Strength and Permeation Properties of Self-Compacting Concrete

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Construction and Building Materials 103 (2016) 15–22

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Strength and permeation properties of self-compacting concrete

containing fly ash and hooked steel fibres
Rafat Siddique, Gurwinder Kaur ⇑, Kunal
Department of Civil Engineering, Thapar University, Patiala, Punjab, India

h i g h l i g h t s

 Paper presents properties of SCC containing hooked steel fibres.

 Steel fibres improved the strength properties of SCC.
 Permeability and porosity of SCC slightly increased with fibres.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper presents properties of self-compacting concrete (SCC) made with class F fly ash and hooked
Received 3 August 2015 steel fibres. The effect of steel fibres (0.5%, 1.0% and 1.5% by volume) on rheological (slump flow, V-
Received in revised form 21 October 2015 funnel, L-box, U-box), strength (compressive strength, splitting tensile strength and flexural strength)
Accepted 20 November 2015
and permeation properties (porosity, rapid chloride permeability, ultra sonic pulse velocity) of SCC spec-
Available online 28 November 2015
imens, were investigated.
The results indicated that the workability of SCC with 0.5% and 1.0% hooked steel fibres by volume, are
found in range set by EFNARC and get reduced to some extent with increase in fibres volume fractions up
Fly ash
to 1.5%. This led to decrease of other rheological characteristics prescribed by EFNARC and ACI 237 R. The
Self-compacting concrete enhancement in properties of SCC is because of augmentation in interfacial or bond strength of steel
Steel fibres fibres and pore refinement by fly ash. In contrast, the improvement in properties of concrete like com-
Strength pressive strength from 34.6 to 38.5 N/mm2, splitting tensile strength from 3.8 to 6.2 N/mm2 and flexural
strength from 5.5 to 8.2 N/mm2 at 28 days was observed with increase in fibres content. SCC mixes with
steel fibres exhibited very low range charge passing (100–1000 Coulomb) in rapid chloride ion penetra-
bility, porosity increased from 9.3% to 9.9% and decrease in ultra sonic pulse velocity of about 17% at
28 days were observed with increase of steel fibre contents by volume in SCC mixes.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Literature research suggests that the substitution of usual con-

crete entirely or partly with steel fibres may advance the produc-
Self-compacting concrete is relatively a topical advancement in tion practice. Consecutively to advance and expand the capability
the area of construction which is defined as remarkable deforma- of SCC, its workability is maintained by the adding together of steel
bility in the fresh condition and elevated segregation resistance. fibres, fly ash as supplementary cementitious material and super-
SCC flows underneath its own weight at the same time as left after plasticizers. Grunewald and Walraven [1] emphasised that addi-
uniform in composition and achieve complete compaction with no tion of steel fibres in the SCC may acquire help of widening the
vibration. The employ of fine materials in SCC is needed such as fly prospect of field use of SCC. Okama and Ouchi [2] concluded that
ash to make certain the obligatory concrete properties. Self- to get the easier self-compatibility, aggregate contents can be kept
compacting concrete (SCC) is a flowing mix which is appropriate invariable to with the adjustment of the water/cement fraction and
designed for insertion by no vibration, in unusual conditions and the quantity of superplasticizer. In theory, a self-compacting or
as well in jam-packed reinforcement. self-consolidating concrete be obliged to have a flexibility that per-
mits self-compaction devoid of exterior energy, stay consistent in
⇑ Corresponding author. appearance in the placing process, pours effortlessly all the way
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (R. Siddique), gurwinder79@rediff-
through reinforcement and can be pumped longer distances (G. Kaur), [email protected] ( Kunal). because of its high fluidity [3].
0950-0618/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
16 R. Siddique et al. / Construction and Building Materials 103 (2016) 15–22

Corinaldesi and Moriconi [4] and El-Dieb [5] demonstrated that

SCC with fibres, 10% by mass of cement, have enhanced the
mechanical and durability properties of concrete because of its
low porosity.
Siddique [6] has demonstrated to design and develop SCC with
varying percentage of fly ash. Sahmaran and Yaman [7] concluded
that the volumetric water-to-powder proportion technique is an
innovative area to explore on the relations between strength and
durability of the concrete. Studies by authors [8–10] have shown
that cautious mix design is to be done while inserting steel fibres
in it. The improvement of the fracture toughness is observed, con-
siderably but they also affect negatively on the flow and segrega-
tion of fresh mixtures with the higher percentages of steel fibres
in concrete mixes. Anastasiou et al. [8] concluded that steel fibres
had negligible consequence on chloride ion penetration resistance.
Fig. 1. Fly ash used in experiment. The matrix with 0.7% fibre content showed simply minor raise in
chloride contents. Khurana and Saccone [10] suggests that the con-
crete made with fly ash lessens the claim of cement, fine fillers and
necessity of fine aggregates for SCC.
Khaloo et al. [11] exhibited that there is less reduction in com-
pressive strength for high-strength SCC as compared to medium-
strength SCC and that may be due to more workability of high
strength SCC, comparatively. With high percentage of steel fibres
by volume in SCC, compressive strength decreases. Gencel et al.
[12] reported increase (18–21%) in splitting tensile strength of
fibre-reinforced concrete having different fibre volume fractions
(0.2–0.8%), and maximum pulse velocity was observed in control
mix, but the pulse velocity decreased with the incorporation of
fibres in SCC mixes.
Studies have shown that the fibre geometry affects greatly not
only hardened properties but also the fresh properties of SCC
[7,9,14]. The orientations of fibres in concrete play a key function
in shaping the ability of concrete. In RCC, the reinforcements are
positioned in chosen places. But in fibre reinforced concrete
(FRC), the fibres may be oriented randomly. Studies have shown
Fig. 2. Hooked steel fibres. that that dispersion, alignment, aspect ratio and volume fraction
of fibres have important effects on rheological, mechanical and
durability properties of SCC [13–15].
Though there is literature available on the use of steel fibres in
SCC, but no work has been reported with hooked steel fibres in SCC.
Table 1 Therefore, in present investigation, research is designed for inves-
Chemical composition of ordinary Portland cement and fly ash. tigating the influences of hooked steel fibres in different volume
Chemical composition (% by mass) Ordinary Portland Fly ash contents (i.e. 0.5%, 1% and 1.5%) on rheological, strength and per-
cement (43 Grade) (class F) meation properties of fibre reinforced SCC prepared with the addi-
Silicon dioxide (SiO2) 22.4 57.2 tion of 10% fly ash.
Aluminium oxide (Al2O3) 5.8 25.4
Ferrous oxide (FeO) 3.9 6.0 2. Experimental plan
SiO2 + Al2O3 + FeO 32.2 89.0
Magnesium oxide (MgO) 0.9 2.4 2.1. Materials used
Calcium oxide (CaO) 55.8 1.1
Sodium oxide (Na2O) 0.7 0.4 2.1.1. Cement
Potassium oxide (K2O) 2.3 4.6 Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) of 43 Grade (compressive strength 43 MPa at
Sulphur trioxide (SO3) 2.8 0.1 28 days) Ultra Tech cement was used as a binder material in SCC. The chemical
L.O.I 0.6 1.1 composition of cement is shown in Table 1. Test were performed as per BIS:
8112-1989 [16], and results are given in Table 2.

Table 2
Tests conducted on ordinary Portland cement (43 Grade).

Tests Results obtained Standard results as per IS: 8112-1989

Normal consistency (%) 26 –
Initial setting time (min) 155 Not less than 30
Final setting time (min) 220 Not be greater than 600
Fineness (m2/kg) 283.4 Not less than 225
Specific gravity 3.15 –
Compressive strength (N/mm2)
3 days 30.8 27
7 days 42.8 41
28 days 46.7 43
R. Siddique et al. / Construction and Building Materials 103 (2016) 15–22 17

2.1.2. Fine aggregates and water; and mixing was done for 30 s in dry form. After that water with super-
For the experiment, locally available river sand was used, tested. It conformed plasticizer started to be added steadily and carefully so that no water would be lost
to provisions of BIS: 383-1970 [17]. The specific gravity, bulk density and water during addition. To this mixture, the cement was added. The total mixing time was
absorption of the fine aggregates used in the investigational job were 2.582, 4 min in order to ensure the uniformity. The mixture was then used to carry out
1.47 g/cc and 1.712%, respectively. The fineness modulus of fine aggregates was tests for fresh concrete properties. After testing the fresh properties the SCC mixture
2.56 and belonged to grading zone III, tested as per bureau of BIS: 2386 (Part 3)- was poured in the mouldings and the top surface of each specimen was scraped to
1963 [18]. take away excess material and get even finish. The specimens were demoulded
after 24 h and placed in water for curing till testing.
2.1.3. Coarse aggregates
Crushed coarse aggregate having the maximum size of 12 mm and locally avail- 2.4. Fresh concrete properties
able was used for the preparation of the concrete mix. The aggregates were tested
as per BIS: 2386 (Part 3)-1963 [18]. The specific gravity, water absorption and fine- SCC differs from the conventional concrete by the placing manner. The concrete
ness modulus of coarse aggregates were observed as 2.676, 0.8% and 6.33, is classified as SCC by fulfiling three requirements i.e. filling capability, passing
respectively. capability and segregation resistance. To fulfil these necessities, basic tests such
as slump flow test, V-funnel test for filling ability, L-box and U-box test for passing
2.1.4. Fly ash ability, were conducted. All these tests were conducted as per the methods stipu-
Fly ash class F (Fig. 1) was obtained from Thermal Power Plant Bathinda, Punjab lated in EFNARC [20]. The acceptance criteria for SCC as per EFNARC guidelines
has the specific gravity of 2.4 and the surface area of 19,000 kg/m3. The chemical are mentioned in Table 4.
composition of fly ash as per EDX analysis is revealed in Table 1.

2.5. Strength properties

2.1.5. Admixture
Conplast SP 430, the super plasticizer used for the experiment was as per stip-
Compressive strength, splitting tensile strength and flexural strength were
ulations with IS: 9103-979 [19] and Type ‘F’ at the same time as a high range water
determined at the age of 7 and 28 days. Specimens were tested as per stipulations
reducing admixture. Conplast SP 430 is made of Sulphonated Naphthalene Polymer,
mentioned in BIS: 516-1959 [21] and BIS: 5816-1999 [22].
brown liquid and mainly formulated for water lessening up to 25% with no effects
on workability, and specific gravity of 1.22 at 30 °C.
2.6. Permeation properties
2.1.6. Steel fibres
Hooked steel fibres were prepared from mild steel drawn wires. Hooked steel Porosity, and ultra sonic pulse velocity test were conducted as per ASTM C642-
fibres having 30 mm length, 0.5 mm diameter and aspect ratio – 50, were used in 06 [23] and ASTM C597-099 [24], respectively, at the age of 7 and 28 days whereas
this study. Steel fibres were obtained from Stewols India Pvt. Ltd having the tensile rapid chloride permeability of the SCC specimens was conducted according to ASTM
strength of 1100 MPa and specific gravity of 7.0. The percentages of steel fibres used C1202-10 [25] at the age of 28 days.
in this study are 0.5%, 1.0% and 1.5% by volume fractions respectively. Fig. 2 shows
the Hooked Steel fibres used in the experimental study.
3. Results and discussions
2.1.7. Water
Potable water is usually considered satisfactory. In the current research, tap 3.1. Fresh concrete properties
water was used for mixing and curing purposes.
The properties of concrete in fresh state were assessed by flow
2.2. Mixture proportioning capability, passing capability, consistency and segregation conflict
For the experiment, SCC mix was composed of cement, fly ash (FA), coarse
of SCC containing different percentages of steel fibres. The evalua-
aggregates, sand, steel fibres, water and super plasticizer. Four SCC mixes were pre- tion of fresh concrete properties of SCC is done by slump flow test,
pared, and their proportions of SCC mixes are given in Table 3. T50 cm (sec), V-funnel test, L-box test, as shown in Fig. 3. It was
observed that inclusion of steel fibres in concrete mix decreased
2.3. Casting and curing the workability. All fresh concrete properties are in high-quality
conformity as per European procedure, EFNARC [26] and ACI
The preparation of the concrete mixture was done by manual mixing on a non-
absorbing platform. On top of the non absorbing platform, the aggregates were
237R [27].
mixed systematically, followed by cement, fly ash, steel fibres and (water + super- Mixes were designed and tested for fresh concrete properties.
plasticizer). Steel fibres were added to the concrete mix before adding cement The content of super plasticizer taken for experiment was 1.2%

Table 3
Mix proportions of various SCC mixes.

Mix ID Cement (kg) Fly ash (%) Fly ash (kg) Steel fibre (%) Steel fibre (kg) Sand (kg) CA (kg) Water (kg) w/p SP (%) SP (kg) Density (kg/m3)
SCC1 450 10 50 0 0 910 590 205 0.41 1.2 6 2211
SCC2 450 10 50 0.5 35 910 590 205 0.41 1.2 6 2246
SCC3 450 10 50 1.0 70 910 590 205 0.41 1.2 6 2281
SCC4 450 10 50 1.5 105 910 590 205 0.41 1.2 6 2316

SCC1 = SCC (control mix) with 10% FA as cement replacement.

SCC2 = SCC with 10% FA as cement replacement and 0.5% steel fibres.
SCC3 = SCC with 10% FA as cement replacement and 1.0% steel fibres.
SCC4 = SCC with 10% FA as cement replacement and 1.5% steel fibres.

Table 4
Properties of fresh concrete mixes with and without steel fibres.

Mix ID Steel fibre (%) Slump flow (mm) V-funnel (s) L-box (H2/H1) U-box (H1–H2)
SCC1 0 720 7 0.98 6
SCC2 0.5 690 8 0.9 19
SCC3 1 670 11 0.85 26
SCC4 1.5 650 12 0.8 29
Range (EFNARC, 2005) 640–800 6–12 0.8–1 0–30
18 R. Siddique et al. / Construction and Building Materials 103 (2016) 15–22

Fig. 3. Schematic diagrams of all rheology tests.

throughout flow and the extent of this effect depends on the fibre
content in the concrete mix. It was observed that with increasing
steel fibres content workability decreased, and this was supported
by the findings of Sahmaran and Yaman [7], Anastasiou et al. [8],
Khaloo et al. [11], Gencel et al. [12], Akcay and Tasdemir [13]
and Rambo et al. [28] where with increasing steel fibre content
in SCC flow time increased and flow rate was decreased.
Study conducted by Sahmaran and Yaman [7] indicated that the
slump flow diameter of mixes in range 560–700 mm, and in all
mixes no segregation of aggregates was observed near the edge
of spread out concrete. Kamal et al. [29] and Rambo et al. [28]
reported that the slump flow diameter was in range of 625–
750 mm and 620–720 mm, respectively, with up to 1% by volume
addition of steel fibres in SCC. All the values were within the spec-
ified limits of EFNARC [20].
Khaloo et al. [11] and Gencel et al. [12] investigated that with
inclusion of steel fibres (0.5–2% by volume) the flow rate of SCC
decreased and therefore it cannot be considered a satisfactory mix-
ture for heavenly reinforced sections due to impenetrability of
Fig. 4. Effect of steel fibre percentages on slump flow test of SCC. passing. Akcay and Tasdemir [13] observed that with the addition
of three types of steel fibres in SCC flow time has increased from
650 to 780. Flow ability of SCC mixtures is mainly dependent on
and water–powder ratio (w/p) as 0.41. The fresh concrete proper- geometry of fibres and with increasing fibre content flow rate
ties outcome of all steel fibre-SCC is given in Table 4. decreases.

3.1.1. Slump flow 3.1.2. V-funnel test

In case of slump flow, all SCC mixes shown slump flow in the V-funnel test is used to verify the flexibility or viscosity of the
range 650–720 mm (Fig. 4) and are within limits (650–800 mm) mix. When hooked steel fibres were added to the SCC mix, it
set by EFNARC [20]. This is an indicator of high-quality deformabil- caused blockage of particles during flow. All four mixes of SCCs
ity. Fibres with hooked ends cause jamming of concrete particles (SCC1, SCC2, SCC3 and SCC4) exhibited flow time value in range
R. Siddique et al. / Construction and Building Materials 103 (2016) 15–22 19

Fig. 5. Effect of steel fibre percentages on flow time at V-funnel test of SCC. Fig. 7. Effect of steel fibre percentages on U-box test of SCC.

Fig. 8. Effect of steel fibre content on compressive strength with age in SCC mixes.

3.2. Hardened concrete properties

Fig. 6. Effect of steel fibre percentages on blocking ratio (L-box) test of SCC.
3.2.1. Compressive strength
The compressive strength results of SCC mixes are shown in
of 7–12 s (Table 4 and Fig. 5), and were within limits (6–12 s) as set Fig. 8. At 28 days, SCC mixes exhibited strength above 40 N/mm2,
by EFNARC [20]. Increase in fibre content led to increase the fric- and thus may be well recommended as medium strength concrete.
tion between fibres and aggregates; and friction of fibres with each At the age of 7 days, maximum compressive strength of 34.6 N/
other which lengthen the required time to empty the V-funnel. V- mm2 was observed for SCC3 mix (1.0% fibre content by volume).
funnel flow time values are increasing with the addition and per- The concrete mixes SCC2 (0.5% steel fibre) and SCC4 (1.5% steel
centage of fibre content in the mixtures [12]. Kamal et al. [29] fibre) showed increase in compressive strength by 6.44% and
found V-funnel time in range of 6.25–13.37 s with the addition of 7.57%, respectively, at the age of 7 days, compared to the control
steel fibres in 0%, 0.5%, 0.75% and 1.0% by volume whereas Rambo mix SCC1(without steel fibre).
et al. [28] reported 18.15–19.56 s of V-funnel time with the addi- At 28 days, maximum compressive strength was obtained for
tion of 1.0% and 1.5% hooked and straight steel fibres. SCC3 mix (48.5 N/mm2). The enhancement in the strength
(12.2%) was observed with increase of steel fibre contents up to
1%. In SCC2 and SCC4, 28-day compressive strength was increased
3.1.3. L-box test by 6.98% and 10.12% respectively, compared to SCC1. Increase in
The L-box ratio (H2/H1) for all SCC mixes was between 0.8–0.98 compressive strength with the addition of steel fibres (0.5% and
and within the limits of EFNARC [20] range (0.8–1.0). The results 1.0%) was due to uniform dispersion of fine fibres through SCC of
showed that blocking ratio increased with increasing steel fibres high flow ability. However, steel fibres causes crack closing forces
(Table 4 and Fig. 6). Rambo et al. [28] reported L-box ratio of all which led to increase in compressive strength. Whereas, a slight
mixes in range of 0.5–1.0 whereas Anastasiou et al. [8] concluded decrease of compressive strength is seen with the adding up of
L-box ratio in range of 0.78–0.83. 1.5% steel fibres in SCC4 due to increase of entrapped air in the con-
crete which decreases the compressive strength.
3.1.4. U-box test El-Dieb [5], Gencel et al. [12], Kamal et al. [29], Aydin [31]
The variation in height of concrete in two compartments of U- observed marginal improvement in strength with increasing steel
box was found in series of 6–29 mm. The results of all SCC mixes fibre content, whereas Sahmaran and Yaman [7] and Khaloo et al.
were in the limits (0–30 mm) of EFNARC [20] specifications. The [11] reported reduction in 28-day compressive strength.
U-box test results are shown in Table 4 and Fig. 7 and concluded Increasing the volume and size of fibres did not give a consider-
that the values increased with increase in steel fibre content. able enhancement in compressive strength due to the fact that
20 R. Siddique et al. / Construction and Building Materials 103 (2016) 15–22

strength with the addition of hooked steel fibres, compared to

plain SCC. Khaloo et al. [11] observed up to 28% increase in
strength of SCC with fibres, and similarly Gencel et al. [12] demon-
strated up to 21% increase in strength.

3.2.3. Flexural strength

Flexural strength of SCC mixes was conducted at the age of 7
and 28 days as per BIS: 516 [21] and the results are shown in
Fig. 10. It was observed that there is an enhancement in flexural
strength of concrete by increasing percentage of steel fibre content
by volume. Maximum flexural strength (8.2 N/mm2) was achieved
in SCC4 mix with 1.5% steel fibre content. The increase in flexural
strength for SCC2, SCC3 and SCC4 was 14.1%, 29.5% and 32.9%
respectively, compared to SCC1mix (Fig. 10). The main factor
affecting flexural strength is volume part and aspect ratio (l/d) of
Fig. 9. Effect of steel fibre percentages on splitting tensile strength. fibres. With enlargement in l/d ratio and vol. of fibres, flexural
strength increases. The flexural strength increases due to superior
performance of specimens with steel fibres due to improved fibre–
fibre addition may lead to increased porosity [30] of concrete. matrix–mortar bond provided by using steel fibres with hooked
According to ACI [32], increased strength was observed with up ends. This performance is mostly credited to the role of steel fibres
to 1.5% by volume of steel fibres whereas above 1.5% content in releasing fracture energy in the region of crack tips which is nec-
strength was little affected. essary to extent crack increasing by transferring it from one side to
another side. When tensile stress is transferred to fibres, the trans-
ferred load arrests and propagates the macro cracks and improves
3.2.2. Splitting tensile strength substantially [28]. It was observed that higher the amount of steel
Splitting tensile strength tests were done as per BIS: 5816 [22] fibre in concrete, elevated is the flexural strength and this was due
at the age of 7 and 28 days and results are shown in Fig. 9. From the to random distribution of steel fibres in SCC which control the
results, it is evident that with increase of steel fibre volume frac- cracks and stitch them resulted in increasing the load carrying
tion in SCC, splitting tensile strength increased. This was also sup- capacity of beam specimens [12].
ported by ACI mentioned that the splitting tensile of mortar Similar pattern of increase in flexural strength of SCC was also
reinforced with steel fibre reported to be about 2.5 times that of reported by Khaloo et al. [11], wherein it was found that flexural
the unreinforced mortar when 3% fibre by volume was used and strength increased between 4% and 46%, depending up on the
2 times when 1.5% was used [32]. fibres content. Oliveira et al. [30] found that equivalent flexural
Maximum splitting tensile strength was 6.2 N/mm2 for SCC4 at strength increased around 100% from 0.5% to1% steel fibres volume
the age of 28 days. The increase in splitting tensile strength with and about 25% from 1% to1.5% steel fibre volume fraction. Similar
0.5%, 1.0% and 1.5% fibres content was 11.6%, 32.1% and 38.7% results were also observed by Pajak and Ponikiewski [15] and
respectively, compared to control mix SCC1 (Fig. 9). The increase Rambo et al. [28] where increase in volume fraction of steel fibres
in strength is attributed to the mechanism of steel fibres in arrest- in SCC, increases the flexural strength.
ing crack progression. The presence of fibres restrains the develop-
ment of internal micro-cracks and this contributes to increased 3.2.4. Rapid chloride permeability
splitting tensile strength. Moreover, the improved bonding of Rapid chloride permeability test was conducted as per ASTM
fibre–matrix which is provided by steel fibres with hooked ends, C1202 [25], and Table 5 shows the permeability classes of chloride
boosts pullout strength and yield high increment in strength due ion penetration as specified by ASTM. Test results are given in
to increase of fibre content. Table 6. It can be seen that by adding steel fibres the chloride ion
Several authors have reported increase in splitting tensile penetration resistance of the concrete was reduced but the charge
strength of SCC with fibres. El-Dieb [5] observed 52% increase in passed values ranges within ‘‘very low” category of chloride ion
strength with increase of fibre volume fraction from 0% to 0.52%. permeability. El-Dieb [5] observed increase in the total charge
Sahmaran and Yaman [7] found increase of 17% splitting tensile passing with increasing steel fibre volume portion which possibly
due to the electrical conductivity of the fibres and all the mixes
showed chloride ion permeability within ‘‘very low” category.
In all SCC mixes, it was found that the resistivity values
recorded for all concrete mixes were very high which indicated
very good protection to steel reinforcement adjacent to corrosion.
The maximum chloride ion penetration resistance was 766 Cou-
lombs for SCC4 with 1.5% steel fibre content by volume, as com-
pared to control mix SCC1 (198 Coulombs). The Coulombs passed

Table 5
Chloride ion penetrability.

Charge passed (Coulombs) Chloride ion permeability

Greater than 4000 High
2000–4000 Moderate
1000–2000 Low
100–1000 Very low
Less than 100 Negligible
Fig. 10. Flexural strength test results of SCC mixes.
R. Siddique et al. / Construction and Building Materials 103 (2016) 15–22 21

Table 6
Charge passed and rating for various SCC mixes.

Mix ID Average charge passed (Coulombs) Chloride ion permeability

SCC1 198 Very low
SCC2 530 Very low
SCC3 705 Very low
SCC4 766 Very low

Fig. 12. Effect of steel fibre content on ultra sonic pulse velocity test.

sonic wave to bypass [12]. Besides, steel fibres in the cubes are ori-
ented randomly, when the waves passes through the fibres, they
may be deflected to other directions to a certain extent than passed
in a straight line forward to the other end of the cube. However,
Sahmaran and Yaman [7] observed no change in the pulse velocity
of SCC mixtures by inclusion of steel fibres whereas Acebes et al.
Fig. 11. Porosity of various SCC mixes with respect to age. [14] concluded decrease in pulse velocity with the addition of steel
fibres. Decrease of about 8.3% in ultra sonic pulse velocity of mor-
tar having long fibres was observed compared to plain mortar.
through SCC mixes were 198, 530, 705, 766 Coulombs, respec- According to ASTM C597 [24], concretes are categorised as
tively, at 28 days with inclusion of fibre content of 0.5%, 1.0% and excellent, good, doubtful, poor, and very poor for 4.5 km/s and
1.5% for SCC2, SCC3 and SCC4 (Table 6). Anastasiou et al. [8] con- higher than, 3.50–4.50, 3.0–3.5, 2.0–3.0 and 2.0 km/s and below
cluded negligible effect on chloride penetration resistance with pulse velocity values, respectively. The lesser boundary of good
the accumulation of steel fibres in SCC. The mix with 0.7% fibre quality concrete is between 4.1 and 4.7 km/s pulse velocity values.
content by volume, showed only minor increase in chloride con- All concrete samples prepared for this research falls under the cat-
tent. Corinaldesi and Moriconi [4] confirmed from their investiga- egory of ‘‘excellent” quality at the age of 28 days.
tion that rate of chloride diffusion were low due to very low
porosity of matrix even with the addition of steel fibres.
4. Conclusions
3.2.5. Porosity
Porosity is the important aspect as it affects directly the perme- Following conclusions can be drawn from this investigation:
ation of the SCC. The porosity results of all SCC concrete mixes are
shown in Fig. 11. The results show that the porosity decreased with  It is possible to design a SCC mix with the inclusion of 10% fly
increase in age due to the added or better rate of hydration and ash and steel fibres content between 0.5% and 1.5% by volume.
pozzolanic reactions. In SSC1 mix, lowest porosity was achieved  Increase in steel fibre content in SCC reduced the workability
whereas increase in porosity of about 6% was achieved by mix but the fresh concrete properties such as slump flow (640–
SCC4, compared to SCC1 mix. As shown in Fig. 11, with increase 720 mm), V-funnel time (7–12 s), L-box ratio (0.8–0.98) and
in age of concrete the porosity is decreased marginally. EI- Dieb U-box (6–29 mm) values were found within the limits specified
[5] concluded that after testing of specimens at age of 28, 56 and by EENARC.
91 days no much change in porosity was observed after inclusion  For constant water–binder ratio, compressive strength
of fibres. This could be due to the fact that water progress depends increased up to 12.16% with the inclusion of 1.0% steel fibres,
chiefly on microstructure of cement paste. Since, the cement paste however, fibre content higher than this resulted in marginal
is nearly same for all the mixes, the variations observed were due reduction in compressive strength.
to experimental sensitivity. Oliveira et al. [30] and Corinaldesi and  Splitting tensile and flexural strength increased by about 44%
Moriconi [4] also, confirmed that steel fibre fraction does not bring and 39%, and 24% and 33% at 7 and 28 days, respectively with
any relevant influence on the porosity of SCC with fibres. increase of steel fibre content from 0% (SCC1) to 1.5% (SCC4)
by volume.
 SCC with steel fibres exhibited increase in increased RCPT
3.2.6. Ultra sonic pulse velocity
results. Though increase in charge passing is observed with
The ultra sonic pulse velocity test results of all SCC mixes con-
inclusion of steel fibres as compare to controlled mix, all SCC
cluded that with the addition of steel fibres, pulse velocity of SCC
mixes showed very low range (100–1000) of chloride perme-
mixes decreased slightly because of accessibility of more voids in
ability at 28 days.
the mixes with steel fibres than that in control mix (Fig. 12). Max-
 Lowest porosity was observed in control mix (SCC1). With the
imum pulse velocity of 4.7 km/s was observed for SCC1 mix while
inclusion of steel fibres (0–1.5%), porosity was increased from
the mix SCC4 achieved minimum pulse velocity of 3.9 km/s which
9.6% to 10.2% and 9.3% to 9.9% for 7 and 28 days, respectively.
is 17% less as compared to SCC1.
 The ultra sonic pulse velocity of SCC mixes decreases of about
The reduction in pulse velocity may be because of the accessi-
22% and 17% at 7 and 28 days, respectively, with increase of
bility of voids in the blends with steel fibres more than that in
steel fibre content from 0% to 1.5% by volume.
the control mix SCC1 that will reduce the time required for ultra-
22 R. Siddique et al. / Construction and Building Materials 103 (2016) 15–22

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