Heart Failure Dissertation Ideas

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The initial treatment was tolerated well by the patient even though it subsequently led to some
myocardial damage. Thus, the blood flows at a slower rate throughout the body. Moreover, other
major organs such as the kidney and liver may be permanently injured before the patient has cardiac
transplantation. Additionally, Harris observes that early detection would help caregivers to structure
tactical procedures that would manage the disease effectively (104). Work-role of Radiation
Therapists in the Consequences of Adaptive Radiotherap. If high amount sodium in blood persists, a
different ACE inhibitor should be used. Extremely high or low potassium levels may cause irregular
heartbeats. Establishing the cause of heart failure (HF) can be complex. Therefore counter
indications must be provided during the prescription of metoprolol for the patient’s condition.
Significant liver congestion may result in impaired liver function, and jaundice and even
coagulopathy (problems of decreased blood clotting) may occur. Evidently, when an individual’s age
advances, his or her body tends to reduce its performance capacity. Potassium, an essential body
component that regulates correct functions of the muscles, is particularly important for the heart
muscle. Furthermore, overexposure of the cells to alcohol can destroy their health, making them less
efficient (Nicholson 30). Second, NP levels should be interpreted and used as continuous variables to
make full use of the biological information provided by the measurement (like e.g. blood pressure,
heart rate, or estimated glomerular filtration rate). N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide testing
improves the management of patients with suspected acute heart failure: primary results of the
Canadian prospective randomized multicenter IMPROVE-CHF study. The patient will have dyspnea
(shortness of breath) on exertion (. Stress corrosion can cause a sudden failure in ductile materials
that have been subjected to tensile stress at elevated temperatures. This amalgamation is unique for
every patient and an understanding of this will guide me towards facilitating the patient in the
maximal way. Dietary recommendation for the patient’s congestive heart failure includes a reduction
in the amount of sodium in the diet. The study supports the thesis of the current research as it
critically evaluates a medical intervention for the patients with cardiac issues.AuthorsYearTitleType
of publicationLiterature Review AssessmentRemme, W. Treatment depends from severity and
DISEASE, AND WELLNESS Implementing CMS Hospital QAPI Guidelines for 2024
Implementing CMS Hospital QAPI Guidelines for 2024 Nursing Care of Patients with Life
Threatening Conditions, High Acuity Situat. Therefore the treatment will be aimed at ensuring that
fluid retention is minimized. In time, the strenuous efforts of the heart will cause it to dilate and
weaken. The cross tabulation with chi-square tests (Appendix 6) was performed explore the.
Diseases that result in deterioration of the heart muscles lead to Congestive Heart Failure. BNP
Testing, clinical outcomes, and health services use in emergency department patients with dyspnea: A
randomized trial. An estimated 70 percent of the patient populations have been found to have
systolic heart failure (Mann, 2010). The first stage is asymptomatic which involves no limitations.
Compensatory mechanisms exist on every level of organization, from subcellular.
Different Types of Heart Surgery Offered at Gokuldas Hospital Exploring Treat. Alcohol is one of
the socially accepted risk factors of heart failure. An analysis of variance-ANOVA (Appendix 4) was
performed to compare pre-treatment. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to
manage cookies. Psychological stress would also be among the risk factors predisposing the patient
to his heart condition. Different Types of Heart Surgery Offered at Gokuldas Hospital Exploring
Treat. After evaluating a patient’s symptoms, conducting a physical examination, and performing
electrocardiography and chest radiography, the clinician is often left with considerable diagnostic
uncertainty, which results in misdiagnosis and delays the initiation of appropriate therapy. (1-6). The
lower the discharge NP level, the lower the risk of subsequent death. Retrieved February 19, 2012
from Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (2010). Medicine net. Retrieved February 19, 2012 from
Perisinakis, K. et al. (2005). Fluoroscopically Guided Implantation of Modern Cardiac
Resynchronization Devices: Radiation Burden to the Patient and Associated Risks. Along with
diuretics and digitalis, ACE inhibitors help the body in the elimination of excess fluid and sodium,
and improve the heart’s pumping ability. A single chamber pacemaker has one lead that paces only
one of the heart’s pumping chambers. In addition, lack of proper exercise and failure to adhere to a
healthy diet. Lastly, it is important to understand the different stages of CHF in order to test if the.
Cardiomyopathy According to Nicholson, this is the damage to the heart muscles from other causes
rather than artery or blood flow (30). Heart disease cannot be cured, but it has been proved that
people can reduce it by making some changes in their lifestyle. It is vital to try to acknowledge the
causes of HF for health reasons. Several behavioral modifications are important in the management
of heart failure patients and each of these will be looked into in a little detail in the following
literature. The causes of my father’s heart disease were smoking, family history, and stress. This
regimen has to be followed on 3 to 5 days a week with walking done on the remaining days
(Aronow, 2006). When the ventricles are weakened, the human body responds by activating the
Frank-Starling mechanism and systemic vasoconstriction. The medication that is administered to the
patient depends on what is safe for the patient. In this regard, it is recommended that the patient
takes low fat foods such as vegetables, fruits, cereals, fish, nuts and pasta. Aside from the physical
challenges experienced by patients, they also have to endure psychological changes such as. The
result is that patients commonly present with both sets of signs and symptoms. One such study stated
that of all its interviewees, 53.2% admitted to not engaging in any exercise regimen. Additionally, it
is easier for young persons to exercise in attempts to lower their body fats. CHF leading to a pooling
of blood in other areas of the body, as well as create a build-up of fluid. The novel is taking up the
central cultural and spiritual traditions. E l eva t i o n o f b o t h B U N a n d cr e a t i n i n e i s i n d
i ca t i ve o f r e n a l f a i l u r e.
The prevalence of Congestive Heart Failure diseases around the world presents a fundamental
challenge to the healthcare system. Dunnett’s T3 table. One of the possible causes is the sample size
for not swollen or slightly. Several treatments have been effective in reducing some or all of these,
however, each approach has possible side effects, hence, cautious observation is necessary to
capitalize on benefits and lessen unpleasant consequences (Management of Chronic Heart Failure,
2007). Predischarge B-type natriuretic peptide assay for identifying patients at high risk of re-
admission after decompensated heart failure. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded
papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. If the right ventricular pressure is increased, a
parasternal heave. Bostock, B. (2011). Drug treatments for heart failure. Retrieved February 18, 2012
from Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (n.d.). Heart Rhythm Society. Diseases that result in
deterioration of the heart muscles lead to Congestive Heart Failure. Running head:
EFFECTIVENESS OF FLUID RESTRICTION ON CHF 1. Let us write or edit the research paper
on your topic. My father has heart disease and has had two heart attacks during his life. Interleukin
family member ST2 and mortality in acute dyspnoea. The patient should report any abnormal weight
gain to the doctor for proper management of the condition. An independent sample t-test (Appendix
2) was performed to compare post-treatment. It is believed the potential cause of cardiomyopathy
can be excessive alcohol or drug abuse. With patient awareness on the rise and more programs being
implemented that aim at giving liberty to the patient to regulate his behavior and adopt certain
measures as normal routine, self care has become a valuable tool. The recommended doses will
however depend on the medical progress of the patient and possible complications and counter
indications for the therapeutic agents. In a research done by Kostas Perisinakis and his associates,
“Fluoroscopically Guided Implantation of Modern Cardiac Resynchronization Devices: Radiation
Burden to the Patient and Associated Risks,” it was found out that there are no marked indications
of skin injuries caused by radiation from fluoroscopy after implantation of fluoroscopically-guided
cardiac resynchronization device unless improperly implanted. Some specific ways to prevent heart
attack are as follows. It is currently unknown how the additional prognostic information can be used
clinically to improve patient outcome. These theories include I-Change model, the health action
process approach, relapse prevention model and health belief model. Congestive Heart Failure
involves 2 different mechanisms which are attributed to decrease in the cardiac output. Stress is a
very important factor in the development of chronic heart failure as it induces cardiac ischemia
repeatedly causing the progressive weakness of the heart. Since I have all of the knowledge I am
aware of this disease and the effects it can have. The mortality levels attributable to direct
complications of pacemaker implantation are below 1 in 10,000 patients. Which Marker is the Best
for Assessing Acute Heart Failure or Does it Matter. He or she supports the necessity of this practice
by stating that moving care to homes builds comfort and convenience, thus aiding the healing
process. Prevention of Heart Failure Heart failure is preventable if the affected persons and potential
victims commit to effectively managing their heart conditions and enhancing their quality of life.
Carvedilol is the beta blocker that is recommend for the treatment of the patient’s congestive heart
Nonetheless the exercising in congestive heart failure must be achieved through a progressive or
gradual exercising program. Other than health problems to the patients, the heart failure with its
related diseases are associated with early deaths, personal and family disruptions, disabilities, income
loss, and intensive medical expenditures among other associated damages (Estruch et al. This
reflects that the patient needs immediate medical intervention which includes timely diagnosis and
subsequent treatment for his heart condition. Some other changes that can help are weight control,
not smoking, avoiding trans fats, consuming fish il, decreasing psychosocial stress, and exercising.
Additionally, it is easier for young persons to exercise in attempts to lower their body fats. Heart
attacks are likely to occur when someone has heart disease. “Most heart attacks are caused by a
blood clot that blocks one of the coronary arteries. The full name for heart disease is coronary heart
disease. Sodium intake has been linked to heart diseases and failures in several studies. Along with
diuretics and digitalis, ACE inhibitors help the body in the elimination of excess fluid and sodium,
and improve the heart’s pumping ability. The crushing pain that is usually shown on TV or in the
movies is not really. The patient’s diary and information gathered during doctor patient interviews
will be used to assess the level of pain that the patient is experiencing. These compensatory
mechanisms are also responsible for cardiac remodeling which is characterized by deposition of
fibrous tissues in heart matrix and increased oxygen demand of myocardium. Mid-Region
ProHormones for Diagnosis and Risk Stratification of Patients with Acute Dyspnea: Primary Results
from the BACH (Biomarkers in Acute Heart failure) Trial. Professionals have identified the challenge
emerging due to this condition and, therefore, mostly recommend for an electrocardiogram when
patients present clinical symptoms like chest pain. Furthermore, overexposure of the cells to alcohol
can destroy their health, making them less efficient (Nicholson 30). The role of alcohol cessation in
the management of chronic heart failure cannot be overstressed. Since smoking cessation has a huge
psychological component to it, it is also being studied in the context of behavioral change models
particularly the transtheoretical model. Therefore, numerous research works and researchers have
embarked on the work that aims at determining the prevention measure to the heart failure and its
associated implication and difficulties. The key signs are breathlessness, great tiredness, and ankle
enlargement, which may spread up the legs. The cross tabulation with chi-square tests (Appendix 6)
was performed explore the. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our. The study
concluded that cardiac resynchronization results in significant clinical improvement in patients who
have moderate-to-severe heart failure and an intraventricular conduction delay. IVMS-GENERAL
PRINCIPLES OF PHARMACOLOGY- Pharmacodynamics-Dose-Response Curve. Conclusion
Heart attack is a disease that demands serious attention, since remaining ignorant to the challenges
presented by the condition is detrimental to the society. Nicholson indicates, “Patients with a history
of alcohol abuse can develop a particular type of heart failure known as alcoholic cardiomypathy”
(30). Potassium, an essential body component that regulates correct functions of the muscles, is
particularly important for the heart muscle. These strategies can be implemented within the
community, at the workplace and in primary care settings with a great potential for positive results.
Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous
Carousel Next What is Scribd. It is estimated that Congestive heart failure (CHF) affects nearly
seven million Americans. If the patient has abnormal heartbeats then they may need electric shocks
in an attempt to fix these (G, 57-62).
In the modern world, for example in the USA heart disease is the main reason for concern where
every year almost 1 million people died from heart disease. Vital signs as registered on arrival at the
emergency facility included a respiratory rate of 28, heart rate of 130 suggestive of rhythm sinus
tachycardia, a B. Ethnicity also plays a role as different ethnicities. There are several aspects of the
care programs that aim to alter the stress level of the patient. Angina generally occurs when you are
active, lasts for. Since the arteries are being blocked, it can result in less blood traveling to the heart.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases presentation at Hackensack Meridian he. Support groups on
this topic are currently operational within communities and are based on the same theory. For
instance, studies have identified that patient at early stages can effectively counter the problem of
heart attack by adopting plans which are sensitive to factors such as smoking, obesity, exercise,
hypertension and cholesterol (Henderson 1). Soon after being there he found out he had five arteries
blocked and needed to have immediate surgery. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language
(EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. Barbie - Brand Strategy
Presentation Barbie - Brand Strategy Presentation Good Stuff Happens in 1:1 Meetings: Why you
need them and how to do them well Good Stuff Happens in 1:1 Meetings: Why you need them and
how to do them well Introduction to C Programming Language Introduction to C Programming
Language The Pixar Way: 37 Quotes on Developing and Maintaining a Creative Company (fr. This
problem is particularly exacerbated by a lack of access to health care and to. Copeptin and risk
stratification in patients with acute dyspnea. Crit Care. 2010;14:R213. This is why chest pains are
seen as being very serious. The exercising program as recommended must be monitored by a health
care professional so that the patient is allowed to improve progressively and hence meet the long
term desired outcomes of the therapy. Digitalis or Digoxin reduces the speed of the heart and pulse
and reinforces the heart’s pumping action. Electron-beam computed tomography is used to look for
calcium. A systolic heart failure is characterized by a decrease in the contractility of the myocardium
resulting in decreased ejection fraction. The first stage is asymptomatic which involves no
limitations. Therefore, in this case the Bonferroni’s table was used to determine. We use cookies to
create the best experience for you. Those New Social Media Reaction Buttons and Emojis. In
addition, the exercises increase absorption of oxygen by the body cells, thus making the heart
energetic. Circulation, 112, 3. 438-439. Mc Alister, F. A. et al. (2007). Cardiac Resynchronization
Therapy for Patients with Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction: A Systematic Review. Analysis
from Breathing Not Properly (BNP) Multinational Study. Additional signs indicating left ventricular
failure include a laterally displaced apex beat (which occurs if the heart is enlarged) and a gallop
rhythm (additional heart sounds) may be heard as a marker of increased blood flow, or increased
intra-cardiac pressure. It is currently unknown how the additional prognostic information can be used
clinically to improve patient outcome. Natriuretic peptides in the pathophysiology of congestive heart
failure. Several behavioral modifications are important in the management of heart failure patients
and each of these will be looked into in a little detail in the following literature.
Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous
Carousel Next What is Scribd. These losses decrease the organs’ capacity to work efficiently
(Berger, 2009). The prevalence of Congestive Heart Failure diseases around the world presents a
fundamental challenge to the healthcare system. ICDs are usually slightly bigger than a wallet,
constantly monitoring heart rate and heart rhythms, sending electric impulses whenever the ICD
detects an abnormal activity of the heart. My grandfather passed away after having a heart attack as
well. Although I am nervous I am also very informed on the topic and what steps I can take to try to
prevent this disease. The condition of the patient seems to have deteriorated. An estimated 70
percent of the patient populations have been found to have systolic heart failure (Mann, 2010). A
dual chamber pacemaker paces both pumping chambers of the heart. These medications are usually
effective when taken with diuretics, digitalis, and ACE inhibitors (Soufer, 1992). Some people may
receive a drug such as morphine in order to reduce chest pains. Studies have shown that about 54%
of cases are linked to smoking, 20% of cases are linked to obesity, and 7-12% of cases are linked to
lack of exercise (A, 9). Other medications used are usually ones that lower cholesterol. Nonetheless
the exercising in congestive heart failure must be achieved through a progressive or gradual
exercising program. For this to be achieved, the desired outcomes also include normalizing of the
patient’s vitals. Ischemic cardiomyopathy implies that the cause of muscle damage is coronary artery
disease. One recommended way to reduce the severity of CHF is to. Alcohol is one of the socially
accepted risk factors of heart failure. With improvement in survival of acute MIs and a population
that continues to age, heart. Examining all these factors is challenging, and this undermines the
efficiency of the methods used in detecting the disease. The blood stagnates in the right auricle
which is passed to pulmonary veins; subsequently, this back pressure or stagnation of blood is passed
to the blood vessels of lungs, leading to an increase in the intrahydrostatic pressure in the pulmonary
vessels resulting in transudation of fluid from intravascular to extra-vascular compartments, a
condition known as pulmonary edema which is responsible for clinical features like dyspnea,
hemoptysis, PND (Paraxosymal Nocturnal Dyspnea). The I-change model is very important in this
factor as the attitude of the patient, social influences and self-efficacy; all are currently shifting
towards healthy eating. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip
carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. Sodium intake has been linked to heart
diseases and failures in several studies. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 46, 2335.
Potassium, an essential body component that regulates correct functions of the muscles, is particularly
important for the heart muscle. Stress is a very important factor in the development of chronic heart
failure as it induces cardiac ischemia repeatedly causing the progressive weakness of the heart.
Moreover, smoking and drinking would lead to the complication of the patient’s condition.
Sometimes, depending from etiology, it is treated with implanted devices (pacemakers or ventricular
assist devices) and occasionally a heart transplant is required. Though it is not known what categories
of alcohol can have this effect, drinking excessively affects the ventricular muscles.

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