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reaks free

ROSE-RED b Molo!
– with help fr

The Saga of Ilya Muromets, the Emperor’s

Vintage Clothes plus BIRDS FLYING HIGH!
Storytime™ magazine is published ILLUSTRATORS:
every month by Storytime Magazine Ltd, Karina Oliveira The Eagle and the Wren
3 Endless Street, Salisbury SP1 1DL. Catherine Ranzikova My Zen Friend
Diah Chakraborty The Stonemason’s Sons
© Storytime Magazine Ltd, 2024. All rights
Amari Mitnaul The Girl Who Grew
reserved. No part of this magazine may be
Sheyla Nogueira How Molo Stole the Red Rose
used or reproduced without prior written
Maryna Raft The Emperor’s Old Clothes
permission of the publisher.
Cris Yèpez Why Dogs Sniff Each Other
Printed by Acorn Web Offset Ltd.
Alex Herrerias The Saga of Ilya Muromets
Editorial Director: Lulu Skantze
Editor: Sven Wilson
Commercial Director: Leslie Coathup
Storytime and its paper suppliers have been
independently certified in accordance with the
rules of the FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council)®.
Stories that will take you
to Egypt, Kenya and Ukraine
Read happily ever after...
Famous Fables Short Stories, Big Dreams
The eagle and the wren The Emperor’s
Old Clothes
6 32
Who is the true king of the birds?
The feathered creatures have a
contest to find out! Vintage fashion can be cool
– as a rich ruler discovers!

Worlds of Wonder Storyteller’s Corner

My Zen Friend Why Dogs Sniff
Kim loves adventures...
especially if his panda
pal comes with him! OUR COVER
9 each Other
A funny tale about a dog’s
dinner that goes wrong!

Around the World Tales Myths and Legends

The Stonemason’s sons The saga of
Ilya Muromets
13 38
How did two boys steal
the pharaoh’s treasure? Read the stirring story of a
Find out in this story... boy who becomes a hero!

Awesome Adventures Storytime Playbox

The girl who grew Discover awesome activities

18 45
Wangari’s love of living things to test your brain! Find missing
inspired her to become a treasure, solve a wordsearch
world-changing activist! and go on a quest for smells!

Favourite Fairy Tales Story Mac

How molo stole Read brand-new book reviews

the red rose and add art activities to your
A story of action, adventure
and amazing kung fu! 24 book club meetings!

Is it better to be PAGE 15
gree dy or ge ne ro us ?
Music makes me feel
strong emotions, so
I express myself
FOr YOUr TOO ever been on
ere’s only
by writing songs! Remember, th g of time. You
th e b eg in nin
‘you’ since l!
de rfu lly u n iq ue and specia
I love reading won ause
is m o re in teresting bec
and coming up The wo rld
e should celebra
re n t! W
with unique we are all d iffe
e s p ecial qualities
ideas! and re s pe c t th
ers and strangers.
y m e m b
friends, famil
Doing sport and ferent,
ve n th o u g h we are all dif
being outdoors v e th in g s in common, too
we ha
makes me feel


It’s important to nurture and celebrate your gifts and talents.
Get creative! No one else can make things in quite in the same way as you.
Everything you create has your unique ‘fingerprint’ on it.
Dress to express! What clothes would you like to wear if you had the choice?
What colours and styles would you put together? You don’t have to follow the crowd!
Keep a journal! Draw, write and stick in cut-out pictures to express yourself!
Famous Fables

The Eagle
and the Wren
F rom his perch high on a cliff, the
golden eagle stared out across
the ocean. It was a cold winter’s
day and the sky was clear.
Below, the waves of the North Atlantic
crashed against the rocky shores of
Scotland’s western isles.

The fierce wind ruffled the great bird’s

feathers. He felt strong and powerful
as he peered at the sea far below!

“I’m definitely the most kingly bird in

the world!” he said to himself.

“Oh yeah? What makes you so great?”

The eagle looked around in confusion.

Who dared to question him?

He spotted a little bird with

speckled brown feathers
sheltering in the grass on
the clifftop. She was a tiny
insect-eater called a wren.

“I’m so much better than you!” They agreed that having a contest
boasted the eagle as he stretched. sounded like great fun! They all
“Look how big my wings are!” launched themselves into the air
and began flapping upwards as
The wren yawned. “They’re
hard as they could.
pretty big. So what?”
The pigeon was buffeted by
The eagle wasn’t used to
the wind and soon gave up.
being talked to so cheekily!
Next to go was the yellow-
Finally, he replied, “I can fly higher
headed gannet. “I’m good
than any other bird. That’s why I am
at diving, not soaring!” she
the king of the skies!”
complained as she plunged
“Is that so?” chirped the wren. back towards the sea.
“Why don’t we have a contest?
The seagull rose higher and
The one who can fly the highest will
higher on the wind, but then
become the ruler of all the birds!”
a shadow fell across him.
By this time, several other birds had
“It’s a pity you don’t have wings
come over to see what the wren and
as long as mine!” cawed the
the eagle were talking about.
albatross boastfully.

The gull shrieked in
frustration as she gave up and
glided back down to the ground.

Meanwhile, the eagle was pumping

his mighty wings and climbing high
into the sky. Even the albatross
could not keep up with him
and flew away.

The eagle was now so high

up that the air was thin.
His wings were so tired that
he couldn’t flap any longer, but
he had left his rivals far below.
The eagle tried to climb higher,
“I’ve proven that I’m better than but he was exhausted. He gave
that pitiful little wren!” he muttered up and glided down on the wind.
to himself.
When the wren fluttered back
“I don’t know about that!” chirped to the clifftop, the other birds
a high voice from behind him. declared that she was their queen.
The wren had stowed away on Though the wren was only small, her
the eagle’s back! She launched cleverness had helped her to climb
herself upwards and began flapping higher than the rest, proving that
her little wings furiously. she would make a good ruler!

Worlds of Wonder

My Zen Friend
K im packed carefully for his journey. His rucksack
was filled with everything he could possibly need –
including a packed lunch and water to stay hydrated.
He had snack bars in his pockets, as well as a pair
of woolly gloves.
It was the middle of summer, but
he would be glad to have them
if a freak blizzard struck!

“Don’t forget your hat!” his mum told

him as he was lacing up his boots.
He put it on and tightened the draw-
string under his chin.

“Do you really need the hi vis vest,

though?” she asked.

“Better safe than sorry!” he told her

in a serious voice.

With that, the boy set off into the

forest. Dewdrops still rested on the
leaves of the palm trees, and small
birds fluttered from branch to branch.

The trail got rougher as he went

downhill. Tree roots tried to snag his
feet, and it became darker as tall
trees blocked out the sunlight.

Other kids might be scared if they The big bear rumbled deep in his
were in the jungle, but not brave throat as he chewed on a bamboo
Kim the explorer! shoot. “NOBODY is going to cause
trouble when I’m around!” he said.
A tree branch snapped. Kim froze
and peered into the bushes. Was Echo let Kim ride on his back as
that a large, shadowy figure hiding they travelled on down the path.
back there? It was fun, although the boy had
to hold on tight so he didn’t slip
“Don’t come any closer!” he said
off the beast’s furry back!
loudly. His voice hardly trembled
at all. “I’ve got… a BIG friend When they came to a rocky gorge
watching out for me!” with a stream at the bottom, Kim
grabbed a vine and swung across,
There was a low growl from
landing neatly on the other side.
behind him. It was his best friend
Echo just jumped over it!
in the whole world – Echo the
panda! The shadowy figure in The path led them to the banks of
the bushes disappeared as a river that flowed swiftly through
quickly as it had come. the forest. Echo dipped a paw
into the water and grimaced.
Kim turned around and greeted
“The most courageous thing a
his huge, shaggy-furred friend.
person can do is admit that they
“Thanks for the backup, Echo!
are afraid!” he rumbled. “I’m
But I wasn’t scared, really!”
definitely afraid of getting wet!”
Kim felt like laughing, but he kept The boy peered at his digital watch.
a straight face. “Don’t worry, I’ll do “Oh no, it’s almost eight o’clock!
the paddling for both of us!” We’ll have to climb up this cliff
to make it in time!”
He pulled an inflatable boat and an
oar from the bushes and told the big Echo nodded wisely. “If we do,
bear to climb aboard. The craft rode we should fasten a rope between
very low in the water with Echo on it! us. Together, we are stronger!”

When everything was ready, Kim agreed! He tied a rope from his
Kim pushed off and they were pack around their waists and they
carried downstream by the current. began climbing up the rocky slope.
The boy paddled into the middle of
Echo was right – it was a lot easier
the river, where the warm morning
and safer when they worked
sun shone down on them. Echo
together! They helped each other
relaxed and enjoyed the ride…
to climb up to the top of the gorge.
Ahead was a little concrete jetty!
There was one last obstacle:
Kim paddled strongly to get them
the bridge. It stretched across
over to it and held the rubber boat
a forested valley, its metal wires
steady so Echo could safely
twanging in the wind.
scramble ashore…

This was the bit that made Kim Kim put his bag on the ground and
nervous! As he stepped onto the unzipped it. Echo had shrunk down
bridge’s deck, it began to bounce in size! The bear clambered in and
and shake from side to side. Did said, “I think I’ll have a nap while
he have to go across? you are learning things. See you
at home time!”
He felt a big paw on his shoulder.
With that, he zipped up the bag
“Don’t worry, my little friend!”
and began to snore.
Echo rumbled. “You’re the bravest
boy I know. You just need to trust Kim ran into the classroom just as
in yourself and find your courage!” the bell was ringing. He sat down
next to his friend, Eve.
Kim smiled and nodded, though
his knees felt as if they were turning “How was your walk to school?”
to water. He took one step after she asked.
another across the bridge. He
Kim gave her a little grin.
glanced down and saw birds flying
“Oh, the same as usual!”
below through the gaps in the deck!

After what seemed like forever,

Kim finally got his feet back on
solid ground. He glanced at his
TALk ote areas around the
s in rem ures
Many kid o n r e a l advent
watch: it was 7.57! ve to go a
globe ha ! W h y n ot have
school enges th
Echo looked at him. “This has been to get to th e c h a l l
n about gles or o
discussio t h ic k ju n
fun, my friend, but very tiring!”
d r e n w ho live in a n d s m ight face
ch il t is l
or distan
mo u n t a in s
g e t t in g to class?

Around the World Tales


O nce upon a time, on the banks of the River Nile, there

lived a pharaoh who was the richest man in the world.
He had incredible wealth, but it did not make him happy.
The ruler spent all his time worrying that somebody would rob him!

“What is the good of having piles of gold and silver and precious stones if
I cannot protect them?” he complained. Suddenly, he had a brilliant idea.

“I need to build a treasure room that nobody can break into!” he decided.
“Then I will finally be able to relax!”

He called for a stonemason and said, “Build a great vault in my palace to

hold my treasure! It must be so strong that nobody can get into it!”

The craftsman was poor, and he However, the stonemason secretly
was happy to have more work. made a stone block that would
“I will, Your Majesty!” he said. move to the side if pushed.
“May I ask how much you will
When the room was finished, the
pay me for this job?”
pharaoh was pleased! He put his
The pharaoh was as miserly as he precious things inside and visited
was wealthy, so he replied, “I will it often to count his wealth.
pay one deben – and no more!”
The stonemason was paid one
The stonemason felt a bit upset. ring-shaped deben coin, but he
This job would take him many soon ran out of money and could
months, and one deben would not afford to feed his wife and two
barely be enough to buy barley sons. He decided to tell his boys
bread for his family for a week. about the secret stone block in
However, he agreed to do it. the pharaoh’s treasure room.

He spent months cutting blocks of “You will find it marked with the
stone and using them to build the symbol of an ibis!” he whispered.
treasure room. It was very strong, “If you push on it, it will move aside
just as the pharaoh had wanted. so you can sneak into the pharaoh’s
vault and borrow a few coins! It is
wrong to steal, but we need the
money to pay for food...”

That night, his sons crept up to the When he added up the money
wall of the palace and waited until in his vault the following morning,
the guards had gone past. They he knew something was wrong.
spotted the marked stone and
pushed it, revealing a gap. “I am five debens short!” he yelled.
“Guards! You must grab the thief
The boys wriggled through the hole
when he tries to steal again!”
and found themselves in the vault.
It was filled with coins and jewels After a month, the stonemason’s
and statues and armour made family ran out of money again,
of pure gold! so his sons went back to the vault.
The first one pressed on the stone
“Let’s grab everything we can
and wriggled in through the gap.
carry!” said one boy.
He was quickly grabbed by the
“No, we must be careful!” hissed guards who were waiting inside!
the other. “Only take what we
“I‘ve been caught!” the boy yelled
need!” He grabbed five debens
to his brother. “Save yourself!”
before wriggling out again with
The younger sibling ran away
his brother.
as fast as he could!
The boys hoped that the pharaoh
would not notice that they had GrEED VS . GENEr
stolen a few coins, but the ruler OSIT Y
The pharaoh in th
kept careful count of his riches. is story is very
greedy! Being o
bsessed with ge
more money and tting
things can make
people feel stress
ed and lonely
because they fin
d it hard to trust
others. On the o
ther hand, shari
some of what w ng
e have with othe
can make us fee rs
l happier! Being
generous conne
cts us to people
and helps us ma
ke a difference.

The elder brother was brought That was how the poor boy found
before the pharaoh. himself in front of the palace,
guarded by burly soldiers.
“Here is the thief!” said the head
guard. “I think he had a friend,
too – he yelled out to him!”
When night fell, the plaza outside
The pharaoh stroked his beard. the palace was silent. Then, the
“Is that so? You must tell us who guards heard a clop-clop-clop
you are – and how we can find sound. A merchant in a big cloak
your partner in crime!” was leading a donkey down the
road. The animal was weighed
The boy refused to answer,
down with heavy objects that
but the pharaoh just chuckled.
clanked as it walked...
“Since you are so stubborn, I will
“What are you doing here?” asked
find another way to capture your
one of the guards suspiciously.
friend. I’ll leave you tied up outside
– and when he tries to rescue you, “Oh, I’m just a humble trader with
we’ll grab him, too!” a load of wine jars!” the merchant
replied in a muffled voice.
“Your jars are leaking!” a guard “If I pay them fairly, they
laughed. This was true! A dark liquid won’t need to steal, either!”
was dripping onto the ground.
He told his messengers to
“Don’t worry, we won’t let it go to read a special proclamation.
waste!” the guards said as they
“I, the Pharaoh of the Upper and
used cups to catch the wine and
Lower Kingdoms of Egypt, hereby
gulp it down. They drank so much,
pardon the two thieves who stole
they soon fell asleep!
from my treasure room! You are
The ‘trader’ then threw off his cloak. very ingenious, and I want to
It was the mason’s youngest son! employ you as my advisors!”

“I’m here to rescue you!” he told The brothers accepted the

his brother as he cut the ropes that pharaoh’s offer and became his new
bound him. The two of them then ministers. They advised him to pay
escaped into the darkness. his workers fairly, as this would
make all of Egypt happy and
The pharaoh was angry at his
prosperous. The pharaoh did
guards for letting the thieves
as they said, for he had
escape, but he was impressed
learned his lesson!
by the boys’ clever plan. “I could
use intelligent lads like them to
help me rule Egypt!” he thought.

Awesome Adventures

O n the first of April in 1940, a baby girl was born

in the little village of Ihithe in Kenya.
She was named Wangari, after one of her legendary ancestors.
Wangari’s parents were of the Kikuyu people, who had lived in the
green highlands of Kenya for longer than anyone could remember.

One day, her mother pointed at a nearby peak

that pierced the clouds.

“That is Mount Kenya, the tallest mountain in the

country. Our stories say that is where God lives!
He gifted us with this land and makes sure that
it is watered by the rains in the right seasons,
so our crops will grow and give us food!”

The land that their people farmed

did seem to be blessed. They
kept goats, cows and sheep,
grew maize, wheat and
vegetables in the rich
red-brown soil, and gathered
nuts and berries in the forest.

Nobody was ever thirsty, because So Wangari put beans and maize
clean, fresh water fell from the sky and millet seeds in the soil when
and flowed in the streams. the weather was wet. They soon
sprouted and sent out shoots.
Little Wangari soon became
familiar with the passing seasons. The girl still had to help out around
In mid-March, the monsoon the house, of course! For example,
rains would fall. July was so she went into the forest to cut wood
foggy that in the morning you for the fire each evening.
could not see ten paces in front
“But don’t take the wood from the
of you, and the grass was covered
wild fig trees!” her mother would
in frost. Sometimes, it got so cold,
say. “They bless the land!”
the birds would freeze and fall
from the trees! This puzzled Wangari. Years later,
she learned that the fig trees’ roots
Wangari was the eldest daughter
reached down to water deep in
in her family and helped to care
the earth and let it bubble to the
for her brothers. Her mum was
surface so the plants nearby would
impressed by how responsible
flourish! Then, she understood how
the girl was and said she could
wise her mother really was…
start her very own garden.
At that time, Kenya was ruled by
“Don’t stay inside when it rains!”
people from a distant land called
she would tell Wangari. “That’s
‘Great Britain’.
the best time to plant things!”

They told That was how Wangari found
the people herself walking barefoot down
of Kenya what the muddy path to Ihithe Primary
they could and School. She had a school bag and
couldn’t do and made a pencil and a slate and an exercise
them pay money called ‘taxes’ for book. She was anxious and excited
living in their empire. Settlers from and had no idea what to expect!
Britain took much of the best land,
and Kenyans had to go and work
for them to earn money. Her cousin Jono went to the same
school and volunteered to take her.
But the British also built schools
where Kenyan children could learn “Can you read?” he asked.
many things. Her brother and cousin
went to one nearby! “No…” she admitted.

One day, Wangari’s brother asked “Then can you write?”

their mother a question that Wangari wasn’t sure what writing
changed the girl’s life forever. was, and said so.
“Why doesn’t Wangari go to school “I’ll show you writing!” said Jono.
like I do?” He took out a piece of paper and
This made her mum stop and think. licked his pencil before drawing
Why shouldn’t her clever daughter some squiggly symbols. Wangari
get an education? couldn’t understand what they
meant, but she was impressed.
“Now I’ll show you the amazing bit!” She absorbed all the knowledge
said Jono. He wiped at the paper she could. She learned to count
with a rubber – and the squiggles and read and write – and rub things
disappeared as if they were never out, of course. But then things got
there. “This is the kind of wonderful really interesting. She was taught
thing you will learn at school!” maths and geography and English,
he boasted. the language of the British Empire.
Wangari loved learning and did
This made Wangari excited – think
very well! She was even invited to
of all the things she would discover!
go to Kenya’s best girls’ high school
The school was a simple building near Nairobi, the country’s capital.
with a tin roof, mud walls and an
earth floor. In winter, the kids had to
warm their hands in front of the fire One of the nuns that taught there
before they could write! Wangari noticed how interested Wangari
did not mind, though. was in plants and other living things.

The girl would stay after school they would ask. At that time, those
to help the nun clean laboratory were the only jobs an educated
equipment and get extra lessons. woman was supposed to do!
Learning more about plants gave
But Wangari had other ideas.
her a deeper understanding of the
“Oh no,” she would answer,
things her mother had taught her.
“I’m going to university!”
When Wangari’s schooling came
In 1963, the Kenyans decided that
to an end, everybody wondered
they didn’t want to be part of the
what she would do next. “Will you
British Empire any more.
become a teacher? Or a nurse?”

Kenya became an independent nation,
and it needed clever people to run things
– people like Wangari!

The brightest young people in Kenya

were invited to study at top universities HAPPENED
in the United States, where they could
acquire more knowledge and meet
people from other parts of the world.
W angari Maathai earned
a bachelor’s degree in
Wangari had finished at the top of her science and a master’s degree
class in high school, so she was one in biology from the University of
Pittsburgh, in the United States.
of the three hundred Kenyans who were
She also received a doctorate
offered a chance to study in America.
from the University of Nairobi,
and was the first woman in
This was terribly exciting! As Wangari
eastern and central Africa to
prepared for her great journey across earn this degree.
the ocean, she thought back to what her Wangari became an activist,
mother had taught her about the fig tree. fighting for justice and equality
Just as the tree’s roots tapped into fresh in Kenya. She also started
underground water, she would tap an organization called the
Green Belt Movement.
into the knowledge she would find in This group, made up mostly
America and bring it back to Kenya. of women, planted trees and
By doing this, she would help her worked to restore forests while
beloved country to grow and flourish! protesting against government
corruption and fighting for free
and fair elections.
The Kenyan government did
Favourite Fairy Tales

How Molo stole

the red rose
E arly one morning, Tsui left his home and walked
through the streets of Beijing. When the young
nobleman got to the gate of the great imperial
palace, he spoke to the guards outside.
“My name is Tsui, and I am a friend of the Prince of
China!” he said proudly. They let him in straight away!

Tsui found the pale prince lounging on

a chair in the palace gardens. The prince
smiled when he saw his friend.

“My dear Tsui! Please sit down and

tell me about what you have seen
on your travels!” The prince was
not allowed to leave the palace,
but he was curious about what
went on outside its walls.

Tsui had many tales to tell, and

they had a nice time chatting.

“You must be hungry and thirsty!”

the prince said. “Rose-Red!
Could you please get Tsui
something to eat?”

The maid curtseyed and left the This confused poor Tsui. What
room. Tsui noticed that she had did those gestures mean?
lovely rosy cheeks!

She returned carrying a golden When he got back to his house,

bowl filled with juicy peaches. Tsui asked his faithful servant to
make him a cup of tea. Molo came
Tsui tried one – it was delicious!
from the mountains far to the east
When it was time for him to go, and shaved his head like monks
Rose-Red took him by the hand did. Some people whispered that
and led him to the palace gate. he was an expert swordsman, and
that his study of the martial arts had
As they walked, the young man given him mystical powers. Tsui was
plucked up the courage to ask not sure about any of this, but he
her a question. knew that Molo was very clever!
“I think you are truly lovely!” he said. “What troubles my master?”
“May I see you again?” Molo asked as he poured the tea.
Rose-Red did not reply, but she held Tsui sighed. “I met a girl who is a
out three fingers, turned her hand servant at the palace. When I asked
around three times, and pointed if I could see her again, she held out
at a mirror on the wall. She then three fingers, rotated her hand three
curtseyed and went back inside. times, and pointed at a mirror!”

Molo nodded wisely. “She was When the fifteenth night of the
sending you a message!” he month came, the old man dressed
replied. “By holding up three fingers, his master and himself in clothes
she was saying that she stays in the of black silk. “They will help
third wing of the palace. By circling us to stay silent and hide in the
the five fingers of her hand three shadows!” he said with a wink.
times, she was saying that you
He guided Tsui to the palace,
should see her on the fifteenth of
and its walls towered high
this month. And by pointing at a
above them.
mirror, she was saying that you
must go there at midnight…” “How can we get over?” Tsui said.

Tsui’s face fell. Molo grabbed his young master

and leaped up, carrying them
“How am I to get in? At night,
both over the palace wall. Tsui
the palace is locked and guarded
was amazed to find himself flying
by soldiers and fierce dogs! Visiting
through the air in the moonlight!
the servants is not allowed...”
Molo did have special powers...
Molo tapped his nose. “Don’t worry,
They landed gently on the gravel
I have a plan!”
of a courtyard – but then Tsui
heard a growling sound.

In front of them was a guard dog that “I knew that you were clever and
looked as big and fierce as a tiger! would work out what my signals
meant!” she said admiringly.
Tsui froze in fear, but Molo pulled
something out of his pouch and Tsui blushed. “Well, I had help from
threw it at the beast. The dog my faithful servant, Molo!”
caught the piece of meat in his
Molo slipped into the room and
jaws and began eating it!
bowed to the maiden.
Molo took Tsui through the third
“Thank you for coming!” she said.
wing of the palace, walking so softly
“I am from a far-off land, but I was
in the shadows that the floorboards
brought here to be a servant. In my
did not creak. Finally, they came to
own country I was an artist – how
a small door.
wonderful it would be if I was free
“Rose-Red is in here!” whispered and could paint once again!”
Molo. “See, she has left a lamp on –
Tsui thought that this was a very
I can see the light underneath!”
sad story and promised to help
Tsui gently pushed the door open. her escape! He wrapped Rose-
Rose-Red was in the little pantry, Red in a dark shawl and asked
and she looked happy to see him! her to follow him.
Molo skilfully led them

Can you find all of
these things hidden
in this scene?
round red lanterns!
Answer: There are 8
th ro u g h t h e d arkened palace.

How many
round red
lanterns can
you count?
Write your
answer here!
However, Tsui knocked over a vase, His hands were a blur as he
and the noise alerted the guards. snatched the sharp objects
When they reached the courtyard, out of the air!
they found it filled with soldiers!
Tsui was amazed by Molo’s kung
“Intruders! Arrest them!” fu powers, but how would they
escape? There was a gate in the
It was the prince who had shouted!
courtyard, but it was guarded by
He was in his dressing gown and
soldiers armed with long spears!
looked irritated.
He should not have doubted Molo.
Three burly soldiers came towards
His incredible servant whirled his
Tsui and Rose-Red, but Molo
hands in the air before thrusting
stepped in front of them.
them forward. A blast of wind blew
Quick as lightning, he drew his own the gate open and knocked the
blade and whirled it through the air. spearmen down like ninepins!
The guards’ swords were knocked
Tsui, Rose-Red and Molo fled into
from their hands!
the streets of the city. The guards
A squad of bowmen shot a volley tried to chase them, but it seemed
of arrows at the old swordsman, as if the fugitives had disappeared
but he just laughed. into thin air!
When the sounds of shouting and A few years later, a
the clanking of weapons had died traveller knocked on the door
away, Tsui and Rose-Red came of Tsui’s house. He had a scroll.
down from the rooftop that Molo
“A mysterious man with a shaved
had lifted them onto.
head asked me to deliver this
The servant took off his silk scarf to you!” he told Tsui.
and bowed.
The young man unrolled
“My dear lord and master,” he said, the paper, and this is what
“I must now leave your service, was written on it:
but I believe that you and this
“My dearest master, I hope that
lady may find true love together!”
you and the young lady have
With that, Molo ran away across found good fortune and happiness
the rooftops, and was never seen together. I have made a new home
in the city again. in a distant town where it is warm
all year round and I can go fishing
Rose-Red went to live in Tsui’s
every day. With kindest regards,
home, and they discovered
your faithful servant!”
that they liked each other’s
company very much. In time,
they were married!

W r I T E I T !
l thing
tt e r is a wonderfu
A le care
e n d s o m eone you
to s de to
u t! S c a n the QR co
abo ired
n lo a d a story-insp
dow rite a
e r te m p late and w
telling a
ut your
friend abo
latest exc
s! 31
Short Stories, Big Dreams

The Emperor’s Old Clothes

T he emperor’s birthday was coming up,
and he was celebrating with a big party!
He had the grand ballroom decorated and
told his chefs to prepare a generous feast.

The emperor was very vain, so his biggest

decision was what to wear.

“Summon the finest designers!” he declared.

“I want the most fabulous outfit of all – but
make sure that the clothes can actually be seen!”

A year ago, he had learned his lesson when two

swindlers had convinced him to wear an outfit that
didn’t actually exist! Luckily, one boy was brave
enough to point out that he was naked. Since then,
the ruler made sure the things he bought were real...

Three fashion designers soon arrived to show

him their wares.

“Look at this ruffled robe in green silk,

trimmed with jewels from Bohemia!
You will look exquisite!” said the seamstress
from the distant nation of Dinar.

“This vest combines puffy sleeves with

a bold diamond pattern – very stylish!
This look will set a trend, trust me!” gushed
the designer from the land of Sterling.

“For a classic look, you can’t beat The boy waved his hand. “‘Outfit
this fancy tweed jacket adorned with repeating’ is a hot trend right now.
delicate chains and accessories!” Trust me!”
claimed the pompous tailor from
He went through the emperor’s
the icy shores of Krona.
wardrobe and quickly found
“They are so extravagant – exactly some amazing clothes that
what I had in mind!” the emperor the ruler had forgotten about.
decided. “I shall have all three!” A local seamstress made a few
adjustments and added a silk
Just then, the door opened with a
sash made from an old cape.
bang. In walked a boy in a velvet
coat that dragged along the ground. The party was a hit! The music
It was the kid who had once pointed and food were amazing, but the
out that the emperor had no clothes. emperor’s old clothes caused
The ruler had made him his chief the most gossip. He received lots
minister, because he always told of compliments from his guests!
the truth!
The emperor had to admit that the
“Why buy new outfits?” the boy boy was right again. His old clothes
asked. “You have wardrobes were better than the new ones. It
full of clothes!” was all about how you wore them!

“But what will my subjects say?” At the end of the evening, he

the emperor protested. “They will admired himself in the mirror and
think I am short of money!” thought, “Perhaps I shall be known
as ‘the Emperor Who Wore Vintage’
from now on!”

Storyteller’s Corner

Why Dogs Sniff

D ogs don’t know how to write, but they don’t need to.
When they want to leave a message for their friends,
they just pee on something! Other dogs can ‘read’ pee-
messages by sniffing them with their sensitive noses...
This is a useful kind of ‘social media’, and dogs have been doing this for
a very long time.

One fine morning many years ago, a wire-haired terrier left a particularly
interesting message on the lamp post in the middle of town.

“We’re invited to a special dinner!” snuffled a floppy-eared hound with

black-and-white fur.

“Oh, it’s this Friday evening!” growled a pampered pet with a fluffy coat.

“It will be on the dock overlooking “Welcome, one and all!” he barked.
the sea!” yipped a puppy with a “Please help yourself to the food!”
long sausage-shaped body.
All the dogs, big and small, shaggy
The party was all that anybody and neatly trimmed, red or white or
could talk about when they met in black or brown, thanked him kindly.
the park! The dogs were very excited Tails wagging, they sat down and
and wondered what delicious treats tucked into the delicious dinner that
they would enjoy... was set before them.

“This is so tasty!” said an Alsatian

between mouthfuls of the fanciest
When Friday came, all the dogs in
tinned food.
town trooped down to the seafront
in a big furry parade. Everyone was “My compliments to the chef!”
dribbling in anticipation! mumbled a beagle whose mouth
was full of dog biscuits!
When they arrived, it was more
wonderful than they could have ‘This is the best meal ever!” yipped
imagined. Their host greeted a chihuahua as she gnawed at a
everyone politely. big meaty bone.
There was only one among the The terrier looked most concerned.
whole doggy host who didn’t look “I’m so sorry!” he barked. “I wanted
pleased. She was a grumpy orange to make a dinner that would please
hound who peered at the food in her everyone… but I never thought of
dish with disdain. pepper! I will get some now!”

“It’s all right, I suppose!” she sniffed. He trotted off, while all the other
“Could somebody pass me the dogs waited patiently for his return.
pepper, please?”
The problem is that the terrier never
This confused all the other dogs, came back. Nobody knows if he
who stopped eating. got lost or if he is still looking for
the pepper!
“Pepper? What’s that?” said one little
puppy, cocking his head to the side. That is why dogs sniff each other to
this day. They are hoping to find the
“It’s a black powder that you put
one who smells of pepper so they
on food!” growled the orange dog.
can continue their great feast!
“I simply cannot eat food that hasn’t
been seasoned with pepper!”

You need to
know about... OUR SENSE
The nose knows!
When we smell somethi
tiny bits of it called
Find out about a special sense that lets
molecules are breathed
us know if things are stinky or fresh!
in and caught by spec
nerves in our noses. Tasting with our noses! Many people
These nerves then send think that we only taste with our tongues, but
information about the when we eat, 75-90% of the flavour we get from
molecules to our brains food actually comes from the smells of the tasty
things in our mouths!

Dogs are better Smell to survive! Sniffing something can

than us... at help us work out if it is
od is
good to eat! If fo
smelling! Their rotten, it st inks … and we won’t want to have it
sense of smell is dinn er ! W e hu mans can identify more than
more for
to 100,000 times .
rs, 10,000 different smells
sensitive than ou
how Scents to remem
and they can tell ber! The parts of our b
people are feelin that deal with sm
ells are very close
they ly linked to the
and how healthy parts that deal w
ith memories. Sm
s! elling something
are with their nose can help you to re
member feelings
Which smells rem from the past.
ind you of things?

be the
Champion sniffer! Elephants might
kingdom. They
smelling champions of the animal
y other creature
have more scent receptors than an
miles away!
and can sniff out water up to twelve

Learning is fun!
Each issue of Storytime has a pack
of Teaching Resources that covers
various fascinating subjects! Scan the QR
code to get them from our Storytime Hub!
Myths and Legends

Ilya Muromets
A t the edge of a great forest stood a tiny wooden
cottage. It was the home of a husband and wife
who farmed the rocky, root-filled soil.

They were both overjoyed when the woman gave birth to a son.

“I hope he will grow up to be tall and strong, so he can help us in

the fields!” said her husband.

They named him Ilya, and took good care of him.

Alas, they soon discovered that their Straighten your
child could not walk. Every day, his strong shoulders,
parents would put him in a basket on stretch your quick legs!”
top of the brick oven to keep warm
Ilya felt warmth run through
before they went out to work. As the
his body. He felt strong, as
years went by, Ilya grew up, but he
if he could do anything!
stayed weak and was unable to
The lad did as they said.
stand on his own.
He leaped up and
One day, when Ilya was twenty-eight discovered that he could
summers old, some visitors knocked walk, jump and dance.
on the door. He was surprised when Ilya couldn’t believe
a group of bearded men in woollen how fortunate he was.
robes peered in at him.
“This is extraordinary!”
“Greetings, Ilya Muromets, greatest he bellowed. “I am healed!”
knight of them all!” they cried. “You He thanked the visitors and
are blessed and will defend the then sprinted into the fields.
lands of Kyiv from its enemies!”
His parents were outside,
“That is my name, but I am no trying to pull a tree stump
knight!” Ilya replied. “I cannot from the earth.
even stand on my own two feet!”

But the men chanted, “Get up, Ilya

Muromets, joy to your eager heart.

They chopped at the roots with As he rambled through the
a little axe and pulled as hard as trackless wilderness, he came
they could, but it would not move. across a young horse.

Then, they heard an almighty “Hello!” he said to the beast.

cracking sound. The tree stump “My name is Ilya Muromets,
was ripped out of the soil and and I am going to become a
thrown into the air. great knight. Would you like
to be my faithful steed?”
“Hello, dear parents!” boomed Ilya.
“Some visitors blessed me, and now The horse let him get on its back.
I am as strong as a bull!” “What a fine animal you are!”
said Ilya as he stroked its mane.
“What a miracle! Can you help us on
“I will call you ‘Karushka’!”
our farm now?” they asked.
The hero rode on until he saw the
Ilya shook his head sadly. “I cannot,
city of Chernihiv in the distance.
dear parents, for I must become a
knight and defend Kyiv!” “What is going on?” he asked
a man who was staggering
Wrapping up some clothes and
down the road, carrying
a loaf of bread in his cloak, he
everything he owned.
set off to fulfil his destiny.

“Haven’t you heard?” the man said. The invaders panicked and fled
“Cruel invaders have attacked us from the battlefield, leaving their
without warning. They want to weapons and catapults behind.
destroy the city and enslave us!”
The gates of Chernihiv opened
“That will not do!” grumbled and the inhabitants cheered
Ilya Muromets. He made himself for brave Ilya.
a cudgel of wood and rode
“Who is this great hero, who
on towards the city with a
drove back our enemies?”
determined look on his face.
said a man in a velvet
Chernihiv was being besieged, just cloak. “You must lead our army!”
as the man had said. The invaders
“I am Ilya Muromets!” the
were armoured in iron, and they
young man stated. “Thank
were using catapults to throw great
you, but I must continue my
stones at the walls.
journey to the city of Kyiv!”
Ilya spurred Karushka into a gallop
The grateful people gave
and charged at the enemy soldiers.
Ilya a suit of armour, a lance,
His cudgel swung through the air,
a sword, and a blue and
knocking his foes to the ground.
yellow shield.

U r I T !
COL s decorated with
a ’s s h ield wa o u n t r y – but
Ily sc ur
c o l o u rs of hi o rate yo
the d e c
uld you QR code to
how wo is
i e l d ? Scan th m p late, an
sh eld t e
d a shi ours
do w n l o a
w i t h the col
it in
colour ,
of your rite
h o o l o r favou
sc team!

He waved to the cheering crowds Solovey was knocked from

as he rode off, wondering what his perch and tumbled down.
challenges awaited him… Ilya stood over him, strong and
magnificent in his shining armour.
The road took him through a dark
and forbidding forest. No leaves “You are now a prisoner!” the hero
grew on the trees, and no birds declared as he covered the man’s
sang. Though Ilya Muromets did not mouth with a rag. “Your voice won’t
know it, this place was home to a cause any more harm!”
wicked bandit named Solovey, who
The wicked bandit was tied up and
was nicknamed ‘the nightingale’.
thrown over the back of Ilya’s horse.
A nightingale is a bird that sings a
beautiful song, but Solovey’s whistle
was so loud and terrible to hear that
it made his victims fall unconscious! Prince Volodymyr of Kyiv was
having lunch with his knights when
As Ilya rode underneath a tree, the great doors of his hall banged
he heard an ear-splitting sound. open. In strode a strange knight
The hero wanted to drop to the who was leading a prisoner.
ground and cover his ears, but
instead he threw his spear at a “Who are you?” demanded the
figure he saw on a tree branch. prince, angry at being interrupted.
The stranger stood up tall. “I am Ilya Muromets!”
he declared proudly. “My parents are humble peasants,
but I have driven back the invaders from Chernihiv and
captured Solovey, the infamous ‘nightingale’!”

The prince’s knights laughed. “He talks like a farmer,

not a knight!” they jeered. “Prove that you have captured
the real Solovey!”

Ilya took the rag from the prisoner’s mouth, and the bandit let
out a whistle. It was the most horrible sound that the men had
ever heard! They felt sick to their stomachs and clasped their
hands over their ears. “We believe you!” gasped the prince.
“Please, make it stop!”

Ilya did as he asked, and silence fell.

Prince Volodymyr stood up and

straightened his clothes.

“You are a true hero!” he declared.

“I would be honoured if you would
lead my army!”

That was how humble Ilya Muromets

became a famous knight and the
mightiest defender of Kyiv!
In this issue, you read a story KI D
about an amazing girl who
was fascinated by nature!
Complete all the adjectives
on this tree and you will spell
out her name! CA ING
The inspirational girl’s name is...

Kim and Echo did a lot of fun things

on their trip to school! Work out which
adventurous activities they did and add up
the number of ‘panda points’ they earned!
Photographed Paddled a boat
animals +3 points
+2 points

Climbed a cliff Went zip lining

+4 points +4 points

+5 points

Crossed a bridge Walked in the dark

+3 points +2 points

Kim and Echo scored points on their journey!


A Molo’s fighting skills

are legendary, and he
is an expert at moving
around unseen! Which
one of these shadows
belongs to him?


5 HIGH? A gannet can
to a height of
The birds featured 60 metres!
in ‘The Eagle and the D
Wren’ can fly to different An eagle can fly
heights. Work out how A wren can B as high as a wren,
high each of them fly half as high a pigeon and a gull
can go, based on these as a pigeon. H added together.
statements – and then high can I go? What height
circle the one that can is that?
fly the highest!
A gull can
A Ap
fly four times as
fly t igeon c high as a wren.
wo an How high
as a -thirds only
gan a is that?
hig net. s high
h ca H
n I fl ow
The people of Chernihiv have
created a shield for Ilya Muromets ARTEG
with three words that describe
him on it – but they are jumbled
up! You have to unscramble the
words to work out what they think
of the hero!

Create a cool cup model to change
the emperor’s outfit in an instant!
• You will need a printed-out template sheet (scan the
QR code on the right to download it), two paper cups
that are the same size, scissors (ask an adult to use
them for you), glue, a pencil, and felt tip pens.
• First, cut out the emperor’s head and body from the template.
• Place the cut-out body against the first paper cup as shown
and trace an outline around it with a pencil.
• Ask an adult to cut out the traced body shape on the first cup.
• Colour in the emperor’s head and stick it to the first cup above
the cut-out body shape. Draw some hands under the sleeves.
• Now, get the second cup and use the pencil to draw four lines
from the top to the bottom, spaced evenly around the cup.
This will divide it into four quarters, each of which will
have a different colour scheme.
• It’s time to decorate each quarter of the cup with a different design!
You could do one part in stripes, one in polka dots, one with flowers
and one in all the colours of the rainbow! Choose cool patterns
and colours that are different from each other.
• Put the second cup inside the first one. You can change the colour
of the emperor’s clothes by turning the second cup around! If you
want to try new patterns, draw them on a new cup…

You can also make a collage on the inside cup to

create some really crazy and colourful patterns!
8 Storytime TM

Everyone is working hard in this issue! People are doing lots
of different jobs, and you can spot them all in this wordsearch.
Circle each job when you find it! Can you also find a hidden
‘job’ that would describe the mighty Ilya Muromets?

Pharaoh Student
Scientist Tailor
Servant The hidden word is:
KNIGHT Stonemason
Dogs have amazing senses of smell – but how good is yours?
Get a grown-up to take you on a walk to a park or other nearby
area so you can explore with your nose and record what you find
on the worksheet below. We have some ideas to get you started!
Scan this code to download a copy of this sheet...

EXAMPLE: On Tuesday I went to the bakery,

and the cupcakes smelled sweet and fruity!









Note for Adults: On a smell adventure, encourage children to breathe in and describe
what they smell! Suggest words that describe different odours, and look for places
where there are strong smells – like flowerbeds, pine or fruit trees and ponds or
streams. However, stay safe and keep kids away from the water’s edge!
GREAT and QUICK. 8. Storytime Wordsearch – see right.
metres. The eagle is the champion! 6. A Hero’s Shield – STRONG,
5. How High? A. – 40 metres, B. – 20 metres, C. – 80 metres, D. 140
3. Panda Points – they scored 12 points. 4. Shadowy Servant – D.
ANSWERS: 1. Treasure Trouble – see right. 2. Who Is It? – WANGARI.
ONCE UPON A STORYTIME by Gareth Peter, illustrated by Natelle Quek
(Bloomsbury) is a story about stories! At bedtime, Nia’s mum reads her a book...
and tells her daughter how she would rescue her from a monster’s tower, the
depths of the ocean, or a giant at the top of a beanstalk. The illustrations
have a wonderful painterly quality and draw you into a magical world.


(Thames & Hudson) is about a little mammal and his encounter with some
big and scary dinosaurs. How can he get them out of his family’s cave?
(As you might know, the earliest mammals were around at the time of the
dinosaurs, and Mo could be one of our ancestors!) The lovely art is similar
to that of Doctor Seuss, and it adds a feeling of lightness and fun to the tale.

HOW TO FIND A RAINBOW by Alom Shaha, illustrated by Sarthak Sinha

(Scribble) will enchant readers with its gorgeous and dreamy art and cute
main characters. Reena and Rekha are red pandas who go hunting for a
rainbow to paint. There are also tips about how you can find a rainbow!
To buy them from independent booksellers, visit or scan:




Doing an art session requires a bit

of preparation! Get plenty of paper, as

BE INSPIRED BY STORIES! well as pens, pencils and markers. You

could also ask people to bring their
Reading tales is great fun... but what

own favourite drawing materials if you

if you also used stories to inspire

can’t get enough for everybody.

club members’ creativity?
When the session is over, why not see
/wallin can identify the characters or
if you


scenes in the drawings? Was something
Getting club members to create different from what you imagined when

pictures inspired by a story they have you read the story? Remember, every
just read is a particularly fun exercise. artist has a unique vision and
It encourages you and your friends to that’s the fun of this activitiy!
use your imaginations and artistic skills
and helps to comprehend a story NEXT MONTH:
further. Each member should choose a Coming up with
passage, scene or character to draw. sequels to stories!

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