The Impact of Water On Ru-Catalyzed Olefin Metathesis (Article Presentation)

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( Letter

The Impact of Water on Ru-Catalyzed Olefin Metathesis: Potent

Deactivating Effects Even at Low Water Concentrations
Christian O. Blanco, Joshua Sims, Daniel L. Nascimento, Alexandre Y. Goudreault,
Stephan N. Steinmann, Carine Michel,* and Deryn E. Fogg*
Cite This: ACS Catal. 2021, 11, 893−899 Read Online

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ABSTRACT: Ruthenium catalysts for olefin metathesis are widely viewed as

water-tolerant. Evidence is presented, however, that even low concentrations of
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water cause catalyst decomposition, severely degrading yields. Of 11 catalysts

studied, fast-initiating examples (e.g., the Grela catalyst RuCl2(H2IMes)(
CHC6H4-2-OiPr-5-NO2) were most affected. Maximum water tolerance was
exhibited by slowly initiating iodide and cyclic (alkyl)(amino)carbene (CAAC)
derivatives. Computational investigations indicated that hydrogen bonding of
water to substrate can also play a role, by retarding cyclization relative to
decomposition. These results have important implications for olefin metathesis in
organic media, where water is a ubiquitous contaminant, and for aqueous
metathesis, which currently requires superstoichiometric “catalyst” for demanding
KEYWORDS: olefin metathesis, catalyst decomposition, macrocycle, conformation, water, aqueous metathesis, chemical biology, Z-selective

O lefin metathesis has been widely embraced for its

versatility in the catalytic assembly of carbon−carbon
bonds.1,2 The demand for catalysts that integrate high activity
that challenges arising from low levels of water have not yet
been considered. Here we demonstrate that even 0.1−1% v/v
water19 can severely limit the productivity of leading N-
with robustness has intensified with a recent explosion in heterocyclic carbene (NHC) and CAAC ruthenium catalysts.
applications in chemical biology,3,4,5a materials science,6 and We also identify catalyst features that maximize water-
chemical manufacturing.7 Tolerance for water is critical in tolerance, a finding that offers new opportunities in organic
many contexts, most prominently olefin metathesis in water- synthesis, and in broader contexts in which water is an essential
rich environments. Successes in aqueous metathesis of model cosolvent.
substrates with ruthenium catalysts5 (see, e.g., Chart 1) have RCM macrocyclization (mRCM) represents a methodology
been leveraged to advance metathetical modification of of major current interest for the production of antiviral
proteins,3 peptides,8 and DNA,4b,9 and to develop water- therapeutics.7,20 The first indication that even low concen-
soluble materials for drug delivery and other application- trations of water might impede mRCM emerged in reactions
s.6a−e,10,11 involving the dianiline catalyst Ru-1 (Chart 1). In our hands,
These applications place extreme demands on the water- Ru-1 was exceptionally efficient,21 outperforming even the
tolerance of the catalysts. Decomposition by water is leading nitro-Grela catalyst Ru-2 in mRCM of challenging,
increasingly identified as an obstacle to olefin metathesis in highly flexible substrates bearing multiple polar sites. Synthetic
chemical biology3,5a (where Isenegger and Davis describe collaborators, however, encountered variable performance. We
bioconjugation as a race between metathesis and decom- speculated that the discrepancy might arise from the
position)3a and biomaterials applications. 6a−e,10−12 The established21 hydrogen-bonding capacity of Ru-1. Sensitivity
catalyst loadings required are routinely orders of magnitude to water would have gone unobserved in our original work
above those in organic media: in highly demanding contexts because rigorously dry22 solvents were used, a standard
protocol in organometallic chemistry. In broader synthetic
such as protein modification, the Ru reagent must be used in
significant stoichiometric excess.13 An anticipated, undesirable
consequence is accelerated bimolecular decomposition of the Received: October 1, 2020
active Ru species14 and associated side-reactions. The Revised: December 29, 2020
decomposed catalyst is believed to trigger both DNA Published: January 5, 2021
degradation9,15 and CC migration.16
Given that the problems of water cosolvent are only
beginning to be widely recognized,3,5a,17,18 it is unsurprising

© 2021 American Chemical Society

893 ACS Catal. 2021, 11, 893−899
ACS Catalysis Letter

Chart 1. Olefin Metathesis Catalysts Discussed product, as with any conformationally flexible diene.24,25 For 1,
in which the ester functionality confers the sole conformational
bias toward cyclization,26 a diene concentration of ≤5 mM is
required.24 At catalyst loadings of 0.05 mol %, this translates
into 2.5 μM Ru: even low concentrations of water are thus
stoichiometrically significant.
In dry toluene, mRCM of 1 reached 83% yield within 0.5 h
at RT (Figure 1a). Addition of 0.01% waterthat is, 100 ppm
by volumecaused a ca. 60% drop in yield. At higher
proportions of water (0.1 or 1% v/v), mRCM failed, signifying
near-complete catalyst decomposition.
As shown in Figure 1b, the Grela catalyst Ru-2 is
decomposed to a lesser extent, affording 30% mRCM in the
presence of 0.1% v/v water (vs 87% mRCM in dry toluene).27
More robust is the iodide analogue Ru-3. Watersomewhat
unexpectedlyis emerging as a much more aggressive agent
than O2 in Ru-catalyzed olefin metathesis,28 and this higher
water-tolerance is thus presumed to be key to the strong
performance of Ru-3 in aerobic metathesis.29 One probable
contributor to improved tolerance is the limited capacity of
Ru-3 to enter into hydrogen-bonding interactions with water.
ROH···Cl−Ru interactions have been reported for related
metathesis catalysts,30,31 and the higher water-sensitivity of Ru-
1 vs Ru-2 is consistent with stronger H-bonding to a dangling
NH2 functionality.
To assess the potential impact of water on E/Z selectivity,
two Z-selective catalysts (Ru-6, Ru-5) were also examined.
Their lower reactivity necessitated use of elevated temper-
atures (60 °C) and higher catalyst loadings. For Ru-5, only
17% mRCM was observed even with 5 mol % catalyst: added
practice, water is a ubiquitous, little-regarded contaminant. It water had no impact, probably because only a small proportion
thus seemed plausible that water-induced decomposition might of catalyst had initiated.32 Ru-6 afforded 64% mRCM in the
contribute to the inconsistent performance of Ru-1. anhydrous reaction (0.5 mol % Ru), and 25% in the presence
To probe this point, we examined the impact of water on of water. Of note, water had a negligible impact on Z-selectivity
mRCM of 1 (Figure 1a).23 This reaction affords the olfactory (Ru-6, 85%; Ru-5, 70%). We infer that decomposed catalyst
lactone 2 via a concentration-dependent ring−chain equili- does not promote E/Z isomerization, at least for Ru-6.
brium.24 High dilutions are essential to favor the cyclic Strikingly, however, water significantly accelerated positional
isomerization in the self-metathesis of allylbenzene 3 (Figure
2a). Terminal phenylpropenes are notoriously susceptible to
isomerization to the conjugated β-methylstyrenes.16c For Ru-6,
8% isomerization was observed for the anhydrous reaction, vs
75% with 1% H2O present. In comparison, Ru-3 showed more
isomerization in the anhydrous reaction, but added water
affected primarily conversions.
A second, more demanding intermolecular metathesis
reaction was also examined. In the cross-metathesis of anethole
6 with methyl acrylate 7 (Figure 2b), a ca. 30% drop in
productivity was observed for Ru-3 in the presence of 1% H2O.
To assess whether the negative impact of water is limited to
relatively challenging reactions, we turned to RCM of diethyl
diallylmalonate 9 (Figure 3). Diene 9 sets a notoriously low
bar for olefin metathesis activity: the extreme facility with
which it undergoes RCM makes it a correspondingly aggressive
test for the impact of water. Here, in addition to the catalysts
examined above, we include benzylidene, indenylidene, NHC,
and CAAC catalysts.29,34−36 Initial experiments were con-
ducted at 0.005 mol % catalyst (50 ppm vs substrate), to
enable “anhydrous” TONs in the thousands even for less active
catalysts, without masking decomposition.37
Shown in Figure 3a are TONs at 2 h, at which point
Figure 1. Impact of water on mRCM. (a) For Ru-1 at 0.5 h. (b) For conversions in the presence of water plateau (Figure S1) for all
various catalysts at 2 h (except Ru-6: 24 h). *Ru-5, Ru-6: 60 °C, 0.01 but Ru-7 and Ru-10. Notwithstanding the ease of this RCM
atm.33 For tabulated data, see Table S1. reaction, yields decreased sharply in the presence of 1% H2O
ACS Catal. 2021, 11, 893−899
ACS Catalysis Letter

for all catalysts surveyed. TONs of only 600 or 1 800,

respectively, were observed for Ru-1 and Ru-2 (vs ca. 18 000
in the anhydrous control reaction). Iodide complex Ru-3 gave
maximum TONs (9800). For CAAC-Grela catalyst Ru-4, a
top-performing catalyst under anhydrous conditions, TONs
dropped by 60% (from nearly 19 000 to 8000).
Given the high susceptibility of Ru-4 to bimolecular
decomposition,14b its performance relative to Ru-3 was re-
evaluated at a catalyst loading 5-fold lower (Figure 3b). TONs
in the anhydrous control reaction increased in both cases: by
nearly 4× for Ru-4 and 2.5× for Ru-3. Clearly, bimolecular
coupling occurs for both catalysts, even at 10 μM Ru. Higher
water-sensitivity is evident at the lower catalyst loading: that is,
decomposition by water competes more strongly with
bimolecular decomposition as catalyst concentrations decline.
Ru-3 remains most productive (TON 21 000 vs 14 000 for Ru-
In Figure 3c, we assess catalyst water tolerance independent
of metathesis activity, by normalizing TONs in the presence of
water to those under anhydrous conditions. For added context,
water-tolerance is plotted against TONs in the presence of
water: best performance is thus high on both axes. Least
tolerant are the fast-initiating catalysts Ru-1 and Ru-2 (3% and
10%, respectively), suggesting that increased time in the active
cycle increases vulnerability. Consistent with this analysis is the
Figure 2. Impact of H2O on: (a) self-metathesis of allylbenzene. (b) improved tolerance (27−44%) of the catalysts highlighted in
Cross-metathesis of estragole and methyl acrylate. the blue band in Figure 3b, none of which are fast-
initating.38,39 Most robust is iodide catalyst Ru-3 (56%
tolerance). Slow initiation40 is again a plausible contributor,
in addition to the bulk and poor H-bonding capacity of the
iodide ligands.29,34,35
The discussion above focuses on the impact of water on the
catalyst. Given evidence for H-bonding of water to macro-
lactones, however,41 we queried whether H-bonding to the
substrate might alter preferred diene conformations and hence
the thermodynamics and/or kinetics of cyclization. To probe
this point, we undertook a computational study of the impact
of one H-bonded water molecule on the preferred con-
formations of prolactone 1 and diethyl diallylmalonate 9. The
1:1 ratio corresponds to 0.01% v/v H2O and 0.05 mol % Ru
(Figure 1a). The highly precise ANAKIN-ME neural-network
force field42,43 was used for extensive screening of possible
geometries; calculated electronic energies for the most relevant
conformers were refined using single-point energy calculations
at the DLPNO−CCSD(T)/CBS level of theory.
Reaction free energies for RCM of 1 and 9 (see SI), showed
no clear change arising from bound water, indicating that the
negative effect is not thermodynamic in origin. The impact of
water on preorganization was therefore examined. In the
absence of water, the most stable conformer for diene 1 is
essentially linear, with an end-to-end distance of >12 Å. In
comparison, a distance of 3.72 Å is calculated for the most
stable conformer of 9. Seen for the latter, but absent for 1, is a
stabilizing π-stacking interaction between the two CC
bonds, a previously overlooked contributor to the facile
RCM of 9. As expected, bringing the two CC bonds of 9
into proximity incurs no penalty (ΔG = 0.0 kcal/mol: Figure
Figure 3. (a) Impact of H2O on RCM of 9. (b) Plot of catalyst water- 4a). For 1, the cost is higher (5.8 kcal/mol), consistent with
tolerance, 100 − [(ΔTON/TONanhyd) × 100], vs TON (0.005 mol % the lower RCM reactivity of 1.
Ru). The blue band signifies intermediate tolerance. For rate curves
and tabulated data, see SI.
The impact of H-bonded water on cyclization is examined in
Figure 4b. For both 1 and 9, the diene conformation most
favorable to cyclization is predicted to be less accessible in the
presence of even one molecule of water, with a negative impact
ACS Catal. 2021, 11, 893−899
ACS Catalysis Letter

sı Supporting Information
The Supporting Information is available free of charge at
Experimental and computational details, numerical data
for Figures 1−4 (PDF)
Computed xyz coordinates and energies (ZIP)

Corresponding Authors
Deryn E. Fogg − Center for Catalysis Research & Innovation,
and Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Sciences,
University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N57, Canada;
Department of Chemistry, University of Bergen, N-5007
Bergen, Norway;;
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Carine Michel − Univ. Lyon, ENS de Lyon, CNRS UMR
5182, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Laboratorie de
Chimie, F-69342 Lyon, France;
4501-7194; Email: [email protected]
Figure 4. (a) Impact of 1 H2O on the free energies required to adopt Authors
the incipient (“pre-cyclic”) conformation for 1 and 9. (b)
Destabilization of precyclic conformations by H-bonded water. C···
Christian O. Blanco − Center for Catalysis Research &
C distances: 3.72 Å (1); 4.21 Å (9). Innovation, and Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular
Sciences, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N57,
Joshua Sims − Univ. Lyon, ENS de Lyon, CNRS UMR 5182,
on the cyclization kinetics. Macrocyclization of 1 is impeded by Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Laboratorie de Chimie, F-
location of the water molecule in the middle of the nascent 69342 Lyon, France
cycle. For 9, the water molecule is outside the forming ring but Daniel L. Nascimento − Center for Catalysis Research &
nevertheless stabilizes the linear conformation. Indeed, water Innovation, and Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular
destabilizes the precyclic conformation even more strongly for Sciences, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N57,
9 than for 1 (by 5.6 or 2.7 kcal/mol, respectively: Figure 4b),44 Canada;
in part by disrupting the CC π-stacking arrangement seen Alexandre Y. Goudreault − Center for Catalysis Research &
for anhydrous 9. Innovation, and Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular
Sciences, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N57,
The unexpectedly greater negative impact of H2O on
cyclization of 9 is supported by experiment. On repeating the
Stephan N. Steinmann − Univ. Lyon, ENS de Lyon, CNRS
RCM of 9 at the 5 mM diene concentration employed in
UMR 5182, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Laboratorie
mRCM, using the most robust catalyst Ru-3, we observe lower
de Chimie, F-69342 Lyon, France;
catalyst water-tolerance for 9 than 1 (30% vs 73%; Figure S3).
Water thus has a greater negative impact on 9 than 1. By
retarding the rate of metathesis relative to catalyst decom- Complete contact information is available at:
position, H-bonded water can exacerbate catalyst decom-
position, further limiting RCM performance in the presence of
water. Notes
The authors declare no competing financial interest.

The foregoing demonstrates that even low levels of water
severely degrade the productivity of leading ruthenium
catalysts in olefin metathesis. This is an important clue to ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the pathways by which water triggers decomposition: it points This work was funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering
toward direct attack by water on the catalyst, independent of Research Council of Canada (NSERC), the Research Council
any effects arising from water as a medium. Fast-initiating of Norway (RCN, project 288135), and Centre National de la
catalysts prove particularly vulnerable. Maximum productivity Recherche Scientifique: SYSPROD and AXELERA Pôle de
is seen for slower-initiating, bulkier iodide and CAAC catalysts, Compétitivité (PSMN Data Center). The University of
which emerge as the systems of choice where drying is Ottawa, CNRS, and ENS Lyon are thanked for support via
impractical, or where water is an essential cosolvent. These the International Associated Laboratory ‘Fundamental Catal-
findings represent the first insights into structure−decom- ysis for Green Chemistry’ (FUNCAT). Apeiron is thanked for
gifts of CAAC catalysts.

position relationships for olefin metathesis in the presence of
water. They are expected to aid in deconvoluting the
mechanisms by which water causes decomposition and DEDICATION
ultimately design of truly water-tolerant olefin metathesis Dedicated to P. H. Dixneuf, in honor of his outstanding
catalysts. contributions to organometallic chemistry and catalysis.
ACS Catal. 2021, 11, 893−899
ACS Catalysis Letter

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below those of the anhydrous reaction: 73%, vs 92%. See Figure S1. indenylidene catalyst Ru-9, by 275× in the case of Ru-11. See
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(32) For the slow initiation of Ru metathesis catalysts containing cis- the best accuracy-to-cost ratio for organic molecules, with ab initio-
chelating pseudohalide ligands, see: Monfette, S.; Camm, K. D.; quality energies and geometries, for the reduced computational cost of
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Ruthenium-Catalyzed Olefin Metathesis. Organometallics 2009, 28, (44) In the equilibrium between the extended conformer and its
944−946. precyclic form, the added water molecule favors the extended
(33) A slight vacuum was introduced to protect these lower- conformer by 100-fold for 1, vs 5 orders of magnitude for diethyl
productivity catalysts against ethylene-induced decomposition. For a diallylmalonate 9. For anhydrous 1: ΔG = 5.8 kcal/mol (i.e., K = 5.5
recent overview of the problem, see: (a) Hoveyda, A. H.; Liu, Z.; Qin, × 10−5). With 1 H2O: ΔG = 8.5 kcal/mol (i.e., K = 5.7 × 10−7). For
C.; Koengeter, T.; Mu, Y. Impact of Ethylene on Efficiency and anhydrous 9: ΔG = 0 kcal/mol (K = 1). With 1 H2O: ΔG = 5.6 kcal/
Stereocontrol in Olefin Metathesis: When to Add It, When to mol (K = 8.10−5).
Remove It, and When to Avoid It. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2020, 59,
22324. (b) For the detrimental effect of ethylene on mRCM of 1,
see: Monfette, S.; Eyholzer, M.; Roberge, D. M.; Fogg, D. E. Getting
RCM Off the Bench: Reaction-Reactor Matching Transforms
Metathesis Efficiency in the Assembly of Large Rings. Chem. - Eur.
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(34) Abbas, M.; Slugovc, C. As Low as Reasonably Achievable
Catalyst Loadings in the Cross Metathesis of Olefins with Ethyl
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(35) Nechmad, N. B.; Phatake, R.; Ivry, E.; Poater, A.; Lemcoff, N.
G. Unprecedented Selectivity of Ruthenium Iodide Benzylidenes in
Olefin Metathesis Reactions. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 3539−
(36) Neither Z-selective catalyst reacted with 2, presumably owing
to steric clashes with the homoallylic ester groups, as they react with
allylbenzene and the prolactone 1. They are therefore omitted from
Figure 3.
(37) Least active is the first-generation Hoveyda catalyst Ru-7, for
which TON at 2 h = 600 when water is present. The water-tolerance
of Ru-7 was therefore reassayed at 24 h (TON 13 300). Its water-
tolerance was maintained: 44%, vs 42% at 2 h.
(38) Literature evidence for slow initiation is given in Table S3.
While direct comparisons are limited, the Grubbs group established
that the observed rate constants for initiation of a series of CAAC
catalysts was on the order of 10−3 s−1 and below, even at 60 °C. See
(a) Engle, K. M.; Lu, G.; Luo, S.-X.; Henling, L. M.; Takase, M. K.;
Liu, P.; Houk, K. N.; Grubbs, R. H. Origins of Initiation Rate
Differences in Ruthenium Olefin Metathesis Catalysts Containing
Chelating Benzylidenes. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 5782−5792.
(b) Marx, V. M.; Sullivan, A. H.; Melaimi, M.; Virgil, S. C.; Keitz, B.
K.; Weinberger, D. S.; Bertrand, G.; Grubbs, R. H. Cyclic Alkyl Amino
Carbene (CAAC) Ruthenium Complexes as Remarkably Active
Catalysts for Ethenolysis. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 1919−1923
For context, initiation of Ru-10 and Ru-9 was slower than Ru-4 by
225× and 900×, respectively, at RT. See: ref 14c.

ACS Catal. 2021, 11, 893−899

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