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In short, Biodiversity refers to the variety of life forms present on Earth, including the vast array of
plants, animals, fungi, and microorganisms, as well as the ecosystems they inhabit. It encompasses the
genetic variation within species, the variety of species in a given habitat, and the complex interactions
between them.


 Genetic diversity
In summary, genetic diversity, primarily through DNA and RNA, is crucial for species to adapt to
changing environments and maintain population health by passing on strong traits to future
generations. This helps ensure the long-term survival and success of species in the face of
environmental challenges.
 Species diversity
The species richness, or the estimated number of species, varies based on regional and
environmental factors. This diverse mix of species ensures healthy and sustainable ecosystems
by promoting ecological balance and resilience.
 Ecological diversity
Ecological diversity encompasses the interplay between biotic and abiotic factors in ecosystems.
This complex web of relationships ensures clean air, water, and abundant food sources for all
organisms. By highlighting the importance of ecological diversity, we emphasize the need to
protect and conserve the delicate balance of ecosystems for the well-being of all life on Earth.


1. Climate change- Climate change, driven by greenhouse gas emissions and global
temperature rise, significantly threatens biodiversity by causing species decline,
extinction, and ecological balance loss.
2. Pollution- Pollution threatens biodiversity by contaminating habitats, promoting invasive
species, disrupting ecological processes, and affecting genetic and epigenetic factors,
necessitating effective conservation measures to protect diverse ecosystems.
3. Habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation-pose significant threats to biodiversity,
affecting species' survival, reproduction, and adaptation to changing conditions, arising
from human activities and natural factors.
4. Invasive species /introduction of exotic species threaten biodiversity by outcompeting
native species, altering habitats, disrupting ecological processes, and introducing
diseases. Early detection, prevention, and management are crucial for protecting native
5. Overexploitation is a threat to biodiversity because it involves the excessive use or
harvesting of resources, often beyond their natural ability to replenish or recover. This
can lead to declines in population sizes, local extinctions, and disruptions to ecosystems.
6. Epidemics are a threat to biodiversity because they can cause significant declines or even
extinctions of species, disrupt ecosystems, and alter the balance of species within those
ecosystems. Epidemics are often driven by factors such as human activities, climate
change, and the movement of species across geographic boundaries.
In summary, adaptation is a crucial process that allows organisms to survive and thrive in
changing environments. Through genetic changes manifesting in structural, behavioral,
exaptation, and vestigial structures, species can adapt to various environmental challenges,
increasing their chances of survival and contributing to the richness and resilience of ecosystems.
In summary, conservation and preservation are terms used to describe efforts aimed at
protecting natural resources and ecosystems from human-induced threats. In the case of the
Philippines, various conservation initiatives, such as the Protect Wildlife Project, work to
mitigate environmental challenges and promote sustainable practices in collaboration with local
communities. These efforts are crucial for the long-term preservation of the country's rich
biodiversity and the well-being of its people.
In conclusion, the Philippines' population density and the ecological definition of population
provide context for understanding the importance of population ecology in addressing the
country's environmental challenges. By studying population dynamics and interactions,
researchers and policymakers can develop effective strategies for resource management,
conservation, and sustainable development.
In summary, studying population in ecology is crucial for predicting and understanding changes
in species populations, their interactions, and their vulnerability to various factors. This
knowledge is vital for conservation, resource management, and maintaining the stability and
health of ecosystems.
In short, Population growth is influenced by limiting factors such as resources, environmental
changes, and environmental factors like earthquakes, predators, low food supply, and space
 Density dependent factors-density-dependent factors are those that influence a
population's growth and stability based on its size and the resources available within its
environment. These factors help maintain a balance between population size and the
carrying capacity of the ecosystem.
 Density independent factors-this are limiting factors that can stop a population from
growing, examples are natural disaster, temperature, and sunlight.
In summary, exponential growth describes a rapid increase in population size due to abundant
resources, while logistic growth reflects the more common scenario of population change
influenced by limited resources and carrying capacity.
Exponential growth-When there are unlimited resources in the environment. A population
increase is observed which results in a J-shaped curve.
Logistic growth-happens when the available resources needed to support the population are
limited. An S-shaped curve is formed as the population levels off as it reaches the carrying
A life table is a table which shows, for a person at each age, what the probability is that they die
before their next birthday. From this starting point, a number of statistics can be derived and thus
also included in the table is: the probability of surviving any particular year of age.
Energy/resource allocation: In the context of organisms, energy and resource allocation refers to
the process by which living beings manage and distribute their limited resources (such as
nutrients, energy, and time) among various activities and functions.
Growth form and rate: The growth form and rate of an organism refer to the size and speed at
which it grows. These factors can significantly influence an organism's lifespan.
Survivorship: Survivorship, in the context of biology, is the lifespan of an organism. It
encompasses the duration an organism lives, from its birth or emergence as an adult until its
Reproduction: Reproduction is the biological process by which organisms create offspring. It
involves various aspects, such as the number of offspring produced, the timing of reproduction,
mating practices, fertility rates, and other factors that contribute to the continuation of a species.
Environment: The environment refers to the surrounding conditions, both physical and
biological, in which an organism lives. These conditions can significantly impact an organism's
ability to survive and thrive.
Population tracking is essential for understanding species interactions and predicting changes in
populations. Incomplete counts, like quadrats, are useful for immobile organisms, while the mark
and recapture method are applied to mobile organisms. The mark and recapture technique
involve marking captured animals and releasing them, then collecting new samples with marked
and unmarked individuals to estimate population size and monitor changes. This information
helps in conservation, resource management, and sustainable human activities.

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