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Ingredients for Caramel Mocha Latte

Ingredients PUP QUP Quantity Price

Whipping cream 279 1000ml 354.88 ml 99.01

Arabica coffee 720 1000g 120 g 86.40

Chocolate syrup 132 250ml 532.3ml 468.42

Sugar syrup 195 250ml 177.4 ml 138.37

Milk 105 1000ml 1419.5ml 149.05

Crushed ice 400 50000 kg 720g 5.76

Total 947.01

Price per cups 78.92

TOTAL YIELD : 12 cup ;12 oz

Ingredients for Caramel Macchiato

Ingredients PUP QUP Quantity Price

Vanilla syrup 281 500ml 354.88ml 199.44

Milk 105 1000ml 1419.5ml 149.05

Arabica coffee 720 1000g 340.19g 244.94

Caramel syrup 281 500ml 348ml 195.58

Crushed ice 400 50000ml 720 ml 5.76

Total 794.77

Price per cups 66.23

Total yield :12 cup ;12 oz

Ingredients for Spanish Latte

Ingredients PUP QUP Quantity Price

Soy Milk 101 1000ml 720ml 72.72

Arabica coffee 720 1000g 340.19 244.94

Vanilla syrup 281 500ml 357.88 201.13
Sweetned 55.75 300ml 354.88 66.51
condensed milk
Crushed ice 400 50000ml 720ml 5.76

Total 591.06

Price per cups 49.26

Total yield :12 cup ;12 oz

Ingredients for hot Espresso

Ingredients PUP QUP Quantity Price

Brownsugar syrup 200 750 ml 354.88ml 94.63

Arabica coffee 720 1000g 340.19g 244.94

Milk 105 1000ml 1419.5ml 149.05

Total 488.62

Price per cups 40.72

Total yield :12 cup;12oz

Ingredients for Pure Brewed Coffee

Ingredients PUP QUP Quantity Price

Arabic coffee 720 1000g 240 g 172.8

Sugar syrup 200 750ml 354.88 94.63

Total 267.43

Price per cup 22.29

Total yield :12 cup ;12oz

Ingredients for cappuccino

Ingredients PUP QUP Quantity Price

Arabic coffee 720 1000g 240g 172.8

Milk 105 1000ml 1200ml 126

Sugar syrup 200 750ml 354.88ml 94.63

Total 393.43

Price per cups 32.79

Total yield :12 oz;12 cups

Ingredients for Chicken Alfredo

Ingredients PUP QUP Quantity Price

Chicken breast 180 1000g 600g 108

lemon 20 Per piece 1 pcs 20

Heavy cream 109 250 g 1000g 436

butter 45 200 g 50g 11.25

Olive oil 268 500ml 5ml 2.68

Salt 18 500 grams 3g 0.108

Ground black 139 250g 5g 2.78

Parmesan cheese 250 350 g 200g 142.86

Dried Parsley 27 10 g 3g 8.1

Fettucine pasta 95 500 grams 1000g 190

Onion 110 1000 g 200g 22

Garlic 80 1000 g 200g 16

Total 959.78

Price per serving 79.99

Total yield : 12 serving

Ingredients for Creamy Carbonara

Ingredients PUP QUP Quantity Price

Ham 110 250 g 750 g 330

Mushroom 59 400g 800g 118

Heavy cream 109 250 g 1000 g 218

Fresh milk 135 1000 ml 1000 ml 135

Garlic 80 1000g 150g 12

Onion 110 1000g 150g 16.5

Ground White 16 30g 8g 4.2

butter 45 200g 50g 11.25

Olive oil 268 500ml 30ml 16.08

Parmesan cheese 250 350 g 100g 71.43

Fettucine pasta 95 500g 1000g 190

Salt 18 250g 8g 0.58

Butter 45 200g 50g 11.25

Total 1134.29

Price per serving 94.52

Total yield : 12 servings

Ingredients for Bolognese Pasta

Ingredients PUP QUP Quantity Price

Ground beef 450 1000-g 640g 288

Canned tomato 72 400g 800g 144

Celery 98 500g 180g 35.28

Onion 110 1000 g 90g 9.9

Carrots 120 1000g 200g 24

Garlic 80 1000 g 90g 7.2

Spaghetti Pasta 111 1000g 1200g 133.2

Salt 18 250g 8g 0.58

Black ground 139 250g 12g 6.68

Paprika 140 250g 15g 8.4

Olive oil 268 500ml 15ml 8.04

Total 665.28

Price per serving 55.44

Total yield : 12 servings

Ingredients for Chewy Cookies

Ingredients PUP QUP Quantity Price

All purpose Flour 65 400g 1200g 195

Butter 45 200g 400g 90

Egg 9 Per piece 4 pcs 36

Vanilla extract 60 20ml 10 ml 30

Corn starch 53 400g 150 g 19.88

Baking soda 17 125g 40g 5.44

Brown sugar 50 500g 250g 25

White sugar 47 500g 250 g 23.5

Salt 18 250g 20 g 1.44

Chocolate chips 335 1000g 400g 134

Total 560.26

Price per pcs 16

Total yield : 35 pcs

Ingredients for Cheesecake

Ingredients PUP QUP Quantity Price

Graham crakers 55 210 630 g 165

Butter 45 200g 300g 67.5

White sugar 47 500g 200g 18.8

Salt 18 250 g 15g 1.08

Cream cheese 590 1000g 1000g 590

All purpose flour 65 400 g 150g 24.38

Vanilla extract 60 20 ml 15ml 45

Lemon 20 Per piece 1 pcs 20

Sour cream 445 1000g 150 ml 66.75

Total 998.51

Price per slice 124.81

Total yield :8 slices

Ingredients for Chocolate Cupcakes

Ingredients PUP QUP Quantity Price

All purpose flour 65 400g 188g 30.55

Cocao powder 175 500 g 82 g 28.7

Espresso powder 185 250 g 28.3g 20.94

Baking powder 195 1000g 9g 1.76

Baking soda 17 125 g 7g 0.95

Salt 18 250g 4g 0.29

Eggs 9 Per piece 4 pcs 36

Granulated sugar 47 500g 200 g 18.8

Light brown sugar 50 500g 200g 20

Vegetable oil 117 1000ml 160 ml 18.72

Vanilla extract 60 20 ml 12 ml 36

Butter milk 217 1000g 250 g 54.25

Total 266.96

Price per pcs 8.90

Total yield : 30pcs

Total Cost of Ingredients per Production

Caramel Mocha Latte 947.01

Caramel Macchiato 794.77

Spanish Latte 591.06

Hot espresso 488.62

Pure brewed coffee 267.43

Cappucinno 393.43

Chicken Alfredo 959.78

Creamy carbonara 1134.29
Bolognese spaghetti 665.28

Chewy Cookies 560.26

Cheese Cake 998.51

Chocolate Cupcakes 266.96

Total 8067.4

Total per month (26 days) 209,752.4


Doublewall coffee 140 30 pcs 120 pcs 560
cups (12 oz)
Paper box meals box 270 50 pcs 100 pcs 540
Bento box cake 270 50pcs 100pcs 540
Paper bag 105 100pcs 200pcs 210
Disposable fork and 300 100 pcs 200 pcs 600
Disposable straw 30 100 pcs 300pcs 60
TOTAL 2510



Caramel Mocha Latte 78.92 145

Caramel Macchiato 66.23 119

Spanish Latte 49.26 89

Hot espresso 40.27 75

Pure brewed coffee 22.29 45

Cappucinno 32.79 60

Chicken Alfredo 79.99 160

Creamy carbonara 94.52 175

Bolognese spaghetti 55.44 140

Chewy Cookies 16 30

Cheese Cake 124.81 185

Chocolate Cupcakes 8.90 30



Caramel Mocha Latte 12 145 1740

Caramel Macchiato 12 119 1428

Spanish Latte 12 89 1068

Hot espresso 12 75 900

Pure brewed coffee 12 45 540

Cappucinno 12 60 720

Chicken Alfredo 12 160 1920

Creamy carbonara 12 175 2100

Bolognese spaghetti 12 140 1680

Chewy Cookies 35 30 1050

Cheese Cake 8 185 1480

Chocolate Cupcakes 30 30 900

Total Sales per Day 15,526

Total Sales per Month 403,676

Rental of bussiness
Deposit 5,000

Advance 5,000
Rent 5,000
TOTAL 15,000

Wages of Employees

According to Wage Order No. IVA-20 that became effective on September 24, 2023. The
wages of employees for CALABARZON are as follows:
• In the non-agriculture sector, the minimum wage will range from P385 to P520.
• In the agriculture sector, it will range from P385 to P479.
• For retail and service establishments employing not more than 10 workers, the minimum wage will
be P385.


Staff 1 385 26 10,010

Staff 2 385 26 10,010

Staff 3 385 26 10,010

Staff 4 385 26 10,010

Total 40,040

Estimated Monthly Expenses

Estimated Monthly Expenses

PARTICULARS Monthly Expenses
Utilities 4,700

Tools/ Equipment 13,416.67

Ingredients 209,752.4

Packaging 2,510
Rental Fee 5,000

Wage 40,040

Total Cost 239,419.07

Estimated Monthly Profit

Estimated Monthly Profit

PARTICULARS Monthly Expenses

Estimated Monthly Expenses 239,419.07

Estimated Monthly Sales 403,676

Estimated Monthly Profit 164,256.93

Sources of Capital
The owners shoulder the business expected amount of capital. This in turn will
enable all revenues to fall into their pockets and decide the movement of the business. The
extra money will be used for emergency purposes only.

Source of Capital
Name Capital Share
Empasis, Ray Jr 100,000

Petisme, John Ira 100,000

Pocdol, Gia 100,000

Sesperes, Christine 100,000

Schedule of Operations
The business operation starts at 3:00pm to 12:00 am, these hours are chosen
because the location of the business is located along the Bucal Bypass Road it has been more
alive in the evening for the people who want to have a chill vibes and after work by 7:30 pm
to 10:00pm it can be their dinner time or :”siyesta” time as for the Filipinos or in English
snack time. These hours are the best possible hours for the enterprise to open since the
target market is student after their class and worker that want to relax. They are likely to be
hungry at those times considering the tiredness from school or work, but they may still
consider buying foods that do not make them full since they will be eating dinner at home or
it will be the time they want to have dessert after their dinner at home.

Schedule of Operations

Operating Days Operating Hours

Tuesday-Sunday 3PM-12AM

This table shows the working days of the employees in a span of one week from 3pm to
12am. The employees will work daily and rest on Monday only. It has more employee on
Saturday and Sunday because it has more customers that usual.

Employee Working Days Rest Days

Staff 1 Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun Mon, Wed

Staff 2 Tues, Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun Mon, Thur

Staff 3 Tues, Wed, Thur, Sat, Sun, Mon, Fri

Staff 4 Wed, Thur,FrI,Sat, Sun Mon. Tues

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