Infineon-CY8C21334 CY8C21534 Automotive PSoC Programmable System-on-Chip-DataSheet-v12 00-EN

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PSoC Programmable System-on-Chip™
Features ■ Programmable pin configurations
❐ 25 mA sink, 10 mA drive on all GPIOs
■ Automotive Electronics Council (AEC) Q100 qualified
❐ Pull-up, pull-down, high Z, strong, or open drain drive modes
■ Powerful Harvard-architecture processor on all GPIOs
❐ M8C processor speeds up to 24 MHz ❐ Analog input on all GPIOs
❐ Low power at high speed ❐ Configurable interrupt on all GPIOs
❐ Operating voltage: 3.0 V to 5.25 V ■ Versatile analog mux
❐ Automotive temperature range: –40 C to +85 C ❐ Common internal analog bus
■ Advanced peripherals (PSoC blocks) ❐ Simultaneous connection of I/O combinations
❐ Four analog Type E PSoC blocks provide: ■ Additional system resources
• Two comparators with digital-to-analog converter (DAC) 2
❐ Inter-Integrated Circuit (I C™) master, slave, or multi-master
references operation up to 400 kHz
• Up to 10-bit single or dual, 24 channel analog-to-digital ❐ Watchdog and sleep timers
converters (ADC) ❐ User-configurable low-voltage detection (LVD)
❐ Four digital PSoC blocks provide: ❐ Integrated supervisory circuit
• 8- to 32-bit timers, counters, and pulse width modulators ❐ On-chip precision voltage reference
• Cyclical redundancy check (CRC) and pseudo-random Logic Block Diagram
sequence (PRS) modules
• Full- or half-duplex UART
• SPI master or slave
• Connectable to all general purpose I/O (GPIO) pins
❐ Complex peripherals by combining blocks
• Capacitive sensing application capability
■ Flexible on-chip memory
❐ 8 KB flash program storage
❐ 512 bytes SRAM data storage
❐ In-system serial programming (ISSP)
❐ Partial flash updates
❐ Flexible protection modes
❐ EEPROM emulation in flash
■ Complete development tools
❐ Free development software (PSoC Designer™)
❐ Full-featured in-circuit emulator (ICE) and programmer
❐ Full-speed emulation
❐ Complex breakpoint structure
❐ 128 KB trace memory
■ Precision, programmable clocking
❐ Internal ±5% 24 MHz oscillator
❐ Internal low-speed, low-power oscillator for Watchdog and
Sleep functionality
❐ Optional external oscillator, up to 24 MHz

Cypress Semiconductor Corporation • 198 Champion Court • San Jose, CA 95134-1709 • 408-943-2600
Document Number: 001-12550 Rev. *K Revised March 9, 2017

PSoC Functional Overview .............................................. 3 DC Electrical Characteristics ..................................... 15
The PSoC Core ........................................................... 3 AC Electrical Characteristics ..................................... 18
The Digital System ...................................................... 3 Packaging Information ................................................... 24
The Analog System ..................................................... 4 Packaging Dimensions .............................................. 24
Additional System Resources ..................................... 4 Thermal Impedances ................................................. 25
PSoC Device Characteristics ...................................... 5 Solder Reflow Specifications ..................................... 25
Getting Started .................................................................. 5 Tape and Reel Information ........................................ 26
Application Notes ........................................................ 5 Development Tool Selection ......................................... 28
Development Kits ........................................................ 5 Software .................................................................... 28
Training ....................................................................... 5 Development Kits ...................................................... 28
CYPros Consultants .................................................... 5 Evaluation Tools ........................................................ 28
Solutions Library .......................................................... 5 Device Programmers ................................................. 29
Technical Support ....................................................... 5 Accessories (Emulation and Programming) .............. 29
Development Tools .......................................................... 6 Ordering Information ...................................................... 30
PSoC Designer Software Subsystems ........................ 6 Ordering Code Definitions ......................................... 30
Designing with PSoC Designer ....................................... 7 Acronyms ........................................................................ 31
Select Components ..................................................... 7 Reference Documents .................................................... 31
Configure Components ............................................... 7 Document Conventions ................................................. 32
Organize and Connect ................................................ 7 Units of Measure ....................................................... 32
Generate, Verify, and Debug ....................................... 7 Numeric Conventions .................................................... 32
Pinouts .............................................................................. 8 Glossary .......................................................................... 32
20-Pin Part Pinout ....................................................... 8 Document History Page ................................................. 37
28-Pin Part Pinout ....................................................... 9 Sales, Solutions, and Legal Information ...................... 39
Registers ......................................................................... 10 Worldwide Sales and Design Support ....................... 39
Register Conventions ................................................ 10 Products .................................................................... 39
Register Mapping Tables .......................................... 10 PSoC® Solutions ...................................................... 39
Electrical Specifications ................................................ 13 Cypress Developer Community ................................. 39
Absolute Maximum Ratings ....................................... 14 Technical Support ..................................................... 39
Operating Temperature ............................................. 14

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PSoC Functional Overview which are called user modules. Digital peripheral configurations
include those listed.
The PSoC family consists of many devices with on-chip
controllers. These devices are designed to replace multiple ■ PWMs (8- to 32-bit)
traditional microcontroller unit (MCU)-based system ■ PWMs with dead band (8- to 24-bit)
components with one, low-cost single-chip programmable
component. A PSoC device includes configurable blocks of ■ Counters (8- to 32-bit)
analog and digital logic, and programmable interconnect. This
■ Timers (8- to 32-bit)
architecture makes it possible for you to create customized
peripheral configurations, to match the requirements of each ■ Full or half-duplex 8-bit UART with selectable parity
individual application. Additionally, a fast CPU, flash program
memory, SRAM data memory, and configurable I/O are included ■ SPI master and slave
in a range of convenient pinouts. ■ I2C master, slave, or multi-master (implemented in a dedicated
The PSoC architecture, as illustrated in the Logic Block Diagram I2C block)
on page 1, comprises of four main areas: the core, the system
■ Cyclical redundancy checker/generator (16-bit)
resources, the digital system, and the analog system. Configu-
rable global bus resources allow all the device resources to be ■ Infrared Data Association (IrDA)
combined into a complete custom system. Each CY8C21x34
PSoC device includes four digital blocks and four analog blocks. ■ PRS generators (8- to 32-bit)
Depending on the PSoC package, up to 24 GPIOs are also The digital blocks can be connected to any GPIO through a
included. The GPIOs provide access to the global digital and series of global buses that can route any signal to any pin. The
analog interconnects. buses also allow for signal multiplexing and for performing logic
operations. This configurability frees your designs from the
The PSoC Core constraints of a fixed peripheral controller.
The PSoC core is a powerful engine that supports a rich Figure 1. Digital System Block Diagram
instruction set. It encompasses SRAM for data storage, an
Port 3 Port 1
interrupt controller, sleep, and watchdog timers, and an internal
Port 2 Port 0
main oscillator (IMO) and internal low-speed oscillator (ILO). The
CPU core, called the M8C, is a powerful processor with speeds
up to 24 MHz. The M8C is a four-million instructions per second Digital Clocks To System Bus To Analog
(MIPS) 8-bit Harvard-architecture microprocessor. From Core System

System Resources provide additional capability, such as digital

clocks for increased flexibility, I2C functionality for implementing DIGITAL SYSTEM
an I2C master, slave, or multi-master, an internal voltage
reference that provides an absolute value of 1.3 V to a number Digital PSoC Block Array
of PSoC subsystems, and various system resets supported by
the M8C.
Row 0 4

Row Output
Row Input

The Digital System is composed of an array of digital PSoC

blocks, which can be configured into any number of digital DBB00 DBB01 DCB02 DCB03

peripherals. The digital blocks can be connected to the GPIO 4

through a series of global buses that can route any signal to any 8 8
pin. This frees designs from the constraints of a fixed peripheral 8 8
The Analog System is composed of four analog PSoC blocks, GIE[7:0] Global Digital GOE[7:0]
supporting comparators and analog-to-digital conversion with up GIO[7:0] Interconnect
to 10 bits of precision.

The Digital System Digital blocks are provided in rows of four, where the number of
The digital system is composed of four digital PSoC blocks. Each blocks varies by PSoC device family. This allows you the
block is an 8-bit resource that can be used alone or combined optimum choice of system resources for your application. Family
with other blocks to form 8-, 16-, 24-, and 32-bit peripherals, resources are shown in Table 1 on page 5.

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The Analog System

The Analog System is composed of four configurable blocks, The Analog Multiplexer System
allowing the creation of complex analog signal flows. Analog
peripherals are very flexible and can be customized to support The Analog Mux Bus can connect to every GPIO pin. Pins can
specific application requirements. Some of the common PSoC be connected to the bus individually or in any combination. The
analog functions for this device (most available as user modules) bus also connects to the analog system for analysis with
are listed. comparators and ADCs. An additional 8:1 analog input
multiplexer provides a second path to bring Port 0 pins to the
■ ADCs (single or dual, with up to 10-bit resolution) analog array.
■ Pin-to-pin comparator Switch-control logic enables selected pins to precharge
continuously under hardware control. This enables capacitive
■ Single-ended comparators (up to two) with absolute (1.3 V) measurement for applications such as touch sensing. Other
reference or 8-bit DAC reference multiplexer applications include:
■ 1.3 V reference (as a system resource) ■ Track pad, finger sensing.
In most PSoC devices, analog blocks are provided in columns of
■ Chip-wide mux that allows analog input from any I/O pin.
three, which includes one continuous time (CT) and two switched
capacitor (SC) blocks. The CY8C21x34 devices provide limited ■ Crosspoint connection between any I/O pin combination.
functionality Type E analog blocks. Each column contains one
CT Type E block and one SC Type E block. Refer to the PSoC Additional System Resources
Programmable System-on-Chip Technical Reference Manual for System resources, some of which have been previously listed,
detailed information on the CY8C21x34’s Type E analog blocks. provide additional capability useful for complete systems. Brief
Figure 2. Analog System Block Diagram statements describing the merits of each system resource are
From Port 0
■ Digital clock dividers provide three customizable clock
frequencies for use in applications. The clocks can be routed
to both the digital and analog systems. Additional clocks can
be generated using digital PSoC blocks as clock dividers.
Array Input
Configuration ■ The I2C module provides communication up to 400 kHz over
two wires. Slave, master, and multi-master modes are all
ACI0[1:0] ACI1[1:0]
■ LVD interrupts can signal the application of falling voltage
All IO levels, while the advanced power-on reset (POR) circuit
eliminates the need for a system supervisor.
ACOL1MUX ■ An internal 1.3 V voltage reference provides an absolute
Analog Mux Bus reference for the analog system, including ADCs and DACs.
■ Versatile analog multiplexer system.


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PSoC Device Characteristics

Depending on your PSoC device characteristics, the digital and analog systems can have a varying number of digital and analog
blocks. Table 1 lists the resources available for specific PSoC device groups. The PSoC device covered by this datasheet is highlighted
in Table 1
Table 1. PSoC Device Characteristics
PSoC Part Digital Digital Digital Analog Analog Analog Analog SRAM Flash
Number I/O Rows Blocks Inputs Outputs Columns Blocks Size Size
CY8C29x66[1] up to 64 4 16 up to 12 4 4 12 2K 32 K
CY8C28xxx up to 44 up to 3 up to 12 up to 44 up to 4 up to 6 up to 1K 16 K
12 + 4[2]
CY8C27x43 up to 44 2 8 up to 12 4 4 12 256 16 K
CY8C24x94[1] up to 56 1 4 up to 48 2 2 6 1K 16 K
CY8C24x23A[1] up to 24 1 4 up to 12 2 2 6 256 4K
CY8C23x33 up to 26 1 4 up to 12 2 2 4 256 8K
CY8C22x45[1] up to 38 2 8 up to 38 0 4 6[2] 1K 16 K
CY8C21x45 up to 24 1 4 up to 24 0 4 6[2] 512 8K
CY8C21x34[1] up to 28 1 4 up to 28 0 2 4[2] 512 8K
CY8C21x23 up to 16 1 4 up to 8 0 2 4[2] 256 4K
CY8C21x12[1] up to 24 1 1[2] 24 0 0 1[2] 512 8K
CY8C20x34[1] up to 28 0 0 up to 28 0 0 3[2,3] 512 8K
CY8C20xx6 up to 36 0 0 up to 36 0 0 3[2,3] up to 2 K up to 32 K

Getting Started
For in-depth information, along with detailed programming CYPros Consultants
details, see the PSoC® Technical Reference Manual.
Certified PSoC consultants offer everything from technical
For up-to-date ordering, packaging, and electrical specification assistance to completed PSoC designs. To contact or become a
information, see the latest PSoC device datasheets on the web. PSoC consultant go to the CYPros Consultants web site.
Application Notes Solutions Library
Cypress application notes are an excellent introduction to the Visit our growing library of solution focused designs. Here you
wide variety of possible PSoC designs. can find various application designs that include firmware and
hardware design files that enable you to complete your designs
Development Kits quickly.
PSoC Development Kits are available online from and through a
growing number of regional and global distributors, which Technical Support
include Arrow, Avnet, Digi-Key, Farnell, Future Electronics, and Technical support – including a searchable Knowledge Base
Newark. articles and technical forums – is also available online. If you
cannot find an answer to your question, call our Technical
Training Support hotline at 1-800-541-4736.
Free PSoC technical training (on demand, webinars, and
workshops), which is available online via,
covers a wide variety of topics and skill levels to assist you in
your designs.

1. Automotive qualified devices available in this group.
2. Limited analog functionality.
3. Two analog blocks and one CapSense® block.

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Development Tools
PSoC Designer™ is the revolutionary integrated design Code Generation Tools
environment (IDE) that you can use to customize PSoC to meet The code generation tools work seamlessly within the
your specific application requirements. PSoC Designer software PSoC Designer interface and have been tested with a full range
accelerates system design and time to market. Develop your of debugging tools. You can develop your design in C, assembly,
applications using a library of precharacterized analog and digital or a combination of the two.
peripherals (called user modules) in a drag-and-drop design
environment. Then, customize your design by leveraging the Assemblers. The assemblers allow you to merge assembly
dynamically generated application programming interface (API) code seamlessly with C code. Link libraries automatically use
libraries of code. Finally, debug and test your designs with the absolute addressing or are compiled in relative mode, and are
integrated debug environment, including in-circuit emulation and linked with other software modules to get absolute addressing.
standard software debug features. PSoC Designer includes: C Language Compilers. C language compilers are available
■ Application editor graphical user interface (GUI) for device and that support the PSoC family of devices. The products allow you
user module configuration and dynamic reconfiguration to create complete C programs for the PSoC family devices. The
optimizing C compilers provide all of the features of C, tailored
■ Extensive user module catalog to the PSoC architecture. They come complete with embedded
libraries providing port and bus operations, standard keypad and
■ Integrated source-code editor (C and assembly) display support, and extended math functionality.
■ Free C compiler with no size restrictions or time limits
■ Built-in debugger PSoC Designer has a debug environment that provides
■ In-circuit emulation hardware in-circuit emulation, allowing you to test the program in
a physical system while providing an internal view of the PSoC
■ Built-in support for communication interfaces: device. Debugger commands allow you to read and program and
❐ Hardware and software I C slaves and masters read and write data memory, and read and write I/O registers.
❐ Full-speed USB 2.0 You can read and write CPU registers, set and clear breakpoints,
❐ Up to four full-duplex universal asynchronous and provide program run, halt, and step control. The debugger
receiver/transmitters (UARTs), SPI master and slave, and also allows you to create a trace buffer of registers and memory
wireless locations of interest.
PSoC Designer supports the entire library of PSoC 1 devices and
Online Help System
runs on Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7.
The online help system displays online, context-sensitive help.
PSoC Designer Software Subsystems Designed for procedural and quick reference, each functional
subsystem has its own context-sensitive help. This system also
Design Entry provides tutorials and links to FAQs and an online support Forum
In the chip-level view, choose a base device to work with. Then to aid the designer.
select different onboard analog and digital components that use
the PSoC blocks, which are called user modules. Examples of In-Circuit Emulator
user modules are ADCs, DACs, amplifiers, and filters. Configure A low-cost, high-functionality in-circuit emulator (ICE) is
the user modules for your chosen application and connect them available for development support. This hardware can program
to each other and to the proper pins. Then generate your project. single devices.
This prepopulates your project with APIs and libraries that you The emulator consists of a base unit that connects to the PC
can use to program your application. using a USB port. The base unit is universal and operates with
The tool also supports easy development of multiple all PSoC devices. Emulation pods for each device family are
configurations and dynamic reconfiguration. Dynamic available separately. The emulation pod takes the place of the
reconfiguration makes it possible to change configurations at run PSoC device in the target board and performs full-speed
time. In essence, this allows you to use more than 100 percent (24 MHz) operation.
of PSoC's resources for an application.

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Designing with PSoC Designer

The development process for the PSoC device differs from that Organize and Connect
of a traditional fixed function microprocessor. The configurable
You build signal chains at the chip level by interconnecting user
analog and digital hardware blocks give the PSoC architecture a
modules to each other and the I/O pins. You perform the
unique flexibility that pays dividends in managing specification
selection, configuration, and routing so that you have complete
change during development and by lowering inventory costs.
control over all on-chip resources.
These configurable resources, called PSoC Blocks, have the
ability to implement a wide variety of user-selectable functions. Generate, Verify, and Debug
The PSoC development process can be summarized in the When you are ready to test the hardware configuration or move
following four steps: on to developing code for the project, you perform the “Generate
1. Select User Modules Configuration Files” step. This causes PSoC Designer to
2. Configure User Modules generate source code that automatically configures the device to
your specification and provides the software for the system. The
3. Organize and Connect generated code provides application programming interfaces
4. Generate, Verify, and Debug (APIs) with high-level functions to control and respond to
hardware events at run time and interrupt service routines that
Select Components you can adapt as needed.
PSoC Designer provides a library of pre-built, pre-tested A complete code development environment allows you to
hardware peripheral components called “user modules.” User develop and customize your applications in C, assembly
modules make selecting and implementing peripheral devices, language, or both.
both analog and digital, simple.
The last step in the development process takes place inside
Configure Components PSoC Designer's Debugger (access by clicking the Connect
Each of the User Modules you select establishes the basic icon). PSoC Designer downloads the HEX image to the ICE
register settings that implement the selected function. They also where it runs at full speed. PSoC Designer debugging capabil-
provide parameters and properties that allow you to tailor their ities rival those of systems costing many times more. In addition
precise configuration to your particular application. For example, to traditional single-step, run-to-breakpoint and watch-variable
a PWM User Module configures one or more features, the debug interface provides a large trace buffer and
digital PSoC blocks, one for each 8 bits of resolution. The user allows you to define complex breakpoint events that include
module parameters permit you to establish the pulse width and monitoring address and data bus values, memory locations and
duty cycle. Configure the parameters and properties to corre- external signals.
spond to your chosen application. Enter values directly or by
selecting values from drop-down menus. All the user modules
are documented in datasheets that may be viewed directly in
PSoC Designer or on the Cypress website. These user module
datasheets explain the internal operation of the User Module and
provide performance specifications. Each datasheet describes
the use of each user module parameter, and other information
you may need to successfully implement your design.

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The CY8C21x34 PSoC device is available in a variety of packages which are listed and illustrated in the following tables. Every port
pin (labeled with a “P”) is capable of digital I/O and connection to the common analog bus. However, VSS, VDD, and XRES are not
capable of digital I/O.

20-Pin Part Pinout

Table 2. 20-Pin Part Pinout (shrink small-outline package (SSOP))
Pin Type Figure 3. CY8C21334 20-Pin PSoC Device
Name Description
No. Digital Analog
1 I/O I, M P0[7] Analog column mux input AI, M, P0[7] 1 20 VDD
2 I/O I, M P0[5] Analog column mux input AI, M, P0[5] 2 19 P0[6], M, AI
AI, M, P0[3] 3 18 P0[4], M, AI
3 I/O I, M P0[3] Analog column mux input, CMOD capacitor pin
AI, M, P0[1] 4 17 P0[2], M, AI
4 I/O I, M P0[1] Analog column mux input, CMOD capacitor pin
VSS 5 16 P0[0], M, AI
5 Power VSS Ground connection SSOP
I2C SCL, M, P1[7] 6 15 XRES
6 I/O M P1[7] I2C serial clock (SCL) I2C SDA, M, P1[5] 7 14 P1[6], M
7 I/O M P1[5] I2C serial data (SDA) M, P1[3] 8 13 P1[4], M, EXTCLK
8 I/O M P1[3] I2C SCL, M, P1[1] 9 12 P1[2], M
VSS 10 11 P1[0], M, I2C SDA
9 I/O M P1[1] I2C SCL, ISSP-SCLK[4]
10 Power VSS Ground connection
11 I/O M P1[0] I2C SDA, ISSP-SDATA[4]
12 I/O M P1[2]
13 I/O M P1[4] Optional external clock input (EXTCLK)
14 I/O M P1[6]
15 Input XRES Active high external reset with internal
16 I/O I, M P0[0] Analog column mux input
17 I/O I, M P0[2] Analog column mux input
18 I/O I, M P0[4] Analog column mux input
19 I/O I, M P0[6] Analog column mux input
20 Power VDD Supply voltage

LEGEND A = Analog, I = Input, O = Output, and M = Analog Mux Input.

4. These are the ISSP pins, which are not high Z when coming out of POR. See the PSoC Technical Reference Manual for details.

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28-Pin Part Pinout

Table 3. 28-Pin Part Pinout (SSOP)
Pin Type Figure 4. CY8C21534 28-Pin PSoC Device
Name Description
No. Digital Analog
1 I/O I, M P0[7] Analog column mux input AI, M, P0[7] 1 28 VDD
2 I/O I, M P0[5] Analog column mux input AI, M, P0[5] 2 27 P0[6], M, AI
3 I/O I, M P0[3] Analog column mux input, CMOD capacitor pin AI, M, P0[3] 3 26 P0[4], M, AI
AI, M, P0[1] 4 25 P0[2], M, AI
4 I/O I, M P0[1] Analog column mux input, CMOD capacitor pin
M, P2[7] 5 24 P0[0], M, AI
5 I/O M P2[7]
M, P2[5] 6 23 P2[6], M
6 I/O M P2[5]
M, P2[3] 7 22 P2[4], M
7 I/O M P2[3] SSOP
M, P2[1] 8 21 P2[2], M
8 I/O M P2[1] VSS 9 20 P2[0], M
9 Power VSS Ground connection I2C SCL, M, P1[7] 10 19 XRES
10 I/O M P1[7] I2C SCL I2C SDA, M, P1[5] 11 18 P1[6], M
M, P1[3] 12 17 P1[4], M, EXTCLK
11 I/O M P1[5] I2C SDA
I2C SCL, M, P1[1] 13 16 P1[2], M
12 I/O M P1[3]
VSS 14 15 P1[0], M, I2C SDA
13 I/O M P1[1] I2C SCL, ISSP-SCLK[5]
14 Power VSS Ground connection
15 I/O M P1[0] I2C SDA, ISSP-SDATA[5]
16 I/O M P1[2]
17 I/O M P1[4] Optional EXTCLK
18 I/O M P1[6]
19 Input XRES Active high external reset with internal
20 I/O M P2[0]
21 I/O M P2[2]
22 I/O M P2[4]
23 I/O M P2[6]
24 I/O I, M P0[0] Analog column mux input
25 I/O I, M P0[2] Analog column mux input
26 I/O I, M P0[4] Analog column mux input
27 I/O I, M P0[6] Analog column mux input
28 Power VDD Supply voltage

LEGEND A = Analog, I = Input, O = Output, and M = Analog Mux Input.

5. These are the ISSP pins, which are not high Z when coming out of POR. See the PSoC Technical Reference Manual for details.

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Register Conventions Register Mapping Tables
This section lists the registers of the CY8C21x34 PSoC device. The PSoC device has a total register address space of
For detailed register information, refer to the PSoC Technical 512 bytes. The register space is referred to as I/O space and is
Reference Manual. divided into two banks, bank 0 and bank 1. The XIO bit in the
The register conventions specific to this section are listed in the Flag register (CPU_F) determines which bank the user is
following table. currently in. When the XIO bit is set to ‘1’, the user is in bank 1.
Note In the following register mapping tables, blank fields are
Convention Description Reserved and must not be accessed.
R Read register or bit(s)
W Write register or bit(s)
L Logical register or bit(s)
C Clearable register or bit(s)
# Access is bit specific

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Table 4. Register Map 0 Table: User Space

Addr Addr Addr Addr
Name Access Name Access Name Access Name Access
(0,Hex) (0,Hex) (0,Hex) (0,Hex)
PRT0DR 00 RW 40 ASE10CR0 80 RW C0
PRT0IE 01 RW 41 81 C1
PRT0GS 02 RW 42 82 C2
PRT0DM2 03 RW 43 83 C3
PRT1DR 04 RW 44 ASE11CR0 84 RW C4
PRT1IE 05 RW 45 85 C5
PRT1GS 06 RW 46 86 C6
PRT1DM2 07 RW 47 87 C7
PRT2DR 08 RW 48 88 C8
PRT2IE 09 RW 49 89 C9
0C 4C 8C CC
0D 4D 8D CD
0E 4E 8E CE
0F 4F 8F CF
10 50 90 CUR_PP D0 RW
11 51 91 STK_PP D1 RW
12 52 92 D2
13 53 93 IDX_PP D3 RW
14 54 94 MVR_PP D4 RW
15 55 95 MVW_PP D5 RW
16 56 96 I2C_CFG D6 RW
17 57 97 I2C_SCR D7 #
18 58 98 I2C_DR D8 RW
19 59 99 I2C_MSCR D9 #
1C 5C 9C DC
1F 5F 9F DF
DBB00DR0 20 # AMX_IN 60 RW A0 INT_MSK0 E0 RW
DBB00CR0 23 # 63 A3 RES_WDT E3 W
DBB01DR0 24 # CMP_CR0 64 # A4 E4
DBB01DR1 25 W 65 A5 E5
DBB01CR0 27 # 67 A7 DEC_CR1 E7 RW
DCB02DR0 28 # ADC0_CR 68 # A8 E8
DCB02DR1 29 W ADC1_CR 69 # A9 E9
DCB02CR0 2B # 6B AB EB
30 70 RDI0RI B0 RW F0
31 71 RDI0SYN B1 RW F1
32 ACE00CR1 72 RW RDI0IS B2 RW F2
33 ACE00CR2 73 RW RDI0LT0 B3 RW F3
34 74 RDI0LT1 B4 RW F4
35 75 RDI0RO0 B5 RW F5
36 ACE01CR1 76 RW RDI0RO1 B6 RW F6
37 ACE01CR2 77 RW B7 CPU_F F7 RL
38 78 B8 F8
39 79 B9 F9
Blank fields are Reserved and must not be accessed. # Access is bit specific.

Document Number: 001-12550 Rev. *K Page 11 of 39


Table 5. Register Map 1 Table: Configuration Space

Addr Addr Addr Addr
Name Access Name Access Name Access Name Access
(1,Hex) (1,Hex) (1,Hex) (1,Hex)
PRT0DM0 00 RW 40 ASE10CR0 80 RW C0
PRT0DM1 01 RW 41 81 C1
PRT0IC0 02 RW 42 82 C2
PRT0IC1 03 RW 43 83 C3
PRT1DM0 04 RW 44 ASE11CR0 84 RW C4
PRT1DM1 05 RW 45 85 C5
PRT1IC0 06 RW 46 86 C6
PRT1IC1 07 RW 47 87 C7
PRT2DM0 08 RW 48 88 C8
PRT2DM1 09 RW 49 89 C9
0C 4C 8C CC
0D 4D 8D CD
0E 4E 8E CE
0F 4F 8F CF
10 50 90 GDI_O_IN D0 RW
11 51 91 GDI_E_IN D1 RW
12 52 92 GDI_O_OU D2 RW
13 53 93 GDI_E_OU D3 RW
14 54 94 D4
15 55 95 D5
16 56 96 D6
17 57 97 D7
18 58 98 MUX_CR0 D8 RW
19 59 99 MUX_CR1 D9 RW
1C 5C 9C DC
23 AMD_CR0 63 RW A3 VLT_CR E3 RW
DBB01IN 25 RW 65 A5 ADC0_TR E5 RW
27 ALT_CR0 67 RW A7 E7
DCB02FN 28 RW 68 A8 IMO_TR E8 W
DCB02IN 29 RW 69 A9 ILO_TR E9 W
30 70 RDI0RI B0 RW F0
31 71 RDI0SYN B1 RW F1
32 ACE00CR1 72 RW RDI0IS B2 RW F2
33 ACE00CR2 73 RW RDI0LT0 B3 RW F3
34 74 RDI0LT1 B4 RW F4
35 75 RDI0RO0 B5 RW F5
36 ACE01CR1 76 RW RDI0RO1 B6 RW F6
37 ACE01CR2 77 RW B7 CPU_F F7 RL
38 78 B8 F8
39 79 B9 F9
Blank fields are Reserved and must not be accessed. # Access is bit specific.

Document Number: 001-12550 Rev. *K Page 12 of 39


Electrical Specifications
This section presents the DC and AC electrical specifications of the CY8C21x34 PSoC device. For the most up-to-date electrical
specifications, visit the Cypress website at
Specifications are valid for –40 C  TA  85 C and TJ  100 C as specified, except where noted. Refer to Table 12 on page 18 for
the electrical specifications for the IMO using slow IMO (SLIMO) mode.
Figure 5. Voltage versus CPU Frequency Figure 6. IMO Frequency Trim Options

lid ing 5.25
Va rat ion SLIMO SLIMO
pe g
O Re Mode = 1 Mode = 0

VDD Voltage (V)

VDD Voltage (V)

3.6 3.6
Va rat ion
pe g Mode = 1 Mode = 0
O Re 3.0

0 0
93 kHz 12 MHz 24 MHz 6 MHz 12 MHz 24 MHz
CPU Frequency
IMO Frequency
(nominal setting)

Document Number: 001-12550 Rev. *K Page 13 of 39


Absolute Maximum Ratings

Exceeding maximum ratings may shorten the useful life of the device. User guidelines are not tested

Symbol Description Min Typ Max Units Notes

TSTG Storage temperature –55 25 +100 C Higher storage temperatures reduce
data retention time. Recommended
storage temperature is +25 C ±
25 C. Time spent in storage at a
temperature greater than 65 °C
counts toward the FlashDR electrical
specification in Table 11 on page 17.
TBAKETEMP Bake temperature – 125 See C
tBAKETIME Bake time See – 72 Hours
TA Ambient temperature with power –40 – +85 C
VDD Supply voltage on VDD relative to VSS –0.5 – +6.0 V
VIO DC input voltage VSS – 0.5 – VDD + 0.5 V
VIOZ DC voltage applied to tri-state VSS – 0.5 – VDD + 0.5 V
IMIO Maximum current into any port pin –25 – +50 mA
ESD Electrostatic discharge voltage 2000 – – V Human Body Model ESD
LU Latch up current – – 200 mA

Operating Temperature

Symbol Description Min Typ Max Units Notes

TA Ambient temperature –40 – +85 C
TJ Junction temperature –40 – +100 C The temperature rise from ambient to
junction is package specific. See
Thermal Impedances on page 25. The
user must limit the power consumption
to comply with this requirement.

Document Number: 001-12550 Rev. *K Page 14 of 39


DC Electrical Characteristics
DC Chip Level Specifications
The following table lists guaranteed maximum and minimum specifications for the voltage and temperature ranges: 4.75 V to 5.25 V
and –40 C  TA  85 C or 3.0 V to 3.6 V and –40 C  TA  85 C, respectively. Typical parameters apply to 5 V or 3.3 V at 25 C
and are for design guidance only.
Table 6. DC Chip Level Specifications
Symbol Description Min Typ Max Units Notes
VDD Supply voltage 3.0 – 5.25 V See table titled DC POR and LVD Specifi-
cations on page 16
IDD Supply current, IMO = 24 MHz – 4 6 mA Conditions are VDD = 5.25 V, CPU =
3 MHz, 48 MHz disabled. VC1 = 1.5 MHz,
VC2 = 93.75 kHz, VC3 = 0.366 kHz
IDD3 Supply current, IMO = 6 MHz using – 2 4 mA Conditions are VDD = 3.3 V, CPU =
SLIMO mode 3 MHz, 48 MHz disabled. VC1 = 375 kHz,
VC2 = 23.4 kHz, VC3 = 0.091 kHz
ISB1 Sleep (mode) current with POR, LVD, – 2.8 7 A VDD = 3.3 V, –40 C TA  85 C
sleep timer, WDT, and ILO active
ISB2 Sleep (mode) current with POR, LVD, – 5 15 A VDD = 5.25 V, –40 C TA  85 C
sleep timer, WDT, and ILO active
VREF Reference voltage (Bandgap) 1.28 1.30 1.32 V Trimmed for appropriate VDD range

DC GPIO Specifications
The following table lists guaranteed maximum and minimum specifications for the voltage and temperature ranges: 4.75 V to 5.25 V
and –40 C  TA  85 C or 3.0 V to 3.6 V and –40 C  TA  85 C, respectively. Typical parameters apply to 5 V or 3.3 V at 25 C
and are for design guidance only.

Table 7. DC GPIO Specifications

Symbol Description Min Typ Max Units Notes
RPU Pull-up resistor 4 5.6 8 k
RPD Pull-down resistor 4 5.6 8 k Also applies to the internal pull-down
resistor on the XRES pin
VOH High output level VDD – 1.0 – – V IOH = 10 mA, VDD = 4.75 to 5.25 V (8 total
loads, 4 on even port pins (for example,
P0[2], P1[4]), 4 on odd port pins (for
example, P0[3], P1[5]))
VOL Low output level – – 0.75 V IOL = 25 mA, VDD = 4.75 to 5.25 V (8 total
loads, 4 on even port pins (for example,
P0[2], P1[4]), 4 on odd port pins (for
example, P0[3], P1[5]))
IOH High level source current 10 – – mA VOH  VDD – 1.0 V, see the limitations of
the total current in the note for VOH
IOL Low level sink current 25 – – mA VOL  0.75 V, see the limitations of the
total current in the note for VOL
VIL Input low level – – 0.8 V
VIH Input high level 2.1 – V
VH Input hysteresis – 60 – mV
IIL Input leakage (absolute value) – 1 – nA Gross tested to 1 A.
CIN Capacitive load on pins as input – 3.5 10 pF Package and pin dependent
Temp = 25 C
COUT Capacitive load on pins as output – 3.5 10 pF Package and pin dependent
Temp = 25 C

Document Number: 001-12550 Rev. *K Page 15 of 39


DC Operational Amplifier Specifications

The following table lists guaranteed maximum and minimum specifications for the voltage and temperature ranges: 4.75 V to 5.25 V
and –40 C  TA  85 C or 3.0 V to 3.6 V and –40 C  TA  85 C, respectively. Typical parameters apply to 5 V or 3.3 V at 25 C
and are for design guidance only.
Table 8. DC Operational Amplifier Specifications
Symbol Description Min Typ Max Units Notes
VOSOA Input offset voltage (absolute value) – 2.5 15 mV
TCVOSOA Average input offset voltage drift – 10 – V/C
IEBOA[6] Input leakage current (Port 0 analog pins) – 200 – pA Gross tested to 1 A
CINOA Input capacitance (Port 0 analog pins) – 4.5 9.5 pF Package and pin dependent
Temp = 25 C
VCMOA Common mode voltage range 0.0 – VDD – 1 V
GOLOA Open loop gain – 80 – dB
ISOA Supply current
3.0 V  VDD  3.6 V – 30 – A
4.75 V  VDD  5.25 V – 35 – A

DC Analog Mux Bus Specifications

The following table lists guaranteed maximum and minimum specifications for the voltage and temperature ranges: 4.75 V to 5.25 V
and –40 C  TA  85 C or 3.0 V to 3.6 V and –40 C  TA  85 C, respectively. Typical parameters apply to 5 V or 3.3 V at 25 C
and are for design guidance only.

Table 9. DC Analog Mux Bus Specifications

Symbol Description Min Typ Max Units Notes

RSW Switch resistance to common analog bus – – 400 
RVDD Resistance of initialization switch to VDD – – 800 

DC POR and LVD Specifications

The following table lists guaranteed maximum and minimum specifications for the voltage and temperature ranges: 4.75 V to 5.25 V
and –40 C  TA  85 C or 3.0 V to 3.6 V and –40 C  TA  85 C, respectively. Typical parameters apply to 5 V or 3.3 V at 25 C
and are for design guidance only.

Table 10. DC POR and LVD Specifications

Symbol Description Min Typ Max Units Notes
VDD value for precision POR (PPOR) trip VDD must be greater than or
VPPOR0 PORLEV[1:0] = 00b – 2.36 2.40 V equal to 2.5 V during startup,
VPPOR1 PORLEV[1:0] = 01b – 2.82 2.95 V reset from the XRES pin, or reset
VPPOR2 PORLEV[1:0] = 10b – 4.55 4.70 V from watchdog.
VDD value for LVD trip
VLVD1 VM[2:0] = 001b 2.85 2.92 2.99[7] V
VLVD2 VM[2:0] = 010b 2.95 3.02 3.09 V
VLVD3 VM[2:0] = 011b 3.06 3.13 3.20 V
VLVD4 VM[2:0] = 100b 4.37 4.48 4.55 V
VLVD5 VM[2:0] = 101b 4.50 4.64 4.75 V
VLVD6 VM[2:0] = 110b 4.62 4.73 4.83 V
VLVD7 VM[2:0] = 111b 4.71 4.81 4.95 V

6. Atypical behavior: IEBOA of Port 0 Pin 0 is below 1 nA at 25 C; 50 nA over temperature. Use Port 0 Pins 1-7 for the lowest leakage of 200 pA.
7. Always greater than 50 mV above VPPOR1 (PORLEV[1:0] = 01b) for falling supply.

Document Number: 001-12550 Rev. *K Page 16 of 39


DC Programming Specifications
The following table lists guaranteed maximum and minimum specifications for the voltage and temperature ranges: 4.75 V to 5.25 V
and –40 C  TA  85 C or 3.0 V to 3.6 V and –40 C  TA  85 C, respectively. Typical parameters apply to 5 V or 3.3 V at 25 C
and are for design guidance only.

Table 11. DC Programming Specifications

Symbol Description Min Typ Max Units Notes

VDDP VDD for programming and erase 4.5 5 5.5 V This specification applies to
the functional requirements of
external programmer tools
VDDLV Low VDD for verify 3.0 3.1 3.2 V This specification applies to
the functional requirements of
external programmer tools
VDDHV High VDD for verify 5.1 5.2 5.3 V This specification applies to
the functional requirements of
external programmer tools
VDDIWRITE Supply voltage for flash write operation 3.0 – 5.25 V This specification applies to
this device when it is
executing internal flash writes
IDDP Supply current during programming or verify – 5 25 mA
VILP Input low voltage during programming or verify – – 0.8 V
VIHP Input high voltage during programming or verify 2.2 – – V
IILP Input current when applying VILP to P1[0] or – – 0.2 mA Driving internal pull-down
P1[1] during programming or verify resistor
IIHP Input current when applying VIHP to P1[0] or – – 1.5 mA Driving internal pull-down
P1[1] during programming or verify resistor
VOLV Output low voltage during programming or – – 0.75 V
VOHV Output high voltage during programming or VDD – 1.0 – VDD V
FlashENPB Flash endurance (per block)[8, 9] 1,000 – – – Erase/write cycles per block
FlashENT Flash endurance (total)[9, 10] 128,000 – – – Erase/write cycles
FlashDR Flash data retention 15 – – Years

8. The erase/write cycle limit per block (FlashENPB) is only guaranteed if the device operates within one voltage range. Voltage ranges are 3.0 V to 3.6 V and 4.75 V to
5.25 V.
9. For the full temperature range, the user must employ a temperature sensor user module (FlashTemp) or other temperature sensor, and feed the result to the temperature
argument before writing. Refer to the Flash APIs Application Note AN2015 for more information.
10. The maximum total number of allowed erase/write cycles is the minimum FlashENPB value multiplied by the number of flash blocks in the device.

Document Number: 001-12550 Rev. *K Page 17 of 39


AC Electrical Characteristics
AC Chip Level Specifications
The following table lists guaranteed maximum and minimum specifications for the voltage and temperature ranges: 4.75 V to 5.25 V
and –40 C  TA  85 C or 3.0 V to 3.6 V and –40 C  TA  85 C, respectively. Typical parameters apply to 5 V or 3.3 V at 25 C
and are for design guidance only.

Table 12. AC Chip Level Specifications

Symbol Description Min Typ Max Units Notes

FIMO24 IMO frequency for 24 MHz 22.8[11] 24 25.2[11] MHz Trimmed for 5 V or 3.3 V
operation using factory trim
values. See Figure 6 on page 13.
SLIMO mode = 0.
FIMO6 IMO frequency for 6 MHz 5.5[11] 6 6.5[11] MHz Trimmed for 5 V or 3.3 V
operation using factory trim
values. See Figure 6 on page 13.
SLIMO mode = 1.
FCPU1 CPU frequency (5 V VDD nominal) 0.089[11] 24 25.2[11] MHz 24 MHz only for SLIMO mode = 0
FCPU2 CPU frequency (3.3 V VDD nominal) 0.089[11] 12 12.6[11] MHz
FBLK5 Digital PSoC block frequency0(5 V VDD 0 48 50.4[11,12] MHz Refer to the AC Digital Block
nominal) Specifications below
FBLK33. Digital PSoC block frequency (3.3 V VDD 0 24 25.2[11, 12] MHz Refer to the AC Digital Block
nominal) Specifications below
F32K1 ILO frequency 15 32 64 kHz This specification applies when
the ILO has been trimmed
F32KU ILO untrimmed frequency 5 – 100 kHz After a reset and before the M8C
processor starts to execute, the
ILO is not trimmed.
tXRST External reset pulse width 10 – – s
DC24M 24 MHz duty cycle 40 50 60 %
DCILO ILO duty cycle 20 50 80 %
Step24M 24 MHz trim step size – 50 – kHz
Fout48M 48 MHz output frequency 45.6[11] 48.0 50.4[11] MHz
FMAX Maximum frequency of signal on row – – 12.6 MHz
input or row output
SRPOWERUP Power supply slew rate – – 250 V/ms VDD slew rate during power-up
tPOWERUP Time between end of POR state and – 16 100 ms Power-up from 0 V.
CPU code execution
tJIT_IMO 24 MHz IMO cycle-to-cycle jitter (RMS) – 200 700 ps
24 MHz IMO long term N cycle-to-cycle – 300 900 ps N = 32
jitter (RMS)
24 MHz IMO period jitter (RMS) – 100 400 ps

11. Accuracy derived from IMO with appropriate trim for VDD range.
12. See the individual user module datasheets for information on maximum frequencies for user modules.
13. Refer to Cypress Jitter Specifications application note, Understanding Datasheet Jitter Specifications for Cypress Timing Products – AN5054 for more information.

Document Number: 001-12550 Rev. *K Page 18 of 39


AC GPIO Specifications
The following table lists guaranteed maximum and minimum specifications for the voltage and temperature ranges: 4.75 V to 5.25 V
and –40 C  TA  85 C or 3.0 V to 3.6 V and –40 C  TA  85 C, respectively. Typical parameters apply to 5 V or 3.3 V at 25 C
and are for design guidance only.

Table 13. AC GPIO Specifications

Symbol Description Min Typ Max Units Notes
FGPIO GPIO operating frequency 0 – 12.6 MHz Normal Strong Mode
TRiseF Rise time, normal strong mode, Cload = 50 pF 2 6 18 ns VDD = 4.75 to 5.25 V, 10% to 90%
TFallF Fall time, normal strong mode, Cload = 50 pF 2 6 18 ns VDD = 4.75 to 5.25 V, 10% to 90%
TRiseS Rise time, slow strong mode, Cload = 50 pF 7 27 – ns VDD = 3 to 5.25 V, 10% to 90%
TFallS Fall time, slow strong mode, Cload = 50 pF 7 22 – ns VDD = 3 to 5.25 V, 10% to 90%

Figure 7. GPIO Timing Diagram




TRiseF TFallF
TRiseS TFallS

Document Number: 001-12550 Rev. *K Page 19 of 39


AC Operational Amplifier Specifications

The following table lists guaranteed maximum and minimum specifications for the voltage and temperature ranges: 4.75 V to 5.25 V
and –40 C  TA  85 C or 3.0 V to 3.6 V and –40 C  TA  85 C, respectively. Typical parameters apply to 5 V or 3.3 V at 25 C
and are for design guidance only.
Table 14. AC Operational Amplifier Specifications
Symbol Description Min Typ Max Units Notes
tCOMP Comparator mode response time, 50 – 75 100 ns
mV overdrive

AC Digital Block Specifications

The following table lists guaranteed maximum and minimum specifications for the voltage and temperature ranges: 4.75 V to 5.25 V
and –40 C  TA  85 C or 3.0 V to 3.6 V and –40 C  TA  85 C, respectively. Typical parameters apply to 5 V or 3.3 V at 25 C
and are for design guidance only.

Table 15. AC Digital Block Specifications

Function Description Min Typ Max Units Notes
All functions Block input clock frequency
VDD  4.75 V – – 50.4[15] MHz
VDD < 4.75 V – – 25.2[15] MHz
Timer Input clock frequency
No capture, VDD  4.75 V – – 50.4[15] MHz
No capture, VDD < 4.75 V – – 25.2[15] MHz
With capture – – 25.2[15] MHz
Capture pulse width 50[14] – – ns
Counter Input clock frequency
No enable input, VDD  4.75 V – – 50.4[15] MHz
No enable input, VDD < 4.75 V – – 25.2[15] MHz
With enable input – – 25.2[15] MHz
Enable input pulse width 50[14] – – ns
Dead Band Kill pulse width
Asynchronous restart mode 20 – – ns
Synchronous restart mode 50[14] – – ns
Disable mode 50[14] – – ns
Input clock frequency
VDD  4.75 V – – 50.4[15] MHz
VDD < 4.75 V – – 25.2[15] MHz
CRCPRS Input clock frequency
(PRS Mode) VDD  4.75 V – – 50.4[15] MHz
VDD < 4.75 V – – 25.2[15] MHz
CRCPRS Input clock frequency – – 25.2[15] MHz
(CRC Mode)
SPIM Input clock frequency – – 8.4[15] MHz The SPI serial clock (SCLK)
frequency is equal to the input
clock frequency divided by 2.
SPIS Input clock (SCLK) frequency – – 4.2[15] MHz The input clock is the SPI SCLK
in SPIS mode.
Width of SS_Negated between transmissions 50[14] – – ns

14. 50 ns minimum input pulse width is based on the input synchronizers running at 24 MHz (42 ns nominal period).
15. Accuracy derived from IMO with appropriate trim for VDD range.

Document Number: 001-12550 Rev. *K Page 20 of 39


Table 15. AC Digital Block Specifications (continued)

Function Description Min Typ Max Units Notes
Transmitter Input clock frequency The baud rate is equal to the input
VDD  4.75 V, 2 stop bits – – 50.4[15] MHz clock frequency divided by 8.
VDD  4.75 V, 1 stop bit – – 25.2[15] MHz
VDD < 4.75 V – – 25.2[15] MHz
Receiver Input clock frequency The baud rate is equal to the input
VDD  4.75 V, 2 stop bits – – 50.4[15] MHz clock frequency divided by 8.
VDD  4.75 V, 1 stop bit – – 25.2[15] MHz
VDD < 4.75 V – – 25.2[15] MHz

AC External Clock Specifications

The following table lists guaranteed maximum and minimum specifications for the voltage and temperature ranges: 4.75 V to 5.25 V
and –40 C  TA  85 C or 3.0 V to 3.6 V and –40 C  TA  85 C, respectively. Typical parameters apply to 5 V or 3.3 V at 25 C
and are for design guidance only.
Table 16. 5 V AC External Clock Specifications
Symbol Description Min Typ Max Units Notes
FOSCEXT Frequency 0.093 – 24.6 MHz
– High period 20.6 – 5300 ns
– Low period 20.6 – – ns
– Power-up IMO to switch 150 – – s

Table 17. 3.3 V AC External Clock Specifications

Symbol Description Min Typ Max Units Notes
FOSCEXT Frequency with CPU clock divide by 1 0.093 – 12.3 MHz Maximum CPU frequency is 12 MHz
at 3.3 V. With the CPU clock divider
set to 1, the external clock must
adhere to the maximum frequency
and duty cycle requirements.
FOSCEXT Frequency with CPU clock divide by 2 or 0.186 – 24.6 MHz If the frequency of the external clock
greater is greater than 12 MHz, the CPU clock
divider must be set to 2 or greater. In
this case, the CPU clock divider
ensures that the fifty percent duty
cycle requirement is met.
– High period with CPU clock divide by 1 41.7 – 5300 ns
– Low period with CPU clock divide by 1 41.7 – – ns
– Power-up IMO to switch 150 – – s

Document Number: 001-12550 Rev. *K Page 21 of 39


AC Programming Specifications
The following table lists guaranteed maximum and minimum specifications for the voltage and temperature ranges: 4.75 V to 5.25 V
and –40 C  TA  85 C or 3.0 V to 3.6 V and –40 C  TA  85 C, respectively. Typical parameters apply to 5 V or 3.3 V at 25 C
and are for design guidance only.

Table 18. AC Programming Specifications

Symbol Description Min Typ Max Units Notes
tRSCLK Rise time of SCLK 1 – 20 ns
tFSCLK Fall time of SCLK 1 – 20 ns
tSSCLK Data setup time to falling edge of SCLK 40 – – ns
tHSCLK Data hold time from falling edge of SCLK 40 – – ns
tSCLK Frequency of SCLK 0 – 8 MHz
tERASEB Flash block erase time – 10 40[16] ms
tWRITE Flash block write time – 40 160[16] ms
tDSCLK Data out delay from falling edge of SCLK – 38 45 ns 3.6  VDD
tDSCLK3 Data out delay from falling edge of SCLK – 44 50 ns 3.0  VDD  3.6
tPRGH Total flash block program time – – 100[16] ms TJ  0 C
(tERASEB + tWRITE), hot
tPRGC Total flash block program time – – 200[16] ms TJ  0 C
(tERASEB + tWRITE), cold

16. For the full temperature range, the user must employ a temperature sensor user module (FlashTemp) or other temperature sensor, and feed the result to the
temperature argument before writing. Refer to the Flash APIs Application Note AN2015 for more information.

Document Number: 001-12550 Rev. *K Page 22 of 39


AC I2C Specifications
The following table lists guaranteed maximum and minimum specifications for the voltage and temperature ranges: 4.75 V to 5.25 V
and –40 C  TA  85 C or 3.0 V to 3.6 V and –40 C  TA  85 C, respectively. Typical parameters apply to 5 V or 3.3 V at 25 C
and are for design guidance only.

Table 19. AC Characteristics of the I2C SDA and SCL Pins

Standard Mode Fast Mode
Symbol Description Units Notes
Min Max Min Max
FSCLI2C SCL clock frequency 0 100[17] 0 400[17] kHz
tHDSTAI2C Hold time (repeated) START condition. 4.0 – 0.6 – s
After this period, the first clock pulse is
tLOWI2C LOW period of the SCL clock 4.7 – 1.3 – s
tHIGHI2C HIGH period of the SCL clock 4.0 – 0.6 – s
tSUSTAI2C Setup time for a repeated START condition 4.7 – 0.6 – s
tHDDATI2C Data hold time 0 – 0 – s
tSUDATI2C Data setup time 250 – 100[18] – ns
tSUSTOI2C Setup time for STOP condition 4.0 – 0.6 – s
tBUFI2C Bus free time between a STOP and START 4.7 – 1.3 – s
tSPI2C Pulse width of spikes are suppressed by the – – 0 50 ns
input filter.

Figure 8. Definition for Timing for Fast/Standard Mode on the I2C Bus





S Sr P S

START Condition Repeated START Condition STOP Condition

17. FSCLI2C is derived from SysClk of the PSoC. This specification assumes that SysClk is operating at 24 MHz, nominal. If SysClk is at a lower frequency, then the
FSCLI2C specification adjusts accordingly
18. A Fast-Mode I2C-bus device can be used in a Standard-Mode I2C-bus system, but the requirement tSUDATI2C  250 ns must then be met. This is automatically the
case if the device does not stretch the LOW period of the SCL signal. If such device does stretch the LOW period of the SCL signal, it must output the next data bit
to the SDA line trmax +tSUDATI2C = 1000 + 250 = 1250 ns (according to the Standard-Mode I2C-bus specification) before the SCL line is released.

Document Number: 001-12550 Rev. *K Page 23 of 39


Packaging Information
This section illustrates the packaging specifications for the CY8C21x34 PSoC device, along with the thermal impedances for each
Important Note Emulation tools may require a larger area on the target PCB than the chip's footprint. For a detailed description of
the emulation tools' dimensions, refer to the emulator pod drawings at

Packaging Dimensions
Figure 9. 20-pin SSOP (210 Mils) O20.21 Package Outline, 51-85077

51-85077 *F

Document Number: 001-12550 Rev. *K Page 24 of 39


Figure 10. 28-pin SSOP (210 Mils) O28.21 Package Outline, 51-85079

51-85079 *F

Thermal Impedances Solder Reflow Specifications

Table 20. Thermal Impedances per Package Table 21 shows the solder reflow temperature limits that must
not be exceeded.
Package Typical JA [19] Typical JC
20-Pin SSOP 117 C/W 41 C/W Table 21. Solder Reflow Specifications
28-Pin SSOP 96 C/W 39 C/W Maximum Peak Maximum Time
Package Temperature (TC) above TC – 5 °C
20-Pin SSOP 260 C 30 seconds
28-Pin SSOP 260 C 30 seconds

19. TJ = TA + Power x JA

Document Number: 001-12550 Rev. *K Page 25 of 39


Tape and Reel Information

Figure 11. 20-pin SSOP (209 Mils) Advantek Carrier Tape Drawing, 51-51101

51-51101 *C

Document Number: 001-12550 Rev. *K Page 26 of 39


Figure 12. 28-pin SSOP (209 Mils) C-PAK Carrier Tape Drawing, 51-51100

51-51100 *D

Table 22. Tape and Reel Specifications

Cover Tape Hub Size Minimum Leading Standard Full Reel
Package Trailing Empty
Width (mm) (inches) Empty Pockets Quantity
20-Pin SSOP 13.3 4 42 25 2000
28-Pin SSOP 13.3 7 42 25 1000

Document Number: 001-12550 Rev. *K Page 27 of 39


Development Tool Selection

This section presents the development tools available for the CY8C21x34 family.

Software pre-defined control circuitry and plug-in hardware. The kit comes
with a control boards for CY8C20x34 and CY8C21x34 devices
PSoC Designer as well as a breadboard module and a button(5)/slider module.
At the core of the PSoC development software suite is
PSoC Designer. Utilized by thousands of PSoC developers, this Evaluation Tools
robust software has been facilitating PSoC designs for years. All evaluation tools can be purchased from the Cypress Online
PSoC Designer is available free of charge at Store. PSoC Designer comes with a free C
compiler. CY3210-PSoCEval1
The CY3210-PSoCEval1 kit features an evaluation board and
PSoC Programmer the MiniProg1 programming unit. The evaluation board includes
Flexible enough to be used on the bench in development, yet an LCD module, potentiometer, LEDs, an RS-232 port, and
suitable for factory programming, PSoC Programmer works plenty of breadboarding space to meet all of your evaluation
either as a standalone programming application or it can operate needs. The kit includes:
directly from PSoC Designer. PSoC Programmer software is
■ Evaluation board with LCD module
compatible with both PSoC ICE-Cube in-circuit emulator and
PSoC MiniProg. PSoC programmer is available free of charge at ■ MiniProg programming unit
■ Two 28-Pin CY8C29466-24PXI PDIP PSoC device samples
Development Kits
■ PSoC Designer software CD
All development kits can be purchased from the Cypress Online
Store. The online store also has the most up-to-date information ■ Getting Started guide
on kit contents, descriptions, and availability. ■ USB 2.0 cable
CY3215-DK Basic Development Kit CY3235-ProxDet
The CY3215-DK is for prototyping and development with PSoC The CY3235 CapSense Proximity Detection Demonstration Kit
Designer. This kit supports in-circuit emulation, and the software allows quick and easy demonstration of a PSoC
interface allows you to run, halt, and single step the processor, CapSense-enabled device (CY8C21x34) to accurately sense
and view the contents of specific memory locations. Advanced the proximity of a hand or finger along the length of a wire
emulation features are also supported through PSoC Designer. antenna. The kit includes:
The kit includes:
■ Proximity detection demo board w/antenna
■ ICE-Cube unit
■ I2C to USB debugging/communication bridge
■ 28-Pin PDIP emulation pod for CY8C29466-24PXI
■ USB cable (6 feet)
■ Two 28-Pin CY8C29466-24PXI PDIP PSoC device samples
■ Supporting software CD
■ PSoC designer software CD
■ CY3235-ProxDet Quick Start guide
■ ISSP cable
■ One CY8C24894 PSoC device on I2C-USB bridge
■ MiniEval socket programming and evaluation board
■ One CY8C21434 PSoC device on proximity detection demo
■ Backward compatibility cable (for connecting to legacy pods) board
■ Universal 110/220 power supply (12 V)
CY3210-21X34 Evaluation Pod (EvalPod)
■ European plug adapter The CY3210-21X34 PSoC EvalPods are pods that connect to
■ USB 2.0 cable the ICE in-circuit emulator (CY3215-DK kit) to allow debugging
capability. They can also function as a standalone device without
■ Getting Started guide debugging capability. The EvalPod has a 28-pin DIP footprint on
the bottom for easy connection to development kits or other
■ Development kit registration form
hardware. The top of the EvalPod has prototyping headers for
CY3280-BK1 easy connection to the device's pins. CY3210-21X34 provides
evaluation of the CY8C21x34 PSoC device family.
The CY3280-BK1 Universal CapSense Control Kit is designed
for easy prototyping and debug of CapSense designs with

Document Number: 001-12550 Rev. *K Page 28 of 39


Device Programmers small, compact prototyping programmer that connects to the PC

via a provided USB 2.0 cable. The kit includes:
All device programmers can be purchased from the Cypress
Online Store. ■ MiniProg1 programmer
CY3217-MiniProg1 ■ USB A to Mini B cable
The CY3217-MiniProg1 kit allows a user to program PSoC ■ CY3217-MiniProg1 kit CD which has Kit documents,
devices via the MiniProg1 programming unit. The MiniProg is a PSoC Designer/Programmer installation files
■ Getting Started guide

Accessories (Emulation and Programming)

Table 23. Emulation and Programming Accessories

Part Number Pin Package Pod Kit[20] Foot Kit[21] Adapter[22]
CY8C21334-24PVXA 20-Pin SSOP CY3250-21X34 CY3250-20SSOP-FK Adapters are available at
CY8C21534-24PVXA 28-Pin SSOP CY3250-21X34 CY3250-28SSOP-FK

20. Pod kit contains an emulation pod, a flex-cable (connects the pod to the ICE), two feet, and device samples.
21. Foot kit includes surface mount feet that can be soldered to the target PCB.
22. Programming adapter converts non-DIP package to DIP footprint. Specific details and ordering information for each of the adapters are available at

Document Number: 001-12550 Rev. *K Page 29 of 39


Ordering Information
The following table lists the CY8C21x34 PSoC device’s key package features and ordering codes.
Table 24. PSoC Device Key Features and Ordering Information


Digital I/O









20-Pin (210-Mil) SSOP CY8C21334-24PVXA 8K 512 –40 C to +85 C 4 4 16 16 0 Yes
20-Pin (210-Mil) SSOP CY8C21334-24PVXAT 8K 512 –40 C to +85 C 4 4 16 16 0 Yes
(Tape and Reel)
28-Pin (210-Mil) SSOP CY8C21534-24PVXA 8K 512 –40 C to +85 C 4 4 24 24 0 Yes
28-Pin (210-Mil) SSOP CY8C21534-24PVXAT 8K 512 –40 C to +85 C 4 4 24 24 0 Yes
(Tape and Reel)

Ordering Code Definitions

CY 8 C 21 xxx-24xx
Package Type: Thermal Rating:
PX = PDIP Pb-free A = Automotive –40 C to +85 C
SX = SOIC Pb-free C = Commercial
PVX = SSOP Pb-free I = Industrial
LFX = QFN Pb-free E = Automotive Extended –40 C to +125 C
AX = TQFP Pb-free
CPU Speed: 24 MHz
Part Number
Family Code
Technology Code: C = CMOS
Marketing Code: 8 = PSoC
Company ID: CY = Cypress

Document Number: 001-12550 Rev. *K Page 30 of 39


Table 25 lists the acronyms that are used in this document.
Table 25. Acronyms Used in this Datasheet

Acronym Description Acronym Description

AC alternating current MIPS million instructions per second
AEC Automotive Electronics Council PCB printed circuit board
ADC analog-to-digital converter PDIP plastic dual in-line package
API application programming interface PLL phase-locked loop
CPU central processing unit POR power-on reset
CRC cyclic redundancy check PPOR precision power-on reset
CSD capsense sigma delta PRS pseudo-random sequence
CT continuous time PSoC® Programmable System-on-Chip
DAC digital-to-analog converter PWM pulse width modulator
DC direct current or duty cycle SC switched capacitor
EEPROM electrically erasable programmable read-only SCL / SCLK serial clock
EXTCLK external clock SDA serial data
GPIO general-purpose I/O SLIMO slow internal main oscillator
I2C Inter-Integrated Circuit SMP switch mode pump
ICE in-circuit emulator SOIC small-outline integrated circuit
IDE integrated development environment SPI serial peripheral interface
ILO internal low-speed oscillator SRAM static random access memory
IMO internal main oscillator SROM supervisory read-only memory
I/O input/output SSOP shrink small-outline package
IrDA Infrared Data Association TQFP thin quad flat pack
ISSP in-system serial programming UART universal asynchronous reciever /
LCD liquid crystal display USB universal serial bus
LED light-emitting diode WDT watchdog timer
LVD low voltage detect XRES external reset
MCU microcontroller unit

Reference Documents
CY8CPLC20, CY8CLED16P01, CY8C29x66, CY8C27x43, CY8C24x94, CY8C24x23, CY8C24x23A, CY8C22x13, CY8C21x34,
CY8C21x23, CY7C64215, CY7C603xx, CY8CNP1xx, and CYWUSB6953 PSoC® Programmable System-on-Chip Technical
Reference Manual (TRM) (001-14463)
Design Aids – Reading and Writing PSoC® Flash – AN2015 (001-40459)

Document Number: 001-12550 Rev. *K Page 31 of 39


Document Conventions
Units of Measure
The following table lists the units of measure that are used in this document.

Table 26. Units of Measure

Symbol Unit of Measure Symbol Unit of Measure

C degree Celsius V microvolts
dB decibels mA milliampere
KB 1024 bytes ms millisecond
Kbit 1024 bits mV millivolts
kHz kilohertz nA nanoampere
k kilohm ns nanosecond
Mbaud megabaud  ohm
Mbps megabits per second pA picoampere
MHz megahertz pF picofarad
A microampere ps picosecond
s microsecond V volts

Numeric Conventions
Hexadecimal numbers are represented with all letters in uppercase with an appended lowercase ‘h’ (for example, ‘14h’ or ‘3Ah’).
Hexadecimal numbers may also be represented by a ‘0x’ prefix, the C coding convention. Binary numbers have an appended
lowercase ‘b’ (for example, ‘01010100b’ or ‘01000011b’). Numbers not indicated by an ‘h’, ‘b’, or ‘0x’ are in decimal format.


active high 1. A logic signal having its asserted state as the logic 1 state.
2. A logic signal having the logic 1 state as the higher voltage of the two states.

analog blocks The basic programmable opamp circuits. These are SC (switched capacitor) and CT (continuous time) blocks.
These blocks can be interconnected to provide ADCs, DACs, multi-pole filters, gain stages, and much more.

analog-to-digital A device that changes an analog signal to a digital signal of corresponding magnitude. Typically, an ADC converts
converter (ADC) a voltage to a digital number. The digital-to-analog converter (DAC) performs the reverse operation.

Application A series of software routines that comprise an interface between a computer application and lower level services
programming and functions (for example, user modules and libraries). APIs serve as building blocks for programmers that create
interface (API) software applications.

asynchronous A signal whose data is acknowledged or acted upon immediately, irrespective of any clock signal.

bandgap A stable voltage reference design that matches the positive temperature coefficient of VT with the negative
reference temperature coefficient of VBE, to produce a zero temperature coefficient (ideally) reference.

bandwidth 1. The frequency range of a message or information processing system measured in hertz.
2. The width of the spectral region over which an amplifier (or absorber) has substantial gain (or loss); it is
sometimes represented more specifically as, for example, full width at half maximum.

Document Number: 001-12550 Rev. *K Page 32 of 39


Glossary (continued)

bias 1. A systematic deviation of a value from a reference value.

2. The amount by which the average of a set of values departs from a reference value.
3. The electrical, mechanical, magnetic, or other force (field) applied to a device to establish a reference level to
operate the device.

block 1. A functional unit that performs a single function, such as an oscillator.

2. A functional unit that may be configured to perform one of several functions, such as a digital PSoC block or
an analog PSoC block.

buffer 1. A storage area for data that is used to compensate for a speed difference, when transferring data from one
device to another. Usually refers to an area reserved for I/O operations, into which data is read, or from which
data is written.
2. A portion of memory set aside to store data, often before it is sent to an external device or as it is received
from an external device.
3. An amplifier used to lower the output impedance of a system.

bus 1. A named connection of nets. Bundling nets together in a bus makes it easier to route nets with similar routing
2. A set of signals performing a common function and carrying similar data. Typically represented using vector
notation; for example, address[7:0].
3. One or more conductors that serve as a common connection for a group of related devices.

clock The device that generates a periodic signal with a fixed frequency and duty cycle. A clock is sometimes used to
synchronize different logic blocks.

comparator An electronic circuit that produces an output voltage or current whenever two input levels simultaneously satisfy
predetermined amplitude requirements.

compiler A program that translates a high level language, such as C, into machine language.

configuration In PSoC devices, the register space accessed when the XIO bit, in the CPU_F register, is set to ‘1’.

crystal oscillator An oscillator in which the frequency is controlled by a piezoelectric crystal. Typically a piezoelectric crystal is less
sensitive to ambient temperature than other circuit components.

cyclic redundancy A calculation used to detect errors in data communications, typically performed using a linear feedback shift
check (CRC) register. Similar calculations may be used for a variety of other purposes such as data compression.

data bus A bi-directional set of signals used by a computer to convey information from a memory location to the central
processing unit and vice versa. More generally, a set of signals used to convey data between digital functions.

debugger A hardware and software system that allows you to analyze the operation of the system under development. A
debugger usually allows the developer to step through the firmware one step at a time, set break points, and
analyze memory.

dead band A period of time when neither of two or more signals are in their active state or in transition.

digital blocks The 8-bit logic blocks that can act as a counter, timer, serial receiver, serial transmitter, CRC generator,
pseudo-random number generator, or SPI.

digital-to-analog A device that changes a digital signal to an analog signal of corresponding magnitude. The analog-to-digital
converter (DAC) converter (ADC) performs the reverse operation.

Document Number: 001-12550 Rev. *K Page 33 of 39


Glossary (continued)

duty cycle The relationship of a clock period high time to its low time, expressed as a percent.

emulator Duplicates (provides an emulation of) the functions of one system with a different system, so that the second
system appears to behave like the first system.

external reset An active high signal that is driven into the PSoC device. It causes all operation of the CPU and blocks to stop
(XRES) and return to a pre-defined state.

flash An electrically programmable and erasable, non-volatile technology that provides you the programmability and
data storage of EPROMs, plus in-system erasability. Non-volatile means that the data is retained when power is

flash block The smallest amount of flash ROM space that may be programmed at one time and the smallest amount of flash
space that may be protected.

frequency The number of cycles or events per unit of time, for a periodic function.

gain The ratio of output current, voltage, or power to input current, voltage, or power, respectively. Gain is usually
expressed in dB.

I2C A two-wire serial computer bus by Philips Semiconductors (now NXP Semiconductors). It is used to connect
low-speed peripherals in an embedded system. The original system was created in the early 1980s as a battery
control interface, but it was later used as a simple internal bus system for building control electronics. I2C uses
only two bi-directional pins, clock and data, both running at the VDD suppy voltage and pulled high with resistors.
The bus operates up to100 kbits/second in standard mode and 400 kbits/second in fast mode.

ICE The in-circuit emulator that allows you to test the project in a hardware environment, while viewing the debugging
device activity in a software environment (PSoC Designer).

input/output (I/O) A device that introduces data into or extracts data from a system.

interrupt A suspension of a process, such as the execution of a computer program, caused by an event external to that
process, and performed in such a way that the process can be resumed.

interrupt service A block of code that normal code execution is diverted to when the CPU receives a hardware interrupt. Many
routine (ISR) interrupt sources may each exist with its own priority and individual ISR code block. Each ISR code block ends
with the RETI instruction, returning the device to the point in the program where it left normal program execution.

jitter 1. A misplacement of the timing of a transition from its ideal position. A typical form of corruption that occurs on
serial data streams.
2. The abrupt and unwanted variations of one or more signal characteristics, such as the interval between
successive pulses, the amplitude of successive cycles, or the frequency or phase of successive cycles.

low voltage detect A circuit that senses VDD and provides an interrupt to the system when VDD falls below a selected threshold.

M8C An 8-bit Harvard-architecture microprocessor. The microprocessor coordinates all activity inside a PSoC by
interfacing to the flash, SRAM, and register space.

master device A device that controls the timing for data exchanges between two devices. Or when devices are cascaded in
width, the master device is the one that controls the timing for data exchanges between the cascaded devices
and an external interface. The controlled device is called the slave device.

Document Number: 001-12550 Rev. *K Page 34 of 39


Glossary (continued)

microcontroller An integrated circuit chip that is designed primarily for control systems and products. In addition to a CPU, a
microcontroller typically includes memory, timing circuits, and I/O circuitry. The reason for this is to permit the
realization of a controller with a minimal quantity of chips, thus achieving maximal possible miniaturization. This
in turn, reduces the volume and the cost of the controller. The microcontroller is normally not used for
general-purpose computation as is a microprocessor.

mixed-signal The reference to a circuit containing both analog and digital techniques and components.

modulator A device that imposes a signal on a carrier.

noise 1. A disturbance that affects a signal and that may distort the information carried by the signal.
2. The random variations of one or more characteristics of any entity such as voltage, current, or data.

oscillator A circuit that may be crystal controlled and is used to generate a clock frequency.

parity A technique for testing transmitted data. Typically, a binary digit is added to the data to make the sum of all the
digits of the binary data either always even (even parity) or always odd (odd parity).

phase-locked An electronic circuit that controls an oscillator so that it maintains a constant phase angle relative to a reference
loop (PLL) signal.

pinouts The pin number assignment: the relation between the logical inputs and outputs of the PSoC device and their
physical counterparts in the printed circuit board (PCB) package. Pinouts involve pin numbers as a link between
schematic and PCB design (both being computer generated files) and may also involve pin names.

port A group of pins, usually eight.

power-on reset A circuit that forces the PSoC device to reset when the voltage is below a pre-set level. This is one type of hardware
(POR) reset.

PSoC® Cypress Semiconductor’s PSoC® is a registered trademark and Programmable System-on-Chip™ is a trademark
of Cypress.

PSoC Designer™ The software for Cypress’ Programmable System-on-Chip technology.

pulse width An output in the form of duty cycle which varies as a function of the applied value.
modulator (PWM)

RAM An acronym for random access memory. A data-storage device from which data can be read out and new data
can be written in.

register A storage device with a specific capacity, such as a bit or byte.

reset A means of bringing a system back to a known state. See hardware reset and software reset.

ROM An acronym for read only memory. A data-storage device from which data can be read out, but new data cannot
be written in.

serial 1. Pertaining to a process in which all events occur one after the other.
2. Pertaining to the sequential or consecutive occurrence of two or more related activities in a single device or

settling time The time it takes for an output signal or value to stabilize after the input has changed from one value to another.

Document Number: 001-12550 Rev. *K Page 35 of 39


Glossary (continued)

shift register A memory storage device that sequentially shifts a word either left or right to output a stream of serial data.

slave device A device that allows another device to control the timing for data exchanges between two devices. Or when
devices are cascaded in width, the slave device is the one that allows another device to control the timing of data
exchanges between the cascaded devices and an external interface. The controlling device is called the master

SRAM An acronym for static random access memory. A memory device where you can store and retrieve data at a high
rate of speed. The term static is used because, after a value is loaded into an SRAM cell, it remains unchanged
until it is explicitly altered or until power is removed from the device.

SROM An acronym for supervisory read only memory. The SROM holds code that is used to boot the device, calibrate
circuitry, and perform flash operations. The functions of the SROM may be accessed in normal user code,
operating from flash.

stop bit A signal following a character or block that prepares the receiving device to receive the next character or block.

synchronous 1. A signal whose data is not acknowledged or acted upon until the next active edge of a clock signal.
2. A system whose operation is synchronized by a clock signal.

tri-state A function whose output can adopt three states: 0, 1, and Z (high-impedance). The function does not drive any
value in the Z state and, in many respects, may be considered to be disconnected from the rest of the circuit,
allowing another output to drive the same net.

UART A UART or universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter translates between parallel bits of data and serial bits.

user modules Pre-built, pre-tested hardware/firmware peripheral functions that take care of managing and configuring the lower
level analog and digital PSoC blocks. User modules also provide high level API (Application Programming
Interface) for the peripheral function.

user space The bank 0 space of the register map. The registers in this bank are more likely to be modified during normal
program execution and not just during initialization. Registers in bank 1 are most likely to be modified only during
the initialization phase of the program.

VDD A name for a power net meaning “voltage drain.” The most positive power supply signal. Usually 5 V or 3.3 V.

VSS A name for a power net meaning “voltage source.” The most negative power supply signal.

watchdog timer A timer that must be serviced periodically. If it is not serviced, the CPU resets after a specified period of time.

Document Number: 001-12550 Rev. *K Page 36 of 39


Document History Page

Document Title: CY8C21334/CY8C21534, Automotive PSoC® Programmable System-on-Chip™
Document Number: 001-12550
Orig. of Submission
Rev. ECN No. Description of Change
Change Date
** 646436 HMT See ECN New silicon and document (Revision **)
*A 2526170 PYRS 07/03/08 Converted from Preliminary to Final.
Corrected ordering information.
*B 2618175 OGNE / 12/09/08 Added Note in Ordering Information section.
PYRS Changed Title from PSoC® Mixed-Signal Array to PSoC® Programmable
Updated ‘Development Tools’ and ‘Designing with PSoC Designer’ sections on
pages 5 and 6
*C 2714723 BTK / 06/04/09 Updated Getting Started section. Replaced Designing with User Modules
AESA section with Designing with PSoC Designer section. Updated Features list and
PSoC Functional Overview section. Updated some AC Specification values to
conform to a ±5% accurate IMO (no order of magnitude changes). Added a
note to I2C specifications section to clarify the I2C SysClk dependency. Added
the Development Tool Selection section. Deleted some inapplicable or
redundant information. Changed the title. Updated the PDF Bookmarks. Fixed
FIMO6, TRSCLK, and TFSCLK specifications to be correct.
*D 2822792 BTK / 12/07/2009 Added TPRGH, TPRGC, IOL, IOH, F32KU, DCILO, and TPOWERUP electrical speci-
AESA fications. Updated the footnotes for Table 11, “DC Programming Specifica-
tions,” on page 17. Added maximum values and updated typical values for
TERASEB and TWRITE electrical specifications. Replaced TRAMP electrical
specification with SRPOWERUP electrical specification. Added “Sales,
Solutions, and Legal Information” on page 39. This revision fixes CDT 63984.
*E 2888007 NJF 03/30/2010 Updated Cypress website links.
Updated Designing with PSoC Designer.
Added TBAKETEMP and TBAKETIME parameters in Absolute Maximum Ratings.
Removed the following sections:
DC Low Power Comparator Specifications, AC Analog Mux Bus Specifications,
AC Low Power Comparator Specifications, Third Party Tools, and Build a PSoC
Emulator into your Board.
Updated links in Sales, Solutions, and Legal Information.
*F 3023789 BTK / 09/06/2010 Conversion to new datasheet editing system. Merged the 5 V and 3.3 V opera-
AESA tional amplifier electrical specifications into the Table 8 (with no changes to
data). Updated datasheet as per Cypress Style guide and new datasheet
*G 3094401 BTK 11/23/2010 Added tape and reel packaging information. Refer to CDT 88767.
*H 3157921 BTK / NJF 01/31/2011 Updated I2C timing diagram to improve clarity (CDT 92817).
Updated wording, formatting, and notes of the AC Digital Block Specifications
table to improve clarify (CDT 92819).
Added VDDP, VDDLV, and VDDHV electrical specifications to give more infor-
mation for programming the device (CDT 92822).
Updated solder reflow temperature specifications to give more clarity (CDT
Updated the jitter specifications (CDT 92831).
Updated PSoC Device Characteristics table (CDT 92832).
Updated the F32KU electrical specification (CDT 92994).
Updated DC POR and LVD Specifications to add specs for all POR levels (CDT
Updated note for RPD electrical specification (CDT 90944).
Updated Reference Information Section.
Package diagram spec 51-51100 revised from *A to *B.
*I 3157903 BTK 04/05/2011 Updated solder reflow specifications (CDT 92828).

Document Number: 001-12550 Rev. *K Page 37 of 39


Document History Page (continued)

Document Title: CY8C21334/CY8C21534, Automotive PSoC® Programmable System-on-Chip™
Document Number: 001-12550
Orig. of Submission
Rev. ECN No. Description of Change
Change Date
*J 4200952 JICG 11/29/2013 Updated Electrical Specifications:
Updated Figure 5.
Updated Packaging Information:
Updated Packaging Dimensions:
spec 51-85077 – Changed revision from *D to *E.
spec 51-85079 – Changed revision from *D to *E.
Updated Tape and Reel Information:
spec 51-51101 – Changed revision from *A to *C.
spec 51-51100 – Changed revision from *B to *C.
Updated Development Tool Selection:
Updated Device Programmers:
Renamed the heading “CY3210-MiniProg1” as CY3217-MiniProg1 and
updated the same section.
Removed the section “CY3207ISSP In-System Serial Programmer (ISSP)”.
Updated to new template.
Completing Sunset Review.
*K 5655057 SNPR 03/09/2017 Updated Packaging Information:
Updated Packaging Dimensions:
spec 51-85077 – Changed revision from *E to *F.
spec 51-85079 – Changed revision from *E to *F.
Updated Tape and Reel Information:
spec 51-51100 – Changed revision from *C to *D.
Updated Reference Documents:
Removed spec 001-14503 from the list as the same spec is obsolete.
Updated to new template.
Completing Sunset Review.

Document Number: 001-12550 Rev. *K Page 38 of 39


Sales, Solutions, and Legal Information

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closest to you, visit us at Cypress Locations.

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provided by Cypress, unmodified) to make, use, distribute, and import the Software solely for use with Cypress hardware products. Any other use, reproduction, modification, translation, or compilation
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permitted by applicable law, Cypress reserves the right to make changes to this document without further notice. Cypress does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any
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are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as critical components in systems designed or intended for the operation of weapons, weapons systems, nuclear installations, life-support devices or
systems, other medical devices or systems (including resuscitation equipment and surgical implants), pollution control or hazardous substances management, or other uses where the failure of the
device or system could cause personal injury, death, or property damage ("Unintended Uses"). A critical component is any component of a device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably
expected to cause the failure of the device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness. Cypress is not liable, in whole or in part, and you shall and hereby do release Cypress from any claim,
damage, or other liability arising from or related to all Unintended Uses of Cypress products. You shall indemnify and hold Cypress harmless from and against all claims, costs, damages, and other
liabilities, including claims for personal injury or death, arising from or related to any Unintended Uses of Cypress products.

Cypress, the Cypress logo, Spansion, the Spansion logo, and combinations thereof, WICED, PSoC, CapSense, EZ-USB, F-RAM, and Traveo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cypress in
the United States and other countries. For a more complete list of Cypress trademarks, visit Other names and brands may be claimed as property of their respective owners.

Document Number: 001-12550 Rev. *K Revised March 9, 2017 Page 39 of 39

PSoC Designer™ and Programmable System-on-Chip™ are trademarks and PSoC® and CapSense® are registered trademarks of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation.
Purchase of I2C components from Cypress or one of its sublicensed Associated Companies conveys a license under the Philips I2C Patent Rights to use these components in an I2C system, provided
that the system conforms to the I2C Standard Specification as defined by Philips. As from October 1st, 2006 Philips Semiconductors has a new trade name - NXP Semiconductors.

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