BCO in MAPEH 5 Third Quarter NEW
BCO in MAPEH 5 Third Quarter NEW
BCO in MAPEH 5 Third Quarter NEW
2 February 5,2024 Monday Music MU5FO -IIIc - d - Creates a 4 –line strophic song with 2 1
3 sections
February 6,2024 Tuesday Music MU5FO -IIIc - d - Creates a 4 –line strophic song with 2 1
3 verses.
February 7,2024 Wednesday Music MU5TB -IIIe -2 Describes the following vocal timbres: 1
1. soprano 2. alto 3. tenor 4. bass
February 8, 2024 Thursday 1st Written and Performance Test
February 13,2024 Tuesday Arts 5EL-IIIc Discusses possible uses of the printed 1
4 February 19,2024 Monday Arts A5PR-IIIe Creates variations of the same print by 1
using different colors of ink in printing
the master plate.
March 13,2024 Wednesday Health H5SU-IIIde-10 Describes the general effects of the 1
use and abuse of caffeine and tobacco
March 20,2024 Wednesday Health H5SU-IIIij -13 Follows school policies and national laws 1
related to the sale and use of
tobacco and alcohol
March 21,2024 Thursday 7th Written and Performance Test
March 22,2024 Friday Catch Up Friday
9 March 25, 2024 Monday Music MU5TB IIIf - 3 Identifies aurally and visually different 1
instruments in:
1. rondalla
2. drum and lyre band
3. bamboo group/ensemble (Pangkat
4. other local indigenous ensembles
March 26,2024 Tuesday Music MU5TBIIIg-h-5 Creates music using available sound 1
March 27,2024 Wednesday Arts A5PR-IIIh-1 Demonstrates contrast in a carved or 1
textured area in an artwork
* Produces several editions of the same
print that are well-inked and evenly
Prepared by:
District Music Coordinator
Approved by: