1st Partial Exam-1

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The art expression on this era was strongly influenced by the changes in the social organization:
people started settling down and the architecture began to be an important mean of expression.
Big stones were arranged in certain shapes because of religious beliefs.
2. The name of this civilization means literally “land between the rivers”, that’s because it was
situated between the Tigris and the Euphrates. Just as Egypt was near the Nile River, it would
have these two rivers as a reference. This is well known for creating the firsts monumental
temples, irrigation systems, governments based on the city-states structure and the cuneiform
writing system
3. It is a word that means “freedom” and liberation from the constant cycle of the death and the
“Samsara”. It also means, a moment in which we know ourselves.
4. It was an innovation of the Roman architecture, consisted of a big structure with one arched
passageway, created to commemorate the achievements of the military or an emperor.
5. According to Swann (1974), ________, the philosophical and religious system that intended to
create peace with the “Tao", made a huge influence in the way of Chinese government.
6. It offered them such blandishments as the elixir of immortality or communication with the dead.
But at the same time they were shrewd enough to appreciate that this kind of sorcery, even
though backed by a primitive church organization, was not an instrument by which they could
rule a huge country.
7. It is a Chinese belief that declares that through prophecies, Siddhartha’s father knew that his son
was meant to be a spiritual leader. Siddhartha was living inside a palace, and when he saw the
world and all its problems, he decided, at the age of 29, to live a simpler life and to renounce
8. The art and culture from this period were the work of the homo sapiens, who hunted using
sticks and stone weapons. People on this era were nomads and lived in communities.
9. These are the most famous Egyptian structures. Those were a symbol for the afterlife, the place
in which the pharaohs supposed to be buried and have a good life after their death. Pharaoh was
mummified and buried with several offerings. When a pharaoh died, the body “was transported
across the Nile by boat to the valley temple. It was then carried along the causeway to its own
funerary temple, [...] and the Opening of the Mouth ceremony was performed”
10. It is an architectural column created in Sicily, the column was fluted and the capital was rounded.
11. This religion was founded by Siddharta Gautama, which is referred as the Buddha. The mother of
Buddah, Queen Maya, gave birth to Buddah standing down a tree and he was born by a side of
the Queen. It is common that, in these legends, the birth of people is in extraordinary
circumstances, like, in Christianity, Jesus was born from a virgin women or, in Aztec religion,
Huitzilopochtli’s mother got pregnant from feathers.
12. This form is an object in two dimensions (height and weight), used mostly in paintings.
13. You’re trying to understand different views of the chinese philosophy. You’re is looking for
something closer to an ethical philosophy than a religion: you are trying to expand her sense of
justice and a proper way to be in society, to have a set of behaviors to create a good relationship
among human beings. Which philosophical movement should we recommend to her?
14. It means to investigate and do some research to know more about a work of art like where it’s
from and what was happening in the world at that moment so you can create an accurate
interpretation to understand it.
15. This form can be used to outline and make the shape of something, to show the depth and
texture of whatever is inside a painting or to make the illusion of movement inside the work of
16. The few art known from this period is more abstract and stylized. It is believed that paintings
were some of the first attempts to create a language through hieroglyphs. Art consisted in rock
paintings and pottery, and it was not as impressive as the works from the Paleolithic period.
17. The ruler of the Egyptians was the ____________, a kind of dictator supposed to be an
intermediary between the people and their gods. The wife of him, the queen, was supposed to
give birth a child to be the heir of the throne, and that was the only function of her.
18. The art and culture from this period were the work of the homo sapiens, who hunted using
sticks and stone weapons. People on this era were nomads and lived in communities. The
objects found from this age were mostly for useful purposes, like weapons such as daggers,
harpoons and blowguns: in that way, art was a concept that was not grasped yet.
19. This column appears for the fist time in the 5th century BC. Its capital is divided in two: one part
had a row of acanthus leaves and the other part had a curve abacus.
20. It is a word that means wealth or property. It refers to the search of having material things.
21. This is the name of the statue that represents the female body in Greek culture.
22. Mesopotamians also were an important civilization because they created a writing system called
______________ (literally, it means “in the form of a wedge”). This system had evolved from the
idea of ownership: they marked things with seal, usually a cylinder with an image carved on it,
for example, legal documents. Once this system was established, it was a matter of time for the
art of literature to be developed.
23. What is a relief in Persian culture?
24. For this culture, the process of mummifications was a very important practice, since they believe
in life after death, and in order to achieve it, they needed to follow the process to perfection.
They also created huge monuments for their dead like pyramids.
25. If you’re going to a museum, to gather information about a work of art, especially to answer the
questions of who, where, what, when, why, and everything that is inside of the work of art. By
doing that, he’s creating a good _______.
26. What is the difference between Karma, Dharma, Artha and Moksha?

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