MPTH Midterms Reviewer
MPTH Midterms Reviewer
MPTH Midterms Reviewer
3. Bring about environmental and A.6.1. comply with local zoning and
infrastracture improvements. protected or heritage area
Negative impacts reported
A.6.2. respect the natural or cultural
1. Rising house prices
heritage surroundings in sitting, design,
2. Traffic congestion impact assessment, and land rights and
3. Parking problems
A. 6.3. use locally appropriate principles
4. Disturbance of sustainable construction.
5. litter A.6.4. provide access for persons with
Global Sustainable Tourism Criteri special needs.
A.4. Customer satisfaction is measured B.3. Local and fair-trade services and
and corrective action taken where goods are purchased by the business,
appropriate. where available.
A.5. Promotional materials are accurate B. 4. the company offers the means for
and complete and do not promise local small entrepreneurs to develop
more than can be delivered by the and sell sustainable products that are
business. based on the areas nature, history, and
culture( including food, and drink, crafts,
performance, arts, agricultural its operations, design, decoration, food,
products.) or shops; while respecting the
intellectual property rights of local
B.5. A code of conduct for activities in
indigenious and local communities has
been developed, with the consent of D. Maximize benefits to the environment
and in collaboration with th community. and minimize negative impacts.