1 s2.0 S1658077X24000110 Main
1 s2.0 S1658077X24000110 Main
1 s2.0 S1658077X24000110 Main
Keywords: Context: Food security is highly reliant on agricultural activity to drive the world economy. However, this activity
Cloud computing is in great danger due to climatic changes and improper use of irrigation techniques. Consequently, the lives of
Embedded system numerous individuals worldwide are in jeopardy. In light, this paper investigates the promise of smart irrigation
Food security
systems based on new technology.
Internet-of-things (IoT)
Intelligent sensors
Objective: To meet the growing demand for water in agriculture, this study presents an intelligent irrigation
Irrigation system system that uses cutting-edge technologies of (1) cloud computing, (2) embedded systems, and (3) Internet-of-
Smart agriculture Things (IoT). The main objective is to demonstrate how this innovative strategy can effectively manage water
ThingSpeak platform resources, supporting food security through cutting-edge agricultural technology.
V model Methods: This paper proposes a smart irrigation system based on cutting-edge technologies like the embedded
system, Internet of Things (IoT), and cloud computing as a groundbreaking strategy to improve food security
through the implementation of advanced agricultural technology. This system supervises real-time monitoring of
crucial environmental factors such as (1) moisture, (2) humidity, (3) temperature, and (4) water levels, in smart
agriculture practices. In addition, this system employs the latest sensors, including the module (DHT22), water
level sensor, and moisture sensors, which are connected to the widely used embedded system (ESP32). The
system uses the ThingSpeak cloud and ThingView app to enable wireless communication between the device and
the farm owner, enhancing their interaction. The automated control of the two water pumps is based on the
readings of various environmental factors. Moreover, this will also present a mathematical-driven function
known as linear interpolation to calibrate the water level sensor in percentage. This system was created using the
V-model software development approach.
Results and conclusion: Farmers can access comprehensive farm data from anywhere in the world as the sensor
data is transmitted in real-time to both the ThingSpeak cloud and the ThingView. This capability allows for more
precise crop irrigation and increased production. The study’s findings demonstrate a striking 70% reduction in
water consumption for soil irrigation when utilizing the proposed smart irrigation system. This paper un
derscores the significant promise of smart irrigation systems, driven by IoT, embedded systems, and cloud
computing, to conserve water resources and advance food security.
Significance: This article proposes an innovative solution that reduces soil irrigation water consumption by 70%
compared to traditional methods. It explores how smart irrigation can improve the sustainability of agriculture
and positively influence food security.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (H.M. Khalid).
Received 16 November 2023; Received in revised form 19 January 2024; Accepted 14 February 2024
Available online 22 February 2024
1658-077X/© 2024 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Please cite this article as: Abdennabi Morchid et al., [Short title + Author Name - P&H title], https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jssas.2024.02.001
A. Morchid et al. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx
Agriculture plays a crucial role in ensuring food security and has a agriculture, not only produces food but also, opens doors to employ
significant impact Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country. With ment. For farmers and those who work in the agricultural value chain,
the projected increase the global population, there will be a greater need such as processors, marketers, and exporters, it is a significant source of
for agricultural production (FAO et al., 2022). The need for food will in- revenue. As a result, agriculture has the ability to promote economic
fact rise significantly as the world’s population continues to grow. Also, expansion, reduce poverty, and improve living conditions. Investments
it is expected that the world population will surpass 10 billion by 2050. in innovative agriculture technology have the potential to accelerate
To fulfil the increased demand caused by population growth, food pro economic growth. Farmers can boost their earnings, produce more food
duction must increase by almost 70 % (Giller et al., 2021). For agri with fewer resources, and open new markets for their goods with the aid
culture to satisfy this need, it must adapt and expand. However, due to of modern agricultural systems and smart technology (Bathaei and
additional difficulties brought about by climate change and water con Štreimikienė, 2023; Blakeney, 2022). In light of the economic consid
straints, existing agricultural methods are no longer enough to supply erations and the imperative to optimize the use of this vital resource, the
this expanding need (Elijah et al., 2018). implementation of computerized smart systems in North Africa and
worldwide has become crucial (Assouli et al., 2018). The proposed paper
1.2. Smart agriculture – sustainability, production, and resources presents an advanced smart irrigation system that aims to revolutionize
agricultural efficiency and increase yields. With a broad scope that in
Smart agriculture is rapidly implementing contemporary technology cludes innovative irrigation technologies and cutting-edge technological
to address these issues and boost production and sustainability (Ahmed applications such as the Internet of Things, cloud computing, and
et al., 2018; Lindgren et al., 2018). For instance, a recent scientific field embedded system, the paper focuses on improving food security.
called “smart irrigation” employs data-intensive techniques to maximize Through potential stability and the promotion of sustainable agricul
water consumption and boost agricultural production. Farmers may gain tural practices, the study also envisages a future in agriculture contrib
useful information from sensors and data analytics in agriculture to uting to the promotion of global food stability.
better understand how their actions affect the soil. Farmers may use data
gleaned from environmental parameter monitoring and analysis to
1.4. Intelligent irrigation – internet, deep Learning, Machine Learning,
improve practices, make well-informed decisions about resource use,
and motivation of this work
and identify crop problems early on. This improves sustainability and
creates a deeper comprehension of the link between farming and land
The intelligent irrigation, utilizing state-of-the-art technology like
(Idoje et al., 2021; Ojha et al., 2015). Technology in agriculture is
Internet-integrated systems, plays a pivotal role in collecting precise
essential for resource conservation, reducing the environmental effect of
data (such as temperature, humidity, and soil moisture), this helps in
farming operations, and feeding the world’s population. With the advent
demonstrating its effectiveness in practical applications, and facilitating
of the digital age, sophisticated technologies are replacing old farming
remote control (Rahman et al., 2020; Pramanik et al., 2022; Abba et al.,
techniques. These systems provide enormous quantities of data that may
2019; Munir et al., 2021). Consequently, the utilization of the Internet in
be used to optimize resources used and boost agricultural output. Hence,
recent years reflects significant advancements in integrated systems,
the use of technology and data-driven decision-making in agriculture
particularly in developed nations, leading to remarkable improvements
will boost productivity, decrease waste, and protect the planet’s natural
in water conservation and production efficiency (Abi Saab et al., 2019;
resources (Weersink et al., 2018; Khan et al., 2021). Agriculture, not
Pasika and Gandla, 2020). Additionally, the emergence of cutting-edge
only plays a crucial part in providing food security and sustainability,
technologies such as deep learning, machine learning, and artificial in
but it also significantly contributes to a nation’s economic development
telligence in agriculture contributes further to the maintenance and
(Beckman and Countryman, 2021). As was already established, agri
boost of the outcome (Talaviya et al., 2020; Saleem et al., 2021; Subeesh
culture has a big influence on a country’s GDP.
and Mehta, 2021). Motivated by global food security concerns, this
research focuses on irrigation. Meeting the food needs of a growing
A. Morchid et al. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx
population while preserving water resources is of paramount impor how this method might increase agricultural yields, decrease water
tance. Current traditional irrigation practices affect yields and food se waste, and assist offset the problem of food security. The system’s
curity. The study proposes an intelligent irrigation system that feasibility for application in many places around the world is also
integrates IoT and cloud technologies. This innovation makes it possible emphasized in this paper, supporting the progress of smart agriculture.
to conserve water efficiently, increase yields, and feed crops well. With
broad global application, this approach advances smart farming, helping 1.6. Main contribution of this work
to improve food security and sustainability.
The main contribution of this paper is expressed as follows. Fig. 1
1.5. Smart irrigation, Internet of Things, ThingSpeak, and focus of this also shows the graphical abstract of the proposed scheme based on these
work contributions.
Numerous cutting-edge technologies, including the IoT, have broad • A smart irrigation system is proposed using new technologies like the
applications. It is hard for farmers to personally visit and monitor every IoT, embedded systems, and cloud computing as a groundbreaking
part of the farms they oversee, which might result in inconsistent wa strategy to improve food security through the implementation of
tering. Losses in money and poor crop quality are consequently a result advanced agricultural technology.
of this. In order to solve this problem and streamline the agricultural • The proposed system supervises real-time monitoring of crucial
process, the research papers (Ayaz et al., 2019; Habib et al., 2023), environmental factors such as moisture, temperature, humidity, and
suggest an intelligent irrigation system that makes use of cutting-edge water levels in smart agriculture practices.
IoT technology. These studies (Kamienski et al., 2019; García et al., • The proposed system also employs state-of-the-art sensors which
2020), also introduce the concept of “smart agriculture,” which makes includes the (1) humidity and temperature sensor module (DHT22),
use of data technology to increase agricultural output and raise the (2) water level sensor, and (3) moisture sensors. All these sensors are
overall quality. Furthermore, the mentioned works (Pathak et al., 2019; connected to the widely-used embedded system (ESP32). The system
Ndunagu et al., 2022), make use of the ThingSpeak platform, which uses the ThingSpeak cloud to enable wireless communication be
provides a complete solution for gathering and storing data acquired tween the device and the farm owner, enhancing their interaction.
from agricultural sensors and controllers, to meet the needs of farm • Farmers can access comprehensive farm data from anywhere in the
operators. This portal is a useful resource for collecting and preserving world as the sensor data is transmitted in real-time to both the
important agricultural data. Wireless sensor networks are utilized by ThingSpeak cloud and the ThingView application. This capability
these papers while creating autonomous plants. By using a smart irri allows for more precise crop irrigation and increased production.
gation system, irrigation settings may be managed automatically (Tiglao • The proposed scheme also presents a mathematical-driven function
et al., 2020; Lloret et al., 2021; Zervopoulos et al., 2020; Morchid et al., known as linear interpolation to calibrate the water level sensor in
2022; Morchid et al., 2021). In these studies (Olisa et al., 2021; Hussen percentage. This smart irrigation system was created using the V
Hajjaj et al., 2020; Hanan et al., 2019; Tham et al., 2022), a water level model software development approach.
sensor was utilized. Specifically, The HC-SR04 device of the real-time • The suggested solution in this paper uses 70 % less water for soil
water level monitoring system is used to accurately measure the water irrigation compared to traditional techniques. It is more efficient and
level as a key component. Further, this study presented a review of environmentally friendly since it prevents drowning crops and
applications of IoT and sensor technology to increase food security and draining water beds.
agricultural sustainability (Morchid et al., 2024). The focus of this study • The proposed article also examines the effects of smart irrigation on
is to provide a smart irrigation system that that would use cloud agricultural sustainability and its impact on food security.
computing and embedded IoT technologies to optimize water utilization
and make sure plants get the right quantity of water. The research shows
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1.7. Formation of the remaining paper knowledge. In the context of smart irrigation, wireless sensor networks
(WSNs) enable autonomous plant management through functions such
The formation of the remaining paper is structured as follows: The as environmental monitoring, nutrient management, disease detection,
architecture of the proposed scheme is described in Section 2. Section 3 automated irrigation, and communications. Wireless sensor networks
discusses the algorithm of the proposed system. Section 4 discusses the provide real-time data on factors such as temperature, humidity, soil
results and discussion of the proposed system. Finally, the conclusions moisture, water level, and nutrient levels. They support adaptive control
and future work are presented in the last Section 5. The framework of systems, use low-power nodes for greater energy efficiency, and enable
the paper can also be seen in Fig. 2. remote monitoring and control through cloud integration. Overall,
WSNs contribute to the creation of autonomous plants by facilitating
2. Architecture of the proposed scheme data-driven decision-making and optimizing plant conditions to
improve crop productivity and sustainability. On the other hand, the
Smart irrigation systems gather information on soil moisture and integration of various sensors into WSNs is essential for plant autonomy.
other parameters using several IoT devices and sensors. These sensors The most common sensors are those measuring temperature, humidity,
can detect the moisture content of the soil, temperature, humidity, and soil moisture, light, nutrients, pests, water levels, and wind. Collectively,
even water level. They can also capture images of the crops to track their these sensors help improve plant-related processes. The integration of
development and general health. Remote control of an irrigation system various sensors improves the accuracy and efficiency of autonomous
using data obtained from sensors and wireless communication with a plant management systems, enabling informed decisions to be made to
cloud-based platform for analysis. The data is processed and analyzed on improve crop productivity and sustainability.
a cloud-based platform which makes use of models and algorithms to
find the best watering plan depending on the information gathered. The 2.1. The architecture of the system
irrigation system is connected to a small computer called an embedded
board which can regulate the irrigation system’s water flow depending This section describes the structure of the smart irrigation system
on instructions. shown in Fig. 3. The system is made up of three essential parts: IoT
Through a mobile application, farmers can access and monitor the devices, cloud computing, and application interface. Internet connec
system, which gives them real-time information on the soil moisture, tivity enables consumers from all around the world to view and track
weather, and irrigation schedule. Through the app, they may manually their farm data.
operate the irrigation system or modify the watering schedule. Farmers The irrigation system is an automated electronic system that is
can increase agricultural yields and optimize irrigation thanks to this. As intended to efficiently manage irrigation scheduling. Its primary goal is
it only supplies the crops with the water they require, this technology to accommodate the changing needs of plants as they develop. Through
also conserves water resources and lowers expenses. Furthermore, crop the analysis of soil moisture content, the system determines the precise
planning and research may be done using the data gathered by the smart percentage of water necessary for irrigation, ensuring accurate sched
irrigation system. Farmers, for instance, might spot trends in crop uling for various agricultural seasons and crop varieties. The key aims of
growth and pinpoint the perfect circumstances for a certain crop by smart irrigation encompass optimizing water consumption to reduce
examining data collected over time. Future agricultural yield optimi costs, enhancing agricultural productivity, benefiting farms, fostering
zation and crop planting schedule decisions may both be made using this energy efficiency, and ensuring food security through utilizing new
technologies like the IoT, cloud computing, embedded systems, and
The IoT architecture of the proposed system, shown in Fig. 3, com
prises three fundamental components: (1) IoT devices, (2) cloud
computing, and (3) the application interface. The components of IoT
devices include sensors, actuators, a control unit, and a gateway, among
others. These sensors are in charge of monitoring critical environmental
factors including air humidity, air temperature, soil moisture, and water
level within the smart farm. The soil moisture sensor is used to measure
the soil moisture content. In addition, the DHT22 device, which is
famous for its accuracy, was used, which is a two-in-one combined
sensor to measure humidity and temperature. In addition, the HC-SR04
ultrasonic distance sensor is used to detect water levels. The ESP32
microcontroller-powered control unit receives sensor readings and co
ordinates the actuators to make sure that the plants are watered on
schedule. The ESP32 microcontroller is appropriate for larger-scale ap
plications since it has adequate memory capacity and improved pro
cessing capability. The smart irrigation system’s actuators are essential
for carrying out instructions from the ESP32 controller. In our system, a
water sprinkler is used to water the plants, and a water pump is used to
fill the tank.
The next development in the IoT device architecture is the addition
of a gateway. The gateway gathers sensed data from the control unit and
carries out critical data processing operations to enable intelligent ag
gregation, optimize network traffic, and lower energy consumption. It
effectively bundles the essential components of the particular process
model and sends them to the cloud, leading to appreciable decreases in
latency and costs at higher levels. The data is continually processed by
conventional cloud computing systems when it is received from the
Fig. 2. Paper framework of the paper. Cloud computing is the focus of our system architecture’s second
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component. Farmers now have access to a huge variety of data that was visualizations using ThingSpeak and use the knowledge to guide their
gathered through the control unit and delivered over the gateway con decisions. This interface makes it possible for the farmer and the system
sole, thanks to this layer. Farmers may gather, view, and analyze real- to communicate seamlessly, which makes it easier to monitor and
time data streams by utilizing the cloud-based IoT analytics platform manage the irrigation systems.
ThingSpeak. ThingSpeak is a complete data management platform that
enables farmers to design unique data visualizations using their own
technology. The platform allows for the collection, visualization, anal 2.2. Calibration of the water level
ysis, and derivation of useful insights from live data streams. Using the
ThingSpeak platform to post data or the ThingView app to retrieve data, In this section, the sensor calibration method is employed in the
farmers may communicate with the system. proposed work. The HC SR04 device was utilized to measure the water
The irrigation system architecture is completed by the application level. Several studies (Olisa et al., 2021; Hussen Hajjaj et al., 2020;
interface, often known as the front layer. Results of data processing, such Hanan et al., 2019; Tham et al., 2022), have employed an ultrasonic
as soil moisture, humidity, temperature, and water level, are shown in sensor to determine the water level. However, these papers did not
this user-facing component. Farmers may get real-time data provide a mathematical calculation for the calibration procedure of the
ultrasonic sensor used to measure the water level. In the proposed study,
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a calibration technique is utilized to study the water level sensor. This this article, integrating linear interpolation into the smart irrigation
technique involves a linear interpolation function, referred to as the system offers significant advantages. The accuracy of the water level
water level sensor calibration, which establishes a relationship between sensor is significantly increased by this mathematical calibration tech
the sensor’s values and the corresponding water level. (1) expresses this nique, providing reliable information for making informed irrigation
relationship in a linear formula. Specifically, when the maximum value decisions. By enabling the system to accurately assess soil moisture
of the sensor is represented in centimeters, the minimum value corre levels, thereby reducing the risks associated with over- or under-
sponds to the %, and vice versa. Fig. 4 visually illustrates this relation watering, the use of linear interpolation improves overall irrigation
ship between the sensor’s values and the water level in %. planning. In particular, by reducing water wastage and complying with
The calibration process was used to accurately adjust the input of the sustainable farming methods, this strategy improves resource efficiency.
ultrasonic sensor. The sensor is connected to the ESP32 Microcontroller Linearization also improves accuracy. In addition, the approach in
for seamless integration and data processing. During the system startup, creases the reliability of data-driven decision-making of the smart irri
we obtain synchronized sensor data for a duration of 2 sec. Subse gation system, which in turn fosters stakeholder confidence in the
quently, we conduct a thorough analysis of the system, focusing on the accuracy of the system to make well-informed and effective manage
highest and lowest values of the sensor readings. The HC-SR04 device is ment decisions. Linear interpolation effectively optimizes agricultural
capable of measuring distances ranging from 2 cm to 400 cm. Equation operations by precisely calibrating the sensors, particularly water level
(1) represents the mathematical interpolation function used to detect sensors, in the smart irrigation system presented in this paper. This
the water level in percentages, such as 5 %, 30 %, etc. This linear enhancement enables better irrigation scheduling, guaranteeing accu
interpolation representation of our proposed system is as follows: rate soil moisture measurements and reducing water wastage. The result
is greater resource efficiency, in line with sustainable practices. What’s
Y = mX + P (1)
more, improved precision has a positive impact on crop productivity,
In the given linear interpolation (1), the variables used are defined as promoting plant health and increasing overall agricultural output.
follows: This section includes a method for calibrating the water level sensor
Y: Output of the water level in %. that will provide farmers with accurate results. This calibration tech
X: Input of the water level in cm. nique optimizes the possibilities of seamless and secure soil irrigation
m: Coefficient. management by facilitating effective process control. This strategy dif
P: Zero adjustment. fers noticeably from the approaches put forward by authors (Olisa et al.,
The coefficient may be computed as in equation (2) if we assume that 2021; Hussen Hajjaj et al., 2020).
the difference between the highest and minimum values is equal to the
h2 described in equation (3). Consequently, level Y is equal to 1 when X 3. Algorithm and V-model of the proposed scheme
is equal to the maximum value (Max). Further context or computation
can be used to calculate the value of P, which represents zero adjust The algorithmic aspect of the proposed approach comprises three
ments as flow in equation (4). essential elements. It begins with a visual flowchart illustrating how the
method works. Next, it explains the process of accessing the ESP32
m = − 99/h2 (2)
station and establishing a Wi-Fi connection. Finally, it presents the
pseudo-code, details of the system equipment, and V Model. This com
h2 = Max − Min (3)
bination of algorithmic representation and equipment information is a
P = 1 − m x Max = 1 + 99 x Max/20 (4) valuable resource for researchers, developers, and enthusiasts who want
to understand how the system works.
In the proposed paper, it has been determined that the maximum
distance in the water tank is 25 cm, and the minimum reading is h1 = 5 3.1. Flow chart of the proposed scheme
cm. Therefore, based equation (3) the difference between the maximum
and minimum values (h2) is calculated as h2 = Max - Min = 25 cm − 5 The smart irrigation system algorithm created particularly for smart
cm = 20 cm. Using this information, the coefficient (m) can be calcu agriculture is shown in detail in Fig. 5. The algorithm encompasses all
lated as m = -99/h2 = − 99/20 = − 4.95. (4) is obtained as follows: stages of the software code, beginning with the initialization of the
Y = − 4.95X + 1 + 99 x Max/20 (4) sensors and ending with the display of sensors data on both the Thing
Speak platform and the ThingView application.
For instance, if X = Min = h1 = 5 cm, the value of the water level (Y) The initialization of the temperature, humidity, moisture, and water
will be 99 %. On the other hand, if X = Max = 25 cm, the water level level sensors is the first step in our system’s flow chart in order to get
value will be 0 %. correct values from these sensors. The sensor parameters are adjusted as
The discussion of this study towards the linear interpolation has needed after initialization to ensure accurate readings. Next, the system
important implications for sustainable agriculture, smart irrigation checks if the ESP32 microcontroller, the ESP32 used in the system, is
systems, and food security. This representation permits precise detection connected to the ThingSpeak cloud. If not, the system tries connection
of water levels at various places in a tank or reservoir by creating a link with the cloud. Additionally, the sensor data is printed on the console for
between the values of the water level sensor and corresponding per monitoring purposes. For the moisture sensor, if the reading falls below
centages. This interpolation may be used by smart irrigation systems to 40 %, indicating a low moisture level in the soil, the watering pump (W-
optimize water use and enhance agricultural operations. Farmers and Pump) is activated, and the green LED indicator is turned on.
system controllers can plan irrigation and manage water resources more Conversely, if the reading exceeds 40 %, the pump remains switched off.
effectively by continually monitoring the water levels. The system can The DHT22 sensor, responsible for measuring air temperature and hu
deliver the proper quantity of water to crops using this real-time data, midity, continuously reads the values every 2 s while checking for any
preventing over- or under-irrigation. This strategy offers two advan potential errors. If the temperature reading exceeds 45 ◦ C, indicating a
tages. Firstly, it promotes sustainability and ensures that just the high temperature, the yellow LED is illuminated; otherwise, the yellow
appropriate amount of water is delivered, therefore conserving water LED remains off. In the case of the water level sensor, if the reading
resources. Secondly, the representation helps to preserve crop health indicates a level below 10 %, indicating a low water level in the tank, the
and production, enhancing food security, by precisely determining tank pump (T-Pump) is activated, and the red LED is turned on.
water levels. Conversely, if the reading is above 10 %, the tank pump remains off, and
According to the mathematical calibration technique presented in the red LED remains unlit. Every 2 s, the suggested smart irrigation
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system’s data is updated (2S). On the LCD, the sensors’ whole output is 3.2. Accessing ESP32 station and Wi-Fi connection process
shown in real time. The system also instantly transmits all sensor data to
the ThingSpeak cloud and ThingView app. In order to provide accurate 3.2.1. Accessing ESP32 station
and current information on the system’s performance, the data is The embedded system (ESP32) is typically linked to a wireless
updated every 2 s. Overall, this Smart Irrigation System makes sure that router, which acts as an access point for the ESP32 to connect to the local
plants and crops receive enough water, and it runs well with little network in these situations. In most cases, the ESP32 is set up as a sta
assistance from humans. In addition, this flow chart makes sure that the tion, enabling it to connect to the router and access the network. In this
sensors are working properly, checks their readings, and initiates the setup, we would need toc be connected to the same local network as the
required actions in response to predetermined thresholds, as shown by ESP32 in order to control it. This implies that we may operate the ESP32
the activation of pumps and indicators. from any device that is also linked to the same network, such as IoT
embedded systems (including other ESP32 devices), IoT gateways
(which may include routers), and IoT terminals like PCs or smartphones
as illustrated in Fig. 6. Our system can access and manage the ESP32
from anywhere in the range of that network as long as these devices are
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linked to it. calculated by linear interpolation. (4) The simulated data is sent to the
cloud platforms (ThingSpeak and ThingView) for visualization and Wi-Fi connection process. The accompanying flow chart serves analysis. (5) The state of the connection to the cloud is simulated. (6)
as an illustration of the methodical flow that the design process for Control logic evaluates humidity and water levels to determine pump
creating a Wi-Fi connection adheres to. The ESP32 microcontroller is conditions. (7) Pump control flags (TonWP, ToffWP, TonTP, ToffTP) are
initially initialized to guarantee good operation. The system then con set based on the control logic conditions. (8) A simulation delay has been
firms that the microcontroller is effectively linked to a Wi-Fi network. introduced between iterations.
The information is swiftly and in real-time delivered to the ThingSpeak The code uses placeholder functions to read sensors, set values, and
cloud platform after the connection has been verified. As shown in check connectivity to the cloud. These functions need to be implemented
Fig. 7, this guarantees that all sensor-generated data is easily accessed to interact with real devices and services. In general, this pseudo-code
and shown on the ThingSpeak platform and the associated ThingView demonstrates the logic of the system that collects sensor data, commu
application. nicates with the cloud (ThingSpeak and ThingView), and controls
pumps according to predefined thresholds.
Table 2 briefly gives the hardware components used in this design,
3.3. Pseudo-code and equipment of the system and explains the particular uses for which it was used. It includes the
controllers, sensors, pumps, and other devices used in this system.
In order to program, develop, and visualize the algorithm’s structure,
the pseudo-code is supplied below. The algorithm for the suggested
irrigation system is shown in Table 1. This pseudo-code defines the
3.4. V Model of the smart irrigation system
simulation of intelligent irrigation based on an embedded system that
monitors environmental conditions, controls pumps, and communicates
A crucial element of our approach is the integration of sensor and
with the cloud (The ThingSpeak platform and the ThingView applica
control system data into the V model, which guides the development of
tion). It starts by defining constants for the different thresholds in lines
the best irrigation program. Within the framework of the V model,
1–2. The program uses variables to represent sensor readings, pump
which is a software development methodology, we have created an
states, and connection status in lines 3–11. Initialise built-in devices
intelligent irrigation system exploiting the IoT and an integrated board
such as ESP32 and sensors in lines 12–13.
such as the ESP32. This board transmits data to the cloud, including
The main loop (While true) is executed continuously, simulating the
platforms such as ThingSpeak, and enables remote monitoring via the
real-time behavior of the system on lines 14–40. Within the loop: Sensor
ThingView application.
values (temperature, humidity, moisture, water level) are (1) simulated,
As shown in Fig. 8 the exact ways to apply the V model, in this case,
although actual sensor data is used in practice. (2) The humidity sensor
are as follows:
reading is calibrated on a percentage scale. (3) The water level is
(1) Requirements Gathering and Analysis: The requirements for the
system are gathered and examined at this stage of the V Model.
This involves identifying the system’s users, such as farmers and
agricultural engineers, their requirements and goals (such as
automating irrigation based on weather and soil conditions and
sending data to the cloud for remote monitoring and analysis), as
well as any limitations that must be taken into account (such as
cost, and compatibility with existing equipment).
(2) System Design: The system architecture and general design are
developed at this stage. This entails a choice of sensors to track
soil moisture, temperature, and water level, an embedded board
such as ESP32 to collect and process sensor data, and a wireless
communication module such as Wi-Fi to transmit sensor data to a
remote server or a cloud-based platform such as ThingSpeak.
Designing the control system that will be used to create the ideal
irrigation schedule is also part of this phase.
(3) Implementation: The integration of sensor and control system data
into the Model V is a crucial step in the implementation of our
intelligent irrigation system. At this stage, the system is activated,
the control system is configured and the integrated board, such as
the ESP32, is programmed. A connection to the cloud is estab
lished, enabling the irrigation system to be monitored and oper
ated remotely. It’s important to note that this phase also includes
the integration of sensor data into the control system, enabling
the best irrigation program to be determined. The code practice
for sending sensor data to the ThingSpeak cloud platform is also
implemented during this stage. This seamless integration of
components guarantees optimum system efficiency, enabling
precise, responsive management of the irrigation program ac
cording to environmental conditions and specific crop needs.
(4) Verification: To make sure the system satisfies the criteria estab
lished in step one, this stage entails testing it. Functional testing,
performance testing, and integration testing are all part of this.
The communication between the embedded board and the
Fig. 7. Flow chart of ESP32 Wi-Fi connection process. ThingSpeak cloud platform as well as the communication
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Table 1
Algorithm 1.
Pseudo-code of the proposed schemes
//Define constants:
1: Min_Moisture_Thereshold = 40
2: Min_Water_Level_Thereshold = 10
3: Ts ← Temperature
4: Hs ← Humidity
5: Ms ← Moisture
6: Ws ← Water level
7: TonWP = false ← Watering pump state
8: TonTP = false ← Tank pump state
9: ToffWP = false ← Watering pump state
10: ToffTP = false ← Tank pump state
11: Max = 20 ← Maximum distance between ultrasonic sensor and water surface
12: Initialize ESP32 ← Embedded board
13: Initialize sensors ← Initialization of the (Ts, Hs, Ms, Ws)
14: While true:
// Simulate sensor readings:
15: Ts = GetTemperature() ← read value (Ts)
16: Hs = GetHumidity() ← read value (Hs)
17: Ms = GetMoisture() ← read value (Ms)
18: Ws = GetWaterLevel() ← read value (Ws)
// Perform two-point calibration on moisture sensor:
19: Moisture = map(Ms, 4095, 2413, 0, 100) ← Calibration using function map()
// Calculate water level using linear interpolation:
20: WaterLevel = -4.95 * Ws + 1 + (99 * Max) / 20 ← Based equation Y = mX + P
// Simulate ThingSpeak and ThingView communication:
21: if (ESP32 is connected with ThingSpeak Cloud):
22: Print collected data on the monitor
23: Send data to ThingSpeak platform
24: Send data to ThingView app
25: else:
26: Try to connect again
// Control watering pump based on moisture level:
27: if (Moisture <= Min_Moisture_Thereshold):
28: TonWP = true
29: ToffWP = false
30: else:
31: TonWP = false
32: ToffWP = true
// Control tank pump based on water level:
33: if (WaterLevel <= Min_Water_Level_Thereshold):
34: TonTP = true
35: ToffTP = false
36: else:
37: TonTP = false
38: ToffTP = true
39: Delay (2 s) ← Repeat for each period of 2S
40: End While
between the embedded board and the remote server or cloud- 4. Results and discussion
based platform are both tested at this stage.
(5) Maintenance: The deployment of the system and any required In this section, we provide a detailed analysis of the proposed Smart
upkeep and upgrades are done in this final phase of the V Model. Irrigation System, including its results and efficiency compared to
This stage also entails keeping an eye on the system’s operation existing scientific papers. We also look at how the system affects agri
and making any required modifications. Additionally, it entails cultural sustainability and how it helps provide food security. The
testing the connectivity, upgrading the firmware, and making innovation of this study lies in its integration of cutting-edge technology
sure that new software versions are compatible. This stage also like embedded system cloud computing and the IoT. The system makes it
entails keeping an eye on the information transmitted to Thing possible to monitor and manage irrigation operations in real-time by
Speak and resolving any transmission problems. leveraging IoT devices, sensors, and actuators. Utilizing cloud
computing enables data storage, analysis, and decision-making, which
Using an ESP32 microcontroller with large memory capacity and results in enhanced irrigation control and optimum water utilization.
enhanced processing capability confers several advantages, especially in This novel strategy transforms conventional approaches by improving
the area of our smart irrigation system. The selection of an ESP32 mi irrigation operations’ accuracy, efficacy, and sustainability. Efficiently
crocontroller with robust memory capacity and processing capability sent to ThingSpeak platforms and the ThingView app, data from simu
improves the efficiency, responsiveness, and adaptability of our smart lated sensors represent environmental parameters such as temperature
irrigation system, supporting the optimization of irrigation of crops and and humidity. Data is provided securely regularly, simulating sensor
promoting sustainable agricultural practices. updates in real-time, using the MQTT protocol for communication.
Cloud platforms can be configured to accurately visualize data using
graphs and charts, enabling real-time monitoring and analysis, just like
with field data.
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Table 3
Tables experimental results of the proposed study.
No. Temperature (◦ C) Humidity (%) Soil moisture (%) Water level (Cm) Water level caliber (%) Send data to cloud Response time (s)
1. 25.20 C◦
35.00 % 40.50 % 06.81 Cm 90.00 % Yes 2s
2. 26.30 ◦ C 36.00 % 55.30 % 07.42 Cm 87.00 % Yes 2s
3. 25.10 ◦ C 69.25 % 60.10 % 09.44 Cm 77.00 % Yes 2s
4. 27.56 ◦ C 40.22 % 75.10 % 14.89 Cm 50.00 % Yes 2s
5. 28.12 ◦ C 39.13 % 76.12 % 15.90 Cm 54.00 % Yes 2s
6. 26.80 ◦ C 59.20 % 80.01 % 16.61 Cm 40.00 % Yes 2s
7. 27.90 ◦ C 45.30 % 65.10 % 10.45 Cm 72.00 % Yes 2s
Fig. 9. The value of temperature on the ThingSpeak platform in real-time. Fig. 10. The value of humidity on the ThingSpeak platform in real-time.
creating the ideal environment for plant growth. The field or farm The graphical display of the smart irrigation system includes needle
owner’s overall farming experience is considerably improved by this values that represent the real-time sensor data. Colored sections can be
method. Further, implementing our smart irrigation system requires a applied to various measurement sites (widgets) to improve clarity. A red
high level of technical expertise. The system is designed and imple number on the water sensor in the tank, which indicates that the water
mented by specialists before being delivered to farmers. Farmers, level is critically low, is an example of how red color is used to indicate
meanwhile, benefit from a ready-to-use system that requires a minimum danger. As illustrated in Fig. 13, the green color denotes no problems,
of technical knowledge for daily operations. whereas the yellow color stands in the center of problems and no
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Fig. 13. The graphic data display widgets in the smart irrigation system offer easy access to visual representations of the measured and processed data on ThingSpeak
channels. The widgets of the sensors, including, respectively, (a) temperature, (b) humidity, (c) moisture, and (d) water level.
to improve data collection, covering additional parameters (water level) successful reduction in water consumption underlines the depth of our
and incorporating sensor calibration for soil moisture and water level approach beyond what work (Abba et al., 2019) offers. The authors of
measurements. This increases the accuracy and reliability of your sys this study (Munir et al., 2021), focus on a water consumption monitoring
tem’s data. In addition, our integration of V Model software and the system based on an Android platform with GSM and Arduino Uno
A. Morchid et al. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx
Fig. 15. The output of the sensors on the ThingView app, including, respectively, (a) temperature, (b) humidity, (c) moisture, and (d) water level.
models. In contrast, our proposed scheme (PS) uses the ESP32 device via
Table 4
the ThingSpeak platform. Our system (PS) measures temperature, hu
Calculated the water usage decrease.1
midity, soil moisture, and water level, providing a wider range of data
System Period Water level (%) points compared to the study (Munir et al., 2021). The addition of sensor
Traditional 10 days 100 % calibration and V Model software to our (PS) study improves the accu
Smart Irrigation (IoT) 10 days 30 % racy and robustness of our solution. On the other hand, the authors of
IoT is the acronym of the internet of things. this study (Pasika et al., 2020), presented an Arduino Mega-based sys
tem using ThingSpeak to monitor soil pH, turbidity, temperature, hu
midity, and water level. Our PS extends its capabilities by using the
ESP32 to monitor temperature, humidity, soil moisture, and water level.
The integration of sensor calibration, Model V software, and a 70 %
Table 5
Comparison of related research.2
Paper ID Year Platform Application Embedded Devices Parameters Sensor Calibration V model Reduce
Software Water Usage
Pasika et all., 2020 ThingSpeak ThingView Arduino Mega Turbidy, Soil pH, Temperature, No No No
2020 Humidity, Water level
García et al., 2020 No No No No No No No
Tiglao et al., 2020 Web page ATMega328, Temperature, Humidity, Soil No No No
2020 NRF24L01 moisture,
PS 2024 ThingSpeak ThingView ESP32 Temperature, Humidity, Soil Yes (Soil moisture, Yes 70 %
moisture, and Water level and Water level)
PS is the acronym of the proposed scheme.
A. Morchid et al. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx
reduction in water consumption in our PS system represent de and organized approach to software development, significantly
velopments beyond the scope of this study (Pasika et al., 2020). The improving the overall quality of our irrigation system.
authors (García et al., 2020), presented a research paper in 2020 related
to a study of the latest smart irrigation techniques to determine the 4.6. Smart irrigation improves food security
factors observed in existing systems. This paper does not use the real
isation of the irrigation system including the integration of sensors and The use of the IoT, cloud computing, and other cutting-edge tech
embedded systems to drive the irrigation. However, our PS use of ESP32, nologies in Smart Irrigation Systems can have a significant impact on
full parameter coverage, sensor calibration, V Model software, and food security as seen in the Fig. 16. Here are some of the ways this
reduced water consumption contributes to a more sophisticated and technology enhances food security:
impactful system than suggested by the study (García et al., 2020). The
authors [29] presented a paper focusing on temperature, humidity, and (1) Improved Crop Yields: By implementing intelligent irrigation sys
soil moisture monitoring using ATMega328 and NRF24L01. Our PS tems based on IoT to provide crops with the right quantity of
features by integrating an ESP32 to monitor temperature, humidity, soil water at the right time, crop yields may be boosted. This can help
moisture, and water level via ThingSpeak. The inclusion of sensor cali ensure a steady supply of food by reducing the likelihood of crop
bration, Model V software, and a significant reduction in water con failures caused by droughts or other environmental factors.
sumption improve the robustness and efficiency of our solution beyond (2) Improved Water Efficiency: Smart irrigation systems based on IoT
that proposed in the study (Tiglao et al., 2020). The studies conducted use information from sensors and weather stations to choose the
by the authors (Abba et al., 2019; Tiglao et al., 2020), employed the best irrigation schedule, reducing water waste and maximizing
DHT11 device for temperature and humidity measurements. However, water efficiency.
this sensor exhibits low accuracy when measuring temperatures above (3) Remote Access and Control: Through a mobile application, smart
zero, rendering decimal value transfer unnecessary and impacting irrigation systems using IoT can be accessed and operated
agricultural productivity. In contrast, our approach involved utilizing remotely, allowing farmers to check on and make adjustments to
the DHT22 device which offers the capability of measuring temperatures their irrigation systems even when they are not in their fields.
and humidity, with a precision of 0.1 units. This kind of sensor enables Farmers who live in rural places or who have access issues owing
more precise and trustworthy readings, improving data accuracy and to physical restrictions may find this to be of particular benefit.
encouraging better agricultural results. Our intelligent irrigation system (4) Making Decisions Based on Data: Intelligent irrigation systems
is based on the ESP32, known for its outstanding features such as low based on IoT gather a lot of information on soil moisture,
power consumption, ample memory, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and exceptional weather, and crop growth. This information may be used to make
speed. Moreover, ESP32-based boards are cost-effective and offer analog better decisions about crop planning, irrigation schedules, and
and digital inputs and outputs, making them ideal tools for reading other aspects that impact crop yields.
numerous analog input values in intelligent farming and Smart Irriga (5) Climate Change Adaptation: Smart irrigation systems based on
tion Systems. IoT can assist farmers in adapting to the shifting weather patterns
The estimated total cost of the proposed intelligent irrigation system brought on by climate change. These devices can assist farmers in
is approximately US $60, making it an affordable and cost-effective modifying their irrigation schedules and other management
solution. This low-cost nature of the system aligns with our goal of measures to take into account such as changes in temperature,
providing a practical and accessible option, particularly for low-income precipitation, and other environmental factors by giving real-
farmers, in contrast to the methods described by the authors in systems time data on soil moisture and meteorological conditions.
(Pramanik et al., 2022; Abba et al., 2019). In contrast to conventional
irrigation methods that rely on groundwater drainage and can lead to Overall, by increasing crop yields, raising water efficiency, and
excessive water consumption and crop flooding, our system utilizes giving farmers the resources, they need to make wiser decisions, smart
innovative technologies to provide precise and demand-based soil irri irrigation systems could have a significant impact on food security. In
gation. By adapting to the specific water needs of the crops, our system addition, it can promote sustainable agriculture and help adapt to
has the potential to significantly reduce water usage by more than 70 %. climate change. The proposal of this paper will contribute effectively to
This efficient and targeted approach ensures optimal resource utilization ensuring food security. The use of the IoT, cloud computing, and other
while promoting sustainable agriculture practices. None of the scientific cutting-edge technology in smart irrigation systems has the potential to
papers referenced in this study have used the V model. In contrast, our have a significant influence on food security. In addition to increasing
paper which used the V model software design, presents a methodical agricultural yields and water efficiency, these technologies also enable
A. Morchid et al. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx
remote monitoring and data-driven decision-making, all of which may challenges and paving the way for a more secure and sustainable food
help ensure a more reliable food supply. This essay will examine how production system.
smart irrigation affects food security and how it may help maintain The future work of this paper involves integrating modern technol
agriculture. ogies and utilizing an MQTT broker to enhance the Smart Irrigation
The research paper highlighted smart irrigation systems as a System. By merging multiple nodes, the system can handle increased
groundbreaking approach to integrating new technologies like the IoT, data analysis and control elements for large-scale applications such as
embedded systems, and cloud computing. One notable innovation is the smart farms spanning thousands of hectares. The MQTT broker can
real-time data transmission to the ThingSpeak cloud and the visualiza further optimize irrigation strategies and resource management. On the
tion of the data through the ThingView app. This implementation allows other hand, future work of this paper will include the integration of the
for seamless monitoring and control of the irrigation system. By concept of smart agriculture within the framework of cyber-physical
leveraging these technologies, the paper enables farmers and agricul human systems.
tural stakeholders to access vital information about soil moisture, tem
perature, and other environmental parameters in real-time. This
innovation improves decision-making processes, enhances resource Declaration of competing interest
management, and promotes sustainable agricultural practices. The uti
lization of the ThingSpeak cloud and ThingView app for data visuali The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
zation represents a significant advancement in smart agriculture, interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
providing a user-friendly interface for efficient irrigation management. the work reported in this paper.
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