U5 - Grammar - Standard

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Countable and uncountable nouns

1 Write C (countable) or U (uncountable). Then write the plurals for the countable
1 egg C eggs
2 beach __ ______________
3 pasta __ ______________
4 shop __ ______________
5 rice __ ______________
6 banana __ ______________
7 library __ ______________
8 milk __ ______________
2 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
1 Look! It’s any / a chocolate cake.
2 She’s eating an / any apple.
3 They’re buying a / some new boots.
4 We’ve got any / two museums in town.
5 Have you got a / any comics?
6 We’d like some / any cheese, please.
7 I can’t see any / some trees in the park.

there is/are
3 Complete the sentences with There is/isn’t or There are/aren’t.
1 There is a pizza in the oven. (+)
Is there … ? Are there … ?
4 Write questions with Is there and Are there. Then write the short answers.
1 any cycle lanes? (+) Are there any cycle lanes?
Yes, there are.
2 a teacher in the classroom? (-)

3 any yoghurts in the fridge? (+)

4 any skating competitions today? (-)

5 any juice in her glass? (+)

6 an underground station near here? (-)

How much/many … ?
5 Use the word pairs to complete the questions and answers.

How / lot many / many milk / A much / Not students / Some

1 How many restaurants do you know? A lot !
2 How _________ food is there? ________ much.
3 How __________ jackets have you got? Not _____________.
4 How much ___________ does he drink? ______ lot!
5 How many ______________ like studying maths? ____________.

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