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Perimenopause as a neurological
transition state
Roberta D. Brinton, Jia Yao, Fei Yin, Wendy J. Mack and Enrique Cadenas
Abstract | Perimenopause is a midlife transition state experienced by women that occurs in the context of a
fully functioning neurological system and results in reproductive senescence. Although primarily viewed as
a reproductive transition, the symptoms of perimenopause are largely neurological in nature. Neurological
symptoms that emerge during perimenopause are indicative of disruption in multiple estrogen-regulated
systems (including thermoregulation, sleep, circadian rhythms and sensory processing) and affect multiple
domains of cognitive function. Estrogen is a master regulator that functions through a network of estrogen
receptors to ensure that the brain effectively responds at rapid, intermediate and long timescales to regulate
energy metabolism in the brain via coordinated signalling and transcriptional pathways. The estrogen
receptor network becomes uncoupled from the bioenergetic system during the perimenopausal transition
and, as a corollary, a hypometabolic state associated with neurological dysfunction can develop. For some
women, this hypometabolic state might increase the risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases later
in life. The perimenopausal transition might also represent a window of opportunity to prevent age-related
neurological diseases. This Review considers the importance of neurological symptoms in perimenopause in
the context of their relationship to the network of estrogen receptors that control metabolism in the brain.
Brinton, R. D. et al. Nat. Rev. Endocrinol. advance online publication 26 May 2015; doi:10.1038/nrendo.2015.82

Introduction Transition states

Perimenopause is a midlife transition state that leads Transition states in humans that can span several years,
to reproductive senescence in women.1–4 Worldwide, such as puberty and the perimenopause, are dependent
>850 million women are currently aged 40–60 years,5 upon an integrated series of phase-dependent transfor­
88% of whom will transition through perimenopause at mations, which involve sequential activation and deacti­
an average age of 51.4 years with a Gaussian distribution vation of complex regulatory pathways.9 These transition
of 40–58 years.6 Regardless of ethnicity, geographic loca­ states are associated with the restructuring of regulatory
tion or culture, all women who reach the age of 60 years networks, which include systems of genetic, epigenetic
with their reproductive organs intact will transition and protein factors.9 Owing to the multifactorial nature
through perimenopause to menopause with a duration of these transition states, small perturbations, either of
of 1–5 years from start to completion.1,3 Menopause is endogenous or exogenous origin, during the restructur­
the final stage of perimenopause and is complete after ing process can directly induce vulnerabilities or unmask
12 months of amenorrhoea. This final stage is associ­ existing ones.10
ated with a decrease in ovarian secretion of estrogen Complex biological systems have critical thresholds,
and progesterone.3,7 often referred to as tipping points, when a system can
Both puberty and perimenopause are developmental shift from one state to the other.10 That complex diseases
Department of transitions that occur in the context of a fully functioning are characterized by transitions from a healthy state to
Pharmacology and
Pharmaceutical neurological system that undergoes a conversion from a predisease (that is, a prodromal phase) and finally a
Sciences, School of one state of developmental ageing to another.8 Puberty is disease is well established.10 The predisease transition is
Pharmacy, University
of Southern California,
an endocrine transition state that occurs during adoles­ typically defined as the limit of the normal state that pre­
1985 Zonal Avenue, cence and results in the conversion of a system that is cedes the tipping point into disease. The predisease state
Los Angeles, CA 90089, incapable of reproduction to one with reproductive com­ is often unstable and, therefore, potentially reversible;
USA (R.D.B., J.Y., F.Y.,
E.C.). Department of petence, in both female and male individuals. As with however, the period of time during which this state could
Preventive Medicine, puberty, the perimenopause can be accompanied by shifts be reversed is limited. The bifurcation point between
Keck School of
Medicine, University
in neurological function that are seemingly unrelated to predisease and disease states is characterized by a criti­
of Southern California, reproduction.8 This transition from one neurological state cal slowing of the system, in which the system becomes
1975 Zonal Avenue, to another during perimenopause and its implications for increasingly slow to recover from small perturbations to
Los Angeles, CA 90089,
USA (W.J.M.). health in later life are the focus of this Review. the equilibrium.10
In neurological transition states, indicators of dys­
Correspondence to:
R.D.B. Competing interests function at the limits of normal function can be signals
[email protected] The authors declare no competing interests. of instability and tipping points. The presence, variability,


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Key points has enabled a symptom and indicator classification

system, known as the STRAW criteria, that describes the
■■ The clinical definition of perimenopause focuses on functional changes in the
reproductive system; however, the symptoms of the perimenopause are largely
stages of reproductive ageing across the transition from
neurological in nature perimenopause to postmenopause.3
■■ Most women transition through perimenopause without long-term adverse From an endocrine system perspective, perimeno­
effects; however, a substantial proportion of women emerge from this transition pause is characterized by increased variability in the
with an increased risk of neurological decline length of the menstrual cycle and levels of circulating
■■ Estrogen functions as a master regulator to ensure the brain responds hormones (Figure 1a). During perimenopause, ovulation
appropriately to coordinate signalling and transcriptional pathways that regulate occurs irregularly owing to fluctuations in levels of hypo­
energy metabolism
thalamic, pituitary and ovarian hormones.2 Variability
■■ The estrogen receptor network becomes uncoupled from the bioenergetic
system during the perimenopausal transition and a hypometabolic state in the hormonal milieu within and across the stages of
associated with neurological dysfunction emerges perimenopause is high. For example, follicle-stimulating
■■ In neurological transition states, indicators of dysfunction at the limits of those hormone (FSH) levels increase during some cycles but
normally seen can signal tipping points for neurological diseases return to premenopausal levels in subsequent cycles.14
■■ The presence, variability, intensity and duration of neurological perimenopausal The accurate determination of FSH levels is complicated
symptoms could be warning signs for increased risk of neurodegenerative by a pulsatile pattern of secretion; levels of FSH stabilize
diseases later in life
only when perimenopause is complete.3
Circulating levels of 17β‑estradiol are also highly vari­
intensity and duration of perimenopausal symptoms able throughout perimenopause.1 Estrogen levels can be
might provide warning signs for an increased risk of persistently low, as might be expected, but can also
adverse health consequences in later life, particularly be abnormally high.15 The concentration of 17β‑estradiol
neuro­degenerative diseases. Multiple conditions that is stabilized at a low level in late-stage perimenopause
emerge during the perimenopause, such as insomnia, when cycling has ceased and the menopausal transi­
depression, subjective memory complaints and cognitive tion has been completed.3 The hormonal phenotypes of
decline (Figure 1) are associated with an increased risk perimenopause have been characterized using trajec­
of neurodegenerative diseases, particularly Alzheimer tory clustering analysis of levels of 17β‑estradiol and
disease.11,12 Multiple neurodegenerative diseases, includ­ FSH, which revealed four distinct trajectories of change
ing Alzheimer disease and multiple sclerosis, have a for 17β‑estradiol and three for FSH.16 The trajectories of
greater prevalence in postmenopausal women than decline in serum levels of 17β‑estradiol included a slow
in premenopausal women, and are characterized by steady decline, a low level that did not change over time,
prodrom­al periods that precede diagnosis of disease.11,12 a rise with slow decline and a rise with steep decline.16
Trajectories of hormonal change were highly corre­
Perimenopause lated with ethnicity and BMI.16 Remarkably, the cyclical
Perimenopause is often referred to as ‘the change’, which nature of levels of progesterone seem to remain gener­
is an apt description because the variability in physio­ ally intact, whereas the absolute level of progesterone
logical and neurological symptoms increases with the can vary across normal values, high spikes and undetect­
change toward reproductive senescence (Figure 1a). The able levels.14 This variability in hormone levels creates
female reproductive axis comprises the hypothalamic– difficulties in relying upon a single measurement of a
pituitary–ovarian–uterine axis and undergoes targeted hormone level at a single time point to ascertain a diag­
accelerated changes relative to other systems that are nosis of perimenopause.17 Despite the well-­characterized
otherwise healthy.6 Reproductive senescence in women trajectory of hormone levels across the perimeno­pausal
is defined by oocyte depletion, which begins at birth and stages, variability in stage duration, complex symp­
continues until menopause is achieved.3 The relatively tom profiles and symptomatic severity (Figure 1b) can
wide age range (40–58 years3,4) for menopause sug­ differ dramatically both across and within different
gests that women either have a highly variable number ethnic groups.18
of oocytes or that the rate of oocyte loss varies greatly Reproductive senescence occurs in all species with
between individuals. some, such as rodents and nonhuman primates, sharing
Characteristic symptoms inherent to the perimeno­ critical features with the human perimenopausal tran­
pausal transition have been extensively documented.3 sition.19 In all mammals studied, numbers of ovarian
The Stages of Reproductive Aging Workshop (STRAW),3 follicles and oocytes decline exponentially over the
which was an international collaborative effort, along course of life, beginning at, or even before, birth.20 As
with the Study of Women Across the Nation (SWAN), in humans, rodents undergo a decline in the number
which studied an ethnically diverse population in the of ovarian follicles, irregular cycling, irregular fertility,
USA,13 have contributed to the classification of the peri­ steroid hormone fluctuations and development of insen­
menopausal transition and characterized the complexity sitivity to estrogen.21,22 However, unlike humans, rodents
of symptoms and the ethnic diversity of perimenopausal do not menstruate, but many nonhuman primates do,
phenotypes. Principal symptoms include variability in such as the rhesus monkey.23 High plasma concentra­
cycle length, vasomotor symptoms (hot flushes) and hor­ tions of estrogen are associated with insensitivity of the
monal fluctuations (Figure 1b).3 Determination of these hypothalamic–pituitary system to estrogen in humans,24
well-defined endocrine features of the perimenopause nonhuman primates and rodents.20


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a revealed that both the ovaries and the brain are deter­
High High
minants of reproductive life. Notably, neuroendocrine
(endocrine and neurological symptoms)

responses (probably because of exposure to high levels of

Glucose metabolism in the brain

17β‑estradiol24), can limit reproductive system function,
whereas the ovarian transplants remain viable.25,26 These
data indicate that reproductive senescence is driven by

both the ovaries and the brain; persistent high levels of

estrogen from the ovaries, as occurs during perimeno­
pause, is a likely candidate for mediating the neural
switch to reproductive senescence.

Neurological symptoms
Low Low Although the clinical definition of perimenopause
Premenopause Perimenopause Postmenopause
focuses on functional changes in the reproductive system,
b the symptoms of perimenopause are largely neurologi­
cal in nature (Figure 1b), the documentation of which
20% spans continents, cultures and ethnicities.15,27–43 The
complexity of the perimenopausal transition is reflected
Only hot flushes 30% by a range of neurological symptoms, which include
temperature dysregulation, depression, insomnia, pain
Cognitive dysfunction
and cognitive dysfunction.16,31,43 Neurological symptoms
Cognitive dysfunction + insomnia tend to cluster together in occurrence and severity 44
Cognitive dysfunction + mood changes and, in many instances, persist into post­menopause.34,35
Cognitive dysfunction + insomnia The breadth of neurological symptoms that can occur
Perimenopause + mood changes during the perimenopausal transition is indicative of
Hot flushes 70%

Symptomatic Insomnia disruption in multiple systems (Figure 2), whereas their

80% simultaneous emergence during the same transition is
+ Insomnia + mood changes
indicative of involvement one or more common control­
Insomnia + suicidal ideation
ling factors. If common controlling factors exist, then
Insomnia + depression + mood changes
they must meet multiple requirements. Among these
Depression requirements would be change from premenopausal
Depression + mood changes levels of the factors, a distributed system of response
Depression + mood changes
elements within affected neural systems, mecha­nisms of
+ suicidal ideation action that would account for the breadth of symptoms
Mood changes and evidence for reversal of symptoms in the presence
of the controlling factors. Other requirements might of
Figure 1 | Symptoms during perimenopause. Perimenopause is characterized by course exist, but these conditions serve as a ‘first pass’ set
heightened variability in neurological symptoms, which Nature
is co-incident Endocrinology
Reviews | with a decline
of considerations. Among potential controlling factors,
in glucose metabolism in the brain. a | Variability of symptoms in premenopause,
perimenopause and postmenopause (blue line; left axis); glucose metabolism in
estrogen fulfils many of these requirements.
the brain (red line; right axis). b | Diversity of neurological symptoms during
perimenopause. The majority of women will experience neurological symptoms Estrogen and the estrogen receptor
during perimenopause; however, a small proportion (~20%) of women will transition Localization in the brain
without symptoms. Neural structures in the brain that control the multiple
functions affected during the perimenopausal tran­
In cultured rat primary hippocampal neurons, the sition are populated with multiple types of estrogen
concentration of 17β‑estradiol, but not the fluctuating receptors (Figure 2).45–52 To date, three distinct estro­
pattern of exposure to this hormone, was the determin­ gen receptors have been identified: estrogen receptor 1
ing factor for neuronal viability.23 Exposure to a low con­ (ESR1; commonly known as ER‑α), estrogen recep­
centration of 17β‑estradiol promoted neuronal survival tor 2 (ESR2; co­mmonly known as ER‑β) and G‑protein
and intracellular calcium homeostasis, whereas exposure coupled estrogen receptor 1 (GPER; formerly known as
to a high concentration was ineffective and resulted in GPR30). For estrogen to be a regulator of the neurologi­
increased cellular vulnerability to neurodegenerative cal systems that generate the symptoms associated with
insults. 23 These in vitro findings are consistent with perimenopause, the locations of estrogen receptors need
in vivo data from mice implanted with pumps that deliv­ to be co-incident with the relevant neuro­anatomical
ered supraphysiologic levels of 17β‑estradiol; the mice regions. The abundance of estrogen receptors in the
became permanently acyclic within 1 week of implanta­ hypothalamic preoptic nucleus, which is the primary
tion of the pump.24 Insensitivity to estrogen is associated thermoregulatory centre, is among the densest in the
with reactive gliosis in the hypothalamus and ultimately brain. 45,53 Likewise, the suprachiasmatic nucleus of
cell death.25 Studies to determine ovarian versus neuro­ the hypothalamus, which has a central role in regula­
endocrine contributions to reproductive senescence tion of sleep and circadian rhythms, is rich in estrogen


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Executive function Sensory Default mode network, (minutes to hours) and long (hours to days) to regu­
and working memory integration working memory,
ER-α, ER-β ER-β, GPER task preparation late and coordi­nate multiple systems (Figures 2 and 3).
ER-β Moreover, estrogen signalling through this network of
receptors ensures that neurons can generate sufficient
energy to meet demand.61 Changes in either the avail­
OH ability of estrogen or its receptor network can affect
H intracellular signalling and neural circuit function.
While the intricacies of estrogen receptors and signalling
cascades are well characterized, the coordination across
17β-estradiol the network of estrogen receptors necessary for neural
circuit function awaits detailed investigation.
cortex Thalamus
Cellular localization
Hypothalamus cingulate Plasma membrane
Hippocampus The localization of estrogen receptors facilitates the
and memory forebrain Amygdala Raphe
sequential activation of estrogen receptors across a net­
ER-α, ER-β, GPER
nucleus work, which initiates rapid-response cas­cades followed
Information processing
Regulation of temperature,
sleep, energy, balance
Locus and short-term memory by an engagement of gene expression for long-term
coeruleus ER-α, ER-β, GPER
and food intake responses (Figure 3). Regardless of their intra­cellular
ER-α, ER-β, GPER
location, all estrogen receptors are activated by the endo­
Emotion and genous estrogen, 17β‑estradiol. Starting at the plasma
ER-α, ER-β membrane, the first estrogen receptor that can be acti­
vated is GPER, which traverses the plasma membrane.
Serotonergic system
affect and mood Activation of GPER triggers rapid signalling cas­cades.49
ER-α, ER-β The specific localization of GPER remains controversial
Adrenergic system: with some groups reporting localization of GPER at the
attention, arousal and anxiety
ER-α, ER-β plasma membrane,62 and others reporting GPER as being
localized to the membrane of the endoplasmic reticu­
lum.49 Estrogen activates monomeric GTPase (Ras)-
Figure 2 | Neurological functions affected by the perimenopausal transition.
Nature Reviews | Endocrinology
Brain regions and their corresponding functions provide a map of the neural circuits
driven signalling cascades through GPER,49 including
regulated by estrogen and a neurobiological basis for the array of symptoms that can cAMP, the PI3K–Akt and MAPK–Erk signalling path­
emerge during perimenopause. Nuclear, membrane-associated and mitochondrial ways, the latter of which leads to neurite generation in
estrogen receptors are distributed within each of the neural circuits and can be developing hippocampal neurons.63 In the specialized
present in both neurons and glial cells. While the complete distribution of ER-α and caveolar involutions of the intracellular side of the plasma
ER-β remains to be completely mapped in humans, in rats the location of these membrane, membrane-bound ER‑α and ER‑β (mER‑α
receptors is well documented.45–53 Dysregulation of estrogen signalling, either and mER‑β) are associated with activation of fast-acting
through changes in estrogen concentration or through modifications of estrogen
signalling pathways, such as the PI3K–Akt and MAPK
receptor, will affect neural circuit activation and, thus, neurological function.
Abbreviations: ER, estrogen receptor; GPER, G protein-coupled estrogen receptor.
cascades.48,64 Activation of fast-acting signalling cascades
is one of several mechanisms by which estrogen regu­
lates gene transcription (Figure 3). In the case of estrogen
receptors.53 In brain regions that are crucial to learning receptor activation of the PI3K–Akt and MAPK path­
and memory, estrogen receptors are present in the pre­ ways, estrogen binding to its receptor initiates a signalling
frontal cortex, each of the subfields of the hippocampus, cascade that leads to the phosphorylation and activation
the amygdala, the cingulate cortex and the retrosplenial of CREB transcription factors, which upregulate expres­
cortex.45,53 The 5‑hy­droxytryptaminergic neurons of the sion of genes encoding proteins involved in learning
raphe nucleus are positive for estrogen receptors, as are and memory, synaptic transmission and neural growth
the adrenergic neurons of the locus coeruleus.45,50,54 factors such as brain-derived neurotrophic factor.47,56,65,66
Removal of the ovaries before menopause induces the
neurological symptoms of the perimenopausal transi­ Mitochondria
tion, whereas restoration of estrogen prevents or reverses ER‑β is also found in mitochondria (referred to as
neurological symptoms.6,47,55–57 Progesterone, which is mtER‑β), where it regulates mitochondrial function
also produced by the ovaries, does not seem to have the and can induce expression of mitochondrial genes
same neuronal effects and, in many instances, antago­ (Figure 3).67–70 ER‑β is also localized to the mitochondria
nizes the neural actions of estrogen in both preclinical inter­face and communicates with the endoplasmic reticu­
and clinical analyses.58–60 The ovarian–neural estrogen lum, a region also known as mitochondria-­associated
axis regulates multiple neurological systems and func­ membranes.69 mtER‑β within mitochondria is uniquely
tions in the brain through a network of estrogen recep­ positioned to regulate mitochondria-specific gene
tors; thus, estrogen is a master regulator that ensures expression,71 which enables estrogen to regulate energy
the brain can effectively respond within timescales homeostasis throughout the cell.47 This function of estro­
ranging from rapid (seconds to minutes), intermediate gen is particularly important to neurons, which require


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GPER regulation
Signalling Early latent
mER-α pathways response genes

Plasma membrane

Cell Intermediate
H response genes


Late response

pathways Mitochondria

ER-α ER-β

Nature and
Figure 3 | Estrogen receptor network. The estrogen receptor network integrates cellular responses Reviews | Endocrinology
functions in the
brain. Estrogen binding and activation of the membrane-bound receptors, mER‑α, mER‑β and GPER, leads to activation of
signalling pathways that regulate expression of early and intermediate response genes. Estrogen binding to the nuclear
estrogen receptors, ER‑α and ER‑β, results in activation of transcriptional pathways that regulate expression of late
response genes. Activation and translocation of ER‑β to the mitochondria has been implicated in regulating expression
of mitochondrial genes. Furthermore, estrogen can modulate transcriptional gene expression, activated by either rapid
signalling or transcriptional pathways, via epigenetic regulation. This network of receptors enables the integration of
signals across rapid, intermediate and late response pathways to coordinate a broad spectrum of cellular elements,
including substrate transporters, metabolic enzymes and catalytic processes, which ultimately results in generation of
energy to fuel neurological function. Abbreviations: ER, estrogen receptor; GPER, G‑protein coupled estrogen receptor 1;
mER, membrane estrogen receptor; mtER, mitochondrial estrogen receptor.

ATP for synaptic transmission.47 75% of all ATP gener­ simplification, as demonstrated by estrogen-mediated
ated in neurons is used to meet the energy demands of regulation of the bioenergetic system of the brain; both
the sodium–potassium pump, which actively pumps both ER‑α and ER‑β in the brain promote expression of
Na+ and K+ against their concentration gradients to re- nuclear encoded genes that are required for glucose trans­
establish the neuronal membrane potential necessary to port, glucose metabolism and mitochondrial functions,
respond to the next wave of action potentials.47,56 This while simultaneously suppressing expression of genes
function is particularly important for maintaining the required for ketone body metabolism, inflammation and
high frequency synaptic transmissions that are associated β‑amyloid generation.59,71
with learning and memory function.47,56 Nuclear ER‑α
can also regulate mitochondrial function via modulating Splice variants
the expression of nuclear genes that encode proteins that The complexity of estrogen receptors is extended by
are targeted to the mitochondria.69–71 splice variants of both ER‑α and ER‑β, which typically
have functional differences.72 Three splice variants of
Nucleus ER‑α and one variant of ER‑β have been described in
Estrogen-mediated transcription of genes requires trans­ the brain.73–75 Some particular splice variants are gen­
location of ER‑α and ER‑β into the nucleus. ER‑α and erated during the perimenopausal transition. Splice
ER‑β dimerize and are transported into the nucleus, variants of ER‑α have been detected in the hypothala­
which can comprise α or β homodimers or hetero­dimers mus and hippo­c ampus of the human female brain.75
of ER‑α and ER‑β proteins (Figure 3).48 Estrogen recep­ The ER‑α splice variant MB1 has been detected in the
tors bind directly to specific estrogen response element brain of peri­menopausal women (49–50 years) and has
sequences on the DNA or are tethered to other transcrip­ increased expression throughout the transition, with
tion factors, such as the activator protein 1 (also known as greatest expres­sion in post­menopause (58–94 years of
transcription factor AP‑1), to regulate gene expression.48 age).75 This variant is expressed in neurons, astrocytes
A 1D view of regulation of gene expression by estrogen and endo­thelia, where it is associated with nitric oxide
receptors is that these transcription factors only promote production required for vasodilation.75 ER‑β splice vari­
gene expression.56,71 However, this hypothesis is an over ants are also expressed in select brain regions of the rat,


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including the hypothalamus, hippocampus and cerebral menopause and ageing might induce a transcriptionally
cortex.76,77 A well-characterized rodent ER‑β variant, repressive chromatin state that decreases transcription of
ER‑β2, contains an additional 18 amino acids in the memory-related genes has been proposed.80 Epigenetic
ligand-binding domain, which considerably reduces control of genes encoding estrogen receptors, a mecha­
the bind­ing affinity of 17β‑estradiol.72 In ovariecto­ nism well-described in breast cancer cell lines,82 remains
mized rats, protein levels of the ER‑β2 splice variant were undetermined in the female brain under normal and
increased in the hippocampus, which was associated with disease states. Given that onset of puberty can be deter­
reduced neurogenesis and an increase in be­havioural mined by epigenetic regulation,83,84 these modifica­tions
indicators of depression.77 Expression of ER‑β2 was might also be key drivers of the onset and emergent
reversed when estrogen was administered soon after symptoms of perimenopause.
removal of the ovaries (6 days), as dem­onstrated by res­
toration of neuro­genesis and amelioration of depressive Adaption in perimenopause
behaviours in these animals.77 However, the restora­ Collectively, these findings indicate that the perimeno­
tive potential of estrogen was time-dependent, as pausal transition is a dynamic state for signalling via
delay in estrogen replacement (180 days after removal estrogen receptors and is associated with the emergence
of the ovaries) showed no therapeutic bene­fits for the of estrogen receptor splice variants, changes in protein
ov­a riectomy-induced decline in neurogenesis and expression and alterations in receptor degradation, as
increase in de­pressive behaviours.77 well as possible epigenetic reconfigurations. An estrogen
The reduced binding affinity of some ER‑α and ER‑β response network is activated within and across neural
splice variants might partially account for the perimeno­ networks through a series of membrane-associated,
pausal loss in sensitivity to 17β‑estradiol.22 In addition mitochondrial and nuclear receptors. Although this dis­
to splice variants, several polymorphisms in ESR1 are tributed network of estrogen receptors forms the basis
associated with an increased risk of Alzheimer disease of the remarkable effects of estrogen in brain, it can also
in women, particularly when co-occurring with the be a point of vulnerability for the female brain. In many
APOE*e4 allele.61 women, the brain compensates for the changes in levels
of estrogen and its receptors during perimenopause.
Post-translational modifications However, for some women this adaptive compensa­
In addition to splice variants and polymorphisms, estro­ tion is diminished, lacking or only expressed in some
gen signalling is modulated by ubiquitination and subse­ estrogen-­regulated neural networks, which gives rise
quent proteasomal degradation of estrogen receptors.78 to the complex phenotype of neurological symptoms of
Long-term estrogen deprivation results in increased menopause (Figure 2).18,27–43 The extent to which these
interactions between ER‑α and the heat shock 70 kDa changes in the estrogen regulatory network are drivers of
protein 1A/1B, which leads to ubiquitination and pro­ the perimenopausal transition or an outcome of the tran­
teasomal degradation of ER‑α.78 Furthermore, ubiquiti­ sition remain to be fully explored. Elucidating the spec­
nation of ER‑α was specific to the hippocampal neurons trum of compensatory responses that can be induced by
and could be prevented when 17β‑estradiol treatment the perimenopausal transition is still in the early stages.
was administered before, but not after, ovariectomy.78
Estrogen and neural bioenergetics
Epigenetic regulation Estrogen and its network of receptors are strong can­
A fairly unexplored area of research in the brain is the didates for being regulators of bioenergetic systems in
control of epigenetic modifications by estrogen during neural circuits of the brain, while simultaneously being
perimenopause and, in turn, epigenetic regulation of affected by the perimenopausal transition.6,47,56,61 Estrogen
expression of the genes encoding the estrogen receptors. utilizes a complex repertoire of receptors and signalling
In young female mice, 17β‑estradiol induced epigenetic pathways to activate and regulate molecular and genomic
changes, such as acetylation and methylation.79 Histone 3 responses required for neurological function at the cel­
seems to be a key protein involved in the epigenetic regu­ lular, organismic and, ultimately, whole-body level.61
lation mediated by 17β‑estradiol; both acetylation and Moreover, biochemical, genomic and bio­i nformatic
methylation of histone 3 in neurons of the mouse dorsal data indicate a synergistic interaction between estro­
hippocampus regulate 17β‑estradiol-driven enhance­ gen and insulin signalling pathways exists in the brain.85
ment of memory consolidation.80 17β‑estradiol induces Regulating the bioenergetic capacities within and across
acetylation of histone 3, but not of histone 4, via activa­ neural circuits could both support the functions of
tion of the ERK signalling pathway in the mouse brain.80 multiple circuits and, concurrently, create an energetic
Moreover, administration of 17β‑estradiol to female co­nnectome between and across neural circuits.47
mice reduced protein expression of histone deacety­ Within the brain, estrogen signalling contributes to
lase 2, which sustains a permissive chromatin state for processes within the entire bioenergetic system, includ­
transcription of genes that are required for hippo­campal ing glucose transport, glucose metabolism, mito­chondrial
synaptic plasticity and memory consolidation.80,81 DNA respiration and ATP production (Figure 4).47,56,67,71,86,87
methylation of ER‑α at Lys26678 within a critical 3‑h A portion of the bioenergetic system in the mouse
period also seems to be necessary for 17β‑estradiol brain is linked to estrogen, as evidenced by the fact
to enhance memory consolidation.80,81 The idea that that loss of estrogen by surgical removal of the ovaries


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HO α-ketoglutarate Succinyl-CoA
17β-estradiol α-KGDH
Cytosol Mitochondria
Isocitrate Succinate
2 Ketone Ketone Ketone
bodies bodies bodies SCOT NADH NADH e–
GLUT10 Citrate
1 Glucose Glucose-GP Pyruvate Pyruvate Acetyl-CoA
HK PDH Oxaloacetate Malate
Glycolysis O2
GPER Fatty Fatty e–
3 acids acids
– β-oxidation
ER-α Akt

ER-β V
Insulin IRS H+

Figure 4 | Estrogen-mediated regulation of the bioenergetic system. Estrogen signalling supports Nature and sustains
Reviews glucose
| Endocrinology
metabolism in the brain by regulating expression of glucose transporters, which results in increased glucose uptake, and
by stimulating glucose metabolism, mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and ATP generation—collectively referred to as
aerobic glycolysis. Glucose (1) is the primary metabolic fuel for the brain. Estrogen regulates the bioenergetic system in
brain the through the estrogen receptors, GPER, ER‑α and ER‑β, and their activation of PI3K and downstream Akt and
MAPK–ERK signalling pathways. When the glucose pathway is compromised, for example, during starvation, acetyl-CoA can
be generated from ketone bodies via ketogenesis in the liver and transported through the blood to the brain through
monocarboxylate transporters (2) or from fatty acid via β‑oxidation (3). During the perimenopausal transition, neuronal
levels of glucose transporters decline, which is co-incident with the appearance of hypometabolism in the brain. 86 The brain
adapts to this decline in glucose availability by increasing reliance on ketone bodies as an alternative fuel to generate
acetyl-CoA required for entry to the TCA cycle (4) and ultimately generation of ATP via complexes of the mitochondrial redox
carriers (5). Initially, ketone bodies are derived from the periphery by lipid metabolism in the liver. Depletion of peripheral
sources of ketone bodies can result in metabolism of brain-derived fatty acids to generate ketone bodies via β‑oxidation in
glia cells (3). Abbreviations: GP, glucose-6-phosphate; GPER, G protein-coupled estrogen receptor 1; ER‑α, estrogen
receptor α; ER‑β, estrogen receptor β; HK, hexokinase; α-KGDH, α-ketoglutarate dehydrongenase, IGF-1, insulin growth
factor-1; IRS, insulin receptor substrate; MCT, monocarboxylate transporter; PDH, pyruvate dehydrogenase; PI3K,
phosphoinositide 3-kinase; SCOT; succinyl-CoA:3-ketoacid CoA transferase; SDH, succinate dehydrogenase; TCA,
tricarboxylic acid cycle.

or reproductive endocrine ageing results in a 15–25% and complex IV activity,86 which led to impairment of
decline in metabolic function in brain.87,88 During the the mitochondrial energy-conservation systems in these
early stages of reproductive senescence or perimeno­ animals. Lactate transport and utilization also decreased
pause in the rodent, the neuronal bioenergetic system in parallel to the decline in glucose transport,86 which
undergoes a transformation, which results in a persistent indicates that lactate (which is generated from glucose in
decline in glucose metabolism in the brain.86–89 In female astrocytes) is not used as an alternative fuel source during
mice, hypometabolism in the brain was demonstrated the transition to reproductive senescence. Signs of oxida­
by a decline in glucose uptake and hexokinase activity at tive stress and free radical damage to mito­chondrial lipid
6–9 months of age (immediately before the transition into membranes are not evident until the animals have tran­
reproductive senescence).86 These metabolic changes were sitioned through perimenopause to reproductive senes­
accompanied by inactivation of pyruvate dehydrogenase cence.86,89 In the periphery of perimenopausal aged female


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mice and rats, dysregulation of the metabolic system was acid metabolism in the brain is indicative of increased
demonstrated by impaired glucose tolerance, which is catabolism of brain-derived lipids, which can disrupt cell
in­dicative of insulin resistance.86,89 membranes and lipid-rich reservoirs, such as myelin, in
Removal of ovaries in premenopausal mice results in the brain.93
bioenergetic deficits that are similar in magnitude to A shift in metabolism during perimenopause is also
those that occur during reproductive ageing.88 However, evident in women and has been associated with dys­
critical distinctions exist between natural endocrine regulated glucose metabolism and insulin resistance.13,61
age­ing (that is, changes associated with endocrine func­ Collectively, preclinical data in rodent models of peri­
tion rather than chronological ageing) and surgically menopause and clinical analyses of the human female
induced menopause, and are evident in the differences brain indicate that the perimenopausal transition is
in the bioenergetic systems of animal models of these an ordered and sequential process, during which the
processes. In ovariectomized rodents and nonhuman brain seems to undergo dismantling of the connections
primates, endocrine and ageing programmes seem to between the estrogen receptor network and the bio­
be compressed or accelerated, as induction of hypo­ energetic system.13,20,89,95 The disengagement of the estro­
metabolism, mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative gen receptor network from the bioenergetic system in the
stress occur simultaneously.88,89 The adverse effects of brain is also associated with a release of suppression of
loss of ovarian hormones on the bioenergetic system enzymes required to metabolize ketone bodies.86–89 This
can be prevented by administration of 17β‑estradiol at loss of suppression enables the emergence of an adaptive
the time of ovariectomy.71,88–90 In ovariectomized rhesus compensatory response in the brain that is necessary to
macaque, changes to mitochondrial morphology were utilize ketone bodies as an alternative fuel (Figure 4).86–89
frequently indicative of development of oxidative stress
and occurred with a concomitant decline in number Hypometabolism and neurological systems
of mitochondria within the presynaptic bouton; these If a decline in brain metabolism is a causative factor in
boutons were typically smaller than those of normal the development of neurological symptoms of the peri­
ageing in non-ovariectomized monkeys.91 The appear­ menopausal transition, then hypometabolism in neu­
ance of mitochondrial oxidative stress morphology was ronal circuits is expected to proceed or be co-incident
associated with a decline in cognitive function mediated with these symptoms. Moreover, if estrogen is a control­
by the prefrontal cortex in ovariectomized animals.91 By ling factor in this process, then women receiving estro­
contrast, natural endocrine ageing of the nonhuman gen replacement therapy should exhibit a metabolic
primate prefrontal cortex led to mitochondrial mor­ profile that is associated with preservation of glucose
phology that was associated with increased respiratory metabolism in the brain. Evidence to support these hypo­
capacity, an increased number of presynaptic boutons theses in affected neurological systems does not yet exist;
containing mitochondria, an enlargement of pre­synap­ however, multiple studies of brain metabolism suggest an
tic boutons and preservation of cognitive function. 91 association between hypometabolism in the brain and
Administration of estrogen at the time of ovariectomy development of neurological symptoms in women.60,95–97
preserved the normal ageing mitochondrial pheno­ Notably, the preponderance of available data have been
type and cognitive function in nonhuman primates, derived from studies of women who have transitioned
as well as preventing conversion of mitochondria to a through the menopause,60,95,96 with only a few studies
stress-associated phenotype.91 specifically targeting women of perimenopausal age.38,60
In response to glucose deprivation, the perimenopau­ In studies of women after menopause, those receiving
sal brain shifts to a bioenergetic response that is indica­ estrogen replacement therapy have a different pattern of
tive of long-term fasting—that is, the use of ketone brain metabolism to women not receiving estrogen ther­
bodies as an alternative energy fuel.86,87,92–94 This res­ apy.60,95 After the menopause, women who began estro­
ponse is indicated by a rise in peripheral levels of gen replacement therapy during perimenopause or their
ketone bodies and their neuronal and astrocytic mono­ menopausal year, had preserved glucose metabolism in
carboxylate transporters, as well as an increase in brain regions with estrogen-dependent neuro­logical
levels of mito­chondrial succinyl-CoA:3-ketoacid CoA functions, such as hippocampus, entorhinal cortex,
transferase (SCOT), which is necessary to metabolize medial temporal cortex and posterior cingulate.60,95,96
ketone bodies. 86,87,94 In addition to use of peripheral After the menopause, glucose metabolism declined in
ketone bodies as an alternative fuel source, a rise in the estrogen-dependent regions of the brain, but increased
levels of proteins required to metabolize fatty acids in in regions, such as pons, caudate and precuneus in
the brain was observed in both mice and rats.87,88,93 These women who did not receive estrogen therapy during
proteins, CPT1‑L (carnitine O‑palmitoyltransferase 1, perimenopause and menopause.96 An important caveat
liver isoform) and HADHA (trifunctional enzyme sub­ to these studies is that the women who were enrolled
unit alpha, mitochondrial), are required for fatty acid were symptomatic and often compared to women
transport and metabolism by the mitochondria, respec­ who were premenopausal and or women of a similar
tively.87,88 HADHA converts long-chain fatty acids to age who were asymptomatic. Consequently, the data
acetyl-CoA, which is the primer for ketone body synthe­ derived from these studies are probably only rele­vant
sis. As neither cholesterol nor long-chain fatty acids can to symptomatic women and not those undergoing the
pass through the blood–brain barrier, an increase fatty perimenopausal transition who do not have neurological


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symptoms. Taken together, these data highlight the adap­ late perimenopause and continues into postmenopause.95
tive capacity of the peri­menopausal female brain and In the SWAN study,104 hot flushes or night sweats were
the need for additional detailed analyses of brain metab­ strongly associated with dysregulation in glucose metab­
olism during perimenopause, with a particular focus on olism, which was indicated by considerably increased
genotype and phenotype of this transition. levels of fasting blood glucose and raised HOMA scores.
The relationship between estrogen receptors and insulin
Hot flushes receptors in the brain is well established and provides
The most frequent, and often defining, feature of the additional evidence for the contribution of decline in
perimenopausal transition is the hot flush, which occurs estrogen levels to dysregulated glucose metabolism.85
in 75–80% women in the perimenopausal period and can Moreover, an association between impairment of the
continue for several decades in ~5% of women.3,98,99 Hot adipokine profile and occurrence of hot flushes early in
flushes can be the only symptom experienced by women the perimenopausal transition has been described, which
undergoing perimenopause (Figure 1b). However, in also supports a link between metabolic dysregulation and
many women, hot flushes co-occur with other neuro­ hot flushes.61,105 Decreased adiponectin and increased
logical symptoms, including decline in cognitive func­ leptin levels were associated with increased risk of hot
tion,34,100 insomnia, pain and depression (Figure 1b).44 flushes in early, but not late, stages of the perimenopause
The clinical manifestations of the hot flush have been transition.105 This altered adipokine profile parallels BMI
well documented and are characterized by the onset of a measurements of women with stage-dependent risk of
disturbing and intense rise in body temperature, which hot flashes, such that a high BMI was associated with
is primarily experienced in the upper body (chest, neck increased risk of hot flushes in early, but not late, in the
and head), as well as being accompanied by visible flush­ perimenopausal transition.105 Increased serum levels of
ing.99 The hot flush is a transient event with sudden and inflammatory cytokine monocyte chemotactic protein 1
rapid onset, and dissipation within seconds to minutes, (also known as C‑C motif chemokine 2) were associ­
but can also last up to 60 min. Hot flushes can range from ated with an increased risk of night sweats, regardless
mild to severe in intensity and with a frequency of up to of menopause stage.105 Collectively, these data indicate
50 throughout the day and night; increased severity and a strong association between hot flushes and impaired
frequency during the sleep cycle has also been reported, glucose homeostasis in both the brain and the periphery
which can disrupt sleep and daily activities and cause of women undergoing perimenopause.61
severe stress and anxiety.101
The hypothalamus controls thermoregulation and is, Insomnia
therefore, thought to initiate the hot flush in response to Insomnia is a prevalent symptom of the perimeno­
a rise in core temperature (Figure 2).102 The prevailing pausal transition and is frequently associated with hot
conceptualization of the hot flush is that a compression flushes, night sweats, depression and cognitive deficits
of the hypothalamic thermoneutral zone leads to epi­ (Figure 1b).44,106,107 The hypothalamus is the key nodal
sodic releases of heat in response to a slight increase in complex that regulates sleep–wake cycles (Figure 2).
core body temperature.99 However, although the hypo­ Interestingly, in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (located
thalamus is undoubtedly involved in the thermoregula­ within the hypothalamus and a key determinant of
tory response, functional MRI analyses of women in the diurnal rhythms), ER‑β expression follows a diurnal
perimenopausal period indicate activation of the insula rhythm, which is evident in young (aged 3–4 months)
and anterior cingulate cortex during hot flushes, which is and middle aged (aged 11–12 months) rats but not in
coupled to activation of the superior frontal gyrus and old rats (aged 19–24 months).108 In the SWAN study,
is associated with sweating.102 Activation of the insular prevalence of sleep disturbance varied with ethnicity,
cortex is associated with the sensation of ‘rush of heat’.99 with the highest prevalence (40%) occurring in white
These findings advance our understanding of the peri­ women, intermediate prevalence (31–38%) in Chinese,
menopausal hot flush beyond the temperature regulatory Hispanic and African American women and the lowest
zones of the hypothalamus to include an expanded neural prevalence in Japanese women (28%).107 The SWAN
network that includes subcortical and cortical structures. data indicate that sleep difficulties are maximal during
Increasing evidence also indicates an association of late peri­menopause and persist into postmenopause,
the hot flush with altered glucose metabolism.86,103,104 irrespective of vasomotor symptoms.107 Brain imaging
Preclinical studies of bioenergetics using animal models studies in women during the perimenopausal stage who
of the female brain during perimenopause indicate have sleep disturbances remain to be conducted. Having
that the rise in skin temperature is co-incident with increased understanding of the effects of insomnia in this
the onset of reproductive variability and senescence.86 population is particularly important given the emerg­
Levels of glucose metabolism in the brain also decline. ing body of data that are indicative of long-term adverse
Furthermore, glucose tolerance is compromised in the consequences of sleep deprivation.109 Multiple studies
periphery (which is indicative of insulin resistance) and have indicated an association between insomnia and
increased use of ketone bodies and fatty acid metabolism reduced brain volume in regions that include the hippo­
occurs.86,87,94 Consistent with these preclinical findings, campus and orbitofrontal and parietal grey matter.109
analysis in humans using 18F-FDG-PET indicate a decline Furthermore, in many prospective studies, poor sleep
in brain glucose metabolism in the brain occurs during quality is associated with an increased likelihood of


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cognitive impairment and, in some studies, an increased depression can occur early in the transition in women
risk of dementia.109 Sleep deprivation can also induce with no previous history of these symptoms although
β‑amyloid accumulation in the brain.110 depression was more likely to precede hot flushes.36 In
perimenopausal women who had depression, short-term
Cognition 17β‑estradiol treatment had anti­depressant efficacy.33
Subjective and objective memory deficits during the Increased risk of major depression has been linked to vari­
perimenopause have been well documented (Figure 1).35 ants of ER‑α. For example, in one study, women homo­
In 18F-FDG-PET analyses, indicators of hypometabo­ zygous for the ESR1 rs9340799 variant G had a 1.6-fold
lism in brain regions required for learning and memory increased lifetime risk of major depressive disorder.118
function have been demonstrated.60,95,96 Over a 2‑year Glucose metabolism in brain regions that regu­
observation period, hypometabolism was apparent in late depres­sion and anxiety is complex, with different
women undergoing menopause in the hippocampus, metabo­lic phenotypes in the pons (where the seroto­
parahippocampal gyrus and temporal lobe,96 as well as nergic raphe nucleus and locus coeruleus adrenergic
in the medial prefrontal cortex and the posterior cingu­ sys­tems origi­nate) and frontal cortices (Figure 2).31,97
late cortex.60,95 Estrogen replacement therapy prevented Com­p ared with women in postmenopause without
hypometabolism in each of these brain regions and pre­ depression, those with depression have hypo­metabolism
served memory function.60,95 In a study that assessed in the pons and hypermetabolism in the middle and
regional cerebral blood flow, women in the postmeno­ inferior (Broca’s) frontal gyrus.97 In women in post­
pausal period who were receiving estrogen had increased menopause aged >65 years without depression, regional
resting state cerebral blood flow in brain regions that are cerebral blood flow was increased in the left pons, which
now recognized as part of the default mode network; suggests a link to metabolism in the pons and an absence
this effect did not occur in women who did not receive of depressive symptoms.96 Timing of the administration
estrogen.96 The default mode network, or resting state of estro­gen therapy seems to be critical to the effective­
network, is a system of brain regions that includes the ness of treatment for depression, as depression scores
medial prefrontal cortex, the posterior cingulate cortex were not improved in women who received estrogen
and lateral parietal cortices. These regions have a high treatment 5–10 years after perimenopause.31 The long-
degree of functional connectivity during rest, which term effects of perimenopausal depression remain to
consumes a substantial amount of ATP in its continuous be determined; however, extensive epidemiological
activation.111 However, women in the postmenopausal analyses indicate that depression is also a risk factor for
period who were not treated with hormone therapy have Alzheimer disease.119,120
increased cerebral blood flow to brain regions that are
required for motor and spatial function.96,112 Interventions
Women in perimenopause who received hormone Although the outcome of the perimenopause (that is,
therapy (estrogen plus a progestin) also had enhanced reproductive senescence) is inevitable for all women,
activation in the hippocampus combined with decreased the experience of the perimenopausal transition can be
parahippocampal activation, which suggests that this highly variable (Figure 1). Following completion of the
treatment administered during perimenopause increases peri­menopause transition, the neurological system is
state-dependent and memory-dependent processes to trans­formed. Notably, for some women intervention is not
promote verbal recognition performance.113 Analyses of war­ranted, whereas for others, intervention is appropriate
the default mode network in women in postmenopause and required.
who were neurologically healthy but at risk of Alzheimer Determining the best strategy to sustain neurological
disease indicated that high blood insulin levels were asso­ bioenergetic capacity in women during the peri­meno­
ciated with diminished network connectivity.111 Protective pausal and menopausal transition is crucial to sustain
metabolic effects of hormone therapy were most evident brain function. Given that estrogen regulates bio­energetic
in women with low insulin resistance, whereas the same system in brain regions that contribute to perimeno­pausal
therapy was ineffective in women with increased insulin symptoms, estrogen replacement therapy is a logical
resistance.114 Performance in working memory in both choice. However, many women do not choose this treat­
groups of women also paralleled the metabolic response ment, because the data on the benefits and risks of estro­
to hormone therapy.114 Glucose metabolism in the brain gen replacement therapy are complicated, controversial
is established as being critical to neurological function and confusing.51,52 Many factors contribute to this con­
and that evidence of hypometabolism is apparent several founding state, including unresolved issues regarding the
decades before diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases timing of intervention, hormone formulation, dose and
such as Alzheimer disease.115–117 route of administration. Optimizing and personalizing
hormone therapy remains an unmet need in women’s
Depression health but is a central issue for precision medicine to treat
Increased risk of depression in perimenopausal women is neurological symptoms that develop during, and persist
supported by evidence from several longitudinal studies beyond, the perimenopause. Given the complexity of the
that have documented odds ratios ranging from 1.8 to perimenopausal transition, women can be grouped into
2.9 of increased risk compared with women in premeno­ categories according to their symptoms, and clinical trials
pause.33,35,36 During perimenopause, both hot flushes and of new interventions might, therefore, be improved by


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targeting specific perimenopausal phenotypes rather than life. Whether the neurological vulnerabilities that can
simply enrolling a heterogeneous population of women. emerge during the perimenopause lead to increased risks
of neurological disease in later life still needs to be deter­
Conclusions mined; however, multiple neurological symptoms that
The perimenopausal transition occurs within healthy emerge during the perimenopause are also risk factors
women and initiates a targeted and systematic dis­ for neurodegenerative disease. The ability to detect both
assembly of the reproductive system and the neural peripheral and neurological indicators of metabolic
substrates controlling its function. As a transition state, dysfunction might enable the prevention of neurologi­
the perimenopause is similar to developing neurologi­ cal disease in later life, and might be achieved by sus­
cal dysfunction at puberty.8,121 In this regard, the peri­ taining bioenergetic capacity during this critical midlife
menopause satisfies the criteria for a critical period in tr­ansition in women.
the neuro­adaptive landscape of ageing in the female
brain. Many women transition through perimenopause
without long-term adverse effects and are likely to remain Review criteria
healthy. However, a substantial proportion of women are A search for original articles published between 1980
vulnerable to the neurological shifts that can occur during and 2015 and focusing on perimenopause, female brain
this transition and are at increased risk of neurological aging, bioenergetics, transition states was performed
decline. The association between hypometabolism and in MEDLINE and PubMed. All articles identified were
the neurological symptoms of the perimenopause sug­ English-language, full-text papers. We also searched
gests that, for some women, this critical transition period the reference lists of identified articles for further
relevant papers.
could be a tipping point for neurological disease in later

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