Salarjung Reforms

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Salarjung Reforms

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Telangana (1948-1970)

 Historical Background: Telangana as a distinctive cultural unit in Hyderabad

Princely State, its geographical, cultural, socio, political and economic features-
People of Telangana- castes, tribes, religion, arts, crafts, languages, dialects, fairs,
festivals and important places in Telangana.
 Administration in Hyderabad Princely State and Administrative Reforms of Salar
Jung and Origins of the issue of Mulkis-Non-Mulkis;
 Employment and Civil Services Rules under Mir Osman Ali Khan, VII Nizam’s
Farman of 1919 and Definition of Mulki - Establishment of Nizam’s Subjects
League known as the Mulki League 1935 and its Significance; Merger of
Hyderabad State into Indian Union in 1948; Employment Policies under Military
Rule and Vellodi,1948-52; Violation of Mulki-Rules and Its Implications.

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Salarjung Reforms

• Sir Mir Turab Ali Khan, Salar Jung I,1829 known simply as Salar Jung I, was an
Indian nobleman who served as Prime Minister of Hyderabad State between
1853 until his death in 1883.

Hyderabad State

• The Hyderabad princely state also called as Nizam Kingdom, which comprises of
Telangana,Maratwada and Kannada areas ruled by Asafjahi’s between 1724-

• Kingdom was first established by NIZAM-UL-MULK ruled after the title of Asafjahi
and therefore famously known as Asafjahi Kingdom.

• From the first ruler Nijam ul mulk to the last ruler Osman ali khan, there were 9
rulers who ruled Hyderabad for over 224 years.

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 After the death of Aurangazeb in 1707, Mughal kingdom started to decline

 In this situation, one of the Mughal subedar, Nijam-ul-Mulk in Deccan formed an
Independent Kingdom in 1724. Continued as Mughal Subedar’s till 1758.
 They were called Nizams from the Nizam Ali Khan’s regime.
 Hyderabad Princely State was the biggest princely state among the 562 Princely
states when India achieved Independence.
 State was merged into Indian Union on September 17th,1948

Chronological dynasties of Telangana history

• Kakatiya dynasty (1158–1321),

• Khalji dynasty (1290–1320),

• Tughlaq dynasty (1320–1414),

• Musunuri Nayakas (1336–1365),

• Bahmani Sultanate (1347–1527),

• Qutb Shahi dynasty (1518–1687),

• Mughal Empire (1526–1724),

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• Asaf Jahi dynasty 1724–1948,

• Republic of India (1948-till date).


• For about 30 years from 1853 to 1883, he served as the Prime Minister under
three Asafjahi kings – Nasir-ud-Daulah, Afzal-Ud-Daulah, and Mir Mahabub-Ali

• He was compared on par with Mahammad Gavan, the Prime Minister of Bahmani
Kingdom. William Digbi said, ‘Salar Jung brought about Renaissance in Nizam


1. Salarjung worked as Diwan under which Nizam’s

1) Nasir-ud-Daulah,

2) Afzal-Ud-Daulah,

3) Mir Mahabub-Alikhan

4)None of these

5)All of these

2)He was compared on par with whom?

1) Biribal

2) Mahammad Gavan, the Prime Minister of Bahmani Kingdom

3)William Benetick

4)Mohammad Ghori

3) William Digbi said, ‘Salar Jung brought about …………………………in Nizam


1)Renaissance in Nizam ‘kingdom’.

2) Cultural Revolution in Nizam ‘kingdom’.

3)Economic freedom in Nizam Kingdom

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4)Administrative reforms in Nizam Kingdom

Historical Background Situation in Nizam’s Kingdom before Salarjung

 By the time Salarjung-I was appointed and Diwan, the situation in Nizam’s
kingdom was very bad. The fertile places of Rayachur, Osmanabad, Berar were
ceded to British in lieu of debt repayment.
 Muslims in the principality were angry with the Britishers.
 The economic situation was at the brick of bankruptacy.
 The people were at the receiving end at the hands of corrupt employees.
 The law and order situation was out of control.

Mains Question

1) What are the reforms of salarjung I as the PM of Hyderabad. Explain in detail?

Reforms of Salarjung

1) Administrative Reforms

2) Economic Reforms

3) Revenue Reforms

4) Law Reforms

5) Educational Reforms

6) Police Reforms

7) Currency Reforms

8) Transport Reforms

9) Transport Reforms

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1) Administrative Reforms

• Divided the State of Nizam into 5 Subhas, and 17 Districts. These districts were
divided into Talukas and each Talukh had governing officers Ex: A Subedar to
each Subha, Avval Talkadars (Collector) to district and Tahasildar to Taluka.

• For an effective administration, Salarjung de-centralised administration into 14

Departments like police, revenue etc

• Salarjung appointed youngsters as ministers and established a board called

“Majlis-e-malguzari” to protect talukadar system(The district or estate ruled by a
Taluqdar was known as talukdari. Large land holders were appointed as
Taluqdars over a number of villages during the Mughal era. ) of administration in

• In 1868, he constituted “Sadar Ul Mahath” and appointed four ministers and

allotted portfolios like Police, Law, Revenue to the first three Ministers. The 4 th
minister was given portfolio of social welfare, education, health and local bodies.
These Ministers worked under the central Government guidelines.

2)Economic Reforms

• Salarjung took various reforms in minimizing the expenditure and found the
resources to enrich the State treasury. Salarjung removed employees and
cancelled their posts as they did not have any work(decreased financial deficit )

• Salarjung extended his co-operation to the British(Sepoy Mutiny,1857) and the

British were satisfied with his activities and released Rayachur, Osmanabad
which were occupied by the British in 1853. The British also cancelled Nizam’s
dues of Rs. 50 Lakhs. With such activities and favours to the British Nizam
financial position stabilized.

3) Revenue Reforms

• In those days, the contractors were the middle men between the Government and
the farmers who used to pay taxes. The contractors exploited the innocent
farmers. Salarjung observed this system of middle men and completely changed
it. He made a new revenue policy called “Zilla Bandi” Policy(According to this
policy. Salarjung divided the Nizam state into 17 revenue districts - Each district
is governed by a subedar who was responsible for the collection of land taxes)

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• In 1864, Salarjung constituted a “Revenue Board”, Board was authorized to tax
agriculture, business, export and import, stamp duty, roads and local bodies. It
was cancelled and constituted Revenue Ministry in 1868.

• Later he introduced new Ryothwari Policy and established direct link to farmers
with the Government. The farmers were given rights on their lands. Inaam land
system was cancelled and land taxation for every 30 years was introduced.
Agricultural lands were measured, boundaries were settled and recoded
carefully. Land tax was decided which was to be renewed every 30 years based
on area of cultivation and the area of land. Land tax was allowed to pay either in
cash or grains. In 1875 Salarjung established survey settlement department of
survey land. He cancelled Inaams to government employees and paid salaries to

4) Law Reforms

• Courts were established at Taluka level and district level.

• Public were allowed to appeal the district courts judgements to the higher court
namely, “Adalath-E-Padushahe” in Hyderabad with a chief justice and four judges.
This court was empowered to punish the criminals with the exception of death
sentence and life time imprisonment. Serious punishments like removal of body
parts were abolished and the convicted were punished with severe

5) Educational Reforms

• He paid much attention to start schools and educational institutions in the state.
His secretary Sayyed Hussain Bilgrami helped Salarjung in improving education.
In 1855 during fourth Nizam Nasiruddaula, he established “Daarul salaam” a
higher educational institute and introduced western educational system where
Arabic, Urdu and English were taught. He introduced English medium schools.

• He introduced the following schools-

• City High School in 1870.

 Chadarghat High School in 1872

 Gloria girls high school in 1881.

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• In 1870 he established “an engineering college” and trained many as technical
experts in Hyderabad state.

• Thus Salarjung helped the people to become intellectuals.

6) Police Reforms

• He applied a police superintendent (SP) to each district for effective policing in

the district, an Inspector to every two small Talukas combined, an Inspector to
big talukas and sufficient police personnel in the district for a peaceful society.

• Emphasized on Police training.

• Not only Salarjung worked hard for effective policing but also he made rules and
guidelines regarding their powers and duties. He divided the police officers based
on their ability and behavior into different categories and decided their pay

• Merit was given importance in promotions. The scheme of giving “auxiliaries

promotions” based on merit and ability is still continuing in police department
now-a-days also.

7) Currency Reforms

• Salarjung took steps to control mints. In 1885, he established government mints

in Hyderabad, a central treasury in Hyderabad and local treasuries in districts.
Before 1858 the Nizam coins had the name of Mughal emperor. Salarjung
removed Mughl’s name and printed name of the Nizam Nawab on coins. He also
printed “New Hal-sikka”(Standard Currency) coins. With these reforms, Nizams
financial conditions had improved.

• In 1861 Salarjung established stamp paper office in Hyderabad. It regulated the

usage of stamp papers.

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8) Transport Reforms

• Salarjung worked hard for the development of roads and railways with the help
of the British.

• He linked Hyderabad with most of the main towns. In 1870, the government and
British signed an agreement called an “Chanda Railway Agreement” to build
railway line between Madras and Bombay via Hyderabad, Wadi and Gulbarga. As
a part of this, the first railway line between Secunderabad and Vadi was
completed in 1878.

• He built roadway between Hyderabad and Sholapur.

• Salarjung established public works department to provide transport facilities. It

provided many road ways to all districts from Hyderabad and thereby developed
and increased business.

9) Other Reforms

 Salarjung made strong reforms to control anti social elements in the society. He
abolished social evils like “Sathi Sahagamanam” in the Hyderabad Society.
 He started industrial exhibition in Chandarghat. It has been continuing till date.
 He gave importance to English also and published news papers in English
 He gave jobs to the persons with ability and skill and at the same time he
punished corrupt employees.


• When Hyderabad Kingdom was in a critical situation, Salarjung occupied the

highest post of the Prime Minister and rendered better services for the welfare of
the people and won more laurels than even Nizam ruler.

• Salarjung had extended priceless service for the development of Hyderabad

Kingdom. He brought life to the declining economic system in 1853 through his
economic reforms. As a result of the policies adopted by him, novel changes,
progress in education, and modernization took place during Nizam rule. The
administrative mechanism was strengthened. Wahid Khan appreciated Salarjung
as one of the most outstanding statesmen among Indian rulers of 19th century.

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