CHAPTER 1 FREUD Psychoanalytic Theory
CHAPTER 1 FREUD Psychoanalytic Theory
CHAPTER 1 FREUD Psychoanalytic Theory
Dynamics of Personality
- Firstborn of seven children and has two step-
brothers from his father’s first marriage. To Freud, people are motivated to seek pleasure
- Mothers favorite and to reduce tension and anxiety.
- A scholarly, serious-minded
- Intensely curious about human nature. Drives
Group 1 “Freud: Psychoanalysis”
Group 1 “Freud: Psychoanalysis”
Oral Phase
Anal Phase
Group 1 “Freud: Psychoanalysis”
matter how irrelevant or repugnant it refers to the fact that the manifest dream
may appear. content is not as extensive as the latent level,
The purpose of free association is to indicating that the unconscious material has
arrive at the unconscious by starting been abbreviated or condensed before
with a present conscious idea and appearing on the manifest level.
following it through a train of - Displacement means that the dream image is
associations to wherever it leads. replaced by some other idea only remotely
related to it.
- Condensation