Sustainable Energy Review July-September 2016
Sustainable Energy Review July-September 2016
Sustainable Energy Review July-September 2016
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Introduction: is in the range of 95oC to 100oC while heating oil for preparation of
Jelabi, Amriti etc. the oil temperature is 180oC to 190oC. The field
Small scale food processing units, commonly known as sweetmeat measurements are carried out with an infrared thermometer. Heat
shops are in very large numbers in India and their annual turnover transfer is always better and quicker for higher temperature dif-
is estimated to be more than Rs 25000.00 crore. Most of the food ferential but production of higher temperature with solar thermal
items are based on milk and there are also deep fried varieties. system involves concentration of radiation over a large area and
Concentrated semi-dried milk known as Khoa is a common ingre- the cost of the concentrator increases. At lower temperature differ-
dient and is produced by prolonged boiling of milk to drive out the ential the heat flow rate will be lesser and for the same amount of
water component. It takes time and good amount of energy to energy required in processing the time required will be more. After
remove water which makes nearly nine-tenth of the total volume due assessment of cost-benefit it was decided to develop a system
of the milk. A slow boiling is usually preferred in the production with a temperature differential in the range of 50oC initially and
of Khoa. For deep-frying the temperature again is not very high- a progressive increase with the same with design and operational
around 2000C. This heating can be done by using concentrated experience.
solar radiation which not only keeps the environment clean but it
is totally emission free. Using parabolic concentrator, the aperture Since there has not been any significant work in the field, litera-
required to attain the working temperature of a heat-transfer fluid ture survey did not help much in the system design. Finally it was
can be computed. The required heat flow thereby determines the decided to go for Parabolic Trough Concentrator with the heat col-
overall size of the concentrator. The solar heat is conducted to the lector in the form of a coated copper tube carrying a heat transfer
evaporating container or frying pan with the help of a heat-transfer fluid which imparts heat to the processing container (essentially a
fluid which after transferring the heat returns to the concentrator flat bottom pan) through a heat exchanger. This has the advan-
forming a close heating-loop where contamination can easily be tages of the ability of controlling both temperature and heat flow
prevented. It is of course necessary to have an efficient heat ex- rate and secondly, higher system efficiency. Coated copper tube is
changer but it is required to be shaped in such a way as to accom- provided with a glass jacket to reduce convective heat loss but no
modate the traditional boiling or frying-pan for user friendliness. attempt has been taken for evacuated jacketing to keep the system
cost low.
There has hardly been any attempt in the country to develop this
item and the experience of the previous worker that help consider- On the basis of calculation made, the concentrator and the heat
ably the later one is unfortunately unavailable. The present thrust is exchanger were designed. The concentrator and heat exchanger
on the technical side in making the system functionally acceptable. specifications are given here under:
The design modification for cost reduction has been taken care of.
Concentrator material: Anodized aluminium
Experimental Set up: Concentrator aperture: 120 cm
Reflectivity of the concentrator: 0.85
We carried out an experiment on the utilisation on solar energy Absorber tube material: Copper
technology in the food processing industry and the results were Absorber tube diameter: 40mm
very satisfactory. The R&D programme involves the developments Glass cover diameter: 65mm
of a low cost solar heating system for food processing industry in Amount of thermic fluid (in pipeline): 24 litre
general and sweetmeat industry in particular. Working in associa- Area of Concentrators: 2.97 sq m
tion with local sweetmeat production units it was ascertained that
the operating temperature for preparation of sugar juice and Kheer The arrangements for a single axis manual tracking is required to be
2 SER Vol 4, Issue 3, July - September 2016
provided to optimize the solar energy collection and the tubes are temperature can be achieved and solar heating system with con-
to be kept at an inclination of local latitude for the same purpose. centrator can be effectively used in the food processing industry.
Four temperature sensors (including one sensor for recording ambi- This basic principle is very simple but the development of such
ent temperature) have been installed to measure the temperature systems has so far been overlooked by the solar energy technolo-
at different points as given in the Fig. 1. gists.
2. Benefits:
New solar absorber could improve efficiency of solar thermal losses. As the solar absorber takes in more energy, its temperature in-
technology creases, causing it to lose energy in the form of thermal radiation.
A team of researchers at MIT and the Masdar Institute of Science The sweet spot of a solar absorber then, is that point when op-
and Technology has discovered a low cost solar absorber. Solar timal levels of sunlight are absorbed with the least amount of
Absorbers are typically used to convert solar energy into heat and energy escaping back into the atmosphere through radiation. Ex-
the generated heat is used to heat up the media of application. perts believe they may have found this sweet spot.
This advancement should help make sustainable technologies that
rely on solar heat more efficient and affordable. The idea was to increase the absorption spectrum and to reduce
the emission loss from the absorber. The research team is work-
The MIT and Masdar Institute Cooperative Program helped launch ing hard to test with materials like copper, silver etc so that cost
the Masdar Institute in 2007. Research collaborations between can be reduced to certain extent in order to make the thermal
the two institutes address global energy and sustainability issues, technology cost effective in many ways.
and seek to develop research and development capabilities in Abu
Dhabi. Nicholas X. Fang, Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Investment in Solar doubles by 2040
MIT and co-principal investigator of the project said that his team
was very excited at this MIT-Masdar Institute collaboration which The wind and solar industry are set to attract substantially higher in-
has led to new insights in the emerging field of plasmonics which vestment than fossil fuels over the next several decades, according
quantifies the interactions between the electromagnetic field and to a new assessment from Bloomberg New Energy Finance ( BNEF).
free electrons in a metal by trapping sunlight with plasmonics.
When the news was published, testing of the conversion efficiency Between now and 2040, an estimated $7.8 trillion in investment
was not yet performed and that is why final conversion efficiency will pour into the renewable energy industry, more than double
was not reported. The team’s novel fabrication technique involves the $3.2 trillion that BNEF expects to be invested into the coal,
patterning a solar absorber with tiny holes with diameters less natural gas and oil industries.
than 400 nanometers — roughly 1/200 the width of a human
hair — cut into the absorber at regular intervals.The tiny holes Individual renewable energy technologies will garner as much or
penetrate the entire absorber, greatly enhancing the range of solar more investment dollars than the entire fossil fuel industry. For ex-
energy that can be absorbed. Approximately 90 percent of all the ample, onshore and offshore wind will see $3.1 trillion in invest-
wavelengths of light that reach Earth’s surface are absorbed by the ment, whereas rooftop and utility-scale solar alone will see $3.4
device. Unlike traditional solar absorbers, this absorber requires trillion in investment, more money than all the oil wells, natural
very little material and consists of only two layers: a semiconduc- gas wells and coal mines – combined. Wind and solar capture 64
tor film and a reflective metallic layer, with a total thickness of 170 percent of the 8.6 terawatts of new power capacity expected to
nanometers. Since it can absorb most of the radiation these might be installed over the next 25 years.
be game changers in the field of solar thermal techonolgy.
BNEF forecasts a steady rise in renewable energy around the globe.
To optimize a solar absorber’s efficiency, it is desirable to maximize the In Europe, renewables account for 70 percent of electricity gener-
solar absorption and reduce the thermal radiation of heat from the ation in 2040, a sharp increase from 32 percent in 2015. The U.S.
absorber. However, it is challenging to create a solar absorber that can will lag a bit behind, but renewables will jump from a 14 percent
absorb a high level of sunlight while maintaining low thermal radiation share in 2015 to 44 percent in 2040. Even China, which has always
The oft-cited Achilles heel of renewable energy – its intermittency Solar System and Crops : A Japanese Experiment
– becomes less of a problem as time goes on. That is because
batteries will also see steady reductions in cost. BNEF sees battery Solar sharing in Japan refers to the practice of using the same plot
storage rising from just 400 megawatt-hours today to a stagger- of land to simultaneously grow crops and generate solar power.
ing 760 gigawatt-hours in 2040. Also, as wind and solar technolo- In such cases, solar panels are installed high above the crops and
gies improve, their capacity factors are expected to rise. spaced farther apart than usual, enabling sufficient sunlight to pass
through and farmers to work below. Solar Frontier, a Japan-based
The shift to cleaner energy in the electric power sector is already manufacturer of copper, indium and selenium (CIS) solar modules,
underway, but for transportation sector (oil vs electric vehicles), has provided its panels for a “solar sharing” experiment on Sado
the transition will be slower. Nevertheless, the end result is the Island, Niigata Prefecture, Japan. Solar Frontier says this business
same: EVs will increasingly take up market share at the expense model has been gradually spreading across Japan, helping farmers
of oil. earn additional income by selling electricity. University of Tokyo’s
IR3S (Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science) is carry-
For incumbent utilities, already under serious pressure from distrib- ing out the research. It aims to evaluate the potential economic im-
uted sources of renewable energy, the future is not necessarily as pact of solar sharing on Sado Island, where the population is both
grim as for fossil fuel producers. So long as utilities shift towards declining and aging. It is doing so as part of a broader project that
cheaper renewable energy, they will not be left behind. And the looks at using renewable energy and maximizing natural resources
rise of EVs provide them with a rare source of growth. BNEF says to achieve a low-carbon society and help revitalize communities.
that by 2040, the dramatic rise of EV adoption will make up 8 Solar Frontier has provided 10 kW of its Solacis neo CIS solar panels
percent of global electricity demand. for the experiment. The panels have been installed facing south
at a low inclination angle of 13.5 degrees and are 2 meters high,
This epochal shift from fossil fuels to clean energy will result in a enabling the farmer to tend to his crop. In this particular case, the
dark future for companies producing oil, gas and coal. As demand experiment had started with a round of broccoli, and it will be fol-
peaks and declines, prices will never come back, particularly for lowed by a range of seasonal vegetables as the year progresses.
coal. Short-term price bumps are likely, but the trend over the next As a result, the test will provide data on light-shielding rates and
several decades is clear – flat or declining demand will lead to a crop yield for the Washizaki district, an area with relatively difficult
glut in supply, keeping prices depressed. farming conditions. This solution might improve the condition of
the farmers with dual-farming opportunities. The installation and
The above figures will result in a world that falls short of the crops are being managed by the Association for Developing Sado.
2-degree Celsius climate target that the international community Taro Honma, president of the association, is the producer of Umi
is hoping to stay under. That means that more climate policies are no Kome (Rice of the Sea), a brand of rice that won the Sushi Rice
likely to be made as time goes on, which will only accelerate the Special Award at the Sushi Rice Contest International Tournament
shift away from fossil fuels. in 2015. He is also a practitioner of a completely organic farming
method that helps protect the Japanese crested ibis, a rare species
Grundfos Pump Solution in India of bird in the region. Solar Frontier says it will continue to focus
on collaborating with industry, academia and government, utilizing
Providing clean drinking water and improving the quality of life of its CIS thin-film modules to promote distributed energy generation
the commoners are the pertinent issues challenged by Grundfos initiatives rooted in local regions.
Pump. Grundfos Holdings in Denmark is one of the world’s lead-
ing pump manufacturers with an annual production of more than 750 MW Solar Park agreement by Delhi Metro Rail Corporation
16 million pump units. Its wholly-owned India arm was estab-
lished in 1998 in Chennai. It is responsible for sales of products in Delhi Metro Rail Corporation has signed a power purchase agree-
India, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Maldives. Grundfos India is doing ment with one of the largest solar projects planned in the country.
substantial research funding and an annual growth rate of about Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) has signed an agreement to
10% ensures that substantial profit can be utilised in the R&D. So- purchase electricity generated from the planned 750 MW Solar
lar pumps contribute 8 per cent of the total sales of the company. Power Park in the state of Madhya Pradesh. Power generated from
The company has installed 17,500 solar pumps in the country since the Rewa-based solar park will be transmitted to Delhi, around
2009. The cost of a solar pump is slightly higher than convention 800 kms away. The 750 MW solar park will be one of the biggest