Lab Radware

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After completing this lab,
you should be able to:

●● Objective

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●● Objective

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Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual


Course 500-101E
Document ID / Version: 2017-06-07 (June)
Copyright © 1998-2017


All rights reserved. The copyright and all other

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included in this guide are owned by Radware Ltd.
The document is provided to Radware customers
for the sole purpose of obtaining information with
respect to the installation and use of the Radware
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used for any other purpose.

The information contained in this document is

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Published in the United States of America.

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Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

How to use this manual

Radware Technical Training modules and manuals are
designed to convey the most information to the broadest
audience by emplolying auditory,visual, and experiential

Training delegates are strongly encouraged to view

ONE Alteon Level 1 training module at time -- then
immediately complete the corresponding hands-on
lab. Do not wait to view ALL training modules before
beginning hands-on labs – but instead, use a “learn it, try
it” pattern for learning.

This manual is designed using Just-in-Time (JIT)

learning methodology. Buttons are provided (as shown
below) so delegates can immediately access essential
information needed to complete a lab-task.

When delegates are asked to perform a lab-task,

essential information is immediately provided. Accessing
this information is optional; delegates are encouraged
to try to recall previous learning, then try the task -- and
only access essential information if necessary.

Click SHOW button to display various information for
help (i.e. screen shot).

˵˵ Hint
Click HINT button for bits of help.

Click WEB button to display information on graphical
user interface or other browser-based help.

˵˵ Demo
Click Demo button to display video demonstration to
complete procedure.

˵˵ CLI

Click CLI button for help with the commands used with
the command line interface.

Go to Contents Page 3- How to use this manual


• To navigate this document, click on any heading shown here.

• To return to this Contents page, click “Go to Contents” in the footer of any page.

Lab Configuration Details - Alteon VA 6
TASK: Connect to lab devices 7

TASK: Reconnect and explore 13
TASK: Reset and set up Alteon 14
TASK: Check your configuration 16 10 HIGH AVAILABILITY
Lab Configuration Details - Alteon HA 57
3 SWITCHING & ROUTING TASK: Configure active (A) 59
TASK: Configure basic setup 18 TASK: Configure backup (B) 63
TASK: Test configured SYNC 64
TASK: Configure basic SLB 23 11 MONITORING & REPORTING
TASK: Use DPM on Alteon 66
TASK: DPM - Report Granularity 67
TASK: Create Advanced HC 29
TASK: CLI troubleshooting 69
TASK: SSL acceleration 35
Validate your Configuration 73
TASK: Persistent SLB 40
Lab Topology - Alteon VA (printable) 78
8 CONTENT MODIFICATION Lab Topology - Alteon HA (printable) 79
TASK: Content Modification 45 Create VLAN using Web GUI 80
Create Server Group using Web GUI 81
9 CONTENT LOAD BALANCING Add IP Interface using Web GUI 82
TASK: Content SLB - URL path 51 Create Virtual Server using Web GUI 83
TASK: Content SLB - Browser 53 Define Real Servers using Web GUI 84
OPTIONAL TASK: Reg Exp Config 54 Save Configuration using Web GUI 85

Page 4-
Connection to Virtual Lab Devices

This manual is designed with buttrons for “just-in-time”
(JIT) help to complete hands-on configuration. Use this
manual in conjunction with Alteon Level 1 Training Modules.
AFTER viewing ONE Alteon Level 1 Module, complete the
corresponding Alteon lab. Return to Training Modules, as
needed, for review, explanation, and clarification of basic
Objectives information. For more instruction on this manual, see How
to use this manual. [Click blue-dashed area as a hyperlink.]
After viewing module
“ADC Introduction" Intro to Virtual Lab Set Up
(optional) and "Technical
Introduction” then Your Alteon VA lab is already set up physically with all
completing this lab, you required cables and connections. The web servers and
should be able to: Team-PC has been conigured and set up.

●● Recognize a. Review lab topology in Lab Configuration Details -

Alteon virtual lab Alteon VA [Click blue-dashed area as a hyperlink].
environment set up.
b. For ease, print this (blank) topology and write your
●● Know the preferred Team ## information in the blanks as a reference.
method for direct [Click blue-dashed area as a hyperlink.]
access of Alteon.
Your virtual lab consists of:
●● Understand what
equipment is needed Virtual Lab Setup
to complete Alteon (1) Alteon VA (Active = A)
Labs. (1) Alteon VA (Backup = B)
(1) Management Workstation (Virtual Team-PC)
●● Study the set up for
Use Application Menu for tools & utilities
Alteon Remote Lab
Use TFTP and preconfigured Syslog Server
Global View.
(2) Web Servers (Web1, Web 2)

Go to Contents 1 INTRO
Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

Lab Configuration Details - Alteon VA

Remote Lab – Alteon VA

Lab Connection Information

## = team number
Delegate own PC
For VNC display select FULL color

VNC: 22##
Password: radware
Management port:
Remote Serial (VNC): 25## (A) APSolute Vision
Remote Secure-SSH: 26## (A) AppSolute Vision APSolute Application Delivery

Remote Secure-WBM: 27## (A)



Load Balancing: Ext.Client-
Remote VIP port 80: 24## Network:
Remote VIP port 443: 23## Management-
Remote Client ##
APSolute Vision (
Username: AL-Team## Int.Client- Switch
Password: radware Network:
10.100.##.50/24 Port 1
Port 4
Alteon A Information
MNG 10.10.242.##/21 Alteon-A MNG
Port 2
Ext. Client network Server-Network:
port 1 → Vlan 11 10.200.##.0/24
if-1 = 192.168.175.## /24 Vlan 11
Server network
port 2 → Vlan 14
if-2 = 10.200.##.## /24 Vlan 14

Int. Client network

port 4 → Vlan 24
if-4 = 10.100.##.1 /24 Vlan 24

Gateway 1 = Web1 Web2

Load Balancing
PIP on port 1: 10.200.##.70
VIP = + ##
Web1 = 10.200.##.100
Web2 = 10.200.##.200

Go to Contents Page 6- 1 INTRO

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

LAB PREP: Prepare local computer

IMPORTANT: If you haven't already been assigned an
Alteon Lab Team##, email your RadwareTechnician at
[email protected]

To begin this lab, you should have installed on your local computer:

Your local computer with

VNC Viewer For Radware Lab - remote access software
Web Browser Java-enabled for GUI
* PUTTY Terminal emulator software - SSH, Telnet

NOTE: *Radware Trainers suggest using PuTTY to make

management port connection (CLI) -- because PuTTY is a free,
open-source terminal emulator software that supports several
network protocols including SSH, Telnet and more.


Here is a summary of what you'll be completing in this lab:

ÌÌ Connect to lab devices

.. Connect to Alteon console port
.. Connect to Alteon management port
.. Connect to Alteon's web-based management (web-GUI)
.. Connect to Radware's Lab Management Workstation (Team-PC)

TASK: Connect to lab devices

1. Connect to Alteon console port (Command-line interface
or CLI).
IMPORTANT: In your business-setting (on your own physical device),
this console port connection is achieved directly using the DB9 cable.

a. In Radware's virtual lab, console port connection is

achieved via VNC Viewer on port 25## <URL:25##>.

Go to Contents Page 7- 1 INTRO

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

dd Open your local VNC Viewer:

i. Enter your lab global URL
• Europe Lab =
• APAC Lab =
• Americas Lab =
ii. After URL, type : 25 and your Team## <URL:25##>.
iii. Click Connect to open session ( or hit ENTER).

b. Log into Alteon: username / password = admin.

NOTE: Radware Labs use AlteonOS v30.5+ -- which ENABLES
remote access via SSH and HTTPS by default. If your business-
setting Alteon uses OSv30.0 or older, you must manually enable
SSH / HTTPS separately via Alteon console port whenever you

c. If your screen is black -- you may need to Troubleshoot

VNC settings. [Click blue-dashed area as a hyperlink.]
IMPORTANT: We will walk through each port connection as
follows. If you have problem connecting to your Alteon Team##,
check your firewall settings. Be sure your firewall has OPEN
Destination TCP Ports as follows:


System Destination Port
Console Port VNC 25## (active)
Connection to Alteon 250## (backup)
SSH Session to SSH 26## (active)
Management Port 260## (backup)
Secure Web-based HTTPS 27## (active)
Management (WEB- 270## (backup)
GUI) Connection
Your Team-PC VNC 22##
Local-direct access to HTTP 24##
configured VIP servers HTTPS 23##

Go to Contents Page 8- 1 INTRO

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

2. Connect to Alteon management port (CLI).

IMPORTANT: The management port is used exclusively
to manage the Alteon through an out-of-band Ethernet
connection and through web-based management.
NOTE: While it is not recommended, management of the
Alteon VA is also possible through in-band connections
on all data ports via Telnet, SSH, HTTP or HTTPS.

a. In Radware's virtual lab, management port

connection is achieved in an SSH session. Use
PuTTY on port 26##.
dd From your local PC, open PuTTY (terminal emulator
i. Select Connection Type: SSH
.. Category: Terminal > Keyboard > TheBackspaceKey to
.. Category: Window > Translation >
ReceivedDateAssumed [or RemoteCharacterSet] to
ii. Enter Host Name for your assigned virtual lab device.
This is the global URLfor your assigned device:
• Europe Lab =
• APAC Lab =
• Americas Lab =
iii. Add Port 26## (Team## as two digits).
TIP: Name and save this SSH session for easy repeat.
iv. Click Open button.

b. Log into Alteon: username / password = admin.

Go to Contents Page 9- 1 INTRO

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

3. Connect to Alteon's web-based management (web-

a. On your local computer, open a secure (https)browser
i. Enter https://<URL:27## >
ii. Accept Radware as a secure site (Add Exception).

b. Log into Alteon: username / password = admin.

4. Connect to Radware's Lab Management Workstation

IMPORTANT: This is your Team-PC. It is used as the Syslog
server and TFTP server to save configuration files during labs.
Includes other tools: TFTP for saving your configuration files.

a. In Radware's virtual lab, this connection is made via

VNC Viewer on port 22## <URL:22##>.
dd Open your local VNC Viewer:
i. Enter your lab global URL
• Europe Lab =
• APAC Lab =
• Americas Lab =
ii. After URL, add : 22 and your Team## <URL:22##>.
iii. Click Connect to open session ( or hit Enter).

Go to Contents Page 10- 1 INTRO

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

Troubleshoot VNC Viewer Settings

If your VNC screen is black or if Viewer is not
displaying properly, try the following:

a. Verify you are using the correct global URL:

• Europe Lab =
• APAC Lab =
• Americas Lab =

b. For a new session, you may need to hit any

key (i.e. down arrow) to see the screen.
.. The PC disables the display after a short period.
c. Check the settings on your VNC viewer.
.. Try increasing quality to include FULL COLORS.
.. Be sure 'Adapt to Network Speed' is
.. Be sure 'Always Use Best Available Color
Quality' is CHECKED.


d. If these suggestions do not work for you, try

using TightVNC instead of RealVNC.

Go to Contents Page 11- 1 INTRO

Alteon Management

In this virtual, hands-on Radware Lab you'll make
the initial connection to the Alteon ADC (Application
Delivery Controller).

3 Ways to connect to an Alteon ADC

In your business-setting, you may normally connect to
the Alteon in one-of-three ways:
1. Connect to command line interface (CLI):
After viewing module CLI is a built-in, text-based menu system for
entitled “Initial access. This is the most direct method for
Configuration & configuring Alteon.
Management” and i. Console port serial connection using SSH / Telnet
completing this lab, you (running terminal emulation software i.e. PuTTY).
should be able to:
ii. Management port connection (out-of-band gigabit
●● Access device ethernet cable) used exclusively for managing Alteon
for command line iii. Telnet network connection from any workstation
interface. connected to the network provides same access as
console port connection.
●● Access device for
web-GUI. 2. Connect using secure, web-based
management (WBM) -- accessing Alteon
●● Set up management
web-GUI which uses Java-enabled browser
via https.
●● Reset the device to
factory default.
3. Connect using Radware's APSolute Vision
(optional separate license).
●● Customize the prompt
for each switch.

Go to Contents 2 INITIAL
Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual


Here is a summary of what you'll be doing in lab:

ÌÌ Reconnect and explore

.. Reconnect to Alteon web-GUI
.. Reconnect to Alteon CLI
.. Reconnect to your Team-PC
ÌÌ Reset and set up Alteon
.. Reconnect to Alteon console port (CLI)
.. Reset (reboot) Alteon
.. Set up management interface
.. Customize prompt
.. Lengthen idle timeout
.. Save Configuration
ÌÌ Check your configuration
.. Reconnect to web-GUI
.. Disable VLAN 1

TASK: Reconnect and explore

1. Reconnect to Alteon's web-GUI using a
browser on your local computer (27##).
TIP: Alteon login: username & password = admin.
a. Explore GUI environment.
i. Go to > CONFIGURATION perspective
ii. Select different BLUE navigation options.
• Notice different options/choices.
• See different display/tab changes.
NOTE: Any changes you make will soon be
reset so no problems will be caused to your lab

Go to Contents Page 13- 2 INITIAL

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

2. Reconnect to Alteon's CLI using VNC

Viewer (26##).
a. Explore CLI menu navigation.


3. Reconnect to your lab Team-PC using VNC

Viewer (22##).
IMPORTANT: Your Team-PC is used as the Syslog
server and TFTP server to save configuration files
during labs.

a. Explore Team-PC tools. Note IP address.


TASK: Reset and set up Alteon

Setup A: Connection

1. Reconnect to Alteon console port (CLI )

using VNC Viewer (25##).
˵˵ Hint

2. Reset (reboot) Alteon to factory default

˵˵ CLI

TIP: Wait approximately 5 seconds, then log into

the Alteon.

Go to Contents Page 14- 2 INITIAL

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

Setup B: Management Access

3. Set up the management interface.

a. Set TFTP to use management port.
TIP: Before you can configure a static address,
DHCP must be disabled.

˵˵ CLI
NOTE: APPLY and SAVE changes.
b. After Alteon reset, enable remote access
to management port. Radware Labs must
enable only SNMP (when using Vision).

˵˵ CLI
NOTE: Radware Labs use AlteonOS v30.5+.
Starting with AlteonOS v30.0+, SSH and HTTPS
are enabled by default. If your business uses an
older version, you must enable SSH and HTTPS in
addition to SNMP.

c. After Alteon reset, confirm remote access

by trying SSH and HTTPS.

˵˵ Hint

Setup C: Secure the Device

4. Customize the prompt for your Alteon.

TIP: Use Team## as string name; then activate
(enable) the customized prompt.

˵˵ CLI

Go to Contents Page 15- 2 INITIAL

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

5. Lengthen Alteon idle timeout.

TIP: Set idle time to 9999 minutes so the
device does not idle out. APPLY and SAVE.

˵˵ CLI

6. Save your configuration.


TASK: Check your configuration

1. Re-connect remotely to Alteon via web-
GUI to check your configuration.
a. Go to Configuration -> System
i. Verify management interface settings you
configured previously.
b. Go to Configuration -> System ->
Management Access -> Management
i. Verify management ports.
c. Go to Configuration -> System ->
Management Access -> Management
Traffic Routing
i. Verify management traffic routing
d. Go to Configuration -> System ->
i. Verify SNMP settings

2. Disable VLAN 1
IMPORTANT: Be sure to disable VLAN 1
before continuing in Radware's lab exercises.

Go to Contents Page 16- 2 INITIAL

Standard Layer 2 and Layer 3 Setup

In this lab, you will set up the switching and routing for
Layer 2 and Layer 3 of the OSI Model.

You will save this configuration as STANDARD SETUP

for your virtual lab configuration. You will reuse this
STANDARD SETUP configuration throughout the
training lab exercises.

After completing standard setup configuration, you

should know how to enable, apply, and save your
Objectives settings for future use. Remember to use this EASY
acronym to help correctly save your work. Command-
After viewing module line interface (CLI) is EASY to use!
entitled “Alteon
• E = Enable
Switching & Routing”
and completing this lab, • A = Apply
you should be able to:
• S = Save
●● Set up Alteon to • Y = Yes to confirm the save
operate as a router:
configure VLANs Review Components for Setup
●● Define IP interfaces. Alteon Level 1 Training Module entitled “Alteon - Basic
Setup” introduced the components for Alteon set up:
●● Set up a default
1. Configure Ports
●● Back up (export) your
2. Set up VLANs

●● Modify and import

3. Define Interfaces
your configuration.
4. Set Default Gateway

Go to Contents 3 STANDARD SETUP

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

LAB PREP: Access Alteon

Before you begin this lab you should:

a. Access Alteon and login.


Here is a summary of what you'll be doing in lab:

ÌÌ Configure basic setup

.. Setup Layer 2 VLANS
.. (Opt) L2 Advanced Configuration
.. Define L3 IP interfaces
.. Set default gateway
ÌÌ Validate your configuration

TASK: Configure basic setup

Step1: L2 Setup VLANS

1. Configure Layer 2 (L2) VLANS.

a. Set up Alteon to operate as a router.

Configure L2 VLANS
Physical Port VLAN ID
Port 1 VLAN 11
Port 2 VLAN 14
Port 4 VLAN 24

˵˵ CLI Demo

Go to Contents Page 18- 3 STANDARD SETUP

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

Step 2: (opt) Advanced L2 Config

2. Turn off Spanning Tree Group (STG 1).

TIP: Up to 16 different Spanning Tree Groups.
˵˵ CLI

Step 3: L3 Define Interfaces

3. Define Layer 3 (L3) IP interfaces.

Configure L3 IP interfaces
IF 1 192.168.175.## / 24 VLAN 11
IF 2 10.200.##.## / 24 VLAN 14
IF 4 10.100.##.1 / 24 VLAN 24

TIP: Up to 255 different networks supported.

˵˵ Demo

See CLI Method A using multi-line CLI option.

˵˵ CLI

See CLI Method B single-line / stacked CLI option.

˵˵ CLI

Step 4: L3 Set Default Gateway

4. Set default gateway

 TIP: Gateway 1-4 for all VLANS.
˵˵ CLI

IMPORTANT: Apply and save configuration.

Go to Contents Page 19- 3 STANDARD SETUP

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

Validate your Configuration

HINT: Check - Test - Export - Reset - Import

1. Check the configuration.

˵˵ CLI

2. Test device connectivity.

a. Ping all devices
IMPORTANT: If all Pings fail -- for Lab
ONLY, you may need to reboot your device after
creating a default gateway. Apply and save your

˵˵ CLI

3. Export (save) the configuration.

IMPORTANT: Always YES = "Include Private
Keys" so the configuration can be imported later.

a. May use CLI command to export: name file

i. Export configuration using CLI "put config"
command and TFTP server.
ii. Use IP address of the Workstation of the
management network =
IMPORTANT: Reconnect to Team-PC to see that
STANDARD SETUP file exported (saved) there.

b. May use web-GUI to export: name file


˵˵ CLI Demo

c. Modify, rename, and import configuration.

i. Use any plain-text editor to modifiy your

Go to Contents Page 20- 3 STANDARD SETUP

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

ii. Add new interface #100 with IP

iii. Save modified configuration as NEW CONFIG.
NOTE: Apply and save configuration.
˵˵ CLI

4. Reset (reboot) your Alteon device.

a. Reset device to factory default settings.
i. Save management network? = YES.
b. After reset, enable remote access to
management port. {Radware labs enable
SNMP only -- used for APSolute Vision.)
NOTE: Radware Labs use AlteonOS v30.5+ -- which
ENABLES remote access via SSH and HTTPS by
default. If your business-setting Alteon uses OSv30.0
or older, you must manually enable SSH / HTTPS

c. After reboot, set TFTP to use management

i. Configure static IP address of Team-PC as DHCP must be disabled before a
static address can be configured.

˵˵ CLI

5. Import modified configuration.

a. Check differences between the
TIP: Use CLI diff
b. Delete new interface #100 with IP you added.

˵˵ CLI
TIP: Remember to APPLY and SAVE changes.

Go to Contents Page 21- 3 STANDARD SETUP

Basic Server Load Balancing Setup

In this lab we configure the Alteon to support basic
server load balancing. We configure basic server load
balancing (SLB) by setting up Layer 4 real server and
binding them into a group.

We also bind the load balancing metric and health

check to the server group. Then we configure the virtual
server and assign a service -- and bind that the server
group. We're all set to load balance.

LAB PREP: Restore Standard Setup

Before you begin this lab:
a. You should have successfully completed
After viewing module
routing and switching STANDARD SETUP
entitled “Server Load
Balancing” (Introduction
& Detailed Discussion) b. Access Alteon management port and login.
then completing this lab,
i. Import STANDARD SETUP configuration
you should be able to:
-- else be sure it is already the Alteon
●● Configure basic server
load balancing (SLB). c. Verify your current STANDARD SETUP
●● Export (save) SLB configuration is working before going forward.
configurations to a file. HINT: Check - Verify.
●● Validate your
configuration with test-
traffic to web servers.

Go to Contents 4 BASIC SLB

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual


Here is a summary of what you'll be doing in lab:

ÌÌ Configure basic server load balancing

.. Define real servers
.. Create server group
.. Bind health check to the group
.. Create virtual server and bind to the group
.. Define virtual service
ÌÌ Validate your configuration

TASK: Configure basic SLB

Step 1: Define real servers

1. Define real Server1 and Server2.

Configure Real Servers
Real Server ID Server IP Address
Server1 10.200.##.100
Server2 10.200.##.200

NOTE: Real server ID = up to 32 alpha-numeric

characters, case-sensitive, NO SPACES.
TIP: Try Method A using multi-line CLI option.
˵˵ Demo

See Method B single-line / stacked CLI option.

˵˵ CLI

Go to Contents Page 23- 4 BASIC SLB

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

Step 2: Create server group

2. Create server group. Use server group ID=1.

a. Add Server1 and Server2 to the group.

b. Set metric for the group to roundrobin.

˵˵ CLI Demo

Step 3 (opt): Set Adv Health Check

3. Bind health check = ICMP to the group.

˵˵ CLI
NOTE: All real servers for a specific service belong
together in a group.

Step 4: Create virtual server

4. Create virtual server ID =1.

Virtual Server Settings
Virtual Server VIRT ID = 1
VIP Address 192.168.175.%%

a. Configure VIRT at 192.168.175.%%.

NOTE: Virtual IP address for lab Alteon where %%
= Sum of Team## + 50.

˵˵ CLI Demo

Go to Contents Page 24- 4 BASIC SLB

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

Step 5: Define virtual service

5. Define virtual service as http port 80

and bind to the group.
a. Force connection through Proxy IP in
the http service.

b. Bind to server group ID = 1.

Virtual Services
Service http (port 80)
Proxy IP 10.200.##.70 / 32
Group Group ID = 1

˵˵ CLI
TIP: This is the entry or termination IP
address for a specific service -- standalone
Alteon. For Radware Lab, forcing through
proxy IP ensures connection through the PIP
-- no matter if connection is made direclty, via
Port 24## or Team-PC.
IMPORTANT: Radware Labs use AlteonOS
v30.5+. Starting with AlteonOS v30.0+,
server load balancing, port client
processing, server processing, and proxy
processing are enabled by default. If your
business uses an older version, you must
enable these features separately -- on each
respective port.

Go to Contents Page 25- 4 BASIC SLB

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

Validate your Configuration

HINT: Check - Test - Stats - Export

1. Check configuration.
TIP: Did you enable, apply, and save -- EASY
˵˵ CLI

2. Test connectivity.
a. Test that web servers are operating (UP).

˵˵ CLI
TIP: If messages not visible, try turning ON
message display log
▪▪ (CLI) /oper/displog ena
3. Verify configuration by generating
test-traffic to your web servers.
IMPORTANT: You will need to configure the VIP to
your lab server group. This is your Team##. Use
it to generate test-traffic within the lab to validate
your lab configuration.

a. Connect to your web server(s) from your

local computer (directly). Browse to

˵˵ Hint

b. If you cannot connect to your web server(s)

directly, then go to Team-PC to connect
indirectly. On Team-PC, browse to your

˵˵ Hint

c. Accept Radware as a secure site --add


Go to Contents Page 26- 4 BASIC SLB

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

NOTE: You should see a response that you reached

Server1 or Server2. You may need to open a new
browser window to see load balancing working.


4. View statistics on your virtual server

˵˵ CLI

a. Generate additional test-traffic to servers and

view changes in virtual server statistics.
i. Open new browser window to your VIP several times
to generate test-traffic.
ii. Return to the Alteon CLI and notice changes to the
Alteon statistics.
TIP: In the Alteon CLI, press the up-arrow key to
repeat previous command.

b. Clear statistics on SLB table; then repeat

Stats view

˵˵ CLI

5. Export configuration. Name this BASIC SLB

TIP: Be sure clearly name and identify your file on

Go to Contents Page 27- 4 BASIC SLB

Advanced Health Checks and Additional SLB Options

Advanced health checks add flexibility in determining
the condition of servers.

In this lab we create three different health checks for

multiple services running on the server. We set up
dependencies. After we add multiple ports, we will load
balance between those ports. We also include a script
to display a "sorry page" if servers go down.

LAB PREP: Restore Basic SLB Setup

Before you begin this lab:

a. You should have successfully competed BASIC

Objectives SLB configuration.

b. Access Alteon management port and login.

After completing this lab,
you should be able to: i. Import BASIC SLB configuration -- else be
sure it is already the Alteon configuration.
●● Create advanced
health checks for c. Verify your BASIC SLB configuration is properly
multiple services. working before going on.

●● Load balance to HINT: Check - Verify.

multiple application

●● Display a “sorry page”

if servers are down.

Go to Contents 5 ENHANCED SLB

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual


Here is a summary of tasks for this lab:

ÌÌ Create Advanced Health Check

.. Bind HC to server
.. Group health check
.. Combine health checks
.. Include AppShape++ script
.. Change group health check
.. Add ports to a server
.. Change metric
.. Change virtual server
ÌÌ Validate your configuration

TASK: Create Advanced HC

1. Create three Advanced Health Checks:
HTTP, FTP, Telnet.
˵˵ CLI

a. Create HTTP Health Check.

TIP: Use health ID=HTTP. Name =HTTP_Check.
Use path =index.htm.

˵˵ CLI

b. Create FTP Health Check.

TIP: Use health ID=FTP. Name=FTP_Check. Use
destination port 21.

˵˵ CLI

c. Create Telnet Health Check.

TIP: Use health ID=Telnet. Name=Telnet_Check.
Use destination port 23.

˵˵ CLI

Go to Contents Page 29- 5 ENHANCED SLB

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

Bind Health Check to server

2. Bind HTTP Health Check to each real
server. (Server1 and Server2)
TIP: Apply and save changes.
˵˵ CLI
i. Ask your instructor to fail a service. [Skip this
instruction if you are an online learner.]

a. Check Information on servers 1 and 2.

˵˵ CLI
i. After applying changes -- watch for successful


Group Health Check

3. Revert each real server back to the Heatlh
Check configured for the group.
TIP: Use SLB CLI real healh - inherit option.
˵˵ CLI

Combine Heath Checks

4. Create health check that combines HTTP
and FTP.
TIP: Use health ID=HTTPFTP. Type = logexp.

˵˵ CLI

5. Attach this combined health check to

Group 1.
˵˵ CLI

Go to Contents Page 30- 5 ENHANCED SLB

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

a. Check the Status of Group 1.

˵˵ CLI

TIP: You should see that for each server the health
module has created a runtime instance of each
check of the logical expression.

Include AppShape++ Script

6. Include an AppShape++ script to display
a sorry page (no service page) in case all
servers go down.
˵˵ CLI
i. For Script ID = no_service_page
ii. For scripts, go to: Radware Knowledge
Base (
iii. Type the AppShape++ Script into plain text editor
and edit as needed.
IMPORTANT: Use a plain-text editor to create
scripts and/or transfer scripts into the Alteon CLI.
Since word processing software often has hidden
formatting codes, Radware WARNS against direct
copy/paste from word processing software --
errors will occur.
iv. If necessary, type script in plain text editor.
TIP: For more help, see AppShape++ User Guide.
AppShape++ eLearning is available.

a. Enable the AppShape++ script on the virtual


˵˵ CLI

Go to Contents Page 31- 5 ENHANCED SLB

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

b. Test the no_service_page script.

i. Disable both servers, then open the VIP to see
the sorry page display.

˵˵ CLI

Change Group Health Check

7. Change the group health check to TCP.
˵˵ CLI

Add Ports to a Server

8. Add multiple ports to the servers.
i. Enable ports. Set Server2 to a higher weight
TIP: Servers still disabled (see previous steps).
˵˵ CLI

Change Group/Port Metric

9. Set group metric to Least Connections.
Set server port metric to Round Robin.
˵˵ CLI

Change Virtual Server

10. Set the virtual server to use all the ports
on the server.
˵˵ CLI
TIP: Use Apply to activate the configuration.
TIP: A confirmation line is printed for each port
of real servers.


Go to Contents Page 32- 5 ENHANCED SLB

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

Validate your Configuration

HINT: Check - Verify - Export

1. Check configuration.
2. Verify configuration by generating test-
traffic to web servers.
a. Access web server via VIP and generate
traffic by opening several browser

b. Check the status (statistics) of server.

˵˵ CLI

3. Export (put) the configuration. Name

˵˵ CLI

4. In preparation for the next lab, import

(get) the configuration previously saved
˵˵ CLI

Go to Contents Page 33- 5 ENHANCED SLB

Secure Socket Layer Acceleration & Offloading

In this lab, we enable SSL -- Alteon’s services for
acceleration and offloading capabilities. Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL) is a security layer that can be
added to various communication protocols. SSL
performs encryption, decryption, and verification of
transmissions between clients and servers

SSL relieves the back-end servers of tasks -- thus

enabling the back-end servers to maximize their
performance and efficiency. This results in faster server
response times and increased server capacity to handle
more users that are concurrent.

Objectives LAB PREP: Restore Basic SLB

Before you begin this lab:
After viewing module
entitled “SSL Services: a. You should have successfully competed BASIC
Acceleration and SLB configuration.
Offloading” and
completing this lab, you b. Access Alteon management port and login.
should be able to: i. Import BASIC SLB configuration -- else be
sure it is already the Alteon configuration.
●● Enable and configure
SSL services on c. Verify your BASIC SLB configuration works
Alteon. properly before continuing.

●● Create Certificate and HINT: Check - Verify.

SSL policy.

Go to Contents 6 SSL SERVICES

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual


Here is a summary of what you'll be doing in lab:

ÌÌ SSL Acceleration
.. Enable SSL globally
.. Create a cerfificate
.. Define SSL Policy
.. Associate to virtual serivce
ÌÌ Validate your configuration

TASK: SSL acceleration

IMPORTANT: Enable SSL globally to begin this lab.
˵˵ CLI

Step 1: Certificate Management

1. Create and generate a self-signed server

certificate for a service (key will be added).
i. Certificate ID = Team##
ii. Certificate Name = MyTeam##Cert
iii. Cert Common Name = (Where ## =
your team number).
iv. For any other values, use default settings or as desired
NOTE: Verify that "Self signed certificate, certificate
signing request and key added".

˵˵ CLI

Go to Contents Page 35- 6 SSL SERVICES

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

Step 2: SSL Policy Definition

2. Define SSL Policy -- which will govern SSL

i. SSL policy ID = MYPOLICY
ii. SSL policy Name = EasySSLPolicy
iii. cipher = main.
TIP: Remember to enable the policy.
˵˵ CLI

Step 3: Virtual Service Association

3. Associate to virtual service.

a. Associate HTTPS service (defined).

b. Bind Certificate to service

c. Bind SSL Policy to service

d. Add PIP (proxy IP) 10.200.##.70 on

service 443 https.
TIP: Remember to apply configuration changes.
˵˵ CLI

Go to Contents Page 36- 6 SSL SERVICES

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

Validate your Configuration

HINT: Check - Verify - Export

1. Check SLB configuration.

˵˵ CLI

2. Verify configuration by generating test-

traffic to your servers.
a. Connect to your server(s) from your
local computer (directly) by browsing to

˵˵ Hint
i. If you cannot connect directly, try this.
˵˵ Hint

b. View statistics on your virtual server

connection -- then clear statitistics.

˵˵ CLI

3. Enable Application Trace Log for SSL.

TIP: Application services tracelogging may
cause performance impact on Alteon traffic
processing capabilities. Be sure to disable
when done.

a. Connect using secure SSL


˵˵ CLI

b. Generate test traffic by accessing the

https server page several times.

Go to Contents Page 37- 6 SSL SERVICES

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

c. Export data file to your Team-PC. Turn on

3CD and listen to TFTP service.


d. Extract the file and view it with wordpad.

TIP: There is a separate data log file for each SP.

4. Export configuration.
a. Name exported file: SSL_Services.

˵˵ CLI

5. In preparation for the next lab, import (get)

˵˵ CLI

Go to Contents Page 38- 6 SSL SERVICES

SLB using Layer 3 and Layer 4 Persistency

When configuring a load-balanced service, one
important issue is dealing with information that must be
maintained across multiple requests in a user’s session.
To send all requests in a user session consistently to
the same backend server is known as persistence or

Persistent server load balancing uses Layer 3

and Layer 4 persistency. Layer 3 handles only IP
addresses, hash or minmisses are used as the metric.

Layer 7 persistency depends on the application. We

use HTTP with passive cookies, cookie rewrite, and
cookie insert to provice persistence.

Objectives LAB PREP: Restore Basic SLB Setup

After viewing module Before you begin this lab:
entitled “SLB
Persistency” and a. You should have successfully competed BASIC
completing this lab, you SLB configuration.
should be able to:
b. Access Alteon management port and login.
●● Configure IP i. Import BASIC SLB configuration -- else be
persistence by using sure it is already the Alteon configuration.
hash or minmisses.
c. Verify your BASIC SLB configuration is properly
●● Configure L7 cookie working before going on.
persistence using
passive, rewrite or HINT: Check - Verify.
insert mode.

Go to Contents 7 PERSISTENT SLB

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual


Here is a summary of what you'll be completing
in this Persistent SLB Lab:

ÌÌ Persistent SLB
.. Set group metric to PHash
.. Change metric to Roundrobin
.. Change server cookie
.. Enable passive cookie
.. Revert rport back
.. Configure to insert session cookie
ÌÌ Validate your Configuration

TASK: Persistent SLB

IMPORTANT: To begin this lab, enable
Direct Access Mode (DAM) globally.

˵˵ CLI

1. Set the group metric to PHASH.

a. Verify this configuration change.
i. Generate test-traffic and verify all persistent
connections to a single server even after
session table expires (60 seconds).

˵˵ CLI

2. Change group metric to Round Robin.

˵˵ CLI

3. Currently, the web server with cookie

is on real port 88. Change the virtual
server rport value to 88.
˵˵ CLI

Go to Contents Page 40- 7 PERSISTENT SLB

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

4. Clear the session table and verify there

are no current sessions.
˵˵ CLI

5. Enable passive cookie-based

persistence on the virtual server service.
a. Enable the VIRT to track passive

˵˵ CLI

b. Test the configuration.

i. First disable all cookies in the browser and
notice sessions moving between two servers.
ii. Then enable cookies in the browser and notice
sessions go to the same server.

˵˵ CLI
iii. Close all browsers and time out of the session
table (or clear the session table). Notice the
connection to a new server (unlike phash).

6. Revert vitual server rport back to port 80

(server has no cookie).
˵˵ CLI

7. Configure virtual server to insert a

session cookie.
i. Optionally you can insert a time duration cookie
(expires by date or expires by time).

˵˵ CLI

Go to Contents Page 41- 7 PERSISTENT SLB

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

Validate your Configuration

HINT: Check - Export

1. Inspect the cookie inserted.

a. Connect to VIP using Firefox with
Firebug or Live HTTP Headers plugin.
NOTE: Notice the cookie inserted by the Alteon
under the cookie session. Cookie rewrite/insert
upgrade in v29.5.1 -- Generates a persistency
entry (p-entry) in the session table.

2. Compare the inserted cookie (as

previous) with Alteon cookie table.
TIP: Use CLI operations menu.
˵˵ CLI

3. Export configuration. Name it

˵˵ CLI

4. In preparation for the next lab, import

˵˵ CLI

Go to Contents Page 42- 7 PERSISTENT SLB

Control content returned by or sent to web application

In various cases there is a need to control the content
returned by a Web application or sent to the Web

Content modification can include modifying URLs of

objects, modifying cookies or other HTTP headers or
modifying any text in the HTTP or HTML.

Alteon lets you also modify different types of HTTP

elements, using self-defined modification rules.
After viewing module
entitled “SLB Content HTTP elements that can be modified:
Switching” and • HTTP Headers - Can be inserted, replaced, or
completing this lab, you removed
should be able to: • Cookies - Can be replaced or removed
●● Insert Client IP while • File type - File type elements within the HTTP
using ProxyIP towards requests can be replaced
the server.
• Status Line - Status line elements within the HTTP
●● Hide server identity to responses can be replaced
increase security. • URL - Within requests or responses, headers or
entire message body can be replaced
●● Redirect to start page,
if server responds with • Text - Any text elements can be replaced in HTTP
an error code of 404. headers or the entire message body

●● Rewrite parts the



Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

LAB PREP: Restore Basic SLB

Before you begin this lab:

a. You should have successfully competed

BASIC SLB configuration.

b. Access Alteon management port and

i. Import BASIC SLB configuration --
else be sure it is already the Alteon
HINT: Check - Verify.
c. Before starting lab, make these changes:
i. Enable Direct Access Mode (DAM) to perform
content load balancing.

˵˵ CLI
ii. Set the real server group metric to roundrobin
as the default.
TIP: Use Group ID = 1 as previously defined.
˵˵ CLI
iii. Disable persistent binding for the virtual server
iv. Apply and save changes.
˵˵ CLI

d. Verify BASIC SLB is working properly.

i. Verify by generating test-traffic and checking
SLB statistics.

˵˵ CLI

Go to Contents Page 44- 8 CONTENT MODIFICATION

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual


Here is a summary of tasks in this lab:

ÌÌ Content Modification
.. Insert Client IP into HTTP header
.. Remove server identity
.. Redirect if error message
.. Replace host name

TASK: Content Modification

Insert Client IP into HTTP Header
This information is the data of the http header
called x-forwarded-for which Alteon adds to the
server connection.

1. Open a browser and connect to the VIP

to display the proxy IP configured on the
TIP: You should see your current proxy IP
(example shown below):
▪▪ Your IP is: (i.e.
2. Enable forwarding of the client IP as a
a. Enable dbind OR be sure forceproxy mode
is enabled. Apply changes.
NOTE: Forwarding cllient IP is a built-in
modification, which is part of the service http/http
˵˵ CLI

Go to Contents Page 45- 8 CONTENT MODIFICATION

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

3. Connect to your VIP. You should see the

x-Forward for Header.
TIP: Now the server can see the Proxy IP
(visible IP) and the client real IP (x-forwarded-
for IP).
▪▪ Your visible IP is:[ex;]
▪▪ X-Forwarded-For IP: [ex;]

Remove Server Identity

Removing Response Header information
from the server response is also called server

4. Remove server information from the

response to client.
a. Open your the web development tools
of your favorite browser or capturing tool
and start capturing.

b. Connect to the website. In the capture

tool, look for HTTP Response Header
called “Server” -- which attackers could
also use.

c. Remove this HTTP Response Header

information from the server response.

˵˵ CLI
TIP: If you reload the browser window and look
in the capture tool, you can see the Response
Header is replaced by generic information (i.e.
web server).

Go to Contents Page 46- 8 CONTENT MODIFICATION

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

Redirect if server responds with

an error message
Intercept server responses and update the
HTTP error messages sent to the user by the

5. Intercept 404 errors and redirect to a

new page http://192/168.175.<## + 50>.
NOTE: The error code generated by the server
can be changed, the error reason edited, or
redirected to a different HTTP location. When
redirecting, the hostname specified should
include the protocol. For example: HTTP:// and not
i. Multiple error codes per service can be defined
if all use the same behavior.
ii. When editing the error code configuration, type
all the relevant codes.
iii. To configure multiple error codes, type codes
separated by comma. For example: 403, 504.

˵˵ CLI
iv. Under the HTTP service menu configure a
redirect to redirect back to the main URL if an
error is encounter (either URL or IP of VIP).

6. Open a browser on Team-PC and

connect to your VIP requesting a
web page which doesn’t exist (ie.
notthere.html where %% = sum
Team ## +50).
i. You should be redirected back to the main page.
 NOTE: If you do not see the start page,
double-check the web development tools of
your favorite browser or capturing tool to see
the Response Header status-line.

Go to Contents Page 47- 8 CONTENT MODIFICATION

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

Replace the host name

Rewrite the hostname used by the client and send
a different hostname to the server.

TIP: This can be useful if a domain has changed.

7. Make sure the host file of your Team-PC

has an entry for your Team##:
▪▪ 192.168.175.%% (where %% = sum
Team ## + 50 )

8. Create a http modification rule to change

the header.
˵˵ CLI

TIP: Use your team## as the matched host.

Validate your Configuration

HINT: Verify

9. Verify your configuration by browsing to

your VIP from your Team-PC.
TIP: You should see that your request was
rewritten by the server.


Go to Contents Page 48- 8 CONTENT MODIFICATION

Layer 7 Content Switching

Alteon ADC (Application Delivery Controller) blends
traditional server load balancing with advanced,
application-aware Layer 7 switching to support the
design of a highly scalable, optimized application
delivery system.

Layer 7 load balancing allows for increased efficiency of

the application infrastructure. Layer 7 switching directs
its requests at the application layer. It differs from
Layer 4 load balancing in a fundamental way because
the servers do not to replicate the same content, but
effectively “pass the parcel”. This allows for fine tuning.

This lab uses Layer 7 switching to differentiate traffic

and make forwarding decisions based on content.
Using the Alteon and a browser, we define different
Objectives content-based situations and see how the traffic is
forwarded when content is triggered.
After completing this lab,
you should be able to: In this lab we distinguish between different browsers.
We’ll create a content class to configure the Alteon to
●● Define content rules
send traffic to different servers based on the browser
for different URL
requesting content.
IMPORTANT: When creating a new content class in
●● Distinguish between
a virtual service, be sure to remove unwanted content
different browsers.
●● Optional: Use regular
expressions to create
complex matches.


Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

LAB PREP: Pre-configuration

Before you begin this lab:

a. You should have successfully competed

BASIC SLB configuration.

b. Access Alteon management port and

i. Import BASIC SLB configuration --
else be sure it is already the Alteon
HINT: Check - Test
c. Enable Direct Access Mode (DAM) to
perform content load balancing.

˵˵ CLI

d. For training purposes, set real server

group metric to Round Robin.
TIP: For real environment, use any suitable

˵˵ CLI

e. Disable persistent binding (pbind) for

the virtual server service. Pbind takes
precedence over string load balancing.

˵˵ CLI

f. Verify SLB is properly working.

g. Clear the session table.

˵˵ CLI

h. Verify configuration by generating test-

traffic by opening a new browser window
to your VIP several times; return to the

Go to Contents Page 50- 9 CONTENT LOAD BALANCING

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

Alteon CLI to execute the command for

displaying statistics.

˵˵ CLI

i. Verify your BASIC SLB configuration is

properly working before going on.


Here is a summary of tasks in this lab:

ÌÌ Content SLB - URL path

ÌÌ Content SLB - browser
ÌÌ OPT: Regular Expression Configuration

TASK: Content SLB - URL path

Content Load Balancing based on URL-path
string selection.

1. Create a new content class with unique

class ID (ID may be a string).
a. Create an element to search on a path =
“images”. Path ID may be numeric.

˵˵ CLI

b. A class may contain multiple elements --

each element requiring a unique ID.
TIP: If your application is case-sensitive, enable

Go to Contents Page 51- 9 CONTENT LOAD BALANCING

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

2. Create a new server group -- to support the

defined string.
a. Add a real server to the new server group.

˵˵ CLI
OPTIONAL: A separate content health check
is useful. Create an advanced health check for the
group to find img1.jpg in directory = images.

˵˵ CLI

b. Apply the configuration.

c. Verify server group 2 is operating (UP).

˵˵ CLI

3. Enable Content-Rule-SLB for the virtual

service IP Address.
˵˵ CLI

4. Enable Statistic collection for Content Rules.

˵˵ CLI

Validate your Configuration

HINT: Verify - Statistics

5. Generate test-traffic to the (VIP) web servers

by opening a browser from your local
computer. Go to http://192.168.175.%%
(%% = Sum Team## + 50) or access
a. Verify the configuration and check the
working status. Close and reopen the client
browser several times. View the statistics in
the Alteon to verify activity.

˵˵ CLI

Go to Contents Page 52- 9 CONTENT LOAD BALANCING

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

6. Access the image file from the client web

NOTE: Image files on Server2 = img1.jpg, img2.jpg
and img3.jpg. Close/reopen client browser several
times to http://192.168.175.%%/
images/img1.jpg or http://<Remote
LAB>:74##//images/img1.jpg (For %%
= Sum Team## + 50).

˵˵ CLI

TASK: Content SLB - Browser

Content Server Load Balancing based on User Agent
(browser type).

IMPORTANT: Before beginning this exercise, import

BASIC SLB configuration -- else be sure it is already
the Alteon configuration.
HINT: Check - Test

1. Create two content classes for different

browser types: MSIE and Firefox.
a. Define the MSIE content class -- search for
the string “MSIE” inside User-Agent http

˵˵ CLI

b. Define the Firefox content class -- search for

the string “Firefox” inside User-Agent http

˵˵ CLI

2. Create two groups: 20 and 21. In each group,

add one server.
˵˵ CLI

Go to Contents Page 53- 9 CONTENT LOAD BALANCING

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

3. Enable content SLB for the virtual

service IP Address. Add the two content
classes (previously created).
˵˵ CLI

4. Apply configuration.
5. Enable more detailed statistics:
˵˵ CLI

6. Verify configuration by using two

browsers to access VIP: Firefox and
Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE). View
statistics on the Alteon.
TIP: You should see traffic trigger the content
rules already created.

˵˵ CLI

NOTE: If the VIP is access using a different

browser (e.g. Chrome), the traffic triggers
the default group associated with service 80.
Using this different browser, no statistics on the
content rule is shown.


Expression Configuration
Using a regular expression to select real server.

1. Continue with the configuration from the

previous section.
» WebServer 1 hosts “alteo.htm”.
» WebServer 2 hosts “altea.htm”
and “alter.htm”.

2. Create content class and content rules

using regular expressions to select
appropriate webservers.

Go to Contents Page 54- 9 CONTENT LOAD BALANCING

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

a. Regular expression “alte[ar].htm” allows

selection of the content stored on
WebServer 2.
NOTE: Inverting this regular expression avoids
selection of this machine. “alte[^ar].htm” allows
access to “alteo.htm” and of course to many
other “alteX.htm” pages.

˵˵ CLI

TIP: Skip any setup about case -- we use

default case value.

3. All real servers supporting string

“alte[^ar].htm” need to be in a common
group. Create new server groups to
support the defined regular expressions.
Add one real server to each server
˵˵ CLI

4. Enable content class SLB for the real

server group number.
˵˵ CLI

Validate your Configuration

5. Verify configuration by generating test-
traffic to your web servers.
a. Test your configuration using Team-PC
to send requests using Team ##.
• http://192/168.175.##/alteo.htm
• http://192.168.175.##/alter.htm
• http://192.168.175.##/altea.htm

Go to Contents Page 55- 9 CONTENT LOAD BALANCING

Configuring the Redundant Network

In this lab you will set up a redundant network for high
availability. The single-switch configuration is enhanced
by a second switch to provide High Availability (HA)
based on enhanced configuration on Alteon OS v30.2
(or higher). The legacy-mode high availability (VRRP)
is supported in software v30.1 (and earlier). For more
information on VRRP, refer to Alteon Application Guide.

You'll configure HA for active Alteon (active = A) and

backup Alteon (backup = B) devices. High availability
is maintained as follows: if the active device fails and
no longer passes traffic, the backup device takes over.
This minimizes downtime on a critical network.

To complete lab exercises, you should be assigned two

Alteon VA instances (devices): Active = A and Backup
= B. If you were not assigned two instances (devices),
please contact [email protected].
After viewing
module entitled This High Availability Lab uses the diagram Lab
“High Availability Configuration Details - Alteon HA. All network cables
Redundancy” and are connected as depicted. The Team-PC (local
completing this lab, you Workstation running VNC viewer or PuTTY) or web
should be able to: server in this lab is already preconfigured. For technical
support, ask your local trainer or email Radware
●● Configure Active Technical support at [email protected].
and Backup Alteon
devices for High
Availability failover.


Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

Lab Configuration Details - Alteon HA

Remote Lab – Alteon VA - HA

Lab Connection Information

## = team number

For VNC display select FULL color Delegate own PC

VNC: 22##
Password: radware

Management port: Internet

Remote Serial (VNC): 25## (A) 250## (B)
Remote Secure-SSH: 26## (A) 260## (B)
APSolute Vision
Remote SecureWBM: 27## (A) 270## (B) AppSolute Vision APSolute Application Delivery



Load Balancing:
Remote VIP port 80: 24## Ext.Client-
Remote VIP port 443: 23## Network: Management-
APSolute Vision Network:
Remote Client ## (
Username: AL-Team##
Password: radware Int.Client- Switch
10.100.##.50/24 Port 1
Alteon A Information
Port 4
MNG 10.10.242.##/21
Alteon-A/B MNG
External Client network
port 1 → Vlan 11 Port 2
if-1 = /24 Vlan 11 Server-Network:
Peer IP = /24 10.200.##.0/24
Gateway 1 =
Server network
port 2 → Vlan 14 →
if-2 = 10.200.##.254 /24 Vlan 14
Peer IP = 10.200.##.253 /24

Internal Client network

port 4 → Vlan 24
if-4 = 10.100.##.254 /24 Vlan 24
Peer IP = 10.100.##.253 /24 Web1 Web2

Floating IP Addresses
192 . 168 . 175 . ##
10 . 200 . ## . ## Alteon B Information
10 . 100 . ## . 1 For redundancy lab

Load Balancing MNG =

PIP = 10.200.##.70
Web1 = 10.200.##.100 1 / 24 11
Web2 = 10.200.##.200 2 10.200.##.253 / 24 14
4 10.100.##.253 / 24 24

Go to Contents Page 57- 10 HIGH AVAILABILITY

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

LAB PREP: Reset Alteon

Before you begin this lab:

1. Review Lab Configuration Details -

Alteon HA.
a. For ease, print this (blank) topology and
write your ## information in the blanks:
i. ## = Assigned Team number (2-digits)
ii. %% = Sum of Team ## + 50

2. Reset the Alteon to factory defaults.

TIP: Keep the management port connectivity.
˵˵ CLI

a. Verify the management IP is correct.


Here is a summary of what you'll be completing
in this High Availability Lab:

ÌÌ Configure (active) Alteon:

.. Configure Layer 2 VLANS
.. Layer 3 interfaces with Peer IP per VLAN
.. Floating IP address per VLAN
.. Configure default gateway
ÌÌ Validate Your Configuration
ÌÌ Configure High Availability
.. Enable HA Switch Mode
.. Create Servers for group
.. Configure virtual Server and add
.. Assign Service

Go to Contents Page 58- 10 HIGH AVAILABILITY

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

.. Set Alteon A as priority in HA:

.. Set advertisement interfaces
.. Save and export configuration
dd Synchronize Configuration to Backup
.. Check status

TASK: Configure active (A)

Step 1: L2 Setup VLANs

1. Configure Layer 2 (L2) on Active Alteon.

Create three VLANs and add ports.
Configure L2 VLANS
Physical Port VLAN ID
Port 1 VLAN 11
Port 2 VLAN 14
Port 4 VLAN 24

˵˵ CLI

Step 2 (opt): Adv L2 Config

2. Turn off Spanning Tree Group (STG).

˵˵ CLI

Go to Contents Page 59- 10 HIGH AVAILIBILITY

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

Step 3: L3 Define Interfaces

3. Define Layer 3 (L3) IP interfaces, peer IP

address, and floating IP address (one per
a. Configure IP addresses.
TIP: Use your Team## as two-digits -- ##.
Configure Layer 3 IPs
1 / 24 VLAN 11
2 10.200.##.254 / 24 VLAN 14
4 10.100.##.254 / 24 VLAN 24

i. Mask =

b. Configure peer IP addresses.

Configure Peer IPs

IF ID Peer IP Address
1 192 . 168 . 175 . 2## /24
2 10 . 200 . ## . 253 /24
4 10 . 100 . ## . 253 /24

˵˵ CLI

c. Configure a floating IP address for each


Configure Floating IPs

IF ID FIP Addresses
1 192 . 168 . 175 . ##
2 10 . 200 . ## . ##
4 10 . 100 . ## . 1

˵˵ CLI

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Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

Step 4: L3 Set Default Gateway

4. Set default gateway

˵˵ CLI

 IMPORTANT: Apply and save configuration.

Validate your Configuration

HINT: Check - Test - Export - Reset - Import

5. Check configuration.
˵˵ CLI Demo

6. Test device connectivity.

HINT: Ping Default Gateway IP address.
Ping Server(s) IP address(es).

a. If all Pings fail, reboot your Alteon device.

IMPORTANT: For Radware Lab only, you may need
to reboot your device after creating a default gateway.
Be sure to save configuration.

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Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

Configure High Availability

1. Enable High Availability - Switch Mode.
˵˵ CLI

2. Create two servers, add to group, create

VIRT with Virtual IP 192.168.175.%%. (For
%% = sum of ## + 50) Assign Service 80
NOTE: Copy and paste these CLI lines (below).

/c/slb/real Server1/rip 10.200.##.100/ena

/c/slb/real Server2/rip 10.200.##.200/ena

/c/slb/group 1/add Server1/add Server2

/c/slb/virt 1/vip 192.168.175.%%/ena/service 80/group 1/pip/mode address/addr v4 10.200.##.69

3. Set device A as priority Switch HA.

˵˵ CLI

a. Apply and Save configuration changes.

4. Assign Advertisement interfaces.

˵˵ CLI

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Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

TASK: Configure backup (B)

1. Configure backup Alteon device
a. Re-connect to Alteon Backup device.
 TIP: Backup device port = 270## or 260##
i. Check configuration to verify sync.
NOTE: Copy and paste these CLI lines (next).

/c/l3/if/c/l3/if 1/addr 11/peer
/c/l3/if 2/addr 10.200.##.254/mask 14/peer 10.200.##.253
/c/l3/if 4/addr 10.100.##.254/mask 24/peer 10.100.##.253
/c/l3/gw 1/addr
/c/l3/ha/switch/failback always/pref active
/c/slb/sync/peer 1/ena/addr

/c/l3/if 1/addr 11/peer
/c/l3/if 2/addr 10.200.##.253/mask 14/peer 10.200.##.254
/c/l3/if 4/addr 10.100.##.253/mask 24/peer 10.100.##.254
/c/l3/gw 1/addr
/c/l3/ha/switch/failback always/pref standby
/c/slb/sync/peer 1/ena/addr

/c/l3/ha/floatip 1/if 1/addr 192.168.175.##/ena
/c/l3/ha/floatip 2/if 2/addr 10.200.##.##/ena
/c/l3/ha/floatip 4/if 4/addr 10.100.##.1/ena
/c/slb/real Server1/rip 10.200.##.100/ena
/c/slb/real Server2/rip 10.200.##.200/ena
/c/slb/group 1/add Server1/add Server2
/c/slb/virt 1/vip 192.168.175.%%/ena/service 80/group 1/pip/mode address/addr v4 10.200.##.70
/c/l3/hamode switch
/c/l3/ha/switch/add 1/add 2/add 4

2. Export configuration. Name exported

configuration file: ACTIVE.

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Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

TASK: Test configured SYNC

At this point, both devices should be ready for

1. Synchronize the configuration from the

Active to the Backup. Check the status.
TIP: Connect to the Terminal (VNC session) of both
devices. Device A = NOTICE HA: HA Switch is

˵˵ CLI

2. Test the configuration.

a. Start a continuous ping (-t) from VNC XP
machine to 192.168.175.##

b. Fail active device by disabling VLAN 11.

Ensure Backup device becomes Active.

c. Re-enable VLAN 11 on the active.

˵˵ CLI

Go to Contents Page 64- 10 HIGH AVAILABILITY

Service Status View & DPM

APSolute Vision DPM -- Device Performance
Monitoring is supported on Alteon OS29.0 and higher.
DPM requires an APSolute Vision DPM license. A 30-
day evaluation license is available.

When DPM is enabled, the Alteon sends its

performance data to APSolute Vision. The data is
processed and displayed in the DPM web-interface --
alerts, dashboards, reports (current and historica0.

LAB PREP: Restore SLB setup

Objectives Before you begin this lab:

After viewing module a. You should have successfully completed

entitled “Monitoring BASIC SLB configuration.
and Reporting” and i. Restore BASIC SLB configuration now.
completing this lab, you
should be able to: b. Access Alteon management port and login.

●● Enable APSolute c. Verify your current SLB configuration.

Device Perforance
HINT: Check - Verify.
Monitoring (DPM on
the device.

●● Report Granularity on

Go to Contents 11 APM / DPM

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual


Here is a summary of tasks for this lab:

ÌÌ Use Device Performance Monitoring

.. Enable DPM on the device
.. If needed, enable DAM globally
.. If needed, enable DAM on virtual service
ÌÌ DPM - Report Granularity
.. Report with high granularity
.. Modify granularity

TASK: Use DPM on Alteon

Using APSolute DPM (Device Performance
Monitoring) on the Alteon:

• Enable DPM reporting on Alteon.

• *Must ensure DAM is enabled globally.
• *DAM enabled for each virtual service.

*Not relevant on ADC-VX

1. Enable DPM reporting on the Alteon.

a. Go to Configuration > System tab >
Performance Monitoring.
i. Select checkbox -- in Enable Performance
ii. Specify port -- in Port text box -- the port from
which Alteon sends DPM data. Default: 3030.
IMPORTANT: Radware Labs use AlteonOS
v30.5+. Starting with AlteonOS v30.0+, Direct
Access Mode (DAM) is enabled by default. If
your business uses an older version, you must
enable this features separately -- plus be sure it
is enabled on each virtual service. (See next)

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Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

If you must enable DAM globally, Go to

Configuration > Application Delivery tab> Virtual
Services. Select ENABLE -- Direct Access
Mode list.
If you must enable DAM for a virtual service,
Go to Configuration > Application Delivery tab
> Virtual Services > Virtual Servers. Select
the virtual server -- in Virtual Servers table
(double-click virtual server). Select the virtual
service -- in Virtual Services table (double-click
virtual service). Select ENABLE -- in Advanced
group-box, go to Direct Access Mode drop-

TASK: DPM - Report Granularity

By default, statistics are collected per virtual
service (throughput, PPS, CPS, and so on).

1. To receive reports with higher granularity.

a. Select an extended reporting level per
virtual service.
(TIP: For example, reporting per real server
associated with that service.

2. To modify the DPM report granularity on

a. Go to Configuration > Application
Delivery > Virtual Services > Virtual
i. Select virtual server -- in the Virtual Servers
table (double-click the virtual server).
ii. Select virtual service -- in the Virtual Services
table (double-click the virtual service).
iii. Select granularity -- in the Advanced group,
Report Granularity Level drop-down list.


Go to Contents Page 67- 11 APM / DPM

Troubleshooting the Alteon Device

The types of problems that typically occur with networks
are connectivity and performance. The Alteon supports
a diverse range of network architectures and protocols;
some are used to maintain and monitor connectivity
and isolate the connectivity faults.

This section provides conceptual information about

the methods and tools used for troubleshooting and
isolating problems in the Alteon. It will help you to use
the common commands to check Alteon status and to
ensure successful Alteon maintenance activities.

After completing this lab, you will understand the uses

of various commands that can be used to validate the
configuration or operation of the Alteon Switch.

Objectives You will learn to use the diff command to view

changes before saving them, review the CLI commands
After viewing module to check critical Alteon functions (such as port speed,
entitled “Alteon STP configuration, SLB configuration, etc)., and
Troubleshooting” and cultivate the ability to spot errors in your configuration.
completing this lab, you
You will also be familiarized with the techniques to
should be able to:
gather Alteon statistical data for troubleshooting.
●● Understand various
commands that can
be used to validate
the configuration or
operation of the Alteon

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

LAB PREP: Restore SLB setup

Before you begin this lab:

a. You should have successfully completed

BASIC SLB configuration.
i. Restore BASIC SLB configuration now.

b. Access Alteon management port and


c. Verify your current SLB configuration.

HINT: Check - Verify.


Here is a summary of tasks for this lab:

ÌÌ CLI Troubleshooting
.. Use diff and revert
.. Use Port Menu
.. Use the Statistics Menu
.. Use Information Menu
.. Use Maintenance Menu
.. Use reset

TASK: CLI troubleshooting

1. Use the diff and revert command.
a. Add a new configuration (for example
a new IP interface) but do not apply it.
Use the diff command.

˵˵ CLI

Go to Contents Page 69- 12 TROUBLESHOOTING

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

b. Revert the configuration back to

previous (backup) configuration.

˵˵ CLI

c. Apply a new configuration and apply

it without saving. Use the diff flash
command to see configuration not yet

˵˵ CLI

TIP: Some commands are global and can be

used at any menu level. For assistance, use
help <command>.

2. Use the Port Menu

TIP: View settings for individual physical ports.
˵˵ CLI

3. Use the Statistics Menu

a. View port statistics (Link and IF).
˵˵ CLI

b. View Server Load Balancing statistics.

˵˵ CLI
TIP: Values can be:
▪▪ real <server ID>
▪▪ group <Group ID>
▪▪ virt <Virt ID>
4. Use the Information Menu
a. View STG (Spanning Tree Group)

˵˵ CLI

Go to Contents Page 70- 12 TROUBLESHOOTING

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

b. View information on the real server.

TIP: IP and MAC, VLAN, etc.
˵˵ CLI

5. Use the Maintenance Menu

a. Create a Tech Support Dump File.
TIP: Upload to your TFTP server.
˵˵ CLI

b. Use the panic command.

TIP: Panic will create a dump file and reboot
the Alteon switch.

˵˵ CLI

6. Use the reset command.

TIP: Sometimes a reset is needed for some
commands to take effect.

˵˵ CLI

End of Lab Manual

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Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual


has various information
and demonstrations
referenced by
hyperlinks elsewhere
in this Lab Manual.

Go to Contents Page 72- APPENDIX

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

Validate your Configuration


1. Check configuration.
˵˵ CLI Demo

˵˵ TIP: This is a visual check. Look at the

configuration to ensure you entered it correctly.
▪▪ diff [diff flash memory]
▪▪ /cfg/slb/cur [current SLB]

2. Test connectivity.
a. Ping all devices

b. If all Pings fail, reboot your Alteon

IMPORTANT: For Lab ONLY, you may need
to reboot your device after creating a default
gateway. Apply and save your configuration.

˵˵ CLI
TIP: If messages not visible, try turning ON
message display log file
▪▪ /(CLI) /oper/displog ena

c. Service Status View


d. Test that web servers are operating (are


˵˵ CLI
TIP: If messages not visible, try turning ON
message display log
▪▪ /(CLI) /oper/displog ena

Go to Contents Page 73- APPENDIX - Validate

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

3. Export Configuration.
IMPORTANT: At export, always "Include
Private Keys" = YES so the configuration can
be imported later.

a. May use CLI command to export: name

i. Use CLI "put config" command and TFTP
ii. Use IP address of the Workstation of the
management network =
IMPORTANT: Reconnect to your Team-PC
to see that your STANDARD SETUP file was
exported there.

b. May use web-GUI to export: name file

i. Go to Configuration > System > Config Mgmt
˵˵ CLI

4. Reset (reboot) Alteon to factory default.

IMPORTANT: Access Alteon console port.
Login username / password = admin.
IMPORTANT: Always "Keep Management
Network (port)" = YES so you don't have to
reconfigure it after reboot is finished.

˵˵ CLI

a. After reboot, labs set TFTP to use

management port.
i. Use IP Address of Manaement Workstation
(Team PC) as

Go to Contents Page 74- APPENDIX - Validate

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

TIP: Before you can configure a static address,

DHCP must be disabled.

˵˵ CLI

TIP: APPLY and SAVE to save changes.

b. After reboot, enable remote access to
management port. Labs enable SNMP.
NOTE: Radware Labs use AlteonOS v30.5+
-- which,by default, ENABLES remote access
via SSH and HTTPS. If your business-setting
Alteon uses OSv30.0 or older, you must
manually enable SSH / HTTPS separately.

5. Verify configuration: generate test-traffic

to your servers (VIP).
IMPORTANT: You will need to configure the VIP
to your lab server group. This is your Team##.
Use to generate test-traffic within the lab to
validate your lab configuration

a. Connect to your (VIP) server(s) from

your local computer (directly) by
browsing to http://<LabURL>:24##.

˵˵ Hint

b. If you cannot connect to your server(s)

directly, use VNC Viewer to connect to
Team-PC. Then (indirectly) browse to
your VIP to connect.

˵˵ Hint

c. Accept Radware as a secure site --add


Go to Contents Page 75- APPENDIX - Validate

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

NOTE: Look for a response that you reached

Server1 or Server2. Open a new browser
window to see load balancing working.


6. View statistics on your virtual server

˵˵ CLI

a. Generate additional test-traffic to servers

and view changes in virtual server
i. Open new browser window to your VIP several
times to generate test-traffic.
ii. Return to the Alteon CLI and notice changes to
the Alteon statistics.
TIP: In the Alteon CLI, press the up-arrow key
to repeat previous command.

b. View statistics on your virtual server

connection -- then clear statitistics.

˵˵ CLI

c. Clear statistics on SLB table; then repeat

Stats view

˵˵ CLI

7. Enable Application Trace Log for SSL.

TIP: Application services tracelogging may
cause performance impact on Alteon traffic
processing capabilities. Be sure to disable
when done.

a. Connect to the page using HTTPS.

˵˵ CLI

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Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

8. Import configuration.
a. Check differences between the
TIP: Use CLI diff
b. Import (get) configuration.

˵˵ CLI

TIP: Remember to APPLY and SAVE changes.

Go to Contents Page 77- APPENDIX - Validate

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

Lab Topology - Alteon VA (printable) Back to Lab Manual

Remote Lab – Alteon VA

Lab Connection Information ___ = team number

USA Please put in your Team Number in the Blank fields
Delegate own PC
For VNC display select FULL color

VNC: 22___
Password: radware
Management port:
Remote Serial (VNC): 25___ (A) APSolute Vision
Remote Secure-SSH: 26___ (A) AppSolute Vision APSolute Application Delivery

Remote Secure-WBM: 27___ (A)



Load Balancing: Ext.Client-
Remote VIP port 80: 24___ Network:
Remote VIP port 443: 23___ Management-
Remote Client ___
APSolute Vision (
Username: AL-Team___ Int.Client- Switch
Password: radware Network:
10.100.___.50/24 Port 1
Port 4
Alteon A Information
MNG 10.10.242.___/21 Alteon-A MNG
Port 2
Ext. Client network Server-Network:
port 1 → Vlan 11 10.200.___.0/24
if-1 = 192.168.175.___ /24 Vlan 11
Server network
port 2 → Vlan 14
if-2 = 10.200.___.___ /24 Vlan 14

Int. Client network

port 4 → Vlan 24
if-4 = 10.100.___.1 /24 Vlan 24

Gateway 1 = Web1 Web2

Load Balancing
PIP on port 1: 10.200.___.70
VIP = 192.168.175. ___
Web1 = 10.200.___.100
Web2 = 10.200.___.200

Go to Contents Page 78- APPENDIX - Lab Topology VA printable

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

Lab Topology - Alteon HA (printable) Back to Lab Manual

Remote Lab – Alteon VA - HA

Lab Connection Information

___ = team number
USA Please put in your Team Number in the Blank fields

For VNC display select FULL color Delegate own PC

VNC: 22___
Password: radware

Management port: Internet

Remote Serial (VNC): 25___ (A) 250___ (B)
Remote Secure-SSH: 26___ (A) 260___ (B)
APSolute Vision
Remote SecureWBM: 27___ (A) 270___ (B) AppSolute Vision APSolute Application Delivery



Load Balancing:
Remote VIP port 80: 24___
Remote VIP port 443: 23___ Network: Management-
APSolute Vision Network:
Remote Client ___ (
Username: AL-Team___
Password: radware Int.Client- Switch
10.100.___.50/24 Port 1
Alteon A Information
Port 4
MNG 10.10.242.___/21
Alteon-A/B MNG
External Client network
port 1 → Vlan 11 Port 2
if-1 = 192.168.175.___ /24 Vlan 11 Server-Network:
Peer IP = 192.168.175.___ /24 10.200.___.0/24
Gateway 1 =
Server network
port 2 → Vlan 14 →
if-2 = 10.200.___.254 /24 Vlan 14
Peer IP = 10.200.___.253 /24

Internal Client network

port 4 → Vlan 24
if-4 = 10.100.___.254 /24 Vlan 24
Peer IP = 10.100.___.253 /24 Web1 Web2

Floating IP Addresses
192 . 168 . 175 . ___
10 . 200 . ___ . ___ Alteon B Information
10 . 100 . ___ . 1
MNG = 10.10.242.___/21
Load Balancing
PIP = 10.200.___.70 IF ID IP Address VLAN ID
VIP = 192.168.175.___ 1 192.168.175.___ / 24 11
Web1 = 10.200.___.100 2 10.200.___.253 / 24 14
Web2 = 10.200.___.200 4 10.100.___.253 / 24 24

Go to Contents Page 79- APPENDIX - Lab Topology - HA printable

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

Create VLAN using Web GUI

Back to Lab Manual

Go to Contents Page 80- APPENDIX - Create VLAN using Web GUI

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

Create Server Group using Web GUI

Back to Lab Manual

Go to Contents Page 81- APPENDIX - Create Group using Web GUI

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

Add IP Interface using Web GUI

Back to Lab Manual

Go to Contents Page 82- APPENDIX - Add IP Interface using Web GUI

Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

Create Virtual Server using Web GUI

Back to Lab Manual

Go to Contents Page 83- APPENDIX - Add Virtual Server using Web GUI
Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

Define Real Servers using Web GUI

Back to Lab Manual

Go to Contents Page 84- APPENDIX - Add Real Server using Web GUI
Alteon Level 1 - Lab Training Manual

Save Configuration using Web GUI

Back to Lab Manual

Go to Contents Page 85- APPENDIX - Add Real Server using Web GUI

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