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Oxford Cambridge and RSA

AS Level Mathematics A
H230/02 Pure Mathematics and Mechanics

Wednesday 23 May 2018 – Morning

Time allowed: 1 hour 30 minutes
* 7 0 0 9 3 8 9 7 2 2 *

You must have:

• Printed Answer Booklet
You may use:
• a scientific or graphical calculator

• Use black ink. HB pencil may be used for graphs and diagrams only.
• Complete the boxes provided on the Printed Answer Booklet with your name, centre
number and candidate number.
• Answer all the questions.
• Write your answer to each question in the space provided in the Printed Answer
Booklet. Additional paper may be used if necessary but you must clearly show your
candidate number, centre number and question number(s).
• Do not write in the barcodes.
• You are permitted to use a scientific or graphical calculator in this paper.
• Final answers should be given to a degree of accuracy appropriate to the context.
• The acceleration due to gravity is denoted by g m s–2. Unless otherwise instructed, when
a numerical value is needed, use g = 9.8.

• The total number of marks for this paper is 75.
• The marks for each question are shown in brackets [ ].
• You are reminded of the need for clear presentation in your answers.
• The Printed Answer Booklet consists of 12 pages. The Question Paper consists of
8 pages.

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AS Level Mathematics A (H230)

Binomial series

^a + bhn = a n + n C 1 a n - 1 b + n C 2 a n - 2 b 2 + f + n C r a n - r b r + f + b n ^n ! Nh ,

where n C r = n C r = c m =
n n!
r r! ^n - rh !

Differentiation from first principles

f ^x + hh - f ^xh
f l^xh = lim
h"0 h

Standard deviation

/^x - xh2 / x2 / f ^x - xh2 / fx 2

= - x 2 or = / f -x
n n /f

The binomial distribution

If X + B ^n, ph then P ^X = xh = c m p x ^1 - ph , Mean of X is np, Variance of X is np ^1 - ph

n n-x


v = u + at

s = ut + 12 at 2

s = 12 ^u + vh t

v 2 = u 2 + 2as

s = vt - 12 at 2

© OCR 2018 H230/02 Jun18


Section A: Pure Mathematics

Answer all the questions

1 In triangle ABC, AB = 20 cm and angle B = 45°.

(i) Given that AC = 16 cm, find the two possible values for angle C, correct to 1 decimal place. [4]

(ii) Given instead that the area of the triangle is 75 2 cm2, find BC. [2]

2 (i) The curve y = is translated by four units in the positive x-direction. State the equation of the
curve after it has been translated. [2]
2 5
(ii) Describe fully the single transformation that transforms the curve y = to y = . [2]
3+x 3+x

3 In each of the following cases choose one of the statements


to describe the relationship between P and Q.

(i) P: y = 3x 5 - 4x 2 + 12x
Q: = 15x 4 - 8x + 12 [1]

(ii) P: x 5 - 32 = 0 where x is real

Q: x = 2 [1]

(iii) P: ln y 1 0
Q: y 1 1 [1]

Express 4x 2 - 12x + 11 in the form a ^x + bh + c .

4 (i) [3]

(ii) State the number of real roots of the equation 4x 2 - 12x + 11 = 0 . [1]

Explain fully how the value of r is related to the number of real roots of the equation p ^x + qh + r = 0
where p, q and r are real constants and p 2 0 . [2]

5 In this question you must show detailed reasoning.

The line x + 5y = k is a tangent to the curve x 2 - 4y = 10 . Find the value of the constant k. [5]

© OCR 2018 H230/02 Jun18 Turn over


6 A pan of water is heated until it reaches 100 °C. Once the water reaches 100 °C, the heat is switched off and
the temperature T °C of the water decreases. The temperature of the water is modelled by the equation

T = 25 + ae - kt ,

where t denotes the time, in minutes, after the heat is switched off and a and k are positive constants.

(i) Write down the value of a. [1]

(ii) Explain what the value of 25 represents in the equation T = 25 + ae - kt . [1]

When the heat is switched off, the initial rate of decrease of the temperature of the water is 15 °C per minute.

(iii) Calculate the value of k. [3]

(iv) Find the time taken for the temperature of the water to drop from 100 °C to 45 °C. [3]

(v) A second pan of water is heated, but the heat is turned off when the water is at a temperature of less
than 100 °C. Suggest how the equation for the temperature as the water cools would be modified by
this. [1]

7 (i) Show that the equation

2 sin x tan x = cos x + 5

can be expressed in the form

3 cos 2 x + 5 cos x - 2 = 0 . [3]

(ii) Hence solve the equation

2 sin 2i tan 2i = cos 2i + 5 ,

giving all values of i between 0° and 180°, correct to 1 decimal place. [5]

© OCR 2018 H230/02 Jun18


8 In this question you must show detailed reasoning.

1 7
The diagram shows part of the graph of y = 2x 3 - 1 . The shaded region is enclosed by the curve, the x-axis
and the lines x = 8 and x = a , where a 2 8 .

O 8 a

Given that the area of the shaded region is 45 square units, find the value of a. [9]

© OCR 2018 H230/02 Jun18 Turn over


Section B: Mechanics
Answer all the questions

9 In this question the horizontal unit vectors i and j are in the directions east and north respectively.

A model ship of mass 2 kg is moving so that its acceleration vector a m s-2 at time t seconds is given by
a = 3 ^2t - 5h i + 4j. When t = T , the magnitude of the horizontal force acting on the ship is 10 N.

Find the possible values of T. [4]

10 Particles P and Q, of masses 3 kg and 5 kg respectively, are attached to the ends of a light inextensible string.
The string passes over a smooth fixed pulley. The system is held at rest with the string taut. The hanging
parts of the string are vertical and P and Q are above a horizontal plane (see diagram).

3 kg 5 kg

(i) Find the tension in the string immediately after the particles are released. [4]

After descending 2.5 m, Q strikes the plane and is immediately brought to rest. It is given that P does not
reach the pulley in the subsequent motion.

(ii) Find the distance travelled by P between the instant when Q strikes the plane and the instant when the
string becomes taut again. [4]

© OCR 2018 H230/02 Jun18


10 m 18 m


A particle P is moving along a straight line with constant acceleration. Initially the particle is at O. After 9 s,
P is at a point A, where OA = 18 m (see diagram) and the velocity of P at A is 8 m s-1 in the direction OA.

(i) (a) Show that the initial speed of P is 4 m s-1. [2]

(b) Find the acceleration of P. [2]

B is a point on the line such that OB = 10 m, as shown in the diagram.

(ii) Show that P is never at point B. [4]

A second particle Q moves along the same straight line, but has variable acceleration. Initially Q is at O, and
the displacement of Q from O at time t seconds is given by

x = at 3 + bt 2 + ct ,

where a, b and c are constants.

It is given that
• the velocity and acceleration of Q at the point O are the same as those of P at O,
• Q reaches the point A when t = 6 .

(iii) Find the velocity of Q at A. [5]


© OCR 2018 H230/02 Jun18


Oxford Cambridge and RSA

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© OCR 2018 H230/02 Jun18

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