is not a characteristic
1) 1920 of an ideal contraceptive?
2) 1930 1) User-friendly
3) 1950 2) Irreversible
4) 1951 3) Easily available
4) Least side-effects
2. RCH stands for
1) Routine Check-up of Health 7. Which of the following correctly describes

2) Reproduction Cum Hygiene the measures that can be used to control
3) Reversible Contraceptive Hazards over-population?
4) Reproductive and Child Health Care 1) Educating people about the advantages
of a small family

3. Reproductive health in society can be 2) Raising the age of marriage
improved by 3) Encouraging family planning programme
(i) Introduction of sex education in 4) All of these

(ii) Increased medical assistance 8. Read the given statements and select the
(iii) Awareness about contraception and correct option.
STDs Statement 1: Diaphragms, cervical caps and
(iv) Equal opportunities to male and vaults are made of rubber and are inserted
female child into the female reproductive tract to cover
(v) Encouraging myths and the cervix before coitus.
misconceptions Statement 2: These are chemical barriers of
1) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) conception which are reusable.
2) (i), (ii), (iv) and (v) 1) Both statements 1 and 2 are correct.
3) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) 2) Both statements 1 and 2 are incorrect.
4) (ii) and (v) 3) Statement 1 is correct but statement 2 is

4. All are the problems related to reproductive 4) Statement 1 is incorrect but statement 2
health, except is correct.
1) Over population

2) Low infant mortality rate 9. Which of the following is a non-medicated

3) Early marriage intrauterine device (IUD)?
4) High maternal mortality rate 1) CuT

2) Lippes' Loop
5. Which of the following are the reasons for 3) Cu7
population explosion? 4) LNG-20
(i) Increased health facilities
(ii) Rapid increase in MMR 10. Which of the following is not an intrauterine

(iii) Rapid increase in IMR device?

(iv) Rapid decrease in MMR 1) Progestasert

(v) Decrease in number of people 2) Multiload-375

reaching reproductive age 3) Norplant
1) (i) and (iv) 4) Lippes' loop
2) (iii) and (v)
3) (ii) and (iii) 11. CuT is an intrauterine contraceptive device.
4) (i) and (v) Select the option that correctly defines the
role of Cu.
1) Cu ions make uterus unsuitable for 16. Consider the following statements each with
implantation. one or two blanks.
2) Cu ions suppress sperm motility and the a) Lippes' loop is a (i) IUD while multiload
fertilising capacity of the sperms. 375 is a (ii) IUD.
3) Cu ions make cervix hostile to sperms. b) Surgical methods of contraception are
4) All of these also called as (iii) methods.
c) High MMR and IMR play a significant role
12. The birth control device used by women is in (iv) human population.

1) Diaphragm Which one of the following options, gives the
2) Vault correct fill ups for any of the three respective
3) Copper T blank numbers (i) to (iv) in the above
4) All of these statements?
1) (i) copper releasing, (ii) non-medicated

13. What is true about "Saheli"? (iv) decreasing
(i) Developed at the CDRI, Lucknow 2) (iii) barrier, (iv) increasing
(ii) Contains a steroidal preparation 3) (i) non-medicated, (ii) copper releasing,
(iii) "Once-a-week" pill (iv) decreasing

(iv) Many side effects 4) (i) copper releasing, (ii) non-medicated,
(v) High contraceptive value (iii) sterilisation
(vi) Very few side effects
(vii) Low contraceptive value 17. Select the option which correctly fills up the
1) (i), (ii), (iii), (v) and (vii) blanks in the following statements.
2) (i), (iii), (v) and (vi) (i) Destruction of embryo or fetus in the
3) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) uterus is called________.
4) (i), (iii), (iv) and (ii) (ii) Government of India legalised MTP in
the year________.
14. Which of the following statements are (iii) Natural family planning method is

correct regarding surgical methods of also called___________.

contraception? (iv) _______ is a method in which the
(i) These are generally advised to the male partner withdraws his penis
male/female partner as a terminal from vagina just before ejaculation.
method to prevent any more (v) ______ is a copper releasing and

pregnancies. ______ is a hormone releasing intra

(ii) Surgical procedure in male is called uterine devices.
tubectomy and that in the female is 1) (i) feticide, (ii) 1961, (iii) rhythm method,

called vasectomy. (iv) Safety period, (v) Saheli, LNG-20

(iii) Reversibility is easily possible. 2) (i) feticide, (ii) 1971, (iii) rhythm method,
(iv) They block gamete transport and (iv) Coitus interruptus, (v) Multiload 375,
thereby prevent conception. LNG-20
1) (ii) and (iii) 3) (i) feticide, (ii) 1965, (iii) rhythm method,

2) (i), (ii) and (iii) (iv) Coitus interruptus, (v) Multiload 375,
3) (i) and (iv) CuT

4) (ii) and (iv) 4) (i) matricide, (ii) 1982, (iii) contraception

method, (iv) Coitus interruptus, (v)
15. Which of the following is the most widely Progestasert, LNG-20
accepted method of contraception in India at
present? 18. Which of the following statements is
1) Cervical caps incorrect regarding the medical termination
2) Tubectomy of pregnancy (MTP)?
3) Diaphragms 1) These help in getting rid of unwanted
4) Intra uterine devices pregnancies.
2) These help in aborting the pregnancies
which may be harmful to either mother
or fetus or both.
Answer key
3) These contribute in decreasing the
human population. Question Answer
4) None of these
19. Complications due to various STIs may lead
1 4

1) pelvic inflammatory diseases 2 4
2) still births
3) ectopic pregnancies 3 3
4) all of these
4 2

20. The common means of transmission of AIDS 5 1
1) sexual intercourse 6 2

2) blood transfusion
3) placental transfer
7 4
4) all of these. 8 3
21. Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) 9 2
1) include social awareness programmes to
educate people about reproductive
10 3
health and diseases 11 2
2) include research organisation working to
produce new and more effective 12 4

contraceptives for birth control

3) include a number of special techniques
13 2
which assist infertile couples to have 14 3
4) both (2) and (3). 15 4

22. Which method can be used for women that

16 3
cannot produce ovum but can provide 17 2

suitable environment?
1) IUD 18 4
3) IUI
19 4
4) ICSI 20 4

21 3

22 2

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