481-Article Text-2650-1-10-20231016
481-Article Text-2650-1-10-20231016
481-Article Text-2650-1-10-20231016
I Nengah Suarmayasa 1
Rumah Sakit Daerah Mangusada, Bali, Indonesia
Patient infections during hospitalization still occur now, and various efforts are being made to find
places where these germs or microorganisms are located and multiply. Medical devices such as
Sphygmomanometer cuffs have the risk of becoming a place for germs and causing them to infect
patients. This study aims to identify the type and number of germs present in the Sphygmomanometer cuff.
This study used a descriptive observational design conducted at the Mangusada Regional Hospital (RSD)
in Badung Regency. The measuring instrument for the number and type of microorganisms on the
Sphygmomanometer cuff was based on laboratory tests. The smear was taken from the
sphygmomanometer cuff, examined using a sterile cotton swab, put into the transport medium, and then
sent to the Clinical Pathology Laboratory, Microbiology Sub-District Hospital, Mangusada Hospital. The
results of the study showed that there were five types of germs found on the sphygmomanometer cuff in
the treatment room, which included: 1) Staphylococcus xylosus germs were the most, namely 46%; 2)
Staphylococcus haemolyticus 23%; 3) Bacillus spp. 15%; 4) Acinetobacter baummani 8%; 5)
Enterobacter cloaceae 8%. This study concluded that there are various types of germs in the
Spigmomanometer cuff, so it is very important for nurses to maintain the cleanliness of the
Spigmomanometer cuff so that it does not become a medium for germs that infect patients during hospital
Infeksi pasien selama perawatan di rumah sakit sampai sejauh ini masih terjadi dan berbagai upaya terus
dilakukan untuk menemukan tempat dimana kuman atau mikroorganisme tersebut berada dan
memperbanyak diri. Alat kesehatan seperti manset Spigmomanometer berisiko menjadi tempat kuman
dan menyebabkan menginfeksi pasien. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis dan jumlah
kuman yang ada pada manset Spigmomanometer. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain deskriptif
observasional yang dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Daerah (RSD) Mangusada Kabupaten Badung. Alat ukur
yang digunakan terkait jumlah dan jenis mikroorganisme pada manset Spigmomanometer didasarkan
pada uji laboratorium. Apusan diambil dari manset Spigmomanometer yang akan diperiksa dengan
menggunakan lidi kapas steril dan dimasukan ke dalam media transpor lalu di kirim ke Laboratorium
Patologi Klinik sub Mikrobiologi RSD Mangusada. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ada 5 jenis
kuman yang didapatkan pada manset sphygmomanometer di ruang perawatan yang meliputi : 1) Kuman
Staphylococcus xylosus paling banyak yaitu 46%; 2) Staphylococcus haemolyticus 23%; 3) Bacillus
spp. 15%; 4) Kuman Acinetobacter baummani 8%; 5) Enterobacter cloaceae 8%. Penelitian ini