Gold Experience A2Plus Teachers Resource Book

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2ND EDITION for Schools

Engage and motivate students to build the language and skills they need in

the classroom, exams and their lives outside school. Educate students about the
world around, and allow them to bring their own experience into learning English.



A2+ Pre-Preliminary for Schools

The A2+ level, brand new for the second Preparing students for the
edition, works towards a pre-intermediate level Cambridge English Qualifications Pre-Preliminary
of English, and starts students on their journey across eight levels: for Schools
towards the 2020 version of the B1 Preliminary A1 Pre-Key for Schools
for Schools exam. A2 Key for Schools
A2+ Pre-Preliminary for Schools
• Extensive test package including: B1 Preliminary for Schools
- Diagnostic start-of-course test with A/B versions B1+ Pre-First for Schools
B2 First for Schools
- Language and skills unit tests with A/B versions
B2+ Pre-Advanced


- Review tests every three units with A/B versions C1 Advanced
- End of year test with A/B versions

• Full audioscripts and answer keys for all tests Other components
• Three photocopiable activities per unit, giving extra practice of • Student’s Book: thorough language skills and
grammar, vocabulary and exam skills exam preparation, presented through fun and
thought-provoking contexts
• Full teaching notes and answer keys for photocopiable activities
• Student’s App: access to audio and video, plus
extra vocabulary practice
Download all Teacher’s Resource Book material, including test
audio, editable versions of the tests, and versions for students • Workbook: practice of grammar, vocabulary
with dyslexia, from the Teacher’s online resource materials at and all skills, plus vocabulary extension work You can access this site using the code inside • Online Practice: Workbook and Resources, with
the Teacher’s Book front cover. instant feedback and automatic grading to help
students and teachers monitor progress
• Teacher’s Book: teacher’s notes with an access
code to all of the online resource materials

Experience • Engage • Excel
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for Schools
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Overview of the assessment package 4

Test format 5


Diagnostic Test 7

Unit Tests 17

Review Tests 107

End of Year Test 133

Tests answer key 155

Speaking and Writing: mark schemes 177

Tests audioscripts 179

Photocopiable activities 184

Photocopiable activities: Teacher’s notes 212
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The Gold Experience Assessment Package provides a wide
range of tests which can be used at different points in the
Assessment for dyslexic
course. Each level has: students
• A and B Diagnostic Test One of the most effective ways of checking classroom work
• 9 x A and B Unit Tests and the teaching programme is through testing. Tests can
show which learning materials work best for individual
• 3 x A and B Review Tests students, so teachers need to be able to select the most
appropriate tests for their students. The two most important
• A and B End of Year Test
aspects of a test concern a) validity: whether or not the test
measures what it is supposed to measure and b) reliability:
Assessment of learning or whether it would produce similar results when used with a
similar group under the same conditions at a different time.
Assessment for learning? When we consider validity, it is evident that tests written to
Any test can be used either as assessment for learning or measure reading comprehension, vocabulary, grammar or
assessment of learning. Assessment of learning usually communication, will fail to obtain valid test results for dyslexic
takes place after the learning has happened and provides students. The type of reading difficulties dyslexic students
information about what the student is achieving. The student experience in processing print affects all language skills and
is usually given a mark or a grade. You can also use the tests consequently will not provide valid information about their
as assessment for learning by using the tests to provide actual knowledge or skills. The same problem affects the
information on how well students have understood new reliability of a test. Obviously, if the same written test is used
language or skills, and then providing them with specific with dyslexic students and non-dyslexic students from the
feedback and suggestions for improvement as part of the same class, the results will be significantly different for the
continual learning process. two groups.
A combination of both types of assessment can provide The Gold Experience Assessment Package offers alternative
powerful tools for helping your students’ progress. versions of tests for dyslexic learners. While the language
content and linguistic level of the material tested is the same
Teacher’s Resources site as in the main tests, a number of changes make it easier for
dyslexic students to process. For example, these tests have
In addition to the tests in this Teacher’s Resource Book, the
a larger point size with increased spacing between the lines,
tests are also provided on the Teacher’s Resources site in both
and tasks which require multi-tasking have been reduced in
PDF and Word format. We recommend using them in the PDF
complexity. See the introduction to the adapted tests for
version, as they are. However, if you do need to edit the tests,
more detail.
this should be possible in the Word version.
The audio files accompanying the listening exercises
in the Skills and End of Year tests can also be found on Exam preparation
the Teacher’s Resources site. As your students are going to be working towards a final
The access code for the Teacher’s Resources site is in the front high-stakes exam, the tests also provide regular opportunities
of your Teacher’s Book. for them to try exam-style tasks in a low-stakes test
environment, which should help them feel more confident

Versions of tests going into the final exam.

We would recommend using past papers or practice papers
Most tests have two versions: A and B. Versions A and B are in addition as you get close to the date of the exam. There
designed to be at exactly the same level of difficulty and is one full practice test in Unit 10 of the Workbook, and two
feature the same task types, however, the test items in each further complete practice exams are available in the Exam
are different. For listening tests, the tasks are different but Practice booklet.
the audio is the same in both A and B versions, making it easy
to administer.
You can use the A/B tests in two ways:
Expected outcomes
We would expect all students who have completed the
• give half of the class A versions and half of the class B
instructional material to score at least 50%, and the best
versions – this helps to deter cheating.
students to score 90–100% on any given test. We have
• give all students the A test and then use the B test either deliberately included more challenging questions in each test
for students who missed the test or as a re-test or remedial so as to help you identify students performing above the level.
work for students whose score shows they need a little more
work on the unit objectives.
On the Teacher’s Resources site, there is also a version of the
tests adapted for students with dyslexia. See the next section
for more information.
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The Unit, Review and End of Year tests have several parts to them. This helps makes them flexible and allows you to assign only
the parts you want to or have time to administer and mark. In addition to the tests in this Teacher’s Resource Book, the tests are
also provided on the Teacher’s Resources site in both PDF and Word format. We recommend using them in the PDF version, as
they are. However, if you do need to edit the tests, this should be possible in the Word version.

Assessment type Quantity Total marks Timing

Diagnostic Test (A/B) 1 (at start of course) 100 45 mins

Unit Tests
Language: Grammar and Vocabulary (A/B) 9 (after each main unit) 50 25–30 mins
Skills: Listening and Reading (A/B) 9 (after each main unit) 50 20–30 mins

Review Tests
Grammar and Vocabulary (A/B) 3 (after every three units) 50 30 mins
Writing 3 (after every three units) 25 30 mins
Speaking (A/B/Teacher) 3 (after every three units) 25 10–15 mins per pair

End of year Test

Listening and Reading (A/B) 1 (at end of course) 50 45 mins
Writing 1 (at end of course) 25 45 mins
Speaking (A/B/Teacher) 1 (at end of course) 25 10–15 mins per pair

For practice Cambridge exams, please see Unit 10 of the Workbook and the separate Exam Practice booklets.

Diagnostic Test Unit Tests

The main purpose of the Diagnostic Test is to help you identify There are nine Unit Tests, which test the learning objectives
any general areas of strength or weakness across the class. from each main unit (after Unit 10, students would take the
This will help you tailor your lessons to your class and maximise End of Year test). These should be administered after each
your time with your students. The Diagnostic Test will also respective unit check.
help to place students at the right level of the Gold Experience Each Unit Test has two parts: Language (Grammar and
series. The test contains 100 multiple-choice questions and is Vocabulary); and Skills (Listening and Reading). Both parts
designed to last for 45 minutes. have A and B versions. There is also a version of the A tests for
To help score and analyse the Diagnostic Test, groups of students with dyslexia.
questions are labelled by language topic in the answer key. You can assign both or neither of these, depending on the time
Mark your students’ test papers, and use the following guide to available. If you are including the Listening test, it is best to run
help you decide what to do next: the Listening audio first, and then students can do the other
• If students get fewer than 10% of the answers right, they sections in their own time.
may not have the basic language knowledge required for this The tests will take approximately:
level. Consider starting with the level below.
– Language: Grammar and Vocabulary: 25–30 minutes
• If students get 10–49% correct, assess their answers to
– Skills: Listening and Reading: 20–30 minutes
check where remediation or extra help is required. Focus
extra help on topics from questions 1–25. The Unit Test as a whole is out of 100 marks. The parts of the
test are split as follows:
• If students score 50–74%, assess their scores and, if they
score at the upper end of this, consider an additional oral – Language: Grammar and Vocabulary: 50 marks
interview to decide whether this is the most appropriate – Skills: Listening and Reading: 50 marks
level for them, or whether they would gain more from the
next level (perhaps with some additional help).
• If they get more than 75% of the answers right, consider
starting them at the level above.
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Review Tests End of Year Test

There are three Review Tests (one every three units). These The End of Year Test provides a skills-based test covering
are cumulative achievement tests, and so test the learning learning objectives from the whole course.
objectives from all units so far in the course, but with a heavier The test has three parts: Listening and Reading; Writing;
focus on the most recent units: Speaking. Grammar and Vocabulary papers have A and B
• Review Test 1: Units 1–3 versions, as well as a version of the A tests for students with
dyslexia. There is only one version of the Writing task. Students
• Review Test 2: Units 4–6
do the Speaking tasks in pairs, and there are separate materials
• Review Test 3: Units 7–9 for Students A and B, as well as a version for the teacher with
Depending on your school year, you may wish to do all of these
or just some of them. You can assign all or none of the parts of the test, depending
on the time available.
Each test has three parts: Grammar and Vocabulary; Writing;
Speaking. Grammar and Vocabulary papers have A and B The tests will take approximately:
versions, as well as a version of the A tests for students with – Listening and Reading: 45 mins
dyslexia. There is only one version of the Writing task. Students
– Writing: 45 minutes
do the Speaking tasks in pairs, and there are separate materials
for Students A and B, as well as a version for the teacher with – Speaking: 10–15 minutes per pair of students
The End of Year Test as a whole is out of 100 marks. The parts
As with the Unit Tests, you can assign all or none of the parts of the test are split as follows:
of the test, depending on the time available.
– Listening and Reading: 50 marks
The tests will take approximately:
– Writing: 25 marks
– Grammar and Vocabulary: 30 minutes
– Speaking: 25 marks
– Writing: 30 minutes
– Speaking: 10–15 minutes per pair of students
Marking the tests
The Review Tests as a whole are out of 100 marks. The parts of
The Language test answer keys include references to specific
the test are split as follows:
Student’s Book pages for revision.
– Grammar and Vocabulary: 50 marks
Writing and Speaking tests have detailed mark schemes out
– Writing: 25 marks of 25 (see pages 177–178), similar to the Cambridge mark
schemes, to help you mark consistently, and to help you give
– Speaking: 25 marks students meaningful feedback. If you prefer to use the actual
mark scheme for the exam your students will ultimately take,
these are available online.
Whichever mark scheme you use, it can be very useful to
go through it with your students before they take the test
so they know what they are going to be marked against.
You can then refer back to these marking criteria and bands
in your feedback.
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A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

1 I a sandwich for lunch.
A have usually B have often C have never D usually have
2 She cooks because she doesn’t like cooking.
A never B usually C often D sometimes
3 Jason started comics when he was eight, and now he’s got hundreds of them.
A taking B spending C collecting D caring
4 We can’t go out now because .
A it rained B it raining C it’s raining D it rains
5 My is very old and the letters on it aren’t easy to read.
A mouse B keyboard C webcam D playlist
6 If you want to read more about the subject, just this link.
A click on B visit C download D go
7 The maths lesson five minutes ago.
A ended B ends C has ended D will end
8 Max went to the party, but he fun.
A hasn’t had B doesn’t have C can’t have D didn’t have
9 We do our homework in our and then give them to our teacher.
A notes B notebooks C marks D uniforms
10 A car is a bike, of course!
A more fast than B the fastest C faster than D faster from
11 Which is band in the world?
A the most popular B more popular than C the popular D most popular
12 When I buy something online, I always use my mum’s .
A receipt B sale C price D card
13 How much did your new phone ?
A sell B pay C buy D cost
14 It when I woke up this morning.
A hasn’t rained B isn’t raining C wasn’t raining D doesn’t rain
15 Some of the singers in this TV show are ! They shouldn’t sing at all!
A exciting B terrible C successful D scary
16 The students an exam tomorrow.
A are going to have B can have C were having D have had
17 I always the bus to school in the morning, but I walk home.
A take B go C travel D drive
18 I’m a good singer – I sing very well.
A could B can C have to D had to
19 I do the shopping. Mum has done it.
A can’t B don’t have to C shouldn’t D couldn’t
20 Alex swimming three times a week and he’s very good at it.
A goes B plays C makes D does

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A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


21 Lucy isn’t here. She to the library.

A will go B has been C was gone D has gone
22 I octopus. Is it tasty?
A wasn’t eating B am not eating C didn’t eat D have never eaten
23 From the top of the I could see the coast far away.
A forest B hill C ocean D iceberg
24 I’ll help you if you me.
A asked B will ask C ask D are asking
25 You eat a lot of sweets. They’re not good for you.
A don’t have to B won’t C can’t D shouldn’t
26 My name’s Pat and I’m student.
A the B – C an D a
27 Can I ask you questions?
A much B a little C any D a few
28 Tourists visit this town because it’s very .
A dull B noisy C attractive D industrial
29 On Sunday we’re going to a lovely restaurant the sea.
A by B in C at D on
30 Helen is at the shopping centre. She there every Saturday.
A go B goes C is going D went
31 The girls aren’t at home. They a scary film at the cinema.
A watch B watching C are watching D have watched
32 What kind of music ?
A do you like B you like C you do like D like you
33 If you want to part in a team sport, try basketball. It’s a lot of fun!
A get B take C make D spend
34 Ben is a very boy. He always says please and thank you.
A clever B quiet C careful D polite
35 I’m sorry, I you. Can you say that again, please?
A don’t hear B am not hearing C didn’t hear D haven’t heard
36 It started to rain while I ready for bed.
A got B have got C am getting D was getting
37 This town is boring because there isn’t to do here.
A something B anything C everything D nothing
38 Don’t drop that vase! It’s very .
A exciting B ordinary C valuable D wooden
39 I’ve been at work all day. I need to rest because I’m !
A starving B fantastic C furious D exhausted
40 Tim us tomorrow because he isn’t well.
A doesn’t meet B isn’t going to meet C hasn’t met D won’t meet

8 Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019
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A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


41 Do you think all cars electric in the future?

A are B are going to be C will be D are being
42 Chris and Harry aren’t sure, but they visit us later.
A might B can C must D have to
43 Don’t worry if you a mistake. It’s a good way to learn.
A do B have C make D get
44 I’m studying at school and I’m learning about the government of my country.
A PE B politics C science D dance
45 Six months ago Jim and Cathy a cake shop in the centre of the town.
A opened B made C developed D began
46 Our new house is our old one.
A bigger from B the biggest C more big than D bigger than
47 I have two exams today – it’s day of the year!
A worse B the worst C worse than D the worse
48 For me, football isn’t basketball.
A as exciting as B exciting as C more exciting as D the most exciting as
49 My sisters are fourteen – they’re to go to university.
A young enough B too old C too young D old enough
50 I’m not to lift this heavy box.
A strong enough B too strong C enough strong D as strong as
51 Alice only wears when she goes out. She doesn’t wear it every day.
A glasses B braces C freckles D make-up
52 Liam saw a great jacket in a shop. He and it looked good, so he bought it.
A dressed it up B checked it out C tried it on D saved it up
53 You buy any juice. There’s a carton in the fridge.
A mustn’t B can’t C might not D don’t have to
54 You be quiet in the library because other people are studying.
A can B must C may D might
55 Did you and Alex make this pizza ?
A himself B yourselves C itself D yourself
56 a good film on TV tonight. Do you want to watch it?
A It’s B Is there C There’s D It has
57 Look! Is that a in the tree? What is it holding?
A frog B penguin C monkey D wolf
58 Sharks are scary because they have lots of teeth!
A sharp B soft C clear D empty
59 Lions other animals to eat them.
A climb B hunt C dive D land
60 Oranges are my favourite fruit because they’re sweet and .
A salty B crispy C juicy D spicy

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A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


61 Do we have any bread? I’d like to make some for breakfast.

A fries B curry C butter D toast
62 Anna to the beach – she’s there now.
A goes B has been C was going D has gone
63 Ben has played cricket, but he wants to try it.
A never B ever C already D just
64 We haven’t finished our homework .
A then B yet C already D now
65 Mr Smith has taught English at our school twenty years.
A already B since C for D from
66 The girls have been at the library two o’clock.
A at B since C already D for
67 When my cousins flew to Australia, we drove them to the to say goodbye.
A journey B reception C platform D airport
68 When I went on holiday to Greece, I wrote about everything I saw and did in my .
A journey B booking C diary D guidebook
69 We found a good hotel online and a reservation for our holiday.
A took B made C closed D did
70 When it’s hot, they to the beach.
A go B will go C are going D have gone
71 If I go to the supermarket later, I to buy milk.
A won’t forget B don’t forget C haven’t forgotten D didn’t forget
72 We to have a summer holiday this year.
A enjoy B hope C like D love
73 It was late, but he walking around the city.
A decided B continued C arranged D planned
74 Would you rather or stay at home today?
A went out B to go out C going out D go out
75 Is there somewhere in this café where I can my phone?
A delete B search C charge D download
76 Are you on extreme sports?
A brilliant B interested C keen D excited
77 sport is very good for your health.
A Play B Plays C To play D Playing
78 We had a pizza after the match.
A watched B watching C watch D to watch
79 I can’t this word. Can you say it for me, please?
A pronounce B explain C speak D mean
80 A: I don’t have Nick’s phone number.
B: It’s OK. I it to you.
A will give B am giving C am going to give D gives

10 Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019
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A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


81 Look at all the cars on the road. We late!

A are B are being C will be D are going to be
82 A: I’m bored.
B: going for a walk?
A We could B Shall we C How about D Why don’t we
83 When the alarm this morning, I didn’t want to get out of bed.
A plugged in B went off C switched on D set up
84 You can your printer to your computer very easily.
A install B tap C upload D connect
85 Maria is working hard. She four essays this week.
A writes B wrote C has written D is writing
86 The runners were on the , ready for the race to begin.
A track B court C locker D coach
87 My team is the best and no other team can it this year!
A win B catch C beat D train
88 If I a car, I would drive to the beach.
A have B had C have had D will have
89 I can’t go out I finish my homework first.
A if B unless C in case D when
90 At the end of the play, the audience loudly.
A entertained B clapped C performed D reviewed
91 Our car last night!
A was stealing B has stolen C was stolen D stole
92 English in many countries around the world.
A speaks B has spoken C is speaking D is spoken
93 I by Dr Jones.
A have my eyes checked B check my eyes C am checking my eyes D have checked my eyes
94 This is the office my aunt works.
A that B which C where D who
95 Greece has many beautiful beaches, so it’s a popular for summer holidays.
A flight B travel C destination D tour
96 I’m looking for the post office. Can you tell me ?
A where is it B where it is C it is where D is it where
97 Tom is about photography and he talks about it all the time.
A creative B intelligent C sociable D passionate
98 I didn’t watch the film because I it before.
A have seen B saw C was seeing D had seen
99 Jane and her family in London, but they don’t now.
A used to live B live C are living D have lived
100 I meet my friends at the youth club. That’s where we usually .
A go for B hang out C put together D deal with

Total: 100

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A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

1 The bus late.
A never is B sometimes is C is often D usually is
2 Harry buys things online – he never goes to the shops.
A sometimes B always C often D never
3 These photos are great! Did you them on your holiday?
A make B do C have D take
4 The girls basketball at the moment.
A are playing B play C have played D played
5 There’s a problem with the in my computer and I can’t hear any videos.
A speakers B tablet C screen D printer
6 With this app, you can music to your phone and listen to it later.
A send B play C download D put on
7 Jake me a text message an hour ago.
A sends B has sent C is sending D sent
8 Grace isn’t well, so she to the party last night.
A doesn’t go B didn’t go C isn’t going D hasn’t gone
9 There is information about the next school trip on the . You can read about it there.
A noticeboard B timetable C desk D ruler
10 Our classroom is yours.
A the biggest B biggest than C bigger than D more big
11 Tim thinks physics is subject of all.
A more difficult than B most difficult C the more difficult D the most difficult
12 When I go out, my dad usually gives me some for bus tickets and food.
A cash B goods C sales D receipts
13 Before Kevin got a new phone, he his old one online for €50.
A paid B spent C sold D shopped
14 The girls were at home, but they when I called them.
A weren’t studying B aren’t studying C didn’t study D haven’t studied
15 That actor is . All of the films he’s in are really great too.
A kind B boring C strange D excellent
16 Pat her friends tomorrow afternoon.
A meets B has met C is going to meet D met
17 Let’s the train. I don’t want to pay for a taxi.
A ride B catch C drive D travel
18 Sam swim when he was three years old.
A can B should C has to D could
19 I wear a uniform at my school. It wasn’t necessary.
A couldn’t B shouldn’t C didn’t have to D can’t
20 I don’t cycling if it’s raining.
A do B make C go D play

12  Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019
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A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


21 Marc and Ben to the shops, but they’ll be back soon.

A go B have gone C have been D will go
22 My grandpa a computer. He doesn’t know how.
A has never used B never used C didn’t use D isn’t using
23 Are there any fish in this ?
A mountain B desert C forest D lake
24 We’ll come to your party if you us.
A invite B invited C will invite D have invited
25 Chris ride his skateboard at night. It isn’t safe.
A can’t B shouldn’t C doesn’t have to D couldn’t
26 Jo can play guitar very well.
A – B a C the D an
27 I watched good films last week.
A a few B lot of C all D a little
28 The town becomes very in the summer when many people visit it.
A lively B happy C safe D traditional
29 My aunt and uncle are staying at a hotel the coast.
A in B on C by D at
30 Let’s hurry because the post office at five o’clock.
A closes B is closing C close D closed
31 Sorry, but I can’t go out with you today – I for an exam.
A study B studied C have studied D am studying
32 Where at the weekend?
A Tom plays B does Tom play C Tom does play D plays Tom
33 Stop watching TV. You’re time and you need to study for your exams.
A losing B spending C wasting D doing
34 Katy always tells the truth. She’s a very person.
A confident B friendly C serious D honest
35 I that. Can you do it again?
A didn’t see B haven’t seen C don’t see D wasn’t seeing
36 Did they listen to music while they ?
A work B have worked C were working D are working
37 I didn’t see from my class at the concert.
A no one B everyone C someone D anyone
38 The objects in this museum are . Some of them are more than 2,000 years old.
A ancient B useful C modern D scary
39 I can’t eat all of this pizza on my own. It’s !
A starving B delighted C huge D tiny
40 I’m not hungry. I lunch.
A don’t eat B am not going to eat C am not eating D won’t eat

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2ND EDITION Preliminary for


41 I’m sure Jack great music at his party tomorrow!

A is having B is going to have C will have D has
42 Lucy go out with us. She’ll call me when she decides.
A may B has to C can D must
43 What are you going to do? Have you up your mind?
A thought B made C got D decided
44 The students who are studying are going to be actors in the school play.
A history B maths C art D drama
45 My uncle is a doctor and he a lot of money.
A takes B brings C makes D gets
46 I think today is it was yesterday.
A more hot than B hotter than C hotter from D the hottest
47 You have a lot of video games. Which game is ?
A better than B the best than C the better D the best
48 The film wasn’t the book.
A boring as B as boring C as boring as D more boring as
49 This T-shirt is for me. I need a bigger size.
A too small B large enough C small enough D too large
50 I can’t drink this tea. It’s for me.
A sweet enough B too sweet C as sweet as D enough sweet
51 I don’t have to wear my all the time, only when I watch TV.
A braces B make-up C glasses D freckles
52 Julie is her money to buy a pair of gold earrings.
A checking out B saving up C trying on D standing out
53 Tell George he come to the meeting today if he’s busy.
A can’t B doesn’t have to C mustn’t D may not
54 When you drive, you stop at a red light.
A must B might C can D may
55 My brothers painted their room by .
A myself B itself C themselves D himself
56 cold and windy this morning.
A There’s B It’s C It has D Is
57 While we were on the ferry boat, we saw a swimming in the sea.
A dolphin B bee C fox D koala
58 The old horse was – it couldn’t see at all.
A powerful B friendly C blind D bright
59 Some birds can into the sea to catch fish.
A bite B jump C climb D dive
60 The dentist took out one of my teeth and I can only eat food for a few days.
A hard B dry C burned D soft

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2ND EDITION Preliminary for


61 A: What are we having for lunch?

B: I’ll cook us some .
A jam B pasta C butter D yoghurt
62 I to Italy before and I loved it.
A have been B have gone C go D was going
63 ‘Have you eaten octopus?’ ‘Yes, I have.’
A never B yet C since D ever
64 Alex hasn’t called me .
A already B yet C just D now
65 I have known Alice a very long time.
A for B already C just D since
66 We’ve lived in this street 2010.
A before B already C since D after
67 They missed their train because they were waiting for it at the wrong .
A platform B visa C customs D airport
68 The we bought had a lot of useful information about things to see in London.
A diary B guidebook C digital camera D charger
69 Next weekend, my friends and I are a trip to the countryside.
A taking B doing C making D going
70 Jo gets good marks at school when she .
A will study B studies C is studying D studied
71 You a part-time job if you don’t look for one!
A don’t find B didn’t find C won’t find D haven’t found
72 Tim to help me with my geography project.
A suggested B said C enjoyed D promised
73 I’ll cleaning the house later.
A finish B help C want D try
74 Would they rather to the city centre or take the bus?
A to walk B walked C walk D walking
75 I’m going to some of the party photos because I don’t like them.
A charge B download C forget D delete
76 He doesn’t play in the garden because he’s of spiders.
A frightened B bored C fed up D terrible
77 time with my friends is fun.
A Spend B To spend C Spending D I spend
78 Luke always has dinner before his homework.
A do B doing C does D to do
79 I have an app on my phone that from English into Spanish.
A understands B repeats C talks D translates
80 ‘This box is heavy.’ ‘Don’t worry. I you carry it.’
A am helping B help C will help D am going to help

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2ND EDITION Preliminary for


81 The score is 5–0 and there are two minutes left in the match. My team !
A loses B will lose C is losing D is going to lose
82 A: It’s hot in this room.
B: opening the windows?’
A Why don’t you B How about C You could D Shall we
83 Can you the sound on the TV, please? I can’t hear it very well.
A set up B turn up C plug in D go off
84 We bought a new dishwasher and someone came to our house to it.
A tap B connect C install D upload
85 I don’t see Max very often, but I him twice this month.
A see B saw C have seen D was seeing
86 When the match ended, the tennis players left the .
A locker B changing room C track D court
87 How many countries in the football World Cup?
A compete B kick C practise D beat
88 If we in the countryside, we would be happier.
A live B lived C will live D have lived
89 we get two tickets, we can’t go to the concert.
A In case B When C If D Unless
90 During the concert, the fans in the sang and danced.
A choir B audience C orchestra D stage
91 My favourite books by Charles Dickens.
A were written B were writing C wrote D have written
92 These classrooms for art lessons.
A are using B are used C use D have used
93 I every two months.
A am cutting my hair B have cut my hair C was cutting my hair D have my hair cut
94 Is that the club you play tennis?
A who B that C where D which
95 We had to show our passports at the before we could enter the country.
A destination B check-in C location D border
96 Do you know ?
A I am B who I am C who am I D I am who
97 Kerry is very . She believes that she will pass all of her exams.
A patient B creative C optimistic D sociable
98 Peter came to my party because I him.
A was inviting B have invited C had invited D will invite
99 Before he stopped working, my grandfather maths.
A used to teach B was teaching C has taught D could teach
100 A: Are you the concert, Tim?
B: Yes, I am! It’s going to be fantastic!’
A going for B dealing with C hanging out D looking forward to

Total: 100

16 Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019
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A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Task 1
Complete the text with a, an, the or –.

My name’s Erika and I’m from (1) Germany. I live in Berlin, which is (2) capital.
It’s (3) great city for people who love cultural activities. We have lots of excellent museums and some
of them are very unusual. One of these is (4) German Currywurst Museum. I think it’s (5)
amazing place. It’s (6) exhibition about ‘currywurst’ – a popular snack of sausage with curry ketchup.
It sounds strange, but it’s really delicious! (7) German people love it. (8) tourists think it’s
good, too. So if you visit my country, don’t be afraid to try it!

Task 2
Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.
9 Dad, I need a advice and I think you can help me.
10 Are there interesting things for visitors to see in your town?
11 Sorry, I can’t meet you on Saturday. I’ve got a of homework to do.
12 Your backpack is heavy! How books have you got in it?
13 the information I have for my project is from the internet. I hope it’s correct.
14 I have a good friends in my neighbourhood, including my best friend Tom.
15 Hurry up, Pat! We don’t have time before our train leaves.
16 I don’t know famous people, but I’d love to meet my favourite singer.

Task 3
Choose the correct answer.
17 good friends are important to have.
A The B A C –
18 These are photos I took on my holiday in France.
A some B any C every
19 Do you have money?
A many B any C a lot
20 There are canals in Amsterdam.
A a lot B lot of C a lot of
21 There are a really nice cafés in the town square.
A little B few C lot
22 There isn’t bread at all, so I can’t make a sandwich.
A little B much C any
23 How pressure are you under when you have exams?
A much B many C any
24 Let’s listen to music while we do our homework.
A some B little C any
25 students worry about their exams.
A A lot B All C Every

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A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Task 1
Complete the sentences with these words.

apartment bin centre crossing department gallery lift park rack seat stop

26 I’m going to the art to see a photography exhibition.

27 Don’t leave that bottle on the grass. Put it in the rubbish .
28 Let’s leave our bikes at the bike and take the train.
29 I have basketball training twice a week at the sports .
30 Harry lives on the tenth floor of a(n) block.
31 We can meet at the bus at four o’clock. Don’t be late!
32 Is there a skate near the high school?
33 I’m going to the store to buy a present for my sister.
34 Mum, I’m late for school. Can you give me a ?
35 Cars must stop at a if people are waiting there.
36 The bus was full this morning, so I didn’t have a .


Task 2
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
37 There’s a bathroom between / by my room and my brother’s room. We share it.
38 I didn’t see Fred because he was under / behind the door.
39 I’m busy now, because / but I’ll be free at six o’clock. Call me then.
40 It’s a lot colder in / on the north of the country than the south.
41 This is a funny photo! Who is the tall boy at / on the left?
42 Carlos is from Figueres in Spain. It’s near / by the border with France.
43 How often do you hang out / up with your friends?
44 Brighton is a city in / on the coast, so lots of people go there in the summer.

Task 3
Match 45–50 with A–F to make sentences.
45 I prefer to sit at A to the school.
46 Sam is in front B of me in this photo.
47 We have a house by C the classroom.
48 The library is next D the front of the bus.
49 The video games are on E the floor.
50 All the students are in F the sea.

Total: 50

18 Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019
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A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Task 1
Complete the text with a, an, the or –.

I’m Jake and I’m from Melbourne, in (1) Australia. (2) sport is an important part of life here.
(3) Australian people love it! Every year, there are big sports competitions in Melbourne. That’s one reason
why it’s (4) exciting city to live in. In January there is (5) Australian Open tennis tournament.
The best players in (6) world compete. In March we have the Formula One Grand Prix race. There is
(7) lake in the city and the drivers race around it. We also have amazing stadiums in (8)
centre of the city for soccer, cricket and Australian football. It’s the best place for sports fans!

Task 2
Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.
9 I don’t have brothers or sisters – I’m an only child.
10 My parents give me a of good advice.
11 How friends do you have at school?
12 Here is a information about life in Holland.
13 What do you want to do for your birthday? Do you have ideas?
14 Wow! the clothes in this shop are really cool!
15 I always study for a hours every day.
16 We don’t have homework tonight – only one exercise.

Task 3
Choose the correct answer.
17 young people want to have fun in the holidays.
A Every B All C A lot
18 How free time do you have at the weekend?
A many B any C much
19 There is water on the floor. What happened?
A some B a lot C little
20 This is a popular video game and my friends play it.
A lots B a lot of C a lot
21 My mum drinks her tea with a milk, but no sugar.
A little B lot C any
22 These days, teens like to feel that they are independent.
A – B The C A
23 Is there orange juice in the fridge?
A many B any C little
24 I have a hobbies that I enjoy doing.
A many B some C few
25 There are interesting comments on your blog.
A every B much C some

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M01 Gold XP A2+ TRB Tests 94486.indd 19 04/03/2019 12:19
A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Task 1
Complete the sentences with these words.

bin block centre crossing gallery lift park rack seat stop store

26 Do you live in a house or in an apartment ?

27 Can I give you a to the shops?
28 My friends and I go to the skate every weekend.
29 Please put these old newspapers in the rubbish .
30 Sit here – there’s a next to me.
31 I love the paintings in this art – they’re so beautiful.
32 It started raining when I was at the bus and I got wet.
33 There’s a bike at school where we leave our bikes.
34 Let’s go to the sports and watch the volleyball game.
35 The police stopped the driver because he didn’t stop at the .
36 You can find lots of different things to buy at a department .


Task 2
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
37 There are a lot of things to see in California and / so the beaches are amazing.
38 The city of London is at / in the south of England.
39 Maria and Elena always sit at / by the front of the classroom.
40 Max wants to go to Barcelona, but / because he loves the football team.
41 The post office is between / under the supermarket and the bank.
42 Is your house next / near the school that you go to?
43 We usually spend our holidays on / to the coast.
44 Let’s sit on / under a tree in the park and have our lunch.

Task 3
Match 45–50 with A–F to make sentences.
45 That’s my sister on A the living room.
46 I often hang B the right.
47 Jo sits in front C the sea.
48 It’s nice to walk by D of me in class.
49 The girls are in E to the door.
50 There’s a chair next F out here.

Total: 50

20 Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019
M01 Gold XP A2+ TRB Tests 94486.indd 20 04/03/2019 12:19
A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


You are going to listen to a recording about Dutch teenagers. Listen to the whole recording once. Then you will hear the
recording again with pauses for you to write down what you hear. Make sure you spell the words correctly.


Task 1
You are going to listen to six conversations. For questions 1–6, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best according
to what you hear.
1 What is the boy doing? 4 What did the girl and her cousins do together?


2 What should the students take with them? 5 How does the girl keep fit?


3 When will the girl go to the photography club? 6 What do they decide to eat?



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A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Task 2
You are going to listen to the last conversation again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

7 The girl asked the boy to go the cinema with her.

8 The boy suggests they do something after the film.

Task 1
Read the blog about what makes teenagers happy. Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F). If there is not enough
information, write DS (doesn’t say).

9 Teens are happy when they own nice things.

10 Young people should spend less time with their friends.

11 Teens use the internet because that’s what their friends do.

12 Most teens are online for more than a few hours a day.

13 There are times when teenagers want their parents to leave them alone.

14 Teens feel good when they can discuss school with their parents.

15 Students who prepare well for exams get good marks.

16 It makes teens unhappy to ask for money.


Task 2
Read the blog again and answer the questions in your own words.

17 Why is it important for young people to spend time with their friends?

18 How do exams make young people unhappy?

Total: 50

22 Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019
M01 Gold XP A2+ TRB Tests 94486.indd 22 04/03/2019 12:19
A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


What makes teens happy?

I’m Ana. Welcome to my blog. How do we feel about our parents? The reports
Or ‘Willkommen’ as we say in German! say teens think their parents are annoying
sometimes, for example, when they text too
Recently, my teacher told us about some much or ask too many questions, but teens are
reports on teen happiness. What do you pleased to have their parents’ help and love.
think makes teens happy? Is it money, going Happy teens have parents who often spend
out or owning things? No, you’re wrong. time with them, eating as a family and talking
The reports show that teens are happy when about what’s happening at school. In fact,
they have good relationships with their spending time just talking is the number
friends and families. one activity to do with parents at home that
makes teens happy.
Everyone needs friends, but young people
seem to be with their friends all the time! And what makes us unhappy? Exams!
That’s OK – young people need to spend We often worry that exams will be difficult
time with their friends because it helps them and our marks will be bad. Many students are
to learn how to be around other people. worried about tests that they have prepared
We see our friends at school all day, and well for! We also worry about money – we
when we get home, we go online to chat want to have enough for the things we enjoy,
there. Going online for an hour or two isn’t but we don’t want to ask our parents for it all
a problem. Most teens understand this the time. It also makes us unhappy when our
and don’t spend all of their time online. parents don’t understand us. But we can just
The internet makes us happy and we must sit down at the dinner table and talk about it.
have it because our friends have it, but we’re Problem solved!
happier when we go out with our friends
in real life.

Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019 23
M01 Gold XP A2+ TRB Tests 94486.indd 23 04/03/2019 12:19
A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


You are going to listen to a recording about Dutch teenagers. Listen to the whole recording once. Then you will hear the
recording again with pauses for you to write down what you hear. Make sure you spell the words correctly.


Task 1
You are going to listen to six conversations. For questions 1–6, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best according
to what you hear.
1 What does the girl want to do? 4 Where did the girl and her cousins not go?


2 What do the students need for their school trip? 5 Which activity does the girl enjoy the most?


3 Which day should the best photographers go to the club? 6 What does the girl not want to eat?



24 Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019
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A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Task 2
You are going to listen to the last conversation again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

7 The girl paid for the popcorn.

8 They won’t eat anything after the film.

Task 1
Read the blog about what makes teenagers happy. Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F). If there is not enough
information, write DS (doesn’t say).

9 Teens are happy when they own nice things.

10 Young people should spend less time with their friends.

11 Teens use the internet because that’s what their friends do.

12 Most teens are online for more than a few hours a day.

13 There are times when teenagers want their parents to leave them alone.

14 Teens feel good when they can discuss school with their parents.

15 Students who prepare well for exams get good marks.

16 It makes teens unhappy to ask for money.


Task 2
Read the blog again and answer the questions in your own words.

17 According to the report, what do young people think about parents?

18 Why is it important for young people to spend time with their friends?

Total: 50

Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019 25
M01 Gold XP A2+ TRB Tests 94486.indd 25 04/03/2019 12:19
A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


What makes teens happy?

I’m Ana. Welcome to my blog. Or How do we feel about our parents? The reports
‘Willkommen’ as we say in German! say teens think their parents are annoying
sometimes, for example, when they text too
Recently, my teacher told us about some much or ask too many questions, but teens
reports on teen happiness. What do you are pleased to have their parents’ help and
think makes teens happy? Is it money, going love. Happy teens have parents who often
out or owning things? No, you’re wrong. spend time with them, eating as a family and
The reports show that teens are happy when talking about what’s happening at school.
they have good relationships with their In fact, spending time just talking is the
friends and families. number one activity to do with parents at
home that makes teens happy.
Everyone needs friends, but young people
seem to be with their friends all the time! And what makes us unhappy? Exams!
That’s OK – young people need to spend time We often worry that exams will be difficult
with their friends because it helps them to and our marks will be bad. Many students are
learn how to be around other people. We see worried about tests that they have prepared
our friends at school all day, and when we well for! We also worry about money – we
get home, we go online to chat there. Going want to have enough for the things we enjoy,
online for an hour or two isn’t a problem. but we don’t want to ask our parents for it all
Most teens understand this and don’t spend the time. It also makes us unhappy when our
all of their time online. The internet makes parents don’t understand us. But we can just
us happy and we must have it because our sit down at the dinner table and talk about it.
friends have it, but we’re happier when we go Problem solved!
out with our friends in real life.

26 Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019
M01 Gold XP A2+ TRB Tests 94486.indd 26 04/03/2019 12:19
A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Choose the correct answer.
Task 1 19 During the holidays, I bored at home.
Choose the correct words to complete the text. A usually am
B am often
(1) Do you like / Are you liking really exciting C always am
activities? (2) Do you look for / Are you looking for 20 She goes to parties, but she .
a new challenge? What about wall climbing? A dances often
It (3) seems / is seeming scary the first time you do B dances usually
it, but after that, it’s great. My friend and I often
C never dances
(4) go / are going to a gym with a climbing wall. The
21 Ben loses swimming races.
wall we usually (5) climb / are climbing is ten metres
A hardly ever
high, but this week we (6) don’t go up / aren’t going up
that wall – we (7) try / are trying something more B hardly never
difficult. It’s a fifteen-metre wall, but we aren’t worried C ever hardly
about it. The special equipment we use keeps us safe. 22 I don’t live near the sea, so swimming.
I (8) love / am loving climbing! Maybe it’s the right A rarely I go
hobby for you, too. B I rarely go
C I go rarely
8 23 Who a new tennis racket?
A is having
Task 2 B does have
Complete the sentences with the present simple or present C has
continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 24 What in your free time?
9 The girls aren’t here. They (play) football A do you do
at the moment. B you doing
10 I (not believe) Jim. He’s telling lies again! C you do
11 Anna is tired so she (not go) to the 25 Why late?
cinema tonight. A do they
12 Yuk! I can’t drink this tea! It (need) more B they are
sugar in it.
C are they
13 My friends and I (spend) a lot of time
outdoors in the summer. 7
14 you (think) taekwondo is
a fun activity?
15 I never (listen) to the radio, but my parents
enjoy it.
16 Jim isn’t a fan of cricket. In fact, he (hate) it!
17 I’m sorry, Grandma. I (walk)
too fast?
18 Jack (not like) video games – he says
they’re boring.


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M01 Gold XP A2+ TRB Tests 94486.indd 27 04/03/2019 12:19
A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Task 1
Match 26–33 with A–H to make sentences.
26 Harry wants to take A well in the competition.
27 It’s good to spend B for the address of the youth club.
28 The team is getting C time doing things you enjoy.
29 Try hard and you can do D it right.
30 You will make E progress, I’m sure.
31 Keep practising until you get F part in the school play.
32 I’m searching online G well, try again.
33 When things don’t go H good results with the new coach.

Task 2
Complete the sentences with these words.

careful clever confident friendly honest polite quiet serious

34 Anna always tells the truth. She’s very .

35 Martin never forgets to say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. He’s a boy.
36 I’m because I don’t want to make any mistakes.
37 Freda is a girl. She’s always smiling and everyone likes her.
38 You’re the best student in the class. You’re very !
39 Kelly doesn’t talk a lot because she’s a girl.
40 Alana doesn’t do anything silly because she’s a very person.
41 Ben is sure he can pass all his exams. He’s a very student.

Task 3
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
42 YouTube is the best site / space for videos.
43 Do you share / give photos on social media?
44 Just go / follow this link to my new blog.
45 Where can I find a free computer program / programme for chess?
46 Tom is interested in snowboarding. He likes / He’d like to try it.
47 Find the book you want in this online shop and then hold / press ‘Buy’ to pay for it.
48 What can I do to do / get better at basketball?
49 I don’t want to waste / pass time playing video games.
50 There’s something wrong with the TV – it doesn’t go / work.

Total: 50

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M01 Gold XP A2+ TRB Tests 94486.indd 28 04/03/2019 12:19
A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Choose the correct answer.
Task 1 19 I want to watch the race. When ?
Choose the correct words to complete the text. A it’s starting
B it starts
How (1) do you usually spend / are you usually C does it start
spending your free time? (2) Do you look for / Are you 20 Who to the chess club every weekend?
looking for a fun new hobby? Try wall climbing! A goes
For this activity, you (3) use / are using your hands B does go
and feet to climb up and down a wall. It’s like being
C is going
outdoors on a rock, but you’re safe because it never
21 Where , Anita?
(4) rains / is raining inside, and special equipment holds
A you are living
you so you (5) don’t fall / aren’t falling. I (6) start /
am starting this week with my friend Emma and we B do you live
(7) look forward to / are looking forward to it very C you live
much! It (8) looks / is looking a little scary, but it isn’t 22 Alex online.
really. Just keep calm and keep climbing! A occasionally is chatting
B occasionally chats
8 C chats occasionally
23 Jane hard – she’s very lazy.
Task 2 A rarely tries
Complete the sentences with the present simple or present B rarely she tries
continuous form of the verbs in brackets. C tries rarely
9 I (agree) with you about taekwondo – 24 We go to the theatre to see a play.
it’s a lot of fun! A hardly never
10 Dan (not run) in the race today because B hardly ever
he isn’t well. C never hardly
11 I’m sorry, but I (not understand) this. 25 Tim for football practice.
Can you explain it to me?
A is always late
12 Dad (watch) his favourite TV show every
B often is late
Wednesday night.
C is ever late
13 Pat (know) what time the
youth club opens? 7
14 your brothers (learn) some
new card tricks?
15 We (love) these photos. They’re amazing!
16 Jill (not do) puzzles very often.
17 you (want) to go to the
sports centre tomorrow?
18 Oh no! it (rain) again?
We can’t go hiking!


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Task 1
Match 26–33 with A–H to make sentences.
26 I practise every day to do A for information about the race.
27 You can make B part in the concert next week.
28 We often spend C well, I’m really happy.
29 He needs to get D well in my taekwondo class.
30 The girls are taking E time making videos to put online.
31 Practise every day and you will get F it right, I’m sure.
32 They’re searching G progress when you work hard.
33 When things go H good results in the chess competition.

Task 2
Complete the sentences with these words.

careful clever confident friendly honest polite quiet serious

34 Jim doesn’t like to talk very much – he prefers to listen. He’s a person.
35 Lisa is very . She knows a lot of people and she likes hanging out with them.
36 I know I can win this tennis match. I’m very .
37 We know the answers to all of the teacher’s questions – we’re !
38 Marc works hard and always prepares for his lessons – he’s a student.
39 You must always say ‘please’ when you ask for something – be .
40 Sandra is the best chess player – she’s always and she never makes mistakes.
41 Will doesn’t tell lies – he’s a very person.

Task 3
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
42 Just follow / go this link and it will take you to the club’s web page.
43 He’s working hard and he’s getting / going better at football.
44 Don’t worry if it doesn’t make / work the first time.
45 I want to show you a new computer program / programme for photographers.
46 YouTube is my favourite page / site. Which is yours?
47 Find a song you like and press / push ‘Play’ to listen to it – it’s really easy.
48 Please don’t pass / waste time online – go out and play sport!
49 My friends and I give / share videos and photos online all the time.
50 I think karate looks like a lot of fun – I like / I’d like to try it.

Total: 50

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You are going to listen to a recording about improving skills.
Listen to the whole recording once. Then you will hear the Task 1
recording again with pauses for you to write down what you You are going to listen to a talk about summer events at
hear. Make sure you spell the words correctly. a youth club. Complete the notes. Write the correct answer
in each gap.

Clayton Youth Club
 Here are some ideas for fun (1)
and day trips.


The centre opens (2) of the week.

It costs (3) pounds on Monday and

Tuesday and £8 from Wednesday to Sunday

We can leave the youth club at nine o’clock in

the morning and play for two (4)
 until twelve o’clock.

After that, we can return to the youth club or
 have (5) in town.

Everyone must bring old (6) and
shoes and change at the centre.


Task 2
Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

7 The members of the youth club will do more than

one activity during the summer holidays.

8 They have already decided when they will go


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2ND EDITION Preliminary for



Task 1
Read the texts (9–11) and choose the correct answer
(A, B or C). The bus is late. I’ll meet you at the jewellery-
9 making class. Please tell the teacher I’m sorry
and explain what’s happened. Thanks!
All students:
Adventure Camp
What should Jane do?
Your parents must fill in the forms.
A wait for Nicky’s bus to arrive

Return them by Tuesday. B ask the teacher to wait for Nicky

C go to the class without Nicky

A Students can give the forms to the school on Monday.
B Students will return from the camp on Tuesday.

C Students should complete the forms themselves.

Task 2
10 Read the article about trying new hobbies. Match the
sentences (12–16) with the hobbies: juggling (J), blogging (B)
From: Lena or music videos (M).

12 This can be a group project.

To: Stan
13 You need to keep doing this to get better.
I’m thinking of having sailing lessons and I’d like 14 It teaches you a skill that you can use in the future.
some information about the sailing club you go
15 It’s a good activity for your body.
to. Can we meet next week?
16 You can get help from people who have done this.

Lena is writing because 10

A she wants Stan to teach her how to sail.

B she wants to ask Stan about his club.

Task 3
C she wants to go sailing with Stan. Read the article again and answer the questions in your
own words.

17 What is the best thing to write a blog about?

18 Where can you film your music video?

Total: 50

32 Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019
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A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Try something new!

Here are some great ideas about things you Why: First of all, it’s fun! It’s creative and
can do in your free time! They’re fun and it allows you to talk about things that are
they’re free! important to you. It also greatly improves
your writing skills, and those skills will
What: Juggling stay with you forever. The more you write,
the better you will communicate with
How: It’s easier than you think! You don’t other people.
need balls to learn this – you can start with
supermarket plastic bags. You don’t believe What: Music videos
me? Go online and search for ‘learn how to
juggle’. You’ll be amazed at how simple the How: You’ll need equipment for this. You can
basic movements are. Keep practising and, use a video camera or the video on your phone.
eventually, you’ll be quick enough to throw Choose a song that you like and think about
and catch the bags while they’re in the air. the video you can add to it. It could be dancing,
Once you’ve got some confidence, you can or a story. Ask your friends to help you and to
juggle balls or rings. appear in the video. You can make costumes
and do your hair and make-up, too. Also, think
Why: Juggling is an exercise that doesn’t feel about where you want to film it – it could be at
like an exercise. It’s great for your hands, arms home or somewhere in your town.
and shoulders. But it also exercises your brain.
That’s because it makes you focus on what Why: Videos are a fantastic way for friends
you’re doing. to spend time together and, when you finish,
you’ll all have something to remember the
What: Blogging experience and watch again and again, even
when you’re a lot older!
How: Don’t worry. You don’t need special
computer knowledge to start a blog.
There’s lots of advice online from successful
bloggers about how they started. They’ll also
tell you to blog about something you enjoy
and make it interesting for others to read.
If people like your blog, they’ll want to discuss
your opinions with you and they’ll leave
comments on your blog.

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A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


You are going to listen to a recording about improving skills.
Listen to the whole recording once. Then you will hear the Task 1
recording again with pauses for you to write down what you You are going to listen to a talk about summer events at
hear. Make sure you spell the words correctly. a youth club. Complete the notes. Write the correct answer
in each gap.

Clayton Youth Club
 Here are some ideas for fun activities and day
(1) .


 The centre is open every day of the week.

It (2) £5 on Monday and Tuesday
 and (3) pounds from Wednesday
to Sunday.

 We can leave the youth club at nine o’clock in

the morning and play for (4) hours
 until twelve o’clock.

After that, we can return to the youth club or
 10 have lunch in the (5) .

Everyone must bring old clothes and

(6) , and change at the centre.


Task 2
Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

7 The members of the youth club don’t want to do any

unusual activities.

8 They won’t be at the paintball course in the


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From: Lena
Task 1
Read the texts (9–11) and choose the correct answer
(A, B or C). To: Stan

9 I’m thinking of having sailing lessons and I’d like

some information about the sailing club you go
to. Can we meet next week?
The bus is late. I’ll meet you at the jewellery-
Lena is writing because
making class. Please tell the teacher I’m sorry
and explain what’s happened. Thanks! A she wants to ask Stan about his club.

B she wants Stan to teach her how to sail.

C she wants to go sailing with Stan.

What should Jane do? 6

A wait for Nicky to arrive at the bus stop

Task 2
B go to the jewellery-making class without Nicky Read the article about trying new hobbies. Match the
sentences (12–16) with the hobbies: juggling (J), blogging (B)
C tell the teacher Nicky can’t come to the class
or music videos (M).
12 It’s a way to express your opinion.

All students: 13 There are many places where you can do this hobby.

14 Watch videos to learn this skill.

Adventure Camp
15 You can change the equipment after you make
Your parents must fill in the forms.
16 This isn’t an activity you can do alone.

Return them by Tuesday. 10

A Parents should go to the school with the forms. Task 3

B Students will return from the camp on Tuesday. Read the article again and answer the questions in your
own words.
C Students can give the forms to the school on Monday.
17 Why is juggling a good activity for your body?

18 What advice can other bloggers give?

Total: 50

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A2+ Name:
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Try something new!

Here are some great ideas for fun, free hobbies Why: It’s fun and creative. You can talk
you can do at home! about things you think are important. Also, it
improves a skill you’ll always need – writing.
What: Juggling Keep writing and you’ll communicate better
with other people.
How: It looks difficult, but it isn’t, and you
can start right now! Surprisingly, supermarket What: Music videos
plastic bags are the best things to start with.
It’s true! Go online and search for videos How: A video camera or the video on your
about how to juggle. It’s amazing how simple phone are all you need. Find a song that you
the basic movements are. Just keep doing love – maybe your favourite – and create a
them and soon, you’ll be to throw and catch dance or a story that can go with it. Make it
the bags quite easily while they’re in the air. funny or serious. Your friends can be your
When you become more confident and you actors. Think about costumes, hair and
no longer drop the bags, you can try juggling make-up, too. Where are you going to film
balls or rings. your video? How about an interesting place in
your town, in your home or in your garden?
Why: Juggling is fantastic exercise for your
hands, arms and shoulders. But just as Why: Making videos is a great way to spend
importantly, it’s good exercise for your brain. time with your friends. And when you
Why? Because it makes you think hard about finish, everyone will have something cool to
what you’re doing. remember the experience, and to watch again
and again when you’re older!
What: Blogging

How: If you can use a computer to do your

homework or write emails, you can blog!
No special computer knowledge is necessary.
Go online for useful advice from other
bloggers. They can give you information
about how to start your blog. The most
important thing is to blog about something
you enjoy doing. That makes it interesting
for your readers and they’ll want to give their
own opinions in the comments they leave.

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A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Task 1
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 We sat / were sitting on the beach when suddenly it started / was starting to rain.
2 I chatted / was chatting to my friend while we waited / were waiting for the bus.
3 Jack read / was reading a comic when I called / was calling him at three o’clock yesterday.
4 While the boys played / were playing cricket in the garden, they broke / were breaking a window.
5 Lionel kicked / was kicking the ball hard and scored / was scoring an incredible goal.
6 Where did Pat sit / was Pat sitting while you listened / were listening to music?
7 Harry didn’t meet / wasn’t meeting his friends yesterday because he studied / was studying then.
8 It was a cold night. It rained / was raining and the wind blew / was blowing.

Task 2
Complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
9 Gill (not watch) the TV show, so she changed the channel.
10 (you / buy) anything while you were shopping at the market?
11 Mum was having lunch with her friends in the town while dad (do) the housework.
12 I ordered a pizza and then (pay) for it when it arrived.
13 (she / drive) fast when the accident happened?
14 The lights (go out) last night while Beth was reading an interesting story.
15 Someone knocked on the door, but when I (open) it, no one was there.
16 I (not go) to the shops when you saw me this morning.

Task 3
Complete the sentences with these words. You will need to use one word twice.

anyone ​anything ​everyone ​everything ​no one ​nothing ​someone ​something

17 I didn’t see that I liked at the shops, so I looked online.

18 All of my friends are busy today – there’s to go swimming with me.
19 I did my homework quickly. I finished in an hour.
20 sent me a text message, but I don’t know who the sender is.
21 Did you see interesting on your holiday?
22 There’s in the box – it’s empty.
23 It was quiet in the library because was studying.
24 Ouch! There’s in my eye!
25 Do you know who can speak German?

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A2+ Name:
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Task 1
Match 26–33 with A–H to make sentences.
26 My brother broke my camera! A I’m exhausted.
27 I’m spending the summer in Greece. B I’m freezing.
28 I studied all night for my English exam. C It’s delicious.
29 I didn’t eat lunch today. D It’s useful.
30 This old house is very cold. E It’s terrible.
31 Can I have another piece of cake? F I’m furious.
32 I don’t know why you like this stupid show. G I’m starving.
33 This website has lots of information. H I’m delighted.

Task 2
Complete the sentences with a word from A and a word from B.

ancient dark dull huge ordinary

exciting light modern special tiny

34 I don’t look good in colours, like black. That’s why I always wear ones.
35 The match wasn’t and we were bored. It ended 0–0 and was really to watch.
36 The archaeologists used some technology to find the coins buried in the ground.
37 Today isn’t an day. It’s a day – it’s my birthday!
38 Ants are , but elephants are !


Task 3
Put the words in brackets in the correct order to complete the sentences.
39 This is the most important in the museum. (painting / valuable / Italian)
40 A wrote this story. (young / writer / brilliant)
41 My parents gave me a for my birthday. (beautiful / ring / gold)
42 My uncle drives a . (German / fantastic / sports car).
43 Milly watched a and then had a bad dream. (black and white / film / scary)
44 When I opened the door, a(n) was standing there. (man / strange / old)
45 I mixed the milk, flour, eggs and sugar with a . (wooden / spoon / long)

Total: 50

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Task 1
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 Tom showed / was showing us his holiday photos on his phone, when suddenly he dropped / was dropping it.
2 I found / was finding some money under my bed when I looked / was looking for my football boots.
3 Bobby went / was going to the sports centre when I called / was calling him at three o’clock.
4 While Anita skied / was skiing, she fell / was falling and hurt her leg.
5 The girls didn’t invite / wasn’t inviting me to their party because they forgot / were forgetting.
6 Did you sit / Were you sitting in your room while you read / were reading the story?
7 We didn’t cycle / weren’t cycling to school today because it rained / was raining.
8 When I woke up, the sun shone / was shining and the birds sang / were singing.

Task 2
Complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
9 Nick (not listen) to the teacher during the lesson and she got angry.
10 (you / take) a break while you were studying last night?
11 Mum was having lunch with her friends in the town while dad (do) the housework.
12 They went to France and (visit) Paris.
13 (you / have) lunch when the letter arrived?
14 I was tidying my room on Saturday when Mum (come) home with the shopping.
15 The boys (go) to the cinema and then had a snack at a café.
16 It (not snow) when I got up this morning.

Task 3
Complete the sentences with these words. You will need to use one word twice.

anyone ​
anything ​
everyone ​
everything ​
no one ​
nothing ​
someone ​
something ​

17 I know who writes stories for teenagers – she’s a great writer.

18 The picnic was fantastic and had a great time.
19 We were bored during the holidays because we didn’t have to do.
20 It was a difficult question and knew the answer.
21 Mum, here’s the shopping. I got that was on the list you gave me.
22 Are they doing at the moment?
23 Did you see that you knew at the party?
24 Let’s go to a restaurant – there’s to eat at home.
25 I want to drink. Is there any lemonade?

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Task 1
Match 26–33 with A–H to make sentences.
26 Someone stole my phone! A It’s useful.
27 I’m going to the beach today. B I’m starving.
28 I worked hard all day. C It’s freezing.
29 I didn’t eat anything this morning. D It’s terrible.
30 Our classroom is very cold in winter. E I’m delighted.
31 Did you make this pizza? F I’m exhausted.
32 Yuk! I can’t drink this coffee. G It’s delicious.
33 I have a laptop that I take with me. H I’m furious.

Task 2
Complete the sentences with a word from A and a word from B.

ancient dark dull huge ordinary

exciting light modern special tiny

34 Roman art is so beautiful. I think it’s more interesting than the art people create today.
35 These rooms are because they have big windows, but the rest of the house is and not very nice.
36 Russia is the biggest country in the world – it’s ! The smallest is Vatican City – it’s .
37 Our summer holiday wasn’t . We went to an adventure camp and every day was !
We never got bored.
38 You need a bike to cycle in races. You can’t ride the bike you use every day.


Task 3
Put the words in brackets in the correct order to complete the sentences.
39 My brother was watching a(n) last night. (American / film / funny)
40 I sat in a(n) . (wooden / uncomfortable / chair)
41 My grandmother has some . (gold / jewellery / valuable)
42 Who is your ? (tennis player / young / favourite)
43 Someone left a in the classroom. (bottle / blue / strange)
44 Santorini is a(n) and I want to go there. (island / incredible / Greek)
45 I think she’s a(n) . (singer / brilliant / opera)

Total: 50

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You are going to listen to a recording about reading while
travelling. Listen to the whole recording once. Then you will Task 1
hear the recording again with pauses for you to write down You are going to listen to a radio interview with Molly
what you hear. Make sure you spell the words correctly. talking about her online book club. For questions 1–6,
choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best according

to what you hear.

1 Why did Molly start the online club?
 A to help students with their projects
B to show book reviews by students

C to discuss books with other students

2 What else can members do at the club?
 A read a blog

 B get ideas about what to read

C meet some writers

3 What was surprising for Molly?
 A Reading is a hobby that teenagers enjoy.

 B Some people think reading is boring.

C Students improved their schoolwork.

4 Why does Molly enjoy reading?

A Reading changes her life.
 10 B It’s an activity she can do anytime.
C She sounds clever when she reads.

5 How are audio books useful?

A You only need headphones to enjoy them.
B They can improve your spelling.
C They teach you to say words properly.

6 What must new members do?

A give some information online
B get permission from their school
C pay some money to join


Task 2
Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

7 Molly’s book club began because she couldn’t find anything

similar online.

8 The book club has nearly 1,000 members, but not many
people are joining it now.

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Task 1
Read the blog. Choose from the sentences (A–J) the one which fits each gap (9–14). There are four extra sentences
which you do not need to use.

A Everything came out, then everything went back in.

B First you show your passport and then you get on the plane.

C The eight-and-a-half-hour flight from the UK to India is the easy part!

D The look on her face changed from worry to happiness.

E Without them, we couldn’t return to the UK.

F But my mum wasn’t sure where to look for them.

G We don’t live far from the airport in London.

H Everything was incredible for the two weeks we were there.

I So he decided to look in the suitcases again.

J It looked like he was doing a silly dance.


Task 2
Read the blog again and answer the question in your own words.

15 How does the family get from the UK to the village in India?

Total: 50

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Mandy’s holiday disaster!

My parents and I enjoy travelling and we Next, my parents searched through our small
usually go away once a year. My dad is bags and the suitcases. (12) Nothing was
English and my mum’s from India, so when found. They looked at each other and there
we visit her family it’s a long trip! (9) was panic in their eyes.
After we land in New Delhi, the capital city,
we always take a taxi to the train station. You don’t need to show a ticket to fly – the
From there, we travel to a town near my information is in the airline’s computer
grandparents’ village, and finally a bus. system, but passports aren’t. (13) So where
We’re exhausted when we arrive, but excited were they? On the bus, the train or in
to be there too. the taxi? How could we check? It seemed
All of our Indian holidays have been awesome,
but the first one was nearly a disaster! (10) At that moment, Mum’s phone rang and
On the last day we returned to New Delhi by she answered it. (14) My grandmother
bus and train. At the airport, my dad asked my was calling to tell her our passports were in
mum for our passports. ‘No, you’ve got them,’ a plastic bag on her kitchen table! Yes, we
she said. He then started putting his hands in missed our flight, but we didn’t care! My uncle
all of his pockets – jacket, shirt, jeans (front brought us the passports the next day and we
and back!). (11) I wanted to laugh, but the spent more time in India!
situation was too serious.

Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019 43
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A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


You are going to listen to a recording about reading while
travelling. Listen to the whole recording once. Then you will Task 1
hear the recording again with pauses for you to write down You are going to listen to a radio interview with Molly
what you hear. Make sure you spell the words correctly. talking about her online book club. For questions 1–6,
choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best according

to what you hear.
 1 What was Molly looking for before she started the
online club?
 A a site where she could discuss a book
B someone to help her do her project

C some reviews that students had written
 2 What information can club members get?
A ideas on how to read for enjoyment
 B ideas for blogs
C ideas about which writers to read

3 What didn’t surprise Molly?
 A that reading is so popular with teenagers
B the reason why students joined the club

C that teenagers read and also do other activities
 4 Why is reading good?
A It teaches you new words.
 B It makes you more clever.
C It gives you a new life.

5 What can audio books help to improve?
 10 A listening to words
B saying words
C spelling words
6 What must you do to join the club?
A say where you live
B tell your school about it first
C give some personal details


Task 2
Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
7 The only discussions on the site are about books the
members study in school.
8 More teenagers enjoy reading than Molly thought
they did.

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Task 1
Read the blog. Choose from the sentences (A–J) the one which fits each gap (9–14). There are four extra sentences
which you do not need to use.

A You don’t need to show a ticket to travel by plane.

B On the last day we said goodbye and left for New Delhi.

C There were clothes, shoes and souvenirs on the floor around us.

D We didn’t know how to contact any of them.

E When we visit their families, it’s a long trip!

F He didn’t want to talk to anyone so he gave it to me.

G Maybe they were somewhere on the train.

H After we arrived, we slept for two days.

I The trains stop at a lot of stations.

J Of course, we’re exhausted when we arrive.


Task 2
Read the blog again and answer the question in your own words.

15 Where did they look for the passports?

Total: 50

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A holiday to remember!
My parents and I enjoy travelling and we Next, my parents looked through our small
usually go away every summer. We live in bags and then they opened our suitcases
London, but my parents are from India. and took everything out. (12) My dad’s
(9) The flight from the UK to India face was red and my mum was nearly crying.
is nearly nine hours, but it’s comfortable. This was serious!
After we land in the capital city – New Delhi –
a taxi takes us to the train station. We travel Where could the passports be? Did we lose
to a town near my grandparents’ village, and them on the bus from the village? (13)
finally get on a bus. (10) But it’s exciting to Or could they be in the taxi that brought us
be there too. to the airport? We didn’t know. But without
them, it was impossible to fly.
Our holidays in India are always amazing,
but the first one nearly ended badly! Suddenly, Dad’s phone rang. (14) My
The two weeks we spent there were awesome. grandfather was calling to say he had found
(11) At the airport, my mum asked my our passports in the house. We missed our
dad for our passports. ‘I gave them to you last flight, but we felt very lucky too! My dad’s
night,’ she said. First, he looked surprised. brother brought us the passports a few days
Then he started checking all the pockets in his later. It was great because we spent a few more
jacket and jeans. He checked them a second days in India.
time. No, the passports weren’t there.

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A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
Task 1 9 My parents may / will be happy when I pass all my exams.
Choose the correct answer. 10 Lucy may / will go out tonight, but she’s not sure.
1 We a maths test next week and I’m worried about it! 11 I know it might not / won’t rain today – look at the
A have sunny sky.

B are having 12 Don’t believe everything you read on the internet –

it might / will not be true.
C are going to have
13 I promise I may / will send you a postcard from Italy.
2 He for a job when school finishes.
14 Alex might / will come with us, but he doesn’t know yet.
A looks
15 Are you sure that the schools of the future may / will
B is looking be online?
C is going to look 16 My sister isn’t certain – she may not / won’t go
3 The history lesson at nine o’clock. It’s always at swimming later.
ten o’clock. 17 Jenny might / will win the race – she’s the fastest runner.
A doesn’t start 18 Nick could help us, but he may / will be busy right now.
B isn’t starting Let’s find out.
C isn’t going to start
4 They married next month.
A get
B are getting
Task 3
Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the
C are going to get
present simple, present continuous, going to and will.
5 Let’s go to the cinema. When ?
19 (you / make) lunch when you get
A does the film start home later?
B is the film starting 20 Don’t worry. I’m sure everything
C is the film going to start (be) OK.
6 the dance club this year? 21 The girls (go) to the football match
A Do you join tomorrow. They have their tickets.
B Are you joining 22 When (you / start) school every day?
C Are you going to join 23 Do you promise you (help) me with
7 I in the race tomorrow. I hope I win! my homework?

A run 24 They (have) a party on

Saturday night.
B am running
25 The music festival (end) on
C am going to run Sunday night.
8 The buses to London three times a day.
A leave
B are leaving
C are going to leave

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Task 1
Choose the correct answer.

Revising for exams is stressful. There’s pressure on you to do well and (26) good grades. So you sit (27) at your
desk and spend hours preparing, often until quite late. But that’s not the best way to study. In fact, it’s probably the
worst! You need to take regular breaks. That means getting (28) from your desk and doing something else. You could
go outside and walk (29) your garden or do some light exercise. Ten minutes later, you’ll be ready to settle
(30) and start revising again. (31) it a try and you’ll see that your ability to think clearly and remember important
information will improve. So what are you waiting for? Jump (32) and move (33) !

26 A have B take C get

27 A in B down C around
28 A up B off C out
29 A down B out C around
30 A off B down C up
31 A Make B Take C Give
32 A up B in C off
33 A down B around C out

Task 2
Match 34–41 with A–H to make sentences.
34 Jack wants to start A a business plan before you do anything else.
35 He needs to make B 100 people at the company where she works.
36 I fancy C up his mind about what to study at university.
37 She has to manage D a go and see what happens.
38 The teacher will tell E advice from someone who already has a business.
39 He should have F his own business when he is older.
40 Try to develop G you off if you are noisy in class.
41 You should take H going for a walk after my exam.

Task 3
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
42 How can we make / have a lot of money from our business?
43 Alex wants to open / start a shop that sells sports equipment.
44 He spelt the word incorrectly, so the teacher crossed it out / off.
45 Don’t be afraid to get / take a chance – you could become successful.
46 He doesn’t know how to work / run a business at all!
47 I noted down / out the book she told me about and found it in the library.
48 She was running off / around all day and she’s tired now.
49 If you’re careful, you won’t make / do any mistakes.
50 I like your idea for a new shop. It hears / sounds really good!

Total: 50

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A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
Task 1 9 I might / will meet you later, but I can’t promise you.
Choose the correct answer. 10 Students definitely may not / won’t use books in twenty
1 I’m sorry, but the library early on Saturdays. years because of technology.

A doesn’t open 11 It’s possible that Jane might / will know the answer.

B isn’t opening 12 We promise we may / will call you when we arrive.

C isn’t going to open 13 Our friends may / will go to the concert, but they don’t
know yet.
2 I hope I have time to see the art exhibition. When ?
14 I think Chris might / will get excellent grades – he’s the
A does it end best student.
B is it ending 15 We may not / won’t lose the game – I’m sure of it!
C is it going to end 16 ‘Are you going to Anna’s party?’ ‘I don’t know.
3 They on a school trip this Wednesday – that’s why I might / will not.’
they’re so excited. 17 Don’t worry. Ben may / will help you – he can fix anything!
A go 18 You may / will not know this, but Tim’s mum is a famous
B are going scientist!
C are going to go
4 Jack a present for his birthday next week?
A Do you buy
B Are you buying
Task 3
Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the
C Are you going to buy
present simple, present continuous, going to and will.
5 She a famous athlete one day.
19 (Andy / walk) home after
A becomes school today?
B is becoming 20 Listen to this song. I know you
C is going to become (love) it.
6 I’m so happy! I a new computer tomorrow! 21 We (look) forward to our summer
A get holiday!
B am getting 22 Oh no! The shop is closed. When
C am going to get (it / open)?

7 They’re so lucky. They to Rome tomorrow! 23 I promise I (tidy) my room, Mum.

A fly 24 All of my friends (come) to my party

next week.
B are flying
25 The next bus (come) in twenty
C are going to fly minutes.
8 Hurry up! The show in ten minutes and I don’t want
to be late. 7
A starts
B is starting
C is going to start

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Task 1
Choose the correct answer.

Do you feel stressed when you revise for exams? You’re not alone. Lots of students are under pressure to do well. Is this how
you study? You settle (26) at your desk with your books and everything you have noted (27) in class. You spend
hours trying to solve problems in maths, for example, but you (28) mistakes and lose confidence. You’re studying in the
wrong way! To (29) good grades, you need to take a break every hour. So stand (30) and move away from your desk.
Do something totally different. Listen to music for ten minutes or throw (31) the rubbish! When you sit (32) again
to study, you’ll realise that you can think more clearly than you did before. Why don’t you (33) it a try?

26 A down B in C off
27 A out B around C down
28 A take B make C have
29 A get B give C do
30 A around B up C in
31 A out B down C off
32 A around B up C down
33 A give B take C make

Task 2
Match 34–41 with A–H to make sentences.
34 Your idea sounds A a business if you don’t have any money.
35 You have to develop B in your history homework tomorrow.
36 Remember to hand C all the people in a big company.
37 You should cross D out all the mistakes and write it again.
38 You can’t start E a business plan and follow it.
39 You should take F a chance and not be scared.
40 It’s hard to manage G money and give it to people who need it.
41 I want to make H really good, so you should do it.

Task 3
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
42 Do you like / fancy going to the cinema tonight?
43 When did you make / take up your mind about going to university?
44 The teacher told Danny off / out because he wasn’t listening to her.
45 My parents are going to start / open a computer shop.
46 Why don’t you have / give a go and see if you like working in a café?
47 I’m going to walk off / around outside for a few minutes.
48 My dad was right, but I didn’t take / give his advice.
49 When we saw a mouse in the classroom, we all
jumped up / in!
50 I don’t think Sam runs / works his business very well.

Total: 50

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A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


You are going to listen to a recording about making an
important decision. Listen to the whole recording once. Task 1
Then you will hear the recording again with pauses for You are going to listen to six conversations. For questions 1–6,
you to write down what you hear. Make sure you spell the choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best according to
words correctly. what you hear.
 1 You will hear a girl telling her friend about a problem
with a school project. Why is she worried?
 A She has too much school work.
B She must talk to her teacher.

C She thinks she won’t finish her project.
 2 You will hear a boy, Tom, talking to his teacher about his
homework. The teacher
 A understands Tom’s problem.
B is very worried about Tom’s health.

C tells Tom off.
 3 You will hear a brother and sister talking about cooking.
How does the boy feel about cooking?
 A He wants to make amazing food.
B He prefers eating to cooking.

C He only cooks when he’s hungry.
 4 You will hear two friends preparing for an exam.
What do they both agree to do?
 A have a rest from work
B ask and answer questions

C write in their books
 10 5 You will hear two friends talking about their lessons.
What do they enjoy about them?
A learning more than they did last year
B bringing just a few things to class
C using computers in their lessons
6 You will hear two friends talking about a maths test.
Why is the boy upset?
A The maths test was difficult.
B He didn’t check his answers.
C He did badly in his test.


Task 2
You are going to listen to the last conversation again.
Answer the question in your own words.
7 How does the girl check her answers?

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A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Task 1
Read the article and choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.
8 How did Regina experience life in Britain?
A She went there with her family at age 15.
B She visited a school there.
C She lived like a local person.
D She compared it to Brazil.
9 How did Regina feel when she was away from her family?
A She was kind to the Browns.
B She was a little unhappy at the start.
C She didn’t like the new place.
D She understood her feelings.
10 When Regina first saw the Brown family
A she met Charlie’s sister Charlotte.
B she realised Charlie and Max were twins.
C she found out all their names.
D she knew she was wrong about something.
11 How is Regina’s school in Brazil different to her British school?
A There is more space at the school in Brazil.
B More students go to the British school.
C The school in Britain has more buildings.
D There are a lot of stairs at the school in Brazil.
12 What does Regina say about school uniforms?
A She didn’t know that ties were part of the uniform.
B She believes it’s a good idea for students wear them.
C She thinks they aren’t as nice as fashionable clothes.
D She prefers to wear jeans when she goes to school.
13 How did Regina feel on her last day in Britain?
A sad
B upset
C excited
D surprised


Task 2
Read the article again and answer the question in your own words.
14 Describe Regina’s friendship with Charlie.

Total: 50

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A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Regina Flores talks about her year abroad as an exchange

When I went to Britain last year, I was Also, I wore a uniform – with a tie! – for the
a fifteen-year-old student from Brazil who first time in my life. It felt really strange at first
didn’t know a lot about life outside of my because I wear jeans to school in Brazil.
country because I’d never been overseas After a week, I realised my day began better
before. It was time to experience a new when I didn’t have to think about what to
lifestyle and culture. So, for a year, I lived with wear! And everyone is equal – I think that’s
a British family and went to a local school. what I like best about the uniform. Back in
Brazil, young people like to look fashionable
The Browns were really kind and helpful. all the time and it makes some students feel
They realised that I felt a bit scared and bad because they don’t have nice clothes.
uncertain because I was in a new place and
far away from my own family. There are three On my last day at school, my classmates
children – fifteen-year-old twins Charlie and surprised me with a present and a card that
Max, and ten-year-old Holly. they all wrote messages in. I cried when
I said goodbye! The next day, the Browns
When I first got the information about the drove me to the airport in London. I didn’t
family, I thought Charlie was a boy because cry then. Do you want to know why?
that’s a boy’s name. But when we had a video Because Charlie is coming to stay with me in
call I found out ‘he’ is a ‘she’! Her real name Brazil next month. It’s her turn to live and
is Charlotte. She became my best friend. study in another country for a year! Hooray!
We shared her bedroom and we often talked
for ages before we fell asleep.

My school in Brazil is very different to the

one in Britain. In Brazil, it’s big. There are
a lot of students and the area the school
is on is huge. The buildings are all on one
level. But in Britain my classroom was on the
second floor so I had to walk up and down
the stairs a lot!

Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019 53
M01 Gold XP A2+ TRB Tests 94486.indd 53 04/03/2019 12:19
A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


You are going to listen to a recording about making an
important decision. Listen to the whole recording once. Task 1
Then you will hear the recording again with pauses for You are going to listen to six conversations. For questions
you to write down what you hear. Make sure you spell the 1–6, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best according
words correctly. to what you hear.
 1 You will hear a girl telling her friend about a problem with
a school project. Why is she worried?
 A She needs to work hard on the project.
B She’s too busy to do her project.

C She has to practise for a competition.
 2 You will hear a boy, Tom, talking to his teacher about his
homework. The teacher
 A wants to help Tom.
B is angry with Tom.

C thinks Tom isn’t alright.
 3 You will hear a brother and sister talking about cooking.
How does the boy feel about cooking?
 A Cooking is too difficult for him.
B He enjoys cooking the dishes from the TV show.

C Cooking isn’t something he wants to do.
 4 You will hear two friends preparing for an exam. What do
they both agree to do?
 A have a drink
B take a break

C test each other
 10 5 You will hear two friends talking about their lessons.
What do they enjoy about them?
A the laptops they use
B what they are learning
C the lessons are easier
6 You will hear two friends talking about a maths test.
Why is the boy upset?
A He didn’t pass a difficult test.
B His friend did badly in the test.
C He handed in his test without checking it.


Task 2
You are going to listen to the last conversation again.
Answer the question in your own words.
7 Why does the girl always check her answers?

54  Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019
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A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Task 1
Read the article and choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.
8 How did Regina learn about life in Britain?
A She learnt about the culture.
B She made friends there.
C She met a British family.
D She lived and went to school there.
9 How did the Browns help Regina?
A They became her family.
B They explained why she was scared.
C They understood her feelings.
D They told her about the new place.
10 When Regina spoke with the Browns online
A she found out something that surprised her.
B she learnt there were twins in the family.
C she became best friends with Charlie.
D she thought Charlie and Max were girls.
11 What is true about Regina’s classroom in Britain?
A It was very big.
B It was upstairs.
C It was in a second building.
D It was far to walk to.
12 What did Regina like most about her school uniform?
A a tie was part of the uniform
B it’s more comfortable than jeans
C she didn’t need to choose clothes every day
D all the students looked the same
13 What were Regina feelings on her last day in Britain?
A She was excited.
B She was surprised.
C She was sad.
D She was upset.


Task 2
Read the article again and answer the question in your own words.
14 What does Regina say about students’ clothes in Brazil?

Total: 50

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M01 Gold XP A2+ TRB Tests 94486.indd 55 04/03/2019 12:19
A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Regina Flores talks about her year abroad as an exchange

The first time I went overseas was last year, Also, I wore a school uniform for the first time
when I was fifteen. Because I had never left in my life. It felt really strange wearing a jacket
my country, Brazil, I didn’t know much about and tie at first because I wear jeans to school
other places. So my parents sent me to Britain in Brazil. I soon realised life was easier when
for a year, to live with a family and attend I didn’t have to think about what to wear
school. It was a great way to learn about every day! But the thing I like best about the
a different lifestyle and culture. uniform is that everyone is equal. In Brazil,
young people like to be fashionable at school,
The family I stayed with – the Browns – were but some students don’t have trendy clothes
helpful and kind. They knew I felt a little and they feel bad.
uncertain and scared because I was far away
from my own family in a foreign country. My last day at school in Britain was sad. I cried
The three children in the family are 15-year-old when my classmates gave me a present and
twins, Charlie and Max, and Holly who is ten. a card. It was hard to say goodbye! The next
day, the Browns took me to the airport, but
When I first read about the family, I thought I didn’t cry because Charlie is coming to stay
Charlie and Max were brothers because they with me in Brazil next month. She’s going to
have boys’ names. But during our first video live with my family and study in my town for
chat I found out that Charlie is a ‘she’, whose a year! Hooray!
real name is Charlotte! We became best
friends. I shared her bedroom and we spent
a lot of time talking before bed.

My school I went to in Britain is very different

to my school in Brazil. In Brazil, it’s much
bigger. There are a lot of students and the
school is on a lot of land. There are more
buildings, but the buildings aren’t high.
In Britain my classroom was on the second
floor and I walked up and down the stairs
a lot!

56 Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019
M01 Gold XP A2+ TRB Tests 94486.indd 56 04/03/2019 12:19
A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Match 9–16 with A–H to make sentences.
Task 1 9 He was quieter
Choose the correct answer. 10 Julie and Kate are the
1 I admire Jake because he’s student in my class. 11 My backpack is too
A good 12 Grandma is the most
B better 13 Louise is quite
C the best 14 Smartphones are much
15 Uncle Bob is the
2 This jacket is the other one we saw.
16 My dad’s wallet is a
A dark
B darker than A interesting person in the family.

C the darkest B more expensive now.

C than the others in the room.
3 These earrings those over there. D funniest person I know.
A not as nice E lot fatter than mine!
B aren’t nice as F shortest of the four girls.
C aren’t as nice as G a bit taller than her brother.
4 I thought the film was . H heavy with all my books.
A as boring as 8
B too boring
C the most boring
Task 3
5 These are boots of all in the shop. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
A the most expensive words in brackets. Use too or enough.
B more expensive 17 Lily says her hair is (curly)
C the more expensive and she wants to make it straight.
18 Let’s stay at home today – it
6 I don’t like my hair – it isn’t . (not hot) for the beach.
A too short 19 These jeans are (big).
B long enough They’re falling off me!
C a bit short 20 Are you (talented) to be
a successful fashion designer?
7 Today isn’t as cold as it was yesterday. 21 Trainers are great because they’re
A quite (comfortable) to wear all day.
B much 22 These clothes
C a lot (not fashionable), so I don’t want to wear them.
23 I broke my sister’s glasses and now she’s
8 She’s in books than fashion. (angry) to talk to me.
A much more interested 24 Harry is (fast) to become
B the most interested a great runner one day.
C much interested 25 I’m going to bed early tonight – I’m
(tired) to stay up late.

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A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Choose the correct answer.
Task 1 39 How can you that backpack everywhere? It’s so heavy!
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. A carry
26 If you want to find out about the latest fashions, B fit
check / stand out this website. C have
27 Why don’t you dress / save up and buy that great jacket
you saw? 40 I have to wash the off my face before I go to sleep.
28 I’d like to put / try on these jeans before I buy them. A make-up
29 What does the pattern / slogan on that T-shirt say? B freckles
I can’t read it. C stripes
30 Do you fancy / like going shopping with me tomorrow?
41 Emma is very for her age.
31 Her hair is very fair / dark – it’s almost black.
A high
32 He isn’t tall or short – he’s of average / usual height.
B tall
33 I’m sure I need braces / glasses – I can’t see the board
C long
very well.
42 When did you start braces?
A trying
B carrying
Task 2 C wearing
Complete the conversations with a word from A and a word
from B. 43 He never carries a . He keeps his money in his pocket.
A A wallet
B cap
how like look what who C pattern
B 44 Are you going to dress for the party?
A on
curly freckles might personality probably
B up
34 A: What’s your best friend ? C out
B: She’s great. She has an amazing . 45 A: Why isn’t he watching the fashion show?
35 A: What does your brother like? B: he’s bored.
B: He’s short with . A Probably
B Might
36 A: do you look like?
C Maybe
B: My mum. We have the same
hair. 7

37 A: does she like?

Total: 50
B: I’m not sure. She
enjoy sport.

38 A: old do you think he is?

B: He’s twelve or thirteen.


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2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Match 9–16 with A–H to make sentences.
Task 1 9 I can’t wear this – it’s too
Choose the correct answer. 10 These are the most
1 This shampoo is of all for curly hair. 11 Tim’s hair is as
A the best 12 Our fans are the
B good 13 Fashion is much more
C better 14 My youngest cousin is quite
15 This is the most
2 I think going to real shops is shopping online.
16 Her style is more
A the best
B the better A noisiest of all.

C better than B modern than her friend’s.

C beautiful dresses in the shop.
3 Alice Martha. D important to teenagers than children.
A not as tall E fair as his brother’s.
B isn’t tall as F small for me.
C isn’t as tall as G exciting match of the year.
4 I think my hair is . H tall now.
A too short 8
B shorter than
C as short as
Task 3
5 She is one of fashion designers in the world. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
A the most famous words in brackets. Use too or enough.
B more famous 17 Is she (confident) to colour
C most famous her hair green?
18 The clothes in this shop are
6 I don’t go to that shop because the owner isn’t . (cheap) for teenagers to buy.
A as friendly as 19 I can’t drive a car yet because I’m
B friendly enough (young)!
C too friendly 20 We can’t sleep because the music from the party next door
is (loud).
7 I think baseball isn’t as exciting as basketball. 21 My homework (not good) and
A more I have to do it all again!
B quite 22 These accessories are (old) –
C much I need new ones.
23 I wear size thirty-nine shoes and these are size thirty-seven –
8 He’s in jeans than a suit. they (not big).
A much more comfortable 24 We can’t sleep. We’re (excited)
B the most comfortable because we’re going on holiday tomorrow.
C much comfortable 25 Can you get that book on the top shelf? Are you

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M01 Gold XP A2+ TRB Tests 94486.indd 59 04/03/2019 12:20
A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Choose the correct answer.
Task 1 39 What do you think of these earrings? Do they me?
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. A go
26 We’re going to a party tonight so we’re going to B match
dress / save up. C suit
27 She wears small sizes because she’s very long / slim.
40 Do you going to the fashion show tonight?
28 If you want to check / stand out, wear bright colours.
A like
29 Don’t sit in the sun for too long or you’ll get freckles / stripes.
B enjoy
30 Excuse me. Where can I put / try on these dresses, please?
C fancy
31 My dentist says I need braces / glasses to make my
teeth straight. 41 He carries all his books in a big red .
32 I like wearing make-up / accessories, but I don’t like A wallet
washing it off!
B baseball cap
33 Those circles make an interesting pattern / slogan
C backpack
on your scarf.
42 I always my glasses when I watch TV.
A have
B wear
Task 2 C carry
Complete the conversations with a word from A and a word
from B. 43 Anna is always nice to people – she has a lovely .
A A personality
B appearance
how like look what who C style
B 44 Are you going to save for the smartphone you like?
A on
average friendly maybe probably tall
B up
34 A: does he look like? C out
B: His dad? They’re both very . 45 Nick be at home. Let’s call him.
35 A: What’s Lucas ? A might
B: He’s really . B maybe
C probably
36 A: What does your sister like?
B: She’s of height. 7

37 A: old do you think that girl is?

Total: 50
B: she’s fourteen.

38 A: does she like?

B: She wears nice clothes, so she
likes fashion.


60 Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019
M01 Gold XP A2+ TRB Tests 94486.indd 60 04/03/2019 12:20
A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


You are going to listen to a recording about online
shopping. Listen to the whole recording once. Then you will Task 1
hear the recording again with pauses for you to write down You are going to listen to some information about
what you hear. Make sure you spell the words correctly. a model agency. Complete the notes. Write the correct
answer in each gap.


Kidz Model Agency
 The agency opened in
(1) .

 A parent should (2)

an online form.

 The agency wants to know about your

(3) and your interests.

 You can’t (4) if your

parents don’t give their permission.

 The youngest actors at the agency are

(5) years old.

 10 In addition to money, child actors can get

(6) like clothes, games
and toys.


Task 2
Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

7 You don’t have to pay anything to join the agency.

8 Parents take all of the money that actors get for a job.

 Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019 61
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A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Task 1
Read the article. Decide which shop or online store (A–H) would be the most suitable for the young people (9–14).

Luke is going on a relaxing island holiday with his family. He’ll be at the beach every day. He’s grown a lot in
the last year and his clothes don’t fit him. He doesn’t want to spend too much because he’s still growing.

Sam loves designer fashions, but they’re expensive. She has saved up money to buy something that she’ll
have for a long time, so she needs to choose well. It can be a piece of clothing or an accessory. She prefers
plain colours and simple styles.

Andy doesn’t know what suits him, so his sister usually goes shopping with him. She’s away at university
now, and he needs help. His favourite band is playing in a few days and he needs something cool to wear to
the concert.

Holly has never been camping, but she’s going on a school camping trip in two weeks. She needs warm,
comfortable clothes and good boots that will keep her dry in wet weather. She doesn’t want to spend too
much because she doesn’t think she’ll go camping again.

Jake is starting a part-time job at a computer shop in a few days and he wants to make a good impression.
The assistants at the shop are not allowed to wear casual clothes. They don’t have to wear a suit, but they
should look neat and professional.

Claire is sporty and always wears casual clothes, so she doesn’t have anything suitable for her cousin’s
twenty-first birthday party. She’d like to find a pretty dress and accessories that she can wear for a few
years. Because she’s studying, she hasn’t got time to go to the shops.

Task 2
Read the article again and answer the question in your own words.

15 Why is it a good idea to buy quality items?

Total: 50

62 Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019
M01 Gold XP A2+ TRB Tests 94486.indd 62 04/03/2019 12:20
A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Fashion blogger Milly Jones reviews the best places for teens
to shop.
A Get the Look E Here and Now
When it’s time to wear your best, there’s no better If you want to look good for less money, try this shop.
site. Shop for dresses, bags, shoes and jewellery. They’ve got great casual clothes for teens and young
Buy one or two items, or a whole look – there are great people – T-shirts, jeans, shorts, shoes, boots and
suggestions on the site. If you change your mind trainers. There are always great deals. This month,
about something after you receive it, you can return you can get ready for summer – buy three T-shirts
or exchange it quite easily. Use the special bag that and get a fourth for free! You’ll look great and feel
is included with your order and send it back within comfortable too. The shops are open Monday to
30 days. Saturday. More details are available online.

B Fine Fashions F Top Store

There are no hoodies or trainers here! When you want When you have to look your best, this is a great shop.
to look nice, but it’s not a formal event, try this site. They have the latest suits, shirts, ties and leather shoes
Maybe you have a job interview or are going out for by the most famous designers. For work or special
dinner with your family. For guys, there are shirts and events, you’ll find everything you need. They offer
trousers. Girls can find lovely skirts, tops and summer excellent service too. If you’re too busy to visit the
dresses. These are good quality clothes that you will shop, they’ll come to you. Good quality costs more,
wear again and again. Just download the app and but it’s a small price to pay when you want to look
start shopping. and feel confident.

C Explorer G Forever Style

At Explorer you’ll find everything you need to enjoy Forget about fashion. Focus on style – it makes you stand
life outdoors. There are jackets to protect you from out and feel special. Is it better to buy lots of cheap items
wind and rain, as well as casual, running, hiking and in the season’s patterns and colours that you’ll wear
walking shoes and boots. The winter sale is on now a few times, or one amazing, high quality piece that you
with 50% off many of their popular items. Use code will enjoy forever? At Forever Style, you’ll pay a bit more,
EXPLORELIFE for another 10% off when you pay. but that’s smart shopping. It’s easy to find something
For this week only, there is free delivery on all orders you can afford – just choose how much you want to pay,
they receive. and the app will do the rest.

D Wear It Once H Teen Trends

Most of us can’t afford to buy designer clothes, but This is one of the biggest online stores for teen fashions
that doesn’t mean we can’t wear the best. At Wear and there are loads of great bargains. If you’re not sure
It Once, you can rent clothes, bags and shoes for what to wear, let them help you. Just tell them your
a low price. It’s certainly cheaper than buying them! size, height and what you’re looking for. They’ll put
Wear them to a special event and then take them together a great collection of cool casual clothes for
back in good condition the next day. It’s so easy! you to choose from. If you’re in a hurry, don’t worry!
They’re open seven days a week, with shops in cities They offer next-day delivery to most areas.
across the country.

Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019 63
M01 Gold XP A2+ TRB Tests 94486.indd 63 04/03/2019 12:20
A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


You are going to listen to a recording about online
shopping. Listen to the whole recording once. Then you will Task 1
hear the recording again with pauses for you to write down You are going to listen to some information about
what you hear. Make sure you spell the words correctly. a model agency. Complete the notes. Write the correct
answer in each gap.


Kidz Model Agency
 The agency received an award in
(1) .

 One of your parents can go

(2) and fill in a form.

 They will ask you about the things you are

(3) doing.

 During the (4) of

an advertisement, one of your parents must

be there.

The oldest actors at the agency are

(5) years old.
Free gifts for young actors include the
(6) , games and toys.


Task 2
Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

7 The agency will definitely find you a job.

8 The agency gives most of the money to your parents.

64  Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019
M01 Gold XP A2+ TRB Tests 94486.indd 64 04/03/2019 12:20
A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Task 1
Read the article. Decide which shop or online store (A–H) would be the most suitable for the young people (9–14).

Tom doesn’t know what suits him, so his sister usually goes shopping with him. She’s away at university
now, and he needs help. His favourite band is playing in a few days and he needs something cool to wear
to the concert.

Alice is sporty and always wears casual clothes, so she doesn’t have anything suitable for her cousin’s
twenty-first birthday party. She’d like to find a pretty dress and accessories that she can wear for a few
years. Because she’s studying, she hasn’t got time to go to the shops.

Ben is starting a part-time job at a computer shop in a few days and he wants to make a good impression.
The assistants at the shop are not allowed to wear casual clothes. They don’t have to wear a suit, but they
should look neat and professional.

Lucy loves designer fashions, but they’re expensive. She has saved up money to buy something that she’ll
have for a long time, so she needs to choose well. It can be a piece of clothing or an accessory. She prefers
plain colours and simple styles.

Max is going on a relaxing island holiday with his family. He’ll be at the beach every day. He’s grown a lot in
the last year and his clothes don’t fit him. He doesn’t want to spend too much because he’s still growing.

Annie has never been camping, but she’s going on a school camping trip in two weeks. She needs warm,
comfortable clothes and good boots that will keep her dry in wet weather. She doesn’t want to spend too
much because she doesn’t think she’ll go camping again.

Task 2
Read the article again and answer the question in your own words.

15 Why is it better to buy one good item than lots of cheap ones?

Total: 50

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M01 Gold XP A2+ TRB Tests 94486.indd 65 04/03/2019 12:20
A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Fashion blogger Milly Jones reviews the best places for teens
to shop.
A Shop Top E Adventurer
When you have to look your best, this is a great shop. At Adventurer you’ll find everything you need to
They have the latest suits, shirts, ties and leather shoes enjoy life outdoors. There are jackets to protect
by the most famous designers. For work or special you from wind and rain, as well as casual, running,
events, you’ll find everything you need. They offer hiking and walking shoes and boots. The winter sale
excellent service too. If you’re too busy to visit the is on now with 50% off many of their popular items.
shop, they’ll come to you. Good quality costs more, Use code ADVENTURENOW for another 10% off
but it’s a small price to pay when you want to look and when you pay. For this week only, there is free delivery
feel confident. on all orders they receive.

B Stylista F Fashion Forward

Forget about fashion. Focus on style – it makes you There are no hoodies or trainers here! When you want
stand out and feel special. Is it better to buy lots of to look nice, but it’s not a formal event, try this site.
cheap items in the season’s patterns and colours that Maybe you have a job interview or are going out for
you’ll wear a few times, or one amazing, high quality dinner with your family. For guys, there are shirts and
piece that you will enjoy forever? At Stylista, you’ll pay trousers. Girls can find lovely skirts, tops and summer
a bit more, but that’s smart shopping. It’s easy to find dresses. These are good quality clothes that you will
something you can afford – just choose how much wear again and again. Just download the app and
you want to pay, and the app will do the rest. start shopping.

C Good Looking G Yours for a Day

When it’s time to wear your best, there’s no better Most of us can’t afford to buy designer clothes,
site. Shop for dresses, bags, shoes and jewellery. but that doesn’t mean we can’t wear the best. At Yours
Buy one or two items, or a whole look – there are great for a Day, you can rent clothes, bags and shoes for
suggestions on the site. If you change your mind a low price. It’s certainly cheaper than buying them!
about something after you receive it, you can return Wear them to a special event and then take them
or exchange it quite easily. Use the special bag that back in good condition the next day. It’s so easy!
is included with your order and send it back within They’re open seven days a week, with shops in cities
30 days. across the country.

D Cool Teen H Best for Less

This is one of the biggest online stores for teen If you want to look good for less money, try this shop.
fashions and there are loads of great bargains. They’ve got great casual clothes for teens and young
If you’re not sure what to wear, let them help you. people – T-shirts, jeans, shorts, shoes, boots and
Just tell them your size, height and what you’re trainers. There are always great deals. This month, you
looking for. They’ll put together a great collection can get ready for summer – buy three T-shirts and get
of cool casual clothes for you to choose from. If you’re a fourth for free! You’ll look great and feel comfortable
in a hurry, don’t worry! They offer next-day delivery too. The shops are open Monday to Saturday.
to most areas. More details are available online.

66 Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019
M01 Gold XP A2+ TRB Tests 94486.indd 66 04/03/2019 12:20
A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Complete the conversations with the correct
Task 1 reflexive pronoun.

Choose the correct answer. 9 A: Look! We painted the boat!

1 It’s OK, he call me now – he can send me a text B: That’s great! Did you really do it ?
message later. 10 A: That’s a big box, Dan. Do you need some help?
A can’t B: No, thanks. I can carry it .
B mustn’t 11 A: Here’s a photo from my holiday.
C doesn’t have to B: That fish is really big! Did you catch it ?
2 You go out with your friends, but don’t come home late. 12 A: Are you going to pack your suitcase?
A can B: Of course. It isn’t going to pack !
B must 13 A: Is Kelly singing?
C have to B: No, I think she’s talking to .
3 Mum says we go swimming today, so we’ll go tomorrow. 14 A: Let’s help them with their tent.
A can’t B: I’m sure they can put it up .
B mustn’t 15 A: What happened to Jim?
C don’t have to B: He fell and hurt in the forest.
4 You remember your passports when you go to the airport. 16 A: Did someone show you where the camp was?
A can B: No, we found it .
B must 8
C have
5 warm and sunny today. Let’s go to the park.
Task 3
A It’s
Complete the sentences with one or two words. Use modal
B It has verbs for rules, reflexive pronouns and it’s, there is and
C There’s there are.
6 We can’t play tennis now. some people on the 17 Elena bring a signed form from her
tennis court. parents before she goes on the trip.
A They are 18 a lot of people at the zoo today
B There are because it’s Sunday.
C There have 19 We can fill in the forms to join the club
7 Look! a dolphin in the water! . We don’t have to ask our parents.
A It’s 20 You be late or you will miss the
bus again.
B It has
21 I really enjoy hiking. I think a lot of fun.
C There’s
22 Yesterday, I cleaned the house by
8 When you go hiking in the mountains, you leave the and everyone was surprised when they got home.
path because there are bears.
23 a big park in the middle of New York –
A can’t it’s called Central Park.
B mustn’t 24 We go to the adventure camp.
C don’t have to Mum says it’s OK.
8 25 Anna is staying at home today – she doesn’t
go to work.

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M01 Gold XP A2+ TRB Tests 94486.indd 67 04/03/2019 12:20
A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Choose the correct answer.
Task 1 42 Farmers worry about because they try to eat
The letters of the words in bold are mixed up. their chickens.
Write them correctly. A dolphins
26 Kangaroos can kick hard because they have rewulpof legs. B insects
C foxes
27 The water here is so ecral that I can see the sand and some 43 Kittens are so cute! They have sweet faces and soft .
small fish at the bottom. A feathers
28 Our cat is dibln, but she knows every part of the garden B fur
and she always finds her favourite places.
C wings
29 In winter, these beaches are pymet because it’s too cold to
swim, but in summer they’re full of tourists. 44 A: Let’s go camping next week.
30 My pet parrot is very eclrev – he can talk and he repeats B: That great!
everything I say to him. A sounds
31 In spring, the red, pink and yellow roses make the garden B feels
very lucuorfol. C looks
32 It was late and I was asleep when a dulo noise woke 45 Don’t go near the water! There are crocodiles and they
me up. could you!
33 Be careful with that rasph knife while you’re cutting the A dive
B bite
8 C climb
46 The window was open and a very pretty purple
Task 2 flew into my room.
A penguin
Match 34–41 with A–H to make sentences.
B monkey
34 It’s amazing how some animals can land
C butterfly
35 Nigel’s ball was in the tree, so he climbed
47 like to eat fruit. They sit in my cherry tree and eat
36 The monkeys were so funny as they jumped all the cherries!
37 Wild animals in nature have to hunt A Bats
38 The stars shining in the sky at night look B Wolves
39 It’s a lovely day and the sun feels C Bees
40 Big cities like London and New York seem 48 It’s so in the countryside, far away from the noise
41 The man stood on the rock and then dived of the city.
A into the water. A cool
B from tree to tree. B bright
C warm on my face. C peaceful
D on their feet. 49 Dolphins look because they always seem to be smiling.
E for food. A wild
F very noisy. B friendly
G up very carefully. C huge
H beautiful. 50 I always feel happy when there aren’t any clouds and
the sun is .
A bright
B silent
C calm

Total: 50

68 Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019
M01 Gold XP A2+ TRB Tests 94486.indd 68 04/03/2019 12:20
A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Complete the conversations with the correct
Task 1 reflexive pronoun.

Choose the correct answer. 9 A: When did Nelly have horse-riding lessons?

1 have some more cake, please? B: She didn’t. She taught .

A Do we have to 10 A: I didn’t know that you had so many roses in your garden.

B Must we B: Well, we planted them last year.

C Can we 11 A: What did your brothers do in the holidays?

2 Alex come with us if he doesn’t want to. B: They went hiking by .

A doesn’t have to 12 A: Do you like our roof garden?

B mustn’t B: It’s amazing. Did you do it all by ?

C can’t 13 A: When is Nick going camping?

3 In Australia, you drive on the left side of the road. B: Why don’t you ask him ?

A can 14 A: I like your tree house, Fred!

B must B: Thanks, I built it by .

C has to 15 A: This poor little bird fell out of the tree.

4 Adam to do a maths test tomorrow. B: Oh, I hope it didn’t hurt .

A can 16 A: Who put up the tent?

B has B: James did. He put it up .

C must 8
5 You talk in the library because people are trying
to study.
Task 3
A mustn’t
Complete the sentences with one or two words. Use modal
B can’t verbs for rules, reflexive pronouns and it’s, there is and
C don’t have to there are.
6 a lake in the middle of the forest. 17 cloudy. I think a storm is coming.
A It’s 18 You go there at night – it’s dangerous.
B There’s 19 Oh, no! I think a bee in the house.
C There are 20 Leo doesn’t get a new phone –
7 I love going to the countryside because so quiet there. he found the one he lost.
A there is 21 Tony be at school at nine o’clock.
B it has 22 My sister Julia prefers to go jogging by .
C it’s 23 too many people at the beach today –
8 a lot of animals on my uncle’s farm. we have nowhere to sit.
A There are 24 The girls want to plan the holiday .
B There is 25 I go to a summer camp this
year, Dad?
C It is

 Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019 69
M01 Gold XP A2+ TRB Tests 94486.indd 69 04/03/2019 12:20
A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Choose the correct answer.
Task 1 42 The people travelling on the ferry boat were pleasantly
The letters of the words in bold are mixed up. surprised to see in the sea.
Write them correctly. A foxes
26 The dogs that help farmers to look after their sheep are B dolphins
very verlec. They understand their job and they do it well. C lions
43 Birds have to move their up and down very quickly to fly.
27 Wolves are wild dogs and they have very phars teeth that A wings
can hurt you badly.
B feathers
28 Gorillas are strong and they have very eowrflup arms.
C fur
29 It was a cold rainy night and the streets were tempy – 44 A: Why don’t we go fishing?
no one wanted to be outside in such bad weather. B: Yes, that good.
A looks
30 The sky was lacer last night – there were no clouds and B sounds
we could see all the stars.
C feels
31 Lions are very lodu – you can hear them from very far away
45 In the rainforest, there are dangerous snakes that can you!
when they roar.
A bite
32 My sister likes to draw lofulcour pictures of red and yellow
flowers and green trees. B hunt
33 People who are inbdl have special dogs that can see for C jump
them and take them where they have to go. 46 Although are birds, they can’t fly, but they swim very well.
A butterflies
B penguins
C monkeys
Task 2 47 are very important because they produce honey.
Match 34–41 with A–H to make sentences.
A Wolves
34 Pets are lucky because they don’t have to hunt B Bats
35 I’m not going to swim – the water feels C Bees
36 The dog chased the cat and it climbed 48 The sun is so hot! Let’s sit under a tree – it’ll be there.
37 These birds catch fish by diving A peaceful
38 We watched the frog as it jumped B cool
39 That cat fell out of the tree, but it landed C bright
40 The flowers in my grandmother’s garden look 49 Elephants are . Did you know some weigh more than
41 I’d like to try bungee jumping – it seems 5,000 kilograms?
A from rock to rock in the lake. A huge
B very exciting. B wild
C up a tree very quickly. C friendly
D on its feet. 50 It was in the forest – we didn’t hear any animals.
E for their food. A social
F into the sea. B bright
G very pretty. C silent
H cold. 9
Total: 50

70 Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019
M01 Gold XP A2+ TRB Tests 94486.indd 70 04/03/2019 12:20
A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


You are going to listen to a recording about cities. Listen to the whole recording once. Then you will hear the recording again
with pauses for you to write down what you hear. Make sure you spell the words correctly.


Task 1
You are going to listen to six conversations. For questions 1–6, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best according
to what you hear.
1 What was the weather like last weekend? 4 Where does the girl go swimming?


2 Where will they camp? 5 What does the girl enjoy doing the most?


3 When will they arrive in the countryside? 6 What did the boy forget to take with him on his trip?



Task 2
Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
7 The boy’s mum told him where his bottle was.
8 Apples are the girl’s favourite snack.

Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019 71
M01 Gold XP A2+ TRB Tests 94486.indd 71 04/03/2019 12:20
A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Task 1
Read the article and choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.
9 People who live in cities like to spend time in
A traffic.
B green spaces only.
C parks or squares.
D parks far from the city.
10 What is the purpose of a square?
A to replace a park
B to bring people together
C to have shops and cafés
D to be a quiet place for people to relax
11 How did Julia feel about Xinghai Square?
A She didn’t believe it was really that big.
B She thought it was a good place to play football.
C She admired the tall buildings.
D She enjoyed exploring it on foot.
12 What could people do at both the ancient Agora and the Forum?
A go shopping
B talk about politics
C watch a play
D see tourists
13 In the UK, the village green
A is a small square.
B has a long history.
C is where animals still feed.
D can only be used by locals.
14 What is the writer doing in the final paragraph?
A telling people where they can meet locals
B describing how people lived in the past
C explaining which events are celebrated in the UK
D recommending a place for visitors to see


Task 2
Read the article again and answer the question in your own words.
15 What can visitors to Xinghai Square see and do there?

Total: 50

72 Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019
M01 Gold XP A2+ TRB Tests 94486.indd 72 04/03/2019 12:20
A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


In the heart of the city

Julia Bland, an architecture student, talks about public squares.

Big cities are busy, crowded and full of traffic. Public spaces have been around for
City people like to go to parks. Even though thousands of years. The ancient Greeks called
they’re still in the city, it feels like they’re far theirs the ‘Agora’. It was an open area in the
away from the traffic and chaos. But there most central part of the city where people
are also public squares where they can relax. bought food, did business and discussed
Squares aren’t green spaces. In fact, they’re the politics. The Romans called their public
opposite because they’re usually surrounded space the ‘Forum’ and it had shops, markets
by shops and cafés. However, they’re very and theatres. The ancient sites in Athens
important because they’re social spaces. and Rome still exist, though, these days,
People go there to meet their friends, have they’re full of tourists, not shoppers and
a coffee or a meal, maybe to shop at an open shopkeepers! But if you go there, you can get
market or see a concert. an idea of how the ancients lived.

A few years ago, I visited China and while Even villages have a public area where the
I was there I went to Xinghai Square in the local people can meet. It might be a small
city of Dalian. I couldn’t believe the size of the square or an actual grassy area that is known
square – it’s 1,760,000 square metres, which is as the ‘village green’ in the UK. Hundreds
about the size of 243 Wembley football fields! of years ago, people took their animals to
In fact, it’s the largest square in the world. eat the grass on the green. It was also used to
Most people in Dalian live in tall buildings celebrate important events such as May Day –
and they really need a place where they can in many places, it still is. If you’re ever in the
be outside and enjoy themselves. The square UK, don’t miss the opportunity to visit one
is by the sea and there are amusement parks, of these beautiful little villages. You’ll be really
shopping malls and museums. It took me glad you did!
hours to walk all the way along it, but it was
a cool experience!

Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019 73
M01 Gold XP A2+ TRB Tests 94486.indd 73 04/03/2019 12:20
A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


You are going to listen to a recording about cities. Listen to the whole recording once. Then you will hear the recording again
with pauses for you to write down what you hear. Make sure you spell the words correctly.


Task 1
You are going to listen to six conversations. For questions 1–6, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best according
to what you hear.
1 What will the weather be like on Saturday? 4 Where will the girl not swim?


2 Where are the boys going to camp? 5 Which activity does the girl like best?


3 When will they catch the bus? 6 What was the boy looking for?



Task 2
Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
7 The boy called his mum from the village.
8 The girl believes she is a very good painter.

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A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Task 1
Read the article and choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.
9 Where can people who live in cities relax?
A in parks far from the city
B in parks or squares
C in green spaces only
D in traffic
10 Why are public squares important?
A They bring people together.
B They are a quiet place for people to relax.
C They can replace parks.
D They have shops and cafés.
11 How did Julia feel about Xinghai Square?
A She was happy that people had somewhere to go.
B She didn’t believe it was the biggest in the world.
C She had a good time exploring the place.
D She thought it took too long to see it all.
12 What can people do now at both the ancient Agora and the Forum?
A watch a play
B learn about the past
C talk about politics
D go shopping
13 The village greens in the UK
A have been a part of life for many years.
B are squares with grass in the centre.
C are only used for important events.
D are full of animals.
14 What is the writer doing in the final paragraph?
A telling us where some villages are
B giving details about important celebrations
C encouraging visitors to see a place
D explaining how locals lived in the past


Task 2
Read the article again and answer the question in your own words.
15 What can city people do in a square?

Total: 50

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In the heart of the city

Julia Bland, an architecture student, talks about public squares.

Big cities are busy, crowded and full of traffic. Public spaces have been around for
City people like to go to parks. Even though thousands of years. The ancient Greeks
they’re still in the city, it feels like they’re far called theirs the ‘Agora’. It was an open area
away from the traffic and chaos. But there in the most central part of the city where
are also public squares where they can relax. people bought food, did business and
Squares aren’t green spaces. In fact, they’re the discussed politics. The Romans called their
opposite because they’re usually surrounded public space the ‘Forum’ and it had shops,
by shops and cafés. However, they’re very markets and theatres. The ancient sites in
important because they’re social spaces. Athens and Rome still exist, though, these
People go there to meet their friends, have days, they’re full of tourists, not shoppers
a coffee or a meal, maybe to shop at an open and shopkeepers! But if you go there, you
market or see a concert. can get an idea of how the ancients lived.

A few years ago, I visited China and while Even villages have a public area where the
I was there I went to Xinghai Square in the local people can meet. It might be a small
city of Dalian. I couldn’t believe the size of the square or an actual grassy area that is known
square – it’s 1,760,000 square metres, which is as the ‘village green’ in the UK. Hundreds
about the size of 243 Wembley football fields! of years ago, people took their animals to
In fact, it’s the largest square in the world. eat the grass on the green. It was also used to
Most people in Dalian live in tall buildings celebrate important events such as May Day –
and they really need a place where they can in many places, it still is. If you’re ever in the
be outside and enjoy themselves. The square UK, don’t miss the opportunity to visit one
is by the sea and there are amusement parks, of these beautiful little villages. You’ll be really
shopping malls and museums. It took me glad you did!
hours to walk all the way along it, but it was
a cool experience!

76 Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019
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Task 1
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 He’s the chef who / which is on the TV cooking show.
2 The thing who / which I like most about this café is the free Wi-Fi!
3 Cooking is something who / which I really enjoy doing.
4 Penny is the girl with red hair who / which is sitting in the corner.
5 A difficult dish who / which I know how to make is paella.
6 If you want to learn how to cook, the person who / which can teach you is Grandma.
7 Chris is a friend of mine who / which is training to become a chef.
8 This is the cookbook who / which I bought last week.
9 Are you someone who / which loves fast food or do you prefer healthy food?
10 Here are some easy recipes who / which you can cook at home.


Task 2
Complete the text with who or which.

The history of pasta

Pasta is one of the most popular foods (11) you can eat. You can find it in any supermarket and it’s cheap.
There are a lot of people (12) make fresh pasta at home, too. The ingredients (13) you need
are flour, salt and eggs or water.

Nearly every country has its own kind of pasta. In Italy, some of the different kinds of pasta (14) they have
are spaghetti, lasagne and fettucine. In Germany and Hungary they cook spaetzle. In Poland, they eat pierogi
(15) are very similar to Italian ravioli.

Many people believe that it was the Chinese (16) invented the first kind of pasta. Marco Polo was the
Italian explorer (17) brought the idea of pasta to Europe, from China, in the 13th century.

During the 1800s and 1900s, many Italians went to America, Canada and Australia to start a new life. They were the ones
(18) made pasta a common food in those countries and around the world.

Task 3
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in bold.
19 Be careful! You need to mix the flour and the water very .
20 Pizza is so easy to make. Anyone can make it quite at home.
21 Gordon Ramsay is a very good chef. He’s famous because he cooks very .
22 Owning a restaurant is hard. You have to work and be there every day.
23 The waiters here are quick. After you order your meal, they bring it to you .
24 Why is the chef so rude? I can hear him speaking to the kitchen workers.
25 She makes beautiful cakes and she decorates them .

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2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Task 1
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
26 Chips are crispy / burned – you make a lot of noise when you eat them!
27 I always make a mess when I eat oranges because they’re so raw / juicy.
28 The old man hasn’t got many teeth so he can only eat soft / hard foods.
29 The chef cooked the meat for too long and it was fried / dry.
30 My grandma doesn’t like sweet / roast tea, so she doesn’t put any sugar in it.
31 I don’t eat hard / salty food very often because it isn’t good for my health.
32 This pizza is really cooked / tasty. Can I have another slice, please?
33 I don’t know anyone who eats lemons – they’re too sour / spicy!

Task 2
Complete the sentences with these words. There are four extra words that you do not need to use.

butter curry jam lemons marshmallow paella pasta popcorn sushi toast tortillas yoghurt

34 We went to a traditional Spanish restaurant for dinner and we ate .

35 That Mexican restaurant makes the best in town.
36 I have a great recipe for an Indian dish that I found online.
37 Instead of ice cream, why don’t we have some healthy with fruit?
38 The pizzas and at that restaurant are made using traditional Italian recipes.
39 Let’s go to a Japanese restaurant and have some for lunch.
40 Have we got any bread? I want to make some for breakfast.
41 We always get a big bucket of when we go to the cinema and we eat it while we watch the film.

Task 3
Complete the words in the conversations.
42 A: Is Liz is v _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _?
B: Yes, she is. She doesn’t eat meat, f _ _ _ or c _ _ _ _ _ _.
43 A: I love this fast food restaurant. The b _ _ _ _ _ _ are really tasty.
B: The f _ _ _ _ are my favourite. I always get the large size!
44 A: That French restaurant is very e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
B: I know. A meal there costs a f _ _ _ _ _ _.
45 A: Where can we eat that’s cheap? I’m a bit s _ _ _ _ of money this week.
B: There’s a p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at the local pizza restaurant – buy one pizza and get a second for half price.

Total: 50

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2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Task 1
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 This is the cooking show who / which I watch every week.
2 At the cooking school, the teacher who / which is the best is Mrs Jones.
3 The waiter who / which brought us our food was very friendly.
4 This is usually a good restaurant, but the dish who / which I had today was awful.
5 Is that the boy from your class who / which works at a fast food restaurant?
6 I like to feed the animals who / which my uncle has on his farm.
7 Mozzarella is the cheese who / which you put on a pizza.
8 Do you know anyone who / which has eaten snails?
9 This isn’t the café who / which makes the best sandwiches in town.
10 I know someone who / which writes reviews about restaurants.


Task 2
Complete the text with who or which.

The history of pasta

People (11) love Italian food eat a lot of pasta! It’s a food (12) doesn’t cost a lot to buy
and you can get it at any shop or supermarket. Anyone (13) has made pasta at home says it’s very easy.
Flour, salt and eggs or water are the only things (14) you need. This freshly made pasta only takes a few
minutes to cook.

Most countries have their own type of pasta. The kinds (15) are popular in Italy include spaghetti,
lasagna and fettucine. In Hungary and Germany they call theirs spaetzle. In Poland, it’s called pierogi, and is very similar
to Italian ravioli.

It was the Chinese (16) invented the first kind of pasta, many hundreds of years ago. In the West we
call Chinese pasta ‘noodles’. Many people believe it was the Italian explorer Marco Polo (17) introduced
pasta to Europe in the 13th century, after visiting China.

Much later, in the 19th and 20th centuries, Italians went to America, Canada and Australia to begin new lives.
It was their arrival in these countries (18) made pasta popular around the world.

Task 3
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in bold.
19 The waiters here are slow. They always work .
20 I’m always polite to the customers. I speak to them .
21 The chairs in this café are so comfortable. Are you sitting ?
22 Why are you so noisy in the kitchen? You always cook !
23 He’s not a fast walker, but he has to walk today or he’ll be late for work.
24 Be careful with the glasses! Wash them so that you don’t break them.
25 My aunt is a good cook. She cooks and we always look forward to eating at her house.

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2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Task 1
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
26 This meat isn’t cooked /raw. It’s still red inside.
27 You can’t eat bread that’s more than a few days old – it’s too sour / hard.
28 The dish was so spicy / sweet that my face turned red and I needed to drink a lot of water!
29 I’m sorry! I forgot the cake in the oven and it’s salty / burned!
30 You can put raw / fast vegetables like tomatoes and onions in a salad.
31 On Sunday, we had soft / roast chicken with potatoes for lunch. It was delicious!
32 After I went to the dentist, I could only eat soft / crispy food for a few days.
33 I sometimes have sour / fried eggs for breakfast.

Task 2
Complete the sentences with these words. There are four extra words that you do not need to use.

burger chilli curry fries kebabs lemons marshmallows peanuts pineapples scones steak sushi

34 are my favourite fruit because they’re sweet and juicy.

35 I cooked my well because I didn’t want it to be raw.
36 Cathy ordered a because she loves fast food.
37 It’s east to make Turkish at home – you just put pieces of meat on sticks and cook them.
38 I love the hot chocolate drink at this café because they put lots of sweet on top.
39 When I visited Tokyo, I learnt to make , a traditional Japanese dish.
40 In Britain, people like to eat with jam and cream.
41 My favourite dishes are Mexican because there’s a lot of in them, which makes them very spicy!

Task 3
Complete the words in the conversations.
42 A: How about we go to the p _ _ – _ _ café for coffee?
B: OK, and let’s have something sweet too, like a c _ _ _ _ _ _.
43 A: Let’s find a place that doesn’t c _ _ _ a fortune for lunch.
B: OK. There’s a fast food c _ _ _ _ near here that has a special p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . We can get free fries with our meal.
44 A: Shall I make some t _ _ _ _ for breakfast? There’s enough bread for us both.
B: Yes, please. But don’t put any b _ _ _ _ _ on mine – I prefer it without.
45 A: I don’t want to go to an e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ restaurant for dinner.
B: Neither do I because I’m short of m _ _ _ _ this week. Let’s cook at home.

Total: 50

80 Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019
M01 Gold XP A2+ TRB Tests 94486.indd 80 04/03/2019 12:20
A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


You are going to listen to a recording about a type of TV
show. Listen to the whole recording once. Then you will hear Task 1
the recording again with pauses for you to write down what You are going to listen to people talking in six different
you hear. Make sure you spell the words correctly. situations. For questions 1–6, choose the answer (A, B or C)
which fits best according to what you hear.

1 You will hear a girl and her father talking about a restaurant.
 Why can’t the girl eat paella?
A It isn’t a vegetarian dish.

B She doesn’t like chicken.

C It isn’t very tasty.
 2 You will hear a woman explaining a recipe for a cake.
What do you need to make the cake?

A something you usually cook on
 B something you usually eat your food on

 C something you usually drink from

3 You will hear a girl ordering food at a fast food restaurant.

 What does she buy?

 A a burger, fries and a drink

B a burger and fries

C a burger and a drink

4 You will hear a boy talking to his sister. Why doesn’t he
 10 feel well?
A He ate too much.
B He’s very ill.
C He ate bad food.

5 You will hear a woman and a man talking about what to eat.
What will they do?
A order a takeaway meal
B go to a restaurant
C eat at home

6 You will hear a girl and boy talking about some biscuits
he cooked. What happened to the biscuits?
A They burnt while he was doing his homework.
B They were in the oven for too long.
C He threw them out because they smelled bad.


Task 2
Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

7 The boy tried to get rid of the smell.

8 The boy’s friend is going to have a party.

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A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Task 1
Read the article. Choose from the sentences (A–J) the one which fits each gap (9–14). There are four extra
sentences which you do not need to use.

A And, in France, it is not allowed on public transport – just like durian in Singapore.

B If it was, passengers on trains and buses would complain.

C Most people buy it at food markets around the country.

D Perhaps you don’t like the taste or the smell of a certain food.

E They weren’t sure how to describe the taste.

F However, most people agree that it tastes better than it smells.

G Of course, the older cheeses have stronger smells than the younger ones.

H An unpleasant smell tells us that something is bad and shouldn’t be eaten.

I Sweet foods such as ice cream and chocolate are the most popular.

J Lots of gases develop in the tins and this can be dangerous.


Task 2
Read the article again and answer the question in your own words.

15 Why do some children not enjoy eating vegetables?

Total: 50

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2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Smelly foods!
We all have our favourite foods, and we also Cheese is another food that can be quite
have foods that we don’t like at all! (9) smelly. Napoleon Bonaparte’s favourite
Children, for example, often don’t like eating cheese, Époisses, is famous for its strong
vegetables. But that’s probably because they smell. (13) Another French cheese,
would rather eat something tastier like pizza! Vieux-Boulogne, was found to be the smelliest
in the world. It was chosen by a group of
When it comes to what we eat, smell is very human testers and an ‘electronic nose’ at
important. (10) However, did you know a UK university. The machine analysed the
that there are very smelly foods that some different chemical smells from the cheese and
people love to eat? rated it as the worst smelling.

One of these is the durian, which is the Finally, let’s talk about surströmming, a fish
smelliest fruit in the world. It has such a dish from northern Sweden that smells like
strong smell that it’s not allowed on public rotten eggs, vinegar and bad butter. The fish is
transport in Singapore. (11) Even taxis kept in barrels for a few months, then put into
have signs to let passengers know they cannot tins before being sold. (14) For this reason,
travel with the fruit. some airlines do not allow passengers to carry
the tins because they could explode. It’s best
People find it difficult to describe the taste to open the tin in water, wash the fish well
and the smell of durian. There is no food in and eat it outdoors. Otherwise, your house
the world that you can compare it to. Many won’t smell very pleasant.
who have smelled it describe it as ‘old socks’
or ‘rubbish’. (12) It’s very creamy and If you want to experience some truly unusual
if you can forget about the smell, is quite flavours, try these unique foods!
pleasant to eat.

Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019 83
M01 Gold XP A2+ TRB Tests 94486.indd 83 04/03/2019 12:52
A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


You are going to listen to a recording about a type of TV
show. Listen to the whole recording once. Then you will hear Task 1
the recording again with pauses for you to write down what You are going to listen to people talking in six different
you hear. Make sure you spell the words correctly. situations. For questions 1–6, choose the answer (A, B or C)
which fits best according to what you hear.

1 You will hear a girl and her father talking about a restaurant.
 Why can’t the girl eat paella?
A She doesn’t like vegetables.

B It contains something she can’t eat.

C She doesn’t think it’s a tasty dish.
 2 You will hear a woman explaining a recipe for a cake.
What do you need to make the cake?

A sugar
 B eggs

 C chocolate

3 You will hear a girl ordering food at a fast food restaurant.

 What does she buy?

 A small fries
B regular fries

C large fries

4 You will hear a boy talking to his sister. Why does his
 10 stomach hurt?
A He’s seriously ill.
B He had a lot of food.
C He drank too much lemonade.

5 You will hear a woman and a man talking about what to eat.
What does the man enjoying eating the most?
A pasta
B curry
C sushi

6 You will hear a girl and boy talking about some biscuits
he cooked. Why were the biscuits burnt?
A He forgot to check them.
B He was doing his homework.
C He was getting ready for a party.


Task 2
Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

7 The boy didn’t keep any of the biscuits.

8 The boy called his friend Maddy.

84  Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019
M01 Gold XP A2+ TRB Tests 94486.indd 84 04/03/2019 12:20
A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Task 1
Read the article. Choose from the sentences (A–J) the one which fits each gap (9–14). There are four extra
sentences which you do not need to use.

A For this reason, some airlines do not allow passengers to carry the tins because they could explode.

B Children, for example, often don’t like eating vegetables.

C It was chosen by a group of human testers and an ‘electronic nose’ at a UK university.

D For a lot of people in Asia, the fruit is too expensive to buy.

E Many who have smelled it describe it as ‘old socks’ or ‘rubbish’.

F Certainly cheese has to be one of the smelliest foods.

G It has such a strong smell that it’s not allowed on public transport in Singapore.

H But of all the fish, this one is the best known.

I However, did you know that there are very smelly foods that some people love to eat?

J I wonder why it’s sold in supermarkets around the country.


Task 2
Read the article again and answer the question in your own words.

15 Why is smell important?

Total: 50

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M01 Gold XP A2+ TRB Tests 94486.indd 85 04/03/2019 12:20
A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Smelly foods!
We all have our favourite foods, and we Cheese is another food that can be quite
also have foods that we don’t like at all! smelly. Époisses cheese is famous for its
Perhaps you don’t like the taste or the smell strong smell. And, in France, it is not allowed
of a certain food. (9) But that’s probably on public transport – just like durian in
because they would rather eat something Singapore. Another French cheese,
tastier like pizza! Vieux-Boulogne, was found to be the
smelliest in the world. (13) The machine
When it comes to what we eat, smell is very analysed the different chemical smells from
important. An unpleasant smell tells us that the cheese and rated it as the worst smelling.
something is bad and shouldn’t be eaten.
(10) Finally, let’s talk about surströmming, a fish
dish from northern Sweden that smells like
One of these is the durian, which is the rotten eggs, vinegar and bad butter. The fish
smelliest fruit in the world. (11) If it is kept in barrels for a few months, then
was, passengers on trains and buses would put into tins before being sold. Lots of gases
complain. Even taxis have signs to let develop in the tins and this can be dangerous.
passengers know they cannot travel with (14) It’s best to open the tin in water, wash
the fruit. the fish well and eat it outdoors. Otherwise,
your house won’t smell very pleasant.
People find it difficult to describe the taste
and the smell of durian. There is no food in If you want to experience some truly unusual
the world that you can compare it to. (12) flavours, try these unique foods!
However, most people agree that it tastes better
than it smells. It’s very creamy and if you can
forget about the smell, is quite pleasant to eat.

86 Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019
M01 Gold XP A2+ TRB Tests 94486.indd 86 04/03/2019 12:20
A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Task 1
Complete the sentences with the present perfect simple form of the verbs in brackets.
1 I (buy) some nice T-shirts and shorts 5 We (find) a good place to stay in
for my summer holiday. France for the summer.
2 Sally loves adventure holidays and she 6 The rain that we had during the night
(decide) to go on another one this year. (delay) all of the buses.
3 The girls (not try) mountain biking, 7 I (not speak) with Kim today.
but they’re looking forward to it. Do you know where she is?
4 (Tom / go) to the airport with Dad 8 (they / see) this travel show
to wait for Milly? about China?

Task 2
Complete the conversations with these words. You will need to use one word twice.

already ​
ever ​
for ​
just ​
never ​
since ​
yet ​

9 A: I’ve stayed in an expensive hotel, but I’d 13 A: Has your brother been water skiing on his holiday?
like to. What about you? B: No, he hasn’t done any water sports .
B: No, I haven’t, but I think it would be great. 14 A: How long have you known Kelly?
10 A: Who were you talking to on the phone? B: We’ve been friends the fourth grade.
B: My friend Holly. She’s invited me to her 15 A: Hi, Alex. What are you doing outside the cinema?
end-of-year party!
B: I’m waiting for Sam and I’ve been here
11 A: Has it snowed on this island? half an hour!
B: Actually, it has, but it was a very long time ago. 16 A: Have the art classes started ?
12 A: Are you excited about going to summer camp next month? B: No, there’s still time to sign up if you want to join.
B: Yes. In fact, I’ve packed my backpack!

Task 3
Complete the email with the present perfect simple form of the verbs in brackets.

From: Jake

To: Ellie

Hi Ellie,
Here I am in Crete! We arrived last week and we (17) (already see) and done so much.
The beaches are amazing – I (18) (never swim) in such clear warm water. The sun
(19) (shine) every day and we (20) (spend) all our time outdoors.
It (21) (not rain) once!
Oh, and the food is fantastic! (22) (you ever eat) Greek food? It’s delicious! My sister
(23) (not stop) eating cheese pies. In fact, she (24) (just have)
another one!
I hope you’re having fun at your adventure camp. (25) (you / make) lots of friends?
Write soon,

 Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019 87
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2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Complete the words in the sentences.
Task 1 41 I had nowhere to sit on the bus this morning because there
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. were so many p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

26 Millions of guests / tourists visit Paris every year. 42 This is an excellent g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ – it’s got so much
useful information.
27 I’d like a return fare / ticket to Bristol, please.
43 The c _ _ _ _ _ _ o _ _ _ _ _ _ at the airport asked us if we
28 Have you booked / closed your accommodation yet? had any food in our bags.
29 I’m writing about my holiday in my guidebook / diary. 44 To enter some countries, you need to have a passport
and a v _ _ _ .
30 The bus stopped sudden / suddenly and I nearly fell over.
45 There is a c _ _ _ _ _ of two different rooms at the
31 Let’s make / take a boat trip at the weekend – the weather
hotel – one has a view of the beach and the other is next
will be very nice, I think.
to the garden.
32 Before we get on the plane, we have to go through /
46 There are a lot of people waiting on the p _ _ _ _ _ _ _
go on security.
for the train to arrive.
33 My cousins caught / went the train at ten o’clock
47 Horse riding doesn’t look easy. In fact, it seems very
this morning.
c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , but I want to learn one day.
48 I’m travelling alone and I’d like a s _ _ _ _ _ room for three
nights, please.
Task 2
49 It’s very sunny today, so I’ll need to wear my s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Match the sentences (34–40) with (A–G).
when I drive.
34 I’m going to a tennis camp this summer. 50 Hello. My name’s John Smith. I have a b _ _ _ _ _ _ for
a double room.
35 You don’t need to call the hotel.
36 My friends are going on a long journey.

37 Alex has a great idea for a new sport. Total: 50

38 You don’t have to pay the full fare.

39 You must show your ID before you travel.

40 We have to go to reception first.

A They’re travelling through Africa.

B That’s where we’ll get our room key.

C You’re under eighteen so it’s less for you.

D I need to improve my skills.

E Usually, that means a passport.

F He wants to develop water volleyball!

G You can make a reservation online.

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A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Task 1
Complete the sentences with the present perfect simple form of the verbs in brackets.
1 My sister (read) Travels With My Aunt 5 (she / keep) the postcards that
and she loves it. I sent her?
2 Oh no! I think I (lose) my keys. I can’t 6 It’s noisy outside the hotel at night and we
find them anywhere. (not sleep) well.
3 We (not meet) the manager 7 What (you / do) today?
of the hotel. 8 The bad weather (delay) all of the
4 (Lou / take) a taxi to the airport? flights at the airport.

Task 2
Complete the conversations with these words. You will need to use one word twice.

already ​
ever ​
for ​
just ​
never ​
since ​
yet ​

9 A: How long have the boys been at the beach? 13 A: I’m excited to see my friends. They’ve
B: They’ve been there hours! come back from their holiday.
10 A: Is Marco having skiing lessons? B: Where did they go?
B: Yes, he is, and he’s improved. 14 A: I love Rome! We’ve been to so many wonderful places.
11 A: Helen has travelled in a plane. B: Have you visited the Colosseum ?
B: I know. She’s scared of flying. 15 A: How long have the Smiths lived here?
12 A: Are you going to a summer camp this year? B: They’ve lived here 2012.
B: I’m not sure. I haven’t decided . 16 A: Have you been to a water park?
B: No, I haven’t. Have you?

Task 3
Complete the email with the present perfect simple form of the verbs in brackets.

From: Lily

To: Ben

Hi Ben,
I’m writing to you from the Greek island of Rhodes! We arrived a few days ago and we (17)
(already explore) a lot of the island. The beaches are incredible – I (18) (never see) such
clear blue water. It (19) (be) hot and sunny every day, so we (20)
(not stay) indoors at all. Our hotel is in the oldest part of the island and it’s got a lot of history –
we (21) (visit) an amazing museum too.
The food is great! (22) (you ever have) octopus? I tried it yesterday. It’s a bit unusual, but I really
like it. My sister loves the Greek yoghurt – she (23) (eat) it every morning at breakfast.
Are you having a good time in Scotland? I hope it (24) (not rain)! (25)
(you / take) any photos? Please send me some!
Bye for now,

 Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019 89
M01 Gold XP A2+ TRB Tests 94486.indd 89 04/03/2019 12:20
A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Complete the words in the sentences.
Task 1 41 Every summer, thousands of t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ come to
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. this island.

26 There are seats for fifty passengers / guests on this bus. 42 The train to Manchester leaves from p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ four
in ten minutes.
27 Excuse me. How much does a full fare / ticket cost?
43 I always wear f _ _ _ f _ _ _ _ when I go to the beach.
28 Hello. I’d like to book / make a reservation for two
nights, please. 44 At night, before I go to sleep, I write about my day
in my d _ _ _ _.
29 According to the diary / guidebook, the museum is open
every day. 45 That hotel is very popular. You need a b _ _ _ _ _ _ to stay
there – you can’t just walk in and ask for a room.
30 It final / finally stopped raining on the last day of our holiday!
46 We use a website called WorldHotels4U to find
31 They went on / took a very long journey across Canada. a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ before we go on holiday.
32 When you arrive at the hotel, go to / go through 47 At c _ _ _ _ _ _, there are signs that tell you what you’re
reception first. not allowed to bring on the plane.
33 We must leave now or we won’t catch / get our flight. 48 We stayed in two d _ _ _ _ _ rooms – one for my parents
8 and one for me and my sister.

49 Do I need a v _ _ _ to visit the USA, or just my passport?

Task 2 50 You have a c _ _ _ _ _ of twenty different activities at our
Match the sentences (34–40) with (A–G). summer camp.

34 What happens when you go through security? 10

35 Let’s go to the mountains this weekend.

Total: 50
36 Tanya wants to develop a new game.

37 Should we buy return tickets to London?

38 We need to book a hotel soon.

39 I’m not very good at drawing

40 Can you show me your ID, please?

A Good idea. It’s been ages since we took a trip.

B Really? Is it going to be like Monopoly?

C Of course. Here’s my passport.

D I know, I’m looking for one with a swimming pool.

E They check your passport.

F You can improve if you have lessons.

G Yes, it’s cheaper to buy a ticket to go there and come back.

90 Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019
M01 Gold Experience A2P TRB Global 94486.indd 90 27/05/19 8:19 AM
A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


You are going to listen to a recording about holidays in
space. Listen to the whole recording once. Then you will Task 1
hear the recording again with pauses for you to write down You are going to listen to a radio interview with a boy
what you hear. Make sure you spell the words correctly. called Adam who travelled around the world with his family.
For questions 1–6, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits

best according to what you hear.
 1 What problem did the family have when they were planning
their trip?

A They wanted to visit a lot of foreign countries.
 B It was a difficult trip to plan for four people.
C They couldn’t agree where to go.

2 Why did they choose the round-the-world ticket?

A It was cheaper than flying to Australia.
 B It allowed them to see more countries.

 C There was a lot of information online.

3 What was surprising about Japan?

A the difference between life in the city and the countryside
 B how modern Tokyo was

 C the traditions in the countryside

4 Why did they stay in Australia for two weeks?

A They explored all the amazing beaches.
B Adam wanted to spend more time surfing.
C It took time to go from one place to another.

5 Why were they lucky when they visited the desert in Chile?
A They saw the flowers in the desert.
B They experienced the driest place on earth.
C It started raining while they were there.

6 In which country did they spend the most time?

A Japan
B the USA
C Australia


Task 2
Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

7 Adam’s family visited Japan, Australia, Chile and the USA.

8 Adam was looking forward to swimming in Australia.

 Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019 91
M01 Gold XP A2+ TRB Tests 94486.indd 91 04/03/2019 12:20
A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Task 1
Read the article. Decide which club (A–H) would be the most suitable for the young people (9–14).
Liam enjoys being outdoors and he’s keen to try something unusual that he’s never done before. He’d like to
do a group activity such as a team sport that will help him to get fit too.
Alice doesn’t have much free time because she’s got a part-time job in a shop this summer. However, she
wants to do something for fun in the free time that she has. She’s thinking about learning a useful skill that
is also creative.
Jason likes outdoor activities. He’s done mountain biking before and he loved it because it was challenging.
This summer, he’d like to try a different sport. If he gets to a good level, he’d like to continue with the sport.
Kate enjoys doing puzzles and watching films. This summer, she’d like to do a group activity that isn’t
a sport, and which also doesn’t cost much. She loves talking about different topics with her friends.
Simon has just moved to the town and he would like to make some friends before school starts. He’d like
to join a club that is popular with lots of teenagers. He’s interested in all kinds of new technology. He’s free
every day.
Monica loves nature and enjoys spending time in the countryside. She’d like to learn more about the
environment and do something to protect it. She also loves spending time with animals and she is
a volunteer at an animal shelter.

Task 2
Read the article again and answer the question in your own words.

15 Which activity is best for people who enjoy adventure? Why?

Total: 50

92 Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019
M01 Gold XP A2+ TRB Tests 94486.indd 92 04/03/2019 12:20
A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Summer clubs
Are you staying at home this summer? You don’t have to go on a holiday
to have fun. We review some popular clubs where you can enjoy activities
with other teenagers.
A Page Turner E Splash
Do you think sport is boring? Are you a thinker not Nothing’s better than being at the beach on a hot
a doer? If your idea of a perfect afternoon is sitting summer’s day, so join in the fun at Splash. You can
down with a good book, then this is the club for you. improve your swimming and learn to scuba dive, sail
Read the classics of world literature and then discuss or ski. Classes are available for beginners, intermediate
them with the other members of the book club. By the and advanced teens. You’ll get a certificate when you
end of the summer, you’ll be a lot smarter! The club successfully complete a level. But the fun doesn’t stop
has its own library so you don’t need to buy anything. when summer ends. Classes continue until November.
Just come to the weekly discussions.
F Data Dudes
B Nature Calls Every day, the Preston Youth Club opens its doors to
When school ends, the best way to enjoy the summer teens from across the area. There are many activities
is outside in the fresh air. So turn off the TV, shut down on offer including sports, art and drama, but be
your computer and join the many happy teens at quick and sign up now if you want to take part in the
Nature Calls – a club for green teens. At the club, you’ll computer classes. They’re enjoyed by many teens who
learn what you can do to help nature and take part in are learning about computer programming. It’s a fun
activities that really make a difference, like cleaning way to meet new people and, who knows, you could
up local beaches and collecting glass, paper and become the next Bill Gates.
aluminium for recycling.
G On the Stage
C Fast and Furious Frisbee Do you have hidden talents? On the Stage, you can
Ultimate Frisbee has been played for over fifty years, but find out! The club has drama lessons for young people.
you probably haven’t heard of it. You can play it on grass This is a great activity for shy teens. They can meet new
with two teams of seven players each, or on the beach people in a friendly place and have a lot of fun acting
with teams of five each. All you need is a frisbee – a flat scenes from well-known films and plays. The club
disc. During a game, the team with the disc throws it to meets every day and, at the end of the summer,
others on their team to score goals. It’s fast and fun, and members give a performance.
you don’t stop running!
H Shake and Bake
D Zip It One day, when you’re older, you’ll have to look after
If excitement and adventure are for you, try zip lining, yourself. You’ll definitely need to cook! At Shake
an activity that combines speed and nature. and Bake, you start with basic dishes like salads and
You’ll slide down the wire faster than you can run. omelettes, and then move on to more challenging
Don’t do it if you’re scared of being in high places! food like cakes. Show your artistic talents and decorate
This is an exciting activity that will put a big smile on a birthday cake for a friend or a member of your family.
your face. The instructors will show you how it’s done They’ll be amazed at what you can do!
and the club provides all the equipment you need.

Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019 93
M01 Gold Experience A2P TRB Global 94486.indd 93 27/05/19 8:19 AM
A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


You are going to listen to a recording about holidays in
space. Listen to the whole recording once. Then you will Task 1
hear the recording again with pauses for you to write down You are going to listen to a radio interview with a boy
what you hear. Make sure you spell the words correctly. called Adam who travelled around the world with his family.
For questions 1–6, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits

best according to what you hear.

1 Why was it difficult for the family to plan their trip?
 A They had different opinions about where to go.
B No one was sure where to go.

C They didn’t like travelling together.

2 What did they find out about round-the-world tickets?
 A It is easier to research them online.

 B The fares are cheaper than flying to the USA.

C They aren’t as expensive as they thought they would be.

3 What surprised Adam about Japan?
 A the modern cities

 B the different ways that people lived

C the buildings in the countryside

4 What was Adam looking forward to doing in Australia?

A surfing
10 B exploring the country
C going to the beaches

5 What was unusual about the desert in Chile when they visited?
A It started raining.
B There were flowers.
C It was very dry.

6 In which country did they spend the least time?

A the USA
B Australia
C Japan


Task 2
Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

7 Adam’s holiday began in Australia and ended in the USA.

8 Adam’s family travelled to New York by car.

94  Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019
M01 Gold XP A2+ TRB Tests 94486.indd 94 04/03/2019 12:20
A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Task 1
Read the article. Decide which club (A–H) would be the most suitable for the young people (9–14).
Liam likes spending time outdoors and he’s interested in trying something unusual that he’s never done
before. He wants to take part in a team sport that will help him to improve his fitness.
Alice is working part-time in a shop this summer so she doesn’t have a lot of free time for activities.
However, she’d like to do something interesting when she isn’t at work. She wants to learn a practical skill
which is also creative.
Jason is a fan of outdoor activities. Last summer he did rock climbing, which he enjoyed because it was
challenging. This year, he’d like to do another sport. If he likes it, he wants to keep doing it and improve.
Kate loves old films, doing quizzes and playing board games. She’s thinking about doing a group
activity that isn’t a sport or other physical activity and is free. She enjoys talking with her friends about
different topics.
Simon is starting at a new school after the summer and he wants to make some friends in the area.
He’s very interested in technology and would like to join a club with lots of other teens who have the
same interest. He’s available every day of the week.
Monica prefers to spend her time in the countryside, enjoying nature. She loves studying plants and
watching birds. Protecting the environment is also very important to her, and she’d like to meet other
young people who share her opinions.

Task 2
Read the article again and answer the question in your own words.

15 Which club does something that helps the local area? What does it do?

Total: 50

Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019 95
M01 Gold XP A2+ TRB Tests 94486.indd 95 04/03/2019 12:20
A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Summer clubs
Are you staying at home this summer? You don’t have to go on a holiday
to have fun. We review some popular clubs where you can enjoy activities
with other teenagers.
A Taste Test E Frisbee Freaks
One day, when you’re older, you’ll have to look after Ultimate Frisbee has been played for over fifty years, but
yourself. You’ll definitely need to cook! At Taste Test, you probably haven’t heard of it. You can play it on grass
you start with basic dishes like salads and omelettes, with two teams of seven players each, or on the beach
and then move on to more challenging food like cakes. with teams of five each. All you need is a frisbee – a flat
Show your artistic talents and decorate a birthday cake disc. During a game, the the team with the disc throws
for a friend or a member of your family. They’ll be it to others on their team to score goals. It’s fast and fun,
amazed at what you can do! and you don’t stop running!

B Read It F Hit the Water

Do you think sport is boring? Are you a thinker not Nothing’s better than being at the beach on a hot
a doer? If your idea of a perfect afternoon is sitting summer’s day, so join in the fun at Hit the Water.
down with a good book, then this is the club for you. You can improve your swimming and learn to scuba
Read the classics of world literature and then discuss dive, sail or ski. Classes are available for beginners,
them with the other members of the book club. By the intermediate and advanced teens. You’ll get a certificate
end of the summer, you’ll be a lot smarter! The club when you successfully complete a level. But the fun
has its own library so you don’t need to buy anything. doesn’t stop when summer ends. Classes continue
Just come to the weekly discussions. until November.

C Green Team G Keyboard Kids

When school ends, the best way to enjoy the summer Every day, the Preston Youth Club opens its doors to
is outside in the fresh air. So turn off the TV, shut down teens from across the area. There are many activities
your computer and join the many happy teens at on offer, including sports, art and drama. But be
Green Team – a club for green teens. At the club, you’ll quick and sign up now if you want to take part in the
learn what you can do to help nature and take part in computer classes! They’re enjoyed by many teens who
activities that really make a difference, like cleaning are learning about computer programming. It’s a fun
up nearby beaches and collecting glass, paper and way to meet new people and, who knows, you could
aluminium for recycling. become the next Bill Gates.

D Whoosh! H Act One

If excitement and adventure are for you, try zip lining, Do you have hidden talents? At Act One, you can find
an activity that combines speed and nature. You’ll slide out! The club has drama lessons for young people.
down the wire faster than you can run. Don’t do it This is a great activity for shy teens. They can meet new
if you’re scared of being in high places! This is an people in a friendly place and have a lot of fun acting
exciting activity that will put a big smile on your face. scenes from well-known films and plays. The club
The instructors will show you how it’s done and the meets every day and, at the end of the summer,
club provides all the equipment you need. members give a performance.

96 Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019
M01 Gold XP A2+ TRB Tests 94486.indd 96 04/03/2019 12:20
A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Complete the second sentence so that that is has a similar
Task 1 meaning to the first sentence using the word given. Do not
change the word given. Use between two and four words,
Complete the zero conditional and first conditional including the word given.
sentences with the verbs in brackets.
17 It’s necessary that we pay for our tickets.
1 When I (play) too many video games,
my eyes (hurt). NEED

2 If you (want) any help, We for our tickets.

(ask) me.
18 I need to use my map app to find the restaurant.
3 Karen (come) to your party if you
(invite) her. IF

4 If we (decide) to go the cinema, I won’t find the restaurant my map app.

we (call) you.
19 Do you want to go swimming?
5 If it (rain) later, we
(not go out). WE

6 If you (mix) yellow and blue, you Shall swimming?

(get) green.
20 Take my old phone if you don’t want to buy a new one.
7 If Jane (call), please
(tell) her to meet me at the café. GIVE

8 When I (arrive) in London tomorrow, If you don’t want to buy a new phone, I
I (send) you a text message. you my old one.

8 21 I tried, but I couldn’t fix my computer.


Task 2 I my computer, but I couldn’t.

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. 22 I’ll leave without them if they’re late.

9 I would prefer to play / playing a sport than a computer WAIT

If they’re late, I for them.
10 Can you imagine to win / winning a lot of money?
23 Eat now or you’ll be hungry later.
11 In the summer holidays, I hate to miss / missing my friends
from school. EAT

12 Did your friends agree to go / going to the beach with If you now, you’ll be hungry later.
you tomorrow?
24 Sam is a good writer and he’s going to become a journalist.
13 I want to speak / speaking to the manager, please.
14 Be careful! It’s important not to drive / driving too fast.
Sam is good and he’s going to
15 He doesn’t mind to get up / getting up early every day! become a journalist.

16 I’m interested in to watch / watching documentaries – 25 If you don’t want to fail your exams, you should study.
you can learn a lot.
You will fail your exams .

 Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019 97
M01 Gold XP A2+ TRB Tests 94486.indd 97 04/03/2019 12:20
A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Match the sentence halves 34–42 with A–I.
Task 1 34 My sister does
Choose the correct answer. 35 I love watching
26 To find the information you need, just a search online. 36 They have
A go 37 You play
B do 38 He’s writing his
C get 39 You should download the
27 We’re going to a sleepover! 40 Let’s go to
A make 41 She needs to charge
B do 42 I’ve arranged
C have A new app.
28 I can’t get a here because we’re in the mountains. B the guitar very well.
A signal C exciting action films.
B Wi-Fi D to meet my friends.
C link E Wi-Fi at this café.
29 Ballet is fun. You should it a go! F ballet at a school.
A make G her battery.
B try H football blog now.
C give I the music festival tomorrow.
30 ‘What are you listening to?’ ‘It’s a new .’
A website
B podcast
C app
Task 3
Complete the sentences with these verbs.
31 I often watch TV shows demand.
A on
do download forget have leave
B in listen to play run out of
C with
32 I’m going to all the files that I don’t need. 43 Can you teach me to chess?
A run out of 44 I a good connection so I can use my
phone here.
B delete
45 This is a fun quiz! You should it.
C charge
46 I’ve memory on my phone.
33 He uses a lot of on his phone.
47 Oh no! Did I my phone at home?
A memories
48 Try not to your username and password!
B links
49 Let’s some tracks to our phones.
C apps
50 We can a live band at the school concert.

Total: 50

98 Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019
M01 Gold XP A2+ TRB Tests 94486.indd 98 04/03/2019 12:20
A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Complete the second sentence so that that is has a similar
Task 1 meaning to the first sentence using the word given. Do not
change the word given. Use between two and four words,
Complete the zero conditional and first conditional including the word given.
sentences with the verbs in brackets.
17 Alex says he’ll become a doctor.
1 If it (be) warm today, we
(go) to the beach. PLANS

2 When you (put) ice in hot water, Alex a doctor.

it (melt).
18 You must remember to call us later.
3 If the boys (want) to eat a pizza,
we (order) one. FORGET

4 He (not finish) his homework if he Please us later.

(play) video games tonight.
19 Do you want to play tennis or basketball?
5 My little sister (cry) when she
(get) upset. RATHER

6 If you (not know) what a word means, Would tennis or basketball?

(check) in a dictionary.
20 If the train isn’t here soon, we’ll be late.
7 If your arm (hurt),
(see) a doctor. ARRIVE

8 Ben and I (visit) lots of museums We’ll be late if the train soon.
if we (travel) to Italy.
21 Hopefully, I can improve my English in London.

Task 2 I my English in London.

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. 22 If you don’t eat good food, you’ll get sick.
9 Do you enjoy to play / playing the piano? IF
10 Ariel is tired of to watch / watching TV. You won’t get sick good food.
11 My mum has promised to buy / buying me a new phone. 23 Finding the answer will be impossible if you don’t
understand the question.
12 Don’t forget to take / taking your umbrella with you today.
13 Thanks for to cook / cooking lunch today, Mark.
If you don’t understand the question, you
14 Nick can’t stand to listen / listening to rap music.
the answer.
15 It’s possible to relax / relaxing in the countryside.
24 He doesn’t think it’s interesting to travel.
16 My brother has decided to start / starting a vlog.
He isn’t .

25 You can’t charge your phone without a charger.


If you , you can’t charge your phone.

 Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019 99
M01 Gold XP A2+ TRB Tests 94486.indd 99 04/03/2019 12:20
A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Match the sentence halves 34–42 with A–I.
Task 1 34 I’m listening to
Choose the correct answer. 35 Let’s download
26 I can’t this quiz. It’s too difficult! 36 I hope you have
A do 37 It isn’t difficult to make
B play 38 I do
C make 39 I need to be quiet, so I’m using
27 Does this cafe free Wi-Fi? 40 He’s often
A give 41 I have to charge
B have 42 Louise will arrange
C get A online in the evening.
28 I’m a very interesting blog for teenagers. B my headphones.
A listening to C a video with your phone.
B watching D a film and watch it later.
C reading E to go out with her friends.
29 Chess is great fun. Why don’t you give it a ? F a good time tonight.
A play G a great song on the radio at the moment.
B go H my phone right now – the battery is dead.
C make I judo every Monday.
30 Do you want to this podcast with me?
A listen to
B watch
C play
Task 3
Complete the sentences with these verbs.
31 We ordered a pizza and watched a TV show demand.
A for
delete do forget get have leave play watch
B at
C on 43 We can find the address of the shop if we
32 He can’t store any more photos on his phone because he a search online.
has memory. 44 For my birthday, I want to a sleepover with
A deleted my friends.
B left 45 I wonder why I can’t a signal on my phone.
C run out of 46 I usually half of the photos that I take.
33 I’ve all the apps I need to my new phone. 47 Don’t your password or you won’t be able
to log in.
A clicked
48 Make sure you don’t your tennis racket
B downloaded
at the club.
C followed
49 It’s fun to travel vlogs and learn about
8 different places.
50 Let’s a board game. How about Scrabble
or Monopoly?

Total: 50

100 Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019
M01 Gold XP A2+ TRB Tests 94486.indd 100 04/03/2019 12:20
A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


You are going to listen to a recording about using social
media. Listen to the whole recording once. Then you will Task 1
hear the recording again with pauses for you to write down You are going to listen to a talk about an event to raise
what you hear. Make sure you spell the words correctly. money for charity. Complete the notes. Write the correct
answer in each gap.

Offline – log off and have fun!
 Offline is an event that lasts for (1)
hours and raises money for charity.

 By joining in the event, young people can have

a (2) from technology.

 The event is planned for two days in the month

of (3) .

 Offline starts and ends at (4)


 The money raised is used to buy (5)

for African schools.

10 Friends, family or (6) in the area can

become sponsors.


Task 2
Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

7 First, students fill in a form and then they find sponsors.

8 The school that raises the most money will receive

a computer.

 Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019 101
M01 Gold XP A2+ TRB Tests 94486.indd 101 04/03/2019 12:20
A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Task 1
Read the article and choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.
9 Max left social media because some companies
A have become very rich.
B had his private information.
C don’t help us to communicate.
D aren’t honest with users.
10 After he deleted the apps, Max
A checked his phone without thinking.
B decided he wanted to use them again.
C thought they were silly.
D received some notifications.
11 Why did Max join social media?
A He hoped people would like him.
B He was copying what other people did.
C He enjoyed writing updates.
D He wanted to get attention.
12 Sally was worried about her exams because she
A couldn’t stop using social media.
B didn’t spend enough time studying.
C wasn’t able to remember information.
D hadn’t deleted the apps on her phone.
13 What happened when Sally stopped using social media?
A She didn’t see her friends.
B She wanted to sleep more.
C She no longer used her phone.
D She rested and studied well.
14 What would be a good introduction to this article?
A Teenagers live their lives on social media. Max and Sally tell us why it’s so important for them to be online.
B Do young people understand how social media can affect their lives? Meet two teenagers who found out and did
something about it.
C Leaving social media isn’t difficult. Max and Sally explain how they did it and how living without it has changed their lives.
D Is social media good or bad for young people? Two teenagers give us their opinions on this important question.


Task 2
Read the article again and answer the question in your own words.
15 How do Max and Sally use social media now?

Total: 50

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A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for



Max, 15 Sally, 14

I read about social My exams were a few

media companies weeks away and it was
that were selling the important for me to work
information of their hard. I had started to
users. It made me angry panic because although
because I hadn’t agreed I was studying every
to that! These huge night, I forgot so much.
companies say their It was really strange!
purpose is to bring people together and make Then my mum suggested something that
communication easier, but actually, we – I didn’t like: to remove the social media apps
the users – are just products that they sell to from my phone. Why? Because I was always
make lots of money. So I deleted my accounts looking at my phone. I just couldn’t pay
and never went back. attention to anything else.

It wasn’t easy, though. For the first few days, I promised my mum I would stop until my
I kept looking at my phone for notifications. exams finished. To be honest, I was afraid to
It was silly because I no longer had the apps! quit social media because I thought I would
That’s when I realised it had become a bad miss out on so many fun things like sharing
habit. I asked myself why I used social media. photos or video links with my friends.
At first, it was because most of my friends were However, some great things happened.
on Facebook. Then, as time passed, I wanted I began to sleep better and I was able to
to be liked. I wrote and rewrote my updates prepare well for my exams without taking
and posts many times, hoping I seemed clever breaks to check my phone. It was a great
or funny to get more attention. The truth is, feeling! Once my exams were over, I went back
we care what people think about us and want on social media, but, now, I control it much
them to like us. Social media makes those better. I only check my phone twice a day.
feelings stronger. When social media starts to
control your life like that, it’s time to leave!

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2ND EDITION Preliminary for


You are going to listen to a recording about using social
media. Listen to the whole recording once. Then you will Task 1
hear the recording again with pauses for you to write down You are going to listen to a talk about an event to raise
what you hear. Make sure you spell the words correctly. money for charity. Complete the notes. Write the correct
answer in each gap.

 Offline – log off and have fun!

 Offline is an event that raises money for
(1) .

 Smartphones first became popular in the early

(2) and we now use them for


Offline takes place on two days and ends on

June (3) .

Sponsors give money for (4) that

someone doesn’t go online.

If you take part in Offline, as well as the

internet, you mustn’t use the (5)
10 or television.

There will be activities at the school on Saturday

in the (6) .


Task 2
Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

7 The Offline event ends at 12 o’clock at night.

8 There is something to be won by a school.

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2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Task 1
Read the article and choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.
9 Sally left social media because some companies
A aren’t honest with users.
B don’t help us to communicate.
C have made lots of money.
D didn’t look after her private information.
10 After she deleted the apps, Sally
A realised they were silly.
B checked her phone without thinking.
C received some notifications.
D decided she wanted to get them back again.
11 Why did Sally join social media?
A She liked to appear popular.
B She wanted to do the same as other people.
C She hoped people would like her.
D She enjoyed writing updates.
12 Max was worried about his exams because he
A didn’t spend enough time studying.
B couldn’t stop using social media.
C didn’t find the apps on his phone useful.
D wasn’t able to remember information.
13 What happened when Max stopped using social media?
A He was able to rest and study well.
B He no longer wanted to use his phone.
C He didn’t communicate with his friends.
D He became afraid of how it controlled his life.
14 What would be a good introduction to this article?
A Giving up social media is much easier then you think. Two teenagers explain how they did it and how their lives have
improved as a result.
B Teenagers depend on social media to communicate. Sally and Max tell us why it’s so important for them to be online.
C Do young people realise how social media affects their lives? Meet two teens who found out and acted to do
something about it.
D Are the effects of social media on young people’s lives good or bad? Sally and Max give us their opinions on this
important question.


Task 2
Read the article again and answer the question in your own words.
15 What do Sally and Max think about using social media now?

Total: 50

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Sally, 14 Max, 15

I read about social My exams were a few

media companies weeks away and it was
that were selling the important for me to work
information of their hard. I had started to
users. It made me angry panic because although
because I hadn’t agreed I was studying every
to that! These huge night, I forgot so much.
companies say their It was really strange!
purpose is to bring people together and make Then my mum suggested something that
communication easier, but actually, we – I didn’t like: to remove the social media apps
the users – are just products that they sell to from my phone. Why? Because I was always
make lots of money. So I deleted my accounts looking at my phone. I just couldn’t pay
and never went back. attention to anything else.

It wasn’t easy though. For the first few days, I promised my mum I would stop until my
I kept looking at my phone for notifications. exams finished. To be honest, I was afraid to
It was silly because I no longer had the apps! quit social media because I thought I would
That’s when I realised it had become a bad miss out on so many fun things like sharing
habit. I asked myself why I used social media. photos or video links with my friends.
At first, it was because most of my friends were However, some great things happened.
on Facebook. Then, as time passed, I wanted I began to sleep better and I was able to
to be liked. I wrote and rewrote my updates prepare well for my exams without taking
and posts many times, hoping I seemed clever breaks to check my phone. It was a great
or funny to get more attention. The truth is, feeling! Once my exams were over, I went back
we care what people think about us and want on social media, but, now, I control it much
them to like us. Social media makes those better. I only check my phone twice a day.
feelings stronger. When social media starts to
control your life like that, it’s time to leave!

106 Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019
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A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Complete the sentences with one word.
Task 1 9 Holly has unusual hobby – she collects spoons.
Choose the correct answer (A, B or C). 10 How time will it take to drive to London?
1 I love this book. I think story is really exciting. 11 A: you seeing your friends tonight?
A the B: No, I’m tired.
B a 12 A: What she do?
C - B: She’s a doctor.
2 My dad gave me advice. 13 A: did they go for their holiday?
A a few B: They went to Greece.
B a lot 14 Alex and Mike working hard when I saw them.
C a little 15 A: you send Alice an email?
3 There aren’t clothes that I like in this shop. B: No, I forgot.
A much 16 A: Is there anything in the box?
B some B: No, there’s . It’s empty.
C any 8
4 I have good news. I passed all of my exams!
A any
Task 3
B some
C many Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words
in brackets.
5 Nick is very busy these days and we ever see him.
A rarely 17 (you / read) while Mia was studying?
B hardly 18 He (rarely / buy) a newspaper – he prefers
to read the news online.
C occasionally
19 Anna (not know) the answer so she asked me.
6 A: Where ?
20 It (not rain) now – let’s go to the park.
B: To school. See you later.
21 A: I saw a UFO last night.
A were you going
B: I (not believe) you.
B do you go
22 (your friends / live) in this street or is their
C are you going house near the school?
7 I found some money under my bed when I for my 23 While I (walk) to the shops I saw my teacher.
football boots.
24 (try) to fix your computer? Let me look –
A was looking maybe I can help.
B looked 25 I found the information that I needed online and
C am looking I (send) it to my friend.
8 It was a fantastic party – had a great time.
A anyone
B everyone
C someone

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2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Choose the correct answer (A, B or C).
Task 1
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. Hi. My name’s Carlo. I’m from Milan – it’s a city
(41) the north of Italy. I’m fourteen
26 We waited at the crossing / path for the cars to stop.
(42) I go to my local high school. When I’m
27 The town where I live is by / in the sea.
not studying, I (43) a lot of time with my
28 I’d like / I like to go shopping for trainers tomorrow. friends. We sometimes go to a skate (44) in
29 There are many ordinary / valuable paintings in this our neighbourhood. My friends (45) part in
museum – it’s famous for them. skateboarding competitions there. I can skate
30 We found a pavement / seat in the park and stopped
too, (46) I’m not very good at it yet. I need to
there to have our lunch. practise more to (47) better. I actually prefer
31 Mobile phones are so special / useful – you can call
basketball (48) I really enjoy team sports
anyone from anywhere. and I’m a good player, too. I live in a nice (49)
block, on the fourth floor. My best friend lives in
32 When I got my exam results, I was delighted / exhausted –
all As! the same building on the third floor, (50) we
see each other every day.
33 Put on a coat before you go out – it’s freezing /
starving today.
41 A in B from C to
42 A because B but C and

Task 2 43 A give B make C spend

44 A place B park C stop
Match 34–40 with A–G to complete the conversations.
45 A take B have C do
34 Tell me about your painting lessons.
46 A so B but C and
Are you improving?
47 A go B make C get
35 I’d like to start playing squash. Where can I do that?
48 A but B so C because
36 I enjoyed the film. What about you?
49 A department B apartment C pavement
37 Do you have plans for the summer holidays? 50 A because B so C but
38 Elena is the best student in the class. 10

39 I’m terrible at rock climbing. How can I improve?

Total: 50
40 What’s that in the sky? Is it a plane?

A Actually, I thought it was very dull.

B I agree – she’s very clever.

C Yes, I’m making a lot of progress.

D Maybe, but it’s tiny and I can’t see it well.

E Not yet, but I’d like to stay in a cottage on the coast.

F Try the new sports centre.

G Practise and you’ll get it right.

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A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Complete the sentences with one word.
Task 1 9 Where is shop that you went to yesterday?
Choose the correct answer (A, B or C). 10 How students are in your class?
1 I have old video games. Do you want them? 11 A: they enjoy going to the beach?
A a few B: Yes, they said it was great.
B a lot 12 A: It costs a lot to buy a good tennis racket.
C a little B: Yes, it .
2 In general, young people enjoy going out with 13 A: do you like playing chess?
their friends. B: Because it’s interesting and challenging.
A A 14 The girls walking to the park when I saw them.
B – 15 A people from my class are members of the
C The same youth club I go to.
3 I don’t have free time these days because I’m studying. 16 A: D
 id you get that we needed from the
A many supermarket?

B some B: Yes, it’s all here.

C much 8
4 Do you need help?
A any Task 3
B little
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words
C many
in brackets.
5 I hardly go to the cinema.
17 There’s a problem with my phone – it
A often (not work) at the moment.
B never 18 A: What (you / look for)?
C ever B: My glasses. I can’t find them.
6 A: Who to when I saw you at the bus stop yesterday? 19 She (occasionally / listen to) podcasts.
B: My friend Julie. 20 While we (ride) our bikes, Sam’s phone
A were you talking fell out of his pocket.
B did you talk 21 (Max / study) while you were at the shops?
C are you talking 22 Is it expensive to use the gym? (students /
7 We can’t go swimming now because . pay) less?
A it rains 23 We bought our tickets in the morning and
B it’s raining (go) to the concert later that day.
C it was raining 24 A: I think it’s better if school starts at eleven o’clock
in the morning.
8 sent me a text message, but I don’t know the person.
B: I’m sorry, but I (not agree).
A Anyone
25 Julie (not study) at the library on Saturdays.
B Everyone
C Someone 9

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2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Choose the correct answer (A, B or C).
Task 1
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. Hello. My name’s Inez (41) I’m from Spain.
26 Stella was walking to school when she dropped her
I live (42) the south of the country, near the
phone on the pavement / station and it broke. sea. I’m a high school student. When I’m not
studying, I spend (43) with my best friends,
27 I didn’t have breakfast this morning and now I’m
terrible / starving. Marta and Elsa. We sometimes go to a sports
(44) after school. We go there (45) the
28 That writer’s books are about ordinary / ancient people
like you and me. facilities are very good. There are tennis courts,
as well as two swimming (46) . One is outside
29 It’s a special / scary day today – it’s Nick’s eighteenth birthday.
and the other is inside, (47) we can go
30 I’d like / I like spending time with my best friend. swimming in the winter months too. I want to
31 At the end of the long race, the runners were (48) well at school and (49) good results.
confident / exhausted. I study hard, (50) I also like to have fun!
32 There are some very nice villages on / in the coast.
41 A but B so C and
33 We walked along a crossing / path in the forest.
42 A in B on C at
43 A it B time C hour
44 A area B centre C place
Task 2
45 A but B so C because
Match 34–40 with A–G to complete the conversations.
46 A pools B blocks C parks
34 Where can I put this empty bottle? 47 A but B so C because
35 Everyone likes your friend Lucy. 48 A be B get C do

36 My parents bought a holiday house. 49 A give B get C take

50 A but B because C so
37 Why don’t you play video games?
38 I love the paintings in your living room.

39 Why are you wearing a scarf? Total: 50

40 Where do you live?

A Thanks, we got them at an art gallery.

B Great! Is it by the sea?

C In an apartment block near the school.

D That’s because she’s friendly and polite.

E Because it’s freezing in here!

F I don’t like to waste time.

G There’s a rubbish bin over there.

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2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Task 1
Listen to the questions from your teacher and answer them.

Task 2
Your friend is having a birthday. You and your partner want to buy him a present. Here are some ideas for gifts.
Talk together about the items and say which would be the best one.

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2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Task 1
Say good morning/afternoon to both students and then follow the script below:

(Student A) What’s your name?

Thank you.

(Student B) What’s your name?

Thank you.

(Student A) What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

(Student B) What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

(Student A) Where do you live?

(Student B) How old are you?

Ask three questions to each student from the list below:

• Do you have any hobbies?

• What do you want to do when you grow up?

• What do you usually do at the weekend?

• What do you enjoy reading?

• Who do you like to spend time with?

Allow about 2 minutes.

Thank the students and move on to Task 2.

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2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Task 2
Tell students that they will do Task 2 together and that they need to discuss the items in the picture. Say to both students:

I’m going to describe a situation to you. Your friend is having a birthday. You and your partner want to buy him a present.
Talk together about different gifts you could give him and say which would be the best one. Here is a picture with some
ideas to help you.

Ask both students to look at the picture and repeat the information about the task, above.

All right? Talk together.

Allow students enough time to complete the task without intervention (3–4 minutes). Prompt only if necessary.

Thank you. That is the end of the test.

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2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Read the exam task below. Write 100 words in an appropriate style. Write your answer on a separate answer sheet.
Your English teacher has asked you to write a story.
Your story must begin with this sentence:

I went to the window and looked outside.

Write your story in about 100 words.

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A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Complete the text with one word in each gap.
Task 1
Choose the correct answer (A, B or C). Are you a fashion victim?
Fashion victims are people who think that being
What (1) the world be like in the future? You (2) trendy is (18) important than looking
be a scientist to predict some things. For example, it will nice. They always have (19) wear the
probably be much (3) . That’s because we (4) newest designs. They don’t understand that the
climate change right now. Are we being (5) about it? (20) fashionable styles aren’t always
There are many things that we can do to help. However, attractive. To look good it’s a (21) better
we (6) do them now because we don’t have (7) to wear clothes that suit you and fit you well. But fashion
much time as we think. (8) thing we can do is to victims wear silly hats or clothes that are one or two
wait and hope that something terrible (9) happen! sizes (22) big for them. The next time you
want to buy clothes, the (23) thing to do
1 A will B does C can is to ask someone that you trust for an honest opinion –
2 A mustn’t B can’t C don’t have to it could be a friend or, yes, even your parents! Your mum
3 A hot B hotter C hottest and dad may not be quite as boring (24)
4 A will experience B experienced C are experiencing you think! So, what are you (25) to do the
next time you go shopping for clothes – buy something
5 A enough serious B serious enough C quite serious
trendy or something that looks great?
6 A must B can C need
7 A quite B too C as
8 A A bad B The worst C The worse
9 A didn’t B won’t C doesn’t have to

Task 2
Complete the second sentence so that it means the same
as the first sentence, using the word in brackets.
10 Do you have any plans for the weekend?
What do at the
weekend? (going)
11 Tanya is more polite than Nick.
Nick Tanya. (as)
12 It isn’t necessary for us to leave now.
We now. (have)
13 Thanks, but I don’t need any help to do this.
Thanks, but I can do this
. (by)
14 I don’t have much free time today.
I only have free time
today. (a)
15 Anna is too young to drive a car.
Anna to drive a car. (old)
16 I think he’s staying at home tonight, but I’m not sure.
He at home tonight.
17 Luisa and Jim are tall, but Tom is taller.
Tom is of all. (the)

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2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Complete the sentences with the correct form
Task 1 of these verbs.

Choose the correct answer (A, B or C).

cross fancy get give hand note open start tell
26 His favourite subject at school is because he wants
to be an actor. 34 Are you going to a business?
A dance 35 I think rock climbing might be fun. Why don’t we
B music it a try?
C drama 36 She’s working hard because she wants to
good grades.
27 He wants to create an app and a lot of money.
37 My aunt wants to a shoe shop in the
A make town centre.
B take 38 I down everything she said because I didn’t
C do want to forget it.
28 When you wear bright colours, you really . 39 We must be quiet in class or our teacher will
A dress up us off.
B stand out 40 This answer is wrong. Please it out and
write it correctly.
C check out
41 Do you playing tennis later today?
29 Don’t be afraid to a go and try something new
42 At the start of the lesson, we always
and exciting.
in our homework.
A give
B get 9
C have
30 A: Why don’t we go to the countryside? Task 3
B: OK, that good. Complete the words in the sentences.
A sounds
43 Did you know that bats can’t see? They’re b _ _ _ _ .
B feels
44 Alice is a f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ girl – she always stops to have
C looks a chat when she sees me.
31 Koalas have cute faces and grey . 45 Sharks and crocodiles are scary because they have
A skin very s _ _ _ _ teeth.
B fur 46 My hair is short and straight, but my sister’s is long
and c _ _ _ _ .
C feathers
47 His teeth aren’t straight, so he has to wear b _ _ _ _ _ .
32 Some birds can the sea to catch fish.
48 Oh no! I can’t find my w _ _ _ _ _ and all of my money
A dive into
is in it.
B climb up
49 My favourite subject is g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ because I’m
C jump from interested in mountains and rivers.
33 My parents are tall, but I’m of height. 50 Although a p _ _ _ _ _ _ can swim very well, it isn’t a fish –
A tiny it’s actually a bird.
B ordinary 8
C average

8 Total: 50

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2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Complete the text with one word in each gap.
Task 1
Choose the correct answer (A, B or C). Are you a fashion victim?
Fashion victims are people who think that looking
Do you wonder what (1) to our planet in the nice isn’t (18) important as being trendy.
future? People are (2) more worried about climate They only want to wear (19) newest
change. They (3) that we will have huge problems styles. Unfortunately, those styles aren’t always the
because we aren’t being (4) now. We (5) wait (20) attractive. If you want to look
for governments to do something. (6) many things good, you (21) to wear clothes that suit
that we can do (7) . For example, whenever possible, you and fit you well. You (22) not wear
walking or riding a bike is (8) than asking your parents anything that is silly and don’t buy clothes that are
to drive you. Go online and you (9) good information much bigger (23) your size. Also, think
about what you can do. about colours – some are probably (24)
attractive on you than others, so try to choose them.
1 A happens B will happen C is happening When you go shopping, be confident (25)
2 A much B lot C quite to ask the assistants for advice, they are there to help you!
3 A believe B are believing C will believe
4 A too careful B careful enough C enough careful 8
5 A don’t B may not C mustn’t
6 A It’s B There is C There are
7 A yourself B ourselves C itself
8 A good B best C better
9 A will find B find C are going to find

Task 2
Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as
the first sentence, using the word in brackets.
10 Does he have any plans for Saturday?
What do on Saturday?
11 Books are more interesting than comics.
Comics books. (as)
12 It isn’t necessary for him to stay after school.
He after school. (have)
13 Max doesn’t need help to fix his bike.
Max can fix his bike . (by)
14 These shoes are too small for my feet.
These shoes for my feet. (big)
15 I think it’s going to rain tomorrow, but I’m not sure.
It tomorrow. (might)
16 The red trainers and the blue trainers are nice, but the black
trainers are nicer.
The black trainers are of all.
17 I have a few more exams than you.
You many exams as me.

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2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Complete the sentences with the correct form of these verbs.
Task 1
dress have lie make manage run save take throw
Choose the correct answer (A, B or C).
26 Before you start a business, you need to a business plan. 34 These shoes are very old. I’m going to
A open them out.
B develop 35 Don’t be scared. You should a chance
C run and see what you can do.
27 Listen to your parents and their advice. 36 Are you going to up for the party?
A give 37 Last year, I up my money and bought some
great boots.
B take
38 You have to up your mind about what
C have you’re going to do.
28 You should this great app. It shows you different 39 Harry is his new business very well.
styles for your hair.
40 My sister freckles on her face, but I don’t.
A check out
41 If you’re tired, you should down.
B try on
42 The woman who owns that company knows how to
C get up people.
29 He’s carrying a very big – all of his books are in it.
A baseball cap
B wallet
C backpack Task 3
30 A: What do birds eat? Complete the words in the sentences.
B: I think they insects.
43 I taught my dog to do tricks – he’s very c _ _ _ _ _ .
A hunt for
44 Animals that can run fast have very p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ legs.
B land on
45 My brother’s hair is curly, but mine is s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
C jump from
46 I love holding my kitten because it has very s _ _ _ fur.
31 Bees and butterflies both have .
47 I can’t see very well without my g _ _ _ _ _ _ .
A tails
48 My grandma’s gold j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is very valuable, especially
B wings her necklace.
C feathers 49 At the moment, we are studying the ancient h _ _ _ _ _ _
32 Don’t sleep all day – and do something fun. of Egypt at school.
A settle down 50 D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are beautiful. They swim so well and they
B take out always look like they’re smiling.
C get up 8
33 I’m so happy! We’re going to spend the day the sea!
A by Total: 50
B to
C on

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2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Task 1
Look at the photo and describe what you can see.

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2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Task 1
Look at the photo and describe what you can see.

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Task 2
Your friends live in another city. They are coming to visit you in the summer holidays. You want to do something fun together.
Here are some ideas for activities. Talk together about the activities and say which would be the best one.

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2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Task 1
Say good morning/afternoon to both students and then follow the script below: Tell students that first they will each talk about
a photograph for about one minute. Say to both students:

I’d like each of you to talk on your own about something. I’m going to give each of you a photograph of young people doing
activities. Student A, here is your photograph. (Ask Student A to look at their photo.) Please show it to Student B, but I’d like
you to talk about it. Student B, you just listen. I’ll give you your photograph in a moment. Student A, please tell us what you
can see in the photograph.

Allow approximately one minute. If there is a need to intervene, prompts rather than direct questions should be used.

What do you think the girl enjoys about her activity?

Retrieve the photo.

Thank you.

Now, Student B, here is your photograph. It shows some young people doing an activity. (Ask Student B to look at their photo.)
Please show it to Student A and tell us what you can see in the photograph.

Allow approximately one minute.

What do you think the young people enjoy about their activity?

Retrieve the photo.

Thank the students and move on to Task 2.

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Task 2
Tell students that they will do Task 2 together and that they need to discuss the items in the picture. Say to both students:

I’m going to describe a situation to you. Your friends live in another city. They are coming to visit you in the summer holidays.
You want to do something fun together. Talk together about the different activities and say which would be the best one.

Ask both students to look at the picture and repeat the information about the task, above.

All right? Talk together.

Allow the students enough time to talk about the task without intervention (3–4 minutes). Prompt only if necessary.

Thank you. That is the end of the test.

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Read the exam task below. Write 100 words in an appropriate style. Write your answer on a separate answer sheet.

Articles wanted!
Why do you enjoy going to school? How important is it for
you to do well at school?

Tell us what you think!

Write an article answering these questions and we will

publish the most interesting articles on our website.

Write your article in about 100 words.

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Task 1
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 Kathy hasn’t had / have a holiday this year.
2 We looked online for a hotel who / which was nice, but not expensive.
3 I’ve ever / never travelled to another country, but I’d like to.
4 The cake is cooking – it’s been in the oven for / since thirty minutes.
5 He’s just / yet found a good summer camp to go to in July.
6 Cristina cooks very good / well and she wants to become a chef.
7 Where have you decided to go / going for your holiday?
8 If we go to Egypt this year, we visit / will visit the pyramids, of course.
9 The boys are studying quiet / quietly in their room.

Task 2
Complete the conversations with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
10 A: What are you going to do tonight?
B: If my friend (call) me, we’ll go to the cinema.
11 A: Is Elena your sister’s best friend?
B: Yes, she is. She (know) her since they were five years old.
12 A: Come with us to the new burger café.
B: No, thanks. I (already eat) there and I didn’t like the food.
13 A: Oh no! I forgot to buy milk.
B: Don’t worry. If I go to the shops later, I (get) some.
14 A: It’s difficult (find) cool clothes here.
B: I know! The shops in this town are terrible.
15 A: Have you finished (plan) your holiday?
B: Not yet. There’s so much to do!
16 A: Do you know about this great new music app?
B: Yes, it looks cool, but I (not download) it yet.
17 A: I’m not sure Jim likes going to the theatre.
B: Well, if he (not enjoy) it, we won’t ask him to come with us.

Task 3
Complete the text with one word in each gap.

Why travel?
Many people agree that (18) best thing about travelling is that it gives you the chance to have new
experiences. One of those experiences is trying unusual food. For example, octopus. Have you (19) eaten it?
It’s certainly unusual! People (20) have tried it say it’s delicious! It’s a food (21) is very
popular in Asia. (22) are many different ways to eat it. In Korea, they have it raw. (23) you go
to Japan, you will see that they put it on pizzas! It’s fun and exciting (24) discover different foods, so don’t
be afraid to give them a try. If you do, you (25) be amazed!

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Choose the correct answer (A, B or C).
Task 1
Match 26–34 with A–I to complete the sentences. How to plan a holiday
26 Toast is usually Everyone looks forward to going on a holiday, but
27 Most fries are before you (43) your flight, there are so many things
28 Pineapples are to do. (44) you have decided where and when
29 Marshmallows are you want to go, you need to arrange your travel and
30 A tourist goes on accommodation. It’s easy to (45) accommodation
online – just make sure the hotel you choose has good
31 Guests stay in
reviews. Also, (46) a search online for the best
32 Passengers wait on
(47) before you buy your (48) ticket. And find
33 A phone needs
out if you need (49) to enter the country you are
34 You can delete going to – you have to pay for some, but others don’t
A soft. cost anything.When you’re (50) on the plane, relax!
B a charger.
C salty. 43 A make B catch C go
D a photo. 44 A Then B While C After
E a hotel. 45 A make B book C have
F dry. 46 A do B make C get
G a platform. 47 A journey B reservation C fare
H a trip. 48 A tourist B double C return
I juicy. 49 A a visa B an ID C a booking
50 A suddenly B finally C afterwards

Task 2 Total: 50
Complete the words in the sentences.
35 Carrots, potatoes and onions are all v _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
36 A t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a flat round bread that is eaten in Mexico.
37 He put his e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in and listened to some music.
38 We went through c _ _ _ _ _ _ at the airport without
any problems.
39 Don’t wait! Call your friends i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and tell them
your good news!
40 I can’t go online because I don’t have a good c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
41 Carly is staying at her friend’s house tonight – they are
having a s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
42 Can I borrow your m _ _ _ _ _ p _ _ _ _ ? I need to call
my parents.

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Task 1
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 Sam is the boy who / which sits next to me in my maths class.
2 We’re still working on our history project – we haven’t finished it just / yet.
3 Emma’s grandfather taught her French and she speaks it very good / well.
4 Did you remember to close / closing the windows before we left for the airport?
5 The girls have been at the sports centre for / since a few hours.
6 I don’t mind to spend / spending my free time at home.
7 Stella won’t help you if you don’t / won’t ask her.
8 Which computer game do you enjoy to play / playing the most?
9 If you see / will see Jake, tell him to call me.

Task 2
Complete the conversations with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
10 A: If Jason (decide) to go swimming, tell him to call me.
B: OK, I will.
11 A: What does your brother plan to do after university?
B: If he doesn’t find a job, he (travel) for a few months.
12 A: How’s your friend Gina?
B: I don’t know. I (not see) her for a few weeks because she’s on holiday.
13 A: What’s your favourite subject?
B: It’s geography because I’m interested in (learn) about the world.
14 A: Let’s go to the new amusement park tomorrow.
B: Sorry, but I (already be) there. I went last week.
15 A: Katya wants to stay at home tomorrow night.
B: That’s OK. We’ll go to her house if she (not feel like) going out.
16 A: Do you want to go to South America?
B: Yes, I would love (visit) Argentina and Brazil.
17 A: When are you leaving?
B: In a few minutes. If we don’t leave soon, we (not catch) our train.

Task 3
Complete the text with one word in each gap.

Why travel?
Everyone agrees that travelling is fun. It’s one of (18) most exciting things you can do because you see new
places and try different foods. Some foods can be very unusual! (19) you ever eaten a very strange food?
How about a fried spider? (20) you go to Cambodia – a country in Asia – that’s what you’ll see. It’s a snack
(21) is popular there. The people (22) sell them say they are tasty. But for many of us,
(23) are tastier snacks to eat than cooked insects. However, if we don’t try them, how (24)
we know? It’s important (25) have new experiences, so have a go!

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Choose the correct answer (A, B or C).
Task 1
Match 26–34 with A–I to complete the sentences. How to plan a holiday
26 Indian curries are Is it time to plan your next holiday? Before you get into
27 Cupcakes are a taxi that will take you to the (43) , there are lots
28 Sushi is fish that is of things you need to do. The two most important are
29 Lemons are that you make a (44) at a hotel and buy your
30 A hotel is a type of (45) ticket. You can do both of these online very
(46) and easily. On the day of your (47) , make
31 Go online to do
sure you have everything you need to travel, such as
32 A traveller goes on
your (48) which is usually a passport. Also, make
33 You can delete
sure you aren’t late to (49) your flight! When
34 You must charge you’re finally on the plane, relax and (50) a film –
A raw. your holiday has just begun!
B a phone.
C a search. 43 A customs B reception C airport
D sweet. 44 A reservation B station C connection
E sour. 45 A flying B journey C return
F a file. 46 A suddenly B quickly C immediately
G spicy. 47 A trip B fare C security
H a journey. 48 A visa B ID C guest
I accommodation. 49 A catch B hold C go
50 A notice B look C watch

Task 2 Total: 50
Complete the words in the sentences.
35 You need lots of milk to make creamy y _ _ _ _ _ _ .
36 P _ _ _ _ _ is a well-known Spanish rice dish.
37 You can read about places to visit in a g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
38 We went through s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at the airport without
any problems.
39 Everything was silent when s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ there was
a loud noise!
40 Leo put on his h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and listened to a podcast.
41 I can’t use my phone because the b_ _ _ _ _ _ is dead.
42 He was thirsty, so he drank from his w _ _ _ _ b _ _ _ _ _ .

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Task 1
A group of classmates want to have a meal together to celebrate the end of the year. Here are some things they could do.
Talk together about the different places and foods, and say which would be the best one.

It’s the end

of the year!

Task 2
Listen to your teacher and discuss the task.

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Task 1
Say good morning/afternoon to both students and then follow the script below:

Tell students that they will work together and that they need to discuss the items in the picture. Say to both students:

I’m going to describe a situation to you. A group of classmates want to have a meal together to celebrate the end of the year.
Here are some things they could do. Talk together about the different places and foods, and say which would be the best one.

Ask both students to look at the picture and repeat the information about the task, above.

All right? Talk together.

Allow the students enough time to talk about the task without intervention (3–4 minutes). Prompt only if necessary.

Thank the students and move on to Task 2.

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Task 2
Now we are going to discuss something together. I would like you to talk together about the food you like and the places
where you go to eat.

Repeat the information about the task.

All right? Talk together.

Back up prompts:

• What’s your favourite food?

• Do you go out to eat with your friends? Where do you go?

• What events do you celebrate with food?

Allow 3–4 minutes.

Thank you. That is the end of the test.

It’s the end

of the year!

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Write 100 words in an appropriate style. Write your answer on a separate answer sheet.
Read the email below from your English-speaking friend Jane, and the notes you have made.

From: Jane
Subject: Summer camp


After we talked about going to a summer

camp together, I did a search online and
got lots of information. The best one is Teen
Time, and I think that’s where we should go.

Would you like to go for two weeks or

three weeks?
Say for how long
There are lots of activities and also lessons
in photography or drawing. Which would
you prefer?
Tell Jane.
Explain why
Let’s meet to discuss it and I can show you
the information I found. When and where
would you like to meet?

Write back soon,


Write your email to Jane, using all the notes in about 100 words.

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Task 1
You are going to listen to people talking in six situations. For each question, choose the correct answer (A, B or C).

1 What was the girl’s mum most upset about? 4 Which activity doesn’t cost anything to do?


2 What is the girl going to do now? 5 What did the girl and her sister do yesterday?


3 Where will the boy be on his birthday just before he goes home? 6 What does the boy enjoy doing the most?


Task 2
Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

7 The boy can ski fast.

8 The girl and the boy go to the same judo school.

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Task 3
You are going to listen to a talk about a young tennis player. Complete the notes. Write one word in each gap.

Stefanos Tsitsipas
He was born in Greece in the year (9) .

It’s unusual that he plays tennis because the most popular sports in Greece are (10)
and basketball.

His parents also play tennis. His mother, who is Russian, was a junior (11) and his father
is a tennis coach.

Since he started to beat the most (12) tennis players, people have noticed him.

Stefanos’ hobbies are photography and making (13) which he uploads to the internet.

On his YouTube channel, you can watch Stefanos as he’s (14) to tournaments.

Task 4
Is the sentence true (T) or false (F)?

15 Stefanos can speak three languages.

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Task 1
Complete the text. Write one word in each gap.

Travel Blog: Places to see

If you are lucky (16) to go to Egypt, you must visit the statue of the Great Sphinx at
Giza. One thing (17) makes it amazing is its size – it’s huge! It’s a statue of a lion with the
head of a human – a creature from mythology. Experts believe the ancient Egyptians built it around
4,500 years (18) when Khafre was the king and that it is his face on the lion. There are other
statues of sphinxes, but this one is the (19) famous in the world. It has attracted visitors
(20) thousands of years. The statue is close to the pyramids, so you can visit both on the
same day. If you want to explore by (21) , you can download an app that has a
(22) of useful information. But if you would (23) go with a guide or a tour
group, there are many that you can choose from.

Task 2
Read the text and decide which answer (A, B or C) best fits each gap.

Skateboarding is a cool sport (24) probably started in the 1940s or 1950s. Surfers from California
wanted an activity to do on the days when there weren’t (25) waves for surfing. They had an idea to
‘surf’ on the streets, so they (26) a go and put small wheels on small boards. Skateboarding was born!
It has been an important part of street culture (27) the late 1990s. These days, in (28) towns and
cities around the world, there are skate (29) where teens can have fun and practise their skills. And,
from 2020, the best skateboarders can even (30) part in the Olympic Games and win medals.

24 A who B has C which

25 A no B any C some
26 A had B did C gave
27 A in B then C since
28 A lots B many C much
29 A parks B places C centres
30 A get B have C take

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Task 1
Five teenagers are looking for an activity to do in the summer. Read the article and decide which activity would
be the most suitable for each teenager. Match the descriptions of the summer activities (A–G) with the people
(31–35). There are two descriptions of activities which you do not need to use.

31 Alex enjoys being outdoors and learning about nature. He’s a good photographer and likes to put his pictures online.
He would prefer to do something with friends that doesn’t cost too much.

32 Lisa has broken her leg and can’t do any sports or go swimming for a while. She wants to do something at home that is
interesting and will keep her busy. She enjoys reading and writing and doesn’t mind being alone.

33 Tom likes to spend his free time with his friends. He prefers not to be indoors and is interested in trying an activity that isn’t
difficult to learn and can keep him fit. He enjoys competitions and likes winning.

34 Ellie is adventurous and she isn’t afraid to try new activities. In winter, she goes skiing and she’s very good at it. She would like
to do a similar sport in the summer and she doesn’t mind paying for lessons.

35 Andy is a fan of adventure sports. He has tried zip lining and he loved it. His parents want to give him an exciting experience
for his birthday and he’s looking for an activity that he’ll never forget.

Task 2
Read the article again and answer the questions in your own words.

36 Why are some animals in animal shelters?

37 What reasons are there to have a blog?

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Summer holiday activities

A Surfing E Beach volleyball

Surfing may look easy, but it’s quite difficult If you love team sports and being by the sea,
to stay on the board! If you enjoy challenging you should try playing beach volleyball.
activities, this could be perfect for you. It’s the perfect summer sport and if you have
A teacher will show you how to stand up played volleyball before, you already know
on the surfboard and how to stay on it in the rules. Get your friends together, make
the water. There are lots of clubs that teach two teams, and start playing. It’s a fast game
teenagers and they’re not too expensive. that will make you feel hot. At the end of the
match, jump into the sea!
B Play games

If you can’t go to the beach in the summer, F Skydiving

don’t worry. There are lots of other fun If you’re afraid of being up high, don’t do
activities to keep you happy. Try doing quizzes this! Many people think it’s too scary, but
and puzzles or playing board games. You can others love it. So, if you aren’t afraid to jump
have a competition with your friends to find out of a plane, give it a go. It isn’t cheap
the best player and give small prizes to the though – each jump costs a lot of money,
winners. It’s a lot of fun! It’s even better when so it’s best to do it as something special that
you make tasty snacks for everyone to enjoy. you’ll never forget.

C Explore a forest G Blogging

This is an excellent activity for anyone who Is there something you’re very interested in,
is interested in the environment. It doesn’t like a sport, fashion, TV or books? Why not
cost anything and all you need is a notebook share your interest with others? You can start
and pen, a camera and good walking shoes. a blog to write about your favourite hobby
Organise a day trip with your friends and be or free-time activity. Blogs are a great way to
amazed by the beautiful plants and animals practise and improve your writing. You’ll also
that live there. Don’t forget to take plenty have fun reading the comments other people
of water and some food, too. leave on your blog.

D Volunteering

Become a volunteer at an animal shelter.

Shelters always need people to help them take
care of the animals. The animals don’t have
homes because they’re lost or their owners
can’t look after them. Many of them feel
lonely, scared or sad. You’ll feel great about
doing something important, and the animals
will show you how much they love you.

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Task 3
Read the article. Choose from the sentences (A–H) the one which fits each gap (38–42).
There are three extra sentences which you do not need to use.

A The chess player moved the pieces on his own board.

B In the future, they will certainly be able to do more.

C During that time, chess wasn’t a very popular game.

D On top of it there was a chess board.

E They were right and they finally discovered the secret.

F So it was difficult to move the desk to another place.

G They wondered how it was possible for a machine to play chess.

H It was a robot chess player that looked like and could move like a real person.

Task 4
Read the article again and answer the questions in your own words.

43 How did the machine get its name?

44 Which famous people played chess against the machine?

45 What was the truth about the machine?

Total: 50

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The story of ‘the Turk’

Robots can do many jobs that people do, When the Turk arrived in the USA in 1826,
especially boring jobs in factories. (38) But many people went to see it. Thousands
did you know that people have been excited of others read about its amazing skills in
by the idea of robots for hundreds of years? the newspapers. (41) They were also
Nearly 250 years ago, in the 1770s, an inventor interested in the Turk because machines
called Wolfgang von Kempelen presented his were starting to do work in factories.
newest invention. (39) People called it ‘the
Turk’ because it wore long clothes and a cap However, there were people who thought
on its head, as people did in Turkey. it was a trick. None of them believed the Turk
was a machine which could think.
The machine sat behind a big wooden desk (42) The desk under the chess board was
that was closed on all sides like a box. (40) big enough to hide a man. Sitting inside, he
The Turk played chess against anyone who had a way to control the arms of the Turk
thought they could beat it, but they usually and move the pieces on the board. How did
lost. This included Napoleon Bonaparte and the Turk win so often? Its owner paid chess
Benjamin Franklin – the scientist who was champions to work the machine.
famous for his experiments with electricity.

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Task 1
Listen to people talking in six situations. For each question, choose the correct answer (A, B or C).

1 What made the girls mum most unhappy? 4 Which activity does the club manager think people will be
most excited about?


2 What is the girl going to do the next day? 5 What are the girl and her sister finding difficult to do at
the moment?


3 What will the boy do on his birthday just before he 6 Which activity does the boy like best?
goes home?


Task 2
Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

7 The boy would like to go skiing again.

8 The girl and the boy have different teachers for judo.

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Task 3
You are going to listen to a talk about a young tennis player. Complete the notes. Write one word in each gap.

Stefanos Tsitsipas
His birthday is on the (9) of August.

In Greece, the most popular sports are football and (10) , so it’s unusual that he plays tennis.

His parents also play tennis. His mother was an excellent junior player and Stefanos’ father is his
(11) .

Since he started to win in important (12) , people have noticed him.

One of his hobbies is (13) and he also has a YouTube channel where he uploads the videos
he makes.

On his channel, you can watch Stefanos when he’s (14) hard to get ready for tournaments.

Task 4
Is the sentence true (T) or false (F)?

15 Stefanos started playing tennis when he was three years old.

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Task 1
Complete the text. Write one word in each gap.

Travel Blog: Places to see

Have you (16) thought about visiting Egypt? If you go there, you must visit the Great Sphinx
at Giza – a statue with the body of a lion and the head of a human. You’ll be amazed by its size – it’s huge!
It’s large (17) to see from far away. When (18) they build it? It was thousands of
years ago. The man (19) was the king at the time was Khafre and it may be his face on the
lion. There are other statues of sphinxes in the world, but none are as famous (20) this one.
The statue is close to the pyramids, so you can visit both on the same day. If you want to explore it
(21) yourself, it’s quite easy to do. There are a (22) good apps you can download
with lots of useful information. But if you (23) rather go with a guide or a tour group, there are
many that you can choose from.

Task 2
Read the text and decide which answer (A, B or C) best fits each gap.

Surfers from California (24) wanted an activity to do on the days when the waves weren’t big
(25) for surfing probably started skateboarding in the 1940s or 1950s. They had an idea to ‘surf’ on
the streets, so they (26) it a try and put small wheels on small boards. Skateboarding was born! It has
been an important part of street culture (27) about twenty-five years, since the late 1990s. These
days, in a (28) of towns and cities around the world, there are skate parks and sports (29) where
teens can have fun and practise their skills. And, from 2020, skateboarders can even compete to be the
best (30) the sport in the Olympic Games and win medals.

24 A who B which C have

25 A some B already C enough
26 A had B gave C did
27 A for B in C of
28 A much B lots C lot
29 A blocks B centres C accessories
30 A at B of C to

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Task 1
Five teenagers are looking for an activity to do in the summer. Read the article and decide which activity would
be the most suitable for each teenager. Match the descriptions of the summer activities (A–G) with the people
(31–35). There are two descriptions of activities which you do not need to use.

31 Tim likes to spend his free time with his friends. He prefers not to be indoors and is interested in trying an activity that isn’t
difficult to learn and can keep him fit. He enjoys competitions and likes winning.

32 Jason is a fan of adventure sports. He has tried zip lining and he loved it. His parents want to give him an exciting experience
for his birthday and he’s looking for an activity that he’ll never forget.

33 Kelly has broken her leg and can’t do any sports or go swimming for a while. She wants to do something at home that is
interesting and will keep her busy. She enjoys reading and writing and doesn’t mind being alone.

34 David enjoys being outdoors and learning about nature. He’s a good photographer and likes to put his pictures online.
He would prefer to do something with friends that doesn’t cost too much.

35 Cait is adventurous and she isn’t afraid to try new activities. In winter, she goes skiing and she’s very good at it.
She would like to do a similar sport in the summer and she doesn’t mind paying for lessons.

Task 2
Read the article again and answer the questions in your own words.

36 How do many animals in shelters feel?

37 What indoor activities can you do with your friends?

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A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Summer holiday activities

A Skydiving E Play games

If you’re afraid of being up high, don’t do If you can’t go to the beach in the summer,
this! Many people think it’s too scary, but don’t worry. There are lots of other fun
others love it. So, if you aren’t afraid to jump activities to keep you happy. Try doing quizzes
out of a plane, give it a go. It isn’t cheap and puzzles or playing board games. You can
though – each jump costs a lot of money, have a competition with your friends to find
so it’s best to do it as something special that the best player and give small prizes to the
you’ll never forget. winners. It’s a lot of fun! It’s even better when
you make tasty snacks for everyone to enjoy.
B Explore a forest

This is an excellent activity for anyone who F Blogging

is interested in the environment. It doesn’t Is there something you’re very interested in,
cost anything and all you need is a notebook like a sport, fashion, TV or books? Why not
and pen, a camera and good walking shoes. share your interest with others? You can start
Organise a day trip with your friends and be a blog to write about your favourite hobby
amazed by the beautiful plants and animals or free time activity. Blogs are a great way to
that live there. Don’t forget to take plenty of practise and improve your writing. You’ll also
water and some food, too. have fun reading the comments other people
leave on your blog.
C Volunteering

Become a volunteer at an animal shelter. G Surfing

Shelters always need people to help them take Surfing may look easy, but it’s quite difficult
care of the animals. The animals don’t have to stay on the board! If you enjoy challenging
homes because they’re lost or their owners activities, this could be perfect for you.
can’t look after them. Many of them feel A teacher will show you how to stand up
lonely, scared or sad. You’ll feel great about on the surfboard and how to stay on it in
doing something important, and the animals the water. There are lots of clubs that teach
will show you how much they love you. teenagers and they’re not too expensive.

D Beach volleyball

If you love team sports and being by the sea,

you should try playing beach volleyball.
It’s the perfect summer sport and if you have
played volleyball before, you already know
the rules. Get your friends together, make
two teams, and start playing. It’s a fast game
that will make you feel hot. At the end of the
match, jump into the sea!

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A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Task 3
Read the article. Choose from the sentences (A–H) the one which fits each gap (38–42).
There are three extra sentences which you do not need to use.

A Thousands of others read about its amazing skills in the newspapers.

B Is this a reason for us to worry about what could happen?

C But did you know that people have been excited by the idea of robots for hundreds of years?

D Next to it was another machine that was much smaller.

E None of them believed the Turk was a machine which could think.

F The Turk played chess against anyone who thought they could beat it, but they usually lost.

G Although it was quite difficult, they sometimes won the games.

H The desk under the chess board was big enough to hide a man.

Task 4
Read the article again and answer the questions in your own words.

43 Where did the Turk sit?

44 What was happening in factories when the Turk went to the USA?

45 Why was the Turk good at chess?

Total: 50

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A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


The story of ‘the Turk’

Robots can do many jobs that people do, When the Turk arrived in the USA in 1826,
especially boring jobs in factories. In the many people went to see it. (40) They
future, they will certainly be able to do more. wondered how it was possible for a machine
(38) Nearly 250 years ago, in the 1770s, to play chess. They were also interested in the
an inventor called Wolfgang von Kempelen Turk because machines were starting to do
presented his newest invention. It was a robot work in factories.
chess player that looked like and could move
However, there were people who thought it
like a real person. People called it ‘the Turk’
was a trick. (41) They were right and they
because it wore long clothes and a cap on its
finally discovered the secret. (42) Sitting
head, as people did in Turkey.
inside, he had a way to control the arms of
The machine sat behind a big wooden desk the Turk and move the pieces on the board.
that was closed on all sides like a box. On top How did the Turk win so often? Its owner paid
of it there was a chessboard. (39) This chess champions to work the machine!
included Napoleon Bonaparte and Benjamin
Franklin – the scientist who was famous for his
experiments with electricity.

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A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Task 1
Your teacher will ask you some questions. Remember to give full answers.

Task 2
Look at the photo and describe what you can see.

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A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Task 1
Your teacher will ask you some questions. Remember to give full answers.

Task 2
Look at the photo and describe what you can see.

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A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Task 3
Your friend wants to take up a new hobby. Here are some ideas for hobbies. Talk together about the hobbies
and say which would be the best one.

Task 4
Listen to your teacher and discuss the task.

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A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Task 1
Say good morning/afternoon to both students and then follow the script below:

(Student A) What’s your name?

Thank you.

(Student B) What’s your name?

Thank you.

(Student A) What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

(Student B) What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

Thank you.

(Student A) Where do you live?

(Student B) Do you study English at school?

Ask three questions to each student from the list below:

• Do you have any brothers or sisters?

• What do you usually do in the summer?

• Do you use social media?

• What kinds of films do you like?

Thank the students and move on to Task 2.

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A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Task 2
Tell students that first they will each talk about a photograph for about one minute. Say to both students:

I’d like each of you to talk on your own about something. I’m going to give each of you a photograph. Student A, here is your
photograph of two students and a teacher. (Ask Student A to look at their photo.) Please show it to Student B, but I’d like you
to talk about it. Student B, you just listen. I’ll give you your photograph in a moment. Student A, please tell us what you can see
in the photograph.

Allow approximately one minute. If there is a need to intervene, prompts rather than direct questions should be used.

How are the students feeling and what do you think is going to happen next?

Retrieve the picture.

Thank you.

Now, Student B, here is your photograph. It shows some friends. (Ask Student B to look at their photo.) Please show it to
Student A and tell us what you can see in the photograph.

Allow approximately one minute.

How are the friends feeling and what do you think is going to happen next?

Thank the students and move on to Task 3.

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A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Task 3
Tell students that they will do Task 2 together and that they need to discuss the items in the picture. Say to both students:

I’m going to describe a situation to you. Your friend wants to take up a new hobby. Talk together about the different hobbies
and say which would be the best one.

Ask students to look at the pictures and then repeat the task above.

All right? Talk together.

Allow the students enough time to talk about the task without intervention (3–4 minutes). Prompt only if necessary.

Thank the students and move on to Task 4.

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A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Task 4
Now we are going to discuss something together. I would like you to talk together about your hobbies and favourite activities.

Repeat the information about the task.

All right? Talk together.

Back up prompts:

• Do you enjoy trying new activities and hobbies?

• Is there an activity you would like to try?

• Why is it important to have hobbies?

Allow 3–4 minutes.

Thank you. That is the end of the test.

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A2+ Name:
2ND EDITION Preliminary for


Choose ONE of the tasks below. Write your answer in approximately 100 words in an appropriate style.
Write your answer on a separate answer sheet.

Task 1
Read the email from your English-speaking friend Tom, and the notes you have made.

From: Tom
Subject: Cinema

Guess what? My aunt works at a cinema and

she gave me two free passes to see a film. Of course!
Do you want to come with me?

We can go any day this week. When would you

like to go?
Say which day

There’s a new action film. Would you like to

see that? No, because …

Let’s get something to eat after the film. Where

Suggest should we go?

Write back soon,


Write an email to Tom, using all the notes. Write your answer in approximately 100 words.

Task 2
Your English teacher has asked you to write a story. Your story must begin with this sentence:

I felt nervous when I held the envelope.

Write your story in approximately 100 words.

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Diagnostic Test A
No Key Language Area
1 D Adverbs of frequency 51 D Appearance (lexis)
2 A Adverbs of frequency 52 C Phrasal verbs (lexis)
3 C Collocations (lexis) 53 D Modals for rules
4 C Present continuous 54 B Modals for rules
5 B Technology (lexis) 55 B Reflexive pronouns
6 A Collocations (lexis) 56 C There is/are
7 A Past simple 57 C Animals (lexis)
8 D Past simple 58 A Adjectives (lexis)
9 B Education (lexis) 59 B Animals (lexis)
10 C Comparative adjectives 60 C Food (lexis)
11 A Superlative adjectives 61 D Food (lexis)
12 D Shopping (lexis) 62 D Present perfect
13 D Shopping (lexis) 63 A Present perfect with never
14 C Past continuous 64 B Present perfect with yet
15 B Adjectives (lexis) 65 C Present perfect with for and since
16 A Be going to 66 B Present perfect with for and since
17 A Collocations (lexis) 67 D Travel (lexis)
18 B Modals of ability 68 C Travel (lexis)
19 B Modals of obligation 69 B Collocations (lexis)
20 A Collocations (lexis) 70 A Zero conditional
21 D Present perfect 71 A First conditional
22 D Present perfect 72 B Verb patterns: -ing and infinitive
23 B Nature (lexis) 73 B Verb patterns: -ing and infinitive
24 C First conditional 74 D Verb patterns: infinitive without to
25 D Advice: should 75 C Technology (lexis)
26 D Articles 76 C Adjective + preposition
27 D Quantifiers 77 D Verb patterns: -ing form
28 C Adjectives (lexis) 78 B Verb patterns: -ing form
29 A Prepositional phrases (lexis) 79 A Language (lexis)
30 B Present simple 80 A Future simple
31 C Present continuous 81 D Be going to
32 A Subject and object questions 82 C Making suggestions
33 B Phrases (lexis) 83 B Phrasal verbs (lexis)
34 D Adjectives (lexis) 84 D Technology (lexis)
35 C Past simple 85 C Present perfect
36 D Past continuous 86 A Sports (lexis)
37 B Indefinite pronouns 87 C Sports (lexis)
38 C Adjectives (lexis) 88 B Second conditional
39 D Strong adjectives (lexis) 89 B Unless
40 B Be going to 90 B Entertainment (lexis)
41 C Future simple: predictions 91 C The passive
42 A Modals of possibility 92 D The passive
43 C Sports (lexis) 93 A Have/Get sth done
44 B Education (lexis) 94 C Defining relative clauses
45 A Collocations (lexis) 95 C Travel (lexis)
46 D Making comparisons 96 B Indirect questions
47 B Making comparisons 97 D Adjectives (lexis)
48 A Making comparisons 98 D Past perfect
49 C Making comparisons 99 A Used to
50 A Making comparisons 100 B Phrasal verbs (lexis)
Placement Guidance:
• If students score fewer than 10 correct answers, consider starting in the level below.
• If students score between 10 and 40, start at the expected level and assess scores to check whether remediation is required.
• If students score between 50 to 75, assess scores and consider an additional oral interview to decide whether the expected
level or the upper level with some remediation would be more appropriate.
• Students who scored 75+ should be started at an upper level.

 Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019 155
M01 Gold XP A2+ TRB Tests 94486.indd 155 04/03/2019 12:52

Diagnostic Test B
No Key Language Area
1 C Adverbs of frequency 51 C Appearance (lexis)
2 B Adverbs of frequency 52 B Phrasal verbs (lexis)
3 D Collocations (lexis) 53 B Modals for rules
4 A Present continuous 54 A Modals for rules
5 A Technology (lexis) 55 C Reflexive pronouns
6 C Collocations (lexis) 56 B It’s
7 D Past simple 57 A Animals (lexis)
8 B Past simple 58 C Adjectives (lexis)
9 A Education (lexis) 59 D Animals (lexis)
10 C Comparative adjectives 60 D Food (lexis)
11 D Superlative adjectives 61 B Food (lexis)
12 A Shopping (lexis) 62 A Present perfect
13 C Shopping (lexis) 63 D Present perfect with ever
14 A Past continuous 64 B Present perfect with yet
15 D Adjectives (lexis) 65 A Present perfect with for and since
16 C Be going to 66 C Present perfect with for and since
17 B Collocations (lexis) 67 A Travel (lexis)
18 D Modals of ability 68 B Travel (lexis)
19 C Modals of obligation 69 A Collocations (lexis)
20 C Collocations (lexis) 70 B Zero conditional
21 B Present perfect 71 C First conditional
22 A Present perfect 72 D Verb patterns: -ing and infinitive
23 D Nature (lexis) 73 A Verb patterns: -ing and infinitive
24 A First conditional 74 C Verb patterns: infinitive without to
25 B Advice: should 75 D Technology (lexis)
26 C Articles 76 A Adjective + preposition
27 A Quantifiers 77 C Verb patterns: -ing form
28 A Adjectives (lexis) 78 B Verb patterns: -ing form
29 B Prepositional phrases (lexis) 79 D Language (lexis)
30 A Present simple 80 C Future simple
31 D Present continuous 81 D Be going to
32 B Subject and object questions 82 B Making suggestions
33 C Phrases (lexis) 83 B Phrasal verbs (lexis)
34 D Adjectives (lexis) 84 C Technology (lexis)
35 A Past simple 85 C Present perfect)
36 C Past continuous 86 D Sport (lexis)
37 D Indefinite pronouns 87 A Sports (lexis)
38 A Adjectives (lexis) 88 B Second conditional
39 C Strong adjectives (lexis) 89 D Unless
40 B Be going to 90 B Entertainment (lexis)
41 C Future simple: predictions 91 A The passive
42 A Modals of possibility 92 B The passive
43 B Ways of learning (lexis) 93 D Have/Get sth done
44 D Education (lexis) 94 C Defining relative clauses
45 C Collocations (lexis) 95 D Travel (lexis)
46 B Making comparisons 96 B Indirect questions
47 D Making comparisons 97 C Adjectives (lexis)
48 C Making comparisons 98 C Past perfect
49 A Making comparisons 99 A Used to
50 B Making comparisons 100 D Phrasal verbs (lexis)
Placement Guidance:
• If students score fewer than 10 correct answers, consider starting in the level below.
• If students score between 10 and 40, start at the expected level and assess scores to check whether remediation is required.
• If students score between 50 to 75, assess scores and consider an additional oral interview to decide whether the expected
level or the upper level with some remediation would be more appropriate.
• Students who scored 75+ should be started at an upper level.

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M01 Gold XP A2+ TRB Tests 94486.indd 156 04/03/2019 12:20


Grammar 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 an 5 the 6 the 7 a 8 the
TASK 1 For revision, go to Student’s Book: p12

1 – 2 the 3 a 4 the 5 an 6 an 7 – 8 –
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p12 TASK 2
9 any 10 lot 11 many 12 little 13 any 14 All
15 few 16 much
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p14
9 little 10 any 11 lot 12 many 13 All 14 few
15 much 16 any
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p14 TASK 3
17 B 18 C 19 A 20 B 21 A 22 A 23 B 24 C 25 C
TASK 3 For revision, go to Student’s Book: p12, p14

17 C 18 A 19 B 20 C 21 B 22 C 23 A 24 A 25 B
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p12, p14
Vocabulary 26 block 27 lift 28 park 29 bin 30 seat 31 gallery
32 stop 33 rack 34 centre 35 crossing 36 store
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p13
26 gallery 27 bin 28 rack 29 centre 30 apartment
31 stop 32 park 33 department 34 lift 35 crossing
36 seat TASK 2
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p13 37 and 38 in 39 at 40 because 41 between 42 near
43 on 44 under
TASK 2 For revision, go to Student’s Book: p15, p17

37 between 38 behind 39 but 40 in 41 on 42 near

43 out 44 on TASK 3
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p15, p17 45 B 46 F 47 D 48 C 49 A 50 E
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p15, p17
45 D 46 B 47 F 48 A 49 E 50 C
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p15, p17

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Why are Dutch teens so happy at school? It’s because there isn’t
a lot of pressure from parents and teachers, and students feel Grammar
very close to their school community.
Listening 1 Do you like 2 Are you looking for 3 seems 4 go
5 climb 6 aren’t going up 7 are trying 8 love
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p24
1B 2C 3A 4B 5C 6C

9 are playing 10 don’t believe 11 isn’t going
7F 8T 12 needs 13 spend 14 Do, think 15 listen
16 hates 17 Am, walking 18 doesn’t like
Reading For revision, go to Student’s Book: p24

9 F 10 DS 11 T 12 DS 13 T 14 T 15 DS 16 T TASK 3
19 B 20 C 21 A 22 B 23 C 24 A 25 C
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p24, p26
17 It’s important for young people to spend time with their Vocabulary
friends because this helps them to learn how to be around
other people. TASK 1
18 Exams make young people unhappy because they worry
26 F 27 C 28 H 29 A 30 E 31 D 32 B 33 G
that exams will be difficult and they will get bad marks.
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p25


34 honest 35 polite 36 careful 37 friendly 38 clever
Dictation 39 quiet 40 serious 41 confident
Why are Dutch teens so happy at school? It’s because there isn’t For revision, go to Student’s Book: p28
a lot of pressure from parents and teachers, and students feel
very close to their school community.
Listening 42 site 43 share 44 follow 45 program 46 He’d like
47 press 48 get 49 waste 50 work
TASK 1 For revision, go to Student’s Book: p22, p29
1C 2B 3C 4A 5B 6A

7T 8F Grammar
Reading TASK 1
1 do you usually spend 2 Are you looking for 3 use 4 rains
TASK 1 5 don’t fall 6 am starting 7 are looking forward to 8 looks
9 T 10 DS 11 F 12 DS 13 DS 14 T 15 DS 16 T For revision, go to Student’s Book: p24

17 They ask a lot of questions and send too many text 9 agree 10 isn’t running 11 don’t understand 12 watches
messages. However, they are happy to have their parents’ 13 Does, know 14 Are, learning 15 love 16 doesn’t do
support. 17 Do, want 18 Is, raining
18 It’s good because it helps them to learn how to be around For revision, go to Student’s Book: p24
other people, for example, to be kind and polite.

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19 C 20 A 21 B 22 C 23 A 24 B 25 A
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p24, p26 Dictation
Vocabulary To get better at any skill, you need to practise. By working hard
and spending some time on it you can make progress and have
TASK 1 fun at the same time.

26 D 27 G 28 E 29 H 30 B 31 F 32 A 33 C
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p25
TASK 2 1 trips 2 costs 3 eight/8 4 two/2 5 town 6 shoes

34 quiet 35 friendly 36 confident 37 clever 38 serious

39 polite 40 careful 41 honest TASK 2
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p28 7F 8T

TASK 3 Reading
42 follow 43 getting 44 work 45 program 46 site TASK 1
47 press 48 waste 49 share 50 I’d like
9 B 10 C 11 A
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p22, p29

SKILLS TEST A 12 B 13 M 14 J 15 J 16 M

To get better at any skill, you need to practise. By working hard
and spending some time on it you can make progress and have 17 it’s fantastic exercise for hands, arms and shoulders
fun at the same time. 18 how to start a blog

1 activities 2 every day 3 five/5 4 hours 5 lunch 6 clothes

TASK 2 Grammar
7T 8F
Reading 1 were sitting, started 2 was chatting, were waiting
3 was reading, called 4 were playing, broke 5 kicked, scored
TASK 1 6 was Pat sitting, were listening 7 didn’t meet, was studying
9 A 10 B 11 C 8 was raining, was blowing
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p36

12 M 13 J 14 B 15 J 16 B TASK 2
9 wasn’t watching 10 Did you buy 11 was doing 12 paid
13 Was she driving 14 went out 15 opened 16 wasn’t going
TASK 3 For revision, go to Student’s Book: p36
17 something you enjoy
18 at home or somewhere in your town
17 anything 18 no one 19 everything 20 Someone
21 anything 22 nothing 23 everyone 24 something
25 anyone
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p38

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Vocabulary TASK 3
39 funny American film 40 uncomfortable wooden chair
TASK 1 41 valuable gold jewellery 42 favourite young tennis player
26 F 27 H 28 A 29 G 30 B 31 C 32 E 33 D 43 strange blue bottle 44 incredible Greek island
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p41 45 brilliant opera singer
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p37

34 dark, light 35 exciting, dull 36 modern, ancient SKILLS TEST A
37 ordinary, special 38 tiny, huge
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p37 Dictation
When I travel I make sure that I have an exciting story with me.
TASK 3 If I have to wait for a bus or train I pass the time reading it.

39 valuable Italian painting 40 brilliant young writer

41 beautiful gold ring 42 fantastic German sports car
43 scary black and white film 44 strange old man
45 long wooden spoon
1C 2B 3A 4C 5C 6A
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p37


Grammar Reading
1 was showing, dropped 2 found, was looking
9 C 10 H 11 J 12 A 13 E 14 D
3 was going, called 4 was skiing, fell 5 didn’t invite, forgot
6 Were you sitting, were reading 7 didn’t cycle, was raining
8 was shining, were singing TASK 2
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p36 15 by plane, taxi, train and bus

9 wasn’t listening 10 Did you take 11 was doing 12 visited
13 Were you having 14 came 15 went 16 wasn’t snowing
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p36
When I travel, I make sure that I have an exciting story with me.
If I have to wait for a bus or train, I pass the time reading it.
17 someone 18 everyone 19 anything 20 no one Listening
21 everything 22 anything 23 anyone 24 nothing
25 something TASK 1
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p38 1A 2C 3B 4A 5B 6C

TASK 1 7F 8T
26 H 27 E 28 F 29 B 30 C 31 G 32 D 33 A
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p41
TASK 2 9 E 10 J 11 B 12 C 13 G 14 F
34 Ancient, modern 35 light, dark 36 huge, tiny
37 dull, exciting 38 special, ordinary
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p37
15 her dad’s pockets, their bags and suitcases

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Grammar 1A 2A 3B 4C 5C 6B 7B 8A
TASK 1 For revision, go to Student’s Book: p48

1B 2C 3A 4B 5A 6C 7B 8A
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p48 TASK 2
9 might 10 won’t 11 might 12 will 13 may 14 will
15 won’t 16 might 17 will 18 may
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p50
9 will 10 may 11 won’t 12 might 13 will 14 might
15 will 16 may not 17 will 18 may
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p50 TASK 3
19 Is Andy going to walk 20 will love 21 are looking
22 does it open 23 will tidy 24 are coming 25 comes
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p48
19 Are you going to make 20 will be 21 are going
22 do you start 23 will help 24 are having 25 ends
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p48
Vocabulary 26 A 27 C 28 B 29 A 30 B 31 A 32 C 33 A
TASK 1 For revision, go to Student’s Book: p49

26 C 27 B 28 A 29 C 30 B 31 C 32 A 33 B
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p49 TASK 2
34 H 35 E 36 B 37 D 38 A 39 F 40 C 41 G
TASK 2 For revision, go to Student’s Book: p46, p49

34 F 35 C 36 H 37 B 38 G 39 D 40 A 41 E
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p46, p49 TASK 3
42 fancy 43 make 44 off 45 open 46 have 47 around
48 take 49 up 50 runs
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p46, p49
42 make 43 open 44 out 45 take 46 run 47 down
48 around 49 make 50 sounds
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p46, p49

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It isn’t easy to decide about your future when you’re young.
Before you make up your mind about school or work, take advice Grammar
from people who can help you.
Listening 1C 2B 3C 4B 5A 6B 7A 8A
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p60, p62
1C 2A 3B 4A 5C 6B
9 C 10 F 11 H 12 A 13 G 14 B 15 D 16 E
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p60, p62
7 She leaves five minutes before the end to go over her answers.

Reading TASK 3
17 too curly 18 isn’t hot enough 19 too big
TASK 1 20 talented enough 21 comfortable enough
8 C 9 B 10 D 11 A 12 B 13 C 22 aren’t fashionable enough 23 too angry
24 fast enough 25 too tired
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p62
14 They became best friends. They shared Charlie’s bedroom Vocabulary
and they often talked for ages before they fell asleep.
SKILLS TEST B 26 check 27 save 28 try 29 slogan 30 fancy
31 dark 32 average 33 glasses

Dictation For revision, go to Student’s Book: p58, p61

It isn’t easy to decide about your future when you’re young.

Before you make up your mind about school or work, take advice TASK 2
from people who can help you. 34 like, personality 35 look, freckles 36 Who, curly
37 What, might 38 How, probably
Listening For revision, go to Student’s Book: p61, p63

1B 2A 3C 4B 5A 6C TASK 3
39 A 40 A 41 B 42 C 43 A 44 B 45 C
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p58, p61
7 Because she isn’t great at maths.

8 D 9 C 10 A 11 B 12 D 13 A

14 Young people like to look fashionable all the time and it makes
some students feel bad because they don’t have nice clothes.

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Grammar TASK 1
9 E 10 G 11 H 12 C 13 B 14 A
1A 2C 3C 4A 5A 6B 7B 8A TASK 2
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p60, p62 15 Good quality items last longer than cheap ones. They make
you stand out and feel special.
9 F 10 C 11 E 12 A 13 D 14 H 15 G 16 B
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p60, p62
TASK 3 The internet has made shopping much easier. You can check out
17 confident enough 18 cheap enough 19 too young as many different shops as you like without leaving your home.
20 too loud 21 isn’t good enough 22 too old It’s great for finding what you need.
23 aren’t big enough 24 too excited 25 tall enough
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p62 Listening
Vocabulary TASK 1
1 2010 2 online 3 interested in 4 filming 5 16/sixteen
TASK 1 6 latest fashions
26 dress 27 slim 28 stand 29 freckles 30 try
31 braces 32 make-up 33 pattern TASK 2
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p58, p61 7F 8T

TASK 2 Reading
34 Who, tall 35 like, friendly 36 look, average TASK 1
37 How, Maybe 38 What, probably
9 D 10 C 11 F 12 B 13 H 14 E
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p61, p63

TASK 3 15 You can keep a good item for a long time, but you only wear
39 C 40 C 41 C 42 B 43 A 44 B 45 A the cheap ones a few times.
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p58, p61


The internet has made shopping much easier. You can check out
as many different shops as you like without leaving your home. Grammar
It’s great for finding what you need.
Listening 1C 2A 3A 4B 5A 6B 7C 8B
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p72, p74
1 2005 2 fill in 3 personality 4 work 5 8/eight TASK 2
6 (free) gifts/presents
9 yourselves 10 myself 11 yourself 12 itself 13 herself
14 themselves 15 himself 16 ourselves
TASK 2 For revision, go to Student’s Book: p72
7T 8F
17 has to/must 18 There are 19 ourselves 20 mustn’t
21 it’s 22 myself 23 There is 24 can 25 have to
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p72, p74

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Vocabulary SKILLS TEST A

TASK 1 Dictation
26 powerful 27 clear 28 blind 29 empty 30 clever
31 colourful 32 loud 33 sharp Every city needs to have green spaces. They make life better for
the people who live there. These are places where we can relax,
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p73, p76
forget our problems and enjoy nature.

TASK 2 Listening
34 D 35 G 36 B 37 E 38 H 39 C 40 F 41 A
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p73, p77
1A 2C 3B 4C 5B 6A

42 C 43 B 44 A 45 B 46 C 47 A 48 C 49 B 50 A
7F 8T
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p73, p76, p77

Grammar 9 C 10 B 11 D 12 A 13 B 14 D

1C 2A 3B 4B 5A 6B 7C 8A
15 They can go to amusement parks, shopping malls
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p72, p74 and museums.

9 herself 10 ourselves 11 themselves 12 yourselves
13 yourself 14 myself 15 itself 16 himself
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p72
Every city needs to have green spaces. They make life better for
the people who live there. These are places where we can relax,
TASK 3 forget our problems and enjoy nature.
17 It’s 18 mustn’t 19 there’s/there is 20 have to
21 has to/must 22 herself 23 There are Listening
24 themselves 25 Can
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p72, p74 TASK 1
1A 2A 3C 4B 5A 6B
26 clever 27 sharp 28 powerful 29 empty 30 clear 7F 8F
31 loud 32 colourful 33 blind
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p73, p76
TASK 2 9 B 10 A 11 C 12 B 13 A 14 C
34 E 35 H 36 C 37 F 38 A 39 D 40 G 41 B
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p73, p77
15 They can meet their friends, have a coffee or a meal, shop
TASK 3 at an open market or see a concert.
42 B 43 A 44 B 45 A 46 B 47 C 48 B 49 A 50 C
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p73, p76, p77

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Grammar 1 which 2 who 3 who 4 which 5 who 6 which
7 which 8 who 9 which 10 who
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p84
1 who 2 which 3 which 4 who 5 which 6 who
7 who 8 which 9 who 10 which
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p84 TASK 2
11 who 12 which 13 who 14 which 15 which
16 who 17 who 18 which
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p84
11 which 12 who 13 which 14 which 15 which
16 who 17 who 18 who
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p84 TASK 3
19 slowly 20 politely 21 comfortably 22 noisily
23 fast 24 carefully 25 well
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p86
19 carefully 20 easily 21 well 22 hard 23 quickly
24 rudely 25 beautifully
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p86
Vocabulary 26 cooked 27 hard 28 spicy 29 burned 30 raw
31 roast 32 soft 33 fried
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p85
26 crispy 27 juicy 28 soft 29 dry 30 sweet 31 salty
32 tasty 33 sour
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p85 TASK 2
34 Pineapples 35 steak 36 burger 37 kebabs
38 marshmallows 39 sushi 40 scones 41 chilli
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p82, p85, p88, p91
34 paella 35 tortillas 36 curry 37 yoghurt 38 pasta
39 sushi 40 toast 41 popcorn
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p84, p85, p88 TASK 3
42 pop-up, cupcake 43 cost, chain, promotion
44 toast, butter 45 expensive, money
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p82, p85
42 vegetarian, fish, chicken 43 burgers, fries
44 expensive, fortune 45 short, promotion
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p82, p84, p85

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Television cooking competitions have become very popular
recently. Millions of people watch these shows because they Grammar
are exciting, but few viewers actually try to make the recipes
at home. TASK 1
1 have bought 2 has decided 3 haven’t tried
Listening 4 Has Tom gone 5 have found 6 has delayed
7 haven’t spoken 8 Have they seen
TASK 1 For revision, go to Student’s Book: p96
1A 2C 3B 4A 5C 6B

TASK 2 9 never 10 just 11 ever 12 already 13 yet 14 since
7F 8T 15 for 16 yet
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p96, p98
9 D 10 H 11 B 12 F 13 A 14 J 17 have already seen 18 have never swum 19 has shone
20 have spent 21 hasn’t rained 22 Have you ever eaten
23 hasn’t stopped 24 has just had 25 Have you made
TASK 2 For revision, go to Student’s Book: p96
15 They would rather eat something tastier like pizza.
26 tourists 27 ticket 28 booked 29 diary 30 suddenly
Dictation 31 take 32 go through 33 caught
Television cooking competitions have become very popular For revision, go to Student’s Book: p97, p99, p101
recently. Millions of people watch these shows because they
are exciting, but few viewers actually try to make the recipes
at home.
34 D 35 G 36 A 37 F 38 C 39 E 40 B
Listening For revision, go to Student’s Book: p94, p97

1B 2A 3C 4B 5C 6A
41 passengers 42 guidebook 43 customs officer 44 visa
45 choice 46 platform 47 challenging 48 single
TASK 2 49 sunglasses 50 booking
7T 8F For revision, go to Student’s Book: p94, p97, p99

9 B 10 I 11 G 12 E 13 C 14 A

15 It’s important because an unpleasant smell tells us that
something is bad and shouldn’t be eaten.

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Grammar Dictation
Have you ever thought about travelling to the stars?
Companies are developing special planes right now, so you
1 has read 2 have lost 3 haven’t met 4 Has Lou taken may get the chance to be a space tourist in the future.
5 Has she kept 6 haven’t slept 7 have you done
8 has delayed Listening
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p96
TASK 2 1C 2B 3A 4C 5A 6B

9 for 10 already 11 never 12 yet 13 just 14 yet

15 since 16 ever TASK 2
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p96, p98 7T 8F

TASK 3 Reading
17 have already explored 18 have never seen 19 has been TASK 1
20 haven’t stayed 21 have visited 22 Have you ever had
9 C 10 H 11 E 12 A 13 F 14 B
23 has eaten 24 hasn’t rained 25 Have you taken
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p96
Vocabulary 15 The best activity for people who enjoy adventure is zip lining
(club D) because it’s fast and exciting.
26 passengers 27 fare 28 make 29 guidebook 30 finally
31 went on 32 go to 33 catch SKILLS TEST B
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p97, p99, p101
TASK 2 Have you ever thought about travelling to the stars?
34 E 35 A 36 B 37 G 38 D 39 F 40 C Companies are developing special planes right now, so you
may get the chance to be a space tourist in the future.
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p94, p97

41 tourists 42 platform 43 flip flops 44 diary
45 booking 46 accommodation 47 customs 48 double 1A 2C 3B 4A 5B 6C
49 visa 50 choice
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p94, p97, p99
7F 8T

9 E 10 A 11 F 12 B 13 G 14 C

15 Club C (Green Team). It cleans up local beaches and
collects glass, paper and aluminium for recycling.

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Grammar 1 is, will go 2 put, melts 3 want, will order
4 won’t finish, plays 5 cries, gets 6 don’t know, check
7 hurts, see 8 will visit, travel
1 play, hurt 2 want, ask 3 will come, invite
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p108
4 decide, will call 5 rains, won’t go out 6 mix, get
7 calls, tell 8 arrive, will send
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p108 TASK 2
9 playing 10 watching 11 to buy 12 to take 13 cooking
14 listening 15 to relax 16 to start
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p110
9 to play 10 winning 11 missing 12 to go 13 to speak
14 to drive 15 getting up 16 watching
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p110 TASK 3
17 plans to become 18 don’t forget to call 19 you rather play
20 doesn’t arrive 21 hope to improve 22 if you eat
23 won’t find 24 interested in travelling
17 need to pay 18 if I don’t use 19 we go 20 will give 25 don’t have a charger
21 tried to fix 22 won’t wait 23 don’t eat 24 at writing
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p108, p110
25 if you don’t study
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p108, p110 Vocabulary
Vocabulary TASK 1
26 A 27 B 28 C 29 B 30 A 31 C 32 C 33 B
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p107, p109
26 B 27 C 28 A 29 C 30 B 31 A 32 B 33 C
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p107, p109
34 G 35 D 36 F 37 C 38 I 39 B 40 A 41 H 42 E
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p107, p109
34 F 35 C 36 E 37 B 38 H 39 A 40 I 41 G 42 D
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p107, p109
43 do 44 have 45 get 46 delete 47 forget 48 leave
49 watch 50 play
43 play 44 have 45 do 46 run out of 47 leave 48 forget
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p107, p109
49 download 50 listen to
For revision, go to Student’s Book: p107, p109

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The main reasons teenagers use social media are to talk to
their friends, join group conversations, share photos and videos, Grammar
and to have something to do whenever they feel bored.
Listening 1A 2C 3C 4B 5B 6C 7A 8B

1 24/twenty-four 2 break 3 June 4 12/twelve TASK 2
5 computers 6 businesses 9 an 10 much 11 Are 12 does 13 Where 14 were
15 Did 16 nothing

7T 8F TASK 3
17 Were you reading 18 rarely buys 19 didn’t know
Reading 20 isn’t raining 21 don’t believe 22 Do your friends live
23 was walking 24 Are you trying 25 sent
9 D 10 A 11 B 12 C 13 D 14 B Vocabulary
TASK 2 26 crossing 27 by 28 I’d like 29 valuable 30 seat
15 Max doesn’t use it because he has deleted all of his apps. 31 useful 32 delighted 33 freezing
Sally controls how she uses social media, checking her phone
only twice a day.
34 C 35 F 36 A 37 E 38 B 39 G 40 D
Dictation TASK 3
41 A 42 C 43 C 44 B 45 A 46 B 47 C 48 C
The main reasons teenagers use social media are to talk to
49 B 50 B
their friends, join group conversations, share photos and videos,
and to have something to do whenever they feel bored.


TASK 1 Grammar
1 charity 2 2010s/twenty tens 3 25/25th 4 every hour
5 radio 6 afternoon
1A 2B 3C 4A 5C 6A 7B 8C

7F 8T
9 the 10 many 11 Did 12 does 13 Why 14 were
Reading 15 few 16 everything

9 A 10 B 11 C 12 D 13 A 14 C
17 isn’t working 18 are you looking for
19 occasionally listens to 20 were riding
TASK 2 21 Was Max studying 22 Do students pay
23 went 24 don’t agree 25 doesn’t study
15 Sally doesn’t use it at all because she doesn’t like the way
it controls people’s lives. Max is careful about using it and
checks his phone only twice a day.

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Vocabulary TASK 2
A: Shall I start? What do you think about the bike helmet?
TASK 1 I’m sure he would like it.
26 pavement 27 starving 28 ordinary 29 special B: Yes, I think that’s a good idea. He likes to ride his bike every
30 I like 31 exhausted 32 on 33 path day and maybe he needs a new helmet. Now, what about
the game controller? He has some video games.
A: That’s good too. It’s a nice present for him. He plays games
TASK 2 and I don’t think it costs a lot. He also loves music, but is
34 G 35 D 36 B 37 F 38 A 39 E 40 C he interested in playing music – on the guitar?
B: I’m not sure, but I think he prefers to listen to music and go
to concerts. But look at the T-shirt. It’s really cool and he likes
to wear dark colours. I’m sure he would love that.
41 C 42 A 43 B 44 B 45 C 46 A 47 B 48 C
A: Yes, I agree. That’s a really good idea because he likes to
49 B 50 A
wear cool clothes.
B: So what the boogie board? That’s a fun activity to do.

SPEAKING A: It is, yes, but when could he use it? I don’t think he goes
to the beach a lot. What about the bracelets? He wears
Sample answers
jewellery sometimes.
TASK 1 B: Yes, you’re right, and these ones look really cool, too.
What’s your name? A: We’ve talked about all of the ideas now. Shall we decide
My name is Maria. on the best one?
What’s your surname? How do you spell it? B: OK. I would choose the T-shirt. I think that’s the best idea
Conti. C…O…N…T…I because it’s very fashionable and he will enjoy wearing it.
Where do you live? A: I agree that’s the best idea. Let’s choose that one.
I live in a city called Genoa, in Italy.
How old are you?
I am fourteen years old.
Sample answer
Do you have any hobbies?
I went to the window and looked outside. It was snowing!
Yes, I do. I go swimming every week at a sports centre. I’m also
Everywhere was white. I was delighted because I wanted to play
learning to play the guitar and I have two lessons a week.
in the snow. First, I put on some warm clothes. Then I opened
What do you want to do when you grow up? the door and went outside. While I was walking in my garden,
I’m not sure. At school, I like art and history very much, so maybe someone called my name. It was my neighbour Tom. He was
I can be a teacher. outside too. There was something in his hand. He raised his
What do you usually do at the weekend? arm and threw some snow at me! It hit me on my leg and Tom
I usually have homework, but when I’m not studying, I meet my started laughing. So I threw some at him. Soon, we were having
friends and we go to the shops or we play sports. Sometimes we a snow fight. It was a lot of fun!
go to parties.
What do you enjoy reading?
I love comics and sometimes I read adventure stories. There are
some sports blogs that I read too.
Who do you like to spend time with?
I like to spend time with my best friend, and also my family.
My sister and I do a lot of things together.

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Grammar 1B 2A 3A 4B 5C 6C 7B 8C 9A
1A 2C 3B 4C 5B 6A 7C 8B 9B TASK 2
10 is he going to 11 aren’t as interesting as
12 doesn’t have to stay 13 by himself 14 aren’t big enough
15 might rain 16 the nicest 17 don’t have quite as
10 are you going to 11 isn’t as polite as 12 don’t have to leave
13 by myself 14 a little 15 isn’t old enough 16 may stay
17 the tallest TASK 3
18 as 19 the 20 most 21 have/need 22 must/should
23 than 24 more 25 enough
18 more 19 to 20 most 21 lot 22 too 23 best Vocabulary
24 as 25 going
Vocabulary 26 B 27 B 28 A 29 C 30 A 31 B 32 C 33 A
26 C 27 A 28 B 29 C 30 A 31 B 32 A 33 C TASK 2
34 throw 35 take 36 dress 37 saved 38 make
39 running 40 has 41 lie 42 manage
34 start 35 give 36 get 37 open 38 noted
39 tell 40 cross 41 fancy 42 hand TASK 3
43 clever 44 powerful 45 straight 46 soft 47 glasses
48 jewellery 49 history 50 Dolphins
43 blind 44 friendly 45 sharp 46 curly 47 braces
48 wallet 49 geography 50 penguin

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Sample answers
A: This photo shows a young girl and a horse. Maybe it’s her horse
or maybe she goes to a club to ride horses. I don’t think she’s Grammar
at home, in her garden. I think she’s at a club. The girl is wearing
a helmet and clothes that you wear for horse riding, so I think TASK 1
she was riding the horse and now the horse is hot. That’s why 1 had 2 which 3 never 4 for 5 just 6 well 7 to go
it needs the water. It looks like a sunny day so I think she enjoys 8 will visit 9 quietly
being outside in good weather with the horse.
B: The photo shows a boy with a violin. I think the woman
is a music teacher and he is learning to play the violin. TASK 2
There are other people in the photo and they are playing 10 calls 11 has known 12 have already eaten
different instruments. Maybe they are all having a music 13 will get 14 to find 15 planning 16 haven’t downloaded
lesson at school. The boy is listening carefully to the teacher. 17 doesn’t enjoy
He looks very serious. I think they enjoy playing music
together and creating something nice to listen to.
18 the 19 ever 20 who 21 which/that 22 There
TASK 2 23 If 24 to 25 will
A: Would you like to start?
B: Yes, OK. I think the beach is a good idea because it’s Vocabulary
summer and it could be hot in the city. It would be nice
to go swimming. TASK 1
A: That’s true, and everyone likes to go to the beach. 26 F 27 C 28 I 29 A 30 H 31 E 32 G 33 B 34 D
Now, what about the cinema? I love the cinema but I don’t
think it’s a good idea to be inside in the summer.
B: I agree. It’s nicer to be outdoors when the weather is good.
How about the museum? 35 vegetables 36 tortilla 37 earphones 38 customs
A: I think that’s OK. There are lots of interesting things to see 39 immediately 40 connection 41 sleepover
in a museum, so it might be fun. 42 mobile phone
B: I’m not sure about that. Maybe it’s a boring thing to do in
a big, exciting city. I think sightseeing would be fun, especially TASK 3
if it’s their first time in the city. And on a bus like that, you
43 B 44 C 45 B 46 A 47 C 48 C 49 A 50 B
can see a lot.
A: Yes, you’re right. They can see lots of sights, but also people
and shops. So, the last one is shopping. I think shopping is
fun, but they can go shopping in their own city.
B: I agree. I think it’s better to see new places and have new
experiences. So which one do you think is the best?
A: In my opinion, they should see the city and visit the TASK 1
important places.
1 who 2 yet 3 well 4 to close 5 for 6 spending
B: Yes, I agree. I think that’s the best activity to do when you 7 don’t 8 playing 9 see
visit a city.
A: Great, so we both think it’s the best activity.
10 decides 11 will travel 12 haven’t seen 13 learning
WRITING 14 have already been 15 doesn’t feel like 16 to visit
Sample answer 17 won’t catch
I enjoy going to school for a couple of reasons. First, I see my
friends there and we have fun during the break! But that’s not
the most important reason, of course. At school, I learn useful TASK 3
things that will help me in life and make me a better person. 18 the 19 Have 20 If 21 which/that 22 who
For me, it’s very important to do well at school because I hope 23 there 24 will 25 to
to go to university and become a science teacher. It’s a job
that I think is difficult, but also very interesting. Also, I’d like to
teach young people and help them to learn about the world.
Who knows? Maybe it will happen!

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Vocabulary TASK 2
T: What are your favourite foods, Student A?
TASK 1 A: I like my mum’s food the best because she cooks very well,
26 G 27 D 28 A 29 E 30 I 31 C 32 H 33 F 34 B especially pasta. But pizza is my favourite food.
T: What about you, Student B?
B: Yes, I love the food my parents cook, and I also love pizza!
And I can make it myself. My favourite food is Mexican food.
35 yoghurt 36 Paella 37 guidebook 38 security It’s very tasty!
39 suddenly 40 headphones 41 battery 42 water bottle
T: Do you go out to eat with your friends, Student B?
Where do you go?
TASK 3 B: Yes, I often go to a café with my friends. We order a drink
and a sandwich or a burger, and have fun chatting.
43 C 44 A 45 C 46 B 47 A 48 B 49 A 50 C
T: What about you, Student A?
A: The same. We go to cafes because there’s usually cool music
SPEAKING and lots of other teens go there too. The food is tasty and it
isn’t expensive.
Sample answers
T: What events do you celebrate with food, Student A?
TASK 1 A: We always celebrate birthdays with lots of food. I have
A: OK, shall I start? a party and my mum orders a big birthday cake, of course,
B: Yes, please. and we have nice snacks.
A: I don’t think a barbecue is a good idea because they will have T: How about you, Student B?
to buy meat and cook it. It isn’t easy to do. B: Yes, my family celebrates birthdays with food, but also the
B: Yes, I agree. They should do something more relaxing. I think New Year. We have some traditional foods that we eat then.
the picnic is a good idea though. They have to bring their own
food, but they don’t have to make it if they don’t want to –
they can buy food and share it. WRITING
A: I agree. It’s also nice to eat outdoors, in a park or even by the Sample answer
sea. What about the café with the burger and fries? I think Hi Jane,
they would like that. Teenagers love eating fast food. That’s great! Thanks for finding the information. I can’t wait
B: That’s true, they do. And it isn’t expensive food. But maybe to go! It’s going to be really fun.
they should do something ‘special’ to celebrate. I mean, they I’d rather go for three weeks. I want to spend as much time
can have fast food any day. How about sushi? That’s quite there as possible. I hope you do too.
different. Maybe they would like to do something unusual I’d prefer to have photography lessons. You see, I’ve got a new
that they will remember. phone and it has a very good camera, but the photos I take
A: I see what you mean, but I’m not sure many teenagers want are terrible! I really need to learn how to use it well!
to eat raw fish. How about meeting on Saturday when you finish work?
B: Yes, you’re right. Some people think it’s disgusting! I’ll wait for you outside the shop at two o’clock. Is that OK?
A: Well, that leaves the last one – a vegetarian café. Salads are See you soon,
nice, but, I don’t know – they seem a bit boring to me. Bella
B: I don’t agree. I think some salads are very tasty, but not
everyone is a vegetarian, so maybe not that one.
A: OK, so let’s decide. I think the picnic is the best idea.
They can have a fun day outdoors.
B: Yes, that’s my choice too.

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Listening 1C 2A 3A 4A 5B 6A
1B 2A 3B 4C 5A 6C TASK 2
7T 8F
7F 8T TASK 3
9 12th/12/twelfth 10 basketball 11 teacher
12 competitions 13 photography 14 training
9 1998 10 football 11 champion 12 famous 13 videos
14 travelling TASK 4
15 T
15 T
LANGUAGE 16 ever 17 enough 18 did 19 who 20 as 21 by
22 few 23 would
16 enough 17 which 18 ago 19 most 20 for 21 yourself
22 lot 23 rather TASK 2
24 A 25 C 26 B 27 A 28 C 29 B 30 A
24 C 25 B 26 A 27 C 28 B 29 A 30 C
Reading 31 D 32 A 33 F 34 B 35 G
31 C 32 G 33 E 34 A 35 F TASK 2
36 They feel lonely, scared or sad.
TASK 2 37 You can do quizzes and puzzles or play board games.

36 They are in shelters because they’re lost or their owners

can’t look after them. TASK 3
37 You can write about something you are interested in and 38 C 39 F 40 A 41 E 42 H
improve your writing.

43 It sat behind a big wooden desk that was closed on
38 B 39 H 40 D 41 G 42 E all sides like a box.
44 Machines were starting to do work in factories then.
TASK 4 45 Chess champions worked the machine.
43 The named it the Turk because it wore long clothes and
a cap on its head, as people did in Turkey.
44 Napoleon Bonaparte and Benjamin Franklin played chess
against the machine.
45 A man sat inside the desk and he had a way to control the
arms of the Turk and move the pieces on the board.

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Sample answers A: Would you like to start?
B: OK, thanks. Let me see … I think going to a gym is a good
TASK 1 hobby to have because it can keep her fit and healthy.
Teacher: What’s your name? What do you think?
Student: My name is Nicholas. A: Yes, I agree. It’s a good habit to have because it’s important
Teacher: What’s your surname? How do you spell it? to be healthy. What about playing football? That’s good for
Student: Pappas. P…A…P…P…A…S keeping fit too.
Teacher: Where do you live? B: Yes, you’re right about that, but you can’t play football if you
Student: I live in Athens, in Greece. don’t have people to play it with. Swimming is also fun and
you don’t need to join a team.
Teacher: Do you study English at school?
A: Swimming is good for your body, but I think it can be a
Student: Yes, I do, and I also have lessons at a language school.
bit boring.
Teacher: Do you have any brothers or sisters?
B: Hmm. I don’t think it’s boring. OK, so how about learning to
Student: Yes, I have a brother. His name is George and he’s two
play the guitar? I think that would be fun and it’s also creative.
years younger than me.
A: That’s true, it looks like fun, and she could make a band with
Teacher: What do you usually do in the summer?
her friends. Do you think chess is a good hobby for her?
Student: I spend a lot of time with my friends and I go to the I’m not sure it is.
beach. Sometimes my family goes to an island for
B: Well, it seems good to me. It’s a hobby that makes you think
a week.
and maybe it could help her to do better at school.
Teacher: Do you use social media?
A: Oh, I see, yes, you could be right about that. And I guess
Student: Yes, I use it all the time. I share videos and photos she could join a club and meet other young people too.
with my friends. It’s fun.
B: You’re right, I think she could. OK, well there’s one more …
Teacher: What kinds of films do you like? cooking. What do you think about that for a hobby?
Student: I like comedies because they’re funny and action films A: It’s good if you want to do something at home, but it’s not
because they’re exciting. a good way to keep fit or meet other people.
B: Yes, I agree, but I think it could be fun when you have nothing
TASK 2 to do at home. So, shall we make a decision? Which do you
think is the best hobby?
Student A
A: In my opinion, playing football is the best because it’s
I can see a girl and a boy who are both students and
a sport so it will keep her fit and she’ll have fun playing with
a teacher. The girl has long fair hair and the boy has red
other people.
hair which is long on the top. The teacher is showing them
something on a tablet or maybe in a book, I’m not sure. She B: Yes, I agree with you. I think it’s the best hobby, too.
has long curly hair. There are the things you use in science
for making small things look big so you can see them
properly on the table, so I think they are having a science
lesson at school.
Maybe the students are trying to understand something
that the teacher is explaining to them. Next, they might look
at something or write about what they can see.
Student B
I can see five teenagers. There are three girls and two boys.
I think they’re about 12 or 13 years old. They’re sitting on
a long seat and are somewhere in a city or a town. It’s funny
because they’re all together, but they’re all looking at their
mobile phones and aren’t talking.
They look happy and they’re having a good time. Maybe
they’re all watching funny videos. Next, they might buy
something to drink or some fast food.

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Student A: I love drawing and painting. I do it at home when Sample answer
I have free time and at school in art. And I also
like going to museums because I can look at nice TASK 1
art there. How about you? Hi Tom,
Student B: My favourite hobby is cycling because I love being That’s fantastic news. Of course I’ll go to the cinema with
outdoors. I usually ride with my best friend and you! I haven’t been in a really long time, so I’m looking
we go to the countryside or by the sea. forward to it.
Teacher: Do you enjoy trying new things, Student B? I’m not busy at the weekend, so how about Saturday?
Student B: Yes, I do. I think it’s interesting and fun to try We could go in the afternoon or the evening.
something new and see if I’m good at it. Do you like Actually I don’t want to watch an action film because I’m
trying new things? not very interested in them. What about a comedy? Is that
Student A: Yes, I do, too. It’s great because if you try different OK with you?
things, you can find something you really love. Maybe we could go to the new burger café for something
Teacher: Is there an activity you would like to try, Student A? to eat. What do you think? I’ve heard that the burgers there
Student A: Yes, I’d like to make videos and start a vlog, are quite good.
but I don’t have much time these days because Write soon.
I’m studying. What do you want to try? Ben
Student B: I’d like to try something challenging, like skydiving.
I think adventure sports are great! Sample answer
Student A: Me too. I want to try that!
Teacher: And why do you think it’s important to have
hobbies, Student A? I felt nervous when I held the envelope. My English results
Student A: Because they help you to learn new skills maybe, were inside! My mum could see that I was anxious. ‘Do you
or to have fun when you have free time. I think want me to open it?’ she asked. I thought about it for a
it’s important for young people to do something second, but I decided to be brave and open it myself. Slowly
outdoors too, and not play video games or look I tore the envelope and took out the paper. My parents were
at social media all the time. waiting to hear the results. I could see that they were also
nervous. Then, I read the grade. ‘Yes!’ I shouted. ‘What is it?
Teacher: And you, Student B? What do you think?
What grade did you get?’ asked my dad. ‘Look!’ I said and
Student B: I agree with Student A. Hobbies make you happy
gave him the paper. It was an A. It was one of the happiest
and you can use your time in a good way.
days of my life!

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25 score points in total. Responses are scored according to how well students perform against the following criteria:

Task achievement Spoken production and fluency Spoken interaction Range Accuracy
Band 5 Very good attempt at Conveys meaning for the task Works well with the There is a very good There are no
the task. All elements well. Constructs many longer other candidate and range of structures mistakes at the level
of the task are (connected) utterances. Almost offers appropriate and vocabulary for at which they are
communicated. no hesitation. support. Shows the tasks. At times it speaking. Where
appropriate turn reaches above level. errors are made
taking. this is in reaching
beyond level.
Band 4 Good attempt at Mainly conveys meaning for Works with the There is a good There are few
the task. Nearly all the task well. Constructs some other candidate range of structures mistakes at the level
elements of the task longer (connected) utterances. and offers support. and vocabulary at which they are
are communicated. Little hesitation. Shows mainly for the tasks. speaking. Errors are
appropriate turn Occasionally made in reaching
taking. reaches above level. beyond level.
Band 3 Satisfactory attempt Generally conveys meaning for Works satisfactorily There is an There are some
at the task. Most the task. Constructs occasional with the other adequate range mistakes at the level
elements of the task longer (connected) utterances. candidate. Shows of structures and at which they are
are communicated. Some hesitation. some appropriate vocabulary for the speaking, but they
turn taking. tasks according to do not interfere with
the level. the conveyance of
Band 2 Inadequate attempt Conveys little meaning for the Doesn’t work very There is an There are many
at the task. Only some task. No longer (connected) well with the other inadequate range mistakes at the
elements of the task utterances. A lot of hesitation. candidate. Little of structures and level at which
are communicated. appropriate turn vocabulary for they are speaking
taking. the tasks. which impair
of meaning in places.
Band 1 Poor attempt at the Conveys almost no meaning Almost no There is almost no There are so many
task. Most elements for the task. Hesitation is very communication with range of structures mistakes at the
of the task are not intrusive. the other candidate. and vocabulary for level at which they
communicated. Turn taking not the tasks. are speaking that
appropriate. it is difficult to
Band 0 Incomprehensible, silent or only speaking first language.

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25 score points in total. Responses are scored according to how well students perform against the following criteria:

Marks Content Task achievement Organisation and structure Range Accuracy

5 All content points Control of language Text organised and Uses an excellent range Very occasional
covered with exemplary is clearly sufficient to sequenced logically and of level-appropriate lexical and
depth and scope. respond to simple and effectively throughout. vocabulary and grammatical
The text would have more complex tasks. Linking between sentences grammar structures errors do not
a positive effect on There is demonstrable throughout. Paragraphs with excellent accuracy, impede the
the intended reader achievement of all parts used appropriately for the including some complex communication
throughout due to of the task, and perhaps purpose and genre of the and compound of ideas in
good lexical and/or even evidence of writing writing throughout the text. sentences. May even any way.
grammatical accuracy beyond the demands use lexis and structure
and/or sufficient control of the task. that is beyond the level.
of register.
4 All content points Control of language Text organised and Uses a good range Occasional lexical
covered with sufficient is clearly sufficient to sequenced simply but of level-appropriate and grammatical
depth and scope. respond to simple and logically throughout. vocabulary and errors probably
The text would largely working towards more Linking between sentences grammar structures. evident but not
have a positive effect complex tasks. throughout. Paragraphs Largely used accurately. in sufficient
on the intended reader There is demonstrable used appropriately for the Possibly some complex quantity or
due to good lexical and/ achievement of all parts purpose and genre of the as well as compound severity to
or grammatical accuracy of the task. writing throughout most sentences attempted. impede the
and/or sufficient control of the text. communication
of register. of ideas.

3 All points may have been Control is sufficient to Text organised largely at Writing limited to fairly A number of
covered, but some in respond to all simple sentence level. Some simple basic vocabulary for lexical and
insufficient depth. tasks and to complete and logically sequenced the level, largely used grammatical
Sections of the content some more complex sections with linking accurately. errors probably
would probably have ones. between sentences. Uses basic grammar evident but not
a positive effect on the The majority of the There may be evidence of structures, perhaps in sufficient
intended reader. response would achieve paragraphing, but this may with a few errors. quantity to
its intended purpose. not always be inappropriate. Possibly no complex greatly impede
sentences attempted,
of ideas.
but some compound
sentences used.
2 May omit one or two Lexical and grammatical Little text organisation Uses only very basic Frequent lexical
content points, or cover inaccuracies impede according to genre. vocabulary and and grammatical
them in insufficient task achievement. Text organised partly at grammar structures for errors, even in
depth. Control may be phrase level but with some the level, perhaps with a basic language,
Content would probably sufficient for very simple sentence-level language lot of errors. may impede
have a negative effect tasks but generally not attempted too. Occasional No complex but maybe the effective
on the intended more complex ones. linking between sentences. one or two compound communication
reader due to lexical sentences attempted. of ideas.
and/or grammatical
inaccuracies and/or poor
control of register.
1 Two or more content Lexical and grammatical Little or no text organisation Uses only very basic Many lexical and
points may be omitted inaccuracies impede according to genre. vocabulary and grammatical
completely, or covered task achievement, Text organised largely at grammar structures errors, even in
in insufficient depth severely at times. phrase level, perhaps with with a lot of errors basic language,
and/or scope. Control may be some complete sentences evident. which severely
Content would have sufficient for very evident. Little or no linking No attempt at impede
a negative effect on simple tasks but not between phrases or complex or compound communication
the intended reader more complex ones. sentences. sentences. of ideas.
due to lexical and/ Stretches of text may
or grammatical be unintelligible or
inaccuracies and/or poor require a lot of effort by
control of register. the reader to decode.
0 Award 0 marks only if there is no written response to assess or if what is written is unintelligible or is an obviously rehearsed
response bearing little or no relation to the task.

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Unit 1 Skills Test Dictation Unit 2 Skills Test Dictation

Why are Dutch teens so happy at school? It’s because To get better at any skill, you need to practise. By working
there isn’t a lot of pressure from parents and teachers, hard and spending some time on it, you can make progress
and students feel very close to their school community. and have fun at the same time.

Unit 1 Skills Test Listening Unit 2 Skills Test Listening

N = Narrator Hi everyone. Well, as you all know, we asked you to give us
N: One. some ideas about fun activities we can do and day trips we
can go on with the youth club. Thanks for your suggestions!
A: I’ve got a new video game. Do you want to play?
The most popular ideas were a day at the beach, go-karting,
B: Maybe later. I need to finish my homework first. circus skills – that’s unusual! – and paintballing. The good news
A: So why are you relaxing in the garden if you have to study? is, we’ll do all of them over the summer break, and we’ll start
B: I’m just taking a short break. I’ve been at my desk for hours. with paintballing.
Anyway, what’s your new game? The paintballing centre is open every day, but we pay less on
A: It’s a football game and I can’t wait to play it! Mondays and Tuesdays. It normally costs eight pounds, but
we only pay five on those days. If you’d prefer to go sometime
N: Two.
between Wednesday and Sunday, let me know. We can stay
Listen carefully, please. This is about what to take on your on the paintballing course for two hours. So, if we leave here
school trip. Write it down in your notebooks. You’re going at nine o’clock and get there an hour later, we can play until
to spend a lot of time walking, so you don’t want to carry twelve o’clock. After that, we can come back here, or go into
a heavy backpack. Keep it light with just a few things in it. the town for lunch. Again, let me know what you’d like to do.
You’ll need an umbrella or a raincoat, and, of course, your
Oh, and you’ll need to bring some old clothes, of course, and
phones to take photos.
some old trainers! We can change at the centre when we get
N: Three. there – they’ve got changing rooms.
A: There’s a new photography club after school. I’d like
to try that.
B: I take terrible photos! Maybe I should join and get some
Unit 3 Skills Test Dictation
good advice. When I travel, I make sure that I have an exciting story with me.
If I have to wait for a bus or train, I pass the time reading it.
A: The classes are on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
B: Oh, I can’t go three times a week.
A: No, no, you only go once depending on your level. Unit 3 Skills Test Listening
On Mondays, it’s for beginners. Wednesday is for I = Interviewer, M = Molly
intermediate and Friday is for advanced. I: Today, we’re talking to Molly, a teenager who started
B: Great! I’ll go to the beginners’ class. an online book club. Why did you start it, Molly?
N: Four. M: A while ago, I had to do a project on a book we were studying
A: How was your weekend? in school. I wanted to talk about it with other students, but
there was no online forum for us. I could only find reviews
B: Busy! My cousins visited me and we saw the city. that people left on different sites. We needed a place where
A: Cool. Did you go to the castle? students could chat about books, get different opinions and
B: No, they went there last year. This time we passed maybe understand a book better.
it on the bus and took photos. I: So, at the club you only discuss books that people
A: So what did you do? are studying?
B: We went to a concert and it was great. We also went M: Well, that’s how it started. But, of course, we also read for
to the theme park. They loved the rollercoaster, but it enjoyment, and teenagers started visiting the site to talk
looked so scary that I stayed on the ground! about other things they loved reading like comics or blogs,
N: Five. and for suggestions about new writers or books.
It’s easy to keep fit and I think more teenagers should do I: Were you surprised by the success of the online book club?
some exercise. Ice skating is my favourite, but I only do M: Yes and no. The incredible thing I discovered was that so
it in the winter and not very often. Luckily, there’s a gym many teenagers read in their free time, in addition to doing
near my house. I go there three times a week and use the other activities. I thought I was one of a few, but reading
running machine, so it doesn’t matter what the weather is quite popular with young people, despite some thinking
is like – I just get on it and run for 30 minutes. it’s boring. I wasn’t surprised that students joined the club –
N: Six. it’s really useful for them and helps them to do better with
their projects.
A: Thanks for inviting me to the cinema. I really enjoyed
the film. I: Can you tell us why you like to read?
B: Me too. And thanks for buying the popcorn. M: When I read a story, I imagine that I’m the main character.
It’s so enjoyable to experience a different life. Reading
A: No problem. But I think I had too much! improves my vocabulary too and I sound clever when I talk!
B: Really? I was thinking maybe we could get a pizza. Um, what else? I can read when there’s nothing else to do,
A: Oh, I’m too full! But what about an ice cream? A small one! and sometimes when there are other things to do!
B: Sure. I know a shop near here that sells the best ice cream. I: What do you think about audio books?
Let’s go.

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M: I prefer paper books myself. I love holding them and turning A: Making a sandwich isn’t cooking! How about an omelette
the pages, but I can understand why others like them. You just with cheese?
put on your headphones, close your eyes and imagine the B: That’s OK, I’m not hungry now, but I’ll have one later
story as you listen. It’s a great way to relax, but you can learn if you make it.
something, too, like how to pronounce new words. I don’t
N: Four. You will hear two friends preparing for an exam.
think it helps with spelling though – you can’t see the words!
A: There are so many facts we need to remember for this
I: How many members are in the club? And how can
exam. Let’s test each other again. I’ll ask you first. OK?
someone join?
B: I can’t – I’m too tired. Let’s stop for a while.
M: There are about 1,000 now and growing! Just go to the
website and sign up. You need to give your name, age and A: OK, but only for ten minutes. Do you want to drink something?
which school you go to. Oh, and it’s free to join! B: No, thanks, I’m not thirsty. I think I just want to move around.
I: Thanks very much for talking to us, Molly. A: Why don’t we go for a walk or kick a football about?
B: Sure. Anything to forget about science for a little while!
Unit 4 Skills Test Dictation A: I’ll just note down where we are in the book and then we
can go for a walk.
It isn’t easy to decide about your future when you’re young.
Before you make up your mind about school or work, N: Five. You will hear two friends talking about their lessons.
take advice from people who can help you. A: Our lessons are really great this year!
B: Do you mean because we all have computers?
Unit 4 Skills Test Listening Yeah, it’s amazing that we do everything on our laptops.
Not like last year!
N = Narrator A: Do you remember how heavy our school bags were?
N: One. You will hear a girl telling her friend about a problem They were full of books. Now I just bring my computer,
with a school project. a notebook and a few pens.
A: Are you working on your geography project? B: Me too, and I think I’m learning more now. I’m definitely
B: Yes, I’ve nearly finished it. I think it’s pretty good. getting better grades.
Maybe I’ll get a good grade! What about you? A: I like that I can read my notes or study anywhere. Yesterday
A: Um … I haven’t started mine yet. when the bus was late, I took out my laptop and did some
B: What? We have to hand it in next week. homework! Computers really do make life easier.
A: I don’t think I’ll be able to. I just don’t have enough time N: Six. You will hear two friends talking about a maths test.
to work on it. I joined a dance school and, right now, we’re A: Look at the mistakes I made in my maths test. I can’t believe
preparing for a competition. We practise every night and I passed it!
it’s a lot of hard work. B: Don’t be too upset. Everyone says it was a difficult test.
B: Hmm … Why don’t you talk with our teacher and explain I got more than a few answers wrong too.
what’s happening? A: That’s not why I’m upset. Sure, the test was hard, but my
A: That’s a good idea. mistakes were really silly. And because I didn’t check my work,
N: Two. You will hear a boy, Tom, talking to his teacher I didn’t see them. I’ll definitely be more careful next time!
about his homework. B: Well, I’m not great at maths, and that’s why I always leave
A: I’m sorry, I don’t have my homework today, Mrs Smith. five minutes before the end to go over my answers carefully.
You should do the same.
B: You usually hand in your work on time, Tom. What happened?
A: I wasn’t well. I had bad headaches and I went to see
the doctor. Unit 5 Skills Test Dictation
B: Oh, I hope you’re alright now. The internet has made shopping much easier. You can check
A: Yes, it’s nothing really, I just need glasses and I’m getting out as many different shops as you like without leaving your
them tomorrow. home. It’s great for finding what you need.
B: Well, I’m glad you’re OK. Why don’t you sit at the front
of the class today so that you can see the board? Unit 5 Skills Test Listening
You can bring me your homework in a few days.
How many TV advertisements do you see a day? Lots, for sure.
A: Thank you, Mrs Smith. I promise you’ll have it on Friday. Every day, thousands of ads are shown around the country.
N: Three. You will hear a brother and sister talking about Have you ever wondered how you can be in a TV ad? If you’re
cooking. interested, call us. We’re the Kidz Model Agency, that’s K–I–D–Z,
A: Are you watching a cooking show? When did you become Kidz. We’re experts in child and teen actors. We started in 2005
interested in cooking? and, just five years later, in 2010, our agency won an award.
And don’t worry … you don’t need to be a great actor to appear
B: I didn’t, but I like this TV show. The food is difficult to make,
in a TV ad.
but it’s amazing. I want to eat it all!
The first step is to contact us. Ask a parent to fill in the form online
A: You know, cooking is fun and it isn’t hard. Why don’t you
or call us. We’ll arrange for an interview after school so we can get
give it a try? I’ve got lots of cookbooks. Just do what they
to know you and find out a little about your personality and what
say but start with an easy dish first.
you’re interested in doing. When you meet us, your mum or dad
B: Like a sandwich? must be with you and give their permission for you to work. If we
find a job for you, they also have to be present at the filming.

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You probably think that you aren’t tall enough or your hair A: What’s it like?
is too curly, or because you wear braces, you won’t get work. B: It’s scary at first because the water’s dark and you can’t
You’re wrong! The companies we work with are looking for see the bottom!
children aged 8 to 16, of all shapes and sizes. You can be short,
N: Five.
tall or of average height. The companies that use our models are
looking for REAL kids to advertise their products, the kind of kids I love being out in nature and breathing in the clean, fresh
you see every day at school, at the shops or out playing sport. air. That’s why I really like riding my bike in the countryside.
Kids with freckles, glasses or both! Kids like you. Sometimes I stop at a farm and pick some apples. They’re so
sweet – they’re the best snack! I take my paints and brushes
We can’t promise you work, but we will do our best. It doesn’t
with me too. Painting is my favourite hobby. My friend says
cost anything to join the agency, but when you get a job, we’ll
I’m quite good at it, but I think she’s just being polite!
keep 10% of your payment and give the rest to your parents.
They’ll help you decide what to do with it. And you’ll be N: Six.
pleased to know that TV advertising pays quite well, plus you I looked everywhere in my tent for it, even in my sleeping
can get free gifts like the latest fashions, video games and toys. bag and my jacket. I couldn’t call my mum to ask if it was at
But apart from the money and the presents, imagine how home because we weren’t allowed to have out phones with
you’ll feel when you see yourself on TV! us on the trip. So I was pretty thirsty by the time we hiked
to the next village where I could buy a new one.

Unit 6 Skills Test Dictation

Every city needs to have green spaces. They make life better
Unit 7 Skills Test Dictation
for the people who live there. These are places where we can Television cooking competitions have become very popular
relax, forget our problems and enjoy nature. recently. Millions of people watch these shows because they
are exciting, but few viewers actually try to make the recipes
at home.
Unit 6 Skills Test Listening
N = Narrator Unit 7 Skills Test Listening
N: One.
N = Narrator
And now, the weather. The news isn’t very good, I’m afraid,
N: One. You will hear a girl and her father talking about
especially if you have plans for any outdoor activities.
a restaurant.
While last weekend we had perfect sunny weather for
picnics or a day at the beach, this weekend will be a real A: We’re leaving now, Kelly. Are you ready?
disappointment. It’s going to be cloudy on Saturday with B: Yes, Dad, and I’m really hungry. I hope the food at the
rain to follow on Sunday. restaurant is good.
N: Two. A: Well, I’ve heard the paella is excellent.
A: Are you ready for our camping trip? B: It isn’t vegetarian though, is it?
B: I’ve got my tent and everything I need is in my backpack. A: Do you mean the restaurant?
A: Great! I can’t wait to get away from the noise and pollution B: No, I mean the paella. It’s rice with vegetables, chicken,
here. Just think … no cars, buses or people for five days. sausages and fish.
B: I’m looking forward to sleeping under the stars and cooking A: That’s right. But I’m sure there’ll be something you can
over a fire. eat that doesn’t have meat in it.
A: Me too! We’ll find a good place to camp, far away from B: Hopefully it’s something tasty too!
everyone and everything with just the birds in the trees N: Two. You will hear a woman explaining a recipe for a cake.
for company!
Have you got five minutes? That’s all you need to make
N: Three. a delicious chocolate cake. And you won’t make a mess
A: It’s a lovely day. Why don’t we go to the countryside? because you don’t need a pan or a plate – you can make
B: Good idea. It’s still early and if we leave soon, we can spend it in a coffee cup and eat it from it too. You probably already
the whole day there. have the ingredients in your kitchen – some butter, flour,
sugar and cocoa powder. No eggs needed! Mix everything
A: According to this timetable, there’s a bus at half-past nine,
in a cup and cook for a minute and a half in a microwave
and we can be in the countryside by ten o’clock. The next
oven. It’s so easy!
one after that is at 10:38am. That’s not too bad. What do
you think? N: Three. You will hear a girl ordering food at a fast food
B: I’d rather spend more time in the countryside, so let’s take
the first bus. A: Hello. What would you like?
N: Four. B: Can I have a burger and fries, please?
A: What are you going to do in the summer? A: Sure. What size fries would you like? There’s small, regular
and large.
B: We’re going to visit my cousins in America.
B: Oh, small fries.
A: Wow. Summer in America! Are you going to swim in the sea?
A: Would you like a drink with that?
B: Oh, they don’t live near the beach, but there’s a swimming
pool in their town. Oh, and there’s a lake too. We go B: Just the food, thanks. Actually, can I change that to large
swimming and fishing there. fries, please?
A: Of course. That’s four pounds fifty.
B: Here you are.

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N: Four. You will hear a boy talking to his sister. I: So you left London, flew all the way around the world, then
A: You don’t look very well. What’s wrong? back to London. I believe you stopped in Japan first.
B: My stomach hurts. A: Yes, we flew there for a week. I was surprised because Japan
is like two different countries. Tokyo – the capital – is very
A: Why don’t you go to the doctor? I can call and make an
modern, as you can imagine, but life in the countryside is
appointment for you if you like.
very traditional – you can see it in the style of the buildings
B: Well, there’s nothing seriously wrong with me. It’s just that and the clothes people wear.
I had a big pizza for dinner.
I: From there you went to Australia?
A: … and you ate it all yourself?
A: Yes, we were in Australia for two weeks. It’s huge and the
B: Um … yes … it was delicious. And vanilla ice cream afterwards. distances between cities are very long, so you need more
A: Oh! I’m not surprised you feel bad. Drink a little water and time to explore. The beaches are amazing and I went
you’ll feel better. surfing, something I’ve always wanted to do.
N: Five. You will hear a woman and a man talking about I: I see. And then you flew to the USA?
what to eat. A: Actually, we decided to see South America first. I mean,
A: We’ve got a packet of pasta and a jar of sauce. If you go it’s sort of between Australia and the USA, so we thought
to the shop for some cheese, I’ll cook. ‘why not’? There are daily flights from Australia to Chile,
B: Don’t worry about cooking. Let’s order something and so it was very easy.
watch a film. There’s a good one on Channel 7 tonight. I: What did you do in Chile?
A: No, not takeaway again. We had curry last night. A: We went to the Atacama desert – it’s the driest place in
B: OK, OK. Do you feel like going out to eat? How about the world. It rains once every five to seven years, but when
Japanese? it does, the area fills with white, yellow and purple flowers.
We were lucky because we went just after the rainfall and
A: You know sushi is my favourite, but we’ve been spending too
it was so beautiful and colourful.
much money lately. Please, just go to the shop and I’ll cook.
I: Amazing! And then what did you do? Did you go to the
B: OK.
USA next?
N: Six. You will hear a girl and boy talking about some
A: That’s right. We flew to Los Angeles on the west coast of
biscuits he cooked.
the USA. That’s where our road trip began. We rented a car
A: Phew! What smells in here? and drove across the country to New York. It was 4,500 km,
B: I was making biscuits. After I put them in the oven, Maddy it took three weeks and we loved it!
called to ask me something about our homework, and then I: How lucky you were, Adam. What a wonderful trip.
we started talking about her party next week …
A: It really was. We saw more in one trip than we ever thought
A: I see … would be possible.
B: Yes, well, when I remembered, the biscuits were black.
There was no way we could eat any of them so I had to
throw them out. Unit 9 Skills Test Dictation
A: I’m going to open all of the windows to get rid of the smell. The main reasons teenagers use social media are to talk to
their friends, join group conversations, share photos and
videos, and to have something to do when they feel bored.
Unit 8 Skills Test Dictation
Have you ever thought about travelling to the stars?
Companies are developing special planes right now, so you may
Unit 9 Skills Test Listening
get the chance to be a space tourist in the future. Hi everyone. I’m here to tell you about a great event called
Offline. As you may have guessed, it’s the opposite of ‘online’.
Basically, you spend a whole day – that’s 24 hours – without
Unit 8 Skills Test Listening internet, and raise money for charity.
I = Interviewer, A = Adam Now, I know, this might seem difficult. We use the internet for
I: Today, we’re talking to Adam, a teenager who travelled everything nowadays, don’t we? Whether it’s for work, school,
around the world with his family last year. How was it, Adam? shopping or just having fun, we can’t live without it. And since
the early 2010s when smartphones became popular, it’s been
A: It was incredible! The holiday of a lifetime.
possible to have the internet with you at all times. But think
I: How did you do it? about it. When was the last time you didn’t use your phone for
A: We got special ‘round-the-world’ tickets. The thing is, we two hours? Offline gives you the chance to take a break from
were planning an overseas holiday, but it was difficult as technology and discover other fun things to do.
we wanted to visit different places. My sister and I wanted If you want to take part in Offline, just fill in the forms I’ll hand
to see Australia. As for my parents, it’s always been their out at the end of this talk. We’ve chosen Saturday the 24th
dream to drive across the USA. and Sunday the 25th of June for the event. So, this is how it
I: So your round the world ticket allowed you to visit works, and it’s really simple: On Saturday at midday, you stop
both places? using the internet and you can only go back online 24 hours
A: Well, that’s what eventually happened, but we did more later on Sunday at 12 o’clock midday. And to give you a good
than that. After my mum did some research online, looking reason to do this, it’s to help a charity that gives computers to
at fares, you know, she found out that instead of flying only schools in Africa. You’ll need to find sponsors who will agree
to Australia or the USA on a return ticket, we could pay a bit to donate money for every hour that you spend offline. So, the
more for a round-the-world fare and visit more countries. longer you can stay off your phones, the more money you’ll be
able to raise.

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Every school in the area will be taking part and there’ll be N: Five.
a special prize for the school that raises the most money. A: How’s your project coming along? Are you making progress?
You can ask your friends, family and local businesses to
B: Well, that’s difficult right now because my parents are
support and sponsor you.
decorating the house and it’s too noisy for me and my sister
Now, this year, to make it a bit more interesting, we’ve decided to study there.
that radios and TV, along with the internet, also can’t be used
A: Why don’t you go to the library? It’s very quiet there and
in the 24-hour period. Hopefully, this will make you think of fun
you can do a lot of work.
things to do outdoors or some creative activities.
B: I know, but I wanted a break from homework yesterday,
So I’ll now hand over to your head teacher who will tell you
so I decided to spend some time outdoors with my sister
about some great activities that the school has organised for
and do some exercise.
the Saturday afternoon of the event.
A: That’s a good idea. I should do it too!
B: I’ll call you next time I go out.
End of Year Test Listening Task 1 N: Six.
N = Narrator A: How was your holiday? Did you learn how to ski?
N: One.
B: Well, I learnt a few things, but I’m not very good and I can’t
A: I’m sorry about last night, Mum. go fast. But I had a good time and I’m looking forward to
B: You should be! How is it possible for you and your friend doing it again. Anyway, where are you going?
to make such a mess? Empty drinks cans and packets all A: To my judo class. I love it! It’s my favourite sport.
over the floor!
B: Yes, mine too. The teacher’s really great.
A: Um … er … yes, well, I’ve cleaned it up.
A: I agree. Thanks for telling about the judo school you go to.
B: Well, I’m happy about that. I certainly wasn’t going to clean
B: No problem. Hey, I’ve got a new table tennis set at home.
it. Honestly, Lucy, I don’t mind you having sleepovers and
Do you want to play tomorrow?
I’m happy to make you pizzas, but please be more careful.
And the music you were listening to was much too loud. A: Sure, why not!
That was the worst thing of all. I couldn’t sleep!
A: OK, Mum. Maybe next time I’ll go to Fiona’s for a sleepover. End of Year Test Listening Task 3
N: Two. My name is Jack Williams and I’ve been invited to talk to you
A: I’m going out now, Dad. I’ll be back later. today because I’ve just won a tennis championship for junior
B: OK, what time does the concert finish? Will you be late? players aged fourteen and under. But I’m not going to talk
Do you want me to pick you up? about myself, I’m going to tell you about my favourite tennis
player at the moment, Stefanos Tsitsipas. Have you heard of
A: Dad, my favourite band is playing tomorrow. Remember?
him? He’s been in the news a lot lately.
B: Oh, that’s right! Sorry, I forgot. So where are you going?
So, let me tell you a bit about him. Stefanos was born on the
A: Grandma gave me money and I want to check out the shops. 12th of August, 1998 and he’s from Greece. He first picked up
I need some new things anyway. a tennis racket when he was only three.
B: Alright then, but come back soon and we’ll watch the match Well, as I said, he’s Greek, and it’s unusual that he’s a tennis
together. player because it isn’t a very popular sport in Greece where
N: Three. most people follow football and basketball. But he chose to
A: It’s your birthday in a few weeks. I’m sure you’re very excited play tennis because both of his parents played. His mum was
about it! a junior champion in Russia – that’s where she’s from. That’s
why he speaks Russian, as well as Greek, of course, and English.
B: I am! I always look forward to celebrating it with my friends.
His dad was a tennis teacher, but now he only teaches
A: So will you invite me to your party? Stefanos.
B: Of course! But it’s going to be different this year, not just People began to notice Stefanos when he started winning
a party or a going for a burger. We’re going to start with matches against the most famous players in important
something really fun … paintballing! I’ve always wanted to competitions.
do it. Afterwards, we’ll go somewhere to eat.
I like him because of the way he plays. He’s amazing – really
A: Sounds great. I can’t wait! fast and he never gives up, he fights for every point. He’s also
B: That’s not all! We have to have a birthday cake, so we’ll go a really cool person too. He’s interested in photography and
home for that. making videos for his YouTube channel. They’re great hobbies.
N: Four. I love the videos because they show him when he’s travelling to
tournaments, training hard to prepare for his next tournament
Welcome to our new youth club! It’s great to see so many
and going on holiday with his family. I really hope to be as
people here! I’m sure you’re going to enjoy the activities
successful as him one day.
we have for you. So, let me tell you about them. There are
the usual sports as well as art and photography, but I think I think that would be really great!
you’re going to be excited about the video classes where
you’ll learn to edit your own films on a computer! As you
know, most activities are free, but you will need to pay for
the materials you’ll use in art and robotics. But don’t worry!
It isn’t much.

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0 I have a friend who is very honest.

1 She has never studied in UK before.

2 Being adult can be really dull.

3 Life in capital can be hard if you are student from the


4 I don’t have brother or sister, I’m only child.

5 mobile phones must be on silent when I am in class.

6 I read interesting blog yesterday.

In blog it talked about my favourite programme.

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Grid A

Grid B

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Worksheet A
1 2

Worksheet B
1 2

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Student A
A The activity you do most often in your free time.
B A new hobby you are thinking of starting soon.
C A sport you never play because you don’t like it.
D An activity you always do when you are on holiday.
E An activity your parents make you do most weekends.
F An activity you don’t mind doing in the house.

1 2

3 4

5 6

Student B
A A sport you often watch on TV, but you don’t play.
B An activity you are getting better at right now.
C An activity you do at the weekend, but you don’t do on school days.
D A sport you are playing at school in your PE class at the moment.
E A club you belong to (or want to belong to).
F An activity you do at home that you hate.

1 2

3 4

5 6

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Cards A

I don’t take my mobile

On school nights,
I really want to do … to school because I usually get good …
I spend …
I waste …
1 2 3 4

When my exams I am more organised

I always make more … I enjoy taking …
don’t go … now and I am getting …

5 6 7 8

Doing extra sports

I prefer doing activities
practice doesn’t I find it easier … If I don’t get it …
which I am good …
always …
9 10 11 12

Cards B

… well this year at

… most of my time … time playing
school, so I can choose … results if I study hard.
doing homework. on Facebook!
go to university.

… part in school
… well, my parents don’t … progress in class
… better at doing my activities, like drama
let me go out at the when I don’t sit next
homework on time. groups, orchestra,
weekends. to my friends.
or extra music classes.

… work and sometimes … to exercise when I … right the first time,

… at.
I don’t improve. listen to music. I make more effort!


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Part A
Team Sports: Team Sports: Team Sports:

Name: Name: Name:

• My friend loves playing • My friend loves playing • My friend loves playing

1 1 1

• S/he plays every • S/he plays every • S/he plays every

2 2 2

• 3
play(s) this • 3
play(s) this • 3
play(s) this
sport with him/her. sport with him/her. sport with him/her.
• There are 4 • There are 4 • There are 4
people that play this sport with people that play this sport with people that play this sport with
him/her. him/her. him/her.
• S/he plays this sport at/in • S/he plays this sport at/in • S/he plays this sport at/in
5 5 5

• My friend feels • My friend feels • My friend feels

when 6
when 6
playing this sport. playing this sport. playing this sport.

Fold here

Part B
Think about a team sport you enjoy playing. You are going to talk about it with your group.
You must include this information (you can make some notes here):
1 What sport you play.

2 When you play.

3 Who you play the sport with (if you give a specific name, you will need to spell it).

4 How many people you play with in your team.

5 Where you play.

6 How it makes you feel when you play the sport.

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1 2
I was going to New York My mum walked in when
last summer. (WENT) I was doing my homework. (✓)

3 4
I was waking up very early this The train was moved very fast.
morning. (WOKE UP) (WAS MOVING)

5 6
At 6pm on Saturday morning, I played in the park when it
I was travelling to the airport. (✓) started to rain. (WAS PLAYING)

7 8
The family broke the window While I ran, the bus arrived.
to escape. (✓) (WAS RUNNING)

9 10
She was having fun when she was A girl was jumping into the river to
staying at her friend’s house. (HAD) find her smartphone. (JUMPED)

11 12
I was watching TV when I saw the He was arriving when I was sleeping,
fire across the street. (✓) so I didn’t hear him! (ARRIVED)

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Worksheet A

I found an (age) book I read when I was young in my grandmother’s house!

She bought a , (size, colour) jacket last week,

but she took it home to try it on and it wasn’t her size.

For my birthday, I asked for a holiday to a country, but I got a ,

(size, material) plane instead.

It was an day yesterday, because I passed the exam!

I didn’t get any answers !

There is a , , house next to mine.

Everyone wants to live there.

Worksheet B

dull dark exciting modern scary

useful old important big expensive

black wrong wooden tiny ordinary

light right gold young cheap

small beautiful difficult foreign huge

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Worksheet A


A family are finally back together after one
A cat was stuck in a tree in for four hours last week.
week. The mum and daughter went walking on
Finally, someone called the police and the hero
a remote road and didn’t know the way to their
policeofficer saved the scared cat.
accommodation where the dad and son were.


RAILWAY LINE A man parked his car in a dark forest to walk his dog
The police stopped all trains from London to on Tuesday night. The man lost his car and called
Manchester on Thursday because of a fire. The trains the police for help. It was so cold that night, they sent
started again after seven hours. Train staff said sorry. a helicopter to find him.

Worksheet B
1 Which story happened on Tuesday?

2 How long was the cat in the tree for?

3 What did the train staff do?

4 Why did the man go to the forest?

5 How long were the mum and daughter lost?

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What we have already organised for What we have planned for the next
the next academic year: academic year, but not organised yet:

1 New support teachers in literature, maths, 1 Give all students a one-to-one tutorial
and science classes to start: Monday with their teacher every term.
18th September. 2 Start a buddy system: create pairs of
2 New homework club to open: Friday students – one older, one younger – so the
22nd September. Intention is once older student can help.
a week, every Friday.

Other possibilities:

1 Have an online chat system on the school

2 Give extra homework? Give less homework?
3 Have longer lessons? Have shorter lessons?
4 Have more breaktimes?

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1 3 4
A time you were nervous
about doing something, How you GO FORWARD
START but you best. ONE SPACE
a go anyway.

8 7 6 5

The best advice you can A subject you

A time you
to a new GO BACK difficult
bad grades in a test and
person starting at your ONE SPACE to understand at school
how you felt.
school. and why.

9 10 11 12

If you have
GO FORWARD A time you A skill you would like to
up your mind what job
TWO SPACES a big mistake at school.
you want in the future.

16 15 14 13

If you prefer learning by

GO BACK listening, watching A subject at school you GO FORWARD
your hands.

17 18 19 20

Something you
Something you want
interested GO BACK
to learn how to
in when you started ONE SPACE

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Part A
Email 1: Email 2:
Dear Angie, Hi there,
How are you? I can’t believe that you are coming I hope you are well! I am going on
to visit me next week! We have organised the 1 a school exchange to France next month
spare bedroom for you and my teacher is excited Thanks! and I want some advice. 5 of course!
about you spending a day at my school!
I know that you did an exchange in
My mum wants to make your favourite meal for Spain two years ago. Did you enjoy it?
the day you arrive. What kind of food do you like? What was the best part? Yes! Tell Tim
Is there a special dish you love? 2 Suggest
I would like to take a present for my host
There are lots of activities to do in my town. family – maybe some typical food from
Is there anything you would really love to see? here. Can you suggest something? 7 Suggest
Any ideas? I want to plan the weekend before Tell Angie
My parents told me that you and your
you get here.
sister are going to visit us in the summer.
I hope I can visit you too this year! What dates 4 give a time That’s so exciting! What date do you
8 give dates
are good for you and your family? arrive?
of year
Bye for now, Write back soon,
Marie. Tim.

Part B

A We are really excited about coming to see you again. I have B That’s so kind! Well, I love all types of food, but my
to go to summer school for the whole month of July, so we favourite is Italian. How about some pasta with tomato
are travelling at the beginning of August. Can’t wait! sauce? It’s delicious!

C We are going on holiday to Germany at the beginning of D I’m so jealous about your trip abroad! And of course, I’m
the summer, so around the end of August or September is always happy to help.
best. I need to ask my mum and I’ll tell you next week.

E Why don’t you get some of those wonderful chocolates F Please tell your mum and dad thank you from me. I’m sure
from the shop next to your school? They were really I am going to feel at home!
incredible! I’m sure your host family would like them too.

G I really want to visit the famous parks in your city. I have H It was such an amazing experience! I enjoyed meeting lots
seen many pictures and they look beautiful. Maybe we can of new people and practising the language every day. It was
make a picnic one day and go for a walk. interesting to go to a different school for a week too.

Email 1: BEGINNING Email 1: ENDING

Hi there! See you soon,
Thanks so much for your email! Rebecca

Email 2: BEGINNING Email 2: ENDING

Dear Tim, Bye for now,
How are you? It was so nice to hear from you. Laura.

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Cards A

having a lot of
shopping online being a model designer brands
vs. vs. vs.
shopping in a shop being a teacher high street clothes
being very happy

taking a selfie
dressing up for a filter on a photo being tall
a party vs. vs. vs.
someone taking
dressing casually no filter being short
your photo

trying on clothes
buying expensive
blogging spending money in the shop
vs. vs. vs.
vlogging saving money trying on clothes
buying cheap things
at home

Cards B

good important bad funny

confident popular expensive friendly

adventurous happy big crazy

tall cheap practical interesting

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Dear pen friend,

My name is and I’m years old.

Today, I’m going to tell you what I look like.

I am (height) and I am for my age.

I have (hair) and I have (face).

I usually wear (clothes/style) and (clothes/style).

I often have (accessories) with me.

Some people say I look like (family/famous person), but I think I look like
(family/famous person).

My personality is very (what you are like) and sometimes

(what you are like).

In my free time, I like and (hobbies).

Please write back to me and tell me what you look like :-)


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Worksheet A

It’s also good for the environment!

If you don’t like spending a lot of money on clothes, you can find nice, cheap clothes too.

If you have experience with different styles, or just love to shop, it could be the perfect hobby for you!

Your new style will give you a more interesting wardrobe!

Worksheet B
To blog – or vlog?
Checking out blogs or vlogs is a good way to get the latest fashion tips on accessories and
new styles.

On many blogs, you can see pictures of fashionable looks, celebrity style, videos with advice
and sometimes you can even submit your own blog post. Not a writer? It doesn’t matter.
Some blogs have style advisors that can help you choose a style you feel confident in or can
help you if you feel you dress too ordinary. It might be a new hairstyle, a nice suit or just clothes
that are the best colour for you.

If you don’t like to stand out in a crowd, you can wear colours like black or white.
Blogs sometimes even recommend clothes exchanges for people who prefer to save
money. This means people give you clothes they don’t want, and you give them clothes
you don’t want.

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Modal verbs

Use these to help create your set of rules for the trip.

must have to can can’t mustn’t don’t/doesn’t have to

Camping in the national park

General Rules

(E.g. times for activities, phone calls/communication, precautions)

What you need to bring What you don’t need to/mustn’t bring

(clothes, food, camping and cooking equipment, (clothes, food, camping and cooking equipment, money, etc.)
money, etc.)

Activities allowed Activities not allowed

(things you can do alone/in a group, types of (things you can do alone/in a group, types of activities, etc.)
activities, etc.)

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Part A
Write these places/animals in your ‘world’ below.
1 Your favourite type of pet. 4 A wild animal you both like.
2 A place you both really like going to in your town. 5 A farm animal you both like.
3 A place you both like going on holiday. 6 A place in your country that you would both like to visit.

Our World

Part B
Prepare your clues. Write at least three per category.

1 2 3

4 5 6

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Part A

Kayaking in the
park lake

Summer camp

Part B

Yes, I agree with

Yes, you’re right. No, I disagree because …
you because …

I’m not sure about I think I think that’s the best

that because … it better because … idea too because …

I think What do you think about

How about ?
is the worst idea because … ?

could be
That’s a good point. I think so, too.
a good idea because …

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Worksheet A

1 1 1
I love

2 2 2
I like

3 3 3
I dislike

Worksheet B





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Worksheet A

‘I had to drink so much water after I finished it. My mouth hurt. It was like drinking lots of water from the sea!’

‘They didn’t cook the food correctly – it almost broke my teeth!’

‘It is a cool café, but they only sell cakes and food with lots of sugar.’

‘I really love eating fruit like limes or lemons in the morning. They give me energy and really wake me up!’

‘The food was so horrible. It was cooked too much and was black …’

‘It wasn’t juicy – it was the opposite. I needed to drink so much water!’

‘My mum is a chef and owns a chain of restaurants. It is popular because she cooks with a lot of chillies …’

‘Bread here is not the same in my country. Here, it is very hard and sometimes difficult to eat …’

Worksheet B

salty hot spicy soft

dry cold hard sweet

sour crispy burned juicy

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Worksheet A

recipe onion lunchtime

crispy takeaway snack

banana juicy sweet

soft chef hungry

cafe raw burned

Worksheet B

butter popcorn restaurant

expensive vegetarian dry

spicy pineapple curry

sour tasty salty

meal presentation summer

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Make guesses and complete these sentences for your partner.
1 You have lived in this city/town/village for/since (a period of time / a specific date or time)
2 You have travelled on holiday to in the past. (a place, country, city)
3 You haven’t been to yet, but you would like to go in the future. (a place, country, city)
4 You have just started . (an activity, hobby)
5 You have never eaten . (a food)
6 You have never been/done/played , but you would love to. (an activity)
7 You have studied English for/since (a period of time / a specific date or time)
8 You have travelled by many times. (a mode of transport)

1–3 correct answers:
You are almost strangers! You need to get to know you partner better. Take time to ask about his/her
weekend at the beginning of class or go to the cinema together one day. We are always happier with
more friends!

4–6 correct answers:

You are friends, but not best friends! You know your partner quite well; maybe you have seen each other
outside of class a few times. Why don’t you get together more? It’s always nice to have more friends.

7–8 correct answers:

You are like two peas in a pod! You are excellent friends and obviously spend a lot of time together.
It must be nice to study in the same class, but why don’t you try to work with other people too and make
even more friends?

Make guesses and complete these sentences for your partner.

1 You have lived in this city/town/village for/since (a period of time / a specific date or time)
2 You have travelled on holiday to in the past. (a place, country, city)
3 You haven’t been to yet, but you would like to go in the future. (a place, country, city)
4 You have just started . (an activity, hobby)
5 You have never eaten . (a food)
6 You have never been/done/played , but you would love to. (an activity)
7 You have studied English for/since (a period of time / a specific date or time)
8 You have travelled by many times. (a mode of transport)

1–3 correct answers:
You are almost strangers! You need to get to know you partner better. Take time to ask about his/her
weekend at the beginning of class or go to the cinema together one day. We are always happier with
more friends!

4–6 correct answers:

You are friends, but not best friends! You know your partner quite well; maybe you have seen each other
outside of class a few times. Why don’t you get together more? It’s always nice to have more friends.

7–8 correct answers:

You are like two peas in a pod! You are excellent friends and obviously spend a lot of time together.
It must be nice to study in the same class, but why don’t you try to work with other people too and make
even more friends?

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I went to New York last
year and bought all of … souvenirs – a magnet
… on the platform. my friends … Did Sarah catch …
of the Statue of Liberty!

… train and usually buy On the city tram, you

… the last train or do
I always travel by … a return ticket because don’t buy tickets in
you think she’ll be late?
it’s cheaper. advance. You pay …


… the fare when … long journeys,

I really hate going on … You have to show …
you’re on it. especially by car.


… a reservation for
… your passport many the theatre tonight? We went to Venice last
Did you make …
times at the airport. There aren’t many year and booked …
tickets left.

… security at the airport

When they make an
… a beautiful hotel is stressful. You have
Going through … announcement, you
in the centre. to take everything out
must go to …
of your bag!

I always arrive early

… your gate to … a travel visa when
Did you have to get … to catch my train
catch the flight. you went to Thailand?
and wait …


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Part A
Student Cards

A Tina/Tom B Louise/Lewis C Jean/John

You can only go to a camp in the You finish school for two months at You can only travel in August and
winter because of your parents’ jobs, the end of July and want to go to a would like to practise your Spanish
but you love hot weather. Your hobby camp during your holidays. You want while at camp. You don’t have a lot
is windsurfing and you adore being to help others and would prefer to of money, so would prefer to do
by the sea. You don’t like camping go to a non-English-speaking country. some charity work in exchange for
because you hate insects. You would like to learn a new skill that accommodation. You adore most
you can add to your application for vet animals, but you’re afraid of cows,
school next year. You don’t like very sheep and horses!
hot weather.

D Beth/Ben E Rebecca/Robert F Carly/Carl

You don’t like hot weather, but only You want to go to a camp somewhere You want to learn something
have one week free in August. You warm, but not too hot. You love nature completely new and would like
don’t speak other languages, so and being near water. Your hobbies are to return home with a certificate.
would prefer to go somewhere where orienteering and hiking, and you like You love doing any kind of physical
people will understand you. You love discovering wild environments. You exercise. You have a maximum of
any extreme activities. You don’t like can’t spend more than $1000. $1500 to spend.
sharing with other people.

Camp Cards

1 EduCamp: Help at our animal 2 EduCamp: Learn to fly in the 3 Learn to parachute in the
refuge and learn something new! north of Canada. paradise island of Hawaii, USA.
Camp dates: August 15th – August 29th Camp dates: August 1st – August 7th Camp dates: August 8st – August 15th
Temperature: Around 18 degrees. Temperature: Around 15 degrees Temperature: Around 28 degrees
Activities: Horse riding, farming. Activities: Flying. Activities: Parachuting, hiking.
Accommodation: Single rooms in a Accommodation: Single rooms in Accommodation: 2 students per
large farm house. a hotel. hotel room.
Cost: free Cost: $2000 Cost: $1400
What you’ll learn: Spanish classes, What you’ll learn: how to fly a plane, What you’ll learn: how to use a
planting and picking fresh food, caring reading monitors in planes. parachute, first aid certificate.
for abandoned farm animals.

4 EduCamp: Into the desert in 5 EduCamp: Enjoy being by one of 6 EduCamp: Help us to look after
Australia’s outback. Australia’s most famous beaches! elderly people in Spain!
Camp dates: February 20th – March 1st Camp dates: January 16th – February 8th Camp dates: August 10th – August 20th
Temperature: Around 24 degrees. Temperature: Around 29 degrees. Temperature: Around 30 degrees.
Activities: Desert trekking, canoeing Activities: Watersports. Activities: Dog walking, cooking.
on a lake.
Accommodation: Hostel: 3 students Accommodation: Private room in
Accommodation: Camping: 2 students per room. a house.
per tent.
Cost: $1750 Cost: free
Cost: $900
What you’ll learn: lifeguard What you’ll learn: cooking for people,
What you’ll learn: survival guide, certification, an introduction to surfing. first aid.
map reading.

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Part B
Note Card

Name of
Information given

E.g. Fred Wants hot country, spend $500 or less, doesn’t like animals, etc.

E.g. EduCamp: Brazil carnival Costs $1400, costume making, in October … etc.

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Student A

When/feel bored … If/pass/exam … When/sad …
weekend …

If/hungry … If/free time … When/do sport … If/travel/tomorrow …

When/meet/ When/don’t have/

When/rains … If/sleep too long …
new people … my phone …

If/don’t do/
If/win something … When/play a game … If/friend/sad …
homework …


Student B

When/feel brave … If/fail/exam … When/feel/happy …
weekend …

If/tired … When/ have time … When/listen/music …
tomorrow …

When/friends want to
When/watch/film … When/sunny … When/go to school …
see me …

If/don’t see my friends When/learn/ If/go/holiday/next

If/watch TV/tonight …
today … something … month …


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Part A

download have watch do

play forget search for make

delete listen to go to eat

Part B

music a good time a film a quiz

piano a password an answer a cake

an app a podcast the cinema dinner

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Worksheet A

Playing Chatting with

Watching a film Listening to
Playing piano computer games friends on
at home music online
inside social media

Chatting with
Watching a film Going to a Doing sports
Playing guitar friends
at the cinema concert outside
face to face

Worksheet B

Downloading Having a
Going to a
music to your Reading a comic Going camping sleepover with
costume party
phone one friend

Going to a Having a
Listening to Going on a
party without Reading a book sleepover with
music online beach holiday
costumes ten friends

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1A The missing article TIME TAKEN

15 minutes
To practise the use of articles WHEN TO USE
After Vocabulary: Exercise 5, page 13
Reading Part 6 PREPARATION
One worksheet per student
A competitive group activity where students fill the gaps PROCEDURE
for points 1 Divide the students into pairs. Distribute the activity sheet
to each student.
CLASSROOM DYNAMICS 2 Before the class, prepare a sample grid to show to the
Pairwork class, with five places plotted onto the grid. Show students
and tell students to plot five places from the vocabulary
TIME TAKEN they have just learned onto their grid; this can be done by
10–12 minutes writing the word or drawing a picture. For example, a bus
stop, or a bike rack. Each item must only take one square.
WHEN TO USE Tell students they must keep this a secret from their
After Grammar: Exercise 4, page 12 partner. Set a time of three or four minutes for this stage.
3 Once completed, Student A asks Student B questions to
PREPARATION find all of their plotted places before they swap turns.
You will need one copy of the activity for each pair, folded, You may need to elicit present simple questions. Example:
with the example showing Do you have anything in A5? Yes. Is it a bus stop? Yes. If an
item is found, the student must cross it off in Grid B. If they
PROCEDURE ask Do you have anything in A5? Yes. Is it a bus stop? and the
1 Divide the students into pairs and distribute the handout. answer is No, they must wait until the next turn to guess
Tell the students not to unfold the piece of paper. what the item in the square is. Monitor during the task to
2 Tell students to look at the example. Explain that there are check for any errors.
six sentences in total – one under each fold with a missing 4 The winner is the student who finds all of the items
article. Explain they will have one minute to read the first. Ask for feedback after the task to see what places
sentence and to write which article they think is missing. students included.
The options are a, an, the or nothing. If students think the
space should be empty, tell them to put a – on it. Once the ADAPTATION AND EXTENSION
time is up, go through the answers as a class, awarding • To extend or add difficulty to the activity, ask students
points to the teams that get the article correct. Answer any to draw a route in which they went to each place. Their
questions or correct errors during feedback. partner asks questions to find the order of where they went.
3 Repeat the steps for the next questions, until all of the The first student to guess the route correctly, wins.
sentences have been completed. • For fast finishers, students can draw a map of their ideal
4 The winning team is the pair with the most points at the town on the grid and label it, including the places from
end of the activity. the unit.


• For fast finishers, this could be made into a gap-fill
worksheet activity. AIM
• For a stronger group, each pair can write one or two To practise describing a photo for Speaking Part 2
sentences to read aloud to the class for other pairs to guess
the correct missing word. EXAM LINK
Speaking: Part 2
1 the; 2 an; 3 the, a; 4 a, a, an; 5 –; 6 an, the ACTIVITY TYPE
A speaking activity where students must describe a picture
1B Find my place for their partner to draw


To practise vocabulary of places around town


10–12 minutes
A competitive activity where students must find the places in
the other students’ towns
CLASSROOM DYNAMICS After Speaking: Exercise 4, page 15

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You will need one copy of the activity for each pair, cut up 1 Divide the class into pairs and give out the corresponding
into Student A/Student B worksheets. Students will need part of the worksheet to each student (A & B). Tell students
a separate blank piece of paper. they are going to discuss activities and hobbies they do
in their free time with their partner, but first they must
PROCEDURE prepare alone.
1 Divide the students into pairs and assign them as Student A 2 Ask students to write one/two-word responses to the list
or Student B. Distribute the corresponding activity sheet to (a–f) at the top of their worksheet in the squares provided.
each student. They should not show these to their partner yet, nor discuss
2 Explain that Student A describes what they can see in them. The notes should not be in numerical order, but
their first photo to Student B. They have two minutes. rather written in the different squares at random.
Tell students they should use the vocabulary and phrases 3 Once completed, ask the students to exchange their
they have just learned to describe the positioning of each worksheets with each other.
item in the photo. Student B must draw what Student A
4 Now give the students around two or three minutes
describes, but must not show them until the end.
to look at the boxes and try to consider what the notes
3 Once finished, check the pictures to see if they described it might refer to.
correctly or what the differences might be. Then, it is Student
5 They are now ready to start the discussion. Student A starts
B’s turn to describe the first photo for two minutes. This
by choosing one of the boxes on Student B’s handout and
continues until all of the pictures have been described.
explaining his/her guess in a full sentence. E.g. You are
4 Once the activity is completed, ask students for feedback. playing rugby at the moment in your PE class at school.
Ask them: What did you find difficult? What did you find Student B confirms if Student A is correct or incorrect.
easy? Did your partner use the vocabulary and phrases If correct, they put a tick in the box. If incorrect, Student
to help you understand where everything was? A asks Student B two more questions, which Student B
answers. Students take turns guessing and discussing the
ADAPTATION AND EXTENSION information in the boxes for around ten minutes. Monitor
• Could be done as a written activity where one picture is throughout and make notes.
given to each student and they must write what they see 6 At the end of the ten minutes, students count up how
in the picture. many ticks they have. The winner in the one with the most
• To add a competitive element, put students into small correct guesses.
groups of three or four and give a different picture to each 7 Give some language and content feedback at the end
student. One person in the group describes their picture, of the activity.
and the others draw. The person who is describing chooses
the winner as the student whose picture is most similar to EXTENSION TASK
the original one.
• As an extension task, change the pairs and ask students
to retell each other as much information as possible from
2A My free time memory about their original partner without looking at
the handout.
To practise using the present simple and continuous, as well
as adverbs of frequency
2B Two halves
EXAM LINK To practise using vocabulary of practising and improving
Speaking: Part 1 (interview)
ACTIVITY TYPE Reading: Part 1 (multiple-choice) and Part 5 (multiple-choice)
Making guesses about information and discussing in pairs
CLASSROOM DYNAMICS Matching two halves of sentences and discussing
Individual and pairwork
15 minutes
WHEN TO USE 20 minutes
After Grammar: Exercise 6, page 24
PREPARATION After Vocabulary: Exercise 4, page 25
You will need one copy of the worksheet per pair, cut up
as indicated PREPARATION
You will need one copy of the worksheet per pair, cut up into
sets of cards

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1 On the board, write this sentence with these two options 1 Tell the students that they are going to discuss their
and ask students which one is the second half: My brother favourite team sports with their classmates and give them
is a professional football player. He is really good … a minute or two to consider which sport they want to
a) spending time with friends. b) at keeping fit. talk about.
(The answer is b) 2 Write this sentence on the board and elicit what type of
2 Tell students that they are going to get two sets of cards information might be missing. I play football once a (the
(two halves of the same sentence). They must try to answer could be day/week/month – any time period).
match them. 3 Put the students into pairs and give each student a copy
3 Put the students into pairs and give them a set of Card As of the worksheet, folded in the middle as indicated.
first. Tell them to place them face up on the desk in front Tell students to look at Part A and guess what information
of them. Now give them a set of Card Bs, which they should might be missing from the gaps.
place face down in a pile. 4 Get some feedback from the students and write these on
4 The activity is as follows: Students turn over one of the the board.
Card Bs from the pile and together try to decide which 5 Explain to the students that they are now going to prepare
Card A is its other half. Once decided, they should place to talk about their favourite team sports for a few minutes.
the two halves alongside each other then talk for a minute Let students look at Part B and make notes next to the
about whether the sentence is true for them or not. numbered list.
(The numbers and letters on the cards are only for checking
6 Put students into groups of four (Student A, B, C, & D).
answers later.) This process continues until students have
They are now ready to start the listening activity. Student A
matched all the cards. Monitor closely throughout and make
starts by talking about their favourite team sport.
notes. Help where necessary.
Encourage students to talk for at least a minute, in full
5 Go through the answers as a whole class and give students sentences, and include all the information in the numbered
some feedback. list in Part B. While Student A talks, the other students
should listen and try to complete the first box in Part A.
EXTENSION TASK They should write the name of Student A next to where it
• Tell students to put Card Bs aside and only look at the says Name. This process is then repeated with Students B,
shaded Card As again. Give students five minutes to try C and D.
to recall how the sentences are completed from memory
7 When all students have talked about their activities,
and write these on a piece of paper. The pair with the most
students should compare the information completed in
sentences is the winning group.
Part A and confirm if it is correct/incorrect.
1 B; 2 D; 3 G; 4 J; 5 H; 6 F; 7 C; 8 L; 9 K; 10 I; 11 A; 12 E
• In their groups of four, ask students to discuss and vote on
which of the four team sports is a) the most interesting,
2C My favourite team sport b) the hardest work, c) the most fun, d) the best exercise.
Report these back to the whole class and compare the
AIM group decisions.
To practise listening for specific information and
completing notes 3A Correct my past
Listening: Part 3 (sentence completion). Also useful for To practise using past simple and past continuous tenses
Speaking: Part 1 interview (Tell me about section)
ACTIVITY TYPE A card game where students identify and correct errors
Listening to a partner talking about their favourite hobby in sentences
and completing information.
Individual and pairwork
TIME TAKEN 10–12 minutes
15 minutes
WHEN TO USE After Grammar: Exercise 5, page 36
After Listening: Exercise 4, page 26
PREPARATION You will need one copy of the activity per pair, cut up
You will need one copy of the worksheet per student into cards

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1 Divide the students into pairs. Distribute a set of cards to 1 Divide the students into small groups. Distribute a copy
each pair, face down in front of them. of Worksheet A to each group. A copy of Worksheet B
2 Explain that this is a game where one student will need per group will need to be copied and stuck onto the walls
to pick up a card and read the sentence to their partner. around the room.
Student B listens and identifies if the verb tense is correct. 2 Explain that this is a competitive activity where students
If it is incorrect, they must say why and try to correct the will need to read their sentences and choose one student at
sentence. If Student B guesses correctly, they win the card. a time to find the adjectives which fit correctly. Tell students
If the answer is not correct, Student A keeps the card. their teammates can help but must remain seated. Students
3 The process is repeated until all of the cards have run out. can only help by speaking to the person who is looking for
Monitor understanding during the task. The student with the words. There are clues in the first three sentences to
the most cards at the end is the winner. help students identify the correct adjective but explain
that it becomes more difficult. Set a time of ten minutes to
4 Afterwards, review the answers as a whole class. Answer any
collect and write all of their adjectives into the sentences.
questions and correct any common errors.
3 Award points for each correct adjective in its correct place.
ADAPTATION AND EXTENSION Feedback the answers as a whole class after the task to
• If you have a stronger group, each pair can write three of correct any errors. The team who has the most answers
their own examples to read to another pair. If the other pair correct and in the right order is the winner.
guess correctly, they keep the cards.
• This can be adapted to a competitive activity, where
• If you have a stronger group, the teams can write one or
students are divided into two large groups. Read the
two of their own sentences and read them aloud for the
sentences aloud to the students and one student from
other teams to complete with adjectives.
each team races to write the correct answer on the board
first. If they think it is correct, they race to write a tick on • For fast finishers, this can be done as a worksheet activity
the board. Points are awarded to the fastest team that where students complete the sentences with suitable
is correct. adjectives.


1 went; 2 ✓; 3 woke up; 4 was moving; 5 ✓; 6 was playing; 1 exciting/old/important/expensive
7 ✓; 8 was running; 9 had; 10 jumped; 11 ✓; 12 arrived 2 big/tiny – dark/black/gold
3 foreign – big/tiny – wooden
3B Sentence scramble 4 exciting/important – wrong
5 Various answers possible according to adjective order
To practise adjectives and their order in sentences
3C Scan the story
Reading: Part 5
To practise scanning skills
A competitive team activity where students must find the
missing adjectives to complete their sentences Reading: Part 3


Small groups A competitive team game where students must scan four
short texts to relay the information back to their team
15 minutes
Groups of three or four
After Vocabulary: Exercise 6, page 37
10–12 minutes
You will need one copy of Worksheet A per group and a cut-up
copy of Worksheet B per group, stuck around the room After Reading: Exercise 7, page 35

One copy of the cut-up cards to stick on the wall and one copy
of the question worksheet per group

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1 Before the activity, cut up and stick the Worksheet A cards 1 Explain to students that they are going to roleplay being
on four separate walls. on a student committee at their school. The teachers
2 Divide the students into groups (three or four per group). have been discussing how to improve learning in the next
Share Worksheet B sheets out – one per group. academic year. They have some plans already organised,
some things they intend to start and other ideas which are
3 For this activity, students will need to choose one member
possibilities. The teachers would like you to discuss these
of their team to leave the room at a time, and to scan the
with the other students on the committee.
information on the cards to bring specific information
back to their group. They will need this information to 2 Divide the class into small groups of around four students.
answer the questions on their worksheet. Remind students Give them a worksheet and clarify any vocabulary they may
of the meaning or technique for scanning, if necessary. not understand.
Explain that it is a competitive activity, and the group 3 Tell students they have around ten minutes to discuss all
that finds all of the correct information fastest and first is the items on the teachers’ notes. They should say what the
the winner. Tell students they will have a total time of five plan/arrangement/possibility is, and then discuss if they
minutes to complete the activity, and that they must only think it is a good idea or not, and why.
look for the answer to the question they have been given. 4 By the end of the discussion, the students should have
4 Once the activity begins, monitor the students to ensure notes to help report back to the teachers. They should
only one student is leaving at a time, and only bringing back have comments on the organised/unorganised plans and
the answer to one question at a time. Make a note of the arrangements and if they think they are good ideas or not.
order in which the teams finish. They should also choose two ideas from the possibility list
5 When all of the groups have completed their worksheet, which they think the teachers should implement and why.
go through the answers and deal with any common errors 5 Stop the discussion after ten minutes and ask students to
or questions. Declare the winner, which is the group who present their ideas to the whole class. All group members
has finished fastest and with the most correct answers. should listen carefully to each other and take turns to talk.
6 Give some content and language feedback after the activity,
ADAPTATION AND EXTENSION focusing mainly on the use of future forms.
• If you have a strong group, you could ask each group to
write one or two more questions for the other groups EXTENSION TASK
to find. • Ask students to write a short email back to their teachers
• For fast finishers, this can be done as a worksheet activity, summarising their opinions.
where students work in pairs to scan the texts to find
the answers.
4B Tell me about …
• To add a fun element, the activity could be done outside
of the classroom in an outdoor area or around the school, AIM
where possible. To practise vocabulary of learning


1 Helicopter help; 2 Four hours; 3 They said sorry; Speaking: Part 1 (interview); Reading: Part 5 (multiple-choice)
4 To walk his dog; 5 For one week
4A Student committee Board game. Completing sentences with missing words
and discussing.
To practise using future forms CLASSROOM DYNAMICS
Small groups of three or four students
Speaking: Part 4 TIME TAKEN
15 minutes
Role-play: having a discussion and making decisions WHEN TO USE
After Vocabulary: Exercise 7, page 49
Small groups. PREPARATION
You will need one copy of the handout per group. You will also
TIME TAKEN need dice and counters.
20 minutes

After Grammar: Exercise 7, page 48

You will need one copy of the handout per group

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1 Divide the class into small groups of three or four students 1 Divide the class into pairs and give them a copy of Part
and give them a copy of the worksheet, a counter per A of the worksheet. Ask students to read the two emails
student and a dice. Tell students to place their counters on quickly and answer this question, which should be written
the Start square. on the board. Who is going to visit their friend sooner – Tim
2 All group members roll the dice and the student with the or Angie? The answer is Angie from email 1. Give students
highest number goes first. The student moves their counter a couple of minutes to decide together before giving the
according to the number on the dice. They should then read answer to the whole class.
the ‘tell me about’ sentence aloud, choosing one of the 2 Now give each pair a set of Part B cards face down on the
words from the box at the top of the board to complete desk. Ask students to look through the cards very quickly
the gap. (without reading them) and take out the four cards shaded
3 If all group members agree this is correct, the student in grey that say ‘beginning’ and ‘ending’. Ask students to lay
then answers and discusses the statement for at least these, face up on the table, separating the cards for emails
30 seconds. If the group members believe it is incorrect, 1 and 2.
they should check with you before moving the student’s 3 Tell students to divide the other cards equally between
counter back to the previous square on the board. themselves (they should have four each).
Clockwise, the students take turns moving around the 4 Working together, the students should firstly try to match
board, completing the sentences and discussing. Let this the cards to the notes written at the side of the emails in
continue for up to ten minutes or until one member of the Part A and then put them in order to make a full response.
group reaches the Finish square.
5 Once completed, ask students to compare their answers
4 Go through the answers to the gaps at the end of the with another pair in the class before going through the
activity and give some feedback on their discussions answers as a whole class.
based on notes taken throughout.
ADAPTATION • Get students to choose one of the two emails and create
• For weaker groups, get students to complete the gaps their own response using their own ideas. These can
before playing the board game in pairs. then be passed to another pair, who can provide some
peer feedback.
2 had; 3 learn; 5 find; 7 give; 8 got; 9 made; 11 made; 12 learn; ANSWER KEY
14 easy; 15 using; 17 do; 18 got 1 F; 2 B; 3 G; 4 C; 5 D; 6 H; 7 E; 8 A

4C Jigsaw emails 5A What’s better, what’s best?

To analyse informal emails and tasks To practise discussion techniques using comparatives
and superlatives
Writing: Part 1 (an email) EXAM LINK
Speaking: Part 3
Reading a task and matching answers to notes ACTIVITY TYPE
A card-prompt speaking activity
10 minutes TIME TAKEN
10 minutes
After Writing: Exercise 6, page 53 WHEN TO USE
After Grammar: Exercise 5, page 60
You will need one copy of the worksheet per pair, cut into PREPARATION
Part A and B as indicated. Part B should be cut into cards. You will need one copy of the cut-up activity cards per pair

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PROCEDURE the adjectives of appearance about height and folds the

1 Divide the students into pairs and give each pair a set piece of paper. Once complete, the students then pass the
of cards face down in two piles: one pile of white cards paper to the left. The next student completes the sentence
(the topics) and one pile of grey cards (the adjectives). about hair. The process continues until every part of the
letter has been completed.
2 Elicit the structure of Speaking Part 3, where they will need
to talk about something together for two minutes. 3 Once the task is over, ask students to read their emails
aloud to their group. Tell students that this is their new
3 Tell students to choose a card from each pile. They will have pen friend.
two minutes to discuss the topics using the adjective on the
card in a comparative or superlative form. Allow students ten ADAPTATION AND EXTENSION
seconds before the discussion to think of the word they need
• To extend the task, or for homework, students write a reply
to include. Set a time of two minutes for each discussion.
to their pen friend, describing themselves.
Allocate one student per pair to keep time for the activity.
Once the first discussion has finished, students repeat the • For fast finishers, this can be done as a worksheet activity
steps for the next cards, until all the cards have finished. where students complete the sentences with adjectives
of appearance from the unit.
5 At the end of the task, get feedback from the class. What
interesting comparisons did students make? Did students’
opinions vary? 5C Whispers relay
• This activity can be adapted for Speaking Part 2, To practise listening and reading skills using vocabulary from
where students speak on their own for one minute. In pairs, the unit
Student A chooses a card and must speak about that topic
for one minute, while Student B keeps time. The roles are EXAM LINK
then reversed. Reading: Part 4 (gapped text)
• For stronger students, two adjective cards can be chosen
per topic to increase the difficulty of the task. ACTIVITY TYPE
A competitive relay activity where students listen for correct
5B Pen friend sentences and place them into a reading text

Large groups
To practise using adjectives to describe appearance
To practise writing skills related to Writing Part 1 TIME TAKEN
12–15 minutes
Writing: Part 1 WHEN TO USE
After Reading: Exercise 4, page 58
Students invent a character and complete a gap-fill email PREPARATION
to a pen friend You will need one copy of the cut-up activity per group


Small groups 1 Divide the students into two large groups. Tell students to
stand in two lines, one behind the other, facing the board.
2 Tell students this will be a relay race. Explain the term if
10 minutes
necessary. Give the student at the front of each group
a board pen, and sentence 1 to the student at the back.
WHEN TO USE Explain that the student at the back will have 30 seconds
After Vocabulary: Exercise 6, page 61 to read and remember the sentence. After this time,
the sentence will be taken away. The back student then
PREPARATION whispers the sentence to the student in front of them,
You will need one copy of the activity per student who then whispers the sentence to the student in front of
them, and so on, until it reaches the student at the front.
PROCEDURE The student at the front writes the sentence they hear on
1 Divide the students into small groups of four or five the board. Do not correct any errors at this point. Once
students and seat them in a circle, facing inwards. completed, they must pass the pen to the student behind
Distribute a copy of the activity sheet to each student. them and run to the back to become the student at the
2 Tell students they are going to invent a person and back. That student will hear the next sentence.
complete an email to a pen friend. Explain ‘pen friend’ to 3 The above steps are repeated for the next three sentences.
students if necessary. Explain that they need to complete Once all of the sentences are written on the board, the
the sentence in the first part of their activity sheet and then group must then come together and decide where the
fold it over to keep the information they wrote a secret. sentences fit in the text.
When all of the students in the group have finished, tell 4 The first team to get all of the sentences correctly written
students to pass their piece of paper to the student to their and in the correct spaces the fastest is the winner. Feedback
left. The next student completes the next sentence using after the task to correct any errors in the sentences.

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• This activity can be done outside of a classroom, in a larger
space or outdoors. If no white board is available, students AIM
can write the sentences on a piece of paper at the front of To practise using descriptive language (adjectives/verbs); to
each group. practise animal vocabulary and vocabulary to describe places;
• For fast finishers, this can be done as a worksheet activity to practise using there is/are
where students read the text and decide where each
sentence fits. ACTIVITY TYPE
• To increase difficulty, play music while students are relaying Writing and giving clues to describe places and animals –
the sentence. and guessing


Box 1-3 Box 2-4 Box 3-2 Box 4-1 Pairwork and groups of four

6A Trip to the national park 20 minutes
To practise modal verbs for rules
After Writing: Exercise 9, page 77
Creating a set of rules for different situations and presenting
You will need one copy of the worksheet per pair
them to the class


1 On the board, write these sentence stems and elicit from
Small groups of four or five students
the students the kind of language which can be used
to complete them (see below). Encourage students to
TIME TAKEN remember the vocabulary covered in the coursebook. Some
20 minutes
examples you could elicit are:
WHEN TO USE It looks/feels/seems … bright, calm, clear, loud, scary, soft,
friendly, etc.
After Grammar: Exercise 3, page 72
It has … fur/wings/many parks/a museum, etc.
PREPARATION It’s so … wild/ colourful/ empty/ cute, etc.
You will need one copy of the worksheet per group There is/are … a large park/ famous squares, etc.
2 Divide the class into pairs and give them a worksheet. Tell
PROCEDURE them to look at Part A and together, fill in the ‘Our World’
1 Tell students that they are helping adult supervisors from boxes with the answers to one of the places/animals at the
school to take a group of younger children on a five-day top of the worksheet.
camping trip to a large national park. Discuss what a
national park is and the kind of things you might find there. 3 Write the example, bull, on the board and ask students to
help you write three clues using the language elicited at
2 Divide the class into small groups of four or five students the beginning of the lesson to help them. E.g. It looks scary;
and give them a copy of the worksheet. Together students it’s big and black; it has horns.
create a set of camp rules under the headings provided.
There are some ideas in the boxes to help them and a modal 4 Now ask students to look at Part B of the handout. Give
verbs box at the top to remind them of the different modals students around ten minutes to write three clues per
we use to create rules. You could elicit one example for each category in their pairs. They shouldn’t write the clues in
category from the whole class before starting if you think the corresponding numbered boxes, but rather at random.
this is necessary for your class. Monitor and help where necessary.
3 Give students around ten minutes to do this in their groups. 5 Once completed, ask the pairs to swap their sheets with
They should have at least two or three rules per category. another pair. Give the students five minutes to look at the
Monitor closely and aid where necessary. clues and the ‘Our World’ answers and try to match them.
4 When all the groups have completed their set of rules, tell 6 Put the two pairs back together and let them confirm if
them to present the rules to the class and vote on which is their guesses are correct/incorrect.
the best.
5 Give some content and language feedback at the end of
• Put students into groups of four and give them some blank
the activity.
cards (up to ten). Ask the students to write the name of
an animal or a place on each card. Each group then swaps
EXTENSION TASK cards with another group and places their new set of cards
• Divide the small groups into two (i.e. an original group face down on the table in front of them. Taking turns, one
of four would become two pairs) and give them one of student picks up a card and invents clues orally. The other
the headings from the worksheet, e.g. General Rules or members of the group need to guess what it is written on
What you need to bring. Ask students to make a camp the card. The winner is the student with the most cards at
rules poster. the end of the game.

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6C Holiday park 7A Find my opinions

To practise using language of suggestion, agreement To practise relative clauses with who and which
and disagreement in a group discussion
EXAM LINK An individual activity where students form sentences with
Speaking: Part 2 (discussion) relative clauses


Thinking of ideas and discussing which is the best Individual


Small groups of four / pairwork 10–12 minutes


20 minutes After Grammar: Exercise 4. page 84


After Speaking: Exercise 5, page 75 You will need one copy of the activity per student, cut up into
Worksheet A and B
You will need one copy of the worksheet per group, cut into PROCEDURE
Part A and B as indicated. Part B should be cut into cards. 1 Distribute a copy of Worksheet A to each student.
2 Explain that students complete the activity sheet with their
PROCEDURE own ideas. For example, students write what they love, like
1 Divide the class into groups of four and give them a copy and dislike in the food column: I love chocolate because it
of Part A of the worksheet. Tell students that they are in makes me happy, I like marshmallows because they are nice,
charge of planning a fun day trip to a large local park as I dislike eggs because they smell. Allow students four or
part of a holiday camp. Give students around five minutes five minutes to write their answers. Monitor to correct any
in their groups to think of some things they could do at the errors where necessary.
park and write them in the spaces provided. One example
3 Once completed, ask the students to stand up and face
has been added for them.
outward. No student should be facing another. Ask the
2 Now hand out the Part B cards and ask students to divide students to scrunch up their piece of paper into a ball.
them up equally. Tell students that they should now discuss Tell students you will count to three, and the students
the ideas from Part A and decide which idea/s is/are the must throw their piece of paper as high as they can, behind
best. They are now ready to start the activity. them. Once all of the pieces of paper have been thrown, ask
3 As a group of four with their cards in their hands, the students to collect one from the floor – making sure they
students discuss the different ideas. While discussing, don’t pick up their own.
they should try to use the language on the cards in the 4 Students open the piece of paper and write sentences
conversation as naturally as possible. on Worksheet B including who and which, about the
4 When they have used a card, they should place it face up information on their sheets. Tell students they have to
on the table in front of them. Once a card is face up on guess who wrote the information, e.g.: I think Mary is the
the table, other students in the group can also use it and, person who loves chocolate (because it makes her happy)
therefore, ‘steal’ the card. If they do this, they should pick up London is the place which she loves. Allow five minutes for
the card and place it face up in front of them. this stage. Monitor to check students sentences and use of
5 Let the conversation go on for around five minutes. When the relative clauses.
you say ‘stop’, the group member with the most cards in 5 Once completed, ask students to read one or two of
front of them is the winner. their sentences aloud, to see if they guessed the student
6 Students present the idea they have chosen to the class correctly.
before having a whole-class vote on which is the best idea.
EXTENSION TASK • To extend the activity, add a mingle stage to the beginning.
• Alone, ask students to write a short email to the students Allow students two or three minutes to find a person
on the holiday camp to explain about their fun day in the for each like and dislike statement for each column on
park (about 100 words). Worksheet A. Students write down the information but
keep the name of the student a secret. Once completed,
ask students to throw the paper as above. This time, the
students must decide who said what and write a sentence
for each, including a relative clause.

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7B How’s my food? 7C What am I?

To practise adjectives to describe food To practise speaking skills


A competitive activity where students must race to find the A competitive team game where students guess the correct
word that fits the description object described


Small groups Two large groups


10 minutes 15 minutes


After Vocabulary: Exercise 3, page 85 After Speaking: Exercise 4, page 87

One copy of Worksheet A per pair. You will need the same You will need one copy of the activity, cut up into cards
amount of copies of Worksheet B as there are groups.
PROCEDURE 1 Divide the class into two large groups. Give Team A the grey
1 Before the class begins, stick the cut-up Worksheet B cards cut-up activity sheet and give the white sheet to Team B.
around the classroom. You will need to copy this activity so 2 Explain to the teams that this is a competitive activity
that each group can collect each word. where students will describe the words on their cards to the
2 Divide the students into small groups of three or four. other team to guess. However, they only have two chances
Distribute Worksheet A to each group. to guess each word.
3 Explain that this is a competitive activity where students 3 Give both teams four or five minutes to look through the
will need to read the description of a food experience on words and to prepare a written description for them. For
their worksheet and one student from each group must example, if the word is Delicious, students could say It is
race to to take the adjective which they think fits the a word used to describe when something tastes nice or
description from the wall. They will need to walk around good. Monitor during the sentence preparation to correct
the classroom reading each word and choose the one they written descriptions.
think fits best. Tell students only one group member at a 4 Once students have finished preparing, Team A reads one
time can go to find a word. Once they think they have found of their descriptions to Team B. If they guess correctly,
a suitable adjective, they must bring it back for the team they receive one point. Repeat this step for Team B, and
members to write on the worksheet. Tell students there are so on, until all of the words have been described. Ensure
surplus words scattered around the room. a different student is speaking each time, where possible.
4 Once all the groups have collected their words, feed back The winning team is the group that has correctly guessed
the answers as a whole class and correct any errors. the most words.
Give points for each correct answer and a point for the 5 Feedback to the whole class at the end of the activity,
team that finished fastest. focusing on any common errors.


• To extend the task, students choose three adjectives from • This activity can be extended so the teams write two or
the task and write a short paragraph about their own food three of their own words to describe to the other group.
experience in the past.
• For stronger groups, descriptions can be spoken rather
• For stronger groups, repeat the steps as above, without than written, to shorten the activity length.
giving out Worksheet A. One student from each
group collects an adjective from around the room and
brings it back to the group. The group must then write 8A How well do you know me?
a grammatically correct sentence including their chosen
adjective onto the board. Points are awarded for correct AIM
sentences. The winning team is the team who produces the To practise using the present perfect simple
most correct sentences
ANSWER KEY Speaking: Part 1 (interview)
salty; hard; sweet; sour; burned; dry; spicy; soft
Not used: hot, cold, juicy, crispy
Completing sentences for a partner and discussing


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15 minutes 1 Divide the class into groups of three students and give
them a copy of the dominoes cut up into cards. Ask
WHEN TO USE students to place these, face up, on the desk in front
After Grammar: Exercise 6, page 96 of them.
2 Tell students to find the domino that says: ‘Start here’.
PREPARATION This is the first card in the domino cycle and will also be
You will need one copy of the worksheet per student the last. Explain that all the dominoes have half sentences
which they must match. The first half of the sentence is
PROCEDURE always on the grey shaded part. They should ignore the
1 Ask students if they think they know a lot about you and letters; these are only for checking answers.
the other members of the group. Write this sentence on the 3 Give students around ten minutes to put the dominoes
board and ask students to guess the information for you. together to make a complete circle. The first group to
I have taught English for/since … Confirm if they are correct complete this is the winner.
or not.
4 Go through the answers with the whole class and bring
2 Divide the class into pairs and hand out a copy of the the students’ attention to the collocations.
worksheet to each student.
3 Explain they are going to complete the sentences for their EXTENSION TASK
partner individually first, using the words in italics to help • Get students to create their own version of the domino
them. They should not consult their partner at this point cards by creating new sentences using the verb collocations.
nor talk about the sentences. Monitor closely and aid Students could then pass these to another group to
where necessary. complete.
4 Student A starts by reading the first sentence aloud to
Student B, who confirms if the answer is correct or not. ANSWER KEY
Student A puts a tick or a cross next to the sentence and CEHFKAJLBIGD
then asks two extra questions. E.g. You have studied English
for five years. Do you enjoy studying English? Student B then
reads their first sentence aloud and the same process is
8C EduCamps
repeated. This continues until the students have discussed AIM
all the sentences.
To practise multiple matching
5 At the end, tell students to count up the number of ticks
(correct answers) and read the verdict at the bottom of the EXAM LINK
handout. Get some class feedback to see which pair knows Reading: Part 2 (matching)
each other the best.
EXTENSION TASK Expressing your wishes for an educational camp and matching
• This activity could be repeated with another member of these to special trips
the group.
8B Transport dominoes Individual, pairwork and whole class


To practise recognising collocations related to transport 20 minutes


Dominoes After Reading: Exercise 7, page 94


Small groups of three students You will need one copy of Part A (Student and Camp Cards)
per group (of 12 students) and a copy of the Part B
TIME TAKEN (Note Card) per student.
10 minutes

After Vocabulary: Exercise 5, page 97

You will need one copy of the worksheet per group, cut up
into dominoes

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1 Tell students that half the class are going to be camp One copy of the worksheet per pair, cut up into Student A/
organisers and the others are students looking for a special Student B worksheets
educational camp.
2 Divide the class into two groups of six students (Group A PROCEDURE
and B). Give the students in Group A a Student Card each, 1 Divide the class into pairs and distribute the activity sheet
and Group B a Camp Card. Allow students a few minutes to Student A and Student B.
to read through the information and clarify any unknown 2 Tell students that the aim of the activity is to pass through
vocabulary on a one-to-one basis. the grid by forming zero and first conditional sentences.
3 Now hand out a copy of the Note Card to each student. Explain that this can only be done by moving vertically or
Tell the class that all of the students must talk to all of the horizontally to complete the squares.
organisers. The students should make notes on the Note 3 Student A reads aloud the words in the ‘start’ square, and
Card about what the organisers tell them about the camps, Student B must create the sentence and add their own
and the organisers should make notes about what the ending. If Student A accepts the sentence, the square is
students tell them about their dream camp. coloured in. Student B then repeats the steps for Student A.
4 Seat the organisers around the room and ask the students If a sentence is not accepted, tell students to put an X and
to mingle and speak to all of them (one at a time). The to choose another square.The winner is the student who
students should explain what camp they want to visit reaches the finish box first. Set a time of ten minutes.
and the organisers should try to ‘sell’ their camp by giving 4 As a whole class, check the correct form of the conditionals
information. Both organisers and students make notes. and, if time allows, ask for feedback on interesting answers
5 Let this continue for around ten minutes. Now ask the that students added to the sentences.
class to look at their notes individually in order to find their
perfect match (students try to pick the best camp, and the ADAPTATION AND EXTENSION
organisers try to choose the ideal student). • As an alternative and for larger group work, divide students
6 Get feedback from the class before going through the into two large groups and distribute the activity sheet.
answers with everyone. Team A reads the ‘start’ box to Team B, and Team B must
work as a group to form conditional sentences with their
ADAPTION AND EXTENSION own endings. The steps are repeated when it is Team A’s
turn to create a sentence. The first group to reach the finish
• If you have fewer than 12 students in the class, you do
box is the winner.
not have to use all of the Student Cards, but some of the
organisers will need to have two Camp Cards. • For fast finishers, this can be done as a written activity.
Cut up each row of the worksheet into strips, with four
• If you wanted to do the activity in smaller groups of
boxes per strip. Ask students to write the sentences with
four students (or even pairs), you could give all the
their own endings in a zero or first conditional sentence.
Organiser Cards to one student or pair of students, and
all the Student Cards to the other. They could then work
together to try to match the students to the perfect camp. 9B Collocation collector
• This activity can be repeated by swapping roles.
ANSWER KEY To practise creating sentences with words that go together
A 5; B 1; C 6; D 2; E 4; F 3
9A Through the grid A card-matching activity where students try to match the
word pairs correctly and form sentences
To practise forming the zero and first conditional
Pairwork or groups of three
A speaking activity where students form opinion sentences in
10 minutes
the zero and first conditional
After Vocabulary: Exercise 3, page 109
One copy of the cut-up activity in two separate piles –
10–12 minutes
white and grey
After Grammar: Exercise 3, page 108

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1 Divide students into pairs or groups of three and place the Individual for the mingling activity and pair work for the
two piles of cards face down for each pair or group. discussion
2 Tell students they are going to play a game. One pile
contains verbs and the other nouns. Explain that students TIME TAKEN
take it in turns to choose one card from each pile, and 10 minutes
to decide if the words fit together or not. If they do, that
student should try to make a sentence including the two WHEN TO USE
words. If the partner or rest of the group accepts that the After Speaking: Exercise 6, page 111
sentence is correct, then the student should keep the cards.
If the team think the sentence is incorrect or the words do PREPARATION
not fit together, the cards are returned to the bottom of You will need one or two copies of the activity, depending on
the pile. Shuffle at least one pile of cards to ensure the same the size of the class, cut up into cards
combination doesn’t appear again.
3 Monitor during the task to ensure students are forming PROCEDURE
sentences and using the language correctly. Students 1 Hand out a card from Worksheet A to each student but tell
continue until all of the cards have been used up. At the end them to keep the phrase on the card a secret
of the game, the student with the most cards is the winner. 2 Explain to students that they walk around to find the
person in the room with a similar phrase to theirs and
ADAPTATION AND EXTENSION they should partner up with the first person they find with
• To focus more closely on the language, ask students to a similar phrase. Example phrases: reading a newspaper,
write the sentences so you can correct the language as so another student may have reading the news online –
you monitor. or, swimming at the beach and swimming in a pool.
• This can be adapted to a memory-style game, where 3 Once students have found their partner, they have two
students only choose a noun card and try to remember minutes to discuss and agree on the phrase they prefer
which verb it fits with. and be able to say why. Monitor the activity to ensure it
• This activity can be adapted to a miming game, where is correctly time limited, and that the students are using
students pick up a verb and noun card and must act it to phrases and vocabulary to help them with Speaking Part 3.
their partner, who guesses what the two words may be. 4 Once the pairs have finished, hand out a card from
Worksheet B to each student. Students should find another
POSSIBLE ANSWERS partner who has a similar phrase to them, as in the steps
1 Download – An app, music, a film, a podcast above. Students have two minutes to discuss and agree on
2 Have – A good time, dinner the phrase they prefer and be able to give a reason. Set a
time limit.
3 Watch – A film
5 After completion, go through some examples together and
4 Do – A quiz
see what the students preferred and why, correcting any
5 Play – Music, piano errors where necessary.
6 Forget – A password, an answer
7 Search for – An answer, music ADAPTATION AND EXTENSION
• For a quieter activity, students can be put into pairs and can
8 Make – A cake, music
be given both word cards to discuss.
9 Delete – An answer, music, an app
• To practise Speaking Part 2, this can be done as a long turn
10 Listen to – Music, a podcast task where students are given the word cards and speak for
11 Go to – The cinema one minute each about their given topics.
12 Eat – A cake

9C Pairs and preferences

• To practise expressing opinions using the phrases from
the unit
• To practise discussion skills related to Speaking Part 3

Speaking: Part 3

A mingling activity where students find the person with
a similar phrase to theirs and then decide with their partner
which is better and explain why.

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