MPTH Midterms Reviewer

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MPTH MIDTERMS REVIEWER • Economic diversification support

community under financial

pressure particularly when the
MULTIPLIER EFFECTS OF TOURISM community relies on a single
INDUSTRY industry. A destination's efforts to
create various tourist products
Multiplier effect that suit different visitor needs
• Income from the tourism and and desires, in order to improve
hospitality both from local and tourism-generated income or
international activities are balance seasonality.
injected into the local economy. • Contribution to the government
• A percentage of this new dollar is revenue taxes on income from
spent in the community by the tourism (direct effect), taxes from
recipient and this dollar is spent goods and supplies (indirect
and re-spent creating a multiplier effect)
effect. • Promotes foreign exchange
• In simplest form the multiplier (generates resources to import
effect is about how many times food, pharmaceuticals,
money spend by a tourist is technology, consumer goods)
circulated in the country’s • UNWTO (2019) reported export
economy. earnings from tourism, or the sum
TOURISM IMPACT of international tourism receipts
and passenger transport,
• Tourism can generate positive or reached a staggering USD 1.7
negative impacts under three trillion. This demonstrates that the
main categories: economic, industry is a major economic
social, and environmental. These engine of growth and
impacts are analyzed using data development.
gathered by businesses,
governments, and industry ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT
organizations. - focus on the conservation of natural
resources through the recognition of
1. ECONOMIC BENEFITS their importance to visitor experiences
• Job creation / employment and their economic value in the local
generation more employment community
opportunities • Environmental protection
• Foreign exchange economic incentives to preserve
earnings/Increase spending nature, wildlife and urban
(generates resources to import cleanliness
food, pharmaceuticals, • Improved infrastructure such as
technology, consumer goods) better sewage, water, and
transportation systems,
maintenance of public toilets, Negative impact of tourism to the
visitor information centers, maps, Economy
signage, roads, public park and
• Economic leakage
open spaces, private land and
building improvement • Leakages are
generally created
• Improvement of environment
by foreign
quality and enhancement of the
ownership, the
environment Conservation
need to import
projects such as :nature reserves,
goods, international
heritage sites, wildlife protection
marketing cost,
SOCIAL-CULTURAL BENEFITS interest payment on
foreign loans and
• Revival of cultural tradition
payment of the
• People learning different culture franchise and
& way of life promoting a better managements fees
understanding, inclusion to foreign
tolerance and peace companies.

• Cultural preservation economic • Economic cost tourism

incentives to preserve food, development for infrastructure
fashion, festivals and history cost a great deal of money

• Cultural improvements Money • Increase land value

from tourism is being spent on
• Tax money only used to develop
schools, temple maintenance,
and promote the tourism industry
festival events
vs local resources like schools
• Improve the image of the and roads
• Increased municipal service costs
How community engage in tourism? for services such as policing, fire
protection etc.
• Market and Support local
products • Low level jobs being given to the
locals whilst foreign fill the
• Provide works for local residents managerial higher paying jobs
• Include local products for Negative impact of tourism to the
product development Environment
• Use environmental friendly • Environmental damage tourism
• Biodiversity effect
• Practice conservation
• Pollution

• Erosion and physical damage

• Visual structure change WEEK 8
(changes/modification of
Sustainability and Development of
heritage sites)
• Damage to natural resources
Sustainable Tourism
Negative impact of tourism to the Socio-
◦ It is an industry commited to
make a low impact on the
• Change or loss of cultural identity environment and local culture,
(such as westernization, loss of while helping to generate future
indigenous identity and values, employment for local people.
modernization, culture as
◦ The aim of sustainable tourism is
performers, loss of real rituals,
ensure that the development
material culture)
brings a positive experience for
• Cultural clashes the local people, tourism
companies and the tourists.
• Ethical issues (such as sex tourism
or exploitation of child workers) Ways to Protect Tourism Industry

• Too little investment in 1. Informing tourists of the

infrastructure, water supply, culture, politics and economy of
sewage treatment causing the communities visited.
cultural divides
2. Anticipating and respecting
• Community traffic bottlenecks local cultures, expectations and
• Areas in put under a microscope
& flaws are sometime publicized 3. Contributing to intercultural
& blown out of proportion understanding and tolerance.

• Tourists don't respect the places 4. Supporting integrity of local

they visit (e.g. yelling in churches, cultures by favoring
littering, taking pictures of sacred businesses which conserve
ceremonies without permission), cultural heritage and
traditional values.
• Marginal employment (low skill,
low wage, menial services, 5. Supporting local economies
prostitution, drug trade, by purchasing local goods
gambling, hustlers) and participating with small,
local businesses.
What are the factors that can affect the
tourism industry? Using PESTLE analysis to 6. Conserving resources by
categorize a factor Name one seeking out businesses that
destination that is greatly affected by are environmentally
this factor. conscious, and by using the
least possible amount of non-
renewable energy.
Characteristics of Responsible Tourism 5. There should be visitors management
and control policies and guidelines to
 Minimizes negative economic,
avoid overcrowding.
environmental and social
impacts. 6. Local residents should have access to
tourist attraction facilities and amenities
 Generate economic benefits for
in their area for them to appreciate
local people and enhances the
what they have become part walking
well being of host communities,
promotional tour.
improves working conditions and
access to the industry. 7. Tourism facilities design should be
coordinated with the local architectural
 Involves local people in decisions
designs to maintain the locality of the
that affect their lives and life
8. Market the destinations to client who
 Makes positive contribution to
are more concious about the
the conservations of natural and
preservation and protection of culture,
cultural heritage to the
environment and ethnicity of the
maintenance of the world’s
destination. Strictly prohibits activities
relative to drugs and prostitution to
 Provides more enjoyable protect and maintain the peace and
experience for tourist through order, and morals of the local.
more meaningful connections
9. The development should only be at
with local people and a greater
the designed areas distance from the
understanding of local cultural
residential and school areas.
social and environmental issues.
10. Provide a support/alternative tourist
Ways to sustain tourism
zone to properly balance distribution of
1. Maintain the authenticity of ethnic, tourists and avoid imbalance of wealth
local dances and music keeping the and income distribution as well as
original steps and instrument use. overcrowding.

2. Use indigenious materials and their Environmental Impact Control Measures

handicrafts and other products for
◦ Environmental Planning
◦ Proper Installation of efficient
3. Training of locals as to how they can
be best part of tourism industry in their
community. ◦ Waste Management System

4. Conduct tourism benefits educational Waste Management

information drive to the local
1. Use of efficient energy and fuel
community prior to development of the
saving machines.
area into tourist destination to create
better understanding and cooperation
among the stakeholders.
2. Provision of public parking taking of endangered marine
spaces. plants and other species.

3. Strict implementation of anti- 14. Eduacate and prohibit the

smoke belching campaign. tourists to feed animals.

4. Dispersion and relocation of 15. Strongly implement, monitor any

shanties along lakes and rivers. activities involving dynamite and
spear fishing.
5. Proper land use zoning to
protect the communities from 16. Protect mangrove areas.
pollution caused by industries.
Characteristics of Sustainable Tourism
6. Suitable architectural design of
 It is informative.
building particularly those that
are along the beaches and on  It supports integrity of place.
the mountain side.
 It benefits residents.
7. Capacity control measure to
avoid overcrowding and  It conserves resources.
damage to natural and historical  It respects local culture and
sites. tradition.
8. Involvement of local community  It does not abuse its product.
in the environmental protection
and preservation programmes.  It strives for quality, not quality

9. Imposed higher environmental  It means great trips.

fees to be collected from both Some Premises of Sustainable
business establishments and Development in Tourism
tourist and use collected fees
accordingly. 1. Premises of Interdependency -
as applied above, tourism as
10. Training of tourism business sector is affected by a whole
owners as to environmental range of soacial and economic
protection and waste activities.
management programmes prior
granting of business permits. 2. The Premises of Multidisciplinary
– to support sustainable
11. Stricter penalty on violation of development, it will be essential
environmental laws and to draw on the ideas and
regulation. experiences of a board range of
12. Dumping of boat waste should disciplines.
be monitored and imposed 3. The Premise of previous
higher penalty on violations. Experience
13. Protected areas/ santuary should 4. The Premise that Nature is better
be guarded to avoid illegal – one of the most important
premises of the sustainable 1. Defining the Relevant
development movement is that Population/Community
natural state is generally to the
2. Defining the Time Horizon
developed state.
3. Defining the Dimensions of
5. The Premise of Politics and Power
– it is both the easiest and the
most difficult to deal with. 4. Defining the Values that
Underline Sustainable
◦ Green Transportation – it is when a
city transportation became a
problem due to dense lines of light Characteristics of Rural Tourism
rail transportation. Experience and Why People Enjoy the
◦ Sustainabilty
1. Remoteness and solitude.
1. Minimal environmental impact of
development and its operations. 2. Peace and quiet, relaxing
2. Eco- friendly technologies
respect for ecology and value 3. Adventure and challenge,
natural systems. opportunity to pursue sport or
3. Energy efficiency.
4. Health and fitness concerns, fresh
4. Less use of finite fuels.
5. More local production
5. Wildlife and landscapes, interest
6. More walking, less driving in the environment.

◦ Increased Density - the buildings, 6. Experience of rural communities,

residences, shops, and services culture and lifestyle.
should be closer together for ease of
7. Enjoyment of being with friends
walking to enable to a more efficient
and family.
use of services and resources, and to
create more convenient, enjoyable 8. A change from everyday urban
place to live. life.
◦ Quality of Architecture and Urban 9. A part in rural activities such as
Design – put more emphasis on conservation work.
beauty, aesthetics, human comfort,
and creating a sense of place; 10. Exploration of historic identities,
special placement of civic uses sites interest in heritage.
within community. 3 Perspective in defining Rurality:
◦ Sustainable Development and 1. Anything non – urban – a
Tourism : critical areas negative approach of defining
rurality as it implies the rural interest and push proposal about
environment. them.

2. Attempts to outline the elements ◦ The Paternalistic Countryside –

of the countryside or the functions large state and tenant farms
of rural space - a positive dominate, controlled by local
perspective as the distinguishing land owners.
features and identified low-
◦ The Client List Countryside –
density population, visual
policies are geared towards local
components and form of
community and employment.
settlement and land used.
The Concept of Rural Tourism:
3. Perception and or user-based
definitions – based on how 1. Rural tourism is an old and new
individual experience and phenomenon.
defined rurality.
2. The rural scene was admired by
Four approaches in defining rural areas poets and artists,
by Halfacree (1993):
3. The number of tourist has
1. Descriptive – using empirical data increased significantly and
and measurement, census of tourism has developed in all
population. types of countryside instead of
being limited.
2. Sociocultural – draws association
between social spacial attributes. 4. Rural tourism includes a range of
activities, services and amenities
3. Rural as a Locality –
provided by farmer and rural
characteristics are what make
people to attract the tourists to
their area.
4. Rural as a Social Representation
5. Rural tourism generates extra
– rural perceived and relates to
income for their businesses.
social construction of countryside
by individuals and groups. Conceptualizing Rural Tourism
Framework for thinking about  While rural areas are dynamic
thecontemporary country and the environments and change is
possible outcomes as a result of change implicit, more radical changes
(Murdoch and Marsden): have been witnessed in the
postwar period than any other
◦ The Preserved Countryside –
time before relating to social,
characterized by anti-
envionmental, political.
development and preservationist
attitudes.  Economic and technological
elements of the countryside
◦ The Contested Countryside – the
changes in agricultural practices
main commuter zones. Farmers
and policies.
and developers have dominant
 Lack of employment revenues. The rate of economic return
opportunity. to rural communities has been low.

Growth of Rural Tourism Socio-cultural Impact – the higher

standards of living in urban tourist
1. Emerge has an identifiable
destination have cost immigration from
activity on Europe during the half
nearby rural neighbors, resulting in
of 18th century.
changes demographic structures and
2. Rural tourism tends to a more possible culture shock.
fluent, better educated tourist
Measure in Indicators of Sustainability in
seeking high quality experiences
Rural Tourism
and product.
1. Stress – number of visitors/ tourists.
3. The ranges of productthat
comprised rural tourism and 2. Social Stress – ratio of
associated range of experience visitor/tourist numbers to local
are far too great to generalize. population.

4. Levelling of the growth that 3. Attractiveness – rate of

increased to the diversity of the attractiveness of natural and
activities. cultural resources.

5. Active sports are increasing. 4. Planning Process – existence of

local/regional plan for tourism
6. New activities as such as
mountain biking, climbing, air
and water sports are witnessing 5. Tourism Planning Process –
large gains and popularity. existence of local/regional plan
for tourism development.
7. New technology has assisted the
growth of rural tourism 6. Area Protection – precentage of
protected area.
Entrepreneurism and the Selling of Rural
Environment 7. Local Involvement – ratio of the
number of locally owned tourist
◦ Examining issues of sustainability
as they support and conflict with
entrepreneurial activities. 8. Local control – a formal measure
to control development planning
◦ Physical and Cultural change in
and implementation.
rural landscapes – identifying the
character and process of past 9. Employment – number of jobs
and emerging rural landscape. created in tourism.

◦ Impact of Rural Tourism 10. Tourism Contribution to the Local

Economy – tas income by tourism
Economic Impact - has brought
benefits such as foreign exchange,
employment, higher government
11. Economic Diversity – share of ◦ Tourism developments also
different economic activities in require resources that maybe
the total tax income. scare in rural area.

12. Energy Consumption – a ◦ The sewage from large hotels

renewable energy sources to can be source of pollution.
non-renewable energy sources.
Sustainable Rural Tourism
13. Waste Management –
◦ Advancement in modes of
percentage of households with
transport has assisted rural tourism
proper sewage system.
coupled with the increasingly
14. Educational and training – local sophisticated marketing of new
people in tourism with destination can become an over
professional training and use one almost overnight as a
education. result of special interest
publication of promotional
15. Local Satisfaction – overall
perception of tourism’s impacts
in. local community. ◦ A sustainable approach takes a
more holistic perspective towards
16. Tourist Satisfaction –
rural development.
percentage/change of repeat
visits compared to first time visits. ◦ A sustainable approach to rural
tourism should be based on a
Environmental Impacts of Tourism
multifaceted view of sustainability
to achieve balance
◦ Tourism development starts with development.
the construction of hotels, resort
Issues in Rural Tourism Management
and other places for tourist to
stay. 1. The lack of statistical base.

◦ These facilities require a lot of 2. Rural communities.

3. Tourism development strategies
◦ Tourism developers prefer to may not benefit all rural areas.
build on the coast where the
4. Tourism rural areas is highly
hotels located in front of the
dependenton an attractive
natural and culturally interesting
◦ The construction of the hotels environment
has the same kind of impacts
Impacts of Rural Tourism
such as soil erosion, changes in
water runoff, and damage top ◦ Benefits in general that tourism
the natural environment. bought

1. Increase the range and viability

of local businesses.
2. Helps maintain or improve A.6. Design and construction of
services. buildings and infrastracture:

3. Bring about environmental and A.6.1. comply with local zoning and
infrastracture improvements. protected or heritage area
Negative impacts reported
A.6.2. respect the natural or cultural
1. Rising house prices
heritage surroundings in sitting, design,
2. Traffic congestion impact assessment, and land rights and
3. Parking problems
A. 6.3. use locally appropriate principles
4. Disturbance of sustainable construction.
5. litter A.6.4. provide access for persons with
Global Sustainable Tourism Criteri special needs.

A. Demonstrate effective A.7. Information about and

sustainable management. interpretation of the natural
surroundings, local culture, and cultural
A.1. The company has implemented a heritage is provided to customers, as
long-term sustainability management well as explaining appropriate behavior
system that is suitable to its reality and while visiting natural areas, living,
scale, and that considers cultures, and cultural heritage sites.
environmental, sociocultural, quality,
health, and safety issues. B. Maximize social and economic
benefits to the local community and
A.2. The company is in compliance with minimize negative impacts.
all relevant international or local
legislation and regulations ( including B.1. The company actively supports
health, safety, labor, and environmental initiatives for social and infrastracture
aspects.) community development including,
among others, education, health and
A.3. All personnel receive periodic sanitation.
training regarding their role in the
management of environmental, B.2. Local residents are employed,
sociocultural, health , and safety including in management positions,
practices. training is offered as necessary.

A.4. Customer satisfaction is measured B.3. Local and fair-trade services and
and corrective action taken where goods are purchased by the business,
appropriate. where available.

A.5. Promotional materials are accurate B. 4. the company offers the means for
and complete and do not promise local small entrepreneurs to develop
more than can be delivered by the and sell sustainable products that are
business. based on the areas nature, history, and
culture( including food, and drink, crafts,
performance, arts, agricultural its operations, design, decoration, food,
products.) or shops; while respecting the
intellectual property rights of local
B.5. A code of conduct for activities in
indigenious and local communities has
been developed, with the consent of D. Maximize benefits to the environment
and in collaboration with th community. and minimize negative impacts.

B.6. The company has implemented a D.1. Conserving resources

policy against commercial expoitation,
D.1.1. purchasing policy favors
particularly of children and adolescents,
environmentally friendly products for
including sexual exploitation.
building materials, capital goods, food,
B.7. The company is equitable in hiring and consumables.
women and local minorities, including in
D.1.2. The purchase of disposable and
management positions, while restraining
consumable goods is measured, and
child labor.
the business actively seeks ways to
B.8. The international or national legal reduce their use.
protection of employees is respected,
D.1.3. Energy consumption should be
and employees are paid a living wage.
measured, sources indicated, and
B.9. The activities of the company do measures to decrease overall
not jeopardize the provision of basic consumption should be adopted, while
services, such as water, energy, or encouraging the use of renewable
sanitation, to neighboring communities. energy.

C. Maximize benefits to cultural heritage D.1.4. Water consumption should be

and minimize negative impacts. measured, sources indicated, and
measures to decrease overall
C.1. the company follows established
consumption should be adopted.
guidelines or a code of behavior for
visits to culturallly or historically sensitive D.2. Reducing Pollution
sites, in order to minimize visitor impact
D.2.1. Greenhouse gas emissions from all
and maximize enjoyment.
sources comtrolled by the business are
C.2. Historical and archeological measured, and procedures are
artifacts are not sold, traded, or implemented to reduce and offset them
displayed, except as permitted by law. as a way to achieve climate neutrally.

C.3. The business contributes to the D.2.2. wastewater, including gray

protection of local historical, water, is treated effectively and reused
archeological, culturally, and spiritually where possible.
important properties and sites, and does
D.2.3. A solid waste management plan
not impede access to them by local
is implemented, with quantitative goals
to minimize waste that is not reused or
C.4. The business uses elements of local recycled.
art, architecture, or cultural heritage in
D.2.4. The use of harmful substances, WEEK 10
including pesticides, paints, swimming
pool disinfectants, and cleaning
materials, is minimized and all chemicals
use is properly manage. AIRPORT SAFETY
D.2.5. the business implements practices Airport safety encompasses a wide
to reduce pollution from noise, light, range of measures to ensure the security
runoff, erosion.ozone-depleting and well-being of passengers, personnel
compounds,air and soil contaminants. and infrastructure. Key aspects include
rigorous security screening, surveillance,
D.3. Conserving biodiversity,
and emergency response protocol.
ecosystems and landscapes
These measures aim to prevent threats
D.3.1. Wildlife species are only harvested like terrorism and accidents, maintaining
from the wild,consumed, displayed, sold the safety of all individuals and assets
or internationally traded, as part of a within airport premises. Stringent
regulated activity that ensures that their technology, and well-trained personnel
utilization is sustainable. play pivotal roles in achieving airport
D.3.2. No captive wildlife is held, except
for properly regulated activities, and AIRPORT SAFETY
living specimens of protected wildlife
 PLace your bags on the security
species are only kept by those
belt on when you’re ready to
authorized and suitably equipped to
pass through the magnetometer,
house and care for them.
not while waiting in line. retrieve
D.3.3. The business uses native species your item immediately on the
for landscaping and restoration, and other side.
takes measures to avoid the  Be cautious ot thieves working in
introduction of invasive alien species. pairs; one distracts you in line
while the other steals your
D.3.4. The business contributes to the
belongings from the other side of
support of biodiversity conservation,
the security machine
including supporting natural protected
 Keep your luggage within sight
areas and areas of high biodiversity
and nearby, especially in public
places like airports
D.3.5. Interactions with wildlife must not  To prevent bag switching by
produce adverse effects on the viability thieves, mark your luggage with
of populations in the wild; and any a ribbon or tape for easy
disturbance of natural ecosystems is identification
minimized, rehabilitated, and there is a  Unattended luggage can be
compensatory contribution to removed or destroyed by security
conservation management. personnel, and you won 't
receive compensation if this
 Avoid approaching or lingering the safety and security of tourists within
near unattended baggage their borders.
belonging to someone else.
It typically includes measures such as
 Refrain from agreeing to guard a
increased police presence in tourist
stranger ' s luggage to avoid
areas, improved emergency response
potential security risks.
systems, better infrastructure, and public
FOOD SAFETY awareness campaigns to promote
safety. The goal is to create a
Food safety is the practice of handling,
welcoming environment for tourists while
preparing, and storing food to prevent
minimizing risks and addressing potential
contamination and illness. It involves
proper hygiene, cooking, and storage
techniques to ensure that food remains NATIONAL TOURISM SAFETY AND
safe to eat. SECURITY PLAN

Key principles include washing hands,

cooking to safe temperatures, avoiding
cross-contamination, and storing food
at appropriate temperatures. Regular
inspection and regulation by authorities
help maintain food safety standards.

1. Ensure you understand the

relationship between food and
2. Stay informed about local food ATTACKED/HIJACKED
issues and potential crises
3. Know the health status of kitchen -Stay calm and think quickly to make
staff to ensure food safety sound decisions.
4. Food safety depends on the
-Assess your surroundings, seek escape
health of those preparing it.
routes, and attract attention. Unless safe
5. Educate staff about food
to do so, avoid resistance and prioritize
allergies and special dietary
personal safety.
6. Dispose of trash in an -Be prepared to relinquish belongings;
environmentally friendly manner your life is more valuable.
7. Apply the same level of scrutiny
-Cooperate with the attacker to stall for
to caterers as to hotels and
time until help arrives.
-Observe and remember details about
the attacker for future identification.
The National Tourism Safety and Security
Plan is a comprehensive strategy 1. Never leave your luggage
developed by governments to ensure unattended
2. Store your valuable in the hotel DIFFERENT SAFETY AND SECURITY
safety deposit box ORGANIZATION
3. Lock your room at all times,
The Department of National Defense
whether you are in the hotel or
(DND) - in the Philippines is responsible
for creating defense policies, managing
4. If someone knocks, check who it
the national defense system, and
is before opening
overseeing the Armed Forces of the
5. Hand the keys in at the desk
Philippines (AFP). It plays a crucial role in
when you leave the hotel
defense planning, modernization, and
6. Be observant when entering
resource allocation to enhance the
parking areas
country ' s security and sovereignty. The
7. Carry your passport and travel
DND also promotes peace, stability, and
documents only if you have to,
international cooperation in defense
alternatively carry certified
and security affairs.
The Armed Forces of the Philippines
(AFP) - is the country ' s military
1. Buy a map and plan your route in organization responsible for defending
advance. and ensuring the security of the
Philippines. It includes the Army, Navy,
2. Do not leave any items on the seat,
Air Force, and specialized units. The AFP'
place them in the boot.
s main roles are safeguarding national
3. Never pick up strangers or hitchhikers. security, conducting peacekeeping
operations, countering terrorism, and
4.Wind your windows up or leave a light providing disaster relief. It operates
gap. under civilian control and adheres to
5. You should observe suspicious persons the nation ' s constitution and laws.
at a red traffic light at night, it would be The Office of Civil Defense (OCD) - in the
acceptable to proceed carefully, Philippines is a government agency
provided there are no other vehicles. focused on safeguarding people during
6. Do not stop and rest on deserted disasters and emergencies. It
roads. coordinates disaster risk reduction,
develops plans, offers training, and
7. Distances between towns are collaborates with other agencies to
considerable. Make sure that you do enhance the country ' s disaster
not run out of gas. resilience. The OCD plays a vital role in
8. Do not stop at accidents or obstacles disaster response, preparedness, and
in the road-rather call the police. recovery, aiming to minimize the impact
of disasters and protect the population.
9. When someone bumps your car from
behind under suspicious circumstances The Philippine Veterans Affairs Office
do not stop. (PVAO) - is a government agency under
the Department of National Defense
responsible for providing care, benefits,
and assistance to Filipino war veterans, partnerships. It emphasizes the joint
veterans of military campaigns, their responsibility of the government and
surviving spouses, and orphans, in private sector in emergency
accordance with the 1987 Philippine preparedness and response.
Constitution, which highlights their
ACCESS - The area faces safety and
importance and support.
security problems with its access due to
The National Defense College of the bad roads, no sidewalks, and conflicts
Philippines (NDCP) - is an educational between pedestrians and vehicles.
and research institution within the These issues are influenced by politics,
Philippine government situated in Camp culture, and society. During summer
Emilio Aguinaldo, Quezon City. Its fiestas, makeshift roadblocks and a lack
primary mission is to conduct in-depth of proper signs can lead to robberies,
studies on national defense and security and the absence of directional signs
matters and falls under the jurisdiction of raises tourism security concerns. During
the Department of National Defense. elections, there's more crime, and the
area is cluttered with campaign
The Government Arsenal (GA) - is a
materials. Additionally, street children
Philippine government agency under
begging, street vendors, and jaywalking
the Department of National Defense. It
arrests show complex social and law
produces weapons and ammunition for
enforcement issues, affecting the safety
the Armed Forces of the Philippines
of residents and visitors.
(AFP) and the Philippine National Police
(PNP) and can sell or export surplus ACCOMODATION, ATTRACTIONS AND
products beyond their needs. ACTIVITIES - In Accommodation, AHSOP
leads security efforts, but with limited
The Human Security Act of 2007 (RA
membership. PCCI promotes
9372) - is a Philippine law enacted on
investments and emphasizes security
February 8, 2007, to combat terrorism,
and safety for smaller businesses. The
particularly in the southern Philippines. It
jurisdiction of security officers (if there is
defines terrorism as acts causing
one) in the Accommodation segment
widespread fear, allowing authorities to
of the journey does not cover the areas
arrest suspects without warrants and
beyond their perimeter walls. This makes
detain them temporarily without
the area of Attraction attractive to
charges. Detainees have rights to legal
counsel, medical care, religious support,
and family contact WHAT IS END TO END HOLISTIC
ARRIVAL - This challenges for tourists in
the Philippines, focusing on secure The "End-to-End Holistic Approach"
bookings, safety in arrival areas, emphasizes the importance of
vulnerability to natural disasters, and implementing rules and regulations (IRR)
conflicting statements between the in the field of security. It acknowledges
Department of Tourism Secretary and the potential for misinterpretation of
the Armed Forces of the Philippines security as equivalent to peace and
Chief about emergency response order during this stage and highlights
the opportunity to strengthen the
relationship between private and public
security forces. This approach
recognizes the limitations of jurisdiction,
especially in initiatives related to the
Access segment, as security is only as
strong as its weakest link.

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