COMP3421 Intro Lecture

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Computer Graphics

COMP3421 and COMP9415


Dr Ali Darejeh
School of Computer Science and Engineering
Term 3, 2023
Course Staff

• Lecturer: Dr. Ali Darejeh

• Tutors: Kanit Srihakorth, Guy Chilcott, Ryan Tram,
Lauren Huynh, Yi Fu, Xiaohan Ji (Harry), Fengyu
Wang (Alan)
• Contact email:
• Ali Darejeh: [email protected]
Tutors of each lab
Where to ask your questions?
• Moodle is the only website of the course.
• General forum on Moodle for lecture content related
• Project checkpoint forums on Moodle for your questions
about your project.
What are we talking today?

• What is computer graphics

• History of computer graphics
• Structure of the course and course syllabus
• Assessment structure
• History of game engines
• Different usages of game engines
• Difference between game engines and graphic
rendering API‘s (OpenGL & DirectX)
• History of Video games
What is computer graphic?
• Computer graphics is a sub-field of computer science which
studies methods for digitally synthesizing and manipulating
visual content.
• Computer graphics refers to the study of two-dimensional
(2D) and three-dimensional (3D) computer graphics.
• Computer graphics is responsible for displaying art and image
data effectively and meaningfully to users.
Subfields of computer graphic

• Geometry: ways to represent and process surfaces.

• Imaging: image processing or image editing.
• Animation: ways to represent and manipulate motion.
• Rendering: algorithms to reproduce light transport.
Why study computer graphic?
Different areas of computer graphics:
• Games
• Animations
• Visual effects in films
• Virtual and augmented reality
History of Computer Graphics
Computer Gaming (1960 - 1970)
• Drawing 2D graphs
• Emergence of the first video games
Space war game
History of Computer Graphics

3D modeling (1970-1980)
• Emergence of the 3D Core Graphics System
History of Computer Graphics
Computer graphics to develop video games (1980 - 1995)
• 2D games, Arcade machines
• 3D games (Doom, Quake)
History of Computer Graphics
Films were involved (1980-1995)
Tron (1982), The Terminator (1984), Jurassic Park (1993),
Toy Story (1995)
History of Computer Graphics
3D modeling applications (1990-2000)
Emergence of 3D modeling applications and an
impressive rise in the quality of computer-generated
graphics and 3D games.
History of Computer Graphics
High quality 3D games and visual effects (2000-
Video games and cinema had spread the reach of
computer graphics to the mainstream by the late 1990s
and continued to do so in the 2000s.
History of Computer Graphics
Realistic 3D games and virtual reality (2010- present)
Real-time graphics on a suitably high-end system simulate

Forza Horizon 5 game Shooting game in VR

What's in the Course?
Course Overview
• The Course Outline:
• Lectures
o Teaching fundamentals of computer graphics by using practical
projects in game engines

• Tutorials
o Working on your proposed project and getting consultation from your
Lectures and teaching method
• Teaching using practical projects
• Lecture activities to practice lecture content
• Lectures (In-person)
• Time
o Monday 6-8pm (Rex Vowels Theatre (K-F17-LG3))
o Thursday 6-8pm (Physics Theatre (K-K14-19))
o They are not repetitive.
• Recordings will be made available on Echo360 via
• Weekly meeting with your tutor
• Working on your proposed project and getting consultation from your
• Project progress updates
• Attendance to labs is Compulsory (you should attend at least 80% of
the labs)
• In-person tutorials: VR lab (Moog Lab), Ground floor, CSE building
• Online tutorials: Blackboard Collaborate on Moodle.
• You need to have:
o Steam account
o Epics game account
o Unity account

• After logging to the lab's computers, log into Steam, Unreal Engine
launcher, and Unity launcher using your own accounts.
• Every two students can have one computer and one virtual reality
headset in the lab.
Projects group
• Students work in teams of ideally four to five members.
• Choose a name for your team.
• Choose a group admin.
• Add your team into Moodle (Just the team admin should create the
group and the other members should join the group).
The purpose of this course
This course will:
• Make you ready to work in industry in the areas of
developing graphical interactive environments and video
• Teach you practical side of computer graphics and the
necessary theoretical background such as geometry.
Topics we're covering

• How to develop 2D, 3D and virtual reality based

graphical objects and environments with the use
of game engines (Unreal Engine and Unity).
• Computer graphic concepts including lighting,
reflection, shader, static meshes, projectiles, 2D
Transforms, 3D Transforms, surface, texture
maps, materials, cameras, objects physical
behaviour, collision detection, hierarchical
modelling of objects and rendering.
Will you learn low or high level computer
graphics in this course?
• High level computer graphics in addition to the
fundamental knowledge related to low level
computer graphics.
• Because you want to develop a real-world project.
• The lecture time doesn't allow us to cover both
low and high level computer graphic concepts.
• Some necessary Geometric concepts will be
Lectures content (Project 1)
• Player pawn and transform tools in 3D

• Mapping controllers to move objects in


• Introduction to material concept

• Introduction to geometry brushes in 3D

• Introduction to static meshes

• Introduction to collision detection and

physics in 3D

• Introduction to the trigger box 3D

• Introduction to rendering

• Changing surface transform by

keyboard and mouse
Lectures content (Project 2)
• Geometry brushes in 3D • Creating projectile in 3D

• Introduction to lights and shadows • Importing prebuilt graphical elements (FBX

• Player pawn class and camera
Mapping controllers to rotate objects in 3D • Applying damage to the player pawn

• Advanced concepts of camera • Creating conditional trigger box

• Material design

• Advanced collision detection and physics in


• Animating objects
Lectures content (Project 3)

• Landscape tools • Applying a texture to a landscape

• Texture layers • Add foliage

• Advanced concepts in landscape • Advanced concepts in material design

Lectures content (Project 4)

• Introduction to virtual reality • Grabbing and moving objects in VR

• Rendering VR scenes • Movement in VR

• Mapping virtual reality controllers • Snap turn in VR

• Creating VR player pawn • Teleportation in VR

• Developing VR hand
Lectures content (Project 5)

• 2D Objects and transform • Applying damaging and destroying objects

• Player pawn 2D
• Spawn manager
• Introduction to C# programming
Mapping controllers in 2D • Adding user interface elements

• Prefab objects and projectiles in 2D • Animating objects in 2D

• Physics and collision detection 2D • Rendering 2D sprites

• Introduction to trigger box 2D

Course learning outcome

• After completing this course, students should be

able to:
• Work with the game engines in order to design
2D, 3D and virtual-reality-based graphical
environment and objects including lines, curves,
surfaces, geometrical shapes, etc.
• Work with the computer graphic elements, such
as lighting, shadow, surface, texture map,
physical behaviour of objects and camera.
• Render scenes on a range of platforms.
This course is appropriate for you if:

• You’re interested in designing interactive

graphical environments and video games.
• You're interested to work in a project group and
design your own idea.
• You know the fundamentals of programming.
• You want to learn game engines (No prior game
engine experience is required).
• You want to learn high level computer graphics
This course is not appropriate for you if:

• You don't like project-based courses and you

prefer doing assignments and final exam.
• You're not interested in designing interactive
graphical environments or video games.
• You want to learn only low-level computer
graphics, mathematics, or OpenGL.
• You want to learn general programming.
• You have an advance knowledge of game
engines and you only want to learn graphics APIs.
What should you do in this Course?
• This is a project-based course. Students work in teams of
ideally five (5) members.
• The project has two phases:
• Phase 1: Define, implement and evaluate a choice of
either a 2D or a 3D interactive environment.
• Phase 2: either transform your existing project into a
VR-based experience or incorporate a mini-system
into your current project for added functionality and
• Project teams meet weekly starting from Week 1 with
project mentors to report on the progress of the
Project milestones

Weeks Deliverables Mark

Week 4 Proposal 10%
Week 8 Project presentation (Phase 1: 2D or 3D system) 10%
Week 10 Project presentation (Phase 2: Mini system or VR system) 10%
Week 11 Project report 10%
Week 11 Project quality 60%
Best projects award

• Ten groups will be selected

• An award will be given to them
What project should you work on

• You should design and develop a graphical interactive

system that has a specific purpose.
• Use either Unreal engine or Unity engine to develop:
o A simulated Environment or
o A learning platform or
o A video game
Potential projects that you can work on
A graphical interactive environment such as a laboratory,
Medical related topics including human body organs and
surgery room, an industrial production line with manufacturing
robots, robotics, industrial Machineries, factory,…
Potential projects that you can work on

• An E-learning platform for teaching a specific topic with

interactive elements.
• Teaching history, geography, geology, aerospace, medical
science, physics, and chemistry.
Potential projects that you can work on

• A video game
• It can be either a first person or a third person.
Characteristics of your project
• Your project should have a theme and a purpose
• You should design a graphical environment such as a
landscape, a city, a building, a laboratory, a class, a
shopping center, an amusement park, a water park, a
museum, a restaurant, a castle, a house, a battlefield, or a
fictional environment.
Characteristics of your project
• Based on the environment that you design, there should be
related objects in the environment.
• For example, if you're designing a chemistry laboratory,
there should be different tools and materials that can be
touched and moved by the player.
Characteristics of your project

• The system that you design doesn't need to have:

o Different levels
o Artificial intelligence such as AI enemy
o Sound effects
• It is not necessary to design your game objects
from scratch in 3D applications such as Blender or
3D Max.
• This course is not a graphic design course, it’s a
computer graphics course.
Characteristics of your project
• You can use Unity and Unreal Engine asset stores to
download the desired environment and objects and then
customise them.
Characteristics of your project
• You CANNOT just download and present an asset
from the asset store, it should be fully customised.
• You don't need to customize simple objects such
as fruits, foods, or tools.
• Downloading a project from the Internet or using a
pre-existing asset without customization would be
considered plagiarism.
Characteristics of your project
• You should design your own environment using Geometry
Brushes or Landscape tools, then add the assets that you
downloaded from the asset store and customise them.
Characteristics of your project
In order to design and develop your environment, you should
consider the items below:
• Use an appropriate lighting technique.
• Use an appropriate camera technique. It can be either a
first person or a third person.
• Design your own material and apply them to objects.
• Objects should have physics and collision detection.
• The system should have a backend either by C++ or
Blueprints in Unreal Engine or C# in Unity.
Characteristics of your project
• You should have a character (the player) in your
environment that is controllable by keyboard, mouse or
• The character can be a human like character, an animal, a
fictional character, a vehicle, or even a geometrical shape
based on the theme of your project.
• The character should be able to have physical interaction
with the other objects in the environment such as colliding
with them, grabbing them, or destroying them.
• The environmental objects should be able to have physical
interaction with the player character such as colliding with
the player, attacking the player or destroying the player.
Phase 2 (Option 1: Convert your project
into a virtual reality-based system)
• Convert your project into a virtual reality based system.
• Add VR player
• Map VR controller including both HTC VIVE and Meta Quest
Headsets to control the VR player.
• Add VR hand and enable users to grab and move objects with the use
of the VR hand.
• The system that you design should work on the VR headsets that we
have in the lab (HTC VIVE Pro).
Phase 2 (Option 2: Develop a mini system
or a game related to your main project)
• If your project is a video game, consider adding a
mini-game within your main game. For example,
you could include arcade machines that allow
players to engage in simple 2D games, similar to
what is seen in GTA.
• If your project is a simulated environment, such
as a lab, consider adding functional equipment in
addition to the standard equipment already
present in your lab.
Sample projects
Sample projects
Sample projects
Sample projects
The VR lab website for more sample projects
What is a game engine?
A game engine is a visual
software development tool used
to develop:
• Video games
• Animations
• Highly interactive graphical
What is a game engine?
Game engines provide:
• Level design tools
• Lighting
• Material editor
• Drawing tools
• Cinematic (Animation tools)
• Physics and collision engines
• Artificial intelligence Unity game engine
• Audio engines
• Scene graph (Objects
• Rendering engine for 2D or
3D graphics
• Multiplayer features
• Programming libraries for
designing video games. Unreal game engine
Are Unreal Engine and Unity the only
game engines
• Amazon Lumberyard • Phaser
• Cocos2d • Unity
• CryEngine • Unreal
• GameMaker Studio
• Godot
• Honorary Mentions
• Open3D Amazon
Comparison between different game engines

The most popular game engines
Comparison between different game engines
Why Unity Engine and Unreal Engine?

• From realistic physics in a game environment to

landscapes and structures, these engines offer
everything a developer needs to design advanced
mobile, PC, and console games.
• Unity Technologies, known for its focus on mobile
gaming especially 2D games.
• Unreal Engine, known for its PC and console
game engine especially 3D games.
Why Unity Engine and Unreal Engine?

• The Unity Engine and the Unreal Engine currently being the two most
popular choices for game developers (CB insights, 2018).
• The $120B gaming industry is being built on the backs of these two
engines (CB insights, 2018).
• Pokémon Go (made with Unity Engine) and Fortnite (made with
Unreal Engine).

Unreal engine
• Unreal Engine developed by Epic Games, was introduced in
1998 as one of the first publicly available gaming engines.
• It grew out of Epic’s
Unreal video game
series, which was one of
the first successful
online multiplayer
• After publishing the
game, Epic chose to
share the engine and
tools used to develop
and support it, and the
Unreal Engine was born.
Unreal Engine Version 1
Unreal engine
• Unreal Engine provides world's most advanced real-time 3D creation
tool sets.
• The company has recently optimized its engine for AR/VR gaming, while
partnering with established AR/VR organizations like Meta (Facebook).
• Latest version: Unreal Engine 5.3
Famous games that are developed by Unreal engine
Unity engine
• Unity is a cross-platform game engine developed by Unity
Technologies, first released in June 2005 as a Mac OS X
game engine.
• The engine has
extended to support a
variety of desktop,
mobile, console and
virtual reality
• It is particularly
popular for iOS and
Android mobile game
Unity Engine Version 1
Unity engine
• In 2016, over 30% of the top 1000 mobile games were built using Unity, which
reported having 45% of the entire global game engine market.
• Unity will be an important contributor to future growth mobile gaming industry,
providing the digital infrastructure necessary to take the mobile gaming
segment $100B+ in the next few years.
• Many of the mobile games published by incumbents like Tencent and NetEase
leverage the Unity Engine.
• Latest version 2022.3
Famous games that are developed by Unity engine
Unity versus Unreal Engine
Why to learn game engines

• Almost no one creates their own engine any more

• In 2021 so far, fewer than 20% of games launched have been
created with "unknown" engines (in-house engines).
Before game engines

• Hard coding from the scratch.

• In-house game engines in the mid-1980s.
• Rendering application programming interfaces (API) such as
OpenGL for rendering 2D and 3D graphics in 1992.
• Commercialised game engines, such as Quake
engine or Unreal engine in the early 2000s.

Emergence of in- Emergence of Emergence of

house game graphics ccommercialised
engines rendering APIs game engines
Should you learn OpenGL or Game Engine?
• You need to learn OpenGL if you want to develop your own
game engines or graphics libraries.
• Advantages of OpenGL:
o You know what happens at the lowest level.
o You have a good grasp of how the various game engines and libraries have
been built.
• Disadvantages of OpenGL:
o OpenGL is just a graphic API. You'll have to write your own libraries for Audio,
Physics, collision detection, materials, networking etc.
o It is not practical to develop a high-level game using OpenGL.

• Advantages of Game Engines:

o Saves you a lot of time and helps you focus more on your game design and
development than its backend.
o Significantly easier to develop games compared to OpenGL.
Difference between rendering API's and
game engines
• Rendering APIs like OpenGL or DirectX provide
just functionality to abstract a graphics
accelerator, focusing on rendering primitives,
state management, command lists/command
• They are different from fully fledged 3D graphics
libraries, 3D game engines (which handle scene
graphs, lights, animation, materials etc.).
Does Unreal engine use OpenGL or
• Unreal has an abstraction layer graphics
rendering API (called RHI) above platform-
dependent APIs such as DirectX 11, Vulkan, and
OpenGL .
• Unreal engine uses DirectX 11 and Vulkan on
Windows, OpenGL on Linux, and Metal on Mac.
Does Unity engine use OpenGL or
• Unity uses its own built-in graphics rendering
APIs by default.
• The default graphics API can be changed to
DirectX 11 and Vulkan for Windows, OpenGL for
Mac and Linux.
Why will you learn game engine rather
than graphics APIs in this course?
• Graphics APIs are used for developing fundamental
elements of computer graphics such as Graphic card
drivers, game engines and rendering systems.
• Learning graphics APIs without knowing what a game
engine doesn't have a lot of real world implication.
• Learning graphics API’s after learning game engines, can
help you to know how to use graphic libraries in practice
to improve the current game engines and rendering
What is OpenGL (Open Graphics Library)
rendering API?
• OpenGL is a cross-platform graphics application
programming interface (API) for rendering 2D and 3D
vector graphics.
• OpenGL is typically used to interact with a graphics
processing unit (GPU), to achieve hardware-
accelerated rendering.
• Since OpenGL is a graphics API and not a platform of
its own, it requires a language to operate in and the
language of choice is C++ or JavaScript.
Graphic card and openGL
• The people developing the actual OpenGL
libraries are usually the graphics card
• Whenever there is a bug in the Graphic card
function, this is solved by updating your video
card drivers to get any version of OpenGL.
OpenGL and video games
OpenGL libraries
• Toolkits to create and manage OpenGL windows, and
manage input:
o GLFW – A cross-platform game-oriented windowing and keyboard, mouse, and
joystick handler.
o Freeglut – A cross-platform windowing and keyboard-mouse handler.

• Multimedia libraries to create OpenGL windows, in addition

to input, sound and other tasks useful for game-like
o Allegro 5 – A cross-platform multimedia library with a C API focused on
game development.
o Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) – A cross-platform multimedia library
with a C API.
o SFML – A cross-platform multimedia library with a C++ API and multiple
other bindings to languages such as C#, Java, Haskell, and Go.
GLFW library

• Go to:
• Download CMaker:
Using OpenGL in
Visual Studio.NET
Drawing a black rectangle in OpenGL
• The glClear() provides a clean slate to work on.
• The glColor3f function sets the current color.
• The glRectf function draws a rectangle.
Drawing a rectangle in Unreal engine 5
• Drawing a 3D rectangle (Cube) with brick material
and shadow just by 5 clicks.
History of video games and game engines
First generation games (1960 - 1970):
• Very simple games
• Very Low graphics (black and white)
• Everything was designed from the scratch
• Game consoles with No CPU and graphic
• Hard coded
History of video games and game engines
Second generation games (1970-1980):
• Very simple games (2KB cartridges)
• Very Low graphics (Color)
• Game consoles with CPU = 8-bit, 1–2 MHz
and no graphic card
• Hard coded
History of video games and game engines
Third generation games (1980-1990):
• Simple games
• Low graphics (128 KB to 384 KB)
• Game consoles with CPU = 8-bit, 2–4
MHz and no graphic card
• Hard coded and in-house game engines
History of video games and game engines
Forth generation games (1990-1995):
• Simple games
• Medium resolution graphics (1MB to 5MB)
• Game consoles with CPU = 8-bit and 16-
bit, 4–8 MHz and no graphic card
• Hard coded and in-house game engines
History of video games and game engines
Fifth generation games (1995-2000):
• Simple games
• Medium resolution graphics (5MB to 650MB)
• Game consoles with CPU = 32 and 64-bit,
12–100 MHz and no graphic card
• Graphic rendering API‘s and In-house game
History of video games and game engines
6th – 9th generation games (2000-present):
• Complex games (Nonlinear / Open world)
• High resolution graphics (1GB to 100GB)
• Developed by Game engines
CPU Graphic card
Sixth 32-bit, 200–733 MHz 100–233 MHz
Seventh 32-bit, 729 MHz–3.3 GHz 243–550 MHz
Eighth 32 and 64-bit, 1.0–2.3 GHz 300–1172 MHz
Ninth 64-bit, 3.4–3.8 GHz 1565–2233 MHz
History of video games and game engines
• A sample video game (Matrix) with Unreal Engine
5 on Play Station 5.
Course Evaluation and Development

• In response to feedback from previous offerings of this course, we've

shifted the syllabus away from OpenGL and GLSL.
• The new focus is on game engines that are relevant in the industry,
such as Unreal Engine 5.1.
• All lecture slides for this term have been updated based on Unreal
Engine 5 to keep you up-to-date.

• Two Options for Phase Two of the Project.

• Recognizing that not all students have access to a VR headset, and

acknowledging that the lab's VR headsets might not be sufficient for
everyone, we are offering an alternative.
FAQ related to the course
Q1: Is it advisable to install Unreal Engine or Unity on our
laptops for the tutorials? Should we also bring headsets if we
have them?
A: Installing Unreal Engine or Unity on your laptop is not
mandatory, but you're welcome to use your own laptop and
headset for the tutorials.
Q2. Can game engines work on MacBook Pro?
A: Yes.
Q3: Can we expand the scope of our project beyond the
content that we learn in this course?
A. Yes.
FAQ related to the course
Q4: Where should we store our projects?
A: You should store your projects on your UNSW
OneDrive account.
Q5: Can we save our files on the VR lab computers?
A: Whenever possible, try to use the same computer in
the VR lab. Always back up your files to cloud storage for
added security.
Q6: Is it possible to use the lab computers during non-
tutorial hours, such as in the evenings or on weekends?
A: Yes.

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