BCO in MAPEH 5 Third Quarter NEW

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Department of Education

Region VI-Western Visayas

Division of Negros Occidental
District of Hinigaran II


MAPEH 5 (Quarter 3)
1 January29,2024 Monday MID-YEAR BREAK/INSET
January30,2024 Tuesday MID-YEAR BREAK/INSET
January 31,2024 Wednesday Music MU5FO IIIa -1 Recognizes the design or structure of 1
simple musical forms:

1. unitary (one section)

2. strophic (same tune with 2 or more

sections and 2 or more verses)
February 1,2024 Thursday Music MU5FO -IIIb -2 Creates a 4 - line unitary song 1
February 2,2024 Friday Catch Up Friday

2 February 5,2024 Monday Music MU5FO -IIIc - d - Creates a 4 –line strophic song with 2 1
3 sections

February 6,2024 Tuesday Music MU5FO -IIIc - d - Creates a 4 –line strophic song with 2 1
3 verses.

February 7,2024 Wednesday Music MU5TB -IIIe -2 Describes the following vocal timbres: 1
1. soprano 2. alto 3. tenor 4. bass
February 8, 2024 Thursday 1st Written and Performance Test

February 9,2024 Friday Catch Up Friday

3 February 12,2024 Monday Arts A5EL-IIIa Discusses new printmaking technique 1

using a sheet of thin rubber (used for
soles of shoes), linoleum, or any soft
wood that can be carved or gouged to
create different lines and textures.

February 13,2024 Tuesday Arts 5EL-IIIc Discusses possible uses of the printed 1

February 14,2024 Wednesday Arts A5PL-IIId Shows skills in creating a linoleum,

rubber or wood cut print with the


use of carving tools

February 15,2024 Thursday 2nd Written and Performance Test

February 162024 Friday Catch Up Friday

4 February 19,2024 Monday Arts A5PR-IIIe Creates variations of the same print by 1
using different colors of ink in printing
the master plate.

February 20,2024 Tuesday Arts A5PR-IIIf Follows the step-by-step process of 1

creating a print:
5.1 sketching the areas to be carved out
and areas that will remain
5.2 carving the image on the rubber or
wood using sharp cutting tools
5.3 preliminary rubbing
5.4 final inking of the plate with printing
5.5 placing paper over the plate, rubbing
the back of the paper
5.6 impressing the print
5.7 repeating the process to get several
editions of the print
February 21,2024 Wednesday Arts A5PR-III Works with the class to produce a 1
compilation of their prints and create a
book or calendar which they can give as
gifts, sell, or display on the walls of
their school.

February 22,2024 Thursday 3rd Written and Performance Test

February 23,2024 Friday Catch Up Friday

5 February 26,2024 Monday P.E PE5PF-IIIb-h-18 Assesses regularly participation in 1

physical activities based on the
Philippines physical activity pyramid:

( Push and pull activity)

February 27,2024 Tuesday P.E PE5PF-IIIb-h-18 Assesses regularly participation in 1

physical activities based on the
Philippines physical activity pyramid( in
performing high jump and long jump)

February 28,2026 Wednesday P.E PE5PF-IIIb-h-18 Assesses regularly participation in 1

physical activities based on the
Philippines physical activity
pyramid( Lifting and heavy and
light materials)
February 29,2024 Thursday 4 Written and Performance Test

March 1,2024 Friday Catch up Friday

6 March 4,2024 Monday P.E PE5RD-IIIb-h-3 Observes safety precautions: 1

(in pushing and pulling activity)

March 5,2024 Tuesday P.E PE5RD-IIIb-h-3 Observes safety precautions: 1

( in lifting heavy and light materials)

March 6,2024 Wednesday P.E PE5RD-IIIc-h-4 Executes the different skills involved in
the dance: ( Carinosa dance)

March 7,2024 Thursday 5th Written and Performance Test

March 8,2024 Friday Catch Up Friday
7 March 11,2024 Monday Health H5SU-IIIa-7 Explains the concept of gateway drugs. 1
March 12,2024 Tuesday Health H5SU-IIIb-8 Identifies products with caffeine 1

March 13,2024 Wednesday Health H5SU-IIIde-10 Describes the general effects of the 1
use and abuse of caffeine and tobacco

March 14,2024 Thursday 6th Written and Performance Test

March 15,2024 Friday Catch Up Friday

8 March 18,2024 Monday Health H5SU IIIfg-11 Analyzes how the use of alcohol can 1
negatively impact the health of the
individual, the family and the community.

March 19,2024 Tuesday Health H5SU-IIIh-12 Demonstrates life skills in keeping 1

healthy through the non-use of gateway

March 20,2024 Wednesday Health H5SU-IIIij -13 Follows school policies and national laws 1
related to the sale and use of
tobacco and alcohol
March 21,2024 Thursday 7th Written and Performance Test
March 22,2024 Friday Catch Up Friday
9 March 25, 2024 Monday Music MU5TB IIIf - 3 Identifies aurally and visually different 1
instruments in:
1. rondalla
2. drum and lyre band
3. bamboo group/ensemble (Pangkat
4. other local indigenous ensembles
March 26,2024 Tuesday Music MU5TBIIIg-h-5 Creates music using available sound 1
March 27,2024 Wednesday Arts A5PR-IIIh-1 Demonstrates contrast in a carved or 1
textured area in an artwork
* Produces several editions of the same
print that are well-inked and evenly

March 28,2024 Thursday Holy Thursday

March 29,2024 Friday Holy Friday

10 April 1,2024 Monday Arts A5PR-IIIh-3 Participates in a school/district exhibit 1

and culminating activity in celebration of
the National Arts Month (February)

April 2,2024 Tuesday P.E PE5PF-IIIb-h-19 Recognizes the value of participation in 1

physical activities:

April 3, 2024 Wednesday Third Quarter Examination

April 4, 2024 Thursday Third Quarter Examination

April 5 ,2024 Friday Start of Academic Quarter Four

Prepared by:
District Music Coordinator

Checked and Verified by:

Principal II

Approved by:


District Supervisor

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