Bennet Et Al., 2012
Bennet Et Al., 2012
Bennet Et Al., 2012
Perinatal hypoxic–ischemic brain injury remains a major cause of cerebral palsy. Although therapeutic hypothermia is
now established to improve recovery from hypoxia–ischemia (HI) at term, many infants continue to survive with
disability, and hypothermia has not yet been tested in preterm infants. There is increasing evidence from in vitro and
in vivo preclinical studies that stem/progenitor cells may have multiple beneficial effects on outcome after hypoxic–
ischemic injury. Stem/progenitor cells have shown great promise in animal studies in decreasing neurological
impairment; however, the mechanisms of action of stem cells, and the optimal type, dose, and method of
administration remain surprisingly unclear, and some studies have found no benefit. Although cell-based
interventions after completion of the majority of secondary cell death appear to have potential to improve functional
outcome for neonates after HI, further rigorous testing in translational animal models is required before randomized
controlled trials should be considered.
ANN NEUROL 2012;71:589–600
Neonatal Encephalopathy at Term insults can be associated with transient recovery of oxida-
tive metabolism after reperfusion in a so-called latent
N eonatal encephalopathy due to perinatal hypoxia–
ischaemia (HI) occurs in 1 to 3 per 1,000 births at
term and is associated with high mortality and morbid-
phase (Fig 1).5 In this latent phase, the electroencephalo-
gram and cerebral blood flow are typically suppressed,
ity, with life-long chronic disabilities including cerebral but cerebral oxygenation is normal.6,7 After approxi-
palsy (CP).2,3 Neuropathological injury typically involves mately 6 to 15 hours, there may be secondary deteriora-
neuronal death in the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, and tion, with delayed seizures, progressive mitochondrial
basal ganglia–thalamus, with increasing evidence for failure,5,8 cytotoxic edema, and secondary cell death over
global white matter involvement.4 many days.6 The severity of this secondary deterioration
To interpret preclinical studies of neuroprotectants, is closely correlated with later neurodevelopmental
it is critical to appreciate why the latent (early recovery) impairment.9 Although considerable cell death typically
phase has been the effective therapeutic target for the occurs during the secondary phase, this is often followed
majority of potential treatments to date. Although a suf- by a chronic or tertiary phase of further progressive cell
ficiently severe/prolonged period of HI (the primary death, repair, and remodeling.10,11 It is believed that this
phase of injury) may be associated with immediate cell additional loss of neurons and glial cells is related to
death due to metabolic failure, even relatively severe chronic loss of trophic factors and synaptic input from
Received Jun 17, 2011, and in revised form Oct 1, 2011. Accepted for publication Nov 4, 2011.
Address correspondence to Dr Gunn, University of Auckland, Physiology and Paediatrics, Auckland, New Zealand. E-mail: [email protected]
From the 1Department of Physiology, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand; 2Department of Pediatrics, NorthShore University HealthSystem,
Evanston, IL; 3Department of Neonatology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, the Netherlands; 4Department of Pediatrics, University of
Washington, Seattle, WA; 5Department of Pediatrics, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, OR; 6Division of Neonatology and Neonatal Research
Laboratory, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD; 7Institute for Women’s Health, University College London, London, UK; 8Institute for
Neuroscience and Physiology, Department of Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden; and 9Department of
Paediatrics, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand.
C 2012 American Neurological Association 589
ANNALS of Neurology
the evidence for therapeutic potential for neonatal HI in transplanted 3 days after HI at P7, motor deficits were
term infants with different stem/progenitor cell prepara- reduced from 3 to 9 weeks of age.32 At 10 to 12 weeks,
tions, including NSCs, NSCs derived from fetal tissues, grafts could be identified in approximately 2=3 of animals,
mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), multipotent astrocytic and showed a neurochemical profile broadly consistent
stem cells (MASCs), and multipotent adult-derived pro- with normal neocortex, although typical neocortical
genitor cells (MAPCs), as well as hUCBCs. MASCs are layers did not develop even for grafts integrated into the
a special type of astrocyte derived from the subependy- sensorimotor cortex, and the morphology of some phe-
mal zones of postnatal day 1 (P1) to P6 rats, which notypes was different from controls.
retain NSC-like properties, including the ability to form Park et al showed that NSCs transplanted 7 days
neurons as well as glia.26 MAPCs are pluripotent progen- before HI integrated and became quiescent, and did not
itor cells, typically isolated from the bone marrow of differentiate until they were subjected to HI.33 After HI,
adult rodent donors,27 that retain the ability to differen- NSCs migrated to the pemumbra of the infarct, where
tiate into neuronal lineages. Studies were searched for on the cells differentiated into neurons and oligodendro-
PubMed using the strategy of (perinatal brain injury OR cytes, suggesting that additional environmental cues are
(hypoxia–ischemia AND neonatal brain injury)) AND needed for these cells to migrate and differentiate.
(cell therapy OR progenitor cells OR cord blood cells). Unfortunately, the authors did not assess whether there
For each relevant paper identified in this way, we then was any functional benefit. Imitola et al demonstrated
performed a related search. The results are summarized injury-mediated homing along a stromal cell-derived fac-
in the Table. tor 1a (SDF-1a) gradient toward the site of injury.34
Supporting a critical role for this factor, NSCs expressed
the SDF receptor, CXC chemokine receptor 4, and in
Experimental HI
vitro cells increased migration and proliferation when
All of the studies that we identified used some modifi-
SDF-1a was added to culture.34
cation of the Vannucci model of unilateral carotid ar-
Similarly, intracerebral injection of MASCs har-
tery ligation followed by a period of moderate hypoxia
vested from mice (P1–P6) in P7 rats was associated with
in neonatal rats or mice.28 This functional paradigm of
diffuse migration and an astrocytic morphology in non-
perinatal injury is associated with infarction in the mid-
hypoxic controls, whereas after HI cells migrated toward
dle artery territory, typically with no overt cell death in
the area of injury, and some MASCs in the injured area
the hemisphere contralateral to ligation. Most rodents
developed neuronal or astrocytic phenotypes.35 In con-
are highly altricial. Although P7 in the rat or mouse trast, Sato et al found that the area of cortical infarction
was originally chosen because this is the age of peak was reduced when NSCs cultured from E14 fetal rats
brain growth, which occurs at term in humans,29 at P7 were transplanted together with chondroitinase ABC 24
rodents are just starting cortical myelination, compara- hours after HI in P7 rats, but not when NSCs were
ble with 34 weeks gestation in humans. On balance, administered alone.36 The authors postulated that coinfu-
cortical maturity of the rat has been estimated to be sion facilitated NSC migration and adherence, allowing
most comparable to the term human at P12 to P13.30 the transplanted NSCs to more efficiently support host
Thus, the studies analyzed here represent acute, well- cells with neurotrophins, or may have facilitated access of
defined perinatal HI that is most characteristic of brain neurotrophins to host neurons.
injury at term, but at a mildly preterm stage of brain NSCs derived from human embryonic stem cells
maturation. were also able to disperse, integrate, and differentiate
well when grafted into the forebrain of P7 rats 24 hours
NSCs after HI, and showed significant sprouting.37 There was
NSCs have been the cell type most commonly studied in upregulation of genes involved in neurogenesis, gliogene-
preclinical models of neonatal HI, because of their sis, and neurotrophic support, with increased microglia
potential to differentiate into glial and neuronal lineages, in the transplanted hemispheres. Four weeks after treat-
and even endothelial cells. In early experiments, cortical ment, there were small improvements in contralateral
grafts from fetal rats ((embryonic day) E13) were trans- limb use and rotarod performance.37 Similarly, intraven-
planted 7 days after HI at P7, and the animals were sac- tricular injection of mouse ESCs 2 to 3 days after HI in
rificed 2 to 6 weeks after transplantation.31 There was no P7 mice was associated with survival of transplanted cells
effect on the extent of brain damage, although >80% of expressing neural markers after 8 months of recovery,
grafts survived. In contrast, when a cell suspension from and improved escape latency on the Morris water maze
the cortical sensorimotor region of fetal rats (E16) was test at 2 and 8 months after HI.38
Cell Type Administration Species Hypoxia Engraftment, Days Cellular/Molecular Outcome Reference
NSCs Seeded onto a polymer P7 mice 120 min Appeared to fill area Donor cells on Some evidence Park 200239
of Neurology
Cell Type Administration Species Hypoxia Engraftment, Days Cellular/Molecular Outcome Reference
May 2012
Fetal cortical Fetal neocortical P7–P8 120–150 80% graft survival N/A. No decrease Elsayed 199631
grafts transplants from rats min rate, evidence of in lesion size.
E13 rat embryos, integration at 2
7 days after HI and 6 weeks.
Fetal cortical 1 104 cells in P7 rats 150 min Grafts were N/A. Significant Jansen 199732
grafts 2ll, sensorimotor identifiable improvement
cortex, 3 days after HI and integrated in motor tests
at 21 and 29 days. from P21 to P63.
Human fetal 5 105 in 5ll, left P7 rats 90 min Human cells present The majority of No functional Qu 200577
NSCs cerebral ventricle, in SVZ, corpus transplanted cells outcome.
3 days after HI callosum, cortex, differentiated into
and hippocampus, neurons and
particularly on astrocytes.
injured side.
Rat MSCs 4 106 in 0.5ml, P7 rats 120 min MSCs present A few MSCs No functional Guan 200446
(derived intraperitoneal, throughout expressed nestin outcome.
from bone 2 hours after HI cerebra in both protein; no
marrow) groups at 14 days. differentiation
into neurons or
hMSCs derived 1 106 cells in 100ll, P7 rats 210 min Cells found equally No change in Lee 201045
from bone marrow intracardiac, distributed in both hemispheric
3 days after HI hemispheres at 6 weeks. volume, but
Murine MSCs 1 105 cells in 2ll, P9 mice 45 min <1% of BrdU-positive Reduced neuronal Improved van Velthoven
(derived from intrahemispheric, cells were donor cells. and oligodendrocyte motor skills 201042
bone marrow) 3 or 10 days after HI loss 21 days after at P19 and P30.
HI, greater BrdU
incorporation in
the ischemic
Bennet et al: Stem Cells and HI
TABLE (Continued)
Cell Type Administration Species Hypoxia Engraftment, Days Cellular/Molecular Outcome Reference
Murine MSCs 1 105 cells in 2ll, P9 mice 45 min Very few cells present in : host cell Reduced lesion van Velthoven
intrahemispheric, the granule cell layer of proliferation and size. Improved 201043
3 or 10 days after HI the dentate gyrus at differentiation motor skills
6 weeks. toward neurons P20-18-27.
of Neurology
and oligodendrocytes.
: immune cell
Murine MSCs 5 105 cells, P9 mice 45 min MSCs present in the Cocultured MSC þ ; gray and van Velthoven
intranasal, 10 days affected hemisphere brain extracts 10 white matter 201044
after HI but had not differentiated. days after HI, : loss.
SDF-1, NGF, and
NT; ; IL1b and
mMASCs 5 103 cells in 1ll, P7 rats 120 min Cells found in lesion at Transplanted cells in No functional Zheng
somatosensory cortex, 3–21 days later. nonischemic brain outcome. 200635
24 hours and 5 days had astrocytic
after HI phenotype; a few
with neuronal
appearance in
injured cortex.
rMAPCs, derived 2 105 in 3ll, P7 rats 150 min Donor cells present in ; motor asymmetry Yasuhara
from bone marrow intrahippocampal, the hippocampal region. at P21 but no 200640
þ cyclosporin 7 days after HI difference in
rotarod test.
rMAPCs þ 2 105 cells in 3ll, P7 rats 150 min 0.18% of i.v., 0.51% Reduced neuronal ; motor asymmetry Yasuhara
cyclosporin i.v. (jugular) and of intracranial cells found loss in CA3 and : rotarod times 200841
intrahippocampal, in the CA3, CA2 of region of at P21 but not P14
7 days after HI hippocampus 14 hippocampus. after both i.v. and
days later. intracerebral
May 2012
Cell Type Administration Species Hypoxia Engraftment, Days Cellular/Molecular Outcome Reference
Human cord blood 1 107 cells in P7 rats 80 min Many cells in ischemic N/A. Normalized 12% Meier
mononuclear cells 500ll, intraperitoneal, hemisphere, 21 days. difference in toe 200647
24 hours after HI distances, 8%
step lengths.
Human cord blood 1 107 cells in P7 rats 120 min Few hUCB cells located No change in No effect on de Paula
mononuclear cells 100lL, i.v. (jugular), in rat brain, 21 days. volume of injured spatial memory 200951
24 hours after HI hemisphere after deficits.
21 days.
hUCBC-derived 1 105 cells in 2ll, P7 rats 150 min Differentiation into Apparent (subjective) Improved Xia 201078
mononuclear cells intracortical, astrocytes but not reduction in cortical neurological
(passage 10) þ 3 days after HI neurons, 7 days after neuronal loss at score, P24 to P38.
cyclosporine A transplant. 28 days.
Human cord blood 2 106 cells in P7 rats 90 min Few cells in ischemic Decreased cell Improved neonatal Pimentel-Coelho
mononuclear cells 200ll, intraperitoneal, cortex and striatum, death and reflexes at P11 201050
3 hours after HI 2 days. microglial but not at P14.
Human cord blood 1.5 104 cells in P7 rats 150 min Few cells in ischemic Increased growth 20–25% Yasuhara
mononuclear cells þ 200ll, i.v., hippocampus, 14 days. factors in brain, improvement 201049
mannitol 2–3 hours after HI CA1 dendrites. rotarod and
elevated body
swing tests at p14
and P21.
Human cord blood 1 107 cells in 500l, P7 rats 80 min Many cells in peri-infarct No change Improved Geissler
mononuclear cells intraperitoneal, area after 42 days. in size of sensorimotor 201148
24 hours after HI hemispheric lesion. function, cortical
maps, and receptive
fields, and reduced
at P48.
BrdU ¼ bromodeoxyuridine; ChABC ¼ chondroitinase ABC; CXCR ¼ chemokine (C-X-C motif ) receptor; ESC ¼ embryonic stem cell; FGF ¼ fibroblast growth factor; GABA ¼
gamma-aminobutyric acid; GAD ¼ glutamate decarboxylase; h ¼ human; HI ¼ hypoxia–ischemia; i.v. ¼ intravenous; IL ¼ interleukin; MAPC ¼ multipotent adult-derived progeni-
tor cell; MASC ¼ multipotent astrocytic stem cell; MSC ¼ mesenchymal stem cell; N/A ¼ not applicable; NF ¼ neurofilament; NGF ¼ nerve growth factor; NSC ¼ neural stem
cell; NT ¼ neurotrophin; P ¼ postnatal day; SDF ¼ stromal cell-derived factor; SVZ ¼ subventricular zone; TGF ¼ transforming growth factor; Tuj1 ¼ Neuron-specific class III
beta-tubulin; UCBC ¼ umbilical cord blood cell.
Bennet et al: Stem Cells and HI
ANNALS of Neurology
In practical terms, these studies still represent com- 14 to 40 days after treatment despite no significant
paratively early treatment. Intriguingly, there is early evi- reduction in the volume of infarction.45 MSCs were
dence from the P7 rat that if NSCs are seeded onto a found in control brains and diffusely throughout the
polymer scaffold platform before transplantation, they lesioned and nonlesioned hemispheres; however, more
may be able to bridge evolving cystic lesions 7 days after cellular differentiation was seen after HI than sham HI.
HI and establish at least some connections to host tis- Similarly, Guan et al reported that MSCs were found
sue.39 Given the results of other studies, discussed below, extensively throughout the brain 14 days after intraperi-
where cells were given at least as late, it is unclear toneal infusion of MSCs 2 hours after HI in P7 rats.46
whether such a technological assist is needed. MSCs were increased in the injured hemisphere after HI
but showed little differentiation into neural cell types.
MAPCs given to P7 rat pups either into the hippocam- hUCBCs
pus or intravenously (i.v.) 7 days after HI were associated Finally, there is also evidence for benefit with hUCBCs
with a significant reduction in motor asymmetry 14 days in rodents. Meier et al reported that intraperitoneal injec-
after injection compared to controls.40,41 In the earlier tion of 107 hUCBCs 24 hours after HI in P7 rats was
study, intracerebral MAPC injection did not significantly associated with reduced spastic paresis despite no change
improve rotarod times (a measure of sensorimotor func- in the area of hemispheric infarction.47 The cells
tion),40 whereas the later study suggested a small migrated to the injured hemisphere within 3 days, but
improvement in rotarod times 14 days (ie, P21) after with no evidence of differentiation 14 days after adminis-
both intracerebral and i.v. administration. A potential tration. More recently, this group showed in the same
complicating aspect of this protocol is that all animals paradigm that similarly to their first report, hUCBCs
were treated with daily immunosuppression throughout given 24 hours after HI were associated with no effect on
the survival period. However, controls also received this the size of the lesion, and yet significantly preserved
intervention. MAPCs were present in hippocampus areas somatosensory function on the side of the lesion.48 Nota-
after both intracerebral and i.v. injection 14 days after bly, they found reduced hyperexcitability, and restoration
treatment (P21),40,41 with significant improvement in of the cortical maps and receptive fields in the somato-
numbers of CA3 neurons at P21 with both routes of sensory cortex. This strongly suggests that benefit was
administration.41 mediated by improved function of surviving brain tissue.
Similarly, Yasuhara et al found that i.v. administra-
MSCs tion of 1.5 104 hUCBCs, with or without cotreatment
Intracranial injection of mouse MSCs 3 days after HI in with mannitol, 7 days after HI in P7 rats was associated
P9 mice was associated with a 42% and 31% reduction with significant improvement in motor asymmetry and
in neuronal and oligodendrocyte loss, respectively, 28 coordination 7 and 14 days later.49 In this study, only a
days after HI.42 There was greater proliferation of endog- few cells were found in the damaged area. The authors
enous neural and glial cells, with reduced proliferation of suggested a paracrine effect as the levels of neural growth
microglia. Functional and histological improvement was factor, glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor, and
seen when MSC administration was delayed until 10 brain-derived neurotrophic factor were increased 3 days
days after HI.42 Further functional improvements were after treatment, particularly when cells were combined
associated with repeated injections of MSCs both 3 and with mannitol to increase blood–brain barrier
10 days after HI.43 Finally, this group has presented evi- permeability.49
dence that in the same paradigm, MSCs given intrana- Consistent with these findings, Pimentel-Coelho et
sally 10 days after HI can improve outcome.44 Consist- al found that intraperitoneal injection of hUCBCs in P7
ent with the reports from other studies discussed above rats 3 hours after HI was associated with only trivial
that the benefit of cell treatment may not be due to new numbers of hUCBCs in the lesion, a small reduction in
cell formation, MSCs were present in the affected hemi- neuronal loss in the striatum, and small improvements in
sphere 28 days after HI, but they remained 2 sensorimotor reflexes 4 days after HI, but no signifi-
undifferentiated. cant difference from vehicle controls at 2 and 7 days.50
Further supporting the potential for systemic treat- The improved outcomes were associated with reduced
ment to improve functional outcomes, intracardiac injec- caspase-3 cleavage around the lesion site and an overall
tion of hMSCs 3 days after HI in P7 rats was associated reduction in activated microglia and macrophages con-
with significant improvement in 1 of 2 neuromotor tests sistent with antiapoptotic and anti-inflammatory actions.
However, in contrast, de Paula et el found that intrave- ygen free radicals as well as diminishing the infiltration
nous injection of hUCBCs 24 hours after HI in P7 rats of leukocytes.58 For example, multipotent progenitors
was associated with no significant improvement in either derived from human amnion can reduce inflammation,
volume of infarction or in spatial memory 3 weeks with decreased monocyte chemoattractant protein-1,
later.51 transforming growth factor (TNF)a, interleukin (IL)-1 /-
6, and profibrotic TNF-b expression and downregulation
of tissue inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinase-1 and -
Knowledge Gaps
2.65 These cells can attenuate white matter injury and
Although the optimal dose, timing, and mechanisms of
increase plasma concentrations of the anti-inflammatory
action for stem cells in animal models are still not clear
cytokine IL-10 in preterm fetal sheep after exposure to
from the studies above, they do provide reasonable evi-
dence that administration of progenitor/stem cells may
Neurotrophic factors are secreted by progenitor cells
have beneficial effects on histological and behavioral out-
in vitro, including neurotrophin-3, brain-derived neuro-
comes after neonatal HI. It is striking that these benefits
trophic factor, and glial-derived neurotrophic factor,
seem to be comparable between very distinct types of
which support and drive endogenous cell migration, pro-
stem cells, although some studies of similar cell types,
liferation, and differentiation.68 In the adult rat, Borlon-
timing, and routes of administration found either no or
gan et al reported that systemic injection of hUCBCs
restricted/conditional benefits.31,45,51 In practical terms,
improved behavioral outcome and lesion size in associa-
autologous hUCBCs have the major advantage of not
tion with increased neurotrophin levels in the brain.60
requiring immunosuppression,22,52 but this is balanced
Even when intravenous cell injection was combined with
by the hematogenous origin of the cells, and thus less
a blood–brain barrier permeabilization agent, no cells
clear commitment to neural differentiation.
engrafted. Similarly, even intracerebral injection of MSCs
in the neonatal rat was associated with trivial survival of
Mechanisms of Action injected MSCs (1% after 18 days),54 but marked
Early studies aimed to establish whether the cells could induction of genes supporting growth and survival in the
engraft and replace dying cells. Although in many studies brain.
the cells did survive and proliferate in the brain, the net
increase in cell numbers was generally negligible. Even Brain Injury Associated with Premature Birth
where differentiation was seen, it is not clear that it Premature birth is associated with a very high burden of
resulted in fully functional and integrated neurons or neurological injury, including a 15% risk of severe neuro-
glia. It is striking that more recent studies suggest little logical impairment, and up to 50% risk of cognitive defi-
differentiation,53 raising the possibility of methodological cits in later childhood.69 Although HI likely contributes
issues with cell identification in earlier studies. Much to at least some brain injury, chronic inflammation and
more importantly, this suggests that the key mechanisms many other poorly defined factors are involved,13 the
are actually release of neurotrophic and immunomodula- timing remains unclear, and preterm infants most often
tory/immune suppressive factors. develop diffuse white matter injury in the first few weeks
Consistent with this hypothesis, recent studies have rather than acute gray matter loss.70,71 As previously
confirmed significant functional improvements with pe- reviewed, this is followed by long-term impairment of
ripheral administration after neonatal HI, despite little the development of both gray matter and white matter
evidence of functional engraftment.41,44,45,54 Evidence structures.13
from adult models of stroke and central nervous system There is increasing preclinical evidence that exoge-
disease support the concept that progenitor/stem cells nous oligodendrocyte progenitor cells and glial-restricted
can attenuate tertiary damage associated with postisch- precursor cells can augment recovery from adult spinal
emic inflammation and secondary cell death due to lack cord injury, by augmenting the key supporting cells,
of environmental stimulation.55–61 Nevertheless, again, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes.72 Given that classic
not all studies support functional benefits.51,62–64 periventricular white matter injury in preterm infants is
Treatment at different time points during the evolu- associated with axonopathy and depletion of oligoden-
tion of injury may allow a range of potentially comple- drocytes,73 these types of cells may be particularly helpful
mentary mechanisms to be targeted. If stem cells are for promoting repair of the preterm brain. However, we
administered relatively soon after HI, then many cells were unable to identify any relevant studies of perinatal
may be saved by attenuation of the immune response, brain injury that used these cells. Conceptually, it is im-
decreasing the release of excitotoxins, cytotoxins, and ox- portant to appreciate that over the past few decades the
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