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Dissertation Aortenstenose

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Intentional coverage of the left subclavian artery during endovascular repair of traumatic descending
thoracic aortic transection. Systemic hypertension, Marfan syndrome, a congenitally bicuspid aortic
valve, previous aortic valve replacement and aortic coarctation are conditions, which predispose for
life-threatening aortic complications. Modern CT diagnosis of acute thoracic and abdominal trauma.
Adverse cardiac events during catecholamine vasopressor therapy: a prospective observational study.
Anhand dieser Darstellungen kann man dann eine exakte Dimensionierung des Stentgrafts
vornehmen. Blood lactate as a predictor for in-hospital mortality in patients admitted acutely to
hospital: a systematic review. Acute traumatic rupture of the thoracic aorta and its branches. Early
goal-directed therapy in the treatment of severe sepsis and septic shock. The current place of
tranexamic acid in the management of bleeding. Spatkomplikationen nach offen chirurgischer
Prothesenimplantation bei AAA sind selten. Coverage of the left subclavian artery during thoracic
endovascular aortic repair. Schlusselworter: Aneurysma, minimalinvasive Therapie, endovaskulare
Therapie, thorakale Aortenlasionen, Trauma, chirurgische Therapie Summary Endovascular Therapy
of Thoracic Aortic Lesions Lesions of the thoracic aorta are a rare but acutely life-threatening
disease. On behalf of the UK small aneurysm trial participants. Blunt traumatic aortic injury: initial
experience with endovascular repair. Anatomic factors associated with acute endograft collapse after
Gore TAG treatment of thoracic aortic dissection or traumatic rupture. A Focused Update from the
European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging and the American Society of Echocardiography.
The mechanism of injury in blunt traumatic rupture of the aorta. Acute traumatic rupture of the aortic
isthmus: repair with cardiopulmonary bypass. A Report from the American Society of
Echocardiography Developed in Collaboration with the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic
Resonance. They can be managed conservatively, by open surgical repair, and also minimal invasive
using endovascular stentgraft implantation (EVAR). Advances in critical care management of
patients undergoing cardiac surgery. Periinterventionelle Ergebnisse fasst Tabelle 4 zusammen. A
postoperative rupture of an AAA has not been reported to date. Incidence and outcomes of severe
renal impairment following ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. S3 guidelines for intensive
care in cardiac surgery patients: hemodynamic monitoring and cardiocirculary system. The risk
associated with aprotinin in cardiac surgery. Blunt traumatic aortic injury: importance of
transesophageal echocardiography. European collaborators on Stent-graft techniques for abdominal
aortic aneurysm repair. Management of severe perioperative bleeding: guidelines from the European
Society of Anaesthesiology: First update 2016. Transesophageal echocardiography in the diagnosis of
traumatic rupture of the aorta.
The endovascular stent graft therapy has established itself as the preferred form of treatment. The
prognostic value of the subjective assessment of peripheral perfusion in critically ill patients. The
mechanism of injury in blunt traumatic rupture of the aorta. Traumatic rupture of the aortic isthmus:
program of selective management. Grade III (contained perforation) and grade IV (open rupture)
lesions need surgical or interventional treatment as swiftly as possible. In our own patients mortality
was only 1.5 per cent. Late complications after open surgical treatment of the AAA are rare. In: Yao
JST, Pearce WH editors; Advances in vascular surgery. In specialized centers patients with acute
aortic syndrome may survive in 80 per cent of all cases. Spatkomplikationen waren nach
endovaskularer Therapie allerdings deutlich haufiger. Schlusselworter: Aortenchirurgie,
Aortenaneurysma, Stent, gefa?chirurgische Operation Summary Endovascular Therapy of
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms In 1990 Parodi and co-workers started to treat infrarenal abdominal
aortic aneurysms (AAA) by transfemorally implanted endoluminal stented Dacron grafts. Traumatic
aortic injury score (TRAINS): an easy and simple score for early detection of traumatic aortic injuries
in major trauma patients with associated blunt chest trauma. Tranexamic acid in patients undergoing
coronary artery surgery. Coverage of the left subclavian artery during thoracic endovascular aortic
repair. Durability of endovascular repair in blunt traumatic thoracic aortic injury: long-term outcome
from four tertiary referral centers. Minimum 10-year follow-up of endovascular repair for acute
traumatic transection of the thoracic aorta. Surgery of the descending thoracic aorta: spinal cord
protection with the Gott shunt. Endovascular repair of traumatic thoracic aortic injury: clinical
practice guidelines of the Society for Vascular Surgery. A Report from the American Society of
Echocardiography Developed in Collaboration with the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic
Resonance. Schlusselworter: Aneurysma, minimalinvasive Therapie, endovaskulare Therapie,
thorakale Aortenlasionen, Trauma, chirurgische Therapie Summary Endovascular Therapy of
Thoracic Aortic Lesions Lesions of the thoracic aorta are a rare but acutely life-threatening disease.
Meszaros I, Morocz J, Szlavi J et al.: Epidemiology and clinicpatholology of aortic dissection.
Surgical indications and timing of repair of traumatic ruptures of the thoracic aorta. Intentional
coverage of the left subclavian artery during endovascular repair of traumatic descending thoracic
aortic transection. Multicenter Study of Perioperative Ischemia Research Group; Ischemia Research
and Education Foundation. The evolution of this endovascular technique offers a potential treatment
possibility particularly in high-risk patients. Adverse cardiac events during catecholamine vasopressor
therapy: a prospective observational study. European collaborators on Stent-graft techniques for
abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. Injuries are triaged and the treatment priority of the aortic trauma
is ascertained based on the severity of the aortic and concomitant injuries and the condition of the
patient. In ausgesuchten Fallen kann auch eine verzogerte Versorgung gunstig sein. Incidence and
outcomes of severe renal impairment following ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm repair.
Comparative effectiveness of the treatments for thoracic aortic transection.
Liberal or restrictive transfusion after cardiac surgery. Endovascular repair of traumatic rupture of the
aortic isthmus: midterm results. Management of severe perioperative bleeding: guidelines from the
European Society of Anaesthesiology: First update 2016. Incidence and outcomes of severe renal
impairment following ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. Pennsylvania: Society of
Automotive Engineers; 1974. Expert consensus document on the treatment of descending thoracic
aortic disease using endovascular stent-grafts. Grade III (contained perforation) and grade IV (open
rupture) lesions need surgical or interventional treatment as swiftly as possible. Spatkomplikationen
waren nach endovaskularer Therapie allerdings deutlich haufiger. In the department of the authors
more than 2,400 repairs of AAA have been performed exclusively by open surgery since 1976.
Traumatic rupture of the aortic isthmus: program of selective management. Clamp-and-sew
technique for traumatic injuries of the aorta: 20-year experience. Anagnostopoulos CE,
Athanasouleas CL, Garrick TR, Paulissian R: Acute aortic dissections. In selected cases, a delayed
treatment can also be advantageous. Auch eine pulsierende Schmerzsymptomatik wird wiederholt
beschrieben. Transesophageal echocardiography in the diagnosis of traumatic rupture of the aorta.
The endovascular stent graft therapy has established itself as the preferred form of treatment.
Malperfusionssyndrome sind seltener als bei klassischer Dissektion. Aneurysm detection and
management veterans affairs cooperative study investigators. Based on a metaanalysis of 23 studies
with 1,118 patients the incidence of persisting endoleaks and secondary leakages after endovascular
therapy was 9 per cent and 8 per cent respectively. Schlusselworter: Aneurysma, minimalinvasive
Therapie, endovaskulare Therapie, thorakale Aortenlasionen, Trauma, chirurgische Therapie
Summary Endovascular Therapy of Thoracic Aortic Lesions Lesions of the thoracic aorta are a rare
but acutely life-threatening disease. Blunt traumatic aortic injury: initial experience with
endovascular repair. Comparative effectiveness of the treatments for thoracic aortic transection.
Akuter Thoraxschmerz ist deshalb bei postoperativ erhohtem Risiko Indikation zum Ausschluss einer
akuten Aortenerkrankung (Grafik 2). The mechanism of injury in blunt traumatic rupture of the aorta.
Behcet, rheumatische Aortitis, systemischer Lupus erythematodes, Aortitis bei M. Incremental risk
factors for spinal cord injury following operation for acute traumatic aortic transection. Anticipatory
Valsalva-type response as a contributory factor in low impact blunt traumatic aortic rupture.
Aneurysm detection and management veterans affairs cooperative study investigators. Endovascular
repair of traumatic thoracic aortic injury: clinical practice guidelines of the Society for Vascular
Surgery. Auch nach Korrektur einer Aortenisthmusstenose jenseits des 13.

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