Lippert CorrectTrack II Final

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Correct Track II

Bolt-on System
Benefits: Parts List Installation
1. Aligns axles to kingpin or coupler. 12 - hanger plates with side rails welded on one side 1. Place CT II Spring Hanger Plates on the outsides of
4 - plates have two 9/16” holes and one 9/16” x 1 5/8” the spring hanger. (These are the plates with two
2. Will spread axles for more clearance between tires.
vertical slot (these are for the Equalizer/Center slots in them, one 9/16” x 1 5/8” horizontal and one
3. Increases tire life. 9/16” x 1 5/8” vertical.) Insert the 2 x 3 x 1 7/8”spacer
4. Help reduce tire sidewall heating. in the center of the hanger. Align the center hole of
8 - plates have two 9/16” holes and one 9/16” x 1 5/8” the plate with the bottom hole of the hanger and
5. Adjusts up to 1” front to back, in 1/4” increments. vertical slot on top of the plate and one 9/16” x insert a 9/16” x 4” bolt though the plate, spacer, and
6. Increases fuel mileage by not dragging misaligned 1 5/8” horizontal slot on bottom of the plate (these hanger. Install a nut on the backside and snug it up.
tires. are for the spring hangers?)
2. Use a 9/16”-20 x 3 1/2” bolt to go through the slot,
7. Helps keep trailer straight when braking. 6 - 2 x 3 x 1 7/8” spacers hanger spacer, and drilled hanger holes. Install a nut
6 - 9/16” – 20 x 3 1/2” bolts on the backside and snug it up.
Read all instructions before 12 - 9/16” x 4” bolts 3. Repeat steps 1& 2 on the other spring hanger, or
starting installation. 18 - 9/16” locking nuts
4. Equalizer/Center Hangers Plates have two holes
Installation: 12 - 9/16” washers for use behind the locking nuts and one vertical slot. Install these the same as the
1. Disconnect Battery and LP gas. 8 - Correct Track cams (octagon shape) with one 9/16” Spring Plates.
2. Level trailer front-to-back using only the front jacks. hole (gold zinc) 5. Tighten all installed bolts up to this point.
Use plumb bob or laser tool. Then measure from the
center of kingpin or coupler to each tire at center of
Installing Correct Track II 6. Use jacks to raise axle in order to bring the spring
tread on left and right sides. This can be done using
Hanger Plates eye back into the hanger area.
a plumb line to mark a spot on the ground and Hanger Preparation 7. Start with the equalizer hanger. Bolt together, using
measuring up to the center of tires. a 9/16” bolt, washer and nut. Tighten the nut until
1. With bolts removed from hangers, use the jacks to
there is about 1/16” of play between the two Correct
3. Record these measurements for future use. (Record lower the axles about 2 inches.
Track plates and the spring.
measurements in the areas provided.) Some 2. Place a CT II hanger plate on the outside of one of
trailers weigh more on different sides, allowing 8. Place an octagon cam over a 9/16” bolt. The cam
the hangers. Align the center hole with the bottom
the springs to spread apart, and causing them to should hang down with the hole being in the center,
hole of the hanger. Place a 9/16” x 4” bolt through the
become misaligned. from left to right. Thread the bolt through the
plate and hanger.
plates, shims, and spring. Place a second octagon
4. Measure from the right front outside hub to the 3. Make sure the sides of the hanger and CT II plate are cam on the back side of the plate. Just start the nut
right rear outside hub. Record the measurement. aligned. so the assembly doesn’t fall apart. (Octagons are
Do the same for the left side. used ONLY on Spring Hangers) Make sure the
4. Clamp the pieces together, making sure not to cover
5. Check measurements for misalignment. the slot in the plate. cams are seated and locked between their side rails.
6. Support the trailer with jack stands on front corners This is done by slowly raising and/or lowering the
5. Use a 9/16” drill to spot a hole. Go through the vertical axle and /or the trailer frame to move the cam into
and at the rear behind the spring hangers. 9/16” x 1 5/8” slotted area, into the hanger. (Try to
7. Block tires on one side of the trailer. place the hole as high up as possible without braking
into another hole.) 9. Repeat step 8 on remaining spring hanger(s).
8. Remove the wheels on the other side. Using jacks to
support the axles, remove the spring bolts from the 6. Use a 1/4” drill bit to finish drilling through the spot 10. Using the measurements recorded on paper,
hangers. in the ONE SIDE of the hanger. determine how much adjustment is needed on each
of the axles. Each notch of the octagon when turned
9. We strongly suggest replacing all the bushings with 7. Do the same to the backside of the hanger. (Steps equals 1/4” of an inch of adjustment.
NeverFail Bushings in the springs and the equalizer 2-6). Do not try to drill the pilot hole in the backside
at this time. Also, if the shackle holes or equalizer/ of the hanger by using the front hole as guide. These 11. Make adjustments as needed on each of the spring
center hanger holes show any signs of wear, replace holes must be perfectly aligned or else the plates will hangers
them now too, we recommend replacing with not fit properly.
Equa-Flex or Center Point Air Ride. 8. Repeat steps 2-7 for the remaining spring hangers
and the equalizer/center hanger.
9. Drill open all the 1/4” drilled holes to 9/16”. You may
step directly up to a 9/16” drill; or if you find it
easier, use a 3/8” bit prior to the 9/16” finished

52941 Glenview Drive | Plant #62 | Elkhart, IN 46514 |

Correct Track II
Bolt-on System
12. Tighten the nuts until there is about 1/16” of play Aligning your axles. Record Measurements for future references.
between the Correct Track plates and the spring. 1 Release pressure on cam bolt by jacking up the 1. Kingpin or coupler to front right axle with weight on
13. Verify that all nuts and bolts are tightened properly. frame. Stop just before the tire is lifted off the
ground. axles. _________
14. Reinstall wheels.
15. Repeat instructions for the second side of the trailer. 2. Remove nut from backside of cam bolt.
2. Kingpin or coupler to front left axle with weight on
3. Tap end of bolt until the cam clears the locking tabs.
axles. _________
Verify Alignment. 4. Rotate cam to get desired movement of axle. The
jack may have to be adjusted up or down in order 3. Front axle to rear axle right side with weight on
1. Level trailer front to back using only the front to get the cam aligned with the locking tabs on the
jacks. Then measure from the center of kingpin or hanger. axles. _________
coupler to each center of tire tread making sure you
measure the same area on both tires on left and 4. Front axle to rear axle left side with weight on axles.
right sides. This can be done using a plumb line to
mark a spot on the ground and measuring up to the _________
center of tread, up, down and sideways. (Record
measurements in the areas provided.)
Measurements of new Correct Track II System.
2. Measure from the right front outside hub to the
right rear hub. Record the measurement. 5. Kingpin or coupler to front right axle with weight on
3. Do the same for the left side.
axles. _________
4. Check measurements for misalignment.
6. Kingpin or coupler to front left axle with weight on
axles. _________

7. Front axle to rear axle right side with weight on

axles. _________

8. Front axle to rear axle left side with weight on axles.

For technical help call Sonny @ 574-370-4515 or

574-312-6654, [email protected]

A 9/16" drill bit can be purchased at:

Sears: Craftsman Model 66050 $14.99
Home Depot: Model 48-89-2740 $14.97
Menards: Model 2420646 $7.99
Grainger: Model 46M62 $19.70
Kornwell Tools: SKU UG 322036 $12.86
The Mobile Outfitters: PN# 284400 $14.99 plus shipping

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52941 Glenview Drive | Plant #62 | Elkhart, IN 46514 |

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