Chapters I III

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Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas

College of Education




It has been said that teaching is the noblest of all professions since it is

the only profession that creates all other professions. From this statement, it can

be presumed that teachers’ contributions to the society is immeasurable and

lifelong. Teachers may be elated if this consideration about their profession will

be passed from generations to generations.

However, to choose and practice teaching profession is apparently, a big

decision to make. While there a lot of commendations uttered about teachers and

their profession, there are also nasty comments thrown to them. Thus, it can be

argued that the pros and cons of the teaching profession can cause confusions

among those who have interest in teaching which may redirect their attention.

Teaching profession is an occupational field in education that is directly

responsible for the formation of young minds and hearts. This means that

teachers end up playing several roles simultaneously (, n.d.) Hence,

teaching profession can be most understood when one looks at how teachers

dispense their duties and responsibilities. It can be said that teachers are the

mirrors of their profession and that teaching profession may be defined by the

way how teachers feel and perform their obligations.

Teachers are perceived to be an indispensable part of the society. Khan

(2023) emphasized that teachers are responsible for educating and guiding the

youth, and for passing down important values and knowledge. From kindergarten
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through university, teachers provide students with the skills and knowledge to

succeed in life. They also act as role models and mentors, and provide guidance

and support when needed. In addition, teachers play an important role in the

development of culture, instilling important values in their students and helping to

shape the future. By providing a positive environment, where students can learn

and grow, teachers help to build a stronger and healthier society. Through

education, teachers are also able to educate people on important issues such as

poverty, health, and human rights. This helps to foster understanding and

compassion, and create a better world. For these reasons, teachers play an

essential role in society, and their work should be greatly valued and appreciated.

The importance of teachers in society cannot be overstated. Teachers

have the unique ability to shape the minds of the next generation, providing them

with the tools they need to succeed in life. They pass on valuable knowledge,

skills, and values to the students they teach, helping to create informed and

responsible citizens in our society. Beyond the academic skills, teachers also

help to foster important life skills such as problem solving, critical thinking, and

communication. They encourage creativity and imagination while monitoring the

progress of each student (Khan, 2023).

Conversely, it is saddening that from these very significant roles of

teachers that negative attitude towards teaching may be developed. The

responsibilities look so huge and burdensome that may demotivate individuals to

embrace teaching. Martin (cited in Keceki & Kara, 2023) articulated that there are

unrealistic expectations placed on teachers. He emphasized that teachers cannot

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deliver what is expected of them without the support of the government, the

school administrators, the parents, the students, other stakeholders, and

everyone in the community.

More so, Keceki and Kara (2023) asserted that there are many reasons

why teachers leave their job. The first is economic reason – teachers are not

well-compensated and sometimes, not given other benefits that are provided to

other professionals. The second reason is associated with personal and

environmental. As teaching becomes more complicated over the years, ample

time to enough; second are personal and environmental reasons. Teaching

becomes complicated over the years. The mounting school violence and

students’ misbehavior sometimes cause health problems on teachers. For this,

teachers look for other career opportunities, one that is uncomplicated and

pleasurable. The third reason for leaving teaching is organizational, which means

undesirable working environment that includes excessive workloads, paper

works, and tasks; non-recognition of accomplishments; unhealthy relationships

with colleagues and school administrators; and unreasonable school policies.

The contradicting descriptions of teaching profession can also be viewed

in the practices of some countries. In Japan for example, Japanese people hold

deep reverence for teachers. Special seats are reserved for them on public

transport, dedicated stores cater to their needs, and they are exempt from

queuing for tickets. Teaching is the most respected profession, and teachers are

held in the highest regard. This unwavering respect is a daily celebration. They

are regarded as heroes and they are treated with respect and gratitude due to
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the awareness of the people on how heavy the responsibilities a teacher carries.

Teachers are generally well-paid. They have much more salary than any other

profession in Japan. They are supported by the community and the government.

Careers in the education sector in Japan are commonly popular to the students.

Teaching jobs guarantee lifelong income and relatively high occupational prestige

(Skills and Brains Test Prep, 2023).

Meanwhile, in the Philippines, there were observed challenges related to

teaching profession. The exodus of teachers to foreign countries for better salary

has alarmed the national government, thus, salary standardization policies were

executed such as Republic Act (RA) No. 6362 s. 1971, Executive Order (EO) No.

153 s. 1987, and republic Act No. 6758, s. 1989 (Official Gazette of the Republic

of the Philippines, n.d.) The perennial problem of heavy workload has found

solution to the recent DepEd Order (DO) 2, s. 2024 which ordered the immediate

removal of administrative tasks of public-school teachers so that they may focus

on teaching. In this DO, it was also articulated that teachers must not be given

any task during their vacation so that they may really take a good break from

school responsibilities (EDCOM 2, 2024).

Much have been said and done about teachers and their profession in the

Philippines. Seemingly, the young generation has been showing continuous

disinterest to teaching profession. Those who graduated with high honors may

choose other professions which they think would make them financially stable.

Apparently, in the eyes of the young generation, teaching is difficult job that

challenges the emotional, social, psychological, and financial dispositions of

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teachers. Despite the declaration of some teachers that teaching is a very

fulfilling job, the one point that young people capitalize is the knowledge that

teachers’ salary does not compensate all their hard work. Nonetheless, the

young generation recognizes the importance of teachers in the society and it still

appears that they have high regard on their teachers.

It is on these premises that the researchers opted to conduct this study

that focused on the attitudes and perceptions of Senior High School students in

select schools in Batangas City. From the results, the researchers proposed

activities for teaching career orientation. This may be helpful in promoting the

teaching profession, the greatest of all professions.

Theoretical Framework

This study aimed to determine the Senior High School students’ attitudes

and perceptions on teaching profession. Attitudes and perception are two

concepts that are closely related but are different. From this, two theories were

espoused in this study – constructivist theory for perception, and social learning

for attitude.

Pande and Bharathi (2020) expressed that constructivist theory explains

how people form their perception on things around them and that perception is

not just based on what they see. It is also influenced by the past experiences,

memories, and knowledge that influence their understanding of things. Hence,

things are given richer meaning. So, when people look at something, their brain

uses the information it already has to help them understand what they are

seeing. They further explained that constructivism is a paradigm that emphasizes

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how an individual actively constructs his own notions of reality through their

cognition resulting in the existence of multiple realities. The concept of

constructivist theory may be illustrated as follows:

Figure 1
Constructivist Theory for Perception

This constructivist theory in the development of perception offers a sound

foundation of students’ perception about teaching profession. As students who

have been in contact with their teachers, they had a lot of observations,

information, and experiences, from which they may have formed their insight

about teaching profession. From their teachers’ behavior on teaching and

towards their duties and responsibilities; their words uttered about teaching; and

the emotions they poured out while attending to their students may have

conveyed messages that are interpreted by their students, hence, their

perception about teaching profession is established.

Meanwhile, the Social Learning Theory of Badura (cited in Horsburgh &

Ippolito, 2018) supported the development of students’ attitude towards teaching

profession. Social Learning Theory suggests that people learn attitudes by

watching and imitating other people, especially those they consider important,
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like parents and friends; and for students, their teachers. These important people

become their models from whom they build their interest of doing what these

models do. For instance, if teachers have a positive attitude towards a particular

thing, their students are more likely to have a positive attitude towards it too

(Horsburgh & Ippolito, 2018). It may be interpreted that if teachers have good

and positive stories to tell about teaching, students may also develop positive

attitude towards it. These concepts may be showed as follows:

Observing Models Imitating Models


Figure 2
Constructivist Theory for Attitude

Social Learning Theory in developing once attitude was found applicable

in this study. Students, who spend a daily eight-hour encounter with teachers

have all the opportunities to observe evertything that their teachers do and hear

what their teachers say about their profession. Teachers whom students consider

their “favorite” become their model and they tend to believe what they utter and

may have inclination to be like them. Such process forms their attitude towards

teaching as the Social learning Theory also emphasized.

The two theories – Constructivist and Social Learning – were combined in

this study as the theoretical support. Students formed their attitude and

perception on teaching profession as they observe their teachers more closely in

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their daily interaction. They acquire more information about teaching theough

their teachers’ actions, behavior, commentaries, roles, duties and responsibilites,

and personal values. As such, Figure 3 displays the merger of the theories as

used in this paper.

Social Learning Constructivist

Theory P Theory
T R Past Experiences
T C with Teachers
Observation of
Model Teachers I E
T Teaching P Memories about
U Profession T Teachers
Imitation of E O
Model Teachers S N Knowledge about
S what Teachers Do

Figure 3
Theoretical Framework of the Study:
Social Learning Theory and Constructivist Theory

It can be noted form the Figure 3 that teachers are the focus and

reference of the students because what they say about their profession and how

they perform and accomplish their job, are the mirrors of the teaching profession.

Conceptual Framework

The study focused on the senior high school students’ attitude and

perception about teaching profession, the findings of which were used as bases

in proposing activities for teaching career orientation.

Three significant concepts were analyzed in this study. The first one is

teaching profession which was the subject of perception and attitude in this
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study. Teaching profession is defined as an occupational field in education that is

directly responsible for the formation of young minds and hearts (,


The other two concepts are perception and attitude. Confusion about

attitude and perception may be raised because they are closely related. For

example, one’s perception may shape his attitudes and at the same time, one’s

attitude may influence his perception. However, these two are distinct from one


On one hand, perception is the process by which individuals organize and

interpret sensory information from their environment. It involves the selection,

organization, and interpretation of sensory information to produce a meaningful

experience of the world around them (Nguyen, 2021). Attitude, on the other hand,

is a mental state that reflects one’s beliefs, feelings, and values. It is the way that

people approach and respond to the world around them. Attitude is often

described as a predisposition to act in a certain way, and it can be positive or

negative (Nguyen, 2021).

An attitude is a highly personal feeling about anything. A perception is

what a person thinks after examining certain specific, logical facts about

something, and it is not excessively subjective. A person’s mental image of

something is how he perceives it (Sanjaya & Sukarmin, 2020).

These concepts were analyzed in this research along with the

respondents’ profile such as gender, academic strand, and thought of becoming

a teacher. The respondents’ attitude towards teaching profession was determined

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through their reasons for considering or for not considering teaching as their

career. Their perception about teaching profession was ascertained by the way

they view teachers’ reputation in the community and the positive and negative

aspects of teaching profession. The careful analysis of the interplay of these

concepts is shown in the conceptual framework below:

Respondents’ Profile

 gender
 academic strand
 thought of becoming
a teacher

Attitudes Towards Perceptions Towards

Teaching Profession Teaching Profession

 reasons for  teachers’ reputation

considering teaching in the community
 reasons for not  positive aspect of
considering teaching teaching profession
 negative aspect of
teaching profession

Proposed Activities for

Career Orientation in

Figure 4
Conceptual Framework
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As illustrated in Figure 4, the study started with determining the

respondents’ profile. This is displayed in the first box placed at the uppermost

part of the framework. Afterwards, their attitude and perception about teaching

profession were identified as reflected in the two boxes placed at the same level,

one in the left side and the other on the right side of illustration. The study further

examined if there is significant difference on the respondents’ attitude towards

teaching profession when they are grouped according to profile. The same

analysis was done with their respondents’ perception and their profile variables.

The process of finding the differences was indicated by the two-headed arrows

placed between the profile and attitude boxes and the profile and perception

boxes. The results of the analysis were used in the proposed activities for career

orientation in teaching, which is the output of this study. It is displayed in the box

found at the lowest portion of the framework.

Statement of the Problem

This study examined the senior high school students’ attitudes and

perceptions on teaching profession, findings of which were used as bases in

proposing career orientation activities for teaching.

Specifically, it sought answer to the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 gender;

1.2 academic strand; and

1.3 thought of becoming a teacher?

2. How is the respondents’ attitude towards teaching profession be described

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related to:

2.1 reasons for considering teaching as their career; and

2.2 reasons for not considering teaching as their career?

3. How do the respondents perceive teaching profession in terms of:

3.1 teachers’ reputation in the community;

3.2 positive aspect of teaching profession; and

3.3 negative aspect of teaching profession?

4. Is there a significant difference on the respondents’ attitude towards

teaching profession when they are grouped according to profile variables?

5. Is there a significant difference on the respondents’ perception about

teaching profession when they are grouped according to profile variables?

6. Based on the findings, what activities for career orientation in teaching

may be proposed?


This study aimed to test the following null hypotheses:

1. There is significant difference on the respondents’ attitude towards

teaching profession when grouped according to profile.

2. There is no significant difference on the respondents’ perception

towards teaching profession when grouped according to profile.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This research examined the senior high school students’ attitudes and

perceptions on teaching profession, results of which were utilized in proposing

career orientation activities for teaching. Three (3) schools offering senior high
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school program were considered to be the locale of the study due to proximity

and connection of the researchers with some of the teachers in those schools.

These schools were given specific codes such as SHS 1; SHS 2; and SHS 3,

for ethical considerations.

The profile of the respondents such as gender, academic strand, and

thought of becoming a teacher were determined in this study. The researchers

delimited the profile to the said variables these may already be adequate as

sources of information when determining significant differences among the


The identification of the respondents’ attitudes towards teaching

profession was confined to two types of reasons – whether they considered or

did not consider teaching as their career. Their perceptions on teaching

profession were analyzed in three aspects namely, teachers’ reputation in the

community, and positive and negative aspects of the profession. Both groups of

measures for attitudes and perceptions were based on the questionnaires used

in study of Saks et al. (2016), which the current researchers adopted in this


Significance of the Study

This paper which aimed to determine the senior high school students’

attitudes and perceptions on teaching profession is hoped to be beneficial to the


To the guidance counselors who conduct career guidance for students, the

identified attitudes and perceptions of the respondents towards teaching

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profession as well as the researchers’ proposed career orientation activities may

be used as springboard in enhancing their school’s career orientation program to

make students more aware of the teaching profession.

To the teachers, the findings of this study about the attitudes and

perceptions on teaching profession may inform them how their actions, thoughts

that put into words, and performance of their duties and responsibilities as

teachers, may have an impact on students’ decision in choosing a career. From

these, they may be enlightened to be more conscious of their actuations and

words uttered about their profession.

To the marketing committee of varied higher education institutions, the

entire findings of this research may help them assess their career orientation and

marketing program to make all college programs appealing to in-coming

freshmen college students.

To the students, the uncovered attitudes and perceptions about teaching

profession may guide them in realizing the prejudices of their initial views about

teaching and teachers, which may eventually lead them to be more appreciative

of the said profession.

To the senior high school class advisers whom students often confide their

uncertainties about the program to pursue in college, they may use the findings

of this study to promote Teacher Education Program among students as a good


To the future researchers who may opt to conduct a study that is parallel

to this topic, this paper may serve as one of their references that may provide
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
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valuable information about students’ attitudes and perceptions on teaching


Definition of Terms

For better understanding of the significant terms used in this study, they

are defined conceptually and operationally.

Teaching profession. It refers to the occupational field in education that is

directly responsible for the formation of young minds and hearts (,

n.d.). In this study, it refers to the job of teachers where they serve as students’

guide in learning and values formation.

Attitudes. It refers to a mental state that reflects one’s beliefs, feelings,

and values that is often described as a predisposition to act in a certain way, and

it can be positive or negative (Nguyen, 2021). In this study, it refers to the

respondents’ beliefs and feelings about teaching profession that is determined

through their reasons for either considering or not considering teaching

profession as their career.

Perceptions. It refers to the process by which individuals organize and

interpret sensory information from their environment. It involves the selection,

organization, and interpretation of sensory information to produce a meaningful

experience of the world around them (Nguyen, 2021). In this study, it refers to the

respondents’ insights about teaching profession that is based on their view about

teachers’ reputation in the community and the positive and negative aspects of

teaching profession.
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This chapter presents discussions from various sources and studies

related to academic burnout. These literatures were all useful in investigating the

major concepts that this research tried to cover.

Conceptual Literature

The main focus of this study are the attitudes and perceptions on teaching

profession. Attitudes and perceptions have distinct parameters based on the

adopted validated questionnaire from the study of Saks et al. (2026). The

following literatures lead to better understanding of the said concepts.

Teaching Profession and Teachers’ Roles: Nature, Significance, and Benefits

The Alberta Teachers’ Association (n.d.) described teaching profession as

the specialized application of knowledge, skills and attributes designed to provide

unique service to meet the educational needs of the individual and of society. The

choice of learning activities whereby the goals of education are realized in the

school is the responsibility of the teaching profession. Similarly, Edmonger

(2021) said that teaching profession refers to providing knowledge and making a

better individual with all normal forms of discipline. The teaching profession is

strengthening career opportunities that contribute to in-country growth.

Education, which is primarily the focus of teaching profession, is a fundamental

aspect in the development of a country. If the youth of a society is educated, a

future is born. Teachers provide the education that improves quality of life,

therefore bringing so much to both individuals and society as a whole.

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Teachers increase productivity and creativity of students and therefore, of

future workers. When students are pushed to be creative and productive, they

are more likely to be entrepreneurial and make technological advances,

ultimately leading to economic development of a country.

Education International (n.d.) also defined teaching profession as an

occupational field in education that is directly responsible for the formation of

young minds and hearts. This means a teacher ends up playing several roles

simultaneously. A teacher has to have a personality that sincerely welcomes a

learner into the journey of life-long learning.

The teaching profession is one of the most significant professions in the

world. One can imagine how the world looks like without teachers. Teachers can

influence the lives of students who are the future leaders of world. Unlike other

professions that make machines work, teaching profession molds individuals to

deal with the most complex phenomena on earth. Ranging from the most

studious to the most mischievous students, teachers can transform them into

mature and productive individuals (Kishore, cited in Tamayao, 2019).

Along with this thought, Thompson and Wolstencroft (2018) declared that

teaching is a noble profession because it entails giving knowledge to students &

inspiring them for higher achievements in life. They emphasized that teacher

teaches all other professions and therefore, he needs to be updated because

only then he can impart knowledge. They added that the quality of an education

system is much influenced by the teachers and therefore, all states must extend

support, to sustain and invest in the status of its teachers. This view is parallel to
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Campbell’s, (cited in Darling-Hammond et al., 2019) who also said that teaching

is the knowledge profession, and valuing and advancing teachers’ existing

knowledge and providing opportunities to renew, expand and develop that

knowledge is crucial.

Greenberg (2023) also said that teaching is a fulfilling profession that

offers the chance to make a meaningful impact, contribute to society's

development, enjoy job security, engage in lifelong learning, and gain valuable

insights from students. It is a career path that appeals to those who are

passionate about education, eager to inspire others, and committed to

continuous growth and improvement. Teaching is a noble profession that offers

opportunities to foster creativity and innovation, build meaningful relationships,

make a difference in communities, advocate for change and equity, and leave a

lifelong impact and legacy. It appeals to individuals who are passionate about

education, dedicated to making a positive difference, and committed to the

continuous improvement of themselves and their students.

The University of People (2024) stated that teachers are arguably the

most important members of the society. They give children purpose, set them up

for success as citizens of the world, and inspire in them a drive to do well and

succeed in life. The children of today are the leaders of tomorrow, and teachers

are that critical point that makes a child ready for their future. Teachers have the

ability to shape leaders of the future in the best way for society to build positive

and inspired future generations and therefore design society, both on a local and

global scale. In reality, teachers have the most important job in the world. Those
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who have an impact on the children of society have the power to change lives.

Not just for those children themselves, but for the lives of all.

Teachers are important because they can act as a support system that is

lacking elsewhere in students’ lives. They can be a role model and an inspiration

to go further and to dream bigger. They hold students accountable for their

successes and failures and good teachers would not let their talented students

get away with not living up to their full potential. Teachers of all walks of life and

subjects have the ability to shape opinions and help form ideas about society, life

and personal goals. Teachers can also expand students’ limits and push their

creativity (The University of People, 2024).

Cordingley et al. (2019) emphasized that teachers are the ultimate role

models for students. The fact that students come into contact with many different

types of teachers in their academic career means that more likely than not, there

will be a teacher that speaks to them. The teacher-student connection is

invaluable for some students, who may otherwise not have that stability.

Teachers will stay positive for their students even when things can seem grim. A

great teacher always has compassion for their students, understanding of their

students’ personal lives, and appreciation for their academic goals and

achievements. Teachers are role models for children to be positive, always try

harder, and reach for the stars.

They added that knowledge and education are the basis for all things that

can be accomplished in life. Teachers provide the power of education to today’s

youth, thereby giving them the possibility for a better future. Teachers simplify the
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complex, and make abstract concepts accessible to students. Teachers also

expose children to ideas and topics that they might otherwise not have come into

contact with. They can expand on interests and push their students to do better.

Teachers know when to push students, when to give a gentle nudge in the right

direction, and when to let students figure it out on their own.

Finally, the Education Commission of New York (2019) highlighted that

one of the most important parts of teaching is having dedication. Teachers not

only listen, but also coach and mentor their students. They are able to help

shape academic goals and are dedicated to getting their students to achieve

them. Teachers have patience and understanding of their students. Teachers do

what they do because they want to help others. They are not teaching for

recognition or a paycheck but because they have a passion for youth and

education. Teachers typically believe in the power of education and the

importance of providing children with good role models and are teaching because

of that belief. They are dedicated to the cause. Their dedication is shown by their

‘round-the-clock work habits. Teachers do not stop working when the school bell

rings. They are grading papers, making lessons, and communicating with parents

after school and on weekends. Most teachers arrive earlier than school starts to

set up their day and provide extra assistance to struggling students.

Professionalization of Teaching in The Philippines

There was a time in the Philippines when a debate about teaching as a

profession called for a huge attention. With the nature of teaching job, it really

calls for teachers’ professionalism. Professionalism is very important in the

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education sector as it has a very deep impact on the role of a teacher, which in

response influences the aptitude of students to learn successfully. A teacher’s

professionalism can be defined as the talent to reach students substantially,

increasing inventive approaches to motivate students, appealing, and stimulating

immature minds to train them for growing technology (Hilferty cited in, 2023).

Professionalization is a process whereby occupations have become, or

seek to become, publicly recognized as professions according to the degree to

which they meet the alleged criteria. Professionalization is concerned with the

improvement of status. It tends to result in establishing acceptable qualifications,

one or more professional associations to recommend best practice and to

oversee the conduct of members of the profession, and some degree of

demarcation of the qualified from unqualified amateurs (Darling-Hammond et al.,


Bilbao et al. (2018) explained that in the Philippines, teaching was viewed

as a vocation, as a mission, and as a profession. As a profession, teaching

requires formal post-graduate education, continuous training after completion of

the 4-year preparatory college education, and membership to professional

organizations. This is a requirement for all teachers as they practice teaching job.

They emphasized that completing the Teacher Education Program in college is

simply an initial professional education which means that it is only the beginning

of the journey because a professional is expected to learn endlessly.

In the same discussion, Bilbao et al. (2018) also mentioned that there are
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elements of a profession such as competence and code of ethics. Along with

these are other elements such as accreditation, licensing, professional

development, and professional societies. There are teachers’ competence that

are expected from each teacher in the various specializations, expressed in their

respective Policy, Standards and Guidelines (PSGs). Teachers, in their

performance of duties and responsibilities, are also guided with the Code of

Ethics for Professional Teachers. After completing the Teacher Education

Program, graduates are to take the Board Licensure Examination for

Professional Teachers (BLEPT) administered by the Professional Regulatory

Commission (PRC). Lastly, they explained that teaching as a profession calls for

long, arduous, and continuous refining of knowledge, skills, and values. Thus,

teachers are perpetual learners.

The Professionalization of teaching in the Philippines has long history and

several laws were passed to establish how to professionalize teaching. The very

first legal that professionalized teaching in the Philippines was Presidential

Decree (PD) No. 1006 s. 1976 which provides for the professionalization of

teachers and regulation of their practice. In this PD, teachers of elementary and

secondary levels must take and pass the same written examination designed by

the PRC. This PD No. 1006 was enhanced through Republic Act (RA) 7836 s.

1994, also known as the Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994

which prescribed for separate examination for elementary and secondary

teachers called Professional Board Examination for Teachers (PBET) before they

can teach. PBET at present time, is being referred to as the Board Licensure
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Examination for Teachers (BLEPT) (Official Gazette of the Republic of the

Philippines, n.d.).

To further establish teaching as a profession, the Code of Ethics for

Professional Teachers was issued by the Board of Professional Teachers of the

Philippine Regulatory Commission (PRC) through Resolution No. 435 s. of 1998.

The Code serves as guide of teachers in performing their duties and

responsibilities professionally and in keeping their dignity in the community as

models (Bilbao et al., 2018). Recently, Republic Act No. 10912, also known as

the “Continuing Professional Development Act of 2016”, was issued mandating

all registered and licensed professionals to accumulate Continuing Professional

Development (CPD) points to renew their Professional Identification Cards

(PICs). This includes teachers who must earn points through seminars, trainings,

and other professional engagement to ensure continuous upskilling (Official

Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, n.d.).

Understanding Attitudes and Perceptions

Attitudes and perceptions on teaching profession was determined in this

study. As such, it is but necessary that the concept attitudes and perceptions

must be clarified.

Confusion about attitude and perception may be raised because they are

closely related. For example, one’s perception may shape his attitudes and at the

same time, one’s attitude may influence his perception. However, these two are

distinct from one another.

On one hand, perception is the process by which individuals organize and

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interpret sensory information from their environment. It involves the selection,

organization, and interpretation of sensory information to produce a meaningful

experience of the world around them (Nguyen, 2021). Attitude, on the other hand,

is a mental state that reflects one’s beliefs, feelings, and values. It is the way that

people approach and respond to the world around them. Attitude is often

described as a predisposition to act in a certain way, and it can be positive or

negative (Nguyen, 2021).

Sanjaya and Sukarmin (2020) also explained that attitude is a highly

personal feeling about anything while perception is what a person thinks after

examining certain specific, logical facts about something, and it is not excessively

subjective. A person’s mental image of something is how he perceives it.

In psychology, an attitude refers to a set of emotions, beliefs, and

behaviors toward a particular object, person, thing, or event. Attitudes are often

the result of experience or upbringing. They can have a powerful influence over

behavior and affect how people act in various situations. While attitudes are

enduring, they can also change. Attitudes can also be explicit and implicit.

Explicit attitudes are those that people are consciously aware of and that clearly

influence their behaviors and beliefs. Implicit attitudes are unconscious but still

have an effect on people’s beliefs and behaviors (Cherry, 2023).

Furthermore, Mukandiwa (2023) expounded that attitude refers to a

person's feelings, beliefs, and predispositions towards a particular object, person,

or situation. It is a complex mental state involving emotions, beliefs, and cognitive

processes that shape how people perceive and interact with the world around
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them. Attitudes can be positive or negative and can be formed through various

experiences, social interactions, and individual personality traits. He added that

attitude affects people’s lives in many ways such as in decision-making,

interpersonal relationships, emotional well-being, and success and performance.

For Svenningson et al. (2021), attitude is an evaluation of a psychological

object, represented in dimensions such as good versus bad, pleasant versus

unpleasant, or likable versus dislikeable. While it is possible to feel ambivalent

(neither good nor bad) about something, most people hold strong attitudes about

the things and people that mean the most to them. Attitudes are important

because they can determine how people interact with the world around them.

Attitude can also be an important predictor of various areas of well-being. Having

a more positive affect, or attitude, toward life in general, has been associated

with a number of benefits.

Meanwhile, perception according to Cherry (2023) Perception refers to our

sensory experience of the world. It is the process of using the senses to become

aware of objects, relationships. It is through this experience that people gain

information about the environment around them. Perception relies on the

cognitive functions people use to process information, such as utilizing memory

to recognize the face of a friend or detect a familiar scent. Through the

perception process, people are able to both identify and respond to

environmental stimuli. Perception acts as a filter that allows people to exist within

and interpret the world without becoming overwhelmed by the abundance of

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Schultz (n.d.) stated that perception is the process by which the brain

interprets and organizes sensory information from the environment to produce a

meaningful experience of the world. The act of perceiving involves various

cognitive processes such as attention, sensation, and memory, that allow us to

recognize, understand, and interpret our surroundings. Perception can be

influenced by personal experiences, emotions, motivations, and expectations,

and can sometimes lead to perceptual illusions and misinterpretations of reality.

She mentioned that perception is the process or result of becoming aware of

objects, relationships, and events by means of the senses, which includes such

activities as recognizing, observing, and discriminating. These activities enable

organisms to organize and interpret the stimuli received into meaningful

knowledge and to act in a coordinated manner.

Perception is how people make sense of the environment in response to

environmental stimuli. While perceiving the surroundings, people go beyond the

objective information available to them, and their perception is affected by their

values, needs, and emotions. Perception is the way sensory information is

organized, interpreted, and consciously experienced. It is the set of processes

people use to make sense of the different stimuli they are presented with.

People’s perceptions are based on how they interpret all these different

sensations, which are sensory impressions they get from the stimuli in the world

around them. Perception enables people to navigate the world and to make

decisions about everything (Baba et al., 2021).

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Research Literature

Students’ attitudes and perceptions about teaching profession was the

main theme of this study. The findings of foreign and local studies that focused

on this topic are presented in the succeeding paragraphs.

Initial motivation for choosing a teaching as a career

In study conducted of Silvestre et al, (2020) it was found out that teaching

is a demanding field, and despite others discouraging them due to factors like

low pay, many educators remain committed to their chosen path. This reflects the

community's perception of the teaching profession. Teachers serve as bridges,

shaping young minds and imparting knowledge, earning respect and admiration

for their dedication and influence on future generations. The community's

perception and response to teaching have significant implications for education

systems globally. By promoting a culture of respect, support, and engagement,

communities can empower teachers to fulfill their crucial role in nurturing the next

generation. Recognizing the invaluable contributions of teachers is essential not

only for the sustainability of the profession but also for the overall advancement

of society.

Perception of Higher Education Level Students Towards Teaching Profession

In the study of Koley et al (n.d), it was found out that the most higher

education level students displayed a lack of positive or favorable perception

towards the teaching profession. Students were subdivided based on gender and

showed differences in their level of perception. Males had less perception than

females. This connotes that the perception of male students is more negative
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than that of female students. Also, Students were subdivided based on locality

and showed differences in their level of perception urban had less perception

than rural, and students’ categories based on the stream of education showed

differences in their level of perception, science students had less perception than

arts and humanities.

According to the study, a healthy student view point regarding the

teaching profession is required for an effective educational system. Students'

view point level will fall if they lose trust in the teaching profession and its

contribution to the forming of mankind and generating development in a society;

if the honour of the 'noblest of all' profession is not acknowledged and valued by

the students. The current situation of students holding less favorable or positive

impressions of the teaching profession is extremely problematic because it

destroys the perception of the teaching profession.

Attitude towards teaching profession and job satisfaction among block resource

teacher educators

In study by Kalaivanan (2019) which conducted in India. It was found out the

attitude towards teaching profession, teachers should maintain a positive attitude

towards students, aiming to understand and solve their problems while also

being a supportive friend. They shouldn't condone wrongdoing. Teacher's

responsible to guide students into the right path, illuminating their way and

dispelling darkness. Teaching development involves cultivating a positive

mindset, fostering confidence, and evolving into a more skilled educator.

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Teachers build interpersonal relationships and must invest in their

personal and emotional growth to ensure educational excellence. Committed

teachers recognize the importance of professional development in their training.

Moreover, they understand that continuous learning enhances academic

achievement and facilitates the adoption of effective practices in the school


Rise and fall of teaching profession

In the study of Kraft and Lyon (2022) they examine the state of the U.S. K-

12 teaching profession over the last half century. They found out that perceptions

of teacher prestige have fallen between 20% and 47% in the last decade to be at

or near the lowest levels recorded over the last half century. Interest in the

teaching profession among high school seniors and college freshman has fallen

50% since the 1990s, and 38% since 2010. Teachers collectively shape the

democratic ideals and economic competitiveness of the nation as a whole. They

are the role models that is responsible for the formation of young heart and

minds. Yet they have experienced long struggled to gain and maintain the status

of a prestigious profession.

As the time passed by teaching profession is being valued and chosen

overtime before, however in recent years our society has changed. Those

students who are preparing to enter in the field of teaching are currently at lowest

point in the past 50 years.

Teachers’ Roles Beyond and Within the Context: An Ever-Changing Concept

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In the study of Siddiqui (2020), the Researcher found out that most of the

teachers lacked adequate planning for transitioning sequentially from one activity

to the other. The discursive styles in teaching, in most of the cases, does not fit in

well with the struggling learners for whom needed thoughtful planning and extra

attention. Besides, the teaching and the learning activities that are tended to be

desultory derail the objectives and the aim of the lessons. The factors like

learning styles, learners' mindset, level of motivation, social and cultural

backgrounds that affect a lesson plan are scarcely taken into account. The

coverage-oriented plans that cram a good amount of stuff into individual lessons

constrict the activities of learners and slow down their progress.

It appeared that sometime the teachers judged the learners through the

lens of their cultural orientation, and thus they minimized the possibility of

bridging the gap between them and the learners. To many of the teachers,

conferring autonomy to the learners in a particular cultural context is like losing

the control of a class and turning the class into a chaotic place. In a classroom

interaction, teachers' talk or lecture dominates roughly in between 70 % to 80%

of the class time. It indicated that teachers' talk time constituted a significant

portion of the teaching-learning activity, sparing little time for students to talk.


The literature reviewed and presented above are all valuable in

introducing and explaining the attitudes and perceptions of senior high school

students specifically the G-12 students of selected senior high schools in

Batangas City.
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Alberta Teachers’ Association (n.d) and Edmonger (2021) mentioned the

definition of teaching profession and its significance to individuals and the

development of a society. In addition, Educational International (n.d) stated the

role of teaching profession to the youth, in which the teaching profession is the

responsible for honing the minds and the hearts of the students. With this

information given about the responsibility and roles of teaching profession,

Kirtose (cited in Tamayao 2019) stated that it is the most significant profession in

the world.

Moreover, Thompson and Wolktucroft (2018) and Greenberg (n.d)

determined that teaching is a noble profession because it inspires students to

achieve greater heights and it is also a fulfilling profession that offers countless

possibilities and it gives the satisfaction of contributing to the society. University

of People (2024) mentioned that teachers are arguably the most important

members of the society.

Significant discussion about a certain characteristic needed to take the

path of teaching profession. According to the Education Commission of New

York (2019) dedication is one of the most important characteristics a person

should have to pursue education. With the heavy burden of task and

responsibilities, it only determines the reality that a person will face in pursuing


Meanwhile, (Hilfinger cited in 2023) and (Darling-Hammond

et al.,2019) emphasized the importance of professionalism in the field of

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education and the process of professionalization. Bilbao et al. (2018) described

on how the Philippines viewed teaching as a vocation, as a mission and as a

profession. In addition, Bilbao et al. (2018) stated the elements of a profession in

which he clarifies the competence, code of ethics and other elements needed by

educators to become professionals. There are also laws an individual should

obey and comply to accomplish professionalized teachers. Examination for

Teachers (BLEPT) (Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, n.d.)

emphasize the history of laws that was passed to become professional teachers

and also the present examination the teachers needed to pass, which is the

Board Exam also known as the Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of

1994. They also discussed and distribute the Code of Ethics that a professional

teacher should conform.

There are concepts that were studied in this research and these are the

understanding of attitudes and perception. Nguyen (2021) clarified the difference

in meaning of attitude and perception because both of these words are closely

related that causes confusion. Samjaya and Sukarmin (2020) and Cherry (2023)

defined the meaning of attitude and perception based on psychology, in which

was expounded by Mukandiwa (2023) wherein he gives additional information

about the understanding attitudes and perception. Svenningston et al. (2012)

added that attitude is an evaluation of psychological object, represented in

different dimensions. Meanwhile, according to Cherry (2023) and Schultz (n.d)

mentioned that perception refers to the collected data from our senses that our
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brain organized and interpret to make a meaningful experience of the world.

Baba et al. (2021) stated that perception serve as a navigation to people and to

make decisions about everything.

In pursuing a certain career, a person should have a motivation.

Specifically, in education, there is also reasons, for someone to pursue or not to

pursue this career. According to Silvestre et al, (2020) found out that there are

several concerns that needs to be addressed. With these given reasons, the

perception and attitudes are greatly affected. Based on Koley et al. (n.d) the

negative reasons overpower the positive reasons that a person should take this

profession. The attitudes of resources clock teachers in teaching profession

according to Kalavian (2019) is that the teachers are role models that should be

careful with their actions because it may affect their reputation as educators.

Lastly, there are different problems a teacher encounter in a classroom.

According to Siddiqui (2020) found out that there are several factors a teacher

should consider to become effective and there are gaps that should be filled. The

factors that are related to teaching profession led to the rise and fall of teaching

profession that was studied by of Kraft and Lyon (2022) wherein they examine

and presented data that explained the situation of teaching profession.

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This chapter contains the research design, the respondents of the study,

the sampling procedure, the instrument used in data gathering, the data

gathering procedure, and the statistical tools applied in analyzing gathered data.

Research Design

This study employed the descriptive-quantitative research design.

According to Siedlecki (2021), descriptive research design aims to create

descriptions, the meaning of images and paintings, data, properties, and

relationships of the phenomena studied in a systematic, factual, and accurate

manner. A descriptive research design focuses on describing the condition rather

than assessing or interpreting it. Furthermore, descriptive research seeks to

illuminate by validating hypotheses developed in relation to the current situation.

Since this research aimed to describe the attitudes and perceptions of

Gradeb12 Senior Highschool students towards teaching profession, the

descriptive research design was deemed most applicable. More so, since this

paper tested a hypothesis to establish clearer explanation of the current condition

of the concepts it analyzed, said design was the most appropriate.

This research is also quantitative. Quantitative research design aims at

discovering how many people think, act, or feel in a specific way. Quantitative

projects involve large sample sizes, concentrating on the quantity of responses,

as opposed to gaining the more focused or emotional insight that is the aim of
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qualitative research (Siedlecki, 2021). As this study involved a sample size to

correspond the population it represents, where responses were gathered through

a questionnaire from which empirical data were hauled, and from the responses

were measured using a scale with corresponding value, the quantitative research

design was utilized.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study will be the Grade 12 Senior Highschool

students from SHS1, SHS2, and SHS3.

Sampling Procedure

The researchers will use Raosoft Calculator at 0.05 margin of error to

determine the sample size of the respondents. When the sample size was

determined, they will apply stratified random sampling through percentage/ratio

and proportion, to systematically distribute the respondents to the strata that they

are representing When the number of respondents per strata is ascertained, the

respondents will use fishbowl technique/quota-convenience to determine the

actual respondents who will be given questionnaire.

Data Gathering Instrument

The researchers used a validated questionnaire which was slightly

modified to align with the statement of the problem. Some terms were simplified

and some items were also rephrased/restructured to make them more

understandable for the respondents.

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The first part of the questionnaire is an added portion to the adopted tool.

The modified questionnaire was presented and checked by the thesis adviser.

This was added to answer the first statement of the problem. The profile

variables include gender, academic strand and thought of becoming a teacher.

The second part contains items for attitudes towards teaching. It has 14

items, the first 7 express reasons for considering leaching as a career and the

second 7 are reasons for not considering teaching as career. These Items were

used in the study of Saks et al. (2016).

The third part are items for perceptions about teaching profession. The are

21 items which were subdivided into two. The first 7 items are for the

respondents' perceptions about teachers and the remaining 14 are for their

perceptions about the teaching profession - negative or positive. The items were

arranged alternately - odd numbers are for positive perceptions and even number

are for negative perceptions. These items were adopted from the study of Saks

et al. (2016).

The Likert Scale used to answer the items for attitudes and perceptions

are as follows:

Scale Verbal Interpretation

4 Strongly Agree (SA)

3 Agree (A)

2 Disagree (D)

1 Strongly Disagree (SD)

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Data Gathering Procedure

To be able to reach the respondents, the researchers wrote a letter to the

Schools Division Superintendent, requesting for permission to conduct the study

in the target DepEd schools in Batangas City After the approval, the researchers

will also write a letter to the respective School Heads/Principals for consent to

provide some needed data and to distribute the questionnaires to the


The researchers will personally distribute the questionnaire to the

respondents and will wait for the accomplished tool on the same day.

The retrieved data will be tabulated and will be interpreted using the

following scale:

Range Verbal Interpretation

3.5 – 4.0 Strongly Agree (SA)

2.5 – 3.49 Agree (A)

1.5 – 2.49 Disagree (D)

1.0 – 1.49 Strongly Disagree (SD)

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Statistical Treatment

The gathered data will be analyzed using the following statistical tools.

Frequency. This will be used to present the number of times an answer

occurred for an item.

Percentage. This will be used to show the proportion or ratio of a

particular value of answers in relation to a whole or total value.

Ranking. This will be used to compare a list of items with each other and

arrange them in order, from highest to lowest value.

Weighted Mean. This will be used to compute the average of responses

for each item in the questionnaire.

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). This will be used to determine the

difference of the respondent’s attitudes towards teaching profession when they

are grouped according to profile variables.

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College of Education


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