Spiritual Warfare - Lesson 9

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An introduction to Spiritual Warfare Lesson 9

Lesson 9 Delivery Steps to Freedom

"To know the mechanics does not mean that we are practicing the Disciplines. The Spiritual Disciplines are an inward and spiritual reality, and the inner attitude of the heart is far more crucial than the mechanics for coming into the reality of the spiritual life." Richard Foster, *Celebration Of Discipline* 2nd ed. (Harper, 1988),

Purpose It is one thing to talk about, read about and preach about Satan, but it is another thing entirely to know what to do when someone or yourself is experiencing demonic harassment. This lesson will look at some basic steps to freedom. Definition Freedom: 1. The state of being free of constraints. 2 a Political independence b. Possession of political and civil rights. 3. Free will. 4. Facility as of movement. 5. Frankness or boldness of expression. 1. What is deliverance? Read Mark 16:17 2. What is bondage?

3. What is Intercession? Read Genesis 18: 16-33, Isaiah 62:6-7

4. How will Satan and demons try to derail the freedom process? 5. What is meant by the phrase bind demons? 6. Why should you or someone being harassed declare a total rejection of Satan and all of his ways? 7. Why is exposing the lie of Satan with the truth of Gods Word the key strategy for demolishing demonic strongholds? 8. How can the following be key areas for demonic strongholds?

a) Pride: Read Ezekiel 16:49 and 1 Timothy 3:6 b) Rebellion against authority: Read Romans 13:1-5 1 Peter 2:13-17, Ephesians 6:1-3
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c) Unforgiveness: Read 2 Corinthians 2:10-11, Matthew 18:21-22, Ephesians 4:31-32 9. When we forgive, are we also required to forget?

10. Explain the purpose and benefit of making a list of 1) everyone we need to forgive, and 2) everyone from whom we need to seek forgiveness.

11. Why is it important to distinguish between instant freedom and the process of maturity? 12. Read Rom. 6:16, Matt. 18:21-35 and Deut. 7:25-26; 18:9-13; Acts 19: 19-21 There are some prerequisites for deliverance. Can you name three? 1. 2. 3.

Food for Thought: In your opinion, what steps would you add or take away from the Steps to Freedom? Practical Application Take yourself through the forgiveness process. In a quiet place, ask God to bring to your mind, every person you need to forgive or to whom forgiveness should be extended. Write down specific names and specific offenses. Go through each name with a prayer of forgiveness for each offence. Digging Deeper Conduct an in-depth Bible study on the topic of submission to those in spiritual authority.

Spiritual Warfare | Introduction Lesson 9

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Lesson 9 Delivery Steps to Freedom Leaders Copy

"To know the mechanics does not mean that we are practicing the Disciplines. The Spiritual Disciplines are an inward and spiritual reality, and the inner attitude of the heart is far more crucial than the mechanics for coming into the reality of the spiritual life." Richard Foster, *Celebration Of Discipline* 2nd ed. (Harper, 1988),

Purpose It is one thing to talk about, read about and preach about Satan, but it is another thing entirely to know what to do when someone or yourself is experiencing demonic harassment. This lesson will look at some basic steps to freedom. Definition Freedom: 1. The state of being free of constraints. 2 a Political independence b. Possession of political and civil rights. 3. Free will. 4. Facility as of movement. 5. Frankness or boldness of expression. 1. What is deliverance? Read Mark 16:17 The term "deliverance" encompasses both the process and the result of one's liberation from demonic bondage. Deliverance is achieved by driving out evil spirits, using the authority of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus said, "In my name they [believers in Him] will drive out demons" 2. What is bondage? All bondage is in one way or another is an expression of self-bondage. A person wrapped up in himself is absorbed in his own problems, circumstances, ambitions and feelings. His whole being is concerned with "self". Thereby, he disregards the first and greatest commandment: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment" Matt. 22:37. 3. What is Intercession? Read Genesis 18: 16-33, Isaiah 62:6-7 Intercession is not actually prayer. "Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men." 1Timothy 21. There is quite a clear difference between prayer and intercession. Lets look at the word "Intercede". According to Webster "intercede" means "to go or to pass between parties with a view to reconcile those who differ or contend, to mediate or make intercession mediation." Jesus was the ultimate Intercessor and through Jesus dying on the cross. He literally reconciled us to the Father. Intercession is a literal act of mediating between God and man. "I sought for a man among them who would stand in the gap before me on behalf of the land" Ezekiel 22:30. We also have examples all through the Bible of
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God choosing to use man to intercede on behalf of His people, His nations, and His land. Abraham Intercedes for Sodom Genesis 18: 1633 And he said (Abraham) Indeed now I have taken it upon myself to speak to the Lord, suppose twenty should be found there? So He (God) said I will not destroy it for the sake of twenty." Genesis 18: 31. 4. How will Satan and demons try to derail the freedom process? Demons can place thoughts such as I will kill you if you go through with this. I will harm one of your beloved friends or relatives. This is totally unnecessary and involves needless pain and embarrassment. 5. What is meant by the phrase bind demons? Binding demons means to utilize and exercise our delegated authority in Christ to control and limit their behavior. 6. Why should you or someone being harassed declare a total rejection of Satan and all of his ways? It tells demons that they are no longer wanted. 7. Why is exposing the lie of Satan with the truth of Gods Word the key strategy for demolishing demonic strongholds? Doing this reaffirms the truth with the counselee and Satan knows that they mean serious business. 8. How can the following be key areas for demonic strongholds? Pride: Read Ezekiel 16:49 and 1 Timothy 3:6 Pride is the original sin and Satan wants our hearts filed with pride but god wants our hearts filled with humility. Humility is not self-deprecation or the maintaining of a worm theology, it is placing our confidence solidly in God and not ourselves. Rebellion against authority: Read Romans 13:1-5 1 Peter 2:13-17, Ephesians 6:1-3 It is a me first mentality out there. Unforgiveness: Read 2 Corinthians 2:10-11, Matthew 18:21-22, Ephesians 4:31-32 9. When we forgive, are we also required to forget? The most common word for forgiveness in the New Testament is aphesis. As a noun it occurs 15 times while the verb occurs about 40 times. The Greek word aphesis conveys the meaning of letting go or releasing.

10. Explain the purpose and benefit of making a list of 1) everyone we need to forgive, and 2) everyone from whom we need to seek forgiveness.
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11. Why is it important to distinguish between instant freedom and the process of maturity? One can be freed instantly from demonic bondage, but spiritual maturity comes with time. with time and ageing Christians who dig deeper into the Word of God are more proficient at handling the enemy. 12. Read Rom. 6:16, Matt. 18:21-35 and Deut. 7:25-26; 18:9-13; Acts 19: 19-21 There are some prerequisites for deliverance. Can you name three? 1. One must repent of all sin. Repentance is a firm resolve in the Lord to forsake sin and turn about to walk in the ways of God. Ongoing sin in one's life is an open invitation to demons. Yielding to sin is yielding to a "whom", a person: namely, the devil. "Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are the one's slaves whom you obey, whether of sin to death, or of obedience to righteousness?" 2. There must be unqualified forgiveness toward all others no matter what they have done, how many times they have done it, or whether they continue to offend. Forgiveness of oneself is also mandatory. Anyone who has any reservation about forgiving any other person is turned over to tormenting demons until he pays the debt of love's forgiveness. "In anger his master turned him [the unforgiving servant] over to the jailers until he should pay back all he owed. This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother from your heart" 3. There must be a complete separation from every association no matter how casual with the occult, cults and Eastern Religions. This separation includes the destruction of all books and paraphernalia associated therewith.

Food for Thought: In your opinion, what steps would you add or take away from the Steps to Freedom? Practical Application Take yourself through the forgiveness process. In a quiet place, ask God to bring to your mind, every person you need to forgive or to whom forgiveness should be extended. Write down specific names and specific offenses. Go through each name with a prayer of forgiveness for each offence. Digging Deeper Conduct an in-depth Bible study on the topic of submission to those in spiritual authority.
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Lesson 9 Delivery Steps to Freedom Personal and Spiritual Inventory Form

1. Personal Data
Name: Telephone: Church attendance/Membership: Education/Training: Marital Status: Marital History: Employment History: Present: Past: Other personal data

2. Relational History
1. Were your parents believers? Yes /No 2. Describe religious experience of your parents. 3. Are your parents married or divorced? Married/Divorced 4. Were there problems of sexual immorality within the home such as adulterous affairs, incest, and pornography? Yes/No 5. Who was the head of the household? Explain. 6. How did your parents treat one another? Explain. 7. Discuss the roles of both your father and mother. 8. Are you adopted? Yes/No 9. In thinking about the moral atmosphere in your home while growing up, rate each of the following areas accordingly: 5=Very permissive 4=Permissive 3=Average 2=Strict 1=Overly strict 1. _____ Clothing 2. _____ Sexual Activity 3. _____ Dating 4. _____ Movies 5. _____ Television Programs 6. _____ Drinking 7. _____ Smoking 8. _____ Drugs 9. _____ Church Attendance 10. _____ Music 11. _____ Books 12. _____ Freedom of choice

3. Physical Health
1. Describe your eating habits. Do you maintain a balanced diet?
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2. Do you experience uncontrolled cravings for such things as food, alcohol, sweets, etc? 3. Are you presently seeing a medical doctor? 4. Are you presently on medication? 5. Do you experience bad dreams or problems sleeping? Explain. 6. What do you do for relaxation? 7. What thoughts if any are you presently struggling with in your life? a) Lust b) Inferiority c) Doubt d) Worry e) Obsessive thoughts. f) Fantasy thoughts g) Insecurity/inadequacy h) Others: 8. How much television do you watch during the week and what shows are your favorites? 9. What magazines do you like to read? 10. What kind of music do you like to listen to? 11. In your opinion, do you tend to have a positive outlook on life or a negative one? Explain. 12. Describe how you handle the emotions you experience. 13. Do you have a friend you can share with? 14. Are you totally honest with your feelings before God? 15. Are you ever plagued with evil thoughts? Explain. 16. Do you ever hear voices in your mind as though a dialogue were occurring with voices that are not your own? Explain. 17. Is there a history of addiction in your family to alcohol, drugs, sex, etc? Explain. 18. Is there a history of physical problems in your family such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc? Explain. 19. Is there a history of mental illness? Explain.

4. Spiritual Health.
1. If you were to die right now would you go to be with God in Heaven? Yes/No 2. If you die right now and were stranding before the entrance gate of Heaven and God said to you, Why should I let you into My heaven? How would you answer Him? 3. If you can, please briefly describe the details of your conversion. 4. Do you regularly attend a local church? Yes/No 5. Describe your involvement and support of the local church. 6. Do you regularly read the Bible? Yes/No 7. Do you pray regularly? Yes/No 8. Describe your habits with prayer and Bible Study. 9. Do you sense demonic harassment when praying, reading the Bible, worshipping God, or attending church services? Explain.
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10. Describe your personal involvement if any, with cultic, occultist, or non-Christian phenomenon. 11. Have you ever been hypnotizes, participated in a sance, been involved win the New Age, or explored parapsychology? Explain. 12. Please circle the experiences in which you or family members have personally been involved.

Occult Experiences.
o Astral projection o Ouija board o Table lifting o Speaking in a trance o Automatic writing o Visionary dreams o Telepathy o Ghosts o Materialization o Clairvoyance o Clairsentience o Fortune telling o Tarot card o Palm reading o Astrology o Rod and pendulum o Healing magnetism o Magic charming o Mental suggestions o Black and white magic o Blood pacts o Fetishism o Incubi and succubae (sexual spirits) o Others

Cult Religions
o Christian Science o Unity o Scientology o The local church o The Way International o Unification Church o Church of the Living Word o Mormonism o Jehovah Witness o Children of God
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o Swedenborgianism o Herbert W. Armstrong (Radio Church of God) o Unitarianism o Masons o New Age o Others:

Other Religions
o Zen Buddhism o Hare Krishna o Bahaism o Rosicrucian o Science of the Mind o Science of Creative Intelligence o Hinduism o Transcendental Meditation o Yoga o Echkankar o Roy Masters o Silva Mind Control o EST o Father Divine o Theosophical Society o Islam o Black Muslim o Other:

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