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Catena 199 (2021) 105116

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Spatial distribution characteristics of reconstructed soil bulk density of

opencast coal-mine in the loess area of China
Yuhan Huang a, Yingui Cao a, b, *, Marcin Pietrzykowski c, Wei Zhou a, b, *, Zhongke Bai a, b
School of Land Science and Technology, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, China
Key Lab of Land Consolidation, Ministry of Natural Resources of the People’s Republic of China, Beijing 100035, China
Department of Ecology and Silviculture, Faculty of Forestry, University of Agriculture in Krakow, Krakow, AL. 29 Listopada 46, 31 - 425, Poland


Keywords: Controlling and adjusting the reconstructed soil bulk density (RSBD) in an artificially disturbed ecosystem is one
Land reclamation of the main challenges in land reclamation. Exploring the spatial distribution of RSBD is the best starting point to
Mine soil analyze and improve reclamation technology. This study quantifies the spatial distribution pattern and variation
Soil physical parameters
of RSBD on reclaimed land in the loess area of China using geostatistical spatial interpolation and multiple
Lignite mining
regression analysis. Topography (platform, slope, and slope aspects), vegetation cover, soil particle size distri­
bution, and soil erosion were found to affect the spatial variability of the RSBD. The boundary between the sunny
slope and shady slope was considered to be the dividing line for the RSBD, which was generally distributed in
stripes and patches. The RSBD was higher on the sunny slope than on the shady slope at 0–10 cm, while the
opposite was observed at 20–40 cm. However, the RSBD at the depths of 40–60 cm increased from west to east,
and the direction of the strong spatial variability also gradually changed from “ Southwest ↔ Northeast ” to “
West ↔ East ”. The unary quadratic regression equations accurately represent the variation laws of RSBD at
different soil depths under different topography and vegetation cover (R2 > 0.90). Measures that utilize engi­
neering and vegetation to improve the RSBD should be adjusted according to the specific landscape and
topography. This study provides a theoretical basis for the improvement of the RSBD and the optimization of
land reclamation technology used in opencast coal-mine dumps in the loess area.

1. Introduction Soil bulk density (SBD) is one of the important indicators that reflects
soil quality and productivity (Zheng et al., 2004; Suuster et al., 2011).
The large opencast mines of China are widely distributed in loess Mining and dumping both use large-scale machinery that repeatedly
areas characterized as arid and semi-arid that suffer from serious water compacts the land, resulting in excessive SBD, hindering revegetation
and soil erosion and fragile ecosystems. Mining activities have brought and the effectiveness of reclamation technology (Cao et al., 2013; Pan
about tremendous changes in the local environments and damaged the et al., 2017). SBD varies over different spatial scale under affecting by
health of local population (Wang et al., 2013; Cao et al., 2018; Huang both natural factors and human activities including soil parent material,
et al., 2018). Severe artificial disturbances such as strip mining, trans­ topography, land use, climate, vegetation type (Sun et al., 2016; Xu
portation, and dumping have seriously damaged the original landform et al., 2017). The soil parent material, soil formation, and climate tend to
(Bai et al., 2018). The soil-rock mixed and the reclamation technology affect the spatial variability of SBD on large scales, while the topog­
used have led to significant heterogeneity in the configuration of the raphy, soil moisture, and plant root systems have major effects on small
reconstructed soil profile (Pietrzykowski, 2014). Under the dual effects scales (Zhang et al., 2007). Geostatistical tools that are based on auto­
of artificial and natural restoration, the continuous space–time variance correlation and random variation provide an accurate assessment of the
in the reconstructed soil is affected by many factors such as climate, spatial variability in soil properties (Zhang et al., 2009; Sun et al., 2016;
topography, and vegetation cover, leading to localized degradation of Rosemary et al., 2017).
the vegetation inhabiting the reclaimed land surrounding opencast The acquisition of SBD data is both time-consuming and labor-
mining area (Huang et al., 2019). intensive (Wang et al., 2014b), which it was not systematically

* Corresponding authors at: School of Land Science and Technology, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, China.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (Y. Cao), [email protected] (W. Zhou).

Received 22 February 2020; Received in revised form 17 December 2020; Accepted 20 December 2020
Available online 7 January 2021
0341-8162/© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Y. Huang et al. Catena 199 (2021) 105116

measured in regular reclamation practice in the past. Measurement of 2014a). The dump lying south (south dump) of the mining area was
the SBD is not obligatory in China’s “The Second National Soil Census selected for this research (Fig. 1). This area is characterized by a typical
Technical Regulations” (Chai and He, 2016) or other international large- temperate semi-arid continental monsoon climate with rainfall
scale soil inventories, and is often missing in data bases (Sequeira et al., concentrated in the summer and autumn months and only small
2014). Many studies on the spatial variability of SBD have therefore amounts of precipitation occurring during spring and winter. The annual
been carried out on different scales. In the China’s terrestrial ecosystem, average temperature in the region is 4.8–7.8 ◦ C, the annual rainfall is
Chai and He (2016) found that SBD were great differences among 428.2–449.0 mm, and the annual evaporation is 1786.6–2598.0 mm.
different soil types, and the mean values of SBD ranged from 0.93 g/cm3 According to Chinese Soil Taxonomic Classification, the zonal soil in the
(alpine soil) to 1.41 g/cm3 (alkali-saline soil) via the systematic analysis mining area comprises chestnut soil and chestnut cinnamon soil. The
of 11,845 data points from 3361 sample plots. SBD had a coefficient of ecosystem has little resistance to erosion by water or wind (Cao et al.,
variation of 12% based on 748 soil profiles in the loess plateau (Wang 2016).
et al., 2014b). The spatial variability of SBD was all medium variation, The Fig. 2 shows the evolution path of the landform and the mining
and the coefficient of variation for SBD at depths of 0–10 cm, 10–20 cm and reclamation processes that have been carried out around the
and 20–40 cm are 10.0%, 11.4% and 10.4%, respectively (Yu et al., opencast coal-mine in the loess area of China. Mechanical compaction
2019). In the loess hill region, the spatial variability in the surface SBD and the heterogeneity of the soil configuration has led to the bulk
of shallow gullies may result mainly from erosion processes, as well as density becoming the core control index for soil reconstruction, and
biological and human activities (Geng et al., 2014). The heterogeneity of even determines the success or failure of land reclamation (Cao et al.,
soil configuration is responsible for significant differences between 2013).
reclaimed land and original land (Jacinthe and Lal, 2006; Cao et al.,
2015). 2.2. Soil sampling and testing
The research concept of using geostatistics to analyze the spatial
variability of soil has been successfully applied in various ecosystems In August 2018, after 27 years of land reclamation at the south dump,
around the world (Kuklová et al., 2020; Wojcik-Len et al., 2020), but 20 representative sample sites were randomly selected representing
most are concentrated on the original soil profile (Duan et al., 2020; different altitudes, site conditions, slope aspects, and types of vegetation
Song et al., 2020). Due to the heterogeneity of the soil structure in cover (Fig. 3). Limitations caused by the topographic conditions and
reclaimed land, the spatial variability of SBD is significantly different vegetation cover meant that the collection of some samples deviated
from that of undamaged land (Cao et al., 2015). Therefore, the objec­ slightly from the set sampling sites. Soil samples were collected at depths
tives of this study were to (i) analyze the spatial variability in the of 0–10 cm, 10–20 cm, 20–30 cm, 30–40 cm, 40–50 cm and 50–60 cm
reconstructed soil bulk density (RSBD) and the variation laws as asso­ using a cutting ring (V = 100 cm3), and a total of 120 test soil samples
ciated with soil layer depth under different topography conditions, and were sealed and numbered. In the laboratory, the soil samples were
(ii) combine the characteristics of this spatial variation to propose dried in an oven and an electronic balance was used to weigh the dry
various measures for improving the SBD in reconstructed land. This mass of each soil sample and cutting ring, after which the cutting ring
study provides a theoretical basis and technical support for the optimi­ was weighed separately. Finally, the SBD was calculated using Eq. (1):
zation of land reclamation technology.
M1 − M2
ρB = (1)
2. Materials and methods V
where ρB represents the SBD (g/cm3), M1 represents the mass of the
2.1. Study area dry soil and the cutting ring (g), M2 represents the mass of the cutting
ring (g), and V represents the volume of the cutting ring (cm3).
The Pingshuo mine district (112◦ 11′ -113◦ 30′ E, 39◦ 23′ − 39◦ 37′ N) is
in the Black Triangle area bordered by Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Inner
2.3. Statistical analysis
Mongolia on the Loess Plateau and is dispersed across the Pinglu District,
Shuozhou City, and Shanxi Province (Bai and Yun, 2008; Wang et al.,
Microsoft Excel 2016 and SPSS 22.0 were used to perform multiple

Fig. 1. Location of the study area and the digital elevation model (DEM).

Y. Huang et al. Catena 199 (2021) 105116

Fig. 2. Effects of mining and reclamation on the reconstructed soil bulk density (RSBD).

regression analysis, one-way ANOVA, and sample data charting, and the 2.3.2. Geostatistical spatial variability analysis theory
semi-variance function model was fitted using GS+9.0. The analytical The core of geostatistical analysis is to determine the law of the
methods were utilized to obtain the distribution characteristics of the research object (a variable) as a function of the spatial position ac­
RSBD over three-dimensional space from the horizontal and vertical cording to the location from which a sample is taken, and to infer the
results. The spatial variability theory is described below. attribute values of unknown locations in turn. The analysis of the vari­
ation characteristics of a spatial variable is based on the variation laws of
2.3.1. Classical statistical spatial variability analysis theory the semi-variance function (Shi and Li, 2006; Marchant et al., 2007;
In the field of classical statistics, spatial variables that satisfy random Marchant et al., 2010). The calculation is carried out using Eq. (3):
distribution characteristics are mainly characterized by the variation
function Cv (Zhang et al., 2014). The variogram can be defined using Eq. 1 ∑
γ(h) = [Z(Xi ) − Z(Xi + h) ]2 (3)
(2): 2N(h) i=1

S where γ(h) represents the value of the semi-variance function, N(h)

Cv = × 100% (2)
X represents the logarithm between locations at the distance h, and Z(X)
where Cv represents the coefficient of variation, S represents the represents the measured value of the variable Z at X. According to the
classification criteria of Cambardella et al. (1994), a spatial heteroge­
standard deviation, and Xrepresents the mean of the variables. Ac­
neity ratio C0 / (C0 + C) of ≤ 25% means that variables have strong
cording to the degree of variation, If Cv ≤ 10% the variables are weakly
spatial autocorrelation; variables have medium spatial autocorrelation
variation, if 10% < Cv < 100% the variables are moderately variation,
at 25–75%; and variables have very weak spatial autocorrelation at ≥
and if Cv ≥ 100% the variables are strong variation.

Y. Huang et al. Catena 199 (2021) 105116

Fig. 3. Distribution maps of the soil sampling points. (a) Digital elevation model, (b) Slope grading map, (c) Slope aspects map, and (d) Vegetation cover types map.

2.3.3. Precision test of the spatial interpolation results prediction. The predicted values are underestimated when the RMSE
In order to test the rationality of the parameters used in the semi- values are higher than the ASE values, and the predicted values are
variance function model, a cross-validation method is used to test the overestimated when the RMSE values are lower than the ASE values.
established semi-variance function and the spatial interpolation pre­
diction method. It is assumed that the values of each measured data are 3. Results
unknown and the selected variation model is used to estimate the value
at the sampling point using a specific interpolation method according to 3.1. Spatial statistical characteristics analysis of RSBD
the data associated with n-1 other measurement points. The error be­
tween the actual observation value and the predicted value for all The descriptive statistics of the RSBD at different soil layers are
sample points is then calculated to evaluate the accuracy of the spatial exhibited in Table 1 and Fig. 4. The RSBD gradually increases with soil
interpolation results. depth, with the minimum value observed at 0–10 cm (0.87 g/cm3) and
The average error (AE), mean absolute error (MAE), root mean the maximum at 50–60 cm (2.00 g/cm3). The coefficient of variation for
square error (RMSE), and average standard error (ASE) were taken as the RSBD was between 12.77% and 15.60%, with medium variation.
evaluation indexes. The evaluation principle used is that AE is close to 0, This was consistent with the results of investigating the spatial vari­
the lower MAE, and the smaller and closer the gap between the values ability for the surface soil bulk density over the whole loess plateau by
describing RMSE and ASE, the higher the prediction accuracy and the Wang et al. (2014b). The measured data showed normal distribution
better the interpolation method. The indexes were obtained using Eqs. under the single-sample K-S test and can therefore be directly statisti­
(4), (5), (6), and (7): cally analyzed.
1∑ n
( )
AE = Xi − Xj (4) 3.2. Spatial variability analysis of RSBD
n i=1

1∑ n The structural parameters generated by the optimal semi-variance

MAE = |Xi − Xj | (5) function models of the RSBD are showed in Table 2. The Spherical
n i=1
model was found to fit best at 0–10 cm and 40–50 cm, with the Gaussian
√̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ model fitting better at the other depths sampled. Table 3 demonstrates
1∑ n
that the “C0 / (C0 + C)” of the RSBD values were all ≤ 25%, indicating
RMSE = (Xi − Xj )2 (6)
n i=1 strong spatial autocorrelation, and the spatial variation was mainly a
√̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ result of heterogeneity in the configuration of the soil. The range “A0”
1∑ n was between 66.00 and 127.09 m, and the determination coefficient R2
ASE = (Xi − Xi )2 (7) was between 0.58 and 0.81 and was well fitting.
n i=1

Where n represents the number of samples, Xi represents the

3.3. Cross-validation of spatial interpolation results for RSBD
measured value, and Xj represents the predicted value. If the AE values
are positive, the interpolation results are lower than the actual values,
The indexes that are used for evaluation often show inconsistent
whereas negative AE values indicate interpolation results that are higher
trends with the actual interpolation. Lower MAE values indicated that
than the actual values. The lower MAE values indicate better model
the prediction effect of the ordinary kriging model was better (Table 3).

Y. Huang et al. Catena 199 (2021) 105116

Table 1
Classical statistical characteristics of the reconstructed soil bulk density (RSBD).
Soil depths /cm Average value /g/cm3 Median /g/cm3 Maximum value /g/cm3 Minimum value /g/cm3 Standard deviation Coefficient of variation /% K-S

0–10 1.24 1.26 1.55 0.87 0.18 14.54 0.89

10–20 1.36 1.35 1.61 1.04 0.18 13.36 0.85
20–30 1.39 1.43 1.71 0.88 0.22 15.60 0.88
30–40 1.45 1.47 1.95 0.98 0.22 15.13 0.91
40–50 1.49 1.49 1.97 1.09 0.23 15.18 0.97
50–60 1.52 1.54 2.00 1.18 0.19 12.77 0.80

Fig. 4. Boxplot of the reconstructed soil bulk density (RSBD) values at different soil layers. The horizontal lines represent the minimum, maximum, and median
values of the RSBD for each soil layer, respectively. The bottom and top of the box represent the 25th (Q1) and 75th (Q3) percentiles, respectively.

Two evaluation standards, AE and RMSE/ASE were therefore used. The

Table 2
AE evaluation standard predicted values of the RSBD were over­
Semi-variance analysis of the reconstructed soil bulk density (RSBD).
estimated at 0–10 cm, 20–30 cm, and 50–60 cm, while the predicted
Soil depths Optimal C0/(C0+C)/ A0/m R2 RSS values for other soil depths were underestimated. The RMSE/ASE eval­
/cm model %
uation standard predicted values of the RSBD that were underestimated
0–10 Spherical 3.04 66.00 0.69 5.43*10- at 10–20 cm and 40–50 cm, while the predicted values were over­
estimated for other soil depths. Comparing the two evaluation results,
10–20 Gaussian 0.26 75.00 0.81 8.03*10-
4 we found that the accuracy of the spatial results was consistent at all
20–30 Gaussian 0.21 66.00 0.58 4.77*10- depths except 30–40 cm. The predicted values of RSBD can therefore be
adjusted according to the evaluation standards and interpolation results.
30–40 Gaussian 0.27 90.00 0.67 2.92*10-

40–50 Spherical 0.24 107.00 0.58 5.03*10- 3.4. Spatial distribution pattern of RSBD

50–60 Gaussian 0.03 89.00 0.75 7.86*10- The spatial interpolate results of the RSBD by using the ordinary
kriging method are showed in Fig. 5. The spatial distribution of the
C0 represents Nugget, C0 + C represents Sill, and C0/(C0+C) represents the RSBD in different soil layers showed a striped and patchy pattern, with
spatial heterogeneity ratios, %; A0 represents Range, m, R2 represents the co­ stripes dominating on the slope and patches dominating on the platform.
efficient of determination, and RSS represents the residual sum of squares. The RSBD was generally higher on the platform than the slope. How­
ever, there were some significant differences in the spatial distribution
pattern of the RSBD in the different soil layers. The boundary between
Table 3
the sunny slope and shady slope was considered the dividing line (Fig. 3
Cross-validation results of ordinary kriging interpolation for the reconstructed
(c)), the RSBD at 0–10 cm on sunny slope was higher than on the shady
soil bulk density (RSBD).
slope, and showed higher values in the southwest and lower values in
Soil depths /cm AE MAE RMSE ASE
the northeast, and the direction of stronger spatial variability was the
0–10 − 0.0014 0.1415 0.1759 0.1805 “Southwest ↔ Northeast”. The RSBD at 10–20 cm showed a radial dis­
10–20 0.0037 0.1609 0.1895 0.1806 tribution when the top platform was taken as the central point, while the
20–30 − 0.0014 0.1634 0.1926 0.2169
spatial differentiation law was not obvious. If the boundary between the
30–40 0.0049 0.1714 0.1968 0.2198
40–50 0.0142 0.2140 0.2401 0.2259 sunny slope and shady slope is still taken as the dividing line at 20–30
50–60 − 0.0030 0.1414 0.1817 0.1943 cm and 30–40 cm, the RSBD on shady slope was higher than on the
AE, average error; MAE, mean absolute error; RMSE, root mean square error;
sunny slope and showed lower values in the southwest and higher values
ASE, average standard error. in the northeast, and the same direction of strong spatial variability as
that observed in the 0–10 cm soil layer. At the depths of 40–50 cm and

Y. Huang et al. Catena 199 (2021) 105116

Fig. 5. Spatial distribution maps of the reconstructed soil bulk density (RSBD) at different soil depths using the ordinary kriging method. (a) 0–10 cm, (b) 10–20 cm,
(c) 20–30 cm, (d) 30–40 cm, (e) 40–50 cm, and (f) 50–60 cm.

50–60 cm, the spatial distribution of the RSBD showed a striped pattern 3.5. Spatial variation laws of RSBD
in which the RSBD gradually increased from west to east, and the di­
rection of stronger spatial variability was the “East ↔ West”. 3.5.1. RSBD on the slope and platform
The relationships between RSBD and soil depths on the slope and
platform are shown in Fig. 6 (a). The relationship between the RSBD and
soil depths on the slope was y = 0.0105x2 − 0.0312x + 1.2108, R2 =

Y. Huang et al. Catena 199 (2021) 105116

Fig. 6. Relationships between RSBD and soil depths (a); the green and blue trendlines represent soil sampling points located on the slope and platform, respectively.
Differences of the RSBD at different soil layers of the slope and platform (b); the green and blue histograms represent soil sampling points located on the slope and
platform, respectively; the different letters indicate significant at P < 0.05. RSBD, reconstructed soil bulk density. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this
figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

0.9382, which it was y = -0.0167x2 + 0.1767x + 1.124, R2 = 0.9896 on 10–20 cm. The RSBD was significantly different between the shady slope
the platform. These results indicated that the RSBD generally increased and the sunny slope at depths of 30–40 cm and 40–50 cm (P < 0.05)
on both the slope and the platform as soil depths increased. The trend by (Fig. 7 (b)), which may have been caused by differences in the vegeta­
which the RSBD changed on the slope showed a concave parabola and tion cover types (Pan et al., 2017; Yuan et al., 2018).
the minimum value was 1.18 g/cm3. The trend by which the RSBD
changed on the platform showed a convex parabola and the maximum 3.5.3. RSBD on the different vegetation cover types
value was 1.59 g/cm3. The RSBD on the platform was greater than on the The relationships between RSBD and soil depths in reclaimed land
slope, and it was designed to ensure the stability of the dump (Bai and covered with mixed forest, pure forest and non-forest are shown in Fig. 8
Yun, 2008). No significantly difference was observed between the RSBD (a). The relationship between RSBD and soil depths in the mixed forest
on the slope and the platform in the 0–10 cm soil layer (Fig. 6 (b)), but land was y = -0.0127x2 + 0.1542x + 1.0786, R2 = 0.9962, it was y =
this was significantly different in the other soil layers (P < 0.05). -0.0179x2 + 0.2022x + 1.0367, R2 = 0.9853 in the pure forest land,
while it was y = 0.0075x2 − 0.0306x + 1.3311, R2 = 0.9049 in the non-
3.5.2. RSBD on the different slope aspects forest land. These results showed that the RSBD increased gradually in
The relationships between RSBD and soil depths on the shady slope all three vegetation types as the soil depth increased. The RSBD of the
and sunny slope are shown in Fig. 7 (a). The relationship between RSBD mixed forest land and pure forest land showed convex parabolas, and the
and soil depths on the shady slope was y = 0.0063x2 − 0.0174x + maximum values were 1.55 g/cm3 and 1.61 g/cm3, respectively. The
1.3303, R2 = 0.9534, while it was y = -0.0237x2 + 0.2522x + 0.9394, trend by which the RSBD changed in the non-forest land was a concave
R2 = 0.9940 on the sunny slope. These results showed that the RSBD parabola, and the minimum value was 1.30 g/cm3. The highest value for
increased on both slope types as the soil depth increased. The trend by the RSBD at 0–10 cm was observed in the non-forest land, followed by
which the RSBD changed on the shady slope showed a convex parabola that in the pure forest land and in the mixed forest land. The highest
and the maximum value was 1.61 g/cm3. The trend by which the RSBD value for the RSBD at 10–60 cm was observed in the pure forest land,
changed on the sunny slope was a concave parabola and the minimum followed by that in the mixed forest land and in the non-forest land. The
value was 1.31 g/cm3. The RSBD of the shady slope was lower than that RSBD of pure forest land and non-forest land were significantly different
of the sunny slope at 0–10 cm, while the opposite was observed at 10–60 in the soil layers of 30–40 cm, 40–50 cm and 50–60 cm (P < 0.05) (Fig. 8
cm. The RSBD of the shady slope was closest to that of the sunny slope at (b)), but no significant difference in the RSBD was observed in the other

Fig. 7. Relationships between RSBD and soil depths (a); the orange and yellow trendlines represent soil sampling points located on the shady slope and the sunny
slope, respectively. Differences of the RSBD at different soil layers of the shady slope and the sunny slope (b); the orange and yellow histograms represent soil
sampling points located on the shady slope and sunny slope, respectively; the different letters indicate significant at P < 0.05. RSBD, reconstructed soil bulk density.
(For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Y. Huang et al. Catena 199 (2021) 105116

Fig. 8. Relationships between RSBD and soil depths (a); the green, blue, and orange trendlines represent soil sampling points located on the mixed forest land, pure
forest land, and non-forest land, respectively. Differences of the RSBD at different soil layers of the mixed forest land, pure forest land, and non-forest land (b); the
green, blue, and orange histograms represent soil sampling points located on the mixed forest land, pure forest land, and non-forest land, respectively; the different
letters indicate significant at P < 0.05. RSBD, reconstructed soil bulk density. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred
to the web version of this article.)

soil layers (P > 0.05), indicating that the deeper soil remains in a rela­ indicates that the angle of the shady slopes is smaller than that of the
tively original state while the upper soil is more vulnerable to distur­ sunny slope, meaning that there is a lack of surface water runoff and a
bance by external processes, decreasing the differences in the RSBD of lower possibility of soil erosion on the shady slope. Therefore, the RSBD
the upper layers (Li et al., 2019). was greater on the shady slope than the sunny slope. In the non-forest
land, the vegetation cover was mostly composed of grassland, Chinese
4. Discussions pine (dead), Caragana × Acacia (dead), and surface water runoff and soil
erosion was therefore more likely to occur on the non-forest land than
4.1. Spatial distribution characteristics of RSBD pure forest land or mixed forest land, meaning that the RSBD is rela­
tively lower on the non-forest land. An interesting phenomenon is that
In the natural ecosystem, structural factors such as climate, topog­ the RSBD was smaller on the shady slope than the sunny slopes at 0–10
raphy, and the vegetation in river basin will significantly affect the cm, and the RSBD of the pure forest land and the mixed forest land was
spatial variability of the soil (Sanches et al., 2020; Wang and Franz, smaller than that of the non-forest land, which may be a result of the
2015; Yu et al., 2019). The dumps formed by opencast mining and regulation by vegetation or the influence of organic matter decompo­
reclamation activities belong to an artificial-natural composite sition (Lu et al., 2015; Fest et al., 2015; Yang et al., 2016; Pan et al.,
ecosystem. In the early stages of reclamation, human activities are an 2017), because we found that the humus layer of shady slope was 5–10
important factor affecting the spatial variability of soil (Wang et al., cm and it was<5 cm on the sunny slope. Finally, we found that the unary
2019), but environmental factors continuously adjust the soil attributes quadratic regression equations can accurately represent the spatial
over time, further affecting the spatial distribution characteristics of the variation laws of RSBD under different site conditions, slope aspects, and
soil. The soil bulk density gradually decreased following opencast coal vegetation cover types.
mine reclamation while the amount of organic matter and total nitrogen
in the soil gradually increased, and it took approximately 10 years for
the disturbed soil to approach the original levels (Yuan et al., 2018). The 4.2. Measures of improving RSBD
south dump in the Pingshuo mining area has undergone 27 years of
natural recovery following reclamation. If the impact of human activ­ In order to further improve the land reclamation technology for use
ities is not considered, climatic conditions such as rainfall and temper­ in similar ecosystems, the following suggestions are put forward on the
ature generally have the same effect on the small scale, meaning that basis of this research: (i) Both engineering measures and vegetation
topography and vegetation are the main factors affecting the spatial measures should be emphasized, starting with rebuilding the landform
variability of the reclaimed soil (Lin et al., 2020). We used cross- while imitating the design of the natural landform, so as to make the
validation to test the prediction results, and found that the ordinary reconstructed land landscape more harmonious and stable (Alan, 2008;
Kriging interpolation could accurately predict the spatial distribution Schor, 2008). For example, according to the natural landform charac­
pattern of RSBD (Wang et al., 2001). teristics of the loess area (Jing, 2014; Zhang et al., 2016), building dams
Previously, Wang et al. (2019) applied multi-fractal theory to study and terraces on slopes and greening the slopes of the ridges may be
the spatial variability of soil properties in layers at 0–20 cm and 20–40 advantageous in carrying out reclamation work. (ii) Increasing or
cm in the inner dump of the Pingshuo mining area, and found that reducing the number of platforms between the slopes, adjusting the
mining and dumping activities had a significant effect on the hetero­ slope angle to shape the micro-topography, or using land use methods
geneity of the sand and clay contents, while the spatial variability of the (deep tillage) to adjust the RSBD of the deeper soil layers (Hu and
silt content, organic matter and total nitrogen was relatively low. The Chong, 1999) by reducing the angle of shady slopes and increasing the
heterogeneity of the sand and clay contents may affect the spatial dis­ angle of sunny slopes, thereby reducing the effect of gravity on the RSBD
tribution pattern of the RSBD in the south dump. The annual precipi­ of the shady slopes and of sunlight on the evaporation of soil moisture
tation and potential evapotranspiration in the area are 428–449 mm and from sunny slopes, indirectly adjusting the RSBD. (iii) Adjusting the
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the platform than on the slope. The topographic map (Fig. 3 (b)) such as Chinese pine × Acacia, Acacia × Caragana to mutually adjust the
balance between vegetation and soil, thereby controlling soil erosion

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