Навчальні завдання. Тема 1.

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Навчальні матеріали

Тема №1


1. Where were you born? In Thailand.

2. What do you do? I’m a teacher.
3. Are you married? No, I’m single.
4. Why are you learning English? Because I need it for my job.
5. When did you start learning English? A year ago.
6. How often do you have English classes? Three times a week.

Ex. 1 p.6

1. сome
2. ‘m studying
3. сan speak
4. ‘m enjoying
5. started
6. live
7. went
8. ‘m going to work

Ex. 2 p.7

1. Where does she live?

2. Who is she living with?
3. What course is she studying?
4. Is she enjoying a course?
5. How many languages does she speak?
6. When did her course start?
7. What is she going to do after she graduates?

Ex. 3 p.7

2. Do you have a job?

3. What are you doing at the moment?
4. When did you move to England?
5. What's your boyfriend name?
6. What does he do?
Grammar spot

2. He lives and she’s living. The first one is Present Simple cause it’s a fact. The other one is Present Continuous
because it’s happening at the moment and it’s temporary.


What did you have for breakfast? – A sandwich

Who have you meet yesterday? – Jack
Where do you want to live? – In New York
When did you a movie last time? – Last night
Why did you do that? – Because I wanted to.
How many weeks in a month? – Four
How much for a coffee? – 5 dollars
How did you get to school? – By bus
Whose bag is that? – It’s mine.
Which do you like more? – The black one.
Ex. 3 p.8

My name's Dasha. I'm from Ukraine, Dnipro, but right now I’m studying in Poltava. It’s far away from my home city,
so i can’t visit my family every weekend. I really enjoy studying languages and actually want to start learning a new
one — Italian! I live with my parents and younger sister. I also had an older brother, but he’s not with us now. I'm
the oldest one in a family. After I graduate I want to open a café with cats, so I go to study really hard.

Ex. 5 p.8

1. Maria comes from Chile.

2. She speaks Spanish and English
3. Today Tom is wearing jeans and a t-shirt
4. Do you like black coffee?
5. Last year she went on holiday to Florida
6. Next year she’s going to study at university

Ex. 2 p.9

Bread – noun
Hot – adjective
Write – verb
Quickly – adverb
Beautiful – adjective
In – preposition
Never – adverb
Went – verb
On – prepositions
Came – verb
Eat – verb
Letter – noun
Ex. 3 p.9

1. What kind of tea is that? / You are so kind to her!

2. I want to drink a can of peps. / Can you help me?
3. What does it mean? / She is so mean
4. Cant believe that some people think that Earth is flat / The live in a small flat
5. We are going to see a new play in a theater / Have you play this new game?
6. I’m training for swimming competition / Is the train late?
7. That is such a beautiful ring! / The phone is ringing.

Ex. 3 p.10

1. How we communicate
2. Difference between people and animals
3. History of communication
4. Communication today
Ex. 4 p. 10

1. d
2. b
3. a
4. c
Ex. 5 p. 10

1. In text were mentioned bees, elephants, whales and monkeys. They can dance, sing, use their faces and make
sounds people can’t hear

2. We have language. We can talk, write, send messages with hands and faces.

3. Radio, film, television and the internet.

4. The internet is infinite and we can find a lot of information in it, but it’s hard to understand what is important and
what is not.

What do you think?

People can communicate in many ways like talking, writing etc. Although animals can dance, sing, make so many
different sounds, there is one thing they don't have, but humans do — a language. We can do so many things using a
language: write poetry, tell a joke, explain and the list can go on. Communication technologies were very important
in the development, so many ancient societys have their own unique way to communicate. And there so much
progress that right now we have infinite resource like Internet.

Ex. 4 p. 12

1. a few weeks ago

2. no, it’s only one bedroom
3. he works at advertising
4. yes, he does
5. they don’t have a uniform
6. his sister
7. 11 o’clock
8. visiting a fried in a hospital
9. they haven’t been introduced to each other
What do you think?

1. For me “generation gap” s miscommunication between two different generation

2. Young people think that old people are boring, old fashioned and bougie. And old people think that young
gen is open minded, easy influenced and bad behaved.

Ex. 1 p. 13

1. Hello, Jane! – Hi, Peter.

2. How do you do? – How do you do?
3. See you tomorrow – Bye.
4. Good night – Sleep well.
5. Good morning – Good morning.
6. Hello, I’m Ela Paul – Pleased to meet you, Ela.
7. Cheers – Cheers.
8. Excuse me – Yes, can I help?
9. Bless you – Thanks.
10. Have a good weekend – Same to you.
11. Thank you very much indeed – Not at all. Don’t mention it.
12. Make yourself at home – That’s very kind, thank you.

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