Principles of The Constitution Review

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Principles of

Separation of Description
The Constitution divides the powers of
Powers the federal government among three
branches: the legislative (Congress), the
executive (President), and the judicial
(Supreme Court and other federal courts).

This separation prevents any one
branch from becoming too powerful
and ensures that each branch has
specific responsibilities and
Checks and Description

Balances Each branch of government has some

measure of influence over the other
branches and may choose to block
procedures of the other branches. This
creates a system of checks and balances.

Prevents any one branch from gaining
too much power by requiring the
cooperation of the other branches for
important decisions.
Individual Rights
The Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments
to the Constitution, guarantees individual
rights such as freedom of speech, religion,
and the right to a fair and speedy trial.

Protects citizens from potential abuses
of government power by ensuring their
fundamental rights and freedoms.
Rule of Law

The principle that everyone, including

government officials, is subject to the law
and must follow it. No one is above the law.


Ensures that government actions are

based on legal authority and that
individuals are treated fairly and justly.
Due Process of
Law Description

The government must follow fair and

established procedures when dealing with
individuals accused of crimes or facing legal
actions. This includes the right to a fair trial,
legal representation, and protection against
arbitrary government actions.


Protects individuals from arbitrary

(random or unpredictable) government
actions and ensures that legal
proceedings are fair and just.
Let’s Review!

What concept is described by the phrase "each

branch of the government has different duties"?
A) Federalism
B) Executive Orders
C) Checks and Balances
D) Separation of Powers
Let’s Review!
What concept is described by the phrase "each
branch of the government has different duties"?
A) Federalism
B) Executive Orders
C) Checks and Balances
D) Separation of Powers
Let’s Review!
The ___ branch has the power to impeach
Federal judges.
A) Executive
B) Judicial
C) Legislative
Once your Graphic Organizer is
complete, please go to your
Progress Learning Study Plans
and do the other 2 lessons in 1.9.
We did Separation of Powers vs.
Checks and Balances together.

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