All Questions On Species

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Figure 3 represents the Whittaker Five-Kin, asta ances : LIVING ORGANISMS ave oe Type of celts Rukaryote oan Protista Example | @) Ba NAR Wire wwieerre Wek Yes = Example =fish Auutotroph 9) ‘Kingdom | Kingdom Fung! Figure 3. Whittaker Five-Kingdom Classification of living organisms (2) Complete the classification by writing the correct answers at (i), (i), (ii), (iv) and (¥) in Figure 3. (G marks) (b) Each kingdom is further subdivided into taxa with the lowest rank being the level of species. @ Define the term ‘species’. (2 marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01907100/F 9017 te: a : ical appearance or explain why physica io the same i the human species as an example, € ny phys se Pens ology SNOT always useful for identifying organisms species. @ marks) . ONE biologists use the biological concept of species instead e Se acest ci organisms. marks) (© Some lizards were washed away on alog during hurricane and landed on a remote island. ‘Several years later, they were classified as a new species. @ Using the biological concept of a species, state TWO reasons why they were (@) The new species of lizards living in the mountainous 3 found to be aller han those living onthe lowlands, Suggest TWO seasons TWO reasons for @ marks) ‘Total 15 marks *Se SECTION A Answer ALL questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided in this 1. (@)_ Figure 1 shows drawings of diff senting te ditrtbation of crpanlone fring inn sare a eee Melosh who are Figure 1. Fish collected from a marine ecosystem @ Construct a table in the space below to classify the fish im Figure I imto groups using TWO visible features other than size. (G marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01207020/F 2014 “$s igure 2 to illustrate (i) A gill from one of the fish is shown in Figure 2. Annotate Figure e. TWO characteristics that make the gill suitable for gaseous exchang (@ marks) Figure 2. Gill of a fish (iii) State TWO reasons why gaseous exchange is important in living organisms.

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