American Pravda - Holocaust Denial - Ron Unz
American Pravda - Holocaust Denial - Ron Unz
American Pravda - Holocaust Denial - Ron Unz
During the Immigration Wars of the 1990s, I’d become quite friendly
with the Reason people, frequently visiting their offices, especially
during my “English” campaign of 1998, when I’d located my own
political headquarters in the same small Westside LA office building
they used. As my content-archiving software project began
absorbing more and more of my time during the early 2000s, I’d
gradually lost touch with them, but even so, the 40-odd years of their
magazine archives had become the first publication I’d incorporated
into my system, and I was now pleased to discover that both sides in
the ongoing feud had put my system to good use in exploring those
old Reason issues.
But then things took a very different turn, and a week later Ames
returned with a 5,000 word article bearing a title sure to grab
attention: “Holocaust Denial.” He claimed that in 1976 Reason had
published an entire special issue devoted to that explosive topic.
My initial reaction was one of puzzlement. Reason had been the first
periodical I had digitized in my system a dozen years earlier, and
surely I would have noticed an entire issue promoting Holocaust
Denial. However, I soon discovered that February 1976 had been
excluded from the supposedly complete set the magazine had
shipped me for processing, an omission that itself raises serious
suspicions. But Ames had somehow located a copy in a research
library and produced a full PDF, which he conveniently placed on the
Internet to support his accusations.
Carefully reading his article and then glancing through the contents, I
decided that his accusation was technically false but substantially
true. Apparently the actual theme of the issue was “Historical
Revisionism” and except for a couple of paragraphs buried here and
there among the 76 pages, Holocaust Denial never came up, so
characterizing it as a Holocaust Denial issue was obviously a
grotesque exaggeration. But on the other hand, although few of the
authors were familiar to me, it seemed undeniably true that they
were numbered among America’s more prominent Holocaust
Deniers, and most of them were deeply associated with
organizations situated in that same camp. Furthermore, there were
strong indications that their positions on that topic must certainly
have been known to the Reason editors who commissioned their
The clearest case comes when Ames quoted the explicit statements
of Dr. Gary North, a prominent libertarian thinker who had served as
one of Ron Paul’s earliest Congressional aides and later became his
longtime partner in politics and business:
Probably the most far-out materials on World War II revisionism
have been the seemingly endless scholarly studies of the
supposed execution of 6 million Jews by Hitler. The anonymous
author [Hoggan] of The Myth of the Six Million' has presented a
solid case against the Establishment's favorite horror story—the
supposed moral justification for our entry into the war…The
untranslated books by the former Buchenwald inmate Prof. Paul
Rassinier, have seriously challenged the story…A recent and
very inexpensive book in magazine form, Did Six Million Really
Die?, appeared in 1973, written by Richard Harwood.
The second point, that about 6 million Jews really did die in the
concentration camps, is one that will be open until the records of
the period become fully available. I am not convinced yet, one
way or the other. I am happy to have Dr. Reed’s interpretation of
the data, but until the publishing companies and academic guild
encourage the re-examination of the data, I shall continue to
recommend that those interested in revisionist questions read
The Myth of the Six Million and Did Six Million Really Die? as
reasonable (though not necessarily irrefutable) pieces of
historical revisionism. If a person can’t make up his mind, he
should do more reading.”
REASON: Dr. Martin, do you believe (1) that the specific charge
against the Nazis of having a mass extermination program of
several million Jews is true, and (2) that the Allied atrocities
were as great or greater than those of the Germans, from your
study of the question?
MARTIN: Well, I never made a head count of all who lost their
lives in the War-we’ve seen a wide variety of statistical
materials, some of which have been pulled out of thin air. As a
consequence, it’s hard to make any kind of estimate of this sort,
whether ten more were killed on the one side or the other is not
a particularly entrancing subject as far as I’m concerned.
Whether allegations can be proven it remains to be seen. I don’t
believe that the evidence of a planned extermination of the
entire Jewish population of Europe is holding up. I have been
influenced over the years by the works of Paul Rassinier, and he
still has to be reckoned with. His works have been ignored for a
long time, and sooner or later somebody’s going to have to do a
decent job of coping with what he has presented. I think
Rassinier’s general case is sound at the moment and I haven’t
seen any strong evidence to upset his allegations or his
assertions that there was no planned program for the
extermination of European Jews. His other main case is that
there were no gas chamber extermination programs. The fact
that a great many people lost their lives is incontrovertible—that
the German concentration camps weren’t health centers is well
known-but they appear to have been far smaller and much less
lethal than the Russian ones.
Another major contributor to the issue was Dr. Austin J. App, and just
three years earlier he had published a short book bearing the lurid
title The Six Million Swindle: Blackmailing the German People for
Hard Marks with Fabricated Corpses.
The two editors of the issue in question even today remain quite
prominent figures at Reason and within American libertarianism,
while the masthead then carried names such as David Brudnoy and
Alan Reynolds, who both later became influential figures in
conservative and libertarian politics. There seems no evidence of
any resignations or angry recriminations following the issue’s
publication, which seems to have been digested with total
equanimity, apparently arousing less rancor than might have been
generated by a dispute over monetary policy.
I was then too busy with my work to focus on the matter, but some
months later I had more time, and began a detailed investigation. My
first step was to carefully read the Reason articles produced by
those controversial writers previously unknown to me. Although
those pieces were not Holocaust-related, I thought they might give
me a sense of their thinking.
A dozen years earlier, the name “Barnes” would have meant almost
nothing to me. But as I produced my content-archiving system and
digitized so many of America’s most influential publications of the
last 150 years, I had soon discovered that many of our most
illustrious public intellectuals—Left, Right, and Center—had been
suddenly purged and “disappeared” around 1940 because of their
stalwart opposition to FDR’s extremely aggressive foreign policy, and
Barnes, an eminent historian and sociologist, had been among the
most prominent of those. He had been one of the earliest editors at
Foreign Affairs and for many years afterward his important articles
had graced the pages of The New Republic and The Nation, while
even after his fall, he had edited Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace,
an important 1953 collection of essays by himself and other once-
prominent figures. But to have a figure of such intellectual stature
accused of being a Holocaust Denier, let alone the “godfather” of the
entire movement, seemed rather bizarre to me.
Since Ames was merely an ignorant political hack transmitting the
opinions of others, I focused on Lipstadt, his key source. Anyone
who has spent much time on the comment-threads of relatively
unfiltered websites has certainly encountered the controversial topic
of Holocaust Denial, but I now decided to try to investigate the issue
in much more serious fashion. A few clicks on the
website, and her 1993 book Denying the Holocaust arrived in my
mailbox a couple of days later, providing me an entrance into that
mysterious world.
I was only slightly surprised to discover that Irving had been one of
the world’s most successful World War II historians, whose
remarkable documentary findings had completely upended our
knowledge of that conflict and its origins, with his books selling in the
many millions. His entire approach to controversial historical issues
was to rely as much as possible upon hard documentary evidence,
and his total inability to locate any such documents relating to the
Holocaust drove Lipstadt and her fellow ethnic-activists into a frenzy
of outrage, so after many years of effort they finally managed to
wreck his career. Out of curiosity, I read a couple of his shorter
books, which seemed absolutely outstanding historiography, written
in a very measured tone, quite different from that of Lipstadt, whose
own 2005 account of her legal triumph over Irving, History on Trial,
merely confirmed my opinion of her incompetence.
Lipstadt’s first book Beyond Belief, published in 1986, tells an
interesting story as well, with her descriptive subtitle being “The
American Press and the Coming of the Holocaust, 1933-1945.”
Much of the volume consists of press clippings from the American
print media of that era interspersed with her rather hysterical running
commentary, but providing little analysis or judgment. Some of the
journalists reported horrifying conditions for Jews in pre-war
Germany while others claimed that such stories were wildly
exaggerated, with Lipstadt automatically praising the former and
denouncing the latter without providing any serious explanation.
Some years ago, I came across a totally obscure 1951 book entitled
Iron Curtain Over America by John Beaty, a well-regarded university
professor. Beaty had spent his wartime years in Military Intelligence,
being tasked with preparing the daily briefing reports distributed to all
top American officials summarizing available intelligence information
acquired during the previous 24 hours, which was obviously a
position of considerable responsibility.
Beaty also sharply denounced American support for the new state of
Israel, which was potentially costing us the goodwill of so many
millions of Muslims and Arabs. And as a very minor aside, he also
criticized the Israelis for continuing to claim that Hitler had killed six
million Jews, a highly implausible accusation that had no apparent
basis in reality and seemed to be just a fraud concocted by Jews and
Communists, aimed at poisoning our relations with postwar Germany
and extracting money for the Jewish State from the long-suffering
German people.
Beaty’s very brief 1951 discussion has been the earliest instance of
explicit Holocaust Denial I have managed to locate, but the
immediate postwar years seem absolutely rife with what might be
described as “implicit Holocaust Denial,” especially within the highest
political circles.
Over the years, Holocaust scholars and activists have very rightfully
emphasized the absolutely unprecedented nature of the historical
events they have studied. They describe how some six million
innocent Jewish civilians were deliberately exterminated, mostly in
gas chambers, by one of Europe’s most highly cultured nations, and
emphasize that monstrous project was often accorded greater
priority than Germany’s own wartime military needs during the
country’s desperate struggle for survival. Furthermore, the Germans
also undertook enormous efforts to totally eliminate all possible
traces of their horrifying deed, with huge resources expended to
cremate all those millions of bodies and scatter the ashes. This
same disappearance technique was even sometimes applied to the
contents of their mass graves, which were dug up long after initial
burial, so that the rotting corpses could then be totally incinerated
and all evidence eliminated. And although Germans are notorious for
their extreme bureaucratic precision, this immense wartime project
was apparently implemented without benefit of a single written
document, or at least no such document has ever been located.
Lipstadt entitled her first book “Beyond Belief,” and I think that all of
us can agree that the historical event she and so many others in
academia and Hollywood have made the centerpiece of their lives
and careers is certainly one of the most extremely remarkable
occurrences in all of human history. Indeed, perhaps only a Martian
Invasion would have been more worthy of historical study, but Orson
Welles’s famous War of the Worlds radio-play which terrified so
many millions of Americans in 1938 turned out to be a hoax rather
than real.
The six million Jews who died in the Holocaust certainly constituted
a very substantial fraction of all the wartime casualties in the
European Theater, outnumbering by a factor of 100 all the British
who died during the Blitz, and being dozens of times more numerous
than all the Americans who fell there in battle. Furthermore, the
sheer monstrosity of the crime against innocent civilians would
surely have provided the best possible justification for the Allied war
effort. Yet for many, many years after the war, a very strange sort of
amnesia seems to have gripped most of the leading political
protagonists in that regard.
Three of the best known works on the Second World War are
General Eisenhower's Crusade in Europe (New York:
Doubleday [Country Life Press], 1948), Winston Churchill's The
Second World War (London: Cassell, 6 vols., 1948-1954), and
the Mémoires de guerre of General de Gaulle (Paris: Plon, 3
vols., 1954-1959). In these three works not the least mention of
Nazi gas chambers is to be found.
Many others seem to fall into that same category. In 1981, Lucy S.
Dawidowicz, a leading Holocaust scholar, published a short book
entitled The Holocaust and the Historians, in which she denounced
so many prominent historians for having totally ignored the reality of
the Holocaust for many years following World War II. Indeed,
discussion of that topic was almost entirely confined to the Jewish
Studies programs which committed ethnic activists had newly
established at numerous universities throughout the country.
Although Lipstadt’s poor scholarly habits and hysterical style hardly
impressed me, she appears to have been among the most
successful academics who began a career in those ethnic studies
departments, which suggests that their average quality was far
below her own.
I’d never paid much attention to Holocaust issues, but the supporters
of my local Palo Alto Library operate a monthly book sale, and with
serious nonfiction hardcovers often priced at just a quarter each, my
personal library has grown by hundreds of volumes over the years,
now including several of the thickest and most influential Holocaust
texts. Aside from Hilberg’s classic volume, these include Nora
Levin’s The Holocaust (1968), Lucy Dawidowicz’s The War Against
the Jews, 1933-1945 (1975), Martin Gilbert’s The Holocaust (1985),
and Daniel Goldhagen’s Hitler’s Willing Executioners (1996).
Another obvious matter casts further doubt upon the historical quality
of those five immensely thick volumes of standard Holocaust
narrative, which together occupy nearly a linear foot on my
bookshelves. For prosecutors of any crime, establishing a plausible
motive is certainly an important goal, and in the case of the Jewish
Holocaust, these authors would seem to have an easy task at hand.
Hitler and his German colleagues had always claimed that the Jews
overwhelmingly dominated Bolshevik Communism, and much of
their struggle against the former was in order to prevent further
bloody deeds of the latter. So surely devoting an early chapter or so
to describing this central Nazi doctrine would provide an airtight
explanation of what drove the Nazis to their fiendish slaughters,
rendering fully explicable the horrifying events that would occupy the
remainder of their text.
The obvious reason for this glaring omission is that the authors are
constructing a morality-play in which the Jews must be portrayed as
absolutely blameless victims, and even hinting at their role in the
numerous Communist atrocities that long preceded the rise of the
Third Reich might cause readers to consider both sides of the issue.
When purported historians go to absurd lengths to hide such glaring
facts, they unmask themselves as propagandists, and we must be
very cautious about trusting their reliability and candor in all other
matters, whether great or small.
Indeed, the topic of Communism raises a far larger issue, one having
rather touchy implications. Sometimes two simple compounds are
separately inert, but when combined together may possess
tremendous explosive force. From my introductory history classes
and readings in high school, certain things had always seemed
glaringly obvious to me even if the conclusions remained
unmentionable, and I once assumed they were just as apparent to
most others as well. But over the years I have begun to wonder
whether perhaps this might not be correct.
Back in those late Cold War days, the death toll of innocent civilians
from the Bolshevik Revolution and the first two decades of the Soviet
Regime was generally reckoned at running well into the tens of
millions when we include the casualties of the Russian Civil War, the
government-induced famines, the Gulag, and the executions. I’ve
heard that these numbers have been substantially revised
downwards to perhaps as little as twenty million or so, but no matter.
Although determined Soviet apologists may dispute such very large
figures, they have always been part of the standard narrative history
taught within the West.
Probably the most world’s most famous Holocaust survivor was Elie
Wiesel, who parlayed the stories of his wartime suffering into
becoming an enormous political celebrity. His career was capped
with a Nobel Peace Prize in 1986, and the announcement declared
him “a messenger to mankind.” Yet journalist Alexander Cockburn
has persuasively argued that Wiesel was simply a fraud, and his
famous autobiographical work Night just another literary hoax.
Although the iconic figure of “the Six Million” has been endlessly
repeated by our media, the estimated numbers of the dead have
actually been shockingly variable over the years. Although I never
paid much attention to Holocaust issues, I have closely read my
major newspapers and magazines for decades, and had regularly
seen the statement that the Nazi death machine had brutally
exterminated five million Gentiles along with the six million Jews. But
just last year, I was stunned to discover that former total was simply
a whole-cloth invention by prominent Holocaust-activist Simon
Wiesenthal, who simply made the figure up one day with the intent of
giving non-Jews more of a stake in the Holocaust story. And despite
being based on absolutely no evidence or research, his casual claim
was never effectively refuted by actual Holocaust scholars, who
knew it to be total nonsense, and therefore it was so regularly
repeated in the media that I probably read it hundreds of times over
the years, always assuming it had some firm grounding in proven
Similarly, for decades I had always read the undeniable fact that the
Nazis had exterminated 4 million inmates at Auschwitz, with most of
the victims being Jews, and Lipstadt certainly treated that number as
absolutely rock-solid historical reality. But in the early 1990s after the
fall of Communism, the official total was quietly revised downwards
to as little as 1.1 million. The fact that a sudden reduction in the
official Holocaust body-count by 3 million has had so little impact
upon our public Holocaust media narrative hardly seems to inspire
great confidence in either the total figures or the media reporting of
Over the last couple of generations, our media has engraved that
figure of Six Million so deeply onto the minds of every Western
citizen that the meaning of the iconic number is universally
understood, and those who question it risk a prison sentence in
many European countries. Yet its actual origin is somewhat obscure.
According to some accounts, Jewish groups lobbied President
Truman into casually inserting it into one of his speeches, and
thereafter it has endlessly echoed in the media down to the present
day. Some angry Internet activist has put together a graphic
displaying extracts from dozens of New York Times stories between
1869 and 1941 all citing the figure of 6 million Eastern European
Jews as being threatened with death, suggesting that our official
Holocaust body-count actually predated World War II by as much as
three generations. I really wouldn’t be surprised if that might be the
original source of the number.
More than a dozen years later, Finkelstein’s work became the focus
of a second major controversy. In the late 1990s, international
Jewish organizations launched a major effort to extract many billions
of dollars from the largest Swiss banks, arguing that such funds were
the rightful property of European Jews who had died in the
Holocaust. When the banks initially resisted, arguing that no solid
evidence was being presented for such enormous claims, they were
harshly denounced by America’s Jewish-dominated media, and
Jewish lobbying led the American government to threaten them with
severe financial sanctions that could have destroyed their
businesses. Faced with such serious extortionate pressure, the
banks finally gave way and paid out the bulk of the funds being
demanded, with those billions mostly retained by the Jewish
organizations leading the campaign and spent on their own projects
since the purported Jewish heirs were impossible to locate.
This situation led historian Finkelstein to publish a short book in 2000
entitled The Holocaust Industry, in which he harshly critiqued what
he characterized as a global Jewish money-making enterprise aimed
at unfairly extracting wealth on behalf of the supposed Holocaust
victims, often with little regard for truth or fairness. Although almost
entirely ignored by the American media, it became a major bestseller
in Europe, which eventually forced American publications to give it
some attention. Among other things, Finkelstein noted that more
than a half-century after the end of the Holocaust, the number of
officially designated Holocaust survivors had grown so large that
simple mortality considerations seemed to imply that huge numbers
of European Jews must have survived the war. This obviously raised
serious questions about how many might have actually died during
that conflict and its accompanying Holocaust.
Over the years, I had noticed the same sorts of media reports
claiming enormous totals of Holocaust survivors still alive now six or
seven decades after the event. For example, even as late as 2009
an official at Israel’s Jewish Agency justified laws criminalizing
Holocaust Denial by explaining that almost 65 years after the end of
the war “there are still hundreds of thousands of living Holocaust
survivors,” a statement which itself seemed to constitute rather
explicit Holocaust Denial. Indeed, a very noticeable number of all the
New York Times obituaries I read these days in my morning
newspaper seem to include Holocaust survivors still expiring in their
eighties and nineties.
Anyone who reads serious history books knows that Jews have
generally enjoyed a reputation for producing many of the world’s
greatest swindlers and frauds, hardly surprising given their notorious
tendency to lie and dissemble. Meanwhile, the Jewish community
also seems to contain far more than its fair share of the emotionally
disturbed and the mentally ill, and perhaps as a consequence has
served as a launching-pad for many of the world’s religious cults and
fanatic ideological movements. Any exploration of the Holocaust
certainly tends to support this rather negative appraisal.
The Holocaust and Hollywood
Although the Holocaust began to enter American consciousness
during the 1960s and 1970s with the publication of major books by
Hilberg, Levin, Dawidowicz, and others, together with the resulting
articles and reviews that these generated, the initial social impact
was probably not substantial, at least outside the Jewish community.
Even highly successful books selling in the many tens of thousands
of copies would have had little impact in a population of more than
200 million.
Our media completely shapes our perceived reality of the world, and
although intellectuals and many of the highly educated are greatly
influenced by books and other forms of printed content, the vast
majority of the population understands the world through electronic
media, especially that of popular entertainment.
Many billions of dollars have surely been invested over the years on
the total production costs of this ongoing business enterprise. For
most ordinary people, “seeing is believing,” and how could anyone
seriously doubt the reality of the Holocaust after having seen all the
gas chambers and mounds of murdered Jewish corpses constructed
by highly-paid Hollywood set designers? Doubting the existence of
Spiderman and the Incredible Hulk would be almost as absurd.
Near the end of the 1960s, a right-wing publisher named Willis Carto
came across a short and unpolished Holocaust Denial manuscript,
apparently produced some years earlier, and then ignored legal
niceties by simply putting it into print. The purported author soon
sued for plagiarism, and although the case was eventually settled,
his identity eventually leaked out as being that of David L. Hoggan, a
Barnes protege with a Harvard Ph.D. in history, serving as a junior
faculty member at Stanford. His desire for anonymity was aimed at
preventing the destruction of his career, but he failed in that effort,
and further academic appointments quickly dried up.
Before the war, millions of Jews had lived in Eastern Europe, and
after the war, those communities had mostly vanished. This
undeniable fact has long stood as an implicit central pillar of the
traditional Holocaust narrative. But drawing upon entirely
mainstream sources, Sanning persuasively demonstrates that the
situation was actually far more complicated than it might seem. For
example, it was widely reported at the time that vast numbers of
Polish Jews had been transported by the Soviets to locations deep
within their territory, on both voluntary and involuntary terms, with
future Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin being including in
those transfers. In addition, huge numbers of heavily urbanized
Soviet Jews were similarly evacuated ahead of the advancing
German forces in 1941. The exact size of these population
movements has long been uncertain and disputed, but Sanning’s
careful analysis of postwar Soviet census data and other sources
suggests that the totals were likely towards the upper end of most
estimates. Sanning makes no claim that his findings are definitive,
but even if they are only partially correct, such results would certainly
preclude the reality of traditional Holocaust numbers.
But for me, the most striking aspect of the story is the girl’s actual
fate under the official narrative, as recounted in the thoroughly
establishmentarian Wikipedia entry. Apparently disease was raging
in her camp despite the best efforts of the Germans to control it, and
she soon became quite ill, mostly remaining bedridden in the
infirmary, before eventually dying from typhus in Spring 1945 at a
different camp about six months after her initial arrival. It seems
rather odd to me that a young Jewish girl who fell severely ill at
Auschwitz would have spent so much time in camp hospitals and
eventually died there, given that we are told the primary purpose of
Auschwitz and other such camps was the efficient extermination of
its Jewish inmates.
By the mid-1990s the Holocaust Denial movement seemed to be
gaining in public visibility, presumably aided by the doubts raised
after the official 1992 announcement that the estimated deaths at
Auschwitz had been reduced by around 3 million.
David Irving had ranked as the world’s most successful World War II
historian, with his books selling in the millions amid glowing
coverage in the top British newspapers when he agreed to appear as
an expert witness at the Zundel trial. He had always previously
accepted the conventional Holocaust narrative, but reading the
Leuchter Report changed his mind, and he concluded that the
Auschwitz gas chambers were just a myth. He was quickly subjected
to unrelenting media attacks, which first severely damaged and then
ultimately destroyed his very illustrious publishing career, and he
later even served time in an Austrian prison for his unacceptable
The lives and careers of a very sizable number of other individuals
have followed this same unfortunate sequence, which in much of
Europe often ends in criminal prosecution and imprisonment. Most
notably, a German lawyer who became a bit too bold in her legal
arguments soon joined her client behind bars, and as a
consequence, it has become increasingly difficult for accused
Holocaust Deniers to secure effective legal representation. By
Kollerstrom’s estimates, many thousands of individuals are currently
serving time across Europe for Holocaust Denial.
My impression is that by the late 1960s, the old Soviet Bloc countries
had mostly stopped imprisoning people merely for questioning
Marxist-Leninist dogma, and reserved their political prisons only for
those actively organizing against the regime, while Holocaust Denial
is treated today in far harsher fashion. One clear difference is that
actual belief in Communist doctrine had entirely faded away to
almost nothing even among the Communist leadership itself, while
these days Holocaustianity is still a young and deeply held faith, at
least within a small slice of the population that exerts enormously
disproportionate leverage over our public institutions.
For example, during the 1980s the offices and warehouse storage
facilities of the IHR in Southern California were fire-bombed and
totally destroyed by Jewish militants. And although Canada has
traditionally had little political violence, in 1995 the large, ramshackle
house that served as the residence and business office of Canada’s
Ernst Zundel, one of the world’s leading publishers and distributers
of Holocaust Denial literature, was similarly fire-bombed and burned
to the ground. Zundel had already faced several criminal
prosecutions on charges of spreading “false news,” and eventually
served years in prison, before being deported back to his native
Germany, where he served additional imprisonment. Various other
prominent Holocaust Deniers have even faced threats of
Most historians and other academic scholars are quiet souls, and
surely the looming threat of such serious terroristic violence must
have dissuaded many of them from involving themselves in such
obviously controversial issues. Meanwhile, relentless financial and
social pressure may gradually wear down both individuals and
organizations, causing them to eventually either abandon the field or
become far less active, with their places sometimes taken by
The year after the 9/11 attacks, the JHR ceased print publication.
The growth of the Internet was probably an important contributing
factor, and with the national focus shifting so sharply toward foreign
policy and the Middle East, its IHR parent organization became
much less active, while much of the ongoing debate in Revisionism
and Holocaust Denial shifted to various other online venues. But at
some point over the years, the JHR digitized many hundreds of its
articles and posted them on its website, providing over three million
words of generally very high-quality historical content.
Author Archives:
Topic Archives:
Every now and then someone in that category spoke a little too
freely or became a target for retaliation on a different matter, and our
media went into a feeding frenzy of Holocaust Denial accusations
and counter-accusations.
Until thirty years ago, Communist rule over the USSR and its
Warsaw Pact allies seemed absolutely permanent and unshakeable,
but the roots of that belief had totally rotted away, leaving behind
nothing more than a hollow facade. Then one day, a gust of wind
came along, and the entire gigantic structure collapsed. I wouldn’t be
surprised if our current Holocaust narrative eventually suffers that
same fate, perhaps with unfortunate consequences for those too
closely associated with having maintained it.